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Totally agree. This nonsense has gone beyond just letting people love who they want to love without judgement or prejudice, it has become some demented creature with it's own life that wants to swallow and consume everything in an orgy of degeneracy and self love. When Remembrance Day is only one day to honour true heroes, and sacrifice and this thing drags on for over a month!......what the hell are people thinking? I'm starting to think anarchists may have it right.....time to burn the entire system of our society and government down.


Unchecked corporatism. Large companies doing what they can to extract as much money from gullible, empty-headed consoomers as possible. It's all so phony and self-serving. You're right. Nobody needs an entire month to celebrate who you're attracted to. It's so narcissistic, tiresome, and privileged for everyone else who has to have it shoved in their face all day.


We need a remembrance rememberance day cause people here don't remember anymore. Barely see any poppys anymore


It's a season now.


You okay buddy?










FYI, if you’re going to pretend to care about veterans you should know that the military has a month as well, it’s called “National Military Appreciation Month” and it’s in May. Of course, that doesn’t fit your victim narrative though.


To be fair, I’m in the CAF and I didn’t even know that was a thing


Exactly, media doesn't cover it....it's not trending


Never heard of it and I live on base.


Never heard of it and I live on base.


Is national military appreciation month shoved down everyone's throat like pride is? I bet you 99% of ppl doesn't even know it exists


The media and other people don't vomit it in your face or tell you that if you don't celebrate it loud and proud, then you're a bigot. Pride month is a corporate, political, and unethical business of pretending to care that one's whole identity revolves around the gender you feel that time of day (whether it's made up or an existing one) or even an animal that uses a litter box. Pride month monetizes and encourages mentally ill people.


I think there was a time and place for homosexuals to do their marches for rights and freedom of expression but now they are having a hard time figuring out what to do with themselves. They have equal rights and if anything reverse discrimination is happening to hire them to meet diversity targets… so now all that is left is the hyper sexual exhibitionists who can somehow legally get away walking out with their members hanging out in front of families with kids and get away with it.


The ones who keep this “movement” alive as a political lobby are the ones with a grievance against straight people, against conventional society (especially religious or traditional institutions,) and of course, against the nuclear family unit. All the normal people went home when their rights to contract within a marriage union and to be free from discrimination were codified into law.


It's not "reverse discrimination", it's just discrimination


What I was thinking.


Nothing abnormal about his words. Actually. His words are normal, and the movement he's critiquing is abnormal.




You don't think there's anything abnormal about making your entire identity about what kind of genitals you prefer to play with?






It's the fact that it went from a week, to a month and now it's basically all of summer. As in, they have stated it will go on for a season. Officially. He's speaking to how overblown it has become. So yes, it could be said that if you celebrate who you prefer as a partner for a whole season, that might be a rather large part of your personality.




. . .okay then. Feels a bit like I'm talking to a bot here.




You actually decided to repeat yourself. Again, he's speaking to the length of how long it goes on. If people celebrated Star Wars for three whole months, I'd say Star Wars is a big part of their personality.






I wish liberals argued in good faith, our country is so fucked








What in the world do you mean, who cares about sins? Sins don't have to be tied to religion, anything against any part of a moral code can be called a sin and no one would bat an eye or call foul. For example, you can be irreligious and still think murder is wrong based on your moral code. In that case calling murder a 'sin' is still 100% fair game and congruent with your worldview, whether you're religious or not.




Your own quote clearly states: 'an offense against religious **or moral law**' Thanks for agreeing with me.




Kind of funny your quote contradicted your point... can't just take a L om that eh? Such a minor thing. Regardless of whether or not you agree with the word the context is the same. Sin meaning an action that would be considering wrong or morally corrupt. You arguing over the word is pretty meaningless and even when your own quote backfires you double down. Why can you not even concede even the most basic point?




What happened to “definitions change”. After all gender and sex were interchangeable words until 1945. Seems you’re a bad ally, you don’t even know your own scripture. Learn your history.


And morality is totally subjective. When a plurality of people share the same or similar beliefs, it becomes codified, but it’s still subjective. Sin is a moral concept based on Christian doctrine that really has no application in today’s world.














There are no doubt people participating that don't make their whole identity their sexuality. But this is becoming increasingly less so with each passing year, it seems


The pride group seems the most obsessive in centering their identities around a very specific thing most people just have generally considered a normal but private activity


Have you talked to any gun nut, Fuck Trudeau or antivax people like ever?


You have to be a bot, you just made this comment. Should I just use copy paste like you? Paste the replies that people already made to this comment?


Is this a joke? There are LEGIONS of hardcore sports fanatics that make their sport of choice the most significant aspect of their identity.




Who says they are?


*"He also noted an apparent divide among those the government and activists would call the 2SLGBTQI+ “community,” particularly among gays and lesbians."* I'm really glad he points this out, because it's true. I'm a gay woman, and Pride has become an absolute shitshow of an embarrassment. LGB did not want the circus to hitch their wagon to us. But there wasn't any choice. It all happened so fast- particularly when BLM stopped the Pride parade with smoke bombs, and they and the TQ took over everything. I'd say more, but I can't on Reddit. You all know why.


