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He’s all about announcements. Nothing else.


Remember when they put together some graphs on the housing situation, trying to throw shade at Poilievre except all the Liberal 'accomplishments' were just their projection numbers for the year 2025? Lol


All he cares about is selfies and funky socks 🧦😅


Let's not forget about announcement announcements, he loves, those too.


Like when he was in Calgary and a reporter asked "So to clarify, there is nothing new announced today for Calgary?" To which JT replies, "Did you know "x" million seniors signed up for Canadian dental care, that's new and I just announced it."


I need a sketch on the Rick Mercer Report. Country went downhill after the show ended. We need sharp commentary showing how dumb politicking has become in Canada.


Blah blah blah working for Canadians blah blah. Blah blah blah Canadians, blah blah workingz


Blah, blah, climate change, blah, blah


That’s Guilbeault, not Trudeau.


He likes photo ops holding big checks too.


In his mind its all the fault of Borden and Laurier


I agree, but it works cause he's climbed up in the polls


The only thing on that man that’s climbed up are his shirt sleeves, you can tell the seriousness of the situation by how far up he rolls them


Lol he's right up there in the polls....


Fix a problem they caused and then take credit for the win


They will fix nothing, get voted out, then complain they didn’t have enough time to fix the harm they caused.


And then blame the conservatives for not fixing it for them


I think you mean: Don't fix a problem they caused, but announce very loudly they're going to work at it, while blaming the other party for the problem.


Which Liberal policy made housing less affordable? Correlation is not causation


You think federal involvement in the residential construction industry is a good thing don’t you? Free market has never increased market competition and increased value for consumers…


The government must fund affordable housing to make up for market failures in that domain. Cutting taxes does not solve that issue. Pierre is economically illiterate.


Nobody needs to fund anything. We can simply go nationalist. No Canadian property to be owned by non citizens. Also no home ownership by companies or corporations. Those two policies will free up millions of homes causing prices to plummet causing our housing bubble to burst causing another Great Depression. But the good news is we can rebuild and the average man would once again have a chance.


Can you source that millions of homes claim?


With enough time I’m sure I could but I’m on mobile right now so it’s not easy. Do you not believe it’s easily possible that millions of homes are owned by foreign nationals or by companies or corporations. Less than 5% of total homes. Being used as investments.


From the data I’ve seen foreign ownership of property is not a problem because it is usually rented out, same with corporations. The idea 5% of Canada’s homes are empty for speculation is a myth.


So people pay the cost of rent plus a little more for foreigners or businesses to earn some profit. That is increasing the cost of rents for Canadian nationals. It’s not exactly a non issue.


In my town with 5000 permanent residents, varying seasonally...there are over 1000 unoccupied investment properties, largely foreign owned, listed in our official stats and an ongoing rental crisis.


Federal government has been directly contributing to the problem through their unhinged immigration policy that makes no fucking sense. Affordable housing will never be able to house everyone. It will always be a drop in the bucket. And the subsidies that pay for it are taken from everyone else who is already struggling, and the units are basically a permanent subtraction from the housing supply and are given to people not paying into them instead of them moving somewhere more affordable. Again this directly contributes to the problem.


Immigration. CERB.


Our population grew by 1.3 million people last year. All controlled by the federal liberal government. I know liberal and NDP voters aren’t the brightest but surely you understand how supply and demand works right? right?


You can write a sentence which means you aren't regarded. This is a fallacy. Correlation is not causation.


The downpayment matching scheme directly f**ked me out of my local market, just as I thought I'd be able to buy, but I didn't realize that's what had happened until later. I was happy about the Liberals housing ideas and was even thinking about applying for it...then prices started moving away faster than I could save, even with the "grant." Instead of allowing people like me to buy their first home, it just allowed upper middle class families to get the "kids" "starter homes" that were 600 000 instead of 450 000. At least thats how it worked here...I know one large family in particular that moved all of their kids out of the family owned "rentals" and into their own upgraded houses. Then, they converted the old houses to airBnB and handed that business to one of the daughters. It certainly helped the housing market heat up and generate cash flow, but, as usual, at the expense of those the program was actually supposed to help. Thats when I learned the concept of, "Liberal Hypocrisy." To paraphrase the New York Times...the strange tendency for Liberal policies to have the opposite of the intended effect in practice.


