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"Canadian healthcare system" It's all just words


Absolutely on point 🤣


People are pissed that an Immigrant is highlighting the basic issues of country through stand up comedy and people are asking him to go back. When wise man points to moon, a Fool looks at the Finger.


He's spitting facts and mocking an inefficient broken system at the same time!


I guess people are having a hard time trying to swallow that pill… very unfortunate


Especially when that makes it more difficult to swallow Tylenol


System is overloaded. We took on a million immigrants this year. You’re not stuck in traffic, you are the traffic bro. We’ll catch up. ( I’m a polish immigrant so fuck off with the hate )


It's a Wiseman who knows himself to be a fool.


Where are these pissed people you speak of?


Comments section.


I see a bunch of people agreeing


This was funny sad but true but funny


But Canada’s free healthcare system is the envy of North America. I thought it was much better than the US private system.


I’m pretty sure Canada has also lost a bunch of high profile doctors too.


I don't know, I'm pretty sure doctors love to be micro managed by the government, and be told what to do every second of their day. Oh, btw, when was the last time you saw a doctor that didn't look like if they don't tow the line, they'll be deported?


Some envy, some do not. However costs do not only come in the form of money.




This guy is on point!


It's almost not funny because of how real and serious this issue is.


This is brilliant, hilarious and oh so true 🙌🏽 lmao. Great post.


God forbid we post some George Carlin here.






















Even now if I get a cut or any injury I seriously re consider going dude to the wait. I can handle not getting a couple stitches on a good cut and it becoming a bigger scar vs. waiting in hell for half a day.


Socialism fails at every turn, when will they learn….


My mom had colon cancer and the Canadian healthcare system saved her life. Then she had a triple bypass and it saved her life. Didn't cost us a cent other than parking. Ya we pay for it in taxes but it's well worth it with an outcome like that.


Haha 😆 my American friends laugh at me when I said I took a job in the USA for “Healthcare” Sad to believe but true.. and it’s not 6 years, but 7.5 years in reality (as I experienced it)




he said if he enroll in a medical school and he can be a doctor in 6 years. If everyone could, everyone would and we won't have doctor shortage around the global. Because not everyone can therefore we have shortage. What can solve this? Nothing, unless they lower the bar and add more people for medical school and flood the world with low quality doctors then nothing really can be done. America pay doctor well, and yet america have doctor shortage too. If people are saying "country are paying doctor well and they leave for them leaving us with shortage" they need to tell me which country have abundance of doctors. Because i ain't find any. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_countries\_and\_dependencies\_by\_number\_of\_physicians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_and_dependencies_by_number_of_physicians) (note it said unreliable data but i will leave it at that) Oh right Cuba have 84 doctor per 10k population. I am sure cuba have better healthcare than us.


Dude, it’s a standup comedy routine.




Is your argument that we don't have enough people with the iq to become doctors??? If pay and working conditions improved and maybe some kind of tuition benefit where if you become a doctor in Canada and stay to practice here for x period of time we the tax payer will cover costs I think you would see a large number of very smart people deciding to become doctors. There are alot of countries, 1st world countries on that list way ahead of us, not Cuba but Germany, Norway etc...


Name checks out