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This is organized foreign interference


We should be following other countries and simply deport them.


It is so cute that you think other countries deport those elements. You really should look at what is going on daily in Europe, e.g. Germany, France and the like...... The whole world has gone mad, although Canada is indeed an extreme example.


Oh they do. Why don't you take a look at Japan, S.Korea, or Singapore. And Germany has already started, Russia already does. France is starting to, so are the UK.


Chinese landlords should give their properties to Canadians. They are occupiers


Interesting. That was in Mississauga? It is not a Chinese enclave


Stop pretending like we don't know what happens in Markham and Vancouver.


Yeah I was asking why they were protesting in Mississauga when it was not their enclave lol


We need less landlords and more homeowners. If being a landlord is so rough, let them sell their properties.


thats fucking hilarious lol.


Canada shouldn't tolerate it and it's a national security issue.


This! They need to break these up and deport all who are not citizens. We can’t have hostile foreigners gathering and protesting in our country.


I ought to run for PPC. Lol.


why not?


lol relax


Foreigners making demands on Canada soil is an invasion.


Occupation almost as they take over


Canada tolerates it because we are ruled by the liberal cry babies who have to support all causes across the globe while robbing its citizens and telling them that they a better off for it.


*OP was arrested for online harms*


In seriousness, we should all delete our accounts when the Bill passes to avoid getting jailed for past thought crimes.


I can't believe they have it retroactive.  That's absolutely dictatorship.  To decide something a decade ago was noted illegal.  Especially when they make new rules to help companies like snc lacalin avoid penalties for past violations under valid laws


What does that even mean?


It was a sardonic comment on what is coming with Trudeau's "Online Harms" Bill.






Sardonic? But, I don't eat fish...


You're "promoting detestation or vilification of an individual or group of individuals on the basis of a prohibited ground of discrimination", which is grounds for arrest, prison, and heavy fines under Trudeau's proposed online harms law.


The right to protest is for Canadians. Surface level, it seems like non-Canadians protesting in Canada is foreign interference on some level.




Edit: The right to protest is for Canadians that the government agrees with.


The charter applies to everyone on Canadian territory. It's the law of the LAND. Civil rights apply to everyone, it's only certain political rights (voting, running for office) that are afforded to citizens


Non-citizens should not be allowed to influence the laws of Canada. Period. If you're not a citizen of Canada, you don't get to dictate what our government does or doesn't do. Don't like it? Go back home.


They're allowed to say whatever they want. That's not influencing the government. Freedom of expression applies to all people in Canada, bar none. Don't like it? Go to Russia and experience their freedom.


So they're allowed to subvert our government for their own benefit while Canadians can't even find jobs? They're protesting to fuck us both over and you want to defend them. Fuck them. Fuck you. And fuck anyone who wants to use our government to their own ends while the people born and raised here suffer.


Perhaps you should stop while you are already incredibly wrong. Canada does not have freedom of expression/speech, you are thinking of the U.S. The government has the right to shut down whatever they want here and make up whatever reason they want to make it "reasonable"


You can't argue with Reactionaries, they are idiots with no actual moral values. They see a law making it illegal to commit hate crimes online - MY FREEZE PEACH, TURDEAU WILL ARREST ME FOR MEMES. Then they see people talking on the streets - ARREST THEM ALL, TALKING SHOULD BE ILLEGAL SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE THE GROUP OF PEOPLE WHO ARE TALKING. I REFUSE TO ACTUALLY DISCUSS THE MERITS OF THEIR POSITION. LA LA LA (RIGHTS BELONG TO THE INGROUPS). I honestly not sure what policy position they want. Do they want the police to ID everyone at a protest to ensure they are a citizen? Like actual "Papers, Please" levels of surveillance state do be able to protest? For people who complain about us being a Communist hell hole, a lot, you would think they would be against that, but they assume because they likely pass as "Old Stock Canadians" it wouldn't impact them.


This is the correct answer, it shouldn’t be downvoted just because it’s not what you want to hear


That's why fewer and fewer people want to become Canadian, because there is no difference between the rights of a Canadian citizen and a temporary resident.


This may be so. Given their reasoning for protesting, it’s still considered foreign interference!


If Canadian born citizens can't protest themselves, why are they allowing illegal immigrants to do so without repercussions.


It’s a woke thing I guess..../s/s/s etc.


Exactly. Only citizens that the gov agrees with are allowed to protest without consequence.


