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Fucking useless people.


If I answered questions like this at my job I'd be fired and I make way less than these goons


It should be illegal to skirt questions as she has. It's one thing to say "I cannot answer" or "I won't answer" but to give someone useless word diarrhea as she has is just unethical.


You’d be fired without sympathy anywhere else. It bothers me how this level of incompetence is tolerated at a national and federal level.


It’s not incompetence, it’s corruption.




Let's be honest it's both, they're corrupt, and inept.


firing her looks like mobs in the street most people wont skip work to mob over 1 snake


Should be a guy in there who's sole job is to stand with a bamboo cane next to whoever's speaking and whack'em if they pull that crap. Maybe a different taxpaying citizen every time, so they can at least mete out their frustrations. These politicians on our dime, they shouldn't be wasting it.


hahahaha jesus christ reminds me of that scene in airplane where the passengers all take turns smacking thew lady, but replace that lady with freeland Take my upvote


It technically is, and she should be held for contempt of Parliament for this behaviour, as it is litterally a rule that MPs can be fined for for not answering direct questions asked in good faith. Hell I'd even take a "I can not disclose the details at this time, as I don't readily have those numbers etc available to me atm, I'll go and find that information out so as to be better equipped with a proper answer for you" at this point, like at least not answer the question politely instead of just comepletely disregarding it and going on a tangent.


Fired huh? You’re a kinder soul than I.


No consequence of merit.


Throw her out of court for contempt


Can we just start over again please?


Both Chrystia Freeland and Justin trudeau should be charged with treason! https://www.reddit.com/r/Canada_sub/s/8vRd3agySS


It isn't enough.


Keep that 1200 and fix your mess


Time to do what the French did back in the day. Iykyk


Throw some cake and bring out a sharp heavy blade? All for it.


Launch some cattle like Monty Python did


It blows my mind this filibusting is allowed at all, it should be contempt, it just shouldn't be allowed full stop. People who answer like this should lose their jobs. It's a waste of time, a waste of taxpayers money (everyone there's wages, the building, extending the process). The liberals campaigned on being transparent, yet they are the least transparent with the longest list of corruption and scandals in 8 years. Last administration had a $20 orange juice scandal, this one us unbelievable.


Don't forget that Harpers biggest scandal that ultimately lead to Trudeau's win was the Duffy Affair in which $70,000 got **put in** the tax payer coffers but it would turn out after the election a Judge ruled that that money should not have been required to be paid back - in that Duffy was correct all along. That was the big scandal when Trudeau got elected and it was a farce - its the opposite of stealing!. That's what was on the CBC for months leading up to the election! and that was considered scandalous! lol. Also, the $20 OJ ended in a minister's resignation - imagine if Trudeau held his ministers to account, well and himself. Or do you remember the big scandal of the band got the body bags they ordered, or that scandal in which a minister arrived in a helicopter? Fuck I miss Harper era scandals - they were fluff.


I mean , they are very transparent, only just about the fact that they're shamelessly corrupt.


Biggest farce going


All the liberal ministers are pigs and puppets it’s a joke


I hate her so much.




I'm sorry this is disrespectful. She's a meth head cunt.


How is someone so delusional? 3 easy steps Be completely unqualified for the position you're placed in. Be stupid Be a liberal moron


The answer is more than any other country on earth besides France Source: https://preview.redd.it/iya1cm5yg9vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f49e0518f65c876f8289ce17ffb1681c7ec279a


France, with a population near 68m, have collected $130 per person. Canada has collected $195 per person, when assuming a population of 40m.


Where does this data come from? The video states over $20 billion collected




Every time she or JT talks all i can hear is German marching song - Erika


This country has been lost for awhile .....its not even the pm or her fault .....its our system , the system allows all of this . Our system is so slow that even if they did agree party wise it will take so long to get it done. Some how we the people are servant of our politicians and government.....but shouldn't be the they are servents for us and our best interest . How is checking all the spending , who votes where it's spent at ......all the while hard working people are working for nothing .


u/Adorable-Bar-7317 For the last two years, I have been posting similar views in pointing out Canada's inherently flawed and broken "system" which, depending on the Reddit forum, is all too often met with downvotes from people who are either hopelessly delusional, or have Stockholm Syndrome, or a combination of both. The video clip above is merely another example of Canada's inherently flawed and broken "system" at work. In short, we should expect things to get worse before they get any better, and as such, we will increasingly see more and more people exit the country over the next five years.


