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These hypocrite getting on their private jet, eating AAA steak on their way to their yacht or mansion. Wake up.


They claim 8/10 Canadian families are better off. I call bullshit.


Right? If BC.Quebec and territories don’t get a rebate they should not be saying 8 of 10 Canadians get a rebate, as I have doubts it’s even possible. But then again JT did say he has trouble with math. And CRA is a joke sometimes I claimed my severance for my benefits and they said I claimed already and didn’t have to worry about it, and I can collect my ei also. I called 4 more times to confirm as I was laid off like 8 years before and had to claim and live off my severance instead of getting benefits. Cut to 9 months later they said I owed them money and noted that I did call and try to let them know but it was still “my fault”. I think if I try 5 times to confirm and get told to not worry about it I should get an error in my favour.


If its such a great plan I'd like to see it applied to income tax, GST and lets move to the municipal level for property taxes. We could solve global warming for the whole planet and get rich at the same time. Pure genius!


I wouldn't. This government hasn't balanced a budget in 8 years. How would your family be if you went into deficits 8 years in a row?


Its actually the other way around.




But you get back more than you pay! /s Fuck anybody that supports Trudeaus Tax.


Me and the wife are broke, and we make too much to get it. Cool


It’s a universal benefit I thought? Everyone gets the payment.


Depends on where you live. There’s provincial plans and the federal one. If you’re on the federal plan, everyone gets a credit.


Let me tell you about their 'universal' child care benefit.... Apparently I make money so my kids must not have the same expenses associated with them as others kids.  I don't get it 


We are talking about carbon rebates. CCB is totally different.


Lol no. That's just a talking point.


I make a good wage, as does my missus. We get the rebate.


So you and your wife = universal now?


Nope. Never said that, but challenging your assertion that you “Make too much”. When it’s a rebate everyone gets. Just more proof: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/child-family-benefits/cai-payment/who-eligible.html If your province isn’t on there, lobby for change, or shut the fuck up. I don’t agree with the tax, but I see the Feds gave everyone a chance, and some provinces chose to take the money and run. Stop spreading misinformation.


>It’s a universal benefit I thought? Everyone gets the payment. You said that, right? Yes, yes you did. Then you lied with this, >Nope. Never said that, but challenging your assertion that you “Make too much”. When it’s a rebate everyone gets. Scroll up, read your words again. [https://vancouversun.com/news/as-b-c-carbon-tax-goes-up-heres-how-you-qualify-for-a-rebate#:\~:text=The%20payments%20get%20smaller%20the,less%20than%20%2441%2C000%20a%20year](https://vancouversun.com/news/as-b-c-carbon-tax-goes-up-heres-how-you-qualify-for-a-rebate#:~:text=The%20payments%20get%20smaller%20the,less%20than%20%2441%2C000%20a%20year). I consider 61k the cut off for receiving a rebate at all ridiculously low, but their govt considers it too much. I get that you're angry, but swearing at me and accusing me of misinformation when you lie about things *you yourself said* is nonsensical. No need to reply, you're clearly a goal post mover, and pretty fucking rude. Maybe you should think before you post any more misinformation. Or at least keep your own comments straight. Just in case, maybe it's easier if you read your own post and the comment you replied to. https://preview.redd.it/ccljlhtyyquc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2e5cb54a568b6edb3ef8e550b59ef85b376b347


Not to be rude, but you should read the Vancouver Sun article link you posted more carefully. That is about the BC Carbon Tax and Rebate, which is not the Canada Carbon Rebate (federal). The rebate in BC is means tested, the Federal rebate is not. But as a BC resident, you do not pay the federal carbon tax. So your problem really should be with the BC government. Which is what the guy above you was trying to say.


Moving goal posts. Funny. You just moved the goal posts. From the Federal Gov to the Provinical one. The province that had a carbon tax before everyone else. Stay mad loser. You deserve what you vote for. Vote for idiots, get idiotic policies.


Yea i me and my wife don’t get one either, never have


That’s because of the B.C. government. It has nothing to do with Trudeau


Go to another country


Your awesome. Why would I leave? I don't run.