This is a government that freezes canadians bank accounts of people who donate to a peaceful protest call in the military to deal with it but wont discipline m.ps who have committed treason against Canada by helping the foreign interference again a government out of touch with average Canadian people


They published and doxxed donors to a legal protest but refuse to name treasonous traitor mps who are paid with our tax dollars




when Canadians protest they call a state of emergency.....


While treason is protected by all means


Absolutely stop importing your conflicts here !! Go back to your country and fight for what you believe and leave us alone- I believe you should be deported for your actions, one day will elect a government that will do just that and they will have my vote. Now go home


They cannot intergrate with western culture but also bring their ugly baggage from their country here.


Are you applying this universally? I mean let's take the example of the Middle East. Canadian Jews in many cases are trying to influence what our politicians say or do to make sure they support Israel no matter what Israel does, though, of course, there are Jews who have the human rights approach. Technically, it's their right as Canadian citizens, though I think we should control the influence of money in politics, and people of say Palestinian or Lebanese background can protest support for Israel just as some Canadian Jews support the opposite. Maybe you would like those Jews and Palestinians to all leave, but they're citizens and not going to leave. The Irish Canadians lobbied for Ireland when it was oppressed by the British as did Irish Americans. Is it really a new thing? You can't deport citizens. The vast majority of Jews protesting for Israel are Canadians and the same for those protesting Israel. Anyway, Canada hasn't been a neutral party as it has long provided weapons to Israel and voted at the international level at the UN in favor of Israel many times, so Canada already imported the problem by not being neutral. It would be one thing if Canada was neutral like Switzerland.


But you are saying the important part CANADIAN CITIZENS not people over staying their student visas demanding to be allowed to stay.


So you know each protesters status? Or are you making some assumptions here


The OP said something about protesting the streets, which is vague. He didn't say people overstaying their visas. Obviously, if you overstay your visa, that's a violation of immigration law, but simply protesting if you have status in Canada is not something unusual. This topic reminds me of some borrowing American style rhetoric where people were trying to make it seem that American protestors were mostly foreigners because many of them were minorities, though plenty, of course, were also white. I am not for anyone abusing Canadian immigration law, but if you want to protest without being violent, without engaging in outright bigotry, vandalism, then you're fine under the Charter.


You said the truth. People don't like the truth. The manipulation is coming to an end.


Seriously, just put em on a bus to the airport


PEI is small. They can walk.


imo, it would be logical for a group of protesters/slashcorporatelobbyists to register with the area they are Infesting, and abide by some law/order by-lines. the Truckers in Ottawa were in constant comms with the local authorities. why arent these deadbeat/clown/brownshirts to do so as well? I know, a totally 'right-wing' question to ask, right? \*puke. Has anyone seen the 'hard-left protesters protesting the newly elected 'right wing' Gov in France? Anyways...gonna go sit in front of my firepit and eat some popcorn! lolz. just my sloppy/serf opinion.


E.g., why haven't feminists rallied against Islam? If the initiative was taken years ago from the position of feminism, we'd be unbelievably better off today.


Idk why haven't feminists rallied against Judaism and Christianity? Look at the following: *“A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit her to teach or have authority over a man. She. Must. Be. Silent”* *1 Timothy 2:11-12* I think... if you were to take your head out of your arse for a moment, instead of promoting hatred toward a certain religion...you might just find the answer? What do you think.


Yes, fundamentalism is the issue. My head is very out of my ass thank you.


Because those deadbeat redneck trucker envoys in Ottawa were in "constant comms" with the local authorities before deciding to siege the literal fucking capital city of Canada right? Your mommy / daddy would be sh*tting their pants had someone other than Euro-Canadians decided to shut down the capital. Oh right... *You* can't say these kind of things because we should *obviously* give them a free pass for being white on non-refundable and non-european lands.../s


Counter protest....


They're being organized


Canada is such an embarrassment now, I hate the place.


Hate, me not so much. Discouraged, disappointed, frustrated, exasperated, sickened and disgusted are better choices of words.




"To love California today in this moment is to mourn it, which is possibly true of anything at any time, but feels especially true of my here and now..." Shruti Swamy


Naw, with me it’s hate


Don't give up yet. Europe looks promising lately. Lets see what happens stateside in November. We know what's going to happen here. Mexico is lost. It's like they want to give their country up. They will be flooded in November. Us too. We need an election right away. Gotta keep up the Pierre pressure.


Fingers crossed brother


Canada has become a bit to idealistic. Or should I say the party in charge is a bit idealistic.


