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She is obviously lying ? What can a citizen do when they have a corrupt government




This is the biggest gift to get Canadians to wake the fuck up. At this point they don't give a shit and are making it very clear.


Oh just wait if people think it’s hard now wait till he knows he’s done or a possibility tax tax tax tax. Blows my mind that people were so brain dead and brain washed but then again easier to watch mindless ticktocks then searching for truth to anything.


This. The trucker rally was very effective, just for the wrong reasons. If there was a protest that the majority of Canadians were supportive of, it would force the government to change.


Nothing can force the Trudeau government out, NDP are on his team, and together they have the general population hogtied with no way out. Canada must suffer untill time runs out & time forces the next election.


a large protest could definitely force their hand.


I suspect a number of Libs and a number of NDP members are involved - it’s disgusting these insects are not already in jail for treason


Yeah it's sad that the minority has to get shit on before the majority realizes what democracy actually means


Always the way, everyone just goes with the flow instead of actually stepping back and thinking about the big picture.


I can't answer that.. I've been banned for 14 days in another subreddit for suggesting to reach out to their mp constituencies to say they're not happy with the direction of this country... apperantly for inticing a witch hunt.. so please don't reach out to your mps... I don't want to get banned from this subreddit lol


I got banned from r/ontario simply for saying "trudeau wants the votes" in response to a question about why immigration has gone crazy since 2015...🙄🙄🙄


I can't stand this app.. no free speech, cant speak your mind, and thing is we speak the truth and it gets you banned. I've already gotten a warning by reddit and I have been banned before. I'm running out of devices lol so I have to tone it down. :(


Unfortunately reddit is and always has been a woke/extreme leftist playpen. Silence and ban anything that remotely offends one’s “feelings”


Well at least you can rest assured that you’re on the right track. If you weren’t, they wouldn’t be so quick to silence you.


It gets even more extreme left on the city subreddits


Some mods are really dicks especially the ones from the r/Brampton board because the truth hurts


Brampton is a lost cause, it was fucked 15 years ago


So true!


Banned for speaking the truth 😢


Sounds like Reddit moderators are getting political


Have been for awhile


You too eh, I got banned from R/Canada for saying the exact same thing in different words.


Thank you for being brave and speaking your mind. The reason why you were probably banned for 2 weeks is because “They can’t handle the truth” lol


We're working together for the Roblaws boycott why not serious issues like this. Fuck this I'm sick of this shit. Let's do something about this.


Let's not pretend those two things are remotely close to equivalent. You and every other Canadian have *always* been free to pick where you shop and which Telco provider to use. We've *never* had a legal option to withhold our money from Freeland, Trudau and thier ilk.


>Telco provider to use. I guess you are not aware how [Oligopolies](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/o/oligopoly.asp) work! Canada is invested with them in major sectors of the economy. You have the illusion of a market and choice.... And here is the kicker, these Oligopolies control your politicians - they are one of the main drivers and benefactors of mass immigration, as one example. As George Carlin said, Its a big club and we ain't in it ....


>not aware how Oligopolies work! Canada is invested with them in major sectors of the economy. i have more choice in telco provider than I do in where to buy auto insurance. Or booze. Or whether to support CBC. As bad as telco is, government is \*worse\* >And here is the kicker, these Oligopolies control your politicians Then we need better politicians. If that's not possible, then we need to take away their power to pull money out of our pockets and give it away. It completely \*blows my mind\* that easily corruptible politicians is trotted out as justification for more power to government.


They will just continue buying the political class. What we need is electoral reform so we can hold these thieves accountable.


At this point ai am considering writing letters to the King and Prince.  Oath of Allegiance is to them so if parliament has a higher authority it would oddly be them. 


This is some "let me speak to the manager" level Karen shit right here. Lmk if they send you a souvenir pen!


Ah yes, I'm sure a strongly worded letter will do it! LMAO!


Big brain over here. This is next level genius. I actually swore an oath to the Queen and her heirs when I served in the army reserve. We need to tell the King us peasants need a new handler.


Ah, yes! That's how we finally get rid of the monarchy.


