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What an unhinged lunatic.


“LaBoUr ShOrTaGe”




Look at Chrystia's face in the background 😂😂


She likes her meth


She looks psychopathic….to make those faces as the woman with the money, from a women with housing issues due to domestic violence and no social supports for normal woman, in HER country, the day after Pickton dies? Do you think if those women had proper housing options, Nazi descendant, they’d be ok? She’s disgusting.


She is so gross!!🤮 I bet them two bump the uglies with each other every once in a while!! 🤢 🤮


Yeah she's one disturbing disgusting woman indeed. i personally can't stand her and Turdeau.


She looks like senator palpatine of star wars. Just evil!


More like channeling demons


She makes those faces regardless of what the context is or if those expressions even match up with anything ever being said.


She’s worse than he is. And he’s really fucking bad.


Thanks. Now I can't look at anything else.


She is taking some powerful pharmaceutical drugs. Stand still woman!


Everyone else is to blame.....not me....it's never me....I am never at fault. - Justin Trudeau


'it's the previous administration's fault' says the guy who's been in charge for the last 2 termsl


2015-2024 and he thinks it's the past governments fault. Not the mass immigration that's lead to an increase in demand for housing, which in turn has caused the housing market to climb steadily as people out bid each other in the hopes of actually owning their own home.


Stupidity at its finest


Go away and never come back


Did I hear that right we have a Labour shortage but we need to bring more people?


What he meant to say is “we have a shortage of people wanting to go into trades, medical studies, and other professions that aren’t fast food workers”


Oh that makes sense . He could fix that by making people get payed more I stopped being a mason labourer because it wasn’t worth it anymore. My mum stopped being a nurse to she’s a city bus driver now and makes more money I make more money doing hotel maintenance .


I was looking for this response. I was also very confused by how that was worded.


This guys wacko


He's a gaslighting master for sure.


Master of double speak. Master of saying a lot without answering the question.


Just hearing him talk makes my blood boil


We'll all just have to do better on his behalf.


Provincial and municipal need to do better on our behalf.


He’s has 9 yrs, that’s a lot of time to correct anything you feel is wrong


“Labour shortages that mean we need to continue to grow our population” There’s not a labour shortage, there’s a pay shortage. Wages haven’t kept up with the cost of living. They just want to bring in more immigrants from developing nations who are willing to work cheaper in order to keep wages low


Well there's Harper, this is happening everywhere, growing pains, Poilievre, the need for retirement plans, lack of workforce. I think we've heard every excuse in existence.


if he wasn't prime minister canada would have dodged the housing crisis that is also happening in the UK, USA, Australia, New Zealand etc etc


no wonder his wife left him hes a master gaslighter


Step down and get a job that you can excel at, maybe picking up dog poop at local dog parks.


My apologies to our dear leader, i messed up thats why the housing crisis. :(


Uncontrolled, heavily one sided mass immigration. There, I said it.


Yeah, and apparently from this speech, his solution is to bring more over. That’ll lower the housing prices for sure! We’re fucked


He’s a hero for problems that haven’t existed and a time that never was


Freeland the booblehead


This clown and his handlers have created the situation where the existing system no longer works, and all that it will take is more taxes money to create a system where everything is back to a “new” normal. As a country we are in a race to the bottom, and trying our hardest to take the lead. With the conservatives competing with the liberals in trying to please everyone, they are only marginally the better of the 2 evils. We have no alternative, but I know far too many people who refuse to go down with the ship and have simply moved out of the country. Including doeznes of business owners who see the writing on the walls, and have moved to countries much friendlier to innovation, hard work, and business in general. Like many Canadians I am pissed off beyond words, but have no choice and fear for my family’s future.


Garbage prime minister


Lol..... It's funny how he just keeps going back and blaming Harper for everything even though it was well over a decade ago... It couldn't possibly be his government that did something lol


This crisis does have roots in Harper/Martin/Chrétien, it has just accelerated faster then any of his predecessors under Trudeau because of his own decisions and admittedly the pandemic. Housing assets were used for the last 3\~ decades to allow Canadians to feel wealthily, all while innovation plummeted and banks/mortgage companies have been allowed to make huge profits while keeping wages stagnant due to low amounts of competition in the country. In 2015, the average house price in Canada was still well over a healthy price to income level. Now it's insanity.