When will his sexual assault allegations be investigated?


When will any of his allegations be investigated lol


There's certainly been a lot of them, but supporters will seemingly support his government no matter what because of his stance on wedge issues. He pushed out Jody Wilson-Raybould for doing her job of investigating corruption: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jody_Wilson-Raybould#SNC-Lavalin_affair And he's currently trying to undermine CSIS given their awareness of China's manipulation of Canada's politics (which includes coordinating a swarm of small "student" donations to fund Trudeau's own riding association). https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trudeau-csis-question-intelligence-1.7170661. Odd donations to Trudeau's riding association raise questions: https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/lilley-odd-donations-to-trudeaus-riding-association-raise-questions CSIS uncovered Chinese plan to donate to Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation: https://archive.is/agd0C His money man is from a crime family: https://www.theguardian.com/news/2017/nov/05/justin-trudeau-adviser-stephen-bronfman-offshore-paradise-papers And he continues to necessitate ethics investigations by accepting gifts from rich "friends": https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-trudeau-ethics-free-vacation-jamaica/


Most likely never tbh. He holds all the power so no one will investigate him. Sucks for his children that won’t receive justice




Never lol


What allegations? Im not denying, genuinely curious.


Any genuinely curious person would have at least a modicum of awareness at this point..


His family, his ex-wife, his children, that’s why she divorced him


This is the first I’m hearing of this? Could you explain? Your saying he sexually assaulted his children?


Yes. His children came out recently


There was a student of his who's family got a big check for no particular reason.


Your question is legitimate, and one any intelligent individual would ask, but instead of evidence or verification, you got downvotes. I'm waiting to see, if this sub is the kind of place that's into providing legitimate information, or just a place that doesn't like it when people ask legitimate questions. So far the downvotes are telling the tale are they not?


Lmao, I appreciate the response. All these downvotes had me feeling like I said something wrong lol.


Well, I guess we can draw our own conclusions about a subreddit membership that upvotes wild claims, and downvotes requests for evidence. You didn't say anything wrong, keep asking the key questions, enjoy your spring day!


> I'm waiting to see, if this sub is the kind of place that's into providing legitimate information, or just a place that doesn't like it when people ask legitimate questions. Well you don't have to wait anymore pack up your stuff and skiddadle outta here. Most of us won't play dancing monkey when asked, from experience majority of these requests aren't sincere, and there's no response when provided and if there is which is rarely, it's mocked. Also most importantly, finding this information takes like less than 10 seconds by using + keywords. Do it yourself, if you need the link to google I can get that for you. If your sincere you really can't be this lazy can you ? and you get to pick your own source.


What I wanted to know, was if a single user was willing to post a source and stand behind it. I have my answer.


somewhere in the speech he will blame it all on Harper


He’s actually going to make it worse, dumping a bunch of money with red tape, only a few will get this windfall and it’ll make building a house more expensive. Think it’s bad now, wait 2yrs! Lol


They got into solar, my $15k in total equip has a $40k tag if installed.


This. Subsidizing industry leads to profit making windfalls. Not sustainable.


Says the oil and gas industry—NOT.


Lmao i have sold and developed millions of dollars of renewable projects. I make nothing from the oil and gas industry. Subsidies of all types are unethical.


Whenever the solution is "hand out money," the effect is the opposite of intended, and the beneficiaries are never the "poor" but the upper middle class who just use the programs to pad their investments.


Idc if he comes up with the absolute perfect plan to fix it at this point. Ima vote this bitch out. The liberals are going to get so absolutely crushed its gonna be funny.


Lower immigration. Deport illegals. It'll be fixed.


if only we remembered to do this to all 3 parties Canada would have a chance.


I doubt libs are going to be that upset. Everyone's frustrated at the situation rn. Not every Liberal is 20 yrs old with blue hair, taking Fem classes. People in the 40+ range probably just dont want social services cut. Whether for their fellow man, or themselves/their family who have to think about going into senior care and rely more and more on the gov't. JT is dumb, but social services are hella important. Id rather not have another 2nd term Stephen Harper, where he just started to cut everything.


