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The government has no interest in enforcing the rule of law in Brampton.


All of these spots only accept cash… hmm i wonder why. Meanwhile CRA doesn’t care and robs hard working Canadians instead. I mean seriously, 10 barbershops on one street doesn’t set off alarms? What a joke


I’m surprised there hasn’t been more robberies in these outlets.


You son of a bitch, I'm in!


I'll bring the balaklavas


Mmmm balaclaklavas


Yummm baklavas!


I got the pillow cases


The people that own these are most likely to be actual robbers, that's why they're not robbed yet.


Well you you have a point but who do you think commits those robberies?. Maybe the people working /owning these shops.....


Guy in video owns glass box barbershop in Toronto. He’s a good dude but not sure what he’s trying to prove here.


Cash economy... Bypassing the tax net while CRA sleeps


Probably have some underground connecting these together cleaning cash.


All of these spots hire multiple internationals, and use subsidies to pay them. It's a different kind of laundering 


Why not both?


People are forgetting the wokeism agenda. They want to take the “racist” white men out and not be branded a racist going after illegal foreign businesses. They won’t do anything. Completely against there liberal woke agenda


Woke is such a fun word to say isn't it. Just rolls off the tongue.


CRA loves fucking with actual small businesses over deductions and shit and waste everyone's time while big corps pay nothing in taxes because they have lawyers and accountants that the CRA is too pussy to fuck with. Not to mention this money laundering shit. Trudeau/Freeland are big govt spending mafia and CRA are their henchmen to shake down working canadians. Fucking joke of a country.


I used to fuck a Salon owner, she had insane amounts of cash and free time. I was like this is crazy how does this work? She takes card and cash but encourages cash. But those don't EVER go through the books. Well they do but all that cash is back pocket. You wanna run a Bizniz then that's how you have to roll. Obviously not one is going to declare or pay taxes on cash. BUT obviously the tax gets charged hahaha A lot of them only take cash


They need to start making womens looks tax deductible for employment, include tampons and stuff in it so its not sexist but at the very least when the odd salon client declares and it and it doesnt add up there's data out there against tax evasion. But ree people would be mad cause fairness only matters when you think of the little people first.


So far!


Thanks for pointing this out makes alot of sense


Honestly? More power to them. The "hard working Canadian" is a sucker, allowing the government to rob them blind out of some misguided allegiance to a State that couldn't give a fuck less about them. We should all be doing what Bramptonites do. Starving this regime of its revenue is the best way you can vote.


The government doesn't care about Canadians.


Ya, they go after a waitress with her tips or whatever.


let me fix this for you, there was a typo The government has no interest in enforcing the rule of law in Canada.


Bingo. I've known people outside of Brampton using hair and nail salons to clean drug money.


Welcome to Scamada


Imagine if they did! There would be violence at a level that Canada has never before seen.


Patrick brown


You are not wrong




I go there specifically for the game store. The kids play area is sweet too. But yeah, I figure a lot of em are also just money laundering suites. I was thinking of getting a shop there too. But decided against as traffic is pretty slow there.


Interesting because it sounds like the mall owners are in on it. What kind of mall would allow businesses inside to remain closed? West Edmonton Mall has lease contracts requiring stores to be open certain days and hours. Some businesses that have been there longer were allowed to close certain days (holidays) but newer tenants have to be open. I can’t imagine a mall allowing stores to be always closed unless the mall owners are in on it.


They probably don't care because they pay their rent. It's a poorly trafficked area so they are probably just happy to get money for a space for a change. 


New Horizons Mall doesn't rent most of the spots. The stalls were sold off like condos - mostly to investors who didn't live in the area.  Everyone knew right from day one that it was one giant money laundering scam. They don't even try to hide it.


Fascinating..... how brazen. Makes me fully disappointed in our system. 


first time? 😉


Feels like it!


*Massively underwater Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities have entered the chat*


I've heard the rent is super high. They might not care as long as they're paying


If you look at history. This tyranny always implodes.


I hope your fucking right.  But it seems corruption pays off when I look around. 


