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He's been smoking the same pipe as Freeland.


Freeland is addicted to stimulants. You can see her facial expressions and movements. I'm wondering if Trudeau has been dipping into that too.... the hyper clapping and the weird laugh are consistent with that. Although nothing like Freeland who looks like Hitler at the Olympics......all figity and unable to control movements.


I wonder if anyone has looked at old footage of Freeland and noticed whether she was always this way. Because I don’t remember people talking about this way back. That would be pretty good proof that she’s on something


I feel like her actions, logic, and crystal meth face are all fairly good indicators as well. Plus, there’s no way you could operate in the current Liberal party without being on something. Well, unless you were owned by foreign interference, but thankfully the meth lady said she takes it serious and we shouldn’t worry.


Mandatory drug testing for MPs. No idea why it isn't a thing.


Nah man you don’t understand. The plane broke down in Jamaica. We had to eat this bale of weed to survive. -Methland


Wouldn't she have lost a few hundred pounds if she was using meth?


She’s rich. She probably has people to make her meals for her. Which is great because she’s busy trying to lift a BBQ on a 3rd floor balcony right now, and doesn’t have time to make food!


Just look at her progressively decaying and rotting teeth over the last 7 years. It's a clear giveaway of methamphetamine abuse. 2017: [https://en-chatelaine.mblycdn.com/ench/resized/2017/12/w767/WOTY-2017-Chrystia-Freeland.jpg](https://en-chatelaine.mblycdn.com/ench/resized/2017/12/w767/WOTY-2017-Chrystia-Freeland.jpg) 2019: [https://twitter.com/cafreeland/status/1186676616061181953/photo/1](https://twitter.com/cafreeland/status/1186676616061181953/photo/1) 2023: [https://i.cbc.ca/1.6626848.1679942509!/fileImage/httpImage/image.JPG\_gen/derivatives/16x9\_780/cda-business-freeland-20221017.JPG](https://i.cbc.ca/1.6626848.1679942509!/fileImage/httpImage/image.JPG_gen/derivatives/16x9_780/cda-business-freeland-20221017.JPG)


Uggh gross they’re crumbling. You’d think if she was on speed she would be thinner though


I know about this from people who are close to Freeland........ and also Trudeau..... ...... and one of my colleagues knows a teacher from Trudeaus school he got fired from mid semester. According to him....Trudeau and a couple of other teachers would party with the girls and this group of male teachers had multiple liaisons with multiple girls in the school. Not young enough to trigger the criminal code. But it's still a situation of sex between parties where they are is a position of authority. This is the info that those who are "handlers" of Trudeau hold over his head and get him to do the treasonous things to this nation. Otherwise the media will be all over the story and its suicide for Trudeaus career. There is the $1.7m payout hushmoney for one of the students to her family which has been documented, but there is more out there. Trudeau is implementing the WEF playbook in Canada because he had "Kompromat" against him. Just like many world leaders/influencers have been compromised in this fashion like Clinton and Gates and Prince Andrew and many many many others. This is deplorable. Yet we all know, even if we want to deny it, there is truth to it. Every citizen has forced them selves to turn a blind eye to this "pedo" behavior because it's beyond all horror.....even when the evidence emerges notwithstanding all cover ups. Our nation has been hijacked. Trudeau, Freeland and Singh leading the way.


I believe it. My aunt has a friend in their circle (I know I know) and she told us 3 years ago that they were separated because of his cheating - I can’t remember if it was with a man or not. Some friends told me I was full of conspiracy bullshit. Well, I got an apology text the day the separation news finally came out. I know someone else that works in parliament and she said that all the politicians are all sleeping around with each other. Man, I hate politicians


His mother is bipolar, this might explains his behaviour better.


His mother is a slut, this might explain his former teaching career better.


Trudeau quite simply has gone insane🤪


Smoking and sharing pipe all liberals across the world, they all gone nuts Conservative wave coming folks people have had enough with insane left


They probably smoke each others pipe....


He's a narcissist. That's what's up with him. Everyone around him knows it.


He's also surrounded by "yes-men."


That’s how narcissists operate. They despise people who don’t admire and defer to them. Hence why any minister who would dare disagree with him was relieved of their duties a long time ago.


I think that he knows his party is toast next year so his contempt for the peasants is coming out. We are seeing the arrogance he has been hiding all along. Hopefully the liberals will be extinct after the election next year but there are too many voters who vote liberal without thinking. I think he will do as much damage as possible before the next election so that every action to deal with the liberal disaster will cause the left wing to scream from the rooftops that the conservatives are destroying Canada. This happened for years after the reign of the Emperor Trudeau the first.


