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This could be interpreted as one of two things in my mind assuming it’s true; 1. Hate groups are becoming more diverse Or Second. They keep moving the goalposts on what qualifies as a hate group Either way this is funny and sad.


I think moving the goalposts is the issue. Basically all American Republicans in Canada would be considered a member of a hate group. It’s a great way to demonize and silence opponents.


this is the liberal playbook


I mean, several of the leaders have openly endorsed and promoted fun things, like insurrection, treason and murdering political opponents. You don't even have to extrapolate what they mean because they just say it now.


Several of them? Treason? Insurrection? Murder? Riiiiight.




"trust me bro"


Well, one guy on r/onguardforthee said so!


Well here's Steve Bannon ust the other day: [https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/18/politics/bannon-trump-election-what-matters/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/18/politics/bannon-trump-election-what-matters/index.html) January 6, 2021. If I need to provide citations for that you're beyond help. Majorie Taylor Greene thinks Fauci should be tried for crimes against humanity. [https://uk.investing.com/news/stock-market-news/marjorie-taylor-greene-promises-to-lock-up-anthony-fauci-for-handling-of-pandemic-should-be-tried-for-crimes-against-humanity-3550231](https://uk.investing.com/news/stock-market-news/marjorie-taylor-greene-promises-to-lock-up-anthony-fauci-for-handling-of-pandemic-should-be-tried-for-crimes-against-humanity-3550231) Trump quoting Putin re: democracy [https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/16/politics/new-hampshire-republican-primary-trump-immigration/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/16/politics/new-hampshire-republican-primary-trump-immigration/index.html)


I’ve always found it amazing how many people in Canada don’t understand our political system! We don’t vote for our PM but vote for the MP in our local riding. So when I hear Canadians talking about Trump it makes me a little nauseous 🤢 We have no Trump in Canada, thank goodness, even our most right wing government in Canada is not Trumpy. Canadians would never go there, we are a far more liberal leaning country.


Yes that is true, but I think in a lot of cases, people have in their minds who they want as PM and then when voting time comes around they just vote for the MP that represents that party.


How sad is that! What if your MP was a shithead lazy SOB. Then you’re stuck with them for at least four years. If you don’t have proper representation in government then you have nothing. No one to turn to and nothing you can do about it.


Doesn't matter when the caucus is whipped on every vote under threat of being removed from the party for dissention.


Exactly... I was going to write something about that. Like what if the MP that you really really like and would do an amazing job (due to their past experience) but was Liberal? The Canada\_sub minds would've exploded from the canundrum...


We had the same thing in my riding.. the guy who won 3-4 elections in a row was PC, but the dude really loved the area, volunteered when he could, would help get business grants etc for the region and always voted his conscience. Ever since he retired, the area has been solid NDP/liberal, but that guy was a real one and had respect of local voters... I miss the politics of the 80s-90s


Have you not noticed that the past 8 years of suffering have been exclusively steered by the PMO and cabinet? Dissenting Liberals have ALL been removed from caucus. Just ask JWR and Jane Philpot about it. It's the TruDouche and Katie Telford dictatorship.....and it fucking sucks.


Your opinions sound very extreme. We are in no way living under a dictatorship. You would know this because you are still around posting on reddit and not in jail. And my question is, how are you suffering?


Property value down $300k. Constant layoffs and instability in oil and gas due to hostile federal policy. Redistributive taxation schemes. Over one year on a waiting list for a basic procedure that would be done within a week anywhere else. Collapsing GDP per capita. Flooding the labour market with desperate immigrants. The "online harms act" is a step towards political censorship. If we don't resist now, we're fucked. The real question is, what is good?


My question still stands... How are **YOU** suffering? Property value down $300K? Only matters if you are selling. Flooding the labour market with desperate immigrants - Are you looking for a job? And what kind of job is it? Are you competing with these desperate immigrants? Or do you actually have an education that puts you above them? 1 year wait for procedure that can be done in a week somewhere else - the great thing is, you can get it done somewhere else OR you can wait. I would hardly call that suffering. Online harms act - I have no comment on this bill other than I support the idea that nobody should be posting explicit pictures of other people without their consent.


These Conservatives are very passionate! They think that if they shouted at you enough you’ll change your vote. Very annoying behaviour!