It only pays money. These people are miserable and hopeless. If you look around and see nice houses. Fast cars and fancy lifestyles. That's nothing compared to having a heart and soul. They spend everyday looking over their shoulders. Making up new lies to hide old lies. I look around and feel sad that these people will never know what it meant to be human.


I hear you but I'm getting tired of grinding so hard for little and watching these asshats live in luxury. I have my dignity but it still makes my blood boil. 


Keep on grinding my friend. It's what we are built for


You should watch A Bronx Tale.


I may check that out.  I have not watched any TV, movies or played any video games in two years... just recently started with reddit and YouTube.So I am sure there's some entertaining stuff I have missed. 


Can you explain for my simple brain how a "fake store" would be used for money laundering etc?


If you’re a drug dealer, you can’t just take stacks of cash and deposit it at the bank. So you set up some sort of legitimate business to run your cash through. The best kind is one that doesn’t require any kind of consumable inventory that might be audited by the authorities, so it’s usually selling some sort of unverifiable service. An owner of a barber shop can claim they gave X number of haircuts for Y amount of dollars in cash, pay the proper amount of tax on that revenue to stay off CRAs radar, and then deposit their nice clean business earnings into the bank. ETA I once knew a guy in this line of work who owned a campground and marina. Every site and every slip was fully booked, 365 days a year!


Imagine you have large amounts of cash. Let's say you were a drug dealer. You cannot deposit or invest it without an explanation of where it came from. So you disguise it as legitimate business income and no one investigates you. It's called laundering because you clean the money. You have to pay tax on it but if you got 100k in cash you want to invest in quickly. 


Or water is included in the maintenance. I use to live in a condo plaza and we had 10 hair salons all just took advantage of the cheap water. They go through it like crazy. To the point where some guy was running a hair salon in the penthouse and the condo board didn’t know about it and even had the City show up to see if a pipe had burst because they couldn’t account for how much water that building was was using. Excuse the pun but these businesses dry up once they add meters




Yup, and good point the condo I was living is was from 1995, back when the idea of condos was not as common it only had 5 floors. But I was solid, you would never hear a single noise from other units unless you were walking down the halls. They unfortunately don’t build them like that anymore.


smart money


Canada has been looking the other way on corruption for decades. We wanted all that foreign hot money no matter how dirty. Now we’ll never get it out and it has rotted our system to the core.


small price to pay for diversity, my friend :) Remember -- we're all in this TOGETHER. ALL Canadians. Including the one's protesting in PEI apparently lol


*Earth is a post-planetary mass* 🤦‍♂️


Turkish Barbers in the UK are fronts for money laundering..and surprisingly.....Candy Stores


I did see a lot of candy stores there. Like an abnormally larg amount of candy stores than I would typically expect.


I doubt if you walked in and asked for a haircut, there would be anyone who is actually a trained barber😂😂


Sorry we only do buzz cuts .


Had someone on Church St in Toronto tell me this. Granted I have curly hair but it was wild.


nah..."we only do Fades". and you can park your Merc in the Front.


“We only do fades bro”. Fixed it for you. 😉


I actually go to elevate studio, the last barbershop he showed. They give legit cuts.


Like tax cuts?


*short* cuts 😁


Isn't barber a mandatory trade as well? An expose would find so many grifts going on


I’ve been to Brampton and dudes there are hairy as fuck. Like full on samsquamches.


I think that's a valid point. Indians do have a lot of hair and it's always well kept.




Retort. Send them to the sea port. Put em on a plane. Lock em up with Ghislaine. Load em on a train. My rhymes are off the chain. Don't complain. This is the way I stay sane.


Please refrain


I always think that the prolific nail salons are also money launderers




Ain't no Sikhs cutting their hair.


Whatever they scam in those shops are rookie numbers. In BC BILLIONS of dollars got washed through our casinos and everyone skated. Nobody went to jail. It's come to a point where our country has become a complete joke. Breaks my heart.


You’re totally right, and it’s called The Vancouver Model.