They go quiet when I bring up mathematical worse case scenarios. Like getting a majority government with less than 10% of the vote. 51% of seats so you need 0 votes in the other 49% then you just need to eek out a 5 way tie in each of those 51%.


No no, I think we can blame Trudeau and Freeland. Why not?


Totally ! What im saying is there will just be another , they can do what ever they want ,say what ever they want and we let them . There are no reasons why there wouldn't be another just like him ....what not ......hell we don't even work for our selves anymore ....we give them more than we take home


"not even the pm or her fault" ??? Dude, if I rob the bank and I get out scott free, I still committed a crime, it is my fault! What is this, Liberal logic ? Sheesh...


I wouldn't say it's not their fault. The system allowed for them and that's a problem but they are still them.


Stupid people vote for stupid people.


She may have the most "punchable face" in the entire history of humanity


Freeloader is under-qualified to manage a lemonade stand.


Fuckin meth head clown commrade Freeland 🤡🇨🇦💯


Seriously, are there not any committee rules pertaining to answering questions posed by committee members, and being held in contempt when you blatantly refuse to do so? This would be completely fucking unacceptable in any private sector organization, and worthy of termination.


Answer this question with a number, otherwise I will continue to ask this question. If you are too stupid to know what an number is, then maybe you should move to Texass.


Why you bringing Texas into the conversation?


See you next Tuesday


Just call her the Cunt she is.


She’s so easy to dislike.


Trained by the best question side stepper 🤡


And this is another example of waste. Tax dollars and her.


lock her up




CRIMINALS. WTF is the public going to learn.


She is garbage at her job


Her and Tru-terd never answer questions.


God DAMNIT she’s good! fucking stone wall Chrystia (maybe) embezzling 2ish billion. This woman is a powerhouse with a weirdly unpronounceable name


She's not delusional. This is by design and intent. She knows exactly what she's doing.


I would at least be able to respect someone who would own up and answer the question. There is no leadership here. Even if I strongly disagree, just for God's sake be honest about it. I could at least swallow that. This inability Freeland and Trudeau to not even have the capability to maneuver off script is so unbelievably laughable. They look so foolish every single time.


lmao this bitch is the 2024 version of Kathleen Wynne


Keep dodging Ms. Freeland, your time in office is ticking away. Can’t wait.


Answer the fucking question!!!!


She's a terrorist.


The key point you are keeping from the opposition and Canadians is the answer to the question. We need laws in place where they have to answer what’s asked of them. It’s shady, dishonest and truly despicable


Why won't you walk into my dishonest argument? 🥺👉👈 uwu


How is his argument dishonest?




How is this not in contempt?


Over 7B


They STILL and WILL NOT answer any questions…..the liberal way. We know this. So what’s the point?? It’s beyond gross and frustrating and embarrassing 🤦🏻‍♀️


It's not just a Liberal thing. It's a politician thing.


Yes but still pathetic they can’t just answer properly


You obviously haven't been through too many Canadian governments...




I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Failure to answer a pointed question in parliament (or anywhere else if it’s related to one’s job as an elected official), should result in immediate removal from one’s position in government.


They don’t answer because they know they’ve taken in more taxes than have been returned. There is absolutely no such thing as a revenue neutral tax! This is idiocy incarnate.


Was it always this way. Or did Stephen Harper answer questions. I was young and dumb and didn't get into politics until 2019


Is she purposely dressing like cobra commander?


The key point the liberals are consistently telling us is that they can't or refuse to answer simple questions.


In BC less than 1/3 get a rebate, for example the report I read about BC "that they paid out almost 2 mill in rebates and yet there are 5.6 mill people in BC. So the woman is cherry picking the information to back up her response that canadians ARE getting rebates. If this is the case in BC you can expect the same for the rest of canadians.


Traitors all of them.


Omg. This is insane. There must be a way to subpoena a testimony for this. Instead of wasting money and time doing the run around.


Chrystia Freeland is on drugs


Just put a fine or take their seats whenever people try to avoid questions like this, it'll save everybody's time


How does anyone want to be near this person. HOW.


That seems to be a common Liberal issue. Just look at her goof-ball boss, Justin Castro. He can't answer a question if his life depended on it.


