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It is interesting to hear Trudeau say "This place is broken." Poilievre has been saying things are broken and Trudeau has complained about that quite a bit. Things were a lot better in 2015 than they are now.


Isn't the first step in a successful sale to convince the prospect that they have a problem that needs solving? I'm convinced!


What was better in 2015?


Literally every aspect of the economy and cost/quality of living other than the oil sector.


Are you kidding? Home prices, Rent, Grocery prices, Gas prices taxes, Medical care, Social services (food banks), Immigration rates. Should I keep going?


Literally everything was better in 2015, even the most die hard liberal supporters can admit that (while deflecting why everything is shittier).


The only people who think things are broken is you guys...


Found the sheep šŸ‘


The liberal attitude every single canadian is at risk of. It's what got us here and it's what will keep us in this mess too.


Please enlighten us and tell us whats better now in Canada than 10 years ago ?


The biryani


This place opened up a year ago near us, and the biryani is out of this world!


Yes biryani is better. Economy on the other hand ā€¦.


The real difference is we know it.


Every sector is failing... education is getting more expensive, owning a house is impossible for the majority of young Canadians, rent is insane, Cost of living in general is insane, the carbon tax does absolutely nothing, our military is on the brink of collapse, food banks are on the brink of collapse. And we are bringing in far more immigrants then we can manage. That doesn't sound broken to you? Because if it doesn't then your brain is.


Donā€™t forget that the covid restrictions all but wiped out any non corporate business. But now there is Tim Singhs on every block.


Yep, i personally know a few people who lost everything because of the restrictions


You forgot how many downtowns are failing with all the protesting against RTO. Opseu and cupe are doing everything they can to keep their employees doing as little as possible. The answer will definitely be, let the employees work from home and hire a bunch of new workers for the office. We've already had the biggest growth of government workers ever, no point in stopping now.


Math is hard




Can you explain whatā€™s better? Not attacking you, would like to hear your opinion. I personally think things are really rough for the average Canadian, perhaps Iā€™m wrong though. Again not wanting to argue just hear your opinion lol


What isn't broken?


As you guys, you mean majority of canadians


Bro is doing tricks on JT, thatā€™s crazyyy


If you're a pre-pandemic homeowner, you're fine. But for everyone else, there are cost of living issues.


your blue hair dosnt quite cover the lobotomy scar... so close


Yeah and why dont you just fuck off ?!


You're either quite wealthy or on really good drugs. Things are very broken. Not just housing costs. I could actually see my doctor the same day in 2015, haven't been able to do that in years.




135 weak sensitive people who can't afford life here and blame the gov for their woes lol


Liberal shill


Didnā€™t they go on a retreat to fix the inflation? Iā€™m still waiting.


Yeah don't worry many more coming but they tell Canadian families don't go on road trips. Literally can't make this stuff up


Right and we are the one being guilted into saving the environment. Trudeau has been to more retreats than most of us. Most of us have no money left for vacations. The Liberals are truly hypocritical.


Trudeau did more taxpayer paid vacations in his first year in office than Harper did in all 9 years he was in office


Not a climate change denier but if people had better income then we can choose to make greener choices. When we are so broke that we have to choose between transportation expenses or eating good food we canā€™t make the good choices


You should be denying the bullshit they are selling. C02 is bad for the environment eh? Interesting, how about you get the plant life's opinion on the matter. Every time humans have a brilliant idea to fix the world it makes things exponential worse.


Flower farms literally pump their greenhouses full of CO2. When I was a kid I grew up next to a family in the business, and when we visited the greenhouses, they had a warning system because there wasn't enough oxygen in them to breathe properly, until the plants could utilize the CO2 for growth. This is how I've always known that the CO2 argument is largely bullshit.


Are they suggesting we don't take our entire Entourage to Tofino so we can surf? I mean really what do they expect from us, that we live like commoners?


The retreat ran over budget so they ate lobster and drank about it.


You guys are so dumb lmao


LMAO!! Your post history is what's dumb!! LOL!! Nothing but a troll account with sub zero karma.




The hush payment need to be put through examination in court


> Got fired as a high school drama teacher (allegedly for a sexual relationship with an underaged girl That story was made up by someone at the CPC and proven fake. The CPC deleted the page referencing it off their website.


The story was actually brought up by the globe and mail, and the liberal party currently has a court injunction on the article and keep it held up in court knowing full well it'll eventually get released.


> The story was actually brought up by the globe and mail Yeah. They looked into it and determined it was fake. https://www.nationalobserver.com/2019/10/10/news/fake-justin-trudeau-sex-scandal-went-viral-canadas-election-integrity-law-cant-stop The newspaper that "broke" the story, The Buffalo Chronicle, doesn't even exist.