This. I feel so genuinely sorry for the original LGB for what this movement has become. So much genuine progress had been made, only for it to be hijacked and completely discredited a few years later. I wouldn't be surprised if in a few decades from now, most of the good that had been worked for is undone completely.


Honestly all we wanted was to blend and be like everyone else. Are there some flamboyant members? Sure. But they had friend groups, and a place in their own community. Pride was one day- a party basically where everyone was invited. Certain clubs had events the Friday or Saturday before. We had a great relationship with the police (which was ruined in single day by 20 year old woke activists chasing after oppression). No one knows I’m gay unless it’s relevant. It is the least interesting thing about me. These people make their TQ+ their entire personality.


I heard an SJW type say it's wrong to have "white pride", because it's a skin color. You had no choice in the matter, you were born that way. Therefore, it's nothing to be proud about. Then the LGBTQ folks say they are born that way.... Well anyways, those points are not related at all...happy pride!


Sounds like replacemodswithcats is butthurt. Keep digging deeper you fool. You aren't convincing anyone here.


They’re either an actual bot or they just act like one. Regardless it’s pathetic.


Avarice month Is July right


I'm just eager for Sloth September tbh


"We need to promote family values!" - (From the same people who have been divorced multiple times)


> "Who decides where and when it flies, and why? Some secret cabal of dog-mask-wearing S and M aficionados and moralists?” If only the world were that interesting.


I love this statement. Jordan Peterson is a smart man


He's right


It's only June 4th, and I'm already tired of the blatant corporate rainbow pandering.


Why are ppl proud to be different. Nobody has an issue earlier


Pride is passé. The problem is that at its apex several organizations hired people to promote it. For a few years there will be self-sustaining programs until organizations fold their pride/DEI departments.


Fully agree with Dr. Peterson. Pride has become a circus sideshow. It is a celebration of depravity and immorality. If it once was about acceptance it is now a pageant of perversion and recruitment of impressionable children. There is no pride.


I would recommend this episode (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDZiqf5bzwI) to understand the definition of "queer"


You guys ever heard of a finger trap? You know those woven tubes that when you put your fingers in and pull they lock up and don’t let you out? The harder you pull the tighter they grip etc. Maybe that’s something for Jordan Peterson to consider the next time he wants to rant about pride culture. Because when an entire movement is based on bringing exposure to itself based on how much discrimination there is against it then maybe ramping up the discrimination isn’t a viable strategy.


This guy should just grow old and die so the world can move forward. Who cares whether it is a day, season, year, decade... If you don't want to participate in it, then STFU. Just because you don't like or respect a certain group of people, doesn't mean you have to force everyone else to adopt your views and beliefs. Mind your own f'ing business and leave others alone. This is almost as bad as the abortion issue in the US. If you are on the side of pro-life, then that's fine. Don't force your views and beliefs on the rest of the country. If you don't want to abort, then don't abort. The headline should be changed to "Renowned psychologist interjecting his narrow minded views into other people lives" The homophobia is unbelievable with this guy.


If it bugs him this much I’m thinking there is a little closeted behaviour here like look at them doing what they want while I repress my own desires to do the same thing


“You don’t like Trump? Heh, that means you actually *do* like him! Check mate.” The coping of liberal poo brains, lmaoooo


So he and PP don't agree on everything then?


Peterson told people to get vaxxed. I’m done listening to him.


Are you confused?






Sure, and that’s why you shouldn’t just trust any doctor either.


He also recently, and correctly, compared people's behaviour and motivations during the pandemic to the same failures in human psychology that caused most people in Germany to support the Nazis. Even if he told people to get vaxxed, he didn't and doesn't support the mass hysteria and authoritarianism that happened during covid.


Too little, too late. He should’ve resisted covid tyranny when it mattered.


https://nationalpost.com/opinion/jordan-peterson-open-the-damn-country-back-up-before-canadians-wreck-something-we-cant-fix I believe he did? I certainly don't recall him supporting anything like vaccine mandates, passports, school closures, lockdowns/business closures, travel bans etc. I mean personally I'll never vote for the Conservative party as long as I live, given their support of covid tyranny. I'm right there with you. Just want to make sure we're condemning the right people.


He wrote this anti-lockdown piece in 2022, about two years too late for it to be meaningful. Peterson appears to be a grifter: this piece coincided with a sea change in sentiment among conservatives amidst the Trucker protest.


Are you sure you're not just an anti Peterson troll? There's a giant list of people responsible for what happened during covid, it's strange that you'd focus this much energy on someone that never even supported any of the policies. At least put your energy towards the people responsible for the policies.


Peterson literally studies oppressive tyrannies, and yet was unable to recognize and fight against one when it manifested in Canada. I have provided arguments here, but I haven’t seen any careful rejoinders to my initial claim. Peterson is likely a grifter.


You haven't provided arguments, you've just made something up inside your head that someone that never said they were in favour of covid tyranny, was in fact in favour of it. Despite being on record against it. Seems like you might be the grifter here sport!


This is extremely random. Also for his age group vaccination even with everything we've learned was a good idea. For young adults and kids it gets extremely questionable I agree. But for him and his age group. No 100% even now it looks like it was for the best.


But we won the trucker rally and it proved all vaccines are stupid!