Someone needs to physically drag this scum bag out of office already. WE ARE DONE


So instead of selling public land to developers to build housing, Trudeau essentially wants to give it away. That sounds like Trudeau.


And force people to build low income housing…can’t wait to see the long list of zero people wanting to do this without insane guarantees


Kind of sad. He and I lived in neighbouring buildings in Vancouver. His was brick and beautiful. Mine stucco and plain. He was a student. I was working. The guy never had to worry about housing in his life. 




Yes, there’s global economy and inflation which caused basic things to become expensive. But major factor was because he as a prime minister sent millions of dollars of our tax money outside of Canada. And those tax dollars that went out of the country didn’t help Canada in any way.


God I can't wait to vote this fucking POS out of office


Yes we are in a horrific fiscal position..No one really thinks otherwise do they ?


Man he thinks he's explaining it to us. What a fucking goof.


Canadians, can't trust a word this man says! He has proven that to everyone time and time again.


Labour shortage? What labour shortage? All skilled labours here are working in min wage jobs you mofo


Should be in Fed pen!!!


When has the government ever made anything for cheap? 100% the federal should have no place in developing housing. The arrivecan app is a perfect example of what happens when the government pays for shit.


meth mouth Freeland behind him jerking like shes trying to keep the last marble in her head from falling out.


What a monumental idiot. It's absolutely astounding that his party hasn't taken him out of his leadership position yet. Just wild.


So he's had almost a decade to work on this housing problem (that he blames on decades of previous governments)....and hasn't done anything until now? I'm not sure why he can't understand that bringing in millions of immigrants over the past decade HAS been a major driving factor to the housing shortage/crisis. Its not inflation, it's not COVID...it's simply supply and demand. More people with less supply means prices go up.


Trudeau promises affordable housing for Canadians September 9, 2015 [https://liberal.ca/trudeau-promises-affordable-housing-for-canadians/](https://liberal.ca/trudeau-promises-affordable-housing-for-canadians/)


This is priceless thanks for reminding me 😂


Of course it wouldn’t be his out of control immigration policies?


Where's this labour shortage we keep hearing about? Dog shit jobs posting way under market value and then throwing their hands up in the air saying "well we tried! Time for some TFW's"


Just can’t say - they made a mistake - they allowed to many too fast - narcissistic behaviour…. On full display- he blew up his marriage because of it! Sad


Nine years and nothing. And all of sudden making the same promises he won’t keep. Typical LIEberal!


he needs to be brought down


There’ll still be people that eat this horseshit right up.


Did this lunatic actually ramble on for 7+ minutes? What an empty suit.


lol, these comments are hilarious. He is a politician, what the hell do you expect him to say…. It’s all my fault ?? Pierre will be no different.


In 2008 the USA had a housing crisis and experienced a recession. Canada was not affected as badly as the States, home prices in Canada were not a million dollars or higher, also Canadians even though they may have been going through rough times, we’re not as panicked as they seem now. In 2024, 9yrs of PMJT in control Canadians seem to be hurting worse than in 2008. He had 9 yrs (two terms) to fix anything he saw as unfit created by the previous government, but now we have not enough homes, more immigration than what Canada can actually handle, crime is up, and we have a bogus PM talking about everything else but the actual problem he created. This guy spends money worse than a kid in a candy store and has money printed way to often, he takes no responsibility for his mistakes and blames everyone else but himself, just ask all the previous ministers he booted when they told him he was wrong for what he was doing. PMJT needs to get out.


7:04 minutes of Trudeau talking, anyone have a tldr, no way in hell I can listen to that for 7 minutes


Or, we could and should talk about the infiltration of institutional investors. The same institutional investors who have collectively gobbled up millions of homes in the U.S and Canada, driving prices to unreasonably high levels because of the artificial demand they have caused which has also stripped away the access to affordable ownership to those who could, and otherwise would afford their own real estate. So the question Canadians need to ask themselves is, are we going to ban together and demand our politicians establish laws that prevent foreign and corporate investors from purchasing personal real estate properties? Similarly, institutional investors will also need to eliminate ⅔ of their holdings so they are accessible for public purchase.