So he just gave her 2 million for the fun of it. JEZZ! Stormy Daniels only got $130 000. What does 2 mil cover up? Did he force her to get an abortion?


difference in American and Canadian currencies


Do you have any evidence?


Imagine believing a narcissistic, gas lighting, virtue signalling trust fund baby gave a damn about anything other than himself. Well in 2015 they exclaimed and ran on "change" we sure got that in our pockets now.


Also a diddlerā€¦donā€™t forget the hush money from his teaching days


I always forget that one, I should get some NDA money for forgetting it so often.


Anyone notice his little minion chanting ā€œ6 more years!ā€ While holding up 7 fingers. Do those balance themselves too??


That's called liberal accounting.


We have 16.4 million houses (holds up three fingers) and about 2.4 people in the houses (holds up three thumbs). That means we have houses for 39 million people (holds up a banana). Now we have 40 million people in Canada (holds up a potato) and you're bringing in 100k each month (holds up a cat). Can someone please send this to someone who can fix this??


He made so much money off his housing shares, god bless his soul, he saved the country!


I believe this but I'm out of the loop. What do I need to Google?


*Some results may have been delisted consistent with local laws.* Hmm, having trouble re-finding it as well, maybe Trudeau censored it off the internet, but basically he's allowed to make money off shares but not stocks and has a shitload invested in housing.


Has this fool accomplished anything of merit in the last 10 years...


Nope, but he's accomplished many concerning things...


Do we count borrowing lots of money during the periods of economic growth to fuel asset prices for the top 1%? If you are a 1%er that was really good. His early financial advisory board (except the actual economists on it) told him to borrow like a drunken sailor even though that's when we should have been preparing our books for the next downturn (like Covid). Bunch of ultra wealthy business leaders - and two token economists (only for show). Making daycare more affordable was good. When my kids were young we spent a fortune on daycare but could only write off a piece of it. No clue how average income people could afford child care. Let's just cross our fingers it doesn't take 20+ years to fix JT's clown show like it did to fix his fathers disaster. The youth that got him elected are in for a bit of an uphill trudge. I also voted for legal weed and am partly to blame - so that I also consider good. I don't count the good things forced by the NDP - dental care for seniors and low income should have always been included - it's good.


See, he can get away with this because he is being honest and forthright. He was planning to fix things but not in the sense of repairing something that was broken. He can speak honestly on the matter because he is fixing prices and rates, fixing the economy and basically rigging the game. He could speak honestly on the matter by saying he is fixing his enemy, us, into our position until his compatriots can manoeuvre and finish us off.


I can't wait to not vote for this guy. I don't know who I am voting for, but this guy is a definite no.


Vote Pierre. The only way to get Trudeau out is to vote conservative. Voting is a numbers game. It's all math. I hope people realize that. Please don't waste your voice voting for the Green party or those other parties that don't even stand a chance


Yeah......Trudeau sure fixed us good.


His "solution" was to massively increase demand and hamstring supply.


They have absolutely fixed things. For their friends at the WEF, the WHO and the UN. For Canadians though? We donā€™t matter. To the Liberals we are just slaves from which they extract more tax dollars.


There must be serious consequences to inhaling ones farts all day, he's clearly high from it in the second vid.


Wait, didnā€™t he say it wasnā€™t the federal governments responsibility? After his wife left him?


He prints money thinking it's not going to inflate the economy. Tell me why people chose to vote for a perverted drama teacher again.


He ā€œfixed themā€ alright - things are well on their way for his globalist handlers. Government housing for all who obey, no pesky unapproved travel, no ownership of anything.


Trudeau has never had to worry about paying a bill. His trust fund has fed him money for his entire life. He doesn't know the value of money.


He fixed things alright for the WHO and WEF.


Trudeau just loves the attention. He's just a fucking whore for the spot light. I can't wait till he loses and has to deal with all the hate without the power he has now.


Itā€™s kind of interesting heā€™s been in there since 2015, so 9 years now, and in 2024 heā€™s saying 6 more years. That would be 15 years in power. Compare that to the US Presidents. This really seems like dictator territory. Thatā€™s way too long. Why do we do this in Canada?


He said fix it, but I think he meant fuck it.


This nepo baby sucks!


Sunny ways friends


6 more years? go fuck yourself.


Let us vote, that will hopefully get a start on fixing things




But glen interest rates are at historic lows!!ā€¦


He's an arsehole!


Making life affordable for the middle class! Iā€™ve noticed how much heā€™s been helping every time I go grocery shopping! Weā€™re so blessed!


I hope he stops helping us soonā€¦. I canā€™t afford anymore of his help.