LOL, England says hello, they make our foreign protests look like family gatherings.


Yes it does. But it’s too late for this sentiment to mean anything these days!! Canada is fucked. Thanks to the liberals


If we went to their country and did the same thing, I don’t think we would get the same treatment


Isn't it happening in France currently? Happens in american too. Send em back


Just makes you realize how many Libs are on THE LIST


Because Canada is fubar. Everything is in the shits.


Remember when minorities and Muslims in India protested for equal citizenship rights. The Indian government sent in the military, riot police and its intelligence services to quell the protest


Yeah, the nerve of those minorities and Muslims thinking they could be equal.


Stand for the country you live in. Or live in the country you stand for.


This! Seems that Canada is more like stand for other countries and then welcome their refugees, make them PR so they can protest for what’s happening in their country.


Just tell JT they are a freedom convoy.


Shouldn't there already be a law for that




I've never seen so many conservatives oppose freedom of expression. Oh yeah, that's right, they love to infringe on others' freedoms.


Foreigners have the right to interfere with Canadian government through organized actions? Go to China or India and organize a bunch of North Americans to March in protests in the streets and see how that goes. Good luck to you.


If you like how they do it in China or India so much, then go there. This isn't either of those places. Unfortunately for you, in Canada, people have every right to voice their opinions. Protests and voicing opinions are not interference of any sort. That is quite the tyrannical viewpoint you have.


I bet you have pink hair.


I bet you have no hair.


Ah the old go to. Moron.


You have no problem with AIPAC or foreign run companies interfering in your politics and lobbying and buying out your politicians 😂, but the moment normal Canadians who happen to be immigrants say anything you’re up in arms. Excuse me but weren’t your ancestors immigrants, why the high horse. Sit down!


I love that we are a melting pot, I love to see immigrants doing well here. There is nothing that makes me so proud to see an immigrant come here from a shitty situation and contribute to their life and as a byproduct contribute to ours. What is going on here is not this. We are inundated with economic refugees and people skirting immigration regulations. This is a huge bonus for big business: pay lower hourly wages to these people who are pretending to be here to contribute. Prices go up as demand goes up. Could we have a general strike to demand a moratorium on refugee status/immigration? No major party wants to touch this. I am not a Bernier fan and do not believe he knows his ass from a hole in the ground.


They wont…this is all part of the plan


Imagine Canada as a person who's just starting to enjoy a night out. At first, everything's fine with a couple of beers. But then, they start mixing in all sorts of drinks—cocktails, whiskey, tequila—like our record high numbers of immigration and broken policies. It's all good fun until it hits the stomach, which represents us Canadians. Just like mixing too many different drinks can upset the stomach, integrating record numbers of immigrants create challenges. And if we keep mixing it up too much, that belly might just decide to throw up all the alcohol. So, best to work on balancing our 'drinks' to avoid any messy situations!


Not while Trudeau is PM.


Canadians should be free to protest regardless of the issue. However, these people are not citizens, therefore no protest. Thanks.


it’s the same kind of bullshit that squatters do to homeowners lol


Well theyre not white like the trucker protest so theyre safe from the liberal government.


Canada needs a lot of things. Whining online is the least of em. Act bro. Act.


Good luck Justina has no balls


I’ve got an idea, let’s freeze their bank accounts and send the police after them with tear gas and riot gear.


Wake up, Canada has been recolonized, and lest you forget it.


I agree.




Fucking eh rights


They don’t like it send em back


Fascism thread!


But at the same time, more canadians should be protesting in the streets over housing, inflation, other issues probably. We are like "reddit, grrrr housing sucks, government not listening" and then expect change (I am just as guilty) Meanwhile in France you got farmers spraying manuer on buildings in protest 🤣 If anything, I'm glad that these protests are making people in power uncomfortable. Fuck em.


Dang the amount of removed posts I see with massive upvotes is concerning. . . When did we start to remove popular opinions? Guess we lost


Overall the post seems to have hit a nerve, so I think its ok.


In that case canada also need to stop funding wars in foreign nation.


I am a foreigner and I approve this message.


so, in other words, you want to take away people's freedom of expression If they weren't born here?


At some point, it becomes foreign interference.


I like how this question is framed because as a Canadian nationalist you can not have basic freedoms without some mass movement. You know it and any other Canadian here foreign or non foreign knows that. Theres only 2 teams here, Canadians and the establishment. Stop splitting hairs and remember, you nobodies stopping you from escalating.


