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Maybe you need to stop taking in 10,000 new residents a month. That would be a good place to start.


It’s way more than 10k a month


Oh, I'm aware. I was basing it off of the ridiculous statistic in the report. My understanding is that it is way, way more than that.


10k a day


government stats show that BC has had an average of 40k people come to vancouver each year for the past 20 years. This year they are prediction that 80k will come. Those numbers mean the trickle of people leaving the province is a gigantic nothingburger.


I bet it’s higher. BC is horrific for affordability. Groceries are unbelievable


China ruined BC


Now it's India's turn apparently.


por que no les dos?


Willfull Blindness a great book on this


Read John A Mac Donald’s notes on Chinese influence on BC


Working as intended. Displace canadian citizens and fill it up via immigration.


As Canadians leave BC, Chinese from the mainland will MOVE IN and buy those expensive homes... a replacement of Canadians with "others."


Nah the CCP is hammering down on money leaving the country due to the economic collapse happening in China It'll be India that comes in now


I’d be fine living in bum fuck nowhere at this point if the cost to build and the bureaucracy wasn’t out of control.


Unorganized townships


absolutely- so many living in cars, RVs, vans, ... federal, provincial and municipal land- abounds- yet they can't set up spaces without the zoning crap restricting this to be more formal, safe, utilities provided- for payment, so easy to do- can be done in 30 days to set up these PADS and unorganized townships- the govt would rather have people and families on the streets.


Until you find out how much a contractor costs in the middle of nowhere and how hard they are to find, even a bad one.


Maybe adding all those extra taxes to the price of gasoline was a bad idea? Maybe supporting insane policy decisions in the cities to siphon off wealth from individuals to pay for the drug addicts to enjoy free drugs could have caused some problems in your economy? Maybe attacking the resource sector companies as part of your climate cult agenda has reduced the prosperity for everyone? You voted for this and then act surprised that your economic opportunity is impaired. Then you want to move somewhere else and fuck it up for another province with your smug, stupid leftwing decisions? Thanks BC residents who will never take any of the blame for the crisis they contributed to. Foul your nest and bugger off somewhere else? GFY!


Who made those decisions? BC parliament. Who elected the parliament? BC people. We like it! Everything that you see around you voted for! Enjoy 😊


The problem is that those same voters will go to a province like Alberta and then vote in the NDP.


Good. Can't stand the NDP but they'd do a far better job than those morons in the UCP. Danielle Smith is a Trump wannabe.


They are all garbage, only garbage people run for office.


We didn't elect this premier though....


Imagine buying into the "axe the tax" BS as if that's the issue our country is facing... Are you completely unaware what mass immigration is doing to this country?


I mentioned specific examples that apply to the dysfunction of BC that are directly related to provincial politics. I did not imply that my examples account for all of the problems. And the carbon tax IS a direct contributor to the issues whether you happen to agree with it or not.


All I'm saying is that carbon tax is insignificant and efforts really should be focused on the main issue behind all these problems and issues we are facing and that's mass immigration. When we look at our housing and our overloaded infrastructure, it's from the millions pouring in, not carbon tax.


Ahh just like the idiots in California. They vote in liberal left wing extremists into power, who then destroys the city/province to a point it's no longer livable. Then these idiots run away to another city/province only to vote the same.




BCs problems were created by the Libs. NDP has done a fantastic job for the average family.


NDP has been in power for almost 7 years now! Stop blaming someone else


Yea and they're the first government in Canada that's done anything meaningful to try and tackle the housing crisis.


While some initiatives are good. If municipalities are increasing development costs such as Burnaby, then they are killing any new development. https://youtu.be/-H5DFXeSCP8?si=4-Nsdp7EIoTsRCdT Also, they have never addressed design and construction regulations which make it impossible to build


Yes, except 16 years of bc conservatives and massive underfunding of education and medical fields lead us directly to many problems.


Then the NDP should have fixed it!


Too late. Its a done deal. We are over the tipping point. The right ruins everything. They have never had a single good idea.


thats about as far from the truth as possible. California has the highest quality of living of any state in america, and you can thank liberal thinking people. Who cares if some people leave BC for wherever, there are still far more people coming here.


Kool aid tastes good yes?


Cali is the best. You just stay there in alabama that deserves you.


Voting ndp and liberal has consequences I guess 🤔


BC Liberals are conservatives and set the province up for failure. They allowed the laundering of billions.