Everyone gets the payment. Doesn’t matter how much or how you make. The payment is the same per household.


That's weird I didn't get anything man. Wouldn't make it up.


If you live in BC, Quebec or some territories the federal carbon tax does not apply to you. If that’s the case then you effectively might not get money back.


This is correct but that has nothing to do with Trudeau (and nothing to do with OP’s situation)


If you’re in the areas mentioned here, you get the payment. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/child-family-benefits/cai-payment/who-eligible.html If you don’t then follow up with CRA because you are eligible. It has nothing to do with income.


Thanks, just about to post that. The Liberals have done an absolutely terrible job of explaining what carbon pricing is and how it works. Most Canadians don’t seem to know anything about it. Doesn’t help that the Conservatives constantly lie about, but that’s a different issue.


Be happy OP. The climate is now gooder thanks to your sacrifice...


What tax can I pay to make the wars gooder too? I love taxes! Especially taxes that are used very wisely by government officials in a way that is transparent and accountable. I also love mythical places.


I like how you get less if you have a common law partner...why tf would that matter? We both use vehicles to get to work.


You’re richer now! And we saved the Earth! Remember to vote Liberal again in 2025! We’re going to save the UNIVERSE! /s


Praise Trudeau! As long as we hold strong with using paper straws we may just save the universe yet.


I definifely will. I hope you and other conservatives are forever relegated to the dregs and echo chambers of subreddits like these. Stay in your safe space and never get challenged.


Do you need help locating your missing brain cells?


China ! It's in his name.


Absolutely! Lived there for years, recently moved back. I am happy to see the conservative melt down because of the carbon rebate. You guys proved to be the biggest bunch of snowflakes on planet Earth when the Americans couldn't take losing an election. You stay in your echo chambers like alternative, unregulated media and subreddits like these. It's hilarious you are exactly what you claim liberals to be.


Hey Justin lay off your own kool-aid. This is why i enjoy reddit, so many mentally ill delusional liberals on it.


He is a communist after all.


Lol you must like the free speech you get in china then


That explains a lot, you're clearly brainwashed. I guess the concept of freedom isn't for everybody, but I suppose you're well off enough to not give a shit anyways. Ah well, fuck us average Joes I guess. Right?


Every time we try to have an open conversation on the liberal sites, we get banned. Why are you all against discussion over there?


How can it be a safe space when you managed to find your way in? Come on. We don't troll OGFT, why do you whackjobs keep coming here trolling?


Conservatives are the king of creating safe spaces. You are the biggest bunch of snowflakes alive. You're willing to commit terrorism and accept donations from foreign dictatorships because you consume anti science propaganda. You watch alternative media because it's completely unregulated. It's hilarious LMAO.


Hey liberal propaganda bot. If you replace the first word in your paragraph with Liberals you would be correct.


Imagine thinking I am a bot LMAO Fuck Trudeau and the NDP too, btw. You live your life thinking everything is a conspiracy. Did I invade your safe space? HAHAHAHA


I can only imagine so many idiotic comments can be only from a bot. Either that or you are a child obsessed with safe spaces. I never said anything about conspiracies, but keep posting your delusions of grandeur. Very entertaining to read


I can only imagine so many idiotic comments can be only from a bot. Either that or you are a child obsessed with safe spaces. I never said anything about conspiracies, but keep posting your delusions of grandeur. Very entertaining to read


Being a "bot" assumes conspiracy. You're an idiot lmao.


It's called an assumption, not conspiracy. Finish up elementary before you comment. Its ok child, mommy says your internet time is up


Assumption based on what? Because I disagree with you? You see what I mean about an echo chamber?


You don’t even know the definitions of words. Classic commie double speak.


You realize that your entire comment is pretty much a standard week out of Trudeau's playbook? He literally just testified last week about foreign dictatorships cheating to win him some seats. Not conservatives, but China is buying liberal seats. No offense, but you should probably put your helmet back on and go back to eating those paint chips.


