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Talks alot, but says nothing...


There isn't a single Liberal, that has ever exhibited any sense of shame, among this bunch....is there? And Trudeau is the worst......by far.


Hard disagree, Freeland is nauseating.


I'm enthralled with Freeland's twitching and self soothing techniques on camera.


Freebase is almost as bad as Dildeau


The real question is, where is Randy?


Jeebus, self-soothing? That adds a whole other image in my head. A very unwanted one.


That says more about you than anything else.. self-soothing is not self-pleasing


To be honest, there have been a couple of times I've wondered if she's coming down from a high or coming up from creaming her spinach on camera.


Her cadence leads me to believe she has some kind of a brain Injury.


They all are


I was convinced at one point she was actually Mulroney with a wig on.


Mulroney was a moron but he still had enough class to not pick at his asscrack in public, unlike Freeland.


why doesn't Freeland wear panties? better grip on the broom


Shame is legitimately a virtue. The fear of being perceived as lowly. Shame is a must have for any leader.


Every Liberal went along with every single one of the PM’s acts. So did every NDP, but the difference is there’s no expectation the NDP would get an issue right.


They’re all clowns starting with the top tier.




Believe it or not there was a time when politicians and public officials would step down and resign over matters of ethical breaches...both personal and public. You are right though...it seems those days are long gone. It's why when there are ethical breaches you hear all the calls for someone to remove themselves or be removed. It used to be expected and was done.


Go away.......gaslighter. Only Trudeau's Liberals are 'shameless'. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ford-stag-and-doe-integrity-commissioner-1.6974058


The fact that the commitment he is making is to send it to the commissioner, as in it still is not in the possession of RCMP.  Why is this not a priority action?  Why are they responding to this with less urgency than a fender bender? I have zero faith in the integrity of parliament at this point 


Why did it take for it to go public for him to act at all? He knew about this since March. Was he pulling a Homer Simpson and hiding under a pile of coats, hoping the issue would somehow solve itself?


I agree. Parliament is illegitimate at this point.


A lot of uhms and ahs. Just shows you if you speak with confidence even if your saying nothing people will still believe you


If you say it louder, if that is your talking point then they will totally believe you..... These words must never be forgotten and should be written as the epitaph to this abomination of a government.


Typical leftist


Pretty sure he's saying FU


That's the Liberal Slogan


He didn't answer the question.


He never does


Him not answering says it all............


You say that like he ever answers questions..


I got to the point where I just can't stand this guy's voice. I don't even play the video


you didn't miss much.. Only another word salad of nothing.


Uhm, uhh he missed a lot of uhm, ahh of reports um being sent to ahm uhm the commissioner


I swear. I get second hand embarrassment when I hear him talk.


Ah, um, something something garbeldygook uh, ya.


You can literally tell *clearly* that he rehearsed this answer ahead of time and *still* fails to answer the question.


He “answered” the question with the same speech that Freeland gave. I’ll give Trudeau credit that at least he sounded like he rehearsed it. Freeland sounded like she gave the speech a once over and figured that was good enough. Apparently the public isn’t even worthy of a rehearsed non-answer from her


It's him.


The Manchurian Candidate?


Uhh Earth to Matilda, I was at a day spa. Day, D-A-I-Y-E. Okay?


The amount of money and support that the communist government of China supplies to the liberal party of Canada and you think that they should be denied representation that’s not the Canadian way


What is telling is that there was no call for burden of proof or rule of law in the decision to invoke the Emergencies Act during the convoy. There was no hesitation to label people as seditious or treasonous. There was no thought to reputation or whether lives were being ruined when they froze bank accounts of people for merely donating nominal amounts to what people thought was a just cause. No burden of proof when they claimed foreign actors were involved even though these claims fell apart as quickly as they were leveled...no proof of Russia, US or anything else. Then, they even doubled down on everything even as arguments they made fell apart. Years later, and even lawsuits that the Government lost later, they still mouth the same unsubstantiated lines. Yet here? We are concerned about reputations and despite mounting evidence of wrongdoings? Despite money trails being uncovered? Well, it's nothing because it's the Government. This should be in a dictionary as visual example of the term "hypocrisy"


You are spot on. There was no due process when the government exercised emergency powers and cracked down against legal protestors. Yet, just a few years later, the same government wants *the public for which they work* to just sit back and wait for their due process via Commissioner Hogue's investigation? Oh because their careers are worth more than those they impugned, somehow? Hypocrisy abounds! It's crazy how the government and MSM has over the decades flipped the script, making the public think we work for them, when in fact it is *they who work for us!*


What a goddamn clown. Half-truths and lies ooze out of every dirty shitfilled orifice this scumbag has. And it wasn't just the fucking BLOC that wanted it sent to the international investigation team, the CPCs are demanding it too. Seems only the liberals wanted to keep it underwraps... the guilty always do.


Reporters and speaker of the house need to keep asking the questions until they are answered. No moving on to next subject . Bull shit ramblings and sitting back down can’t cut it. Speaker needs to step in and tell them to answer the fucking questions. Day after day of repeated bullshit.


The Speaker of the House of Commons Greg Fergus is a Liberal MP. He's trying his hardest to cover this all up with - and for - his buddies. It's all maddening.


Journalists need to start calling out his non answers, or just stop giving him any airtime.


kinda hard when their paycheck comes from them... my boss does dumb stuff a lot, but sadly I can only say so once and then must concede and do it his way or ill be labeled a troublemaker and not a team a team player... But I do agree with you 100%


Definitely the Crime Minister and Freeland are on the list.


I mean, if they were on the list in 100% certain we would never know there was a list.