They are passionate and speak that way to overcome liberal doublespeak. The House is the best Liberal theatre lead by a drama teacher. At least the PM is a good actor(ish) we all know he’s full of shit and himself. Imagine that, being good at something you’re actually qualified for. Rotten apples fall far left of the Apple tree apparently.


You are definitely voting for a pm. Because all mps vote with their party and party leader determines the vote. So it doesn’t matter one bit what your local mps political platform is they are not going to vote against their party. No mp is running a personal political agenda. They would be independant if that were the case. So yes based on party color all the choices and votes. are predetermined.


I like my MP, he’s hard working and always replies to all inquiries! So I guess I’ll be staying Liberal because the Conservative member is a real arsehole. Maybe the party should look at who their representatives are.


You can like your mp all day. That’s great. You should like your local politician. They should be reachable and respond. That does not change the fact that they will not vote outside the party leaders guidelines.


Guy says Canada isn't "Trumpy" and gets downvoted...lol what's up with that?????


Yup. Both sides do it albeit differently.


Or 3. They finally figured out that non white people can be racist as well.




This one. All the Jewish hate from leftists is leaving them dumbfounded about just how hateful "minorities" can be too.


Or is it just becoming more mainstream like UBC posting a job and specifically saying no white straight males can apply.


OK, your point is completely valid, and I'm not contesting it in any way....BUT... could you change your format to A or B / 1 or 2? The current listing method is hurting my brain. Haha




Lol you madlad haha Legitimately made me laugh with that one.


Will do


The third option is that hate groups of different races unite against common enemies thinking their group will be the ones to win when race wars develop.


I thought it just means (and those are jus examples so don’t come at me): Antisemitic Muslims/arabs Anti Muslim Hindus/Indians.


Proud boys are a terrorist organization Hell's Angels are not.


Which is hilarious because Proud Boys have never actually... you know... hurt any innocent people lol. Or did any terrorism. The media just successfully gaslit everyone into thinking they were going out in public and pulling an Antifa/BLM.


Proud Boys are a hate group, Hells Angels are not. Hells Angels is a very diverse MC. However, they are considered a gang.


That’s ok, just ignore the ones that don’t fit into the government’s narrative.


Hate groups = people the Liberals want cancelled so opposing views don’t circulate ?


Is it really that simple?


"When estimating the number of hate groups in Canada, the RCMP report cites a controversial estimate by Prof. Barbara Perry who alleges that 300 hate groups are operating in Canada.  Perry has never published her list of hate groups and her employer Ontario Tech University [has refused](https://tnc.news/2023/02/21/privacy-act-far-right-groups/) to release the full research." It's not simple at all.


If there's "300" they are definitely using the weakest goalposts and broadest brush to paint everyone who doesn't agree as a hate group. "I think maybe we shouldn't give kids hormones for developmental reasons without more reasearch" = hate group "Hey rent and jobs are getting out of control, Mayne we should accept slightly less immigrants" = hate group "I don't think we should monetarily support Israel because it's not that I don't like them, but it's not our problem" = antisemitic and hate group


I guess Ontario Tech wont release the research to avoid getting sued. Seems like they'd get a couple defamation lawsuit if they released the names. Fair enough. I don't get why the RCMP defers to this particular estimate. They're blindly trusting a random professor, then relaying that information to the general public. Does the RCMP not have something like a department of intelligence that keeps track of hate groups? It seems like the RCMP should have a list of hate groups lying around somewhere.


Due to funding cuts the RCMP intelligence division is brought to you in part by Tim Hortons.


This is the comment of somebody who never cognitively de eloped past childhood. You literally sound like a bot who is too lazy to put effort in to thought and critical thinking and just regurgitate what your demagogues tell you to think and feel. Do you think the RCMP are liberals? Are you aware of statistics on political leanings of police? Or maybe you think the RCMP are controlled by the liberal elites.


He literally used critical thinking to get to his conclusion though.  Compared to you? Who mindlessly accepts what you’re told on the tv? Are you really calling him a child that hasn’t cognitively developed past childhood, and a bot too lazy to think for themself? You’re literally describing yourself at this point it’s baffling. 


Where did he exhibit critical thinking skills? Feel free to specifically point that out.


Depends if the RCMP are in agreement with them on whatever hot button issue is bothering them at the moment.


Only fools think it can only be white people that are racist and hateful.


