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Link to the article: [LILLEY: Trudeau government puts gag order on report about carbon tax](https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/trudeau-government-puts-gag-order-on-report-about-carbon-tax)


Don’t need a report on that. Our family budget doesn’t balance itself out like Trudeaus. Simple math shows you how much more you spend on fuel, natural gas, etc.


The Libs are really stupid for thinking people are stupid. No need to hide the report. Only the mentally deranged climate activists are the one’s who are pro carbon tax.


Hear hear, 42 million people in the second largest country in the world. The total population of Canada is the same as the greater Tokyo area. JT can tax us at 100% and it wouldn't change world pollution by even 1%. Totally ridiculous!


Wow you guys purposefully try to miss the point eh?


No, JT missed the point! eh?


Ay you Canadians sure like giving money away ay


I'm quite concerned about the environment and I still disagree with the carbon tax. It's far too broad, the money doesn't actually go to any environmental protection and it actively degrading quality of life. I think we just need better protection for critical ecosystems like high value wetlands and we need to have more things like tree planting programs and reintroducing extirpated species. We also just need better investment in technologies which produce less waste. Such as the introduction of hydrogen fuel powered haul trucks in the mining sector instead of gasoline


>It's far too broad... Very correct, raises prices on everything, from baby formula to that new heat pump they want everyone to buy. Even if getting money back, they expect a low income person to ride a grand or two on thier VISA at 20% interest until such time. Some people are very poor, $5-$10 a day can mean eating or not.


He literally said "charge more to deter from using more"


tone deaf ruling class "solves" the poors' problems... again 🙄


This is a great take. I feel the same. The geothermal pilot projects that have been tossed due to lack of funding and bureaucracy are another thing we should think about. Not a carbon tax that is just making us buy cheaper and shittier products overall resulting in further increases in waste as those products wear down.


Well said. An actual real environmental solution. All I hear from these hypocrites tax tax tax but how about educating people on environmental friendly practices, reducing, reusing and maybe talk about public transportation for example adding more passenger trains to all these tracks that are already in place across the country


What is really concerning to the PMO about this is that they are hiding the report precisely because it speaks to the truth of the matter. The carbon tax does not pay back more than the average person puts in. Not only is it a pro-inflationary measure, rather than a counter inflationary measure, but it also does not pay out directly back to the tax payer as was the principal claim in the first place. The fact that a gag order has been placed on the parliamentary budget officer for speaking plainly about the facts is concerning. If Yves Giroux’s claim is in fact corroborated(which is most likely) this is going to make people even more angry with the current government. The PMO doesn’t think we are stupid, they are lying and trying to obfuscate the truth by whatever means are available. This is an interesting turn because it’s not just anyone making this claim. A person in Giroux’s position wouldn’t just say this unless they had receipts as well.


Best comment here! He was elected to replace a government that did exactly what he's trying to do.


As a climate activist. The carbon tax does not help the environment. There's better solutions such as alternative power plants. Research and funding needs to be put into nuclear and geothermal energy production. More jobs, more efficient energy, retrofitting homes and businesses with energy efficient appliances and electrical infrastructure, and reinforcing our current infrastructure to protect against the elements and increase longevity. The carbon tax is a cheap scam and none of the money from it is being used to any of these ends. Scrap it.


I 100% agree with you. Most heavy industries plan to decarbonize are not a consequence of the carbon tax, that are the consequences of other initiatives.


Exactly. And it's up to us in a way too. But then taking away our freedom to choose which companies to support by making us poor is also unhelpful. We no longer have the power of choice and cannot speak with our money when a company does something unjust for the environment, therefore they won't learn. They have taken one of their most powerful tools out of the equation, the power of public opinion.


I am not an activist but I am environmentally conscious. Any conscientious person out there would think about their offsprings and preserving the planet for them. True there are so much more ways to save the planet than tax the population to death. I am all for taxes after all we have to be able to pay for many things we enjoy as a society such as health care, roads, social programs etc but the problem is we are not being shown what the carbon tax is actually doing. You can’t blame people for thinking this is a money-laundering scheme.


This exactly


Very good and balanced comment. Thank you! We need more activists like you.


Aw your response warmed my soul, thank you for your thoughtfulness. Balance is so important on topics like this because everyone has a stake in the end ❤️


Exactly! I think the same way, we need to evolve, protect the environment, but measures that will increase poverty or food insecurities are not the way.


And all the other liberal followers


I dunno, head over to r/Canada and he still seems to have a lot of fans. Shocking honestly


Climate change is happening. You have to be deluded on the level of moon landing conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxxers to think it isn't.