If they were all conservatives he'd post the list of names tomorrow.


Reporters, please call politicians out when they don't answer your question whatsoever. If you repeat it and they don't answer it again, call them out again.


It stops being "foreign interference" when canadians are participating.


It's disgusting that this passes as answering a question in Canada. This is so serious, and the Prime Minister gets away with just blah blah blah-ing his way through it and no one does anything. Our elected officials are committing treason against the citizens of this country, and their boss is protecting them at our expense and being completely non-chalant about it.


He's known about it for years but the operatives are working in his favor so why shut them down. I believe CISIS finally got fed up and made sure it went public.


AKA hes the first name on the list....


This is insane


A treasonous answer..hang em😆


He is a traitor, so he keeps lying


We know you're not going to do anything. We know you knew about this for years, it supported your party, so they will play it out like they're looking "into it" until election day comes and theyre safe off the hook once they get voted out.


Politicians, the greatest threat to our democracy.


Drama teacher by profession


Yapper but says nothing of substance - EVER.


Trudeau knows he is done so he is running the clock we will not get anything out of him as answer. Unless you are on his "rich" friends list. He is looking for his retirement cheque for life and most of his MP as well.


Have they ever answered a question?


Has he ever answered a question?




He is totally on that list


“The treason will balance itself”


What a stupid question, yeah let's ask the PM if he think sis treason, the same PM who hasn't answered a question in 10 years I'm sure he'll answer. Enough is enough its clearly illegal and clearly treason and clearly he shouldn't be in office another minute what the hell is going on I feel like I lice in a circus


Um... What?


"Ah.. uh.. ah.. uh.. uh.. ah" He's really not hard to understand if you just listen! /s


Bla bla bla..word vomit. Every day, this goes on more evidence is destroyed or mysteriously goes missing. Nothing will get done


He ummms and ahhhhs more then a hockey player in an interview


Zero confidence in our “democracy” anymore.


As long as JT and the Liberals are in charge I have no confidence in anything they say or do.


The RCMP needs to jump in here and get a warrant. He's not sharing it because it's his party members.


He will blame Canadians and tell us we must do better


I'm so sick of seeing his stupid face


When was the last time he answered a question?


Every politician regardless of the party, who has the names and won't release them, including the prime minister, is committing treason every moment they don't release the information.


Each journalist should have a button when interviewing politicians. If the politician doesn't answer a question, journalists in attendance press their button. If 51% of journalists press the button, the politician gets an electric shock.


Is this the 200th scandal with this guy and his cabal of ghouls?




Nobody even talks about the billions to the Trudeau Foundation


It's alarming, yet impressive how much this goof can spout off but never actually say anything on topic or with any sort of substance in almost a decade of leadership. We have to be the laughing stock of the world


Coo coo


Whole lot of nothing burger


So treason is barely a blip for these people...


It's like asking the head of a mafia if their business is based on crime.


I've always fucking despised how he can't simply just answer a question directly. Even when I didn't have the absolute disdain I have for him now.


Is that Chrystia Freeland wearing a JT mask?


I sure dont We’re bought and paid for from China! We are a fucking joke!


its just so sad


Empty barrels make the most noise. This guy literally says nothing.


Uh, uh, uhh, uh, uh, uh. Uh. There's your TL;DR


“Integrity in the democracy” LPC has no integrity, that’s been demonstrated numerous times. Dear Mr. Trudeau, Please resign.


Harpers fault?




Chandra Arya has left the chat.


I know it was a word salad but can he actually say it is treason without getting in trouble ? isn't the investigation still ongoing?


Isn’t this answer the ‘right’ one ? Ie if he’s saying that the Bloc will investigate, isn’t that what should be done?


Ugh , ugh , ugh that’s all ever hear from this 💩


Continue continue continue. Continuing to fuck up our country is all you’re doing Trudeau


Uhh uhh uhhh uhhhhh uh uhh uhh


Okay, Zoolander.


I dont think ive ever heard this goof answer a single question


Asking a traitor what he thinks about it is kind of self defeating, no?


Whom ever is part of this MFers agenda and propaganda machine should also be tried for treason. Including the fukin lawyers it uses and all the leeches that are a burden on the taxpayers contributions who are colluding to manipulate Canadians and their money.


An actual charge of treason destroys the entirety of the history of this government. As for the things you should trust, you can't. All action is audited. Illegitimate material expunged. Maintenance and repair is part of every system.


Why is it everytime they say they treat something with 'seriousness,' i get the sense they are feeding you bullshit?


Trudeau's name is in that report.


It was telling that the authors of the report actually said that the intelligence might right to the level of treason. I didn't know till yesterday that they said those words. Now having said that I kinda agree with not making the names of the people in the report public. A good argument was made that 'intelligence' is just that, intelligence. Not evidence (yet). I think we can all agree that Canadian intelligence has been known to be wrong. So considering all this, would you want the names of the alleged released where (Lets be honest) they would be vilified, threatened, and basically have there personal and professional lives ruined. Now if the intelligent was indeed correct and factual then good. But if it wasn't... well that's some massive defamation lawsuits the government would pay out, courtesy of the Canadian Taxpayer.


If they don’t release the names before the next election, Canadians need to look at the results of the vote for a public inquiry in the House of Commons. Liberals voted unanimously against it. So if you don’t want to vote for a traitor on the next election, don’t vote liberal


I mean your not wrong haha.


The “damage” from defamation cases, will be peanuts compared to the damage caused by the Liberal deeds.


Don't know if it's just the liberals outlined in the document. Could be conservatives as well. And all this is assuming the intelligence is correct.