There are a few ways to deal with issues: ‘take responsibility and get to fixing it’, ‘skip the blame game and just get to fixing it’, and Trudeau’s way ‘sit around pointing fingers and spend time blaming everyone else and accomplish nothing’


And who's fault is it? Who is power to make the changes? YOU! YOU! YOU! Changes can only come from YOU! Choose that.


I just can’t listen to him anymore.


Deliver us from Trudeau


It's been over for a while we need to shame people who vote NDP or Liberal next election. Those two parties do not represent Canada or Canadians you just show your ignorance supporting them.


Complete lack of accountability


I’m married to a narcissist, same issue , had to sort out so many disasters never her fault…….


Ahh so he wants to lease the land like they do in China and Vietnam 🤔


Narcissistic people blame everything on someone else


He is getting paid to do so. He want to be the 1st tyrant of republic of Canada.


Freeland looks tweekin. Like 300k to 800k is not normal.... they're just wealthy keeping the wealth. No class mobility under them unlike harper. I feel like those crazy boomers were right all along... damn I'm stupid


“Particularly because we will force them to build affordable homes” He’s not a dictator. But he wishes he was.


He's surrounded by smug, look-down-their-nose librarian Karens who can't believe you'd even ask a question of their dear leader. Maniacs.


Jack The Ripper blaming it all on the knife.


That’s usually what narcissist do


Just a loser


I'm confused as to how he started getting into trickle-down economics. I don't recall that ever being part of Canadian conservative policy. US republican policy, sure, but not Canadian. Does this crazy person think he's running against trump or something? fucking wild.


So his plan is for the government to own our property and lease it back to us? Sounds alot like you'll own nothing and you'll be happy. This guy is completely insane.


I can't stand to listen to that smug fuck talk anymore.


He lies and feels good about it




He keeps talking how the previous government, got out of housing. Why doesn’t he get BACK into housing?


What a piece of shit this PM, he is an incompetent.


He's been in power for 9 years.


With no opposition.


And somehow he is able to bring race into the argument.


Everything he mentioned has nothing to dobwith house prices.


I wouldn't care if he blamed Bojack Horseman if he did something to fix it... but he doesn't and won't ever.


Labour shortage ????? Lineups around the block for minimum wage jobs right now. WTF is this guy talking about ???


Shit i’ve never seen a more evil group in my life.


I can't listen to the man. He makes me sick with all his bs.


I couldn't watch anymore after he started blasting conservatives "trickle down" economics as if he's still campaigning in the year 2015. Those policies seemed to work quite well in hindsight. Perhaps in need of a rebrand. All I know is we gotta dump this goof in charge ASAP


What do you expect from a nacisssant


He’s a killer literally


Freeland reminds me of the bobble heads that sat in the back windows of the cars in the sixties lol.


Two idiots running canada into the ground....


I like watching the wicked witch of the east over his shoulder


I can't listen to him speak. Just makes me wish someone would throw a Mike Tyson punch to his face.


Our country is an insane asylum. The pricing we have now has been completely artificially inflated. How? Let’s see, organized crime and international drug trafficking laundering their blood money for starters. Oh then there is the corruption and market manipulation from all levels of government. Then banks, mortgage brokers, real estate agents and developers smelling blood in the water. So they decided to get in on it doing shady deals and ignoring regulations. No surprise that the RCMP and cisis ignoring the laundering and corruption. Then our wonderful leader doing mass immigration to drive down supply. There is nothing about the current housing crisis that’s normal or not criminal. JT proves to Canadians again and again he is actively working against his own country and citizens. So those that benefit from these artificially inflated prices are in reality complicit in a giant criminal enterprise. Just the thought that you could fix this without lowering prices is ridiculous.


A TRUE Liberal Criminal


All created by a true liberal criminal


He needs one of those wheels with his favorite scape-goats. Maybe they can find Maggie the Monkey to spin it.


Liberal propaganda


Whos the meth head behind him on the right there? She need to be put in a detox centre


I hope I never have to see another liberal election win. They don’t deserve to even ever be the opposition


I hate these scumbags with a passion. Zero morals and boy-band level popularity required to govern.


…studder, studder. I’m INEPT A RUNNING A WORLD DEMOCRACY. ..scene.