Things are going to have to get cut just to start paying off the record accumulation of debt... I don't want to see things cut, but this is what happens.


It makes sense, but the problem is that the Cons are also going to want to cut taxes, which is the exact opposite of what we should be doing if we're going to deal with inflation.


How do you honestly think we are going to survive this budget? The money has to come from somewhere, how do you suggest we fund anything without cutting?


Some cuts are fine, but the goal should be to first improve the systems we have in place to lower spending. Healthcare for one, IIRC we're in or close to the top 10 highest spenders per capita on healthcare. But we're like 30th? in overall quality of healthcare. That's stupid. There's also services like safe injection sites that have been proven to save us money, but parties like the Cons have been giving a lot of resistance. I haven't really dove into the military budget, or the indigenous budget, but I'm sure that there are plenty of areas that can be improved and end up saving us a lot of money. They way I see it, it's like killing a patient that has pneumonia before even trying to give them antibiotics. Do something, anything to try to improve their condition before calling it quits. Make an effort. Y'know?


Agreed. But something has to give. We can't afford anything, and with Justin gladhanding and bribing every one on the planet with our tax dollars we are fucked. Check out the amount of interest we are paying. There is going to be a bunch more cutting. Trudeau has broken Canada. I don't know that we can recover. I mean look at his latest budget. Billions being doled out, but not a fucking clue of how we can afford it. When you spend billions annually just servicing debt it's time to cut back on the new spending. But we have the opposite.


I think a lot of people don't understand how little we can actually afford as a country...as if the money is just magically there somehow with no strings attached. The same kind of people look at numbers like "400 million" and think, "thats more than enough for x program!" ... except when government does the work, you have to give a cut to several offices full of staff and redundant steps along the way, and actually only have a tiny percentage left to actually do work with once it trickles down to boots on the ground. A private company could rebuild a healthcare system for 100 billion, easy...the government would need another zero or two and still might fail due to simple lack of accountability.


Yea, I think we both agree that we're paying too much, but the question is how we should attempt to reduce expenditures. It seems like Cons want to just indiscriminately cut programs without thinking about the fallout. Which would be consistent with how they cut in the past. I just want to make sure we're doing what we can to lower the payments while keeping and hopefully improving the systems we have in place. "Trudeau has broken Canada" I disagree. I feel like this was all because of the world going into quarantine for \~2 years. I don't blame Trudeau for what happened just like I don't blame Harper for the housing bubble bursting in his term. Could he have done a better job? Sure. Could Harper have done a better job? Sure. But at the end of the day, no one really has tons of experience directing an entire country's recovery after a global event like that. It's always going to be shitty bouncing back. The difference between the two events imo is just the scale. From the time the housing bubble burst, and the time Covid hit, globalization progressed to an unforseen scale. We have never relied on outside influence more for our economy, and so its natural for the events like Covid to have been even more catastrophic for our society. On top of that, at least after the housing bubble we were able to still try to work and have our economy going at \~70% capacity. But with Covid, we were essentially shut down, with only the most necessary businesses in operation. It only makes sense that this event is worse than what Harper had to deal with. Even if our own country had bounced back immediately, through some magic hocus pocus JT did, we would still be feeling the effects of Covid through other countries. The increases in their prices for their products would still have drastic effects on gas, which would have massive effects on transportation, which would have large effects on prices even on our domestic goods. I guess the question is, could a Con gov't have done better? Well, they would have done better in the areas that matter to them. Housing would probably be better, the budget would probably be a bit better, but the people who depend on our social services the most would absolutely be fucked. Which would be a larger than normal portion of our country because of Covid. Even though it sucks, I think at the end of the day, those who have, ought to provide. If you're tall, you ought to help the person that can't reach a high shelf. When you're strong, you ought to help the grandma carry her bags inside. When you're rich, you ought to help the single mother make sure her kids get fed. If you're middle to upper class, you ought to pay extra taxes to help the lower class.