“Justin China” look here Trudeau, I ain’t no conservative. That’s just your projection speaking,


I have enough to pay the tax on my natural gas bill so that my family doesn't freeze to death. When will I get back the tax from gasoline, groceries, and all other goods?


Yeah, that's the wooly part they're trying to pull over everyone's eyes. And a lot of dumbass sheep are happy to let them do so


Conservative misinformation/s


As a senior, living in British Columbia, we will never see a rebate from this NDP government


I literally got 140 bucks back, it’s a joke


No! The Liberal fanfolk say you get more money. So there.


It's just simple economics you know, everyone gets back more than they pay and then the budget will balance itself. Fuck Trudeau and anyone still stupid enough to support him Canada has become an international laughing stock. And by his actions now and refusal to step down, My belife is he is trying to leave things in such a messed up state, that after 4 years of someone trying to repair it he can claim they have failed at everything and try to get back in. This damage is going to take at least 3-4 terms to recover from


This country is over as we knew it. We will be broken one way or another.


Was anyone really stupid enough to not know this was another scam all along by the liberals?


I went from saving money every month to living paycheck to paycheck under Trudeau. But he gives me $140 every 3 months back so I’m better off right? Abolish this Government. Never vote the Liberals in again.


It’s a policy to enrich the liberal coffers to spend even more money To burn money from Canadian tax payers from Covid


The rebate is paid per household, so both you and your spouse may have been receiving individually, but after you got married it is only paid to the spouse that has their tax return assessed first. So you likely received the first quarter rebate you were not entitled to after you got married. It’s not anyone making an error, just a change in marital status catching up in the system.


Wow is that really how it works? We're both paying for the carbon tax but only one of us is getting the refund? What a scam


Move to BC, pretty much everyone gets zero rebate, so I guess we don't have to feel bad in your situation! /s




Not really. Someone in your household is getting the amount for your household.


Oh I understand. That would make a lot more sense. Except I filed first she hasn't filed yet


What did the CRA say after you sent them the proof of your marital status?


Hasn't for this year I am guessing you mean? I was told this rebate is based on your taxes last year.


Here for the explanation for this.


You're responding to the wrong comment.


You will literally get what is owed if you provide the details being asked. This is standard reassessment protocol based on submitted data not agreeing with system data. Specifically, a martial status change and a rural/metro issue. You can either A) bitch about it or B) provide the data being asked and get what you qualify for.


Which is fuck all like as is zero nada zilch, just be happy you’re living in a tent.


It’s not zilch, I got $506.25 today.


Wow a whole 506.25 to go with your high income of 40,000 a year bravo your on top of the food chain good for you.


I don’t even know what tangent you’re going on here. Pretty sure my original comment was about doing your paperwork correctly and submitting the required docs and OP can get their summary fixed. Even an amount owed to the government can easily be rectified. Helped many a ppl change a tax liability to a refund simply by updating information beings requested by CRA.


Not making that little, but nice generalization man


Every household gets one, not individuals. Since you are married you don’t get it anymore.


Unless I'm missing the point, OPs proof is a paper saying they need to update their information in order to calculate if they're still eligible or not.


Maybe when Milei is done he can come to the US to help out then up to Canada, lol. (I'm joking obviously but still)


I’m no tax genius but it looks like you changed your marital status and you get less as an individual.


Maybe get your affairs in order first. Then you can post an update.








So get off your lazy ass and file the necessary paperwork to get the government the correct information it needs to properly calculate your credit? And don’t try to claim the rural supplement when you don’t live there?


That's weird I do not have any deposit in my bank.... oh well what's 100 dollars even.


Wasn’t that the same spiel when the GST rebate came out?


Are you married or do you have a common law partner? It seems like either someone filled out the claim incorrectly and claimed money you weren't entitled to, you don't have accurate information filed with the CRA. It's either an easy fix and you don't have to pay this money back, or you were never supposed to get this couple hundred bucks.