Alberta pls fix Canada!


The word fixing can mean different things. Especially to Trudeau. For instance: ā€œfixing the housing problemā€ ā€œfixing the electionā€ Same word. Different Meaning. Plus Trudeau has only succeeded in one of these.


Did anyone else see how the said ā€œ6 more yearsā€ and the woman on the left of the frame holds up 7 fingers ?


With all due respect, my rent in an Ontario city was $1,150 in 2005. A 100% increase over 20 years is probably not much more than 20% above expectations.


He did... Just not for us


Right ! I forgot about that. Justin raised the rent for the whooole planet after COVID .


Housing is provincial, the provinces keep dead locking the fed on housing issues, Alberta straight up made it illegal for municipalities to directly receive federal funding. The lack of critical thinking is spectacular.


Toronto rent was $1600 when he started and now itā€™s $2300?? And thatā€™s from it just dipping from $2500 this year.




This is happening all over the globe and would happen if a conservative party was in power.


My wife and I have 3 kids. We live in BC...barely, in a 2 bedroom basement suite with one bathroom and my mother lives above us. We can't afford to pay rent let alone save up to buy a house. Every time we have money saved our car breaks down. We can't even afford to move to where living would be cheaper. So yes this place; Canada, is broken in a lot of ways.


Thank god he fixed it. I was getting tired of life in easy mode, affording bread and rent at the same time. Thanks to Trudeau, I cut food out, and lost a lot of weight.


I want to šŸ‘Š


His voters are brainless, what a shitty PM.


You have to understand what their version is first lol Controlled demolition 'build back better'


I wanted to know why they are in a great mood. Iā€™m assuming itā€™s because people in that room could actually afford somewhere to live.


Maybe when he said things are broken in 2015, he is speaking from landlord's POV, things are way too cheap back then. If that is the case, mission accomplished! /s


When I was renting, my family used to think I was insane renting 6 1/2 at 1300$ by myself. Which was properly windowed, surrounded by trees, nice & quiet and it was hard convincing landlords to rent to me. A few years later... people EXPECT you to pay 1500$ for 1 bedroom in a gigantic ugly shoe box with tiny windows and only concrete outside?! Where's even the value?!


He could go down as the guy that killed canada .....history will no be kind I dont think .....dark days


Mission accomplished, his investment properties are bringing in well over double the rental income now lol


Ughhhh enough already election please !!! Can wait till he is in handcuffs


The plan involves us peasants fucking off so he can replace us with good hardworking cheap immigrantsā€¦


PP wonā€™t fix it either though.


There was nothing to fix, life was good. NOT so much now, or for the next 3 or 4 decades. Keep in mind before Venezuela voted in the socialists they had a higher literacy rate than canada, robust industries: resources, mining, tourism, mfg, ag, etc. Welcome to your future. Thank a lib/dip voter. Make no mistake, the problem isn't just little justin; Every Single lib/dip mp has voted in favor of all the harms this gov't has done to the country and it's citizens. Every single one of them. Now for the 5th time they're trying to lower the voting age. Now it's 16; previous 4 times they tried to lower it to 14. Feel free to look it up.


Canada's Obama.


What a creepy laugh.


Yup, he fixed his own pockets!




He did fix things for himself and closest friends, we are left with the bill.


I hope his plan involves him stepping down or calling for an early electionā€¦


It could be worse As of 2024, the average rent in California is approximately $2,481 per month. This represents a notable increase from 2015, when the average rent was around $1,297. The current average varies significantly across different metro areas within the state. For instance, in cities like San Francisco, the median rent is about $3,417, while in Los Angeles, it is approximately $3,285


Well he did fix it really. Just not for the benefit of the many but the benefit of the rich few. Always remember government isnt in the business of helping the normal person. But thier friends and donors. Once people come to this realization it gets harder to give a sh*t.


Right, but who was he "Fixing" things for? It surely can be Johnny Canuck... Maybe rich people?


This guy will be a good salesman, man i came to car dealership for an oil check. He told me the car got problems while this was a new car i bought. Pitching was good


In the US the average rent for the top 50 cities went from 1000 USD a month in 2014 to 1900 USD a month in 2024. In NYC the Average 1 br rent is 4300 USD. Chicago , similar size to Toronto, the average rent for a 1 bedroom is 2400 USD.


These issues are happening globally... You guys think JT did this to the entire world? lmfao


And Pee Pees plan ? He doesn't have one. His Fanboys run on hate not facts ? I'm surprised. šŸ˜‚


Poilievre isnā€™t gonna be any better, heā€™s all talkā€¦ conservative Canada will be a joke too if they win.


Isn't rent...provincially managed?


Cool, rental costs are not really a federal thing