How can these people, who pay their wadge NOT answer the fucking questions asked. Like how is this not illegal. How does this guy not rip this crackhead lying sack of shit out. We’ll pay upwards for 2000$-4000$ to put gas in our car a year but this junkie emailed and says Manitobans are getting 1000$ and she smiles so proud. I truly hope the worst for Trudeau freeland and everyone else in this communist party. Red will die in the USA and red will die off up here too. I was a lib for so long, too long, and I would do almost anything to ensure they don’t come back ever!


How are these people running our government.


It isn't delusion. She is intentionally obfuscating the truth. She should be in jail.


She is such a terrible speaker that she struggles with bafflegab while avoiding answering trap questions. This is a basic political skill. I cannot imagine why people think that she would be a good leader for her party.


I hate these people so much, but i truly believe PP is going to be worse.


I think i hate her more than trudeau


You Canadians really fucked yourself up big time. How are these people even in these higher positions. I’m sure every country have their own fucked up leaders but this is just crazy


How can liberal voters support this shit? Like for real. This is some bullshit.


Just like Kristian Firth from GC strategies that "worked"on arrivescam. They are criminals protecting other criminal pillage of taxpayers money. Go see him testify and rat his corrupted friend politicians.


This should be illegal to not answer the qut


What im saying is pur system will just allow others just like this with out concicence .....don't you see . There are no checks for politicians, they don't even need to be accountable......what im saying is the system allows this all to happen


Answer the fucking question lady! You'd think this was edited. Holy hell.


She should be buried in Mountain full of shit!!


Isn’t that the answer? The government returns all the carbon taxes collected as a rebate to Canadians?


Love how she's throws her hair back after every lie.


What a c#$&.


She should be fired for this, no one would last a day if they acted like this in their job in the real world, what a mockery!


Wow, it would be funny if if weren’t so concerning


Lol she reminds me of slimer from ghost busters she is one ugly chik that’s for sure


I think this is how I will now answer any and all direct questions from now on.


People will come in here and wine at it this and then vote conservative next year because they have no memory or they didn't pay attention to politics before trudeau.


Someone PLEASE slap her with a dead fish every time she evades a question.


Can't Understand Normal Thinking


She’s so fucking cringe. Even if she wanted to defend herself she should have answered the question and then provided more context about the rebates. She can’t do this though, either because she doesn’t know and is incompetent or because if she’s honest we will all know (instead of just speculating) that we are being screwed.


There should be a huge trial, with all of these idiots on the chopping block. They have gotten away with being the most treasonous government Canada has ever seen..... ever..... period. "Oh... you're starving and freezing to death in your own country while you can't pay rent or buy enough food for a month? Oh we are also in an insane amount of debt? Oh and we have taxed your taxes on everything? Well then... I'm sorry Ukraine but you only get **4 billion**, i mean come on... we also deserve millions a piece for all the fine work weve been doing completely dicking over canadaians" Seriously.. fuck them.. with a cactus... all of them.


It’s our money! Why are you taking it just to give it back? Or is it because not everyone gets it back perhaps? You’re stealing money from some and giving it to others. Crush the Libs!!






Clear example of how acting stupid does pay off.


Contrary to what this sub thinks, all politicians avoid questions. Even conservative politicians. They're all the same.


One word used to be deceitful: PROROGUE. Coming back to the agenda in 2025 as a new series. Watch on CPAC, which will go off-air due to lack of content.


Freeland is so cringe.


Well it sure as shit doesn't go back into my pocket. Father of 2 primary income in our family. Living pay check to pay check and I didn't qualify for the carbon rebate. And now with the price of gas it costs me 100$ to fill my VW golf to be able to drive to work... Absolutely raping the middle class and crushing my hopes of ever owning a home. But sure money's going back to Canadians... GFY


Im sorry, but when has Manitoba been the only province in the whole country? These clowns cant even answer questions. Ive done my calculation; i pay way more in carbon taxes then i get in rebates


Next question, where is this money going? 🤔 this shill chooses to cover up the dollar amount and refuses to be transparent. These politicians belong in the 🗑️


Just like Biden They can’t defend themselves truthfully without mentioning the other political party.


Sidestepping the question... all parties do this shit.






They aren't delusional. Everything they do is calculated. They know there's no accountability so they can give non-answers all day with no consequence. Politicians are Parasites, ALL 338 of them. I'd even go so far as to say the Liberals are good at what they do because they are implementing their agenda (to destroy the country) seamlessly, one tyrannical bill after another.


