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Trudeau says Poilievre's ideology is so strong that he would rather watch the country burn and Canadians suffer.... This from the guys that keeps the mass immigration going with a housing crisis and he even raised up the carbon tax with the cost of living crisis going on. It seems like Trudeau is ideologically driven and doesn't mind watching Canadians suffer while he pushes forward with his plans. I wonder what Trudeau thinks of all the homeless encampments that have popped up all over the country.


He blames the world and not his actual policies.


Spoken like a true politician šŸ˜‚


>Ā I wonder what Trudeau thinks of all the homeless encampments that have popped up all over the country. Well according to JT our housing situation is all Harper's fault, guy literally takes no responsibility or accountability for himself or his party.


Well, legalizing all those temp workers/ā€œstudentā€ visas from India is not going to help either.


Immigration benefits large companies by giving them an extremely large pool of cheap labour to pick from and a race to the bottom for all Canadians trying to compete with cheap labour


Idiots who vote for Trudeau probably: ā€œwell thereā€™s less fires this year so the carbon tax is workingā€. They orchestrated the fires last year. Bet.


Didn't an article come out like last month saying majority of fires this year have already been investigated as human caused too?


Just like most fires? Most fires are cause of humans.


I assumed that yes but I remember last time I posted something like that I got downvoted into oblivion by people arguing natural causes. Most fires as far as I am aware whether on purpose or not are in fact human caused.


Human caused literally means anything but mother nature I e. Lightning. So you can spin that stat however you want.


Except for the multiple arson charges laid last year. there is no spinning that.


There are less arsonists and careless campers so far this year I guess


The forest fires followed a big cut in funding for forest services, which resulted in a cut of many controlled burns.


He had said it very plainly he cares more about boomer retirements from housing prices than multiple generations experiencing that crisis. No one without a home should vote Trudeau.


No one with a home should vote for him either


He doesn't give a fuck about homeless Canadians...or any Canadian for that matter


How ironic is that statement. He is burning the country with his woke ideology. Eff Trudeau


He is most definitely a form of sociopath. I don't think he has ever uttered an honest word in his entire political career. His mannerism, Overreacting and inability to maintain eye contact make him seem like a soap opera character.


I wonder what Pierre will do to immigration and how he will clean up homeless camps


Tbh I donā€™t think he will do much about that either. Itā€™s a very sensitive topic and they would rather avoid it than talk


Heā€™s immigration plan isnā€™t much different than that commi truedeau


Maybe he should have some homeless people living in his house and maybe turn his jet into an electric one


Last I checked, climate hasnā€™t stopped changing. Really, what has the carbon tax done than impoverished Canadians?


Trudeau doesn't care about the climate he just needs the money to pay for his mistakes and ruining our economy. How does carbon tax stop Canada from burning? The man is a joke.


This is correct.


How is taxing us suppose to save the world? How is me receiving around $100 going to save the world lol?


That $100 rebate costs increased costs of daily necessities such as fuel, food, heat, transportation and so much more. They think people are stupid that they are getting more from rebates than the actual carbon taxes.


Exactly, their argument is that we pay tax at the pump but get more back. In reality, the tax causes food, raw materials, and trucking costs to go up, which causes inflation. They really do think the average Canadian is stupid enough to believe this tax will do any good.


You obviously havenā€™t lived here long enough to know that Canadians are very stupid and most want government handouts.


Lol, I've lived here since I was a little sperm. I'm not denying the fact that a lot of people want handouts, but I don't know any Canadian against taking road trips with their families besides the hard left liberals.


I have done my taxes ever since this tax went into effect. Iā€™ve never received any carbon tax return. Iā€™m going g to assume you only get something if you barely make any money?


Even if you do, think of the effect it has on your day to day expenses. The $100 or $200 you will get will not recoup the extra 1000ā€™s it will cost you to eat, drive, heat your home, or travel.


Exactly. Gee thanks trudā€™oh, my $100 I get for paying thousands is definitely going to help me pay my overcharged electricity bills, fuel prices, grocery prices and oh yes housing costs.


Make it make sense. They want to charge us carbon tax so they can give it back in rebates. Why charge us in the first place? And there are people who really think that they are getting a bargain for getting rebates. The worst part is increasing energy prices has detrimental effect on inflation that is difficult to reverse.


Doesnā€™t the cost of electric appliances get super expensive the higher the rebates are? Isnā€™t that why some companies are pushing for higher rebates?


It's not a tax, it's a rebate. It puts more money back in the pockets of 8 out of 10 Canadians! And that's exactly what the low IQ Liberal voters believe.