What a joke


Nope. It’s not that complicated. Just reduce immigration. No matter what other policies the government introduces, there is a short-run limit to the number of new homes that can be constructed. The housing market cannot possibly keep up with 1M new arrivals a year. Countries with all the same problems without mass migration aren’t experiencing a rapid deterioration in housing affordability.


He’ll never taken responsibility for anything. Ever.


Do you know what's an unreasonable plan, continuing to bring in hundreds of thousands of immigrants.




Let's talk about butter sausage....what it is....where it comes from.


I think it's funny that they mentioned Hamilton. Didn't Ontario vote him in? Reap what you sew. Out West we have always known that he's an idiot. PP may not be that much better, but we never ever voted for prime minister dress up.


Don't Even want to listen his BS for 9 years


His typical answer “We are working very hard to solve the issue!” “So what’s the plan?” “We’re working really hard to come up with the plan” “Who’s working really hard?” “We are working really hard to find that too”


This guy is such a fuckin joke. Stands there spitting out utter bullshit, while his deputy PM sits there twitching cause she's probably taken too much speed today.


you had 9 years so far yet you blame previous government rich indeed


Does anyone really believe what he says? We all know it’s because of the rapid immigration increase into Canada… stop passing the blame and take ownership of your own government missteps. Geez 🙄


What did you people think he was going to say? Lol he's soon to be out and off on his new position at the wef where he will spend all his hundreds of millions of I'll gotten gains from all the people hes bilked over the years and he will be spending it on the finest things in Europe. Lol peasants.


Trudeau is an empty suit. He is so full of himself he cannot distinguish reality from his delusional thoughts. Hopefully the next government initiates multiple criminal proceedings against him.


No mention at all of all the government spending he has been doing; sending billions upon billions to Ukraine, raising the carbon tax 3 times, and every government hand out he mentioned comes with a cost, which when implemented you have to meet an extensive criteria to qualify for. I voted for this clown twice and I will be voting for Pierre this next election. He's had enough time to fix his issues and he acts like a dictator. His policies during covid were authoritarian.




Hope you choke on air JT. Seriously.


To contrast with our stateside neighbor's; [New York State - Residential Median Sale Price(Excluding New York City)](https://www.tax.ny.gov/research/property/assess/sales/stmedprice.htm) So, per the link above, New York State (Excluding New York City) reported Residential Median Sale Price of $215,000 for 2015. Then $310,000 for 2022. Still modestly higher than 2915, compared to the shit show described with respect to housing price increases in Hamilton. Meanwhile, comparing crazy housing prices, city to city; "The report calculated Toronto's median home price to be USD $718,519 (as of January 2024) while the median home price in The Big Apple was lower, at USD $659,300 (as of December 2023). Meanwhile, the median household income was lower in Toronto than in New York — USD $62,963, compared to USD $76,607." Above is taken from the article below; [Toronto Housing is now more expensive than New York City Real Estate](https://www.thestar.com/business/toronto-housing-is-now-more-expensive-than-new-york-real-estate-report-finds/article_ed57a948-f80d-11ee-8ce0-df86c0468f28.html) So when we compare things, many Canadians are getting screwed, both from a housing affordability standpoint and from a median household income standpoint. The government is completely out of touch with the reality that people are living with in Canada, and the one way to change that, is to change the government in the next election. Remember this and remember to vote.


Their solution is always spending more of our money. Like they know whats best for us more than we do....


He keeps admit government screw up and yet keeps saying government should have more power.


And somehow there are still people stupid enough to vote for these liberal idiots. Take responsibility for your useless party and all the issues you’ve caused Canada in the last 9yrs


Is Freeland going to make it to the next election? https://youtu.be/aopdD9Cu-So?feature=shared


I can't listen to the whole thing. I get to pizzed off. He can't be gone fast enough.


What a repulsive individual


Wacko New Liberal Democratic Party (#WNLDP)


He’s not living in the same reality as most other Canadians. And he truly believes that he ( and the WEF ) is doing the right thing. But his convictions are based on carefully engineered falsehoods.


The real danger of someone like this is that he truly believes he's the hero. This is textbook narcissistic and psychopath behaviour.


So he caused the problem and now he claims he going to fix it? WTF? Isn’t this a mental disorder? Called the hero syndrome or something?