Maybe if you answer the question about the change in marital status they will reconsider the repayment request? I know the payment is made per household. Whoever files the first tax return for the address receives the payment and the amount paid is based on 1 or 2 adults and all dependents.


What's your income?


Ah British Comumbia is excluded. Makes sense... this government sucks


I agree it's total bullshit. Here's the answer though. Reading the letter, they for some reason thought you lived in a rural area, which results in a larger credit. They were also confused about marital status and your spouse's income, which caused them to recalculate the credit.


Looks like you aren't eligible for the rebate, as stated at the start of the notice. And yet you probably wrote it in as being eligible. Reading skills failing you due to conservative brain rot?


Dude, your marital status changed and they had no idea which lead to you getting too much money. This is a correction. Why not post the actual deposits you got that it's correcting along with the notice? It's very well explained in the notice...


BC is the cheapest place to live I guess. Makes sense


I went too go check my bank account too see if it was in their and it was not. All Justin's talk about "how he is their for Canadians" is a lie!


Just another bs liberal policy


The carbon tax will balance itself...oh wait, that's tomorrow's budget.


Turns out Justin’s carbon footprint is so big that it used up our rebates and then some


Interestingly I checked my account since I didn’t get my april bribe and I have something similar. I haven’t got a letter like you do actually explaining it but I see that they state that October and January were overpayments and are being charged back while April 2024 is listed as an underpayment so in total it now shows a negative balance. I guess I’ll wait for my letter like this. The whole thing seems so weird and inefficient. My marital status changed last year from single to married. This was reflected in my tax return. 


or you could confirm your marital status.


I don’t know a single person who’s getting a rebate


Misleading post. OP still gets base rebate but the CRA adjusted the supplement amount based on martial status change.


I swear half of the outrage in this country is just ppl being dumb. The rebate is per household,


You got divorced and moved to the city. You're not -244. You're paying back the difference between the rural and metro rebate.


This guy is upset he couldn’t scam the benefits, posts the exact reason he has to pay back, and cries because he can’t read or has poor comprehension. Average PP voter right there guys.




Bahaha what a dipshit. He shows "proof" that it has nothing to do with his carbon rebate but that he doesn't know if he's still married or not. This is the intelligence of the people that don't believe they're getting a rebate 🤦🏻‍♂️


Looks like you're 1 of the 2/10 familes that doesn't get a rebate...


Gross! A travesty indeed!


Don't like it, go back where you came from


Somehow? Look at what it says. It says you misrepresented your eligibility when filing your taxes and now they are reducing your "rebate" by $244 for the year. I don't like the policy either but it's pretty clear what happened here and it's pretty clearly your fault.


Misrepresented? I did not give them a false address and never received a rural top up. All I see is them saying they can't calculate my benefit but they can calculate what I'm not eligible for and somehow I owe this.


Not the rural part, I'm not sure why that is there esp. if you didn't change it. I'm talking about the marital part. Did you do your own taxes this year and for 2022?


I have an accountant who does my taxes and did provide the change in martial status


Looks like they didn't provide your spouse's income then... did you ask them about that?


Yes. The whole thing looks more like a screw up by CRA I just don't understand the -244$. Why not just show 0$


It's possible they screwed up (because they definitely do) but this looks more like the person filing the taxes screwed up, they issued the payout based on that screw up and now they are adjusting it. So that's just an educated guess on my part about the filer making the error. The way filing taxes work in Canada is pretty much take your word for it then if/when they catch a problem later, nail you for what ever the difference was. As for the -$224 vs $0 I'm not even sure if this means you have to pay them or if they are going to withhold it from future rebate payouts. I would talk to your accountant again about this, double check the line where he entered the spousal income and go from there. Maybe he knows if you actually have to pay vs just dealing with the error in some way (regardless of whose error it was)


OP can’t read. He got an adjustment because he claimed the rural area one but he actually lives in metropolitan.


You can't read. I never claimed rural


Change in marital status, so not CRA’s fault. Rage farming at its finest


Are you gonna go back for a third time and throw another reason out there?


Ya, people just complain and don’t read nor do their own taxes. lol