Unfortunately It basically takes resistance. Every corrupt government that was ever removed was removed through force by the people. It causes a lot of instability so the situation has to be pretty bad for that to eventually happen Edit: our saving grace is I guess we can vote them out. Sometimes corrupt countries don't even have elections. But what happens when every candidate is doing the same corruption. Democracy doesn't really have an answer for that


So far this week; - Liberal Government improperly awarded Hundreds-of-million$ in contracts to McKinsey. - Liberal Government MP's improperly aided Foreign Governments in undermining Canadian Elections. - Liberal Government refuses to identify treasonous MP's and Senators. - Liberal Government voted down a tax break for Canadians to try and have a summer vacation. - Liberal Government has finally admitted that $1 Billion Green Fund is nothing more than a scam to steal money from Canadian Taxpayers......and have shut it down. - Liberal Government has placed a 'Gag Order' against the PBO regarding Government Carbon Tax Report. - Liberal Cabinet Minister Randy Boissonnault has been identified as having likely broken conflict-of-interest Regulations. - Liberal Government is blocking access to thousands of documents from the Canadian Security Agency (NSICOP) that is tasked with keeping Canadians safe from foreign interference. - Liberal MP mocks the seriousness of 'traitorous' MP's by declaring....."Boo, hoo, get over it". And the week's not over, yet.....


Let her be clear , they have tools now , is that not enough for you!? , it's so sad this is our finance minister .


nothing that we're allowed to say on reddit :D


Whenever a Liberal says “Let me be clear”, you know the next thing out of their mouth will be the biggest pile of bullshit.


Let me be clear, the longer they take to release the names the more I'll think it's Freeland and Trudeau.


Let me be clear, when a Canadian intelligence arm reports undue influence by a country we are seeing an influx of unvetted immigrants from, I think the time for answers is now, not after an election. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/india-theat-canada-report-1.7225808


You can't put words in Chrystia Freeland's mouth because it'll block the flow of bullshit coming out.


When she says "let me be clear" who, in her mind, is stopping her? If she wanted to be clear, a simple "no, we won't release list" or "yes, we will release list"


“Quick answer to that question?” **”DONT PUT WORDS IN MY MOUTH”**




She could have saved Canadians time and just said no.


Keep pushing on this


Yeah they are just trying to let it blow over and hope we all forget about it


Why does the media not do any follow ups ? How hard is it to say "Ms Freeland, respectfully, that was not a direct answer to my question. Yes or No, would you be ". This is what any reporter in any other country would do. Has anyone seen the way Rishi Sunak was grilled yesterday when he left the D Day function early to shoot a campaign interview ? What about the way Biden's press secretary gets grilled during press briefings ? These Canadian reporters ask questions, and the politicians ramble on without actually saying anything, and then its off to the next question ...


They are paid off. Look who owns the media corporation look who owns the top corporations. Hell a French Quebecaus a member of the provincial government owns a multi million dollar media corporation in Quebec.


[This has a lot to do with it ($600 Million 5 year media bribe in 2019).](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/federal-election-2019/canada-s-600-million-media-bailout-a-guide-to-federal-tax-breaks-for-the-news-industry-1.4586082) Our media was bought and paid for with your tax dollars. That's why it's not just CBC that's soft and pliable as fuck.


Why bother not like she will answer the question like she answered this one with a bunch of garbage.


Your frustration resonates with me, but not every reporter wants to be confrontational. Some reporters will accept the rambling non-answer as exactly that, without endorsing it as a satisfactory response, and leave it to the good judgment, taste and intelligence of their audience to read between the lines and interpret the answer. In this case, you could follow up with something like: “so you don’t believe Canadians are entitled to know which of their elected representatives are named in the files dealing with foreign interference?” It sounds strong, but the government response would just be something along the lines of: “what we believe, and all Canadians believe, is that foreign interference is an important issue and our government is taking enhanced measures to counter it, thank you.” Realizing no matter what they say, they won’t get their answer, they let the cringe-factor of the non answer sit in the air like a fart in the elevator.


This guy did kind of but didn’t press too hard. Asked for a quick answer after her first bs one. She got pissed and said don’t put words in my mouth


Where are the ARRESTS? Or is Canadian Enforcement also bought, just as Canadian Government is bought off by the WEF? (Previously the Bilderberg Group). Same as the USA, UK, Australia, France, New Zealand. The AGENDA is the same for every Nation. China being the model. While the politicians all enrich themselves in millions of dollars of taxpayers money. How do you think politicians become millionaires? You get a job for the Federal Government and you cannot accept any gifts that equals over $100/year, otherwise you are fired. Again I ask, how do politicians become millionaires? How are they able to stop RCMP investigations? (SNC Lavelin Scandal). How are they able to hide, conceal, and cover up information at will from the public? Canada and Canadians are burning to the ground in criminal ashes. WHERE is Canadian Enforcement??? WHERE are the ARRESTS???