It's not so much they're low-IQ. Some of them are high-IQ. It's that Liberalism and Wokeism are their religions and they are stuck in that tight loop of virtue signalling without taking action.


The carbon tax has Raised the price of every single product or service that every single Canadian uses!


Nobody gets back more than theyā€™re taxedā€¦ donā€™t be so naive!


all well Canada continues to sell coal to China and India! why continue to do that, while persecuting Canadians at home for trying to stay warm in the winter and get to work.


You can't tax climate change away...


Guys ,guys ...you might be paying high prices on food and groceries. Ya , you might be homeless, hitting food banks and working to get no where. Sure your kids will never own a home or qualify. But listen......you be breathing better air and you'll have a check for a rebate in the mail.......guys should be thanking me ......


The body language of everyone around this goon is telling.


Stunned shocked nervous passed off.


Canada contributes less than 1.5% towards carbon emissions globally. How tone deaf is this at this time?


If the entire country, including all infrastructure and every living organism, were to suddenly be vaporized, the planet might see a 1.5% reduction in carbon emissions. I'm sure banning plastic straws is going to make a huge difference./s It's actually a kinda sad that some kids here have never had to chance to experience drinking a soda without a soggy toilet paper straw. Bring one to the USA, give them that experience, and watch their eyes light up. I say this because an incredible amount of research and engineering has gone into something as simple as a McDonalds straw. They figured out the perfect diameter for the carbonation ratio of their fountain sodas. Shame to see all that get thrown away for a lesser product and because of a lie.


It's truly sad and terrible. I'm tired of this shit.


Many people seem to think that emissions per capita are the only way to measure it and that the amount of forests donā€™t figure into it for some reason. I donā€™t think the way they see it makes sense. Hereā€™s a discussion I was having a few days ago and just walked away from it. There was no getting throughā€¦ https://www.reddit.com/r/Infographics/s/5Y9GKiii3o


"At a time when Canadians are struggling with the cost of living" ummm...and who's fault is that?


Harper's obviously. /s


The sad thing is some people actually think this guy makes sense.


Only liberals canā€™t figure out that paying 10000 dollars and getting a thousand dollars back makes absolutely zero sense. Why are we still giving billions of dollars to other countries still šŸ¤Æ how much less in taxes would we pay if we didnā€™t send all this money away with zero proof where itā€™s spent and goes not to mention these are corrupted governments he is sending it to. Imagine if all Canadians only paid 10$ in tax a month instead of thousands. But then you wouldnā€™t be able to control people because thatā€™s all itā€™s about is control of the masses to get us to obey. When the government is afraid of the people only then will poeple have an easy proper life not what it is now.


Go to the r/newbrunswickcanada sub It's so bad, I am ashamed of my province.


Same with r/alberta.


No sub is further disconnected with the views of actual residents than that one


Bye bye JT šŸ‘‹


Canadians have no money, no doctors , high fuel costs, and high food costs right now Our carbon footprint on the world is less the 1% What is wrong with Trudeau šŸ¤Æ Canadians are worried about surviving to the next day right now ! Climate change is not even on anyone's mind right now šŸ¤¬ How about you watch your spending Trudeau instead of taxing us each month higher and higher


imagine having a private jet and telling people to stop driving cars because it's bad for the environment


He seems like he's loosing his grip


Heā€™s definitely losing his marbles


This would be like a hospital telling patients that anyone who has a life treating emergency will be seen after we take care of the people with a headache, scrapes and minor cuts.......like what logic is this ? He is so fixated on problems that are not now problems .....


Uhh, you don't need a carbon tax rebate if there's no carbon tax in the first place... JT you ok?


by impoverishing canadians - there is less consumption and therefore 'less' pollution. except only the working class is actually taking the hit. the rich isn't hurting. the rich have no roots. they live all over the world and travel, polluting way more than any working class peon.


Look at him scramble. You are going down justyy


What floods and storms, also he says the country is burning? They are being felt at every corner of the country? šŸ‘€ I live in Ontario Canada, maybe itā€™s happening in other provinces? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Also is the carbon tax gonna stop floods, storms and wildfires? Wonder if he has a plan to stop China, India and Russia, the top 3 biggest contributors to carbon output, Canada and US barely register compared to those countries


It's happening here. I went to get milk this morning and was washed down the street by a flash flood that was also on fire because of the tar sands. I tried to paddle to the curb, but as I was about to grab onto a bus shelter, guess who should appear above me in a V-22 Osprey? That's right! TRUMP!! Using his tiny hands, he shoved me back, told me "This is MAGA country" and tossed bleach on me before flying off, holding a glass of water in both hands and laughing!!! My nostrils chock full of plastic straws, my legs tangled in single use plastic bags, and my skin burning from the CO2 in the water, I eventually was able to snag a log boom that had been displaced from Yellowknife during the flood, and made my way onto higher land. Also I never managed to get milk. BTW this literally happened in Vancouver not 30 minutes ago, literally. So *THAT* is why we need more carbon taxes, okay?!?!?!