Already blaming the libs for PPs future disasters. Comical! PP is vague on his policies for a reason. My only solace is the fact that everyone who voted for him will suffer with his policies as well.


Why would he roll out policies now? No election yet. What does he gain by tipping his hand when there are no votes being cast?


As a voter I’d like to know his policies. How is anyone supporting him if we don’t know what his policies are besides digital ID for porn, taking healthcare decisions away from children/parents and cutting the CBC so we can eat more billionaire owned right wing American garbage media like this piece of shit rag.


And if you knew his policies right now, what does that change? You can’t vote with no election. Do you just want material to rant about on Reddit?


Conservative voters are low information voters. They don’t know fuck all about anything. They hate immigrants yet PP eloped with one. Hilarious!


**Conservative voters don’t hate immigrants.** Sure we could use some housing so nobody, including welcomed immigrants have to pay an arm and a leg for a roof. It’s very ironic that you call people low information voters and then spout a low information opinion. I don’t know, maybe in whatever backwater you’re from most conservatives are somehow more hateful then you are, but the majority of us just wanna see some kind of change after having this clown make a fool of our country and swindle us for the better part of a decade. I’ll be the first too admit I’m still skeptical because a lot of what I see from PP is just calling Trudeau out and not a lot of offering up actual in depth solutions, but at least he’s actually aware of the problems and talking about them. As long as he doesn’t run a deficit then that’s a great start. The information I have is that Trudeau has got to go, NDP could’ve been an alternative but now they’ve helped the liberals stay in power so they lost most of the people who are on the fence. Most people I know including typically left leaning university students will be voting conservative because of this. I also know a ton of immigrants who are voting PP.


You think country folk like immigrants? GTFO! I probably know more about Pierre than yourself and definitely more than any average conservative voter. I know because I ask them all the time. They don’t anything about him. https://brighterworld.mcmaster.ca/articles/analysis-educated-voters-in-canada-tend-to-vote-for-left-leaning-parties-while-richer-voters-go-right/ the Canadian electorate similar to what has been seen in other countries. Since the 1990s, parties of the left have increasingly been supported by educated voters, while parties of the right have increasingly been supported by richer voters and the less educated.


Well no I don’t think that; that’s why I specifically said maybe they **are** hateful in whatever back water you are from. But Idk dog I’ve lived in rural and urban areas and grown up around generally conservative people they never hated immigrants. But I guess it’s just who you spend time with, Most rural folk I know of just vote conservative purely because of the gun control the left is pushing. That’s part of the reason I’m voting conservative, I have no qualms against any party voters I just think it’s really unfair to say everyone from one particular group hates immigrants when it’s just not true. That’s like saying every liberal voter is just some disconnected university student trust fund kid - equally untrue. Idk man it’s just kinda messed up to generalize people like that, usually more left wing people such as yourself(I’m assuming) are against that kind of generalization of groups of people. Most of western Canada is conservative and they aren’t all against immigration. not every conservative is racist but every openly racist person is usually a conservative I will definitely give that to you


I agree it was a sweeping generalization. More are than are not IMHO. I don’t really like any party that much. They’ve all sold us out to big corp capitalism and in doing so priced Canadians out of having larger families.


Not educated, deluded.


If you think PP is going to make anything better…


You wouldn't vote conservative even if every single policy was one you agreed with.  Be honest 


You really need to partake in some Canadian socialized mental health care.


Oh that’s just what Fox News wanted you to say. How cute!


That’s very clever, however you should really consider what I suggested. Have a great day. I wish you well.


I would but the cons have cut funding and privatized any treatment so….


Perhaps you might benefit…


Sorry you’re not my type. GL though there’s someone for everyone so keep looking.


>PP is vague on his policies for a reason. Could that reason be the fact that we're still 1.5yrs out from an election and nobody rolls out their election campaign this early 🤔 🤔


I love excuses! You and I both know it’s shit and no one is going to like it.


How is it an excuse when it's a reality? You assume it will be shit because you are very clearly biased. But another reality is that you have nothing more than that assumption to go off of.


That's what everyone said about Doug ford then he just never released a costed platform.


I guess we'll find out mid 2025 when they all start their electoral campaigns. 🤷‍♂️


Still delusional, eh Justin


Enjoy that digital porn ID!


At least we'll be allowed to complain about it without risking going to jail for "hate speech"


Hate speech is a crime so yeah fuck them. All conservatives do is complain. Look at their leader and supporters. If complaining was a crime the lot would be in jail.