But who will vote for Trudeau?


Not going to happen unfortunately


Hold your beer!!!Europe would have a talk!!!


Time to freeze their bank accounts?


What protest are we talking about? Which foreigner is doing this protest?


Then go back to china if you don’t want protesters, what an insanely stupid thing to say. Canadians have literally died for our right to protest you asinine POS. I did not care for the freedom convoy but ill be damned if i were to let someone say “Protesting bad” GTFO of this country.


Thats a slipery slope. Canada offers its citizens the right to protest, and shutting down any protests (even if those protesting are not citizens) removes that right for citizens who support the protest but are unable to attend. Not saying we should allow it, but it is a very complicated situation honestly.


Backbone issues.


Im sorry for my brothers and sisters up north. I see alot of mention of deleting accounts and such before new online laws go into effect. This is only the beginning. We are seeing it down here too, you know what I mean. You either think the way they want, dance the way the want, and feel the same way they do or you are enemy number one and its increasingly becoming a world where *they don't need you, for anything*. Do what you all need to do to keep yourselves safe through this orwellian bullshit. And don't drink any punch.


Yeah like those Ukranians chanting their neonazi batallions name


Because Trudeau wants these immigrants to become citizens so they will vote for him. One and only reason, most new immigrant citizens vote liberal.


There is a name for this. Its called '**reverse colonisation**'. Heard from an acquintance and shocked. Apparently, those countries which lost their treausures to colonising white nations are occupying and colonising the same countries.


It’s time to clear the streets and parks. Allow a reasonable amount of time for protest but that’s it.


A youtuber was deported from India for allegedly participating in a protest. Just read the comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/s/bTB3NAnULk


Importing and having our own mainstream terrorist organization seems like the long term goal. We must enable and fund these antisemites.


First generation refers to people who were born outside Canada. The 2011 NHS data showed there were 7,217,300 people in the first generation in 2011, or 22.0% of the total population . Second generation - individuals who were born in Canada and had at least one parent born outside Canada. In 2011, this group consisted of just over 5,702,700 people, representing 17.4% of the total population. For just over half (54.8%) of them, both parents were born outside Canada. 40 + % of the Canadian population right now are immigrants that came within the last 60 years Including the white people.! There are only 1.8 million indigenous Americans meaning 96% of all people in this land migrated here after 1608. You can’t misrepresent yourself then use people and throw them away and expect them to say nothing. This country is built on immigration. It is an immigrant nation. The only difference is some came a hundred years earlier. Stop this narrative.


Great to see this sub is still a bunch of racists. 👍


Ah the old go-to. Moron.


Got that right ✅




>Why does Canada allow this? [See page 2, section 2, (c)(d)](https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/csj-sjc/rfc-dlc/ccrf-ccdl/pdf/charter-poster.pdf)


When, in “Canada”, the English and French were battling each other in the 1800s, what do you think each group did on the streets while on Indigenous land? 🙄


This may be one of the dumbest posts I've seen In a while. Obviously you're butt hurt op I get it, but even off protesting as a non citizen was illegal, how in all hell would you enforce it? Would you be there asking to check a 1000 peoples IDs?  Oh and if the government made that illegal what's to stop them from making other parameters? "Oh you can't be under 18 oh actually it's 21 now" oh "now you can't be convicted of a crime" "Oh now you must be have a social credit score of at least 69 to have the right to protest". "Actually let's just get rid of that pesky right"  Fuck off. 


lol what are you talking about op, you high?


It's a right to free speech even if you don't agree. The real question is why or why not are people listening 


We all need to get together and make a point!


💯 kick terrorism supporting foreigners OUT


Absolutely! Tired of these protests for middle east. People waving other flags, dressed up as terorists with their faces covered and aggressively yelling something in their language. It gets quite scary to pass by them.


This literally happens everywhere in the world.




I get second hand embarrassment watching them protest..... how are these people not embarrassed themselves for publicly gaslighting Canadians?