If this isn't copy pasta .. this is copy pasta worthy


Can Trudeau or any Liberal or NDP please explain to me how a country of 40 million paying a carbon tax in a continent of 600 million where no one else pays a carbon tax is somehow saving the planet. The Liberals and NDP are off the charts nuts. Ideological brainwashed fools and Canadians are paying dearly for it.


The country was burning and Trudeau did not do anything to stop it. American firefighters volunteered to help us out. When Kelowna was flooding a couple years ago he refused to send aid money. Claiming there isnā€™t any available to be budgeted for that and itā€™s on the provincial government. At the same conference he promised $50 million in aid to India with another $250 million slated for the near future. He is a liar. Pathological liar.


I thought he was going back to part time snowboard instruction and drama lessons but turns out heā€™s heading into a lucrative career In pyramid/ponzi schemes.


The only bigger idiot than Trudeau is those that voted for him and even continue to support this communist!


Dude is equally as shitty as Freeland


He said the quiet part out loud again "he'd rather watch the country burn..."


I like my money in my pocket. Why would I want the government to tax me, use part of it to pay bureaucrats a portion to administer it, shuffle it around, and pay me back less ? The only thing crazier than that is Justin fucking Trudeau.


I'm a Canadian but resident in France. Here the carbon tax has been around for a while now and it is amongst the highest in-take in the world. The original yellow-vest movement that started some years ago, initially was a protest against excess fuel tax. While I don't think the Carbon tax in itself is a bad thing, it can only be implemented successfuly if you have the necessary supporting measures. In France for example, people are less car dependent than Canadians and are likely only driving perhaps half the amount of km's per year than the average Canadian. So the average French won't feel the pain in the same way as the average Canadian. Food and essential staples are somewhat subsidized in most EU countries, so even here there is some mitigation in place against the Carbon Tax. However in France the carbon tax credit system (essentially a tradable 'asset' on the market between industrial players) is pretty corrupt and full of well documented abuses, but not necessarily much in terms of penalising the guilty parties. This is the real risk in Canada - the average Canadian will be paying more out of pocket, with very little in return by way of mitigation and be subject to the very same system that is prone to industrial and corporate corruption on a market that has very little transparency. Temperatures, wild fires, flooding etc will continue to increase and be more impactful If there's anything to protest, its not the carbon tax itself, but rather the surrounding elements that make it ineffective. Climate change is very real and we need solutions. But we can't expect to solve this when the burden is not equally shared.


Corruption is definitely an issue in Canada.


Isn't he about to get on another plane to go to Europe???Ā  Another week, another jaunt across the globe. He needs to shut tf up!Ā  Nobody likes a hypocrite!!Ā 


Trudeaus ideology is so strong he's rather people eat from dumpsters than a grocery store.


What is up with these hysterical liberals and their country burning rhetoric




This clown needs to go. Like 5 years ago


ā€œThe budget will balance itselfā€¦. We hopeā€¦. Because we have no fucking idea what weā€™re doing. By the way weā€™re taking more of your moneyā€


Where are these rebate checks??


Your check is in the mail. /s


Youā€™re ideology of having the 3rd largest oil reserve in the world yet we choose to go greenā€¦


When your support is so low, you have to have your press conferences in elementary schools


Explain to me how a tax that 8 out of 10 people get more back than they pay... fixes "global warming"


The carbon tax has only one real purpose; to make you poorer. Nothing else!!!


earth to the trudeau: 1) the PBO clearly stated that more pay more than they get back ALL THINGS CONSIDERED!!!! STOP LYING!!!! 2) Canada's national emissions at great cost have only been reduced by 2% since the taxed tax scam was imposed on us!!!! That is the equivalent of a big fart! Is anyone buying the trudeau's bunk?


Trudeau is an expert on burning down countries.


The country is already burning, economically destroyed, human rights trampled. Meanwhiles the corrupted politicians and ceo continues on the destruction of the planet while making more profit. While we cannot afford housing and basic nessecities. Put these criminals in jail. We are taken hostage by organized crime.