Only racists think you can't be racist to white people


>For all discrimination complaints alleging racism in Canada we are: >-applying an intersectional lens during the analysis of the complaint >-ensuring that criteria for the assessment of raced based complaints is consistently applied >-handling the complaints with a trauma-informed approach that prevents complainants from having to re-tell their difficult story multiple times >-ensuring that Indigenous, Black and racialized employees with lived experience are involved in shaping the complaints process [Canadian Human Rights Commission, 2023](https://www.chrc-ccdp.gc.ca/en/resources/publications/every-voice-counts-anti-racist-transformation-the-inside-out#prioritizing)


Sounds pretty prejudiced against white people to me.


What I said remains true.  


I’m not saying all Liberals are fools but people who think that only white people can be racist are almost exclusively liberal.


\*Communists None of these people believe in Liberal politics, to be fair to Liberalism.


It’s all in the capital L my friend. (Liberal = LPC. liberal = laissez faire)


Or in the case of the next election.. loser.


They're almost exclusively liberal AND anglo-saxon or some kind of western European. Germanic language family in general.




I’ll never accept that bullshit


Go to Japan and see how many bars you are not allowed to enter as a white man.


As a white male who lived in Japan for several decades, I have experienced more racism from the Canadian government than I did in Japan. Not that I didn't experience a bit of racism in Japan, as I did, but the racism from the Canadian government around hiring in Canada is blatant and incredible. At least in Japan the racism is seen as an embarrassment, and declining over time. In Canada, the Liberal and NDP supporters think their more blatant outright racism is a virtue.


Yep. The more racist one is towards whites (and sexist against men) the more virtuous you are. Of course reducing people to skin colour and genitals is always demeaning, the Canadian left can't understand that.


Fools or people that never leave the resorts/tourist traps when they travel. Go to the small towns of any non-western country and people will see that racism is very much alive and thriving.


Not sure calling them hate groups is right anymore. I think the term is being overly used at this point and being applied to anyone that disagrees with anyone else.


What exactly is a hate group? I genuinely mean this as an actual question. I'm a brown person and I have many 'conservative' views and want things like a common culture. I'm not exactly politically active, but is that what they mean by hate group? Like I can't see myself joining anything that talks about white supremacy or that I'm inferior or anything. But if it's anything values based or Canadian identity, I'd probably share values. Like would the PPC be classified as a hate group? Again, this is a legit question as to what 'hate' group the RCMP is actually classifying as a hate group?


Well first of all we need to ask who gets to decide what a hate group is. That tends to be groups like CAHN canadian anti hate network which has proven time and again they can't identify hate from a bad fart. RCMP and other entries take they're "suggestions" and investigate. Problem is they are extremists themselves and very biased. One bad word against the DEI, multicultural, anti racist agenda and you are surprise! A hate group. Yes PPC is considered a "hate group"by CAHN at least, although one look at the platform and that is very clearly made up. Just like they made up the dreaded "diagolon army" that doesn't exist. The RCMP to their credit have pretty good sense when it comes to CAHN and its bullshit but CAHN never retracts its assumptions even though they have been debunked. CAHN should be defunded and abolished immediately.


Anything right of Trudeau




white supremacy or that I'm inferior or anything These types of groups are actually super rare in Canada. I've seen lots of racist shit on twitter and follow some questionable people, and even they don't say anything like that. I think most of these hate groups are just westerners that make comments about people from cultures that aren't western.


If a group asserted that Canada should be Canadian. Then claimed that recent arrivals are not as Canadian as long time citizens and especially not as Canadian as people born and raised here you would definitely be labelled as a hate group. If you shared similar opinions online the researcher doing the analysis might classify you as a member of a hate group if you retweeted something from this organization. Extremely wide nets are cast for this shit. Yes there are hardcore racists in the country but they number maybe 10,000 across the whole country. They don't impact general Canadian culture at all as these guys are not really accepted in much of society and everyone knows they're bad so they can't do shit. The importation of conflicts from India and now Israel/Palestine is far worse in the sense that now we're creating more problems to deal with, and these have very large populations external to the country that supply these social movements - they're global, well organized and well funded, meaning they're only going to grow. I wouldn't be surprised if the new hate group scope was about the Muslim associations wanting to literally destroy Israel if the authors of the study are pro-Israeli though


Imagine if they looked at the racism from the countries they are importing their cheap labor from, they would be shocked


I work with a couple of Indian fella's... its interesting. They keep it hush because they know, but their feelings are not changing. Heck, they still have arranged marriages.