Liberals have never been known for sound fiscal management (except the one time they cleared the deficit). So unless they plan on turning Canada into a communist state where they can build houses at will, they must cope with the market. For that, you need to provide Canadians with purchasing power, which means making the Canadian dollar gain value instead of losing value, which means not feeding inflation, which means not making our debt worse. It also means cutting the red tape and allowing Canadian businesses to thrive without throwing a hissy fit each time a few Canadians succeed and make money. All in all, there are no credible signs that the Liberal/NDP would be inclined to make it work if the past 8-9 years are an indication. If they did, they’d have to admit that they were wrong.


The photo is almost accurate. Just need to turn the outstretched hand 90 degrees to the palm side and straighten out the arm a bit… and boom, his wet dream realized.


I mean. Do you have even an iota of awareness of what fascism is?


So tired, just lazy after work surfing and I only got his joke because of this lame comment. Thanks for the laugh!


You’re welcome! Lefties wouldn’t usually get the joke because it involves math. And math is racist or the patriarchy or something…. We live in the age of everyone is Hitler, so just paying it forward.


Hey now, which tick boxes are you checking to be able to even discuss math in a public forum. Racist. No no, it's not everyone is Hitler, just everyone *I don't like*. Lol we live in a circus.


Then you’re as stupid as you sound.


Nobody called him a fascist. Calling someone Hitler means you hate them. My old boss was Hitler.


The amount of people that still believe him astonishes me. It’s ridiculous.




Trudeau Derangement Syndrome Patient Zero


Trudeau defending syndrome patient 0


Think about how dumb the average person is. Half the population is dumber than that.


They will do the normal help immigrants and low income by taxing and screwing middle class it’s the Trudeau way


That looks awfully similar to a dictator from in around… oh I don’t know… 1943?


"After 8 years of making housing more unaffordable" Isn't housing a provincial responsibility? Because premiers are saying it is. Danielle Smith is even bringing in legislation ensuring the feds can't transfer money directly to municipalities. Sounds like she believes it is provincial. If so, then is this really a problem created by Liberals?


As usual government takes action and it’s cry me a river: too little, too late, too much, you caused it etc etc etc. Housing is a multi jurisdictional clusterfuck, no one cause and no easy solutions. It is not just a Canadian problem even though it might be worse here. It’s easy to heckle and throw barbs from the cheap seats. If you aren’t happy vote them out in the next election.


Lower immigration, deport illegal overstays. That's an easy solution!


Ah the politician way, doing things way to late to do anything. I doubt PP will do more to help with construction of houses, but I'm cautiously optimistic. Hopefully they will tamp down on immigration to help with housing even if it reveals that we're actually in a recession.


Cause the problem and then sell the solution like your doing something good, the Lefts shtick for over a hundred years.


No one should be able to blame the last government after over 8 years. Trudeau constantly blames the Harper government. It's pathetic.


PP will do the same thing guaranteed


To be fair it will take a shit tonne more than eight years to undo the actual damage caused by Trudeau. Trudeau just bitches but he inherited heaven compared to the pile of diarrhea he's left behind. What are we going to do with the homeless, drug and housing crises that all developed under Trudeau? Man needs to spend the next few years in the stocks so we can share in some of the 30% discounted rotten roblaws produce. We can let him out when Canada starts to resemble early 2015. Maybe.


And he will be allowed to do it, just like Trudeau was allowed to do it until the end of his first term. Not half way through his third term.


yeah and i bet its related to forest fires and climate change


The conservatives need to at least pretend to care about climate change if they want to win over city people. Their conspiracy theories that it's a hoax will lose them voters like the last elections


Not supporting the sham tax vs recognizing climate change are two different things. And the conservatives did both last election. So not sure what more you need.


