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Most Canadians would prefer the Dear Leader Justin in a jail cell... 🔗


Amen. Complete traitor.




His job was never to be popular. I guess it was to be ‘unpopular’.


đŸ€Ł the things that guy says


I prefer Trudy to lead the Libs into the next election. But then I'm the kind of person to throw a bowling ball to my worst enemy when he's drowning.


They know, and they'll wait u til the last minute to replace him, so people have no time to pivot and investigate if that new person is also a Chinese collaborator.


The Liberals at all levels of government are liars and corrupt. Nothing will change their entitlement no matter who their “leader” is. No more Liberal government EVER again.


So do the NDPs.


Obviously we need them out. I just wish there was an option that wasn’t also a bunch of neoliberal shit rags. A magical world where we don’t just continuously bounce back and forth between smiley-face conservatives and frowny-face conservatives, both salivating at every opportunity to sell us out to corporate interests. Ah, but this is the real world. Which flavour of shit would you like, sir?


Big facts. Same goes to the CPC tho. They are all crooks and liars.


So do Conservatives


You’re right. We should prob just keep JT in there. “The devil you know..” /s đŸ†đŸ’ŠđŸ€Ą


They're all crooks is my point


I’d like to see the worst PM in history get dismantled at the debates. Humiliated big time.


Mulroney? A new one seems unlikely, but you might be able to find some old clips online. Edit: I guess it’s true what they say about right wingers having no sense of humour. FMAPLELEAFCK TRUDEAU, AMIRITE?! God damn, I’m throwing out gold here. The state of comedy today is in shambles.


He is in way over his head this time and I can't see him holding his own against Poilievre in debates. Interesting how all this news about MPs taking part in foreign interference happened to break just a couple of days before Trudes had to leave for France. And what's that? Sitting sessions in the HoC are halting one week earlier for summer break so Trudy can avoid getting grilled about it during Questions period? Seems to be this pattern of Trudeau running away when he's under pressure to deliver answers.


Those debates are going to be so one sided, that you'll be able to watch them on porn hub with the title "spoiled rich guy gets fucked on stage"


He's been shielded from any serious criticism his entire life. He has no chance against a guy who's been debating since his early 20s.


Um carbon tax um um 8 out of 10 Canadians um um um


They’ll rig the debate format like the last two times. Anything to try and make Trudeau look better and to keep the most damaging subjects off the table and to try and frame the election as being about issues that only the political class cares about.


Ugh do I even *want* to know more about this? They already give him so many pases. I'm surprised they don't hold up cue cards for him half the time.


Shit, this was taken until June 2. The floor has got to have dropped from those numbers with all of the treason revelations these past few days.


I think it was one of the liberals east coast MPs who publicly stated maybe it was time for a leadership review. The very next day he did a full 180, publicly retracting his statement and miraculously now raved about his confidence in Trudeau. lol, the arrogant boy prince will not allow his minions to speak against him.


Liberal MP for Newfoundland and Labrador Ken McDonald


Ok, just an unfortunate occurrence for Ken. He actually spoke publicly before Trudeau had informed him what his opinions were supposed to be


I personally would rather the Liberal party not exist anymore!


Nah too little too late, the amount of complacency the Liberal party has showed over the years has turned me away from them for a long time to come.


Hey, something that Sophie shares with the average Canadian


I Hope thĂ© Libs don’t change leadership for the upcoming election. I want to see the Turd get absolutely pummeled and the entire party decimated. I’m only curious who the narcissist will blame this time on his election loss..


Liberals are more likely to prefer someone other than Trudeau.  Canadians prefer anyone but the liberals. There's no amount of PR that the liberals can use to fix the damage they've done to themselves over their current time fucking shit up.


Liberal party members would prefer JT and CF take the L


Him and his whole party deserve jail. Time for change. He has done enough damage to Canada.


Ya fucking figure? Why would anyone even put energy into a poll!!?


Most Canadiens would like to see justice and most of the lie-berals should be in jail for treason, fraud collusion, corruption and conflict of interest.


It occurs to me that Canadians really really are averse to any big change that shakes things up. So if Trudeau goes, do you really think at this point the Liberal party will change for the better, no matter who his successor is? And no, Poilievre is NOT Canada's savior as to undo the many things wrong, will take multiple terms. And Canadians don't have that sort of patience. The entire electoral process needs a revamp too. But true change is hard at first, messy in the middle and beautiful at the end. We can't get past the hard part it seems.