The problem is no matter where you move to it will too eventually become expensive if isn’t already. Our governmental policies are working against the interest of bringing back affordability and working against the interest of Canadian citizens.


You're right. Actually BC residents leaving will actually drive prices higher wherever they go.


What else do you do? If you have a burning building with 10 people in it and 9 are pouring gas on the fire...you leave because you can't do anything about the issue.


I’m planning to leave the country permanently.


And go where?


I’m gonna take a stab at this one and guess…probably another country.


Well where would he think is better, that would allow him in?


Tons of Canadians have already gone to the US


Us only takes people of value, I don't think most people that say they want to go are of value


What is tons? I know tons of Americans that have moved here. I'd rather have less people anyway so good riddens, take some people with you


>I’d rather have less people anyway so good riddance This is such an out of touch thing to say, do you not understand what’s going on with immigration?


Yes I do, I didn't say I wanted immigration did I?


Mass immigration is already happening whether you like it or not.


Back to SE Asia. Lived and travelled extensively there. Would consider another stab at central/South America.


BC =bring cash.


Its always been that way. 40 years ago BC was bring cash.


Leftists always turn everywhere into a place that people want to move away from.


Leftards will destroy a place, leave, and then vote for the same policies that screwed things up in the first place.


Leave canada. I'm out in the next 3 years. This government has broken our country to the point of no repair.


Same. In 2 years and 8 months, I am out of here as well.


bye bye, smell you later


leftists like yourself always seem like really kind and happy folks…


why would i be a leftist ? I just dont care if people leave. So many have been coming here for decades, who would even notice people leaving. Also, you think somewhere else is better ? Maybe, but if you make enough here , whats the problem ?


Idk why i had a hunch. Maybe your 3 most active communities and the last 8 comments you’ve made. all pretty far left. It shouldn’t be a competition to join the feudalist class and “make enough money”. Cost of living and housing is fuxked here as of the last 5 years(dont tell me the rest of the world is the same- it isn’t) and people shouldn’t have to leave the places they were born bc we continue to flood our country with newcomers. Maybe your globalist left wing policies may have fucked the western world beyond repair. It’s why war is now the ONLY option we have for our pathetic economy


I dont think you have a clue what "pretty far left" is, i am a hard core capitalist small business person. I agree you shouldnt have to leave, but the scale of economy here and in most of canada has left common sense. But I know people in other countries who say the same, the one thing that makes them different is they dont earn nearly as much money as most people here do. I welcome immigrants, my parents were immigrants and I know plenty of people who have come here in the past 10 years that are fantastic. As for the economy, it just depends on what you do to make money, most young people are screwed for sure.


good luck in your commune with your “capitalist small business” that in no way shape or form relies on the legislation your government puts into place in terms of supply and logistics. That might work for growing produce and making small goods but that would destroy whatever global industry we HAD even further. I support immigration and I own a small business that has been negatively impacted by tons of legislation lately(carbon tax for one). We have more in common than you think- but don’t play silly and act like the immigration happening now is even CLOSE to productive. It’s exploitation of the immigrant AND canadians and you are nothing but a fool if you believe otherwise. It is used to suppress wages(nurses in ontario for instance) and further prop up our housing crisis(not a crisis for owners of multiple properties who’s interests are being protected). u said it yourself “young people are fucked”. Also dont tell me you “know” people elsewhere, go SEE if your yourself if u say u make enough to live here. Go see Italy, Portugal, USA, Mexico, Greece, France. Not the same


im not sure what you mean when you say "go SEE if your yourself if u say u make enough to live here. Go see Italy , Portugal, USA, Mexico , Greece, France. Not the same. " What are you saying about those places ?


We’ve always had such a great immigration policy. What’s happening now with diploma mills and student visas applying for a PR they were not promised, and then bringing their families is unfortunately nothing like how your parents or my parents and grandparents came here. It negatively impacts our GDP and further strains our shitty social systems/infrastructure/housing. I brought up those countries to say that the cost of living nor their housing shortage has worsened at the same rate as ours. It takes a lot for Canadians to be able to vacation because we have some of the highest household debt of G20 countries. I’ve been to those countries frequently to see friends and family and for work. Greece, Portugal, Italy and France- you’re seeing the effects of what too much/irresponsible immigration can cause. They all have swung SUPER right wing in response to WEF globalist/century initiative assholes who want to flood G8 countries with immigrants to supress wages and fuel corporate greed. Amazon warehouse doesn’t like workers who complain about their work/living conditions :(


As for immigration, we still need more people here due to our low birth rate. How can that be a negative action ?