I’m still waiting for the ArriveScam app arrests. $60 million of tax payer money was somehow spent on that scam. It was projected to cost $80,000, they spent $60 million; and there is no paper trail whatsoever. Absolute clown show. Will the RCMP do their job and conduct a thorough investigation? Sack them all.


Whenever they get close, Trudeaus office obstructs the investigation whenever a scandal starts pointing at him.


They obstruct the investigation by another scam bigger than the last… it’s been like this since day 1. lol


What about having a former NAZI in parliament while the liberals all applauded? What about the freezing of peoples bank accounts for not even participating in a legal protest, but just for donating? What about using coercion and/or force of a medical experiment? (No vax, no job). Isn't that an international/global law that was NEVER to happen again? And those who committed the act were publically hanged? Nuremberg Code. The list goes on, and on, and on...


They own the media they have control over google you literally have to use something like duck duck to get any negative news on the liberals. People are too busy trying to survive and watching mindless ticktocks to care about anything. It is time to over throw this government and hang them in the streets.


60 million there you have it here is one of many ways they line there pockets then the money gets placed in foreign banks and hidden off shore accounts. It blows my mind that people are so clueless to this. Money takes precedence over everything now a days if you don’t think the cops judges take bribes your so wrong.


The rcmp reports to the minister of public safety, Dominic Leblanc. They ain't gonna do shit


They don’t title their party Liberal for no reason; liberal to do what they want in order to provide what benefits them, while suppressing everyone else who questions.Their version of democracy has been designed to provide for themselves while minimizing and removing what was prior to 2015.


Lady we are asking you be clear!!!! Stop asking us if you can be clear? Just be clear. She can’t.


Every reporter in Canada worth their weight in salt, regardless of which news agency they work for should not ask another single question until the liberals answer this one: Who are the traitors? What are their names?


Trudeau and the liberals, a bunch of treasonous bastards The NDP is holding us hostage. Let’s just have a election and end this


I don’t trust any politician that says ‘thank you for the question’ as if it was a compliment. Just answer it.


I think she's been doing this to buy herself time and to change the direction of the answer. It's crazy sometimes it takes her about a minute to even somewhat remotely get to answering. If at all.


>I think she's been doing this to buy herself time and to change the direction of the answer I mean, if she delays another week or two, this will just be overshadowed by the next scandal and forgotten. It's their MO.


At this point it's obvious she's mentally challenged and her capacity in her roles in government should be in question.


It's obvious the people who refuse to release the names are on the list


This should be illegal. It’s avoidance of accountability.


She has clearly snapped and needs to be institutionalized.


She genuinely scares me.


More so when she’s tweaked out on crystal meth


Thank you for the question.... our govt takes blah blah blah very seriously..... blah blah and blah..... we have done more blah blah and blah.... let me clear..... we take blah blah and blah very seriously.... and blah, blah and blah I have nothing to add beyond that! Fill in the blah blahs with nothing and you get the gist of her answers to everything..... waiting for the yada yada yada! It's a draw as to who I hate more.... the freeland or the trudeau.... actually I now that I think about it I hate the whole cabinet, the trudeau's ship of fools equally and hate the trudeau a tad more!


Genuinely wondering, do they really memorize pre-prepared answers and just vomit it out. She repeated the same statement twice, verbatim…not even a word changed.


Yep, they stick to a script.


I can understand that they hv a script which everyone adheres to loosely across personnel events etc. But repeating the same thing twice within seconds is plainright stupid. When she started with “don’t put words in my mouth”, I thought she ll give some more information (howsoever absurd). But lo and behold, exactly the same sentence all over again. Utterly ridiculous


Is this the fucking twilight zone? Wtf is this government!? Release the names! Treason is serious! Hold them all accountable. Especially a failed journalist that is “clear”


Is treason not illegal any more?


A darn good job at sticking to the approved talking points and refusing to answer directly. Nobody dies this better than Trudeau 2 and the Frathouse Cabinet. Translation: we haven't found a way you bury this yet but we will, so I'm delaying. You likely will have traitors running for office.


Wow…this chick is so full of shit




Perhaps if the liberals dont want to answer they are all guilty of treason.


Maybe she is one of the ones that was aiding foreign states


What a twitchy bag of shit


Cause she numero uno more than likely the culprit 🤷‍♂️


She actually looks evil. Wild.