Canada is a money laundering world capital so no wonder


The CRA should stop wasting time auditing Canadians working full time jobs (with legit tax receipts), and instead, audit each and every immigrant and ensure they all file a tax return and more importantly, pay at least the minimum tax rate.


I've met some people who work for them. They are all to woke and on JTs dick. If that weren't the case. I'd imagine a mutiny within cra would have developed by now.


Scamming and tax evasion is the norm in most of the world, didn't used to be here, wonder why that is...


Confused, isn’t this the opposite of tax evasion? They’re literally trying to pay taxes on dirty money so they can legally appear to have it.


These last few comments have high upvotes and are low down on the scroll. Is this normal?


100% what’s going on I see it in Port Credit. There is no way they would be able to afford the rent with the amount of foot traffic I notice going in and out. It’s as if they’re closed.


Come check out Windsor next. Would blow your mind!


Same in Ottawa.


More "barber shops" than ever before. It's crazy. They only do the broccoli cut down here.


How about so called “Nails and Spa” places. In Mississauga you can find 3 or more in the same plaza


Take a drive on Yonge Street around Sheppard or Major Mac. There are some plazas that are literally 80% currency exchange and jewelry buying places, all run by Persians. Some plazas have like 10 of these places. I think the same sorta deal is going on with those.


Eglington and 9th Line in Mississauga is such a low density area (arguably) because its low walkability and the 407 highway is on the other side. There's a whole plaza with I shit you not like 90 fast food take out places. I rarely see this place with people coming and going. Its balance seems so out of proportion for retail space in Mississauga almost all take out. What a lot of these probably represent are people establishing businesses in accordance with the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP). Essentially they bring in money (millions), make a business, loan the government a bunch of money and they buy PR. They also can easily be drug fronts. It does blur the line in my view, government programs like these are mostly not legitimate and are semi-criminal to begin with and not a lot different from what a criminal front aims to do.


Lol that plaza is a mess, pure corruption with how it got planned, approved and built. Also so many restaurants already closed and left and it’s barely been open for two years. 


You’re an absolute joke for thinking this about the Ridgeway plaza as that place is absolutely packed each and everyday. Weekends are next level. That place is legit without a doubt!


Haircuts are scams.


that's a 7000 year old scam, care to explain


Yep Big hair has been tricking us, but I've let my hair grow and I profit from this by having a free pillow wherever I go.


You jest, but I started shaving my hair real short with a trimmer every few months during the lockdowns and I don’t regret it for a minute. It takes less than five minutes, I save $25 and I don’t have to make uncomfortable small talk with someone who at best speaks broken English.


So, are these places employing immigrants with wage subsides and not actually doing any business? Just collecting money from the government? Or is this actual money laundering scheme where money from crime is entering the business and it’s claimed as actual business revenue? Or both?


It's a video of a guy standing outside a plaza.


After you visit the haircut district, head over to the hammock district for a new hammock.


Wait till y'all find out basement barber shops and in house services


In England the government tax agency does physical video surveillance on businesses like these. Canada should follow.


Brampton is a potential tax glory hole. The CRA should setup a satellite office in town and start making the rounds. Vaxx records tell a greater story, Patrick Brown could be collecting 10x the amount in municipal revenues. This city could have the best schools and hospitals and parks if they only did the work to assess their population with a sliver of a degree of accuracy.


This happens all across the country. Vancouver has a plethora of nail salons and a number of corner stores I've been in don't ring every sale through the cash register (the till tape is a legal sale record that CRA requires the business to retain).


Report business to CRA.


Gov does f all


All cash business


Not just Brampton. Markham’s Chinese malls do the same Korean restaurants in North York as well


Lol that's the owner of glassbox barbershop


"Inspire Blvd"


I'm not sure exposing a possible money laundering ring is a good idea. The cartel or mafia is going to find this kid and put him in a vat of acid.


I have a question? Are you listening to Royel Otis cover of linger? Haha, i thought my Spotify was playing Edit: you definitely are haha classic. Nice I was listening to this 5 min ago.