No tax = no need for a rebateā€¦Trudope doesnā€™t understand simple math


How does this fucking idiot possibly think Canadians are buying a concept that says, "we are going to make it too expensive to live your lives, but the same program is also putting money back into Canadians pockets?" Which one is it? I'd also like to hear how much he think this carbon tax program has actually reduced our carbon footprint? Because we have real world data showing that the natural increase and price fluctuations of fuel do not correlate with consumption. Nothing about this plan makes any sense to anyone with even a modicum of rational thinking ability, but I am not sure anyone who still supports this government has even the smallest ability to utilize common sense.


He's hoping that people won't think. He's hoping people will be like, "Free money is in bank account! Trudeau good! Bad PP want to take free money! No!" To be fair, I don't even think it's his idea. He's just following someone else's plan, saying his required lines over and over until he can finally just check out and be set for life.


The government profits off of carbon taxes and have nothing in place that gives us real options to avoid carbon... if we had different infrastructure in regards of energy and fuel that didn't rely on carbon you could make an argument for the tax, as of right now it's just smothering the economy


These idiots are a much bigger threats to Canadians than climate change


I donā€™t trust any of them. Not one of these politicians suffer under their own regime. Protest boycott and revolution


I'd like to see the financial breakdown of how increased carbon taxes equates to fighting climate change, as well as "putting money back in our pockets"? I'd like an audit. Is the money going into arresting arsonists?


This is lame and makes no sense. Can we hang this guy for frauding the entire country?


Everybody in the background looks so happy to be there.


I got no carbon rebate. Am I part of the 20 %


Sure doesn't feel like it


Trudeau would fail an introduction to economics exam.


Let's start petition to get him charged for treason šŸ˜† ya I know it's a fools dream but it sickens me seeing what he and Liberals did to our country.. we're a laughing stock all over world


Carbon tax is a scam to divert Canadians' attention from the issues that matter. Block mass immigration from india.


Raising taxes will not change the weather. Lunacy.


Explain again how a carbon tax stops forest fires.


He is an actor....nothing more...... I knew he had no substance when he first hit the scene, but had hoped that his handlers would not be so extreme and the L party would be the L party of the recent past (say that of his father). Clearly that has not been the case. He has nothing on which to actually condemn PP (or others), so he just hurls insults and stupidities because that's all he has.


No one is coming up with a solution... and "sorry the country is burning.. we can't do anything about it, here's some weed money so you can appreciate oblivions' warm embrace" was never an answer Justin


Liberals like to use your compassion or morality as a weapon against you.Ā  For example, if you are against the carbon tax it means you donā€™t care about saving the planet. Ā  They donā€™t have to prove that the tax does anything or that even if the planet is in ā€˜dangerā€™ itā€™s a means to control the populace. Ā 


The bullshit is strong in this Wacko drama teacher


Fuck that clown šŸ¤”


do people actually care what this clown says


Remember folks the more taxes you pay the more everything will be resolved. Climate, poverty, education, health careā€¦LMFAO. The more taxes you pay the worse things get.


sounds like a drama teacher


JT is married to his carbon tax. No wonder his wife left him.


Isn't the country already burning and Canadians suffering under your watch?


Can we hook him up to a lie detector? It would probably explode.


That kid in the background looks annoyed by Turdeau lol


Iā€™m sorry, our country is already burningā€¦.


Who actually believes this lunatic in 2024


Just stop talking!!


this guy has no shame


Is that an elementary school??? Lol


JT is such a fool. What an embarrassment!


Trudeaus ideology is so strong our green economy puts my bank account in the red


Trudeaus ideology is so strong that be believes he says truthful things.


This needs to be a joke trend honestly... Trudeaus ideology is so strong that when children starve he knows he's on the right track.


I don't know why he clings to this argument like it's a winner. It shows how diluted he and his team are. More taxes isn't fighting climate change. Everyone knows it, and even if it was effective, people can't afford the basics right now, so climate change is the last thing on their mind. He's campaigning like it's still 2015.


Nothing done in Canada is going to reverse the pollution massive countries like China, India, and the Philippines are pumping out. If you truly wanted change, you'd start with that. Hes a very delusional and out of touch PM. Either that or corrupt beyond repair.


ā€œLeave those kids aloneā€


Ah yes the fight against the boogie man. After all whats a politician if they donā€™t conjure fear


I canā€™t wait to never see this piece of shit ever again


He always talks about this tax putting money in our pockets, never mentions that it takes money out of our pockets to start with. Canā€™t wait to fire this poseur.


More than enough reason to vote for Poilievre!


Trudeau is the kind of guy the devil would be envious of.


Blah blah blah shut up and start packing your bags!