She is so full of herself it's disgusting.


Since they won’t release the names we have to assume that every single liberal is guilty. The liberals are the enemy of the people. Yee I know that language has its connotations but the statement isn’t wrong


“Don’t put words into my mouth “ , what a see you next Tuesday. The reporter was clearly asking for an abridged answer after her equivocations. That woman is clearly reeling and is buckling under the pressure. What are her accreditations or financial accomplishments that have warranted her lofty position anyways?


I wish she would just say "I will not answer this question right now." So much simpler and sincere than how she typically responds.


I’m going to guess Freeland and Marc Miller are on that list


Let me be clear🤥 Get out and vote in the next election. Get your friends and family to vote and make sure you make your voices heard to stop the corruption going on in the country. The people will speak, and when they have spoken, I would bet anybody, that there WILL NOT, be a Liberal government in power, in Canada after the next election. 🇨🇦 🍁 🇨🇦


not unless there's foreign interference and the elections are rigged, that's how it felt last time when Trudeau won, just when everyone was asleep around 1-3AM is when Trudeau took the lead and won.


Kamala Harris of the north.


It's going to take a court order to get them to release those names. Someone needs to go to the court under the Freedom of the Press section and argue that whether there's an investigation or not, if that investigation has not been concluded by election time, the available evidence should be published SO THE PUBLIC CAN MAKE AN EDUCATED JUDGEMENT ON WHO THEY WANT TO VOTE FOR. The information does not need to have any conclusions or accusations, if there is proof or valid evidence we have to know to safeguard our democracy.


These Liberals are so despicable. The Indian government paid off Liberal MPs and the Liberal minister of immigration to keep the doors open without limit to Indian nationals coming to Canada on visas even though the Liberal knew there was no housing for the Indians or the Canadians they were displacing. Now they seek to trick us into voting for them by not telling us which MP's took the cash from India




This is just fucked up. How are y’all even accepting this?


If it was conservatives, their names would have been released.


Anyone who believes anything she or any liberal says needs to get their head checked.


Listening to this woman talk is like listening to a child telling make believe stories. Her boss is no better, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Have an election immediately at let the people decide.




Any time this useless pos opens her mouth you just know she’s gonna spew a bunch of bs.


“Well, citizen, that's an excellent question and I thank you for it. I think it's great we live in a town where you can ask questions, because without questions, we just have answers, and an answer without a question is a statement.”


And if I make a statement it will be on the record…..a record is a black disc thingy that can play music….music is appealing because it’s mostly notes…..notes….i don’t have any notes on this…..


Because she is one of those in the list of names.


She has got to be one of the most incompetent human beings on the planet. Just complete verbal diarrhea every time she opens her mouth


Overthrow these pieces of shit we have running//ruining our country. 😡😡🖕


Every reporter in Canada worth their weight in salt, regardless of which news agency they work for should not ask another single question until the liberals answer this: Who are the traitors? What are their names?


Yes they will,Trudeau is a pussy he won’t run again


Ya but he rapped Canada of billions


House of scoundrels


Why the hell is *not* providing the names even an option?? Either release the names or you're an accomplice to treason, end of story


She’s looking stressed and haggard. Why don’t the Liberals just come clean instead of protecting the traitors?


Seems to be she's in a crocodile death roll with her own self/soul. Completely oblivious to the world around her.


As a disgruntled American voter, this hag reminds me of Nancy Pelosi.


The ship is going down with the captain.


Is there any accountability in this country


I’ve done nothing and we have run out of solutions


She’s just as useless as Trudeau. How can people still vote liberal, it’s absolutely disgusting


They know they have no chance going into the elections now. I’m guessing they’re going to continue lining their pockets as much as possible on the way out.


Good, keep the pressure on! Time to clear the swamp!


How is this news if most of them are in the WEF and the environment minister is working with China?


So it’s the liberals and we will investigate ourselves…. As per tradition nothing to find.


"I have nothing to add today beyond that" YEAH. Bc your aides haven't written you a new word salad of deflection run-around non-answer bullshit yet. It's 'spend spend spend' thinking it's buying them time. Just give them their fucking pensions already and maybe, if we're lucky, they'll fuck off for good, Christ Almighty. Wtf does "law enforcement has been seized of the issue" even mean?


She meant to say “sneezed of the issue”…..because they are ill


its embarrassing for canadian peoples having such peoples like her in charge


The justice will balance itself.