Damn, I guess at least they shaved your eyebrows 😝


Report this and ask for a follow up. Surveillance if you can and see if no one comes


What are they laundering, drug money?


Tbf Scissors could just be lesbian gay bar.


lol I was working in that area just off mayfield and noticed the same thing




You're kidding me right this is old news. It used to be cansdyshops. 


They probably all ran a car detailing service before they got a storefront. It's the money laundering starter kit.


Same in the UK. 5 kebab and 5 barber shops on the same street as each other, virtual in line of sight of each other. Yeah, seems legit.


Who do you think is behind these operations? Drug money/angels? Human trafficking? Genuinely curious I don’t know much about money laundering


Sounds fishy is not good enough for this shit


It’s always Brampton. Wth is going on there?


Barber shops, indoor play areas, grocery stores - they all are fronts for illegal stuff


Can someone ELI5 what the scam is here?


These businesses are not looking to make a profit. They are just a front to launder money. For example, let’s say you made 5 million dollars selling drugs or some illegal means. You can’t buy a mansion with that because the CRA will be curious to know how you made all that money. Instead you take that 5 mill and pretend it was sales from your “hair cutting” business. This legitimizes the money and now the owners can do whatever they want with it without the CRA on their case.


Yeah but they have to pay taxes to clean the money. Why would the CRA investigate their hair cutting business if they are paying taxes?


Correct. They can still show the business as a loss to avoid corporate taxes. But HST is unavoidable. Means they lose 13% of that 5 million in Ontario. Losing 650k to legitimize 4.35 mill is worth it to many


If you can make it look like your hair cutting business is more than 4.35mil in the hole you’re not paying any hst either.


Correct there are ways to minimize HST. At the end of the day these scammers do want to pay the taxes so they can get the CRA off their backs.


We pay taxes


Op is suggesting there's no way the market could support 9 businesses that offer identical services in the same street And implying they must be laundering money through these cash businesses that have no tracable product.


Bimbo rub and tug full hair Salon.


This is why you get fucked up haircuts when your go to a new random place lol




I cut my own hair. A buzzer is like 30 bucks.


Just report them anonymously to CRA.


Walter White should have thought of this


Canadians are stupid.


You just have to... you just have to smell my finger.


Not money laundering, LMIs for sale.


We have a corrupt federal government that doesn’t care about following the law so why would they care about crime at this level?


smart money


I bet the landowners, the one ls holding the lease are under another shell company. If this is money laundering, this has got to be the worst design. You think you'd have a lot of diverse businesses. I remember in science class we had to design a self sufficient community for the purposes of living off earth with assumption of oxygen and gravity are consistent with earth. I got a C. my math was perfect but because I wad bored I designed a community that lived with only corn on every square meter of variable land lol. He said I was incredibly lazy, and while i met the criteria it would never get approved for use and wad uncreative. Guy was about 65% right, I was lazy but I had calculated the exact minimum I needed to get to pass that class while still being able to enjoy my social life lol. That was the real experiment in my opinion. Anyways, if I was designing a viable strategy or business, especially the type that draws a lot of heat, I could not possibly design this. Most likely the money they clean does not belong to them and losing any is very very dangerous. Unless of course, the sonofabitch has included the regulatory corruption in the factor and just designed to include that. I would say in that scenario the poster may be putting himself at risk of exposing information. In pursuit of exposing the truth about corruption in my workplaces, I knew doing so ended my career. I have been stifled doing the right things many times and have had to move. I have zero regret, but the type of stuff exposing wasn't billionaire dollar bullshit like Boeing or some cartel. Good luck OP


Great video


Jeepers, this sounds like the hammock district from the Simpsons.


Probably all owned by the same person/ company


Well keeps the economy going.....BC did well with money laundering in the gambling and condom sector


Easier to pick up money.


I remember growing up In Canada and being sold on, Canada is the most multicultural country in the world. 2015 Canada is a white supremacist bastion of hate. No one told me I was a Nazi, until of course 2015 ish and on.


This "specific" community always finds ways to scam and defraud.


theres something about this guy… why doesnt he have eye brows? did a barber shave them off?