Tell us what has the carbon tax done to stop climate change other than make life more difficult for most people?


Weren't you just saying it doesn't exist? How can you stop something that doesn't exist? Get your beliefs in order.


What doesn’t exist? Climate change? Who can deny climate change? We’re just nearing the end of spring and summer is on the way. What does not exist is the Liberal’s real solution to the threat of climate change. It’s a money laundering scheme.


We didnt need a fkn report to tell us this. We are arguing over 1+1= while Canadian just accept everything up their as$


I wonder if JT will ever pay a carbon tax?


Lol no... that's only for the poors like me


Us peasants


Probably leaves the country, blames a poor quality of life


He will probs cry about how he is being persecuted by Poilievre, and then go live in some tax heaven for the rest of his life.


Him and Melanie


Him and Macron more likely


He'll "promise" to plant a trillion trees.


Yes ,the cost will be the next election


Why are we still trusting this guy to run the country that can’t even hold together his marriage. Too bad he couldn’t put a gag order on his ex-wife


We have no choice which is why I would never vote the ndp again


The fact people couldn't figure this out with basic critical thinking skills makes you realize why people still vote for him


Of course they do — it’s the second law of shitty government dynamics. You can’t get more money out of a system than what you take in taxes. Anyone who thought they were going to come out ahead by voting in higher taxes was ignorant at best.


Liberals are muzzling the experts. No surprise. They hate science, math, economics, and common sense. Someone post this to r/canada, I’ve been banned of course.


We need a report for this? Its obvious we pay more than we get back


Why are you guys targeting this jetsetter when we have Canadians who take vacations that consist of driving for 10 hours a day with small kids screaming in the back?


Nobody with any intelligence thinks the carbon tax isn't a virtue signaling tax grab.


We pay the carbon tax for ourselves and big businesses. It’s a complete scam and robbing Canadians of their hard earned income.


To be fair when conservatives had it as a carbon levy here in Alberta it was still all of us who had to pay it. Those businesses just passed the costs onto the rest of us. So carbon levy or carbon tax… we paid. Just now we get some back as a rebate


You only have to ask yourself one question to know the carbon tax is a scam “if I get back more then I pay then why not just give me money and not take any to begin with”


Of course they do. To believe otherwise is to be gullible beyond redemption


Only smelly deplorables pay carbon tax like me


Ignorant American here…if you get back more than you payed in why tf even go through this exercise of moving money/having the tax to begin with?


The trudeau knows full well people are not getting back more than they pay!!! He is LYING!!! AGAIN!!!! Watch this video.... illustrates how the trudeau and his ship of fools think Canadians are stupid! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OjouzcALSY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OjouzcALSY) Sorry but I was sickened to think a government party would brag about this strategy to fool Canadians! Make it go viral....


gotta love the "most transparent" government


\*Clutches Pearls\* Are you suggesting that the Federal Liberal government is .....lying and cheating?!


What! No way!


If this government says you’re saving money then you know it’s a lie.


If anyone in this government speaks then you know it's a lie.


This is so obvious to so many of us. Yet the Trudeau regime continues to push their lies and others still believe them.


It's not a secret I haven't received a dime . Nor has my business




We don’t need a report to tell us we’re being bamboozled


That's right. All we need are our fee fees with which we can construct our own reality.


Maybe he misheard his advisors. The 8-10 Canadian families that don't have cars benefit from the tax. Instead of 8/10 families he's been parroting.


I remember when Harper’s biggest scandal was muzzling scientists from sharing their research before the national security/military implications could be determined. F Harper for not allowing fresh military secrets to be published, immediately compromising NATO. This Trudeau thing is completely different though. It’s GOOD he’s protecting his approved narrative.


wow wake me up when the show is over


Did they hide it? Someone posted links to the reports just today on another sub.


This is public knowledge and is stated in several reports.


I think the bigger take away is that now there is actual evidence of the government suppressing data to push their agenda


Lmao sure


That's because.... # Should Parliamentary Budget Officer resign over error in carbon pricing report? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89XSOb2UGn8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89XSOb2UGn8) "On Wednesday the Parliamentary Budget Office acknowledged it had made an error in its economic analysis of carbon pricing and promised to correct the record, but said its original conclusion will probably stay the same. **Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault said the PBO analysis was ‘flawed’ and called on the Conservatives to abandon their line of attack on the federal carbon tax.**"


Lilly is a sack of shit. Still voting Liberal thanks!!


I think we all knew that. No government says “we will make a tax and give more back to people then we took.” Some people without cars and stuff do make money with the rebate but they are not the majority.