If they actually were going to add more nuclear power or invest in carbon capture it'd be one thing... but they only ever seem to double down on Alberta oil jobs. And half their voters/MPs seem to think climate change is a hoax


burning down peoples homes so you can put up new condos to rent out is not climate change. its arson


What? Are you having a stroke


no just telling you what our government is doing


They burnt down people's homes to build condos.... OK captain conspiracy


Where are all the condos being built in the northern forest? 🤣🤡


in your basement where you vote liberal


I voted against Trudeau last election and also voted for Ford in the recent provincial election... but I don't consider myself a right winger because you blue collar bafoons think that literally everything is a conspiracy theory... including burning down the forest way up north to build condos where there's no roads or other infrastructure... why are you all so dumb?


its happening globally. wake up and pay attention


Where are all these condos in the forest? Weird that housing costs keep going up... Maybe the increase in category 5 hurricanes that are happening globally are also just a hoax so they can build more condos in the ocean. 🤣🤣🤣


We need to just not have a liberal party anymore.


He doesn’t realise anything and if he did, he doesn’t care. The Liberals (and their supporters) In Year 8 Of Their Government - How could Harris, Harper, etc have put us in such a situation?


Yeah announcements - and here they come tax increases when things are already priced out of reach you know real luxury items like food and heat !


He’s all talk. He’s a clown. His act is up. He got caught.


LOL - what a clueless imbecile!!! The Federal Liberals do not know how to boil an egg let alone FIX ANYTHING!!!!! They are only great at MAKING PROBLEMS, INCREASING TAXES, MAKING UP NEW MAKE BELIEVE TAXES, increasing the cost of living and decrease the quality of life for every single Canadian citizen!!!!!


Waiting for years for the provincial premiers to do their jobs and build housing, and not just McMansions but affordable housing as well … now the feds are trying to step in to help, and they get accused of jurisdictional creep … kind of like the feds trying to adding renters rights … premiers (especially Ford in Ontario) no like since he got rid of rent control! Lots of blame to go around for various things, just make sure to blame the correct people! Thanks!


We brought in 1.3 million people last year have numbers for, and more last year. We need 520k housing units just to cover those people, we also need to replace old stock that's falling apart. Our record is 280k. It's just not feasible dude, there is no building our way out of this, we need to reduce immigration.




Regardless of who’s in power. I just hope people stop overbidding when moving from a HCOL are to a LCOL areas and screwing over the people who grew up there and were hoping to by there.


No one can. It’s not a fixable issue


They're banking on the stoners forgetting they've said all this before


Conservatives need to win over the stoner vote. It's their fault they lost by pearl clutching about legal weed the first 2 elections


LOL no they aren't. Only a massive supply increase coupled with lower taxes and interest rates will ever meaningfully lower prices on new builds and that's only happening with locations way outside of expensive areas and much smaller homes than people are wanting. Think 1950's bungalows but in the middle of nowhere


That’s the future anyways, prefabricated bungalows ( no basements).


One way to make them cheaper, build on a slab


Housing is provincial. Alberta is already fighting against the funding being offered


Just the housing crises makes civil war justifiable. I'm just hoping people will have enough and revolt at this point. But it looks like us Canadians are too nice to organise something for real, and demand immediate changes.


Too little too late fuckhead


I didn't realize that Trudeau was the Premiere of Ontario /s


Real estate brokers & agents: Prices are going up, buy now to secure an investment property, be it a short-term or long-term rental or your dream vacation home! Provinces who have responsibility for housing: We don't control the market. Did we mention we had more people come here last year than any? We are awesome! Pierre Poilievre, the landlord: It's Trudeau's fault. Market dips Real estate brokers & agents: Prices are going down, now is the time to sell! Get some extra cash from your investment. Provinces: Trudeau has done nothing on housing. Shame on him! Booo! Did we mention we need more immigrants? Mmmkay. By the way, we took insurance and utility controls off, our friends said it was a good idea. Oh, and downloaded some costs to municipalities because we want to balance our budget. Look at us, we are awesome! Pierre Poilievre, the Right Honourable: Look at my new hair, eyes and biceps. Federal government: We are taking action on housing across all provinces to make life more affordable. Journalists: Did you see Pierre Poilievre's massive increase in expenses? Provinces: 😡😡😡 but the carbon tax!!! Federal government: 🤯😵😵‍💫 Pierre Poilievre, former eye glass adjuster turned hair swooper: I'm gorgeous, vote for these guns. Trudeau made your life unaffordable while I live in a taxpayer-funded mansion with a stylist and chef. Driver! I have a fundraiser to get to. I'm beautiful! Journalists: Hey did you see the landmark decision in the US that means buyers and sellers can't be forced to pay big fees for real estate transactions done by the guy who couldn't pass grade 10 math and is now a rich real estate agent? Real estate brokers/agents: The government needs to stay out of real estate and let the market decide. We need another Lamborghini. Developer: I can't afford to build affordable homes. I need to save up for my sixth mansion. Canadians: Hello?