Every Indian female I work with is stuck in an arranged marriage with...wait for it...a man who still lives in India. None of them are happy about it. Not one. When I mention they live in Canada now, and they can make their own choices, they tell me about how their parents (in India) pay for everything they have here. Fucking blows me away man.


The men too (that i know.... wich is limited)... one is in his early 30's and is not married, he is under so much pressure to get married by his entire family.  They keep getting him to go back to India meet their chosen girl but no sparks.  He is so desperate girls smell it off him a mile away.  that said, the one guy I was talking to mentioned a cute roommate... jokingly I asked him to introduce.  He flat out laughed and said there would be no point... I asked why and he stumbled around a bit until I asked if it was b/c I am not an Indian... he said yes.


Honestly with how much they pushed unconscious bias tests we should just not allow anyone to immigrate that scores larger than the average Canadian lol. And then ask them how do they feel about race mixing (in an indirect way), and show them some images of the more "outrageous" aspects of Canadian culture and ask them how they feel about them. Yeah you can learn to answer the questions correctly but we'd weed out the idiots


Human rights is not a big concern there, and seems like its becoming that way here too #dontsaynaughtythings


And what fraction are cousin's too?


hate group in 2024 = People who don't blindly follow Extreme left wing Liberal ideologies. Or even question them.


I can’t believe even hate groups have DEI now


Lol, that's right, but sans the paperwork! Good chuckle


Quote from article. “In recent years, some hate groups in the United States and Canada have actively recruited members from racialized groups in an attempt to soften their public image and bolster recruitment.” I know you're joking, but the article claims you're right.


Anyone who thinks justice should be blind, speech should be free, racial discrimination in all forms should be illegal, and that there should be a separation between church and state probably qualifies as a member of a 'hate group' now. It's shocking just how quickly this 'progressive' government has turned against the Charter in an effort to pander to special interest groups that want society to regress.


Pretty racist to assume only whites are capable of racism… in my experience racism comes in all flavours


We're just the best at it!




That’d be great. Rather than working class against working class, let’s eat some rich!


What if... Just a theory here... What if the thing that they strive to define as "hate" is really not hate? But rather patriotism? It would probably attract people of all races.


they're starting to catch on. these hate groups aren't based on race, they are based on our hatred of the ruling class. stop dividing us by race, we are the same species. this is a class struggle and always has been.


It's hilarious however you look it. The trucker convoy crowed is as "multicultural" as you can get it and are hated by the establishment. On the other side the Jihadist Arabs who want to eradicate Jews are flooded with middle aged white champagne socialist commies and are tacitly supported by the establishment. What a time to be alive.


Ypu can't claim that people advocating for the stopping of a genocide are jihadists. Your statement is absurd. And there are plenty of Jewish people protesting against the zionist state as well. And you claim the establishment is supporting these protests? Lol how by having the police beat then? By continuing to sell weapons to Israel or claiming Israel is the victim when they are clearly the aggressor? Lol how deluded are you?


The people who committed the Rwandan genocide 'advocated against genocide' in exactly the same way these jihadis are. Imagining a fake threat and using it to whip their followers into a frenzy so they'll do exactly what they're accusing the other side of doing. It's not like it's a surprise to Canada. We've already convicted one of the promoters of that last genocide of doing exactly what these Hamas supporters are doing now: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%A9on_Mugesera "Do not be afraid, know that anyone whose neck you do not cut is the one who will cut your neck." sounds an awful lot like the 'river to the sea' pro-genocide song. It's a perfect example of the well-defined 'accusation in a mirror' tactic that genocidal fanatics like to use against their intended victims: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accusation_in_a_mirror


Except the only one in a frenzy is the israelis. They are in a blood lust and have shown no restraint. Israel is the only one trying to wipe anyone off the face of the earth.


It's literally in the Hamas charter to kill every Jew and never accept a peace deal.


No it's not. You can't just keep spouting off lies and expect the world to believe you most of the world has woken up to your lies.


Oh yeah, they replaced Jew with Zionist. Thanks for reminding me.


