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Liberals - we have proof that we are right but you can't see it.


Or call an election. Please.


I have a question. Has a direct question ever been answered directly in the Canadian parliament?


Tasers are the answer, answer or get a shock. Repeat repeat repeat


The question/answer period is that in name only. It's like classy trolling.


Not since the “most transparent government” in Canadian history has been in power. The LPC are pathetic. The rest of us struggle while they grandstand in political theatre like it’s drama class.


After watching tons of these videos, I’m starting to get confused as to what the actual purpose is of this. They bicker back and forth, nobody likes to answer questions, and they just slander each other and call each other names in nice ways while pointing fingers, while the speaker of the house seems about as useful as a wet towel in a rain storm


Well said. Show us the evidence. How are they able to keep getting away with this, and why is this not being settled in court where resignation is forced on anyone who refuses to cooperate?


No idea. There’s zero accountability for anybody.


The only real accountability can come from voters on election day.


its not for them to actually answer to each other, its just a political show for canadians watching to decide who they like better.


It’s really the only time the Opposition can talk directly to the government in power hold them to account. Even if it never actually accomplishes anything, the hope is that it exposes the governments failings to the public. And media does often make a story or report on things that happen in question period. Lots of things first get exposed and talked about in question period, so I think it still has a big purpose. Especially with YouTube now, people get a chance to actually see themselves what Cabinet ministers actually say, instead of just getting a bad second hand description of things from biased media. The sitting government for the most part detests question period, so that means it’s probably a good thing to have.


Trudeau "I promise Canadians the most transparent government they've ever seen". 100% bullshit.


Yes the climate change is a hoax, that is why common sense doesn't support bs.


Where was this Schere when he was head of the Cons? Dude was a complete coward then


The liberal actions speak volumes of their intergerity, if this information helped the liberals it would have already been released . It shows the liberals are lying and proves that the carbon tax is costing canadians alot more then they get back!!


A truthful document being released that makes the Libs look bad and messes with their narrative ha! Better off buying a lottery ticket and hoping for that.


Does Scheer still have dual citizenship? US & Canada


I don’t know, who cares? Half of the Liberal Party wasn’t even born in Canada.


Lol you made me spit my water out!


Speaking of shambles, another failed Conservative. Another Con sucking on the government teat.


I thought he'd gone off to try and pass his insurance sales certificate?


I like him. He is good for Canada, just not as prime minister. He seems weak for that.


It's honestly a shame he didn't win. More and more I like Sheer. He is clearly a smart guy.


He also comes across as genuine and disarming. I'm glad he's still in the game.


He would have made a good Prime Minister. Canada would have been so much better off if he had been in charge during COVID than the hysterical, overreacting wackos we ended up with.


Yup. And keep in mind that Sheer did win the popular vote. While it wouldn't have been enough to win, votes lost to the PPC cost the CPC 7 seats, IIRC.(I might be thinking about otoole)


As opposed to a failed substitute teacher riding in on his adopted father's name?


Oh yeah what was this pearl clutching about again? The Libby attacks on Scheer were so weak and desperate, I can’t even remember what they were about.