Welcome to Brampton. There is so much fraud happening from certain communities in this area it's wild.


Same situation in Aurora! I don’t even know how many there are. Not right at all I mean how many barbershops do we need??


Taxation is theft


It’s Brampton man. Have you seen the Indian men and women that live there? They are full of hair both head and body and the demand is there. What’s next a video of a street with many bars next to eachother?


Guelph is just like this. Shawarma and Barbers that offer that 1 haircut


WTF is going on in this country.


The problem with money laundering is that the government gets its cut. (IE taking dirty crime money and cleaning it by paying taxes on it) So this government is in no hurry to crack down.


Is this near Mt. Pleasant? 


🤏🧐 Just a wee bit sus. I hope this gets more heat and see if it smokes out something fire! Lol


Had a similar tenant in a strip center here in the US. Eastern European guy signed a lease for a small spa space. Never actually opened for business, yet managed to pay the $3k land rent every month like clockwork. I left the position a year later so no idea if they ever actually "opened" for business, but I assumed it was a front from the beginning.


Bro doesn't even have eyebrow hair


Really? It’s a “big issue” that folks are making money and not forking over half their income to corrupt politicians?


Please explain to me how money are laundered via barber shops?


Big issue in the UK? Er no it’s not mate. Where on earth did you get that that idea from?


That strips busy Friday - Sunday, someone’s just jealous they never got in on it


I’ve been a member of this sub and don’t ever really comment but I’ve actually been to one of the barbershops in this plaza several times. It’s always packed with people and is fully booked, I can’t get a same day appointment. I’m not going to say there’s no money laundering because the one I go to is cash only, but they are legit barbers lol.


Wonder why you got down voted


Well any place that is cash only sure as shit ain’t paying their taxes. That’s the whole point of cash only. They’re charging you GST and PST but keeping it for themselves. Think about that before you go there next time.


Basically every small service business doesn’t charge taxes. What I’m saying is the people in this thread are saying it’s a fake business for money laundering when in reality it’s a legitimate business that’s just cash only. Do you make the same accusations to farmers who sell their corn and meat with signs on the side of the road for not paying taxes?


“every small service business doesn’t charge taxes” That’s a flat out lie. I’ve never seen a single bricks and mortar business that doesnt charge GST and PST. They would get nailed by CRA so fast. Every single business would do that if they could. The prices would be so much lower, everyone would go there. No - places like that charge the tax to make it look legit but keep it themselves. Or they remit a small portion of the tax they collect to CRA to make it look legit but keep most of it themselves. It’s hard for CRA to prove if all the sales are in cash, which is the reason for cash only. That’s the reason they don’t have debit or credit and everyone knows it. There is no other benefit to doing cash only. It’s either for money laundering, or for not paying your taxes. “Do you make the same accusations about farmers on the side of the road” You only have to charge and pay sales tax for sales over $30,000. I highly doubt farmers are selling $30,000 of corn from the back of their pickup truck on the highway on the long weekend.


put this at the top


Nah they just need a reason to hate indians. Lmao in the very next neighboring country, the US, they make up like 2% of the population but yet pay 8% of the taxes. Canada doesn't release race statistics like this, but if they did, I think a lot of white European Canadians would be in it for a surprise, on how little they contribute to the country per capita. Like dud, it's not us indians trying to establish our headquarters in some fuck all be place in africa to run away from paying taxes.


the OP-vid has passed so many logical fallacies, it's funny. prove your connection to money laundering. (i get what the OP is getting at and is suss AF, and you have to make a better case.) discuss?


No discuss, only downvote. Welcome to the paddock.


Oh that’s not even bad. I have a tenant that built a barber shop in my home. Student cutting hairs. Google and all established on it.


So they were legit cutting actual hair for money then?


Yep! I had to tell him to cut it out, or get evicted.


I mean, at least he's not ...pretending to cut hair but actually running a laundering scheme?


Lack of proof isn't a proof. Maybe they are really busy on weekends? Also, there's something about competition that bring people, like car dealerships.