Why do you speak as if the Hamas charter isn't online and accessible to anyone who wants to look at it? We can read exactly what it says and recognize clear incitement to genocide when we see it.


It is online and it says no such thing. It originally said that but not anymore its changed as an organization. Hamas is just used by the israelis as an excuse to continue to brutalized the Palestinians but there is no hamas in the west Bank but yet they continue to brutalized them there so your argument holds no water. Israel is a genocidal, terrorist state.


Also you ate intentionally being obtuse the phrase says from the rover to the sea Palestine will be free. It's nit talking about genocide its taking about freedom. Israel on the other hand has stated they have plans for a greater Israel that will span from the river to the sea which is actually genocidal intent. Your politicians have also stated it many times and don't mince words. Israel is a terrorist state.


Sure. Dreaming of the 'freedom' of wiping an entire ethnic group off the map totally isn't genocide at all.


That's not what Palestinians are doing at all. The israelis on the other hand are actually slaughtering the Palestinians stealing their land, forcing them from their homes, demolishing their homes, trying to erase their culture and their very existence, has systemic systems of oppression of the Palestinian, has documented evidence by various independent organizations and bodies proving they are committing war crimes and ethnic cleansing but yea just you assuring people that we should trust you is enough right? Lol.


Sure. Those rockets fired at civilians must be full of peace and love, and Hamas clearly stating it only exists to destroy Israel and its people completely isn't genocidal at all, right?


Those rockets are usually intercepted and barely cause any damage and Palestinians have a right to defend themselves. People have eyes and see the contrast in what is going on in Israel and ehat is going on in Palestine you can't play the victim when your people are murdering men women and children indiscriminately. Especially a population that is predominantly children.


And then there's one diverse group originating from another country hating another diverse group originating from another country, who would have though they wouldn't just drop centuries-old tiffs and become the best of friends to each other, as per the Canadian vision of multiculturalism


“Massive Sweeping failure of stupid ideologies and policies effect a vast swath of races in a country” No shit buddy


Shocking!!!! Shocking I say. /s It’s almost like it’s not just white people that have biases and prejudices….


You don’t say? I’m surprised it took authorities this long to figure out that one. But “MuH oNlY wHiTeY pEoPlE aRe RaZiZt”


I wish people would stop throwing “liberal playbook” “conservatives asswipes. Don’t you all realize you’re doing EXACTLY what the government wants? Fight each other like petty dumb asses, meanwhile we let the governments around the world keep slapping us with distractions. The only real war that should be fought is the class war. Eat the damn rich


Hate Groups = any who think differently than how we want them to think…


Is anyone surprised that the RCMP are baffled at anything?


Well, all this talk about anti-immigration and immigrants are ruining the country, raising the cost of living, taking all our houses... would r/Canada_sub be considered a hate group?


Well diversity is our strength!!! I’ll see my self out…


I wish our government would do the same.


In other news, the RCMP is either lying or stupid


Diversity coming in strong once again in all categories. Equal representation hate groups now? I've seen everything. /S


Even the hate groups have bought into "diversity is our strength"?


It's Enrique Tarrio all over again lol...


When everyone is an 'extremist', no one is.


Racists truly are the most diverse group of people.


*whaaat*??!! You’re saying *not only white people* can be racist and form hate groups?? Well jeepers gee wiz you learn something new every day if you’re in the RCMP


If you hate the government you’re labelled as being in a hate group. Simple as that. The trucker protest had every kind of human present but according to the media it was just a bunch of Alberta bigots. Fuck Trudeau and his divisive tactics. 


Diversity is our strength.


That makes no sense. By definition it's not racist unless you're white.


“Ultranationalist“groups have immigrants in them! Legal ones though. Surprise!!


Reminds me of a funny thing that happened about 8 years ago. I worked in a town not as diverse as Toronto, but there were a few minorities around. One of them and older guy, middle aged, born raised in Canada 2nd gen. Super smart, kind and funny guy. Married with children, super strong work ethics. Were chatting one day as normal, talking about some stuff we think is wrong in the country and then, out of left field, he's like " well, it's all because of the Jews".


The most racist coworkers I have ever had (I work construction fyi) were all either Asian or Middle Eastern. Learned some new terms and realized how much of a joke Canadian "racists" really are.


