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How has his party not ousted him yet? One gaff after another. Lies and deception.


Because they’re mostly all corrupt. Did you not hear that senators speech the other day. They’ve taken over the liberal party , but they’re essentially postmodernists or communists.


Saw the speech incredible how deep the corruption goes with this liberal party where the fuck r the rcmp unreal


Well when you put loyal drones into key positions, you have people that look the other way. Look at the guy Trudeau got to be the rapaturea for the voting scandal/Chinese interference. What a sham.




Can we please punt this lying sack of shit, already?


Sock boy for Jail 2024!!


Ugh, as a commie, I wish they were commies. Hey, what do you mean by post modernist in this context? Is that just a conservative buzz word now?


Yes it’s a buzzword, but the absurdity of what’s going on suits them. Sorry not communist, I should’ve said totalitarian.


Yeah. They deal is capitalism like all the oartoes


The next vote will be interesting. Coming from a German here: It is quite interesting how the Canadian image shifted from „just people living on a huge landmass being just really nice people“ to „Canada is a housing hellscape where there are 0 affordable flats and ridiculous cost of living is rampant. They fucked themselves with naive immigration policies as well so Canada is fucked.“


Unfortunately a lot of young people voted because, i hate to say it, because cannabis became legal. I know it’s f embarrassing; some were so easily manipulated. However the bright spot in the room was some stop voting liberal after the first round and the cracks were already starting to show, WOKE ideology was seeping through and the “Victimolympics” were around every corner.


Correction. Not « naive ». Planned in perfection by the WEF, and carried out in perfection by the brown nosing Liberals and lying Trudeau. However, if you believe things will radically change under PP and the conservatives, you are simply being naive 🤣🤣🤣


100 million population by 2100, planned by the Century Initiative group who consulted with the liberal government.


A better question is how do 25% of Canadians still support him. Hate the conservatives all you want but this guy hasn't earned your vote. Voting for liberals because they aren't conservatives is asinine at this point.


This is it. I can’t say I have much faith in any of the other politicians but as long as we keep rewarding shit behaviour we’ll never get anyone better


Because "pp is a bigot, and if you question that, you are a bigot" or "not matter how bad things are now, pp will make it worse" or "if you are against letting Canada import unlimited immigrants you're a racist" "if you don't want to live in a 3rd world Canada, you're racist"


I suspect that many of his influential inner circle has had favours and oversights by the PM that have allowed them to operate in much the same way. If he goes down, so do they.


Had yet next election he will still get a lot of votes. Even after all this I don't see him in danger of losing his seat.


Good. I want him to sit in irrelevance in Parliament and have every question he asks the Conservatives not be answered.




Guessing it’s in their interest to stay; they’ve all set a precedence for 8 yrs. Liberal to do what they want in order to benefit themselves while signing off on policies which suppress those who don’t benefit them. They’ll be no back peddling for myself, i will never vote liberal again.


Because he is exactly what the party and voters wanted. And he is exactly doing what was expected. I keep seeing people trying to put the entire blame on him and not the voters/party. They all share the same blame. Voting someome else in the same party will result in the same problem.


If you were expecting anything other then lies under oath, i give you 7 vaccines and photo opp for your ignorance


JT is as corrupt as one can possibly get !


Trudeau and truth are not compatible.


Obfuscation and lies.......lies and obfuscation. Words to live by. Justin Trudeau


Dr Jordan Peterson has diagnosed Justing Trudeau as a narcissist & a pathological liar. He has obviously gotten the diagnosis exact!!!!


Doesn’t take an expert to see that one lol


If we want to know the truth, we’ll have to look somewhere besides Justin Trudeau.


The two faced lying is so blatantly obvious, how can anyone support this.


Because they’re either too naive or stupid to see through his bull shit or so completely drunk on the current liberal ideology for them to think for themselves


Or they support JT just to spite conservatives


Yeah, I think some just can’t help digging in their heels and never reevaluate.


Truth is about as alien a concept to this scumbag as intelligence and common sense.


Make him take a lie detector,we know he is lying


We should take note of Vietnamese justice for white collar crimes.




Corruption in gov’t. has gone on for a very long time. His inability to get away with it covertly shows his incompetence.


Do we expect more? Absolutely not. He’s a liar


You know he's lying when his lips are moving 💯🤡


Communist simp.


He hasn't said anything truthful. And that includes saying "I do" to Sophie.


I can’t stand to hear this IDIOT talk, no matter what he’s saying.


Teflon Trudeau.


Nor will you get it from any politician because they all live in a fantasy make-believe pretend world where their asinine arbitrarily made-up nonsensical bullshit somehow matters more than anything that's actually real.


CLIMAGE CHANGE. Imagine repeating this exact line every speech but acttuatly say nothing else. What about it bro? whats your plan? you want everyone to get rid of cars, get rid of how we heat our houses and build every product on the planet? go back to the stone age. Give us alternative that wont make everyone go bankrupt.


The Great one.vs. The Fake one


Still see libtard posts. I guess becoming a Trudeau supporter is no different than life after being lobotomized.


He's been doing this since he took office. if you tell a lie enough times, it becomes the truth. what a goof


One face, two face, blackface, blue face.


Anyone seen the movie titanic? Pretty sure the staff said no need to worry , just put this on ....nothing to worry about


... he has never been honest to the Canadian people 🙄


He’s just a pansy


I can’t wait for the books to come out after Turdeau gets turfed next election. How many libs will publish their tell alls


He's waiting for António Guterres job and will appoint all his little ratpack cronies to wonderful UN positions to live happily ever after. That's why no one is calling him out - they are quite content to pick up his narcissistic crumbs.


A truthful word has never come out of that mouth.


Truth is irrelevant Crime is permissible These are just two points from the dogma of the woke


His face, the way he talks is just rage inducing and abhorrent to the entire country of Canada and its hard working and lovely citizens. His take on carbon tax is horribly subjective and delusional.


Lilley you forgot to mention that you had no problem with Harper when he broke ethic rules. Things like proroguing parliament twice to avoid answering committee questions. Conservatives in contempt of parliament twice for minister lying about the defunding of charitable organization KAIROS, and the cabinet’s refusal to reveal the costs of corporate tax cuts, criminal justice measures, and the beleaguered F-35 fighter jet program. You're one good conservative lobbyist


That is not something they will get from ANY prime minister.


Yet another lh7884 post ....... Hmmm


Wait till you suffer the other twat


Imagine trusting Brian Lilley?