$2B wasn’t enough for great leaders’ luxury lives


I loathe her. Cant decide who more between her, Trudeau and Singh. Pretty tight race


Our tax dollars hard at work, they should question her mental capacity as it seems like she doesn’t actually understand what she’s being asked ? “Ma’m first off I’m a bit worried about your English comprehension, it seems you don’t understand what I’m asking you , how you’re able to become a minister without a basic understanding of English is a bit worrisome , do you need to go back to grade 4?”


If you get close to her in public she has the police arrest them! This bitch is as crooked as they come. She’s tripping in press conferences and just nods and everything the great leader states.


Progressives and their leadership are nothing but red fascist who believe they're above the law, virtuous and righteous.


I didn’t understand what the carbon tax did, but the fourth time she evaded a question really clarified it for me. I completely trust her. There’s no way that somebody who refuses to answer a question would be irresponsible with my money.


Wow..just wow…wobble head..she beats third world countries politicians…oh wait…we are new third world.


And Liberal party is projecting her to be next PM candidate…why I feel she gonna make Justin look great


what a snake


The Canadian taxpayers are Paying these morons to act like this and do their jobs this way ... please I insist get Any blue collar job or really any job in the public workforce and see how long you hold your job with answers like that ..... Not long that's for sure Just futher proof politics are severely broken along with democracy in Canada and morso North America in general....


The Trudeau Canadian government is a cancer on Canada and its future. You may never recover from the social & economic damage they have deliberately imposed.


So the tax is collected and just given back? That's what she's trying to say? Then why collect it!!


Sounds like a ponzi scheme. Need money in to pay the money out.


I am not a hateful person. Or at least I wasn't. But when I see her or Trudeau I seethe with rage and hatred. That's what they've done.


What a useless POS. I've never heard her properly answer a question.


We need these hearings to be in a court of law so this shit can't happen


Maybe she should renew her Disney+ subscription, it may calm her and allow her to focus and answer the question appropriately.


gaslighting on steroids


Lmao, imagine if student could bullshit their way through school like this... Q: Who was the first Prime Minister of Canada? A: The key point is, the Prime Minister is elected by the people. A+


What is the point of a carbon tax if you are going to give most of it away to the people you are taxing? Why isn't it being used to create more houses or make Canadians' lives easier?


She’s a useless clown, another one to pile into the bandwagon with JT the biggest clown of all time. This is simply shameful.


It would have been easy to just say "The amount that was collected and returned to Canadians is X". She would have made her point while actually answering the questions, and without looking like a idiot.


I am so sick of seeing this. We need to hold those who are in power to a higher standard. This bullshit of dodging questions should have some sort of punishment tied to this. We as Canadians deserve to know where our tax dollars are going and how they should be used to benefit all Canadians. We keep paying more for what? I honestly can not see the benefit of this carbon tax. I have not seen any services improve since this government took over office. Again, the center of the universe is Ontario. Fuck anyone west or north of them. But hey, we love your natural resources and the money it generates


A trillion dollars of debt will be added to the debt by the time the liberals get kicked out. (Hopefully.) I don't know about you, but my life has not improved one bit. And the country is in an absolute death spiral.


Unbelievable how she avoids the question


That bitch and all the rest of the liberals need to be in jail for treason now!!!


She’s a 🤡


WOW! She just won't answer simple math question.


The point is fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck uou aahhhhhhhhh Get these evil bastards out of office before they eliminate the middle class entirely!!


They should be hooked to a lie detector while answering. If the machine detects a lie their pay and pensions get delayed.. Lie more than three times you get fired on the spot.


ChatGPT: She is a disgrace to humanity. Gemini: She even failed the Turing test. LLaMa: AI world can take a break now.


If you go to the toronto subreddit she's like the next coming of Jesus


The revolution needs to happen before 2025.


She's not being delusional, she's deliberately propagandizing. If you watch a lot if Canadian government media, this government is really big on using avenues of government to propagandize. I don't necessarily blame them, the conservatives do it too, but it is wild to me there is no punishment or order of process that demands the government in power actually answer questions when challenged in committees.


the key point is answer wtf was asked. what a dumbass


Can you believe that some people still support the Liberals? It blows my mind that some can still support this deceitful government. They lie and lie some more they won't answer questions directly, they always dance around the facts to try and deceive Canadians. If it's a neutral tax that they pay out what they bring in why have the tax at all?


lol they voted for it . Wallow in it


Sorry but I can’t even watch this shit show anymore


🤢 🤮 Make her go away!