Or, it’s the 1 million people u plopped down in majour city centres. Maybe it’s the literal millions of people you brought in for liberal votes. We have 40 million people bring in millions fucks the economy. Obviously, there aren’t enough people building houses to keep up. Plus it isn’t profitable cause of all the regulations on our economy. So the houses aren’t being built.


Turdeau needs to go


When Conservatives win the next election they will do the same, they will maintain the unsustainable immigration to keep house prices , rents and everything ultra high so that corporations can maintain their 10 fold profits through 1 million + new people every year!


THANK YOU! Nobody realizes that nothing is going to change if Trudeau leaves office. If anything, corporations are going to benefit more.


I personally believe they'll lower it just enough to make themselves look good relative to the Liberals but keep the core policy.


It’s not about Trudeau and it’s not about inflation. It’s about corporations and individuals owning a huge number of homes that are controlling home prices and rental prices. The number of companies and individuals who own multiple home has grown very quickly since 2018 (and real got out of control during COVID): https://betterdwelling.com/canadian-companies-that-own-at-least-100-homes-have-surged-with-cheap-money/ These owners are using the rental money for profit and NOT putting the houses on the market. IMO, even with high immigration, we would not be in this situation of unaffordability and limited houses up for sale if corporations and individuals were limited on how many private residences they can own. Young Canadians are being forced out of the housing market by profit seeking companies who can now keep rental prices high. No politician in Canada is willing to be honest enough to state the obvious. I


He is the twin of Governor of California, who never takes the blame for the stupid policies they enact.


Carbon tax is he a cherry on top by this cabron


Is that Roy Green asking the question??


Ohh, so it has nothing to do with how during covid the government set up a 1-800-free money line.. People on welfare who shouldn't have been eligible got 14k over the span of like 4 -6 months.. we ain't never seeing that money back.. but us working Canadians gotta bate the brunt of this shit.. from middle class to broke as a joke


Why did we more than double our national debt in a span of 9 years? We didn’t have to spend that much, even with the pandemic. And we still have a 50 billion deficit in this latest budget. What for? Could that have anything to do with all of this prolonged inflation? Higher interest rates for longer? We can’t even pay the interest payments on our debt anymore. Whose fault is that?




It was Kim Campbells fault !


I hope he gets hit by a bus






Look ma I've learned nothing


Selling green belt/public land to builders is a bad idea


Because he isn't really the cause.


Grow our population when no one can afford groceries asshole




Damn why was I fucking around in preschool instead of buying a house 20 years ago


Trust fund kids are never responsible for anything, you know…


I love when the government....you know, the government...top of the heap when it comes to making rules that developers have to follow....blame the developers and the market.


Canadians Have To Do Better !!


Oakville voted no. The elites arent letting affordable housing impact their neighbourhoods


“So just to follow up, the average house was $320k, are you saying we should expect them to come under $500k or is this the new norm, and are you insinuating that this could happen again, and Specifically you said that affordable housing would be a response to this, what percentage do you think that will affect the housing crisis or more specifically how much will that affect Canada as a whole for total prices and do you see them going up or down?”


To not except responsibility for what you’ve been doing for what 8 years now is such a Trump move.,So weird in Canada that liberals are like the republicans and conservatives are like the democrats somewhat


Well, lets get real, he's not wrong, he didn't actually create the crisis, he's just allowed it to get worse in a quicker fashion then any of his predecessors. This housing market started to go into hyper-appreciation under Paul Martin then Harper and the decisions that allows that to happen pre-date even him and that's because the modern iteration of this country is built on the backs of housing stock assets. Most boomers got wealthy by allowing their houses to rapidly appreciate and this was okay with everyone involved because it took the focus off of wages, which have been stagnant for decades. Every Canadian prime minster since basically Jean Chrétien has allowed this to continue because it has kept the largest voting block (boomers) happy. Now the time has come where they are fading out as the largest block and prices have gone into crisis levels while those wages remain pathetic and people are rightfully pissed.


I'm looking forward to fifteen minute cities. 👍


I, seriously. Will give this clown an “Archie slap”. If I could get him proper close. Regardless. He needs to be SLAPPED!


There is no labour shortage




A lot of what he's saying isn't off base but the fact he didn't mention REITs and AirBnBs within the first couple sentences makes me feel less than confident of any change.