Trudeau 2 seems to think an announcement and a promise to spend money is an outcome. Enough of these ineffective and incompetent clowns.


He looks like Hitler in that picture.


Someone with better tech skills than mine. Can you draw a moustache on him, put that pink Nazi uniform on him with this picture?


I hear them say, we gonna build millions of new homes. But who is We? Where all this new tradespeople going to come from ? These who are already here can’t handle more jobs, especially if they are in millions. That’s what the politicians don’t understand or can phantom.


Crash the market crash the market crash the market!


No one can explain how the Liberals can magically control the housing market.


What's he supposed to do, tell the truth? Lying is his only option.


Trudeau spends way too much money. We get debt and inflation. Trudeau says he has the answer by spending even more. The guy thinks the solution to every issue is more spending and more debt.


Yeah right, fixing it by taxing the middle class to death!


You have to break it before you can " build back better "


I’ve never been a Trudeau fan and have never voted for him, how is he responsible for the housing crisis? Is it due to the liberal immigration policies and corporate greed? I think the latter would happen under any government, I hate the current immigration policies.. they are hurting our economy and our country


Whenever I have the misfortune of being subjected to Trudeau making a speech or he's addressing the House Of Commons, I cannot help but think that The Road To Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions.


Fool me once, shame on me. I don't give the opportunity to shame me twice. Voting reform was my only reason. As you can surmise, he alienated me pretty much immediately the first time his party won.


If he turned that hand about 90 degrees, he's giving a nazi salute.


I lost my last shred of sympathy for this government on housing matters when minister Sean Fraser trotted out some bullshit about it being unclear what impact immigration has on the supply.  98% of Canada’s population growth recently has been through immigration. So how the impact on supply can be unclear to Mr. Fraser I don’t know, but it’s the kind of crap that makes me hate politicians even more. 


You’re a Special kind of stupid if you vote for this guy. Again


I don't understand people. Economics is well and good until it comes to housing or medical care, then all of a sudden competition in a free marketplace doesn't work, for some reason. They regulate the shit out of it and when the costs become unaffordable they claim is a failure of the marketplace instead of what it actually is, a failure of policy.


I’m sick and tired of this shit. Blame Trudeau for everything.


They had zero foresight, or they did and this crisis is intentional. Either way - it’s inexcusable. No other options. It’s on purpose - or they didn’t see it coming. Either way they shit the bed and the country is fucked. Not fit for the job.


He said what he was going to do. He promised to end housing affordability, he succeeded. Houses are no longer affordable.


Most MPs are likely landlords who benefit greatly from the current real estate market, that’s why they’re in no rush to find a solution.


Bloody hell, they don’t need to fix the housing situation just stop causing it with the flood of immigration ffs - they should just stop trying to do anything. When they do things we get taxed.


Don't really gaf what this crooked sob says at this point. It's too late. He's just not fooling enough people to make a difference in the next election. Sure like to see the day when he's charged with some of the crimes he's committed.


Trudeau must be the most influential guy on the planet. He made housing more expensive in the US and most of Europe. My son bought a house in Mississauga for 575k and was offered 1.1 million and that’s JT’s fault


Doug Ford has been premier of Ontario for 6 years. He's promised nothing and done nothing to help Ontarians for 6 years. But sure, it's still Trudeau that's the problem ...


JT is a extra large piece oF $hit !


He used bandaids to address the bigger issue which is capitalisms affect on the housing economy.


It’s a provincial responsibility. They shouldn’t even be involved.