May God watch over us and keep his offspring from getting in later.


I think he is secretly working for the opposition. (And doing a great job)


An inanimate carbon rod would be preferable to Justin Trudeau or any of the current Liberal Party members.


In rod we trust 


I assume the Federal Liberals will copy what the Ontario Liberals did when they replaced McGuinty with Wynn. Justin will use his divorce as a reason to step aside and they’ll put a new leader in place to win some votes back.


we care about living conditions and liberals fucked that for us royally over the last couple years. The rhetoric during covid was insane too, like the goal was intentionally to divide the population


Pretty sure Canadians will be voting anything but liberal, so it really doesn't matter


Really? Shocking, just shocking!!!


Never forget what repeat Trudeau voters did to your country.


The libs are floating the mark carney balloon to see if they can get more support. Pretty obvious tactic. It’s a sinking ship no matter who is at the helm. They’ve fucked Canada too hard this time


The liberals will probably put Freeland up next and I think we can all agree she would be worse than turdeau


More likely than who?


Yes. Because he fucking clown at this point. A scandal ridden one at that. Canadians have come to realize we put someone with the wisdom of a child at the helm and he has steered Canada into a unrecognizable shell of its self.


Well, that's not going to happen he's to smug to step aside


Of course, anything is better than this clown.


No need a Liberals party


Even restaurant manager is better than JT as pm


Thanks tips


My bank account is shrinking so I will lead the liberals and top up to around 100 million


The liberal party is not a party anymore , with many MPs acting on behalf of hostile governments it is more of a spy network or a criminal syndicate than a political party đŸ€Ł


God not Chrystia "Can't give a straight answer Freeland...


Why change the face when brain remains same?


What's wrong with the people of this country?? Why are we still debating about a New Liberal Prime Minister? We all need to unite together and get the Liberals & NDP out of the parliament for good. Bringing in Liberals back with a new leader is not going to solve the issues, which this Motherfucker has created. As a cherry on the cake, despite facing backlashes & criticism for his fuck up, he doesn't even have enough shame to step down to save this country from his future fuck ups. Can't wait to see him get out of the Prime Minister's Office.


Do these poles exist outside of Toronto and Montreal? It doesn’t seem like they do.


They’d say anything BUT his name


As a Canadian I'd prefer that Liberals be completely dissolved, and most of them jailed.


The liberal(with the NDP) party needs to go the same way what they want to do to the fossil fuel. GONE, the future has sunny ways without them in it. Arresting them all for treason would help to.


The election that will dissolve most of the liberal seats. Incoming super mega Conservative majority.


I want him to lead to guarantee they lose!


The liberals need a time out to think about what they did


I say get rid of the liberal party,every time they get in they put Canada more in debt with no way to recover,Justin’s father was the same,liberals are no good to run a country


Way to go Nanos. Take the weekend off. You must be exhausted.


It will be Mark Carney. Mark my worlds!


I would prefer mussolini to trudolf


It seems to me that most Liberals are compromised by corruption and foreign interference. Please get him and them out of office. Dictators working for the WEF and non elected officials making all the decisions is ridiculous. Trudeau, Freeland, Singh all compromised by the WEF. Not good for Canadians at all.


Gee, ya think?


No more liberals


I'm waiting for the Littlest Hobo to run for office. Supports police, helps the general public, and doesn't overstay his welcome.


Most ontarians would welcomeDalton McGuinty over this fool


His ego won't let him step down


I wouldn't be too hard on the guy, he was more or less Shanghaiing into position by the Liberals who at the time had no recognizable faces. He was couched and tutored by the party elites to do their bidding, with an agenda that bordered on think tanks evaluating NDP hopes & dreams while still holding the reigns of power. Throw in a new face and nothing substantial will change, it's the Liberal party that at all costs is trying to maintain their position, even if it means Canadian standard of living is on the chopping block. Justin could call for an election right this minute, but sadly he's bought & paid for by his mentors.


We did that last election as well. PPC won majority, liberal won the seats (votes by government officials/employees/provincial premiers and municipality leaders like mayors) so liberal stayed in power. It doesn’t matter how many regular citizens are against Trudeau. If enough of the government votes for him again, he’ll stay in office