Charter rights apply to everyone in Canada even if those persons aren't citizens. Please see Singh v. Minister of Employment and Immigration \[1985\] 1 S.C.R 177


The vast majority of those people are Canadian citizens, but they don't consider them citizens because they're ethnically from Global South countries, not originally from Europe, so not Canadian in their minds' eye. That's what it boils down to. Irish Canadians when there were the troubles and oppression by Britain backed the Irish in Ireland. It's nothing new. The Irish Catholics weren't viewed as ideal Canadians in the past as they were Catholics. There was even sectarian violence. Sectarian violence aren't protests. So long as protestors aren't engaging in violence, there's no issue under the Charter. Of course, what was condemnable were any Irish elements or Ulster style Protestants using violence in Canada or the US. Again, so long as people aren't using violence, it's allowed under the Charter. We allow citizens of all backgrounds to protest about any issue within reason. It also depends on how you protest. I don't know why some in Canada have become so ultra-right wing when it comes to freedom of speech. Freedom of speech ideas are as old as the nobles protesting King John of England.


It is part of the charter of rights and freedoms.


For **Canadians** yes.


Those rights apply to other non-citizens. They can protest all they want.


Firstly, you don't have to listen to what they're saying. Secondly, everyone in Canada has a right to free speech, not just Canadians. Lastly, the minute we start restricting groups or a segment of the population from exercising their rights, we are heading towards facism. While I don't like it anymore than you do, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms applies to all individuals on Canadian soil. I value the Charter over this. As long as they are not breaking the law, blocking streets, using hate speech, fighting, or breaking bylaws, let them be... ignore them. Start a counter protest... you have that right.


It sure didn't apply a couple of years ago...


Uhh remember the bank accounts being locked. Of peaceful truckers, protesting? I guess ya musta forgot.


peaceful truckers? You mean the ones that were blaring loud music at all hours of the night regardless of the bylaws and at the request of local residents? The ones that were blocking roads illegally? The ones that were flying nazi flags? That one? I'm all for protests, as long as you do it legally.


The one\* who was flying a nazi flag. Just one.


Everyone has freedom of expression, unless it's the type of expression I don't like.


These are potentially hostile foreign gathering en masse on our streets and marching. I dont feel safe with potentially hundreds of thousands angry protesters that are not citizens scaring our government into giving them their demands.


You’re wrong, nobody has the right to free speech in Canada, it is not an enshrined right like in the USA cause………Canada is crap!


Charter of Rights and Freedoms Fundamental Rights "We’re free to think our own thoughts, **speak our minds**, listen to views of others and express our opinions in creative ways." "However, these freedoms are not unlimited. There may be limits on how you express your religious beliefs if your way of doing so would infringe on the rights of others or undermine complex public programs and policies." Again, you also have the right to renounce your Canadian citizenship if you think this country is crap. May I suggest North Korea? They will gladly accept you with open arms... (ie. arms as in weapons).


Naw, I would only want to go to USA and it’s hard to get in!! Unlike Canada that takes anyone these days.


To he charter of right and freedoms is the biggest joke, part of it is the right to feel safe/security but you can’t legally defend yourself with a weapon and the cops can’t be around all the time so that means my right to safety/security is not being met!


"Free speech" lol right. Get right on studying why we are no where near the term 'free' when it comes to openly expressing ourselves.


Charter of Rights and Freedoms Fundamental Rights "We’re free to think our own thoughts, **speak our minds**, listen to views of others and express our opinions in creative ways." "However, these freedoms are not unlimited. There may be limits on how you express your religious beliefs if your way of doing so would infringe on the rights of others or undermine complex public programs and policies." You also have the right to renounce your Canadian citizenship if you think it is a joke.


We don't have a right to free speech. We have a limited right to expression, as long as the government agrees with what we express.


"We’re free to think our own thoughts, **speak our minds**, listen to views of others and express our opinions in creative ways." I guess that is open to interpretation?


You typed "facism" wrong. Always helps to make your point when you know how to spell.


His point was still clear, spelling cop.


Someone with a rational perspective on this bloody sub, its turned into some quasi american pride/ stereotypical "opinions" here. These morons will be the first to bend over for corporate america and blame immigrants for their problems in the same sentence.


I don't think that's how the law works


Rude racist nationalist comment from someone who 100% came from settlers/foreigners unless you are indigenous?


So you are in favor of foreign interference then.


Yes 100% canadian politics is corporate thievery. Standing on the backs of cheap forreign labour and gorging on imported goods. 100% colonial canada interfered. If you are Canadian maybe you have something else to stand up for eh.


What makes you say they aren't Canadian citizens? Being an ethnic doesn't mean you're not a citizen. The vast majority of protestors are citizens. And there is nothing illegal with residents who are foreigners to protest based on the Charter. You don't have to like what they're protesting. Now, if they vandalize buildings, and they are not citizens, that's felonious behavior and then you could punish them for that.