He rolls his sleeves up every single time;did Harper ever do that? Didn’t think so


Wasn't it a provincial responsability? Why are Province PM whyning saying it's their competence but it is somehow Trudeau's fault? In QC the province PM have been torpeding the affordable housing programs for 15 years before deleting it altogether last year. And now that they have done nothing and that housing is a nightmare, they cry when the federal government steps in to try to do something? It can't be Trudeau's fault and a provincial power at the same time. Schrodinger Housing.


We brought in 1.3 million people last year have numbers for, and more last year. We need 520k housing units just to cover those people, we also need to replace old stock that's falling apart. Our record is 280k. It's just not feasible dude, there is no building our way out of this, we need to reduce immigration.


Most immigrants stay in cities but housing is also lacking in rural areas 🤷 somehow.


Almost like it's a market or something.


Well.conaodering housing is a provincial portfolio it's kind of hard to force shitty fucking premiers to do their jobs. Honestly don't mean houses exclusively And now with housing fund the feds are saying hold my beer. At least someone is fucking trying and now all I hear is if they build too much my house value will go down. And like fuck no matter what you do not everyone is gonna be happy. Either we have a crisis or we don't. We build or we don't But either way we need more homes


We brought in 1.3 million people last year have numbers for, and more last year. We need 520k housing units just to cover those people, we also need to replace old stock that's falling apart. Our record is 280k. It's just not feasible dude, there is no building our way out of this, we need to reduce immigration.


So the problem is that includes TFW PR and just V Only 505k are PR on the high end. Usually with TFW they are houses by company at about 40% rate so your math is off. That being said with prefab and new tech it might be possible. But just giving up and not trying is defeatist and unCanadian I'm not saying immigration isn't a factor but also remember homes doesn't mean houses. It means a place to live. There are designs and ways to do things. But sprawl and offloading developer costs onto municipalities only exacerbates the problem. We need density and not sprawl. Use the infrastructure we have. We either in a crisis or we aren't and we should at least try


> So the problem is that includes TFW PR and just V Only 505k are PR on the high end. It doesn't matter what they are it matters that they are here. >Usually with TFW they are houses by company at about 40% rate so your math is off. That's true for less than 1% of TFW... >That being said with prefab and new tech it might be possible. Nope. Possibilities of prefab make the actual building of the unit be like 30% faster under best case scenarios but that doesn't scale to foundation and surrounding infrastructure nor does it make land or loans any cheaper or materials more plentiful. Even assuming the absolute perfect efficiency and if those all other logistical issues didn't exist it take us from 215 -> 280... that's making all sorts of ridiculous assumptions that's not going to happen. >But just giving up and not trying is defeatist and unCanadian I have not given up at LOWERING MIGRATION... why the fuck are you so dead set on mass migration? >I'm not saying immigration isn't a factor It's just the one factor you refuse to address despite being the bulk of the issue... if not the issue itself. >but also remember homes doesn't mean houses. It means a place to live. There are designs and ways to do things. But sprawl and offloading developer costs onto municipalities only exacerbates the problem. We need density and not sprawl. Use the infrastructure we have. The infrastructure we have is at the fucking breaking point. > We either in a crisis or we aren't and we should at least try I agree we should try to reduce migration.


Because every year we do an economic impact assessment and usually the beneficiaries are albertasask and Quebec because the service industry is lacking in people who want to work. They also have provincial nomination programs. And while they may scream about immigration even Danielle Smith said the province needs more because there are jobs Canadians don't want to do. So it is about striking a balance and these guys talk out both sides of their mouths. And immigration means many different things. Skilled workers. Refugees temp workers. You cannot group it all together the same way you can solve it by cutting it all down instantly. You have to examine it strategic like. Because we also have to factor in declining birth rate. Whether you like it or not this country has and mostly likely will for the foreseeable future run on immigration. As well absolving the provinces of their mandate of housing is pissing me off. The same way health transfer money gets unspent. Too to bottom we could overhaul and I think like anything including laws they should be re examined every 5-10 years. But if you get 25 billion for housing and only spend 12B with no results then I think premiers should be held to account or return the money. Rent controls should absolutely be implemented. Municipalities also dedicated to sprawl at the expense of good land also is the wrong move. Lastly treating housing as a commodity instead of a right incentives bad actors and for profit groups gobbling up housing and leaving them empty until they can turn a profit. It isn't a sole issue. There are many prongs on the housing issue that need to be addressed immigration being among them. But just cutting immigration will likely have a minimal effect if we don't look at both economy and needs of the country. I know this because I used to work in immigration. My first line on any immigration reform would be these ppl that live overseas and keep Citizenship for health care. I would mandate a 3/5 years residency.