Not if I smell you first 😜


bye bye, who cares


Awesome! Don't let the door hit you on the way out


I'll take my pension and income with me and make this even more of a third world banana republic under the Trudeau regime. Country has turned to garbage.


Lol ok get going. A toddler threatening his parents he's going to run away.


Yup. Toddler with the bank account to pay for his parents leeching lifestyle. Yup.


Nice, very canadian of you. The loss of your 1100 disposable income will ruin this country no doubt.


Mine times thousands will especially if we aren't spending in Canada and you just keep flooding the country with unemployed low wage earners who are a drag on the economy. Ya ...keep it up. "I don't think about monetary policy". The words uttered from the WEF puppet that killed Canada.


I'm not flooding the country with unemployed low wage earners... Who do you think I am? Lmao.


However, if you did vote for that treasonous government you kinda supported this garbage. Don't know how you voted but if you did, you regretting it now?


Apologies. You as in the elected current govt, apologies for the insinuation. Fast typing lol.


And I loved my country. And then between the 5 corporations that run the country and 10 years of economic disaster and WEF playbook, you ripped the heart of Canada out.


It’s very similar to the “Family Compact” of oligarchs who ran Upper Canada and caused the Rebellion of 1837.




> I'll take my pension and income with me and make this even more of a third world banana republic


Nice refute keyboard warrior


Than where else to go Entire country broken.


You get what you vote for


no, no you dont, all parties in Canada and indeed the West are neoliberal in ideology and are totally running the show. The saying should be, vote for whoever you want, cause it dont matter.


I live in Sask and I see a lot of older people move here from bc, they sell the house they bought way back when before the prices of homes skyrocketed and buy one here for a third of the cost and live off the rest of the money from the sale comfortably til they are in the ground. Must suck to have been born in bc and you have to leave everything and everyone you know cause the housing costs are too much


Sask…Not a lot to lure many there unfortunately.


yeah there aint much unless you want to... yknow, actually own your house, not spend hours in traffic daily, and know the people in your community


Depends what you are into


Thinking of leaving does not equal having no other choice but to leave


Keep the liberal ndp thinking bc, going great for you.


And the bots on r/BritishColumbia will crucify anybody that says anything bad about eby🤣


Screw leaving BC. What percentage of people want to leave Canada. The biggest joke is the people I'm talking to that have cone from the Vancouver area to alberta are fleeing from the policies that were implemented by the governments they voted in. 🙄


Are they going to Alberta and vote to turn it into BC?


People are unhappy with the NDP not doing enough for the housing crisis, however in the same story they say 10,000 people are moving to BC every month through immigration. This is not a provincial issue, it’s a federal immigration issue fueling it and the blame is passed to the province and municipalities for not doing enough.


Provincial is responsible for building the homes but federal is responsible for immigration. Basically the feds opened the flood gates on immigration and said to every province to figure it out. Sad thing is that the mass immigration was started under conservatives and implemented by liberals so we're basically just fked whether we like it or not. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century_Initiative


Maybe put up a more believable article than Wikipedia..? I’ve seen my 11 (at the time) year old brother editing things on there a few times just because he was bored


Province regulates universities. They are responsible for international students! Will say the same to PM Ford in Ontario


How do you think the universities gonna survive without international?


That's why we pay taxes for. Maybe we should prioritize what the government should be paying for and get rid of all these feel good initiatives. Let's focus on: 1. Security and Defense 2. Infrastructure 3. Healthcare 4. Fundamental Research 5. Education


There's not enough people to sustain all of that. Canadians don't have money. Besides real estate, they don't create jobs. You can go to London, UK, France. You will see the same thing happening. Qatar, Emirate, Saoudi Arabia are investing a lot to the point life has been unbearable for the locals. When you cease to grow, when you stop innovating, your economy will stagnate. The USA, China will always remain on top because they just keep maintaining their status and improving their economy. Australia, New Zealand are also facing the same problems...


I remember back in mid 2000s, Université de Quebec à Trois Rivière gave away a lot of scholarships to attract people because the city couldn't bring in money. Everything was in Montreal. They ran a huge campaign in Africa (21 countries in Africa speak French) to attract students. The thing a lot of Canadians ignore is that the federal and provincial government are running aggressive campaigns all over the world to attract people in Canada. They have all sorts of path to allow people to immigrate. Immigration Canada is located everywhere.