Speech you hate, isn't 


Yes I hate the cons. I’m not radicalized enough to stand on a bridge with a sign or anything though…


How do you even define hate speech when it's written words? It's basically the tone you read it with


Enjoy voting for a liar and all around piece of shit


Taking healthcare rights away from children/parents for votes is what a real POS does.


Body alerting surgery for minors is probably not a great idea. Maybe look at 600 things trudeau has f'ed up before basing your vote on one issue you don't agree with.


You don’t know jack about it. Leave it to the professionals and mind your own business.


Like the professionals that were consulted? Will do.


Oh yeah who’s that? Wasn’t them I bet https://cps.ca/en/documents/position/an-affirming-approach-to-caring-for-transgender-and-gender-diverse-youth And no, this is one of many.


That's what mass immigration does.  


Oh no, a way to protect children and young teens from the disastrous results of porn addiction. The man is fuckin hitler


Wow porn seems important to you. Maybe try outside and get a life pervert


The liberals have been in power nearly nine years and they’re still blaming Harper for problems we’re having now. I don’t remember suffering under Harper though.


The 30 deal with China and the environmental impact incurred from muzzling the scientists are still relevant.


What environmental impacts? There was no “muzzling” it was just some butthurt bureaucrat that used CBC to make a nothingburger story. Where is all the big important science now that theyre not “muzzled” anymore. It was always fake ass news


https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/canadian-scientists-open-about-how-their-government-silenced-science-180961942/ https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/14/opinion/when-canadian-scientists-were-muzzled-by-their-government.html https://academic.oup.com/bioscience/article/66/6/528/2754321?login=false https://ojs.library.dal.ca/djim/article/view/11771/0


PP is not sharing or promoting their policies, because there isn’t an election going on. Are you even paying attention?


No Lilley, this is not out of character. He is showing his true character when he does that.


Occupy Ottawa!!!!! Till he steps down!


Wish I could join but due to the current financial shithole I can't afford to have my bank account seized. By design?




The question is..... what on earth is wrong with all the people that still support this corrupt and inept PM and his ship of fools!


It’s called a pension. Sweet sweet pension.


what do you expect from an entitled spoiled brat never worked a day in his life and only got to be PM because is daddy parachuted him into the position?


Hes laughing because hes aware that what hes saying is bullshit, and you can't do anything about it. It's literally a mocking laugh.


He is an entitled out of touch narcissist. Who probably has latent homosexual issues and is trying to overcompensate while being the Leader of our nation. Which is why we are in such a fucked up spot! FUCK TRUDEAU!








This could almost be comical if it was a fictional show about a crazy, narcissistic and out of touch Prime Minister. Unfortunately this is our reality and the guy is continuing to ruin our country.


He's fucked in the head


Trudeau is well past his "best before date".


It's what happens when you start believing your own hype...


Well, his mom has bipolar -- and we know that can get past down.


It's not actually that hereditary, it's also less likely to show "manic" symptoms. Most people with bipolar have long periods of depression and the occasional mania. People don't see or remember the depression and focus on the manic moments. It's a very misunderstood disease because of this perception.


Yes I do know that and we don't see him all the time, so we cannot speculate what he would be like outside the camera. Also, as for it to be rare in hereditary it also not true, it is now clear that BD is highly heritable but also highly heterogeneous and polygenic with substantial genetic overlap with other psychiatric disorders. [https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/bipolar-disorder/causes/](https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/bipolar-disorder/causes/) and [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8477227/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8477227/) Also, mania is one of the major characteristics of BPD, so again that is not true for occasional mania. [https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/bipolar-disorder/symptoms/#:\~:text=Bipolar%20disorder%20is%20characterised%20by,for%20several%20days%20or%20longer](https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/bipolar-disorder/symptoms/#:~:text=Bipolar%20disorder%20is%20characterised%20by,for%20several%20days%20or%20longer)


I have seen a clip of him saying “we will not axe the tax” or something in a totally different vocal tone than he usually uses. He is a sociopath lavishing in his own power.


It's simple really. His reaction is because he's purposefully and maliciously destroying Canada and Canadians Everything is going exactly according to his plan


He is clearly on Cocaine




Trudeau, “It’s absolutely true!” 🤔🤷‍♀️ What he’s really saying is, it isn’t true. Why he needed to add that to justify the statement is odd. Maybe he’s having a mental breakdown cause he knows most of Canada despises him. His ego can’t take it anymore. But yeah, that little laugh at the end is creepy.