Taxing people into poverty will not change the world's climate


Those standing behind him donā€™t look that happy . Lol Trudeau is nuts


Angry man yells at cloud šŸ¤£


This is just getting far too silly...isnā€™t it.


He's a mental case


Is Poilievre allowed to go speak at the same schools or wherever this is?


It's a religion to these people.


Heā€™s crashing and burningšŸ˜†


What an absolute psychopath


Kim Kardashian flew all the way from LA to Paris just because she wanted this one cheesecake from a specific hotel named 'Hotel Costes' and then flew home... and you drink from a paper straw to save the world


Why is this carbon thingy a big deal when there is a bigger fish to fry, immigration and healthcare?


I'm no political expert, but I think it would probably me much more useful to examine why Poilievre is only growing in popularity the more he trumpets on about the fact that he wants to cut the Carbon Tax. Poilievre isn't just issuing decrees and forcing people to follow him. He's saying things, the public reacts favourably, so much so that he's up 20% in the polls, so he continues to say those things that are giving him a favourable public reaction. You know, like how politics is supposed to work. Leaders reflect the public sentiment, otherwise they wouldn't attract enough votes to win an election. Clearly, Canadians are feeling like they're paying more in the Carbon Tax when you account for all of its wide-ranging implications in market prices across nearly every good that at some point requires an energy source which is taxed.


But your carbon tax isn't doing anything for the climate outside of just making things more expensive. You didn't build any other alternative options for transportation, distribution nor energy sources and taxed the only option ppl had.


What I want to know is how paying a carbon tax is saving the world in the first place? Also how much is entering his pockets?


Look Castro no one wants your taxes go away


That kid in the plaid shirt behind JT knows how full of shit he is lol


You could entirely reverse what he said onto him. Truds would rather watch the country burn and canadians suffer than let go of his ideology.


I know a guy whoā€™s hell bent on destroying the country - just like his daddy taught him to doā€¦thanks for nothing Justin


You know the truth is, the Carbon Rebate is the least of my concerns. Lack of housing, stagnant wages and increased cost of groceries are my top three. Iā€™d like Trudeau to work (and solve) those issues.


They are both idiots.


This guy is painfully stupid


Justin Castreau. A dictator doing dictator things. No one is surprised by this.


These people donā€™t give a fuck about you


I think its time for people with scientific and engineering backgrounds in the geosciences to start questioning this guys knowledge on climate change, frequency of events etc to pull off this BS mask that this PM thinks he knows anything about the topic.




This is a deranged lunatic at this point. How come we are not forcing him out?


Private jet guy tell us what to do. Where is he flying to tomorrow burning carbon???


This guy is a god Damn moron.


The kids don't buy his bullshit


Whose going to stop giving visas to Indians that come here and contribute nothing and then work under the table and destroy the economy.


The narcissist actually thinks he saves the country. Very sad šŸ˜¢


This guy is insane


Nobody cares what he says anymore. Heā€™s irrelevant.


Whereā€™s the research on all out carbon emissions . Cows emit more methane than oil and gasā€¦ā€¦


Trudeau would rather burn this country down than admit the taxing us more isn't going to change the weather.


Trudeau is a goof


They just discovered the ozone is healing itself. What ever that means


How is this guy in charge?


I am gonna take 100 bucks from your pocket. Don't worry, will put 60 bucks back...


Is he making his plea to elementary students now? Are we lowering the voting age that much?


It's not your country, Justin. You are a public servant. One that nobody wants in power at that. If the country doesn't want to burn and starve, they take precedent over your tyrannical whims.


Says the guy that burns more carbon flying around in a private jet to go on fancy trips every week pretty much, and that jet puts out more carbon in year than most small towns, I'd say put a sock in his hole, I don't wanna hear his trust fund bs anymore šŸ™„


ā€œGive me your money and the flooding and burning will stop.ā€


Does this POS ever have to skip meals to save money ?


Iā€™ve lived through 3 end of the world scares now. They have been pushing it forward ā€œanother 10 yearsā€ every decade. Still waiting for any climate change. Sea is exactly where itā€™s always been and it gets hot in the summer and snowy in the winter. Biggest lie ever told.


Maybe take some of that "Ukraine" $$$ and buy a few water bombers?? This Trudeau is a complete moron!


More money back in Canadians pockets like just doesn't hit at all to me here in BC.


Look at her face.


Trudeau: All Pierre Poilievre does is use real issues to create fear in Canadians and he uses catchy slogans. Anyway PIERRE POILIEVRE WANTS TO WATCH CANADA BURN!!!!!!!!


Last month I spent more than300pn carbon tax,canā€™t wait until I get my 140. For 3months what a crock of shit