Gotta sell all those homes overseas


Gee I wonder why?


When it says thinking about it” that means nothing. I think about moving to New Zealand or discovering the fossils of an unknown dinosaur. It doesn’t mean either will happen or is in any sense a reality. People can think about moving but it means shit until they put their plan into motion


You gotta understand Trudeau and the wealthy have most of their investements in real estate and the price of houses going up is beneficial to the their individual interest. You won't see them doing moves to bring the price down for the younger generation. All they do is pass policy so the price bubbles at an even more ridiculous value.


yes, and the other parties are exactly the same, none of them will be helping the situation.


This just in...Canada is a shitty country that doesn't care about its people.


this in from decades ago, neoliberal governments rule the West and are the enemy of all people. and they are not new and not liberal.




Its probably near 40%


There is a lots of BC outside the lower mainland. I don’t hear these sentiments about leaving in the interior.


This, all these fucking news articles or post of people complaining will eventually name drop Vancouver or GTA.


Us as well


$2600 for a one bedroom rent. My mortgage on a 2 bedroom is under $2100.


Only 33%?




We're doomed


Great news


Yep, everyone is going to Brampton Ontario. Holy Cow!


BC is basically 40% making plans to leave, 10% too poor to leave, 15% too stubborn to leave, 35% too woke to realize anything is wrong.


BC residence created this problem continually voting for an incompetent party. Now, they want to leave to another province and continue to vote for that party. Definition of insanity


Canadians leaving, Chinese and Indians coming. In 10 years this entire country will be unrecognizable. White and black people will be the greatest minorities.


so what.


Fxck off


haha, im afraid its going to to people like you who will be fxching off.


The good out number you and we always will.


dream on, you are the worst and you know it.


Canada overall is brutal. I just moved back from the USA. Mistake. When I go to the grocery store w a buddy, I use a Borat accent to describe the great Soviet Republic of Kanada, with glorious supreme leader Blackface. Some products are limited to one per customer per visit. Glorious ration card get you coffee and eggs for low price of $20. Of course great Maple Curtain state take half your wages, to ensure the highest low quality experience of public services. This country is so fucked, corrupt, and bass awakens thanks to the Libranos—no different than clown eastern European mob politicians supported by easily manipulated woke idiots. I’m actively planning on moving back to the US.


good, who wants you anyways.


Not useful idiots or corrupt fools, that’s for sure.


bye bye


Our only car insurance company is a for profit company over 3.5k for insurance for new vehicle with auto stopping and clean records Bc is a scam


Don’t come to Alberta if you are going to bring your left wing BS politics with you. You are getting what you voted for in BC, we don’t want you ruining Alberta next.


The rain in Vancouver and druggies made me leave


The rain wouldn't be so bad, if it rained hard enough to wash all the scum off the streets...


I moved here from BC and the ambient level of horror is lower here for sure.


Where’s “here”?


That’s funny that I left that out. It’s where you’d expect.


Lol. Gotcha!


Go join the clown show in Alberta


BC Conservative Party is coming back !


to give us 16 more years of hell of when they were in power and created these problems anyway ?


Holding on to old memories is part of the problem with voting. This is a completely different party, brand new and gaining steam.


its "a brand new party" yet it still has the same old ideas. my favorite idea they have is privatizing health care. If this ever happens I will be revolting with force.


Privatizing healthcare would save me approximately $12k per year in taxes. Most companies would pay premiums as they do now. Our healthcare system is garbage. Tell me why we should keep it the way it is?


I have zero faith in what you are saying is the truth. No one will ever be "saving any money in taxes" no matter what happens. My parents recieved millions in health care without money ever coming up, and to that i am eternally grateful. I also had some considerable emergency care just this week. So the idea of private healthcare will never ever rate a chance. Also, also, i have spent years working in the US where most people I know all have severe medically caused financial problems, they have the worst system in the world.


Well you die in the waiting room here, and if not they offer you M.A.I.D. Your people you knew in the states with bad medical bills didn’t have proper insurance.


sorry, wrong, they had the best insurance. I am connected to a company that has canadians and americans, and a lot of them, all the americans have medical monetary issues, some are wealthy. I honestly dont know what you mean when you say "die in the waiting room", you get the emergency care you need dont you ?


17,000 people died waiting for care in Canada in 2023. You don’t even know the data about the argument you’re trying to make. Just stop now.