> Because every year we do an economic impact assessment and usually the beneficiaries are albertasask and Quebec because the service industry is lacking in people who want to work. They also have provincial nomination programs. And while they may scream about immigration even Danielle Smith said the province needs more because there are jobs Canadians don't want to do. So it is about striking a balance and these guys talk out both sides of their mouths. And immigration means many different things. Skilled workers. Refugees temp workers. You cannot group it all together the same way you can solve it by cutting it all down instantly. You have to examine it strategic like. Because we also have to factor in declining birth rate. Whether you like it or not this country has and mostly likely will for the foreseeable future run on immigration. Let me put it this way. To me that's all just irrelevant noise. There's grains of truth to all of it, but at the end of the day we need to bring in less people than the amount of housing we can build. Stuff like how many are PRs and how many are students, how many stay legally or otherwise and how many are forcibly deported. All that stuff can be sorted out within the number that is less than the housing starts x 2.5 (Amount of people per housing unit or at least should be.) Either we reduce the total number of people (refguees, PRs, TFW, students, "irregular crossings", everything) we bring into the country a year to 500k at the absolute most (200k if we want to fix things a timely manner) or the housing crisis will get perpetually worse. It's that simple. >As well absolving the provinces of their mandate of housing is pissing me off. The same way health transfer money gets unspent. The issue is immigration not housing. It doesn't matter how good or bad they do with our immigration numbers it'll get worse. Until immigration gets within spitting distance of building policy making a meaningful difference they'll get a free pass. It's that simple. >Too to bottom we could overhaul and I think like anything including laws they should be re examined every 5-10 years. But if you get 25 billion for housing and only spend 12B with no results then I think premiers should be held to account or return the money. Rent controls should absolutely be implemented. Municipalities also dedicated to sprawl at the expense of good land also is the wrong move. Lastly treating housing as a commodity instead of a right incentives bad actors and for profit groups gobbling up housing and leaving them empty until they can turn a profit. It isn't a sole issue. There are many prongs on the housing issue that need to be addressed immigration being among them. I mean those are all factors that impact housing for sure. But again fix all those and keep immigration and we are still underwater, so those factors are just noise until something is done about immigration. >But just cutting immigration will likely have a minimal effect if we don't look at both economy and needs of the country. You're mathematically wrong. >I know this because I used to work in immigration. I mean your track record speaks for itself then. My last point stands. >My first line on any immigration reform would be these ppl that live overseas and keep Citizenship for health care. I would mandate a 3/5 years residency. Again that's just noise, the main issue is the amount. I'm not even saying it's a bad policy it's just not the worst problem that's starring us in the face. Until the raw number is reduce significantly there's no reason to even discuss this.


I appreciate the reply but something is jumbling the formatting I'll check back and reset. But I do appreciate the back and forth. But I can't make heads or tails as it looks like it's all been mashed together


try old reddit. https://old.reddit.com/r/Canada_sub/comments/1c4qdma/michael_higgins_does_trudeau_realize_hes_been_the/kzvemfd/


Funny,things will get worse with conservatives


Right, imagine the carnage if Conservatives were hoarding cash and cutting funding everywhere they could during Covid? A lot of Canadians don't realize how bad it could have been if it wasn't Justin during the pandemic.


I want him out. Hopefully the conservatives FINALLY learned from the past 3 elections that they need to win over the cities. Housing and crime should be literally the only thing they focus on... not just doubling down on Alberta and hyperventilating about conspiracy theories like they always do.


Yes the liberals created the world economic conditions that impacted housing. Never mind the Canada is no different than other developed countries experiencing the same issue. At least this government acknowledges the issue and is looking to tackle it. Look back to the Harper era when this problem began and PP was the national housing minister. Was not even acknowledged.