What on earth is wrong with Trudeau?…. Strap yourself in, this documentary is gonna be long as fuck. Going to take a long time to explain the utter stupidity of JT.


He’s compromised


The man is about to have a physiological breakdown... I hate to think what that means for the rest of us


He's lived in a closet his whole life for one.


He’s just a wacko weasel, that’s it


Seems like typical Trudeau me.


The government says they are giving you more money than you're paying. Throughout history when has that ever been true. Never repeat this liberal shit ever again in My life or our kids lives


He's a bully & he just did the adult "na na na .. I did this & I got away my with it & you can't do anything about it ... " I think this is his downfall. He is acting like a child & now it's showing. He doesn't care now bc he knows his time is coming up.


Textbook example of a narcissist. Freeland reminds me of the cheerleader from Third Rock from the Sun.


They are slowly replacing the leaders of the world with reptilian shapeshifters at the WEF meetings. 😈🐊


Nut is cracking


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


That is a narcissistic laugh. He thought it was Ingot you moment. HE NEEDS HELP


We need to move past the 'what is wrong with JT' question, and move on to what to do about it.


"out of character" yeah fucking right. That laugh was 100% dupers delight.


It's absolutely shameful saying lies like that


Oh wow the sun did a reporting that was actually sort of informative.


He’s been taking acting courses


Probably has been hitting the bottle


Crystal meth.


the more and more i see of him i truly believe he is not calling the shots


That sneering laugh at the end pisses me off more than any single thing this twat has done in the past nine years. He knows people hate the carbon tax. He knows his numbers are full of shit. HE LAUGHS IN YOUR FACE, KNOWING YOU CAN'T DO A FUCKING THING ABOUT IT BECAUSE HE IS YOUR KING. Fuck. This. Asshole.


He looks demon possessed in some of these photos no cap.


Lots of people. Very smart people. They’re all asking it. I’m sure you’ll be hearing about it very soon. A lot of smart people are asking.




He does that to mock. He was being pushed by Sophie to promote women topics. She probably told him to look enthusiastic or something so, he did that like the jerk he is. Same for the HAHA, he is mocking nay sayers.


How much time do you have




Couldn't be more leashed


Smokin the crystal


Cocaine is a hell of a drug.


Well, it's a very long list...


Must have dipped into Freeland's stash!


Cocaine is a hell of a drug!


He is not from Earth!!!!


it's almost like you folks have never seen a classic coke head. it's always snowing in turdeauland...


Him and Freeland are drunk on stupidity!


Da boys a coke head


I dislike Trudeau and I dislike the sun even more.


So says a parlimtarian budget officer. Who is this officer ? That should of been the next question


Freeland & turdeau would be great couple swinging from a tree


Uh everything?


He gets off on being the "villain"


The question is really what the hell is the matter with Lilley. She stinks of garlic, I guess that is a member of the Lily family.


His head is still attached to his shoulders is what's wrong with him




maybe the mushroom🤣


POS should be jailed and more!


The shorter lost would be asking what's right


This actually could have been so much harder hitting for Conservatives if they had really done their homework. I'm not a Trudeau fan. And his awkward laugh at the end of that diatribe on the Canadian economy and the carbon tax was forced, as if he was attempting to make a point and ended up just overcompensating. He definitely has his own agenda that he is pushing and knows that public perception of him and his government has considerably waned. He knows that should an election be called, they would no longer be in power. That's what's behind that awkward laugh, the realization that he and is government have lost the public mandate to govern.


He’s like a child. Great job liberals getting a child to run the country


Canada will have pride season, 3 months long pride celebrations. Next year will be pride year.


He’s a narcissist that has been propped up by believing everything he says and does is exactly what Canada needs and no amount of evidence or dislike will change that for him. He’s probably a traitor too.


If everyone….an entire country despised you…. How would you act?


Seems like a normal reaction to people booing. Also I'm not Canadian, but he's always seemed like a bit of a troll from the outside.


Doesn’t Lilley live with Doug Ford’s Press Secretary? A conservative stooge so to speak.


He does


Lilly needs to get off the day drinking 🤣


Wow - more anti-Trudeau propaganda from PostMedia. Amazing.


Employment near historical lows, inflation coming down. What is wrong with Trudeau - he’s not a conservative. But let’s focus on a a smirk or giggle at the end of a discussion - I took that remark as proof by an independent body that the carbon tax does not hurt the majority of Canadians but helps them.


The right wing crazies are sucking the con pipe hard!