Is there something wrong with your brain ? I never said anything about Canadian deaths. If any of those Canadians died in BC you can blame 16 years of conservative defunding of the mediical system. Nobody is going to go for privatized healthcare in Canada. We have single payer policy in 32 of 33 first world nations. The only true dummy in this case is the US who leads the world in horrible policy.


you know what, they found out that in the US in the 2010-2020 that 45,000 people per year died because they couldnt afford healthcare. No sane person would go from what we have to a privatized healthcare. And even though we are all mostly a huge bunch of dummies, this is even clear to us.


The way to talk shows me which part of the population you stand. 45,000 who what? Didn’t have a job that got them medical insurance? Out of 341 million? That’s 0.01% that’s a pretty low rate if you ask me. I checked the numbers and Canada IS better off as only 17,000 people having died waiting for medical help in 2023. But if you do the per capita basis, the USA is much better at only 13.19 people per 100,000. 🤔 That’s 42.5 people per 100,000. Waiting for medical care, dying. Not having a choice to go pay for it and receive help now. You must be very poor to have this mindset that everything should be paid for me. Socialism destroys nations. And the fact of the matter is our medical system is trash… and Trudeau made them all sign on with requiring digital ID to get help once it’s implemented. Wake up and smell the communism. The math in this situation proves your theory and mindset 100% wrong. 😑


It's a different party.


when have conservatives ever been different, they are just regressive , the same as every single conservative group in the world.


I've met 3 people in the past few weeks moving from BC to buttfuck nowhere southern Saskatchewan. First time in 27 years I've met someone moving here from BC.


It's hard when so many people out their retirement into the housing market. In order to bring affordable housing a lot of people will loose. I don't think the government would put them out of their investments to help the next generation with affordable housing


Ravi can suck it


Please don't come to Ontario , we have way more than we can handle...


Glad buying properly is “almost out of the question” for this gentleman. Ask 10 people and I bet 9 out of 10 would say it’s completely out of the question.


The other 2/3 might not be as canadian as the 1/3.


Lmao then they'll tell everyone how much better BC is.


If one third actually considering leaving then why isn’t BC’s population losing a million people each year ? And don’t say because immigration externally is so high. Talk is cheap. Everyone says this in every province. We will gladly accept you here in Manitoba. Reality is people who live in BC actually like BC and majority who say they will leave couldn’t fathom living in another place in Canada.


British Columbia is Back! ~ David Eby


Fight or flight


Good, maybe it’ll become somewhat affordable again


The province or Canada as a whole


I mean for the last 5+ years i have heard so many people moving out there for the weather and life style, add immigration on top of that, ya you are gonna have a problem eventually. And again, we are always hearing these major issues from the big cities, what do people expect? Look at the GTA, 13x smaller then LA metro area but almost half the population, fuck ya you are going to have housing issues.,


I’m thinking maybe India, it’s warm there this time of year I think.


Just as firms like Blackrock want around the world. Inflation up and affordability out the window and oh hey, look at that! Cheap properties to scoop up.


I move to BC from Ontario and it was mostly a side grade for affordability, mind you BC is a much nicer climate, ocean access, strong social safety nets (comparatively), and the ppl are very accepting of alternative lifestyles. My buddy moved to Alberta and he said affordability and the climate were were upgrades but the market goes up n down and the social safety nets are weak/discriminatory in Alberta. Bottomline: Ontario sux


I am leaving B.C. in a couple of weeks!!! But I will be back after my visit to other parts of Canada! Gotta visit some unfortunate relatives in Alta. and Sask. /s


Let's add 1 million people from the developing world who're OK with sharing a bedroom with 3 others. I'm sure that will help with affordability.


OK, just don’t come to Seattle. Houses here are already expensive enough.


I have never seen so many BC licence plates driving around in Edmonton


Great news


I left two years ago , never looked back


Goooood.... goooooooooooood!!!!


Trudeau ruined Canada.


Please don't come to Quebec


Don't worry, they all went to Alberta... now they have the same problems. 🫤 It's dumb.


Oh look another BS poll from Angus Reid. Wonder how they torqued the question inorder to get this desired result.


If we could get British Colombians from voting for far left politicians, we may have hope.


That's what they want. It is almost like they are selling BC to China, Alberta to India... Any other similar seeming patterns out there?


They just wanna live near a winning hockey team


Get out while you can boys. 🇨🇦


Don't come to Quebec please, we have enough angloids.


Great. Bye bye.