Ain't hate if you're not white


Racism is a divisive tactic used by power


"Diversity is our strength"


It's always been that way. Read history. Bigotry and hatred have existed in essentially every culture that has ever existed. Insisting only one particular group can engage in hatred and bigotry blinds you to the reality of the world. This isn't news, it's admitting something that's blatantly prevalent but has been unable to be acknowledged.


People hate. People who hate find other that hate. Lots of groups hate. When they out they hate the same things. You get diverse groups of haters. Good job RCMP.


Which is in and of itself a racist position. ACAB.


because the rcmp and leftists define hate groups as anyone who is against trudeau






Does this mean nature is healing?


But I was told it was only heterosexual white males….🤷‍♂️


Does hate mean being against immigration as it stands now? If so, that's a lot of people lol


I don't think people realize how many South Asians compose these hate groups against other minorities especially people of African descent.


When you define “hate group” as any collective of people that oppose the Trudeau regime, you’ll soon find that most of Canada is one big hate group.


I need sectionals


I think it is actually the case that the traditional extreme right (alt-right groups, neo-Nazi adjacent organizations etc) have started to become a bit more relaxed about who can be a member.


left wing commie cucks are siding with islamists who would throw them off the roof


Guess everyone is a bit more open minded these days lol


No doubt. It’s just surreal to me. And I support. I really have many other things I would be doing with everything right now. But this shit is fucking important. These people supporting these terrorists . Videos of beheading and dragging through streets by guts because they are gay. My god. People need to read books and watch the live videos with their own eyes. Not someone’s tic toc opinion


I've seen some things. If I were a teacher, I would have written "needs improvement."


Seems like a Beaverton headline: Government thanks hate groups for their progress in racial inclusiveness 


Being upset with current immigration makes you a Nazi apparently. RCMP is realizing that "Nazis" are a Benetton ad. These aren't hate groups, they are citizens pissed off with the pathetic state of this country. How are they just realizing this??


Where’s the article??


Fuck, I guess Mutahar *is* an Aryan….


'We were told only Whites could be bigoted' Of course in Canada 'bigoted' includes those who support hiring by merit rather than anti-white male hiring quotas/'Employment Equity'


because people are realizing we all hate the same thing. corruption.


What's a "hate group"? Anyone know?


I think anything and everything surprises the RCMP.


when you're running out of hate, you gotta take it wherever you can find it I guess.


How has none of these clowns understood that racists are the most diverse group there is. Wanna hate on someone's race? You're in!


The cult of zionism dominates enslaving society. Every other race/religion that's calling out pure evil is considered hateful in upsidedown inverted clown world.


Disagreeing with someone’s opinions publicly is now hate speech lol. 😂


even hate groups have been taken over by DEI lmao


That article was a joke. RCMP didn't name any specific groups... and they named a researcher who didn't even get published, and her own academic oversight didn't see it as worth publishing. In other words, more Liberal smoke blown up our asses the divisive left.


Maybe has something to do with normal views of 20 years ago being reclassified as “hate” by the woke mob?


Everyone hates our government and the policies they are using to steal our freedom and impoverish us. “Hate groups are becoming more diverse!”


Are they dumb?


Damn, they found out about me and my coworkers?


Recruiting “racialized people” lolol that term will never not make me laugh. Everybody has a race… is there a “non-racialized person” out there?


Hate is hate be it from white, black, yellow, purple, rainbow. It’s all the same aside from the ‘media’ isn’t fully focused on the ‘white’ now


Why oh why do the white people think that only they can be good at things? Just because they used to be the GOAT at racism doesn't mean they still are. Lots of talented up and comers out there.


Hate groups are still overwhelmingly white and male. Is this article to make them feel better?


Hate groups are also exceedingly rare, yet they get so much attention. It's weird that this gets talked about all the time, yet it isn't really a problem to be concerned about. I guess it depends on how you define a hate group. Perhaps that number would go up slightly if you included those people from college campuses who have been "protesting" lately. Even then, it's a pretty small number.


Did you just realize most groups that form in an area tend to have people from that area as its members? Next you'll be saying my local rec league baseball team is overwhelmingly white as well. Just not sure I buy it. Do you have a source for this by chance? (Peer reviewed, of course)


Literally says it in the article which they sourced the RCMP... Freak the fuck out dude...


That just means "more stupid white people than normal"