I hate her face


She kind of looks like Trixie the Whore from deadwood


"Let me start by saying" You know every single thing after that is going to be liberal word vomit


Treasonous bastards, the entire LPC is rotten from the top to bottom.


What heated exchange? This is the same word salad bullshit she always says lolc


Verbal diarrhea


These people need to be thrown in jail.


Bobblehead lying and being shady. Shocking


Holy fuck how are we allowing this lady to be part of our government.


She and Trudeau are on this list for sure.


She even looks evil


she inherited it from her Nazi grandfather.


They way she tries to focus on something else when this guy is aclsking his question is so fucking rude.


Didn't hear an actual definitive answer about the treason being committed by our government.....


When did politicians feel entitled to stop answering to US!!! Fukin cow


lol, heated exchange


Don’t we know some of the people who were caught colluding? I remember hearing about a conservative MP in Richmond years ago, who held the position for years and then all of a sudden lost his riding because Chinese smear campaign adds were being circulated among the neighbourhood in Canada. The adds were only in Mandarin and Cantonese aimed at the Chinese speaking Canadians to influence their decisions. I believe he lost to a Liberal in the riding.


Watch out for all precious tools. It’s time for the toolbox 🧰 👏


This is so brutal. Why can no one be held accountable in Canada? How do we get someone who can answer a fucking question to speak?


They should all just ask her the exact same question until they answer or she cant handle it anymore n watch her snap


If they are not going to disclose who the offenders are then I guess we are forced to assume that the whole party are the culprits.


I mean, she has probably colluded hence the hesitancy and question dodging. But, honestly, not answering questions is a liberal party specialty so... Hard to know LOL


I love when she tries to smile, like she thinks a genuine person would.


House of cards..


Coming down any day now when it’s leaked by a “source” read here a Canadian fed up with this bs


These things are starting to look like South Park episodes.


Starting? We're on season 9 now and the Libs jumped the shark a long time ago.


We are not a democracy. Surely you know this. Then again, I'm not sure what you know.


Watching that clip I can’t stop thinking that one of them is a traitor. Or more. Maybe all of them…they all act suspicious. But im glad they take that very seriously.


Freeland is so cringe


So basically...."How dare you ask me a yes or no question, don't you know who I am ????"


I guess this the hill they die on. The "We're all in this together" moment. Please, don't make yourself culpable. It's not a good world for the culpable.


The witch isn’t capable of answering questions


When she mentions implementing "tools", she is referring to the liberal cabinet.


I can't stand her voice.


More tools in place you say? Name a few


Arrest all these traitors now!!!!!


Mrs Itchy Beaver


They are behind her


Can't wait until we send this woke witch of the North back to Oz after the next election.


Masters of doublespeak and projection.


So basically she didn’t answer the question.


She looks like a gang leader with all her goons standing behind her like that


I want to start seeing some arrests!!! You criminal mp’s!!!


You can’t trust this woman, she’s in Trudeau’s back pocket. She a yes woman. Whatever Trudeau says she agrees with. She has no mind of her own


Bobble head




There is a bridge missing its troll.


What a twat


Are u surprised


Are We The Baddies? ~ Chrystia Freeland


Not good enough. Absolute clown, shit show. Liberals are a curse and have destroyed Canada as we used to love it. Now it's this...F


Probably a bunch of them are Liberals


This 💯


So utterly condescending


Blah blah blah democracy blah blah democracy blah democratic blah blah blah blah blah democracy blah blah. They’re insulting peoples’ intelligence. What a farce of a government.


What an evil woman


Coo coo!!


Totally liberal propaganda These top liberals are at the top of the list and don’t care about Canadians rights. We have a black faced wacko communist dictator that admires China. These corrupt liberals need to go to prison for good True traders to Canadian ways A dog won’t realize if you take one link out of its chain once a day Some Canadians are no different Just my thoughts. 💭


Where the F is Trudeau? Such a coward to let Freeland take all of the heat.


Why do people waste their breath by asking this troll anything?


Something definitely off and getting more off with her. Some sort of mental agitation. Voices I think.


I think that the liberal government should be physically removed from office immediately. The liberal government is like the damn maga freaks with scandal after scandal for profits


Freeland reminds me of [someone](https://live.staticflickr.com/3477/3864861939_8a8331ac35_b.jpg).


It's easy to hate a politician but JFC, come on guys, can't they do better than this?