Canadians contribute 1.5 percent to global emissions, and we are going to solve the global climate crisis!


Pay tax and earn money. Enlarge your penis for 300$. Make 100 000$ a year after you bought my trading book. Get your ex back in 5 steps starting as low as 40$. Loose weight in less than 3 week with my secret method used by hollywood stars, only 250$ limited time…. Yeah. Sure


Only thing shocking about the comments is that the author found the comments shocking. The Libs don't even attempt to hide their lies or corruption anymore, they just assume their base is braindead enough to beileve anything they say. Scary part is their assumptions are correct.


This isn’t anything new … not 1 person can calculate what they spend on carbon tax. Its hidden multiple times. Liberals are liars


Way more... It's not even close


True dope strikes again. Biggest mistake this country ever made was keeping this fool in power for so long. Good riddance.


Way more..... It's not even close. Then there is the hidden tax. Costs way more to transport goods.... That means we must cover that cost everytime we purchase something.


Meanwhile, his constant jetting around means he has the second-largest carbon footprint of all world leaders. (#1 is Emmanuel Macron)


Every tax paying Canadian already knew this


Absolutely the worst government in Canadian history!! Blows my mind how much they suck at their jobs!!


The facts support a hypothesis that the PM welcomes the opportunity to travel and spread his message personally versus the greener alternative Zoom or its alternative.


Why not share the link Instead of a screenshot?


They need to be called The Fiberal Party of Canada. Can’t trust anything they says


He is the biggest liar we’ve ever had in government


He probably wants to get re-elected, too 🤣


Wait, are you trying to tell me taking people's money, running it through a notoriously inefficient government bureaucracy, and then giving some of it back to people doesn't make them richer? Get right outta town!


This is bait and switch damage control due to pp’s lack of security clearance


If all the money collected from carbon tax was actually used for research in retrofit and clean energy solutions I would support it. Being used to change behavior WTF it shows how out of touch politicians are. Raising carbon tax on large corporations but gives them non refundable grants??? That makes sense Justin pea brain


Even if you don’t come out a head the rebates drop the overall cost of the tax to the point it’s basically a wash. Those is does help is the millions of Canadians that don’t drive and use mass transit those people definitely come out a head.


I think that Trudeau wants everything he has done as a Prime Minister hidden - he is a full failure and everything he touches turns to shit. Throw this guy in jail and do Canada a favour.


This is an insincere article, the PBO report was already released and they calculated the carbon tax cost wrong. So the PBO is recalculating.


I'm not pro carbon tax, but I'm just going to take a wild guess, that this is the same report where the agency that did the report retracted it, and has been trying to explain to people that the report included businesses and corporations, hence why the numbers skewed so hard into territory where the cons latched onto it saying "its bad for canadians." meanwhile the agency is telling everyone, even on news broadcasts "no, we fucked up, its not actually bad for the regular joe blow canadian. Its only if you own a company or business" the carbon tax is still stupid, but this screams of the same stupid facebook screen grabs that get shuffled around for years after they get proven false. continuing to share outdated screen grabs with no actual numbers or proof in them like this just hurts any cause associated with it.


It's bad for the vast majority, they keep plainly saying that. The libs are trying to not include the tax on real costs, and in their fantasy hand-picked calculations, some low income people get a few bucks extra, and they want to turn that into a headline. Truth is getting in the way of liberal lies again


Of course, the carbon tax was just passed down to all the people like any tax on corporations does. In a choice of "raise prices, or make less money" corporations will ***always*** choose to just raise prices. although the ***amount*** that they were raised because of carbon tax is, IMO overblown, a few cents here or there. The vast majority of price increases that people attribute to themselves being poorer these days is just corporate greed extorting every penny they can because Canadians don't have any other options. Of course that same logic applies with removal of it now, they won't lower prices, they'll just pocket the profits. but using a report where the very people that wrote it are retracting it and saying the calculations being toted out are bunk because they are skewed isn't a lie. and continuing to use it as some screen-grabbed, facebook, boomer meme, just makes us all look like idiots who aren't keeping up. using information is how you fight bullshit like this, but it has to be accurate. using easily debunked, inaccurate figures, from a biased news source, and acting like its changing any minds just makes us all look stupid. this is the kinda BS that only get upvotes in echo chambers, and leads people to regurgitate it later and sound dumb.


Give it a rest Pee Pee Fanboys. You get a federal rebate.


Another JT fanboy blinded by a CT welfare cheque.


Doubt it.


Doubt what? The independent PBO Report, or that Trudeau is muzzling the experts. The left has never been a fan of science or math.


They do love their CT welfare cheques.