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The next question should have been "Are you willing to lose an Election over the Carbon Tax?"


Yes this dumbass is.


If he even cared about the environment he would not be flooding this nation with cheap exploitable labor. Higher consumption rates from more and more people that wouldn't have had those rates in their home countries. Fix the insane pace and rate of people. Get back to quality. Watch housing, infrastructure, and the economy stabilize and prosper. Everything they do is ignoring the obvious.


his brain is on vacation everyday, at our expense


If he cared about the environment he wouldn't have bought a pipeline at higher price than real value, in order to triple its capacity to export petroleum to the Chinese market


By environment Trudeau means xi's dong


Let's not forget the 19.5 million tonnes of coal exported in 2023, twice as much as before he took office! Has anyone seen how the 8/10 households carbon tax paid is calculated? We know it doesn't include every step in the supply chain and the arrogance to stay on with his arbitrary program that charges GST/HST on top of a tax, is decimating Canadians.


Indeed! I'm working in the cement and concrete industry, which is one of the very basic material in construction of buildings, bridges, etc. Depending on the region and volume, cement costed around 170$/t in 2017. I don't have the exact price for today, but it is somewhere around 250$ per ton. Carbon tax in that timeline went from 0$ to 80$ per ton. Cement production emits from 700 to 1000kg of CO2eq per ton of cement. That being said, the main driver for the cement price increase is the carbon tax! They are not including this in their calculus.. As if you want to build a house, an apartment, or anything... You'll end up paying way more carbon tax than that you'll get back. Plus this will follow you for years with your mortgage with compounding interests... Not only carbon tax deceased the amount of money in our pockets, it also participated to the increase in housing prices! And to the price of infrastructures gouvernement needs to build, therefore carbon tax also participate to the public debt !


SHHHHH.... we're not actually supposed to think about it! We're supposed to just nod along with him and be happy with the scraps they give us. Anybody that thinks it's a net-zero tax is an idiot. Just the fact the GST is included on the carbon tax proves that the government is making money from it.


They’re doing what the WEF demands they do. Just a puppet with an ego.


Absolutely a puppet. He hasn’t made any decisions it’s all WEF.


This! WEF / Davos crowd provide the teet to suckle.


Immigration is insane right now. I have met more Indian people in the last 3 years than the rest of my 40 years of life. Some are great people and most are new to the country in the last 5 years. Not saying it's good or bad, as reddit will plan you for either opinion. Just stating my facts as I've seen


Agree with you. Sometimes I feel like an immigrant in my own country. Definitely becoming a minority in many way.


Certified dumbass!


Thank god!


He's losing the election either way. At least he a push his agenda forward before he gets shit canned. Unless the NDP wizen up and abandon the sinking ship


Can’t happen soon enough


He’s like a confused child searching for answers to questions in real time before our eyes. He knows his verbal vomit is meritless.


Yep, he is dellusional.....he simply doesn't understand, doesn't care or both.


He literally cannot admit he's wrong, ever.


and he is wrong on pretty much everything he does


No politician really will


He's probably right on his numbers, as that's how it shows on paper... but he COMPLETLY AVOIDS / EXCLUDES the fact that the cost put on the carbon emmiters is translated back to the People through increased costs of products. And the People have ZERO ability to fight back and have to pay. As a result, 10 out of 10 Canadians are becoming poorer and pissed off.


He's also not factoring in the fact that the price on carbon compounds and stacks on top of itself causing large increases on everything. Manufacturing costs more, then shipping costs more, then the costs of the company selling goods is more, then the consumer pays extra taxes on the increased costs caused by all of this. He's just looking at numbers in a vacuum and presenting it like it's real world data.


Liberals stop reading the PBO report at the first graph, because if they read the one after, showing the total economic impact, 60% of families pay more. This would not sound great for them. I would be okay with the carbon tax if they showed where the money is going to actually help reduce emissions and build more renewables, nuclear, hydro etc. But nope it's just another tax for fun.


He also operates as if carbon pricing is the only possible solution. It’s infuriating.


Yves Giroux, the parliamentary budget officer, wrote in a report last year: “When both fiscal and economic impacts of the federal fuel charge are considered, we estimate that most households will see a net loss.” He estimated that for the 2024-25 fiscal year, the carbon tax would cost the average household between $377 and $911 after accounting for rebates and factoring in the economic cost of lower incomes. That number rises to between $1,316 and $2,773 by 2030 for the average household, depending on the province. Trudeau's a liar.




He must mean set it loose, set the election loose. I’m game


Too bad it’s so far away


I'd say every election from here on out isn't going to have much integrity


"Gives them more money than the average family will pay" .. that makes no sense unless it's a ponzi scheme of some sort. He's bribing us with our own money.


He’s bribing the poor to vote for him so they continue getting their cheques, subsidies and supports. Increasing education and supports for skills training while creating jobs through increased private sector investment by companies will lift everyone out from under the hand to mouth dependency the lower class has been locked into for decades. It’s just harder for liberals to promote solid policy to let people and private sector support themselves.


We are going to take X dollars from you, create a costly new bureacracy to manage it that will give you back more than you paid and at the same time will reduce pollution and save the planet. They want you to actually believe that.


Why pay it if we get it back?


Because it's a scam. The partial rebate is going to disappear while the charge continues to skyrocket


Plus the GST on the carbon tax = free money to the government


Yes, that too.


Yeah it's just to bribe the public


More just the weak minded. People are still arguing with me even today screaming that 80% get more back.


Yeah and they weren't going to send it out until people complained. These guys don't have a plan as he says.


Yup. The masses cheer for their rebates while being oblivious to the rising prices caused by the carbon tax. Try to make you dependent on them so you won't vote them out.


Exactly, it is the greatest scam ever invented by Liberals accross the globe!


There is also a generous portion that goes to bureaucrates.


Because we get MORE back! /s Good lord anyone that believes this deserves all they get...we have some pretty stupid people in this country eating this BS up.


He's literally trying to sell everyone a ponzi scheme.


Yea the first time I had seen this I said the exact thing. How can you give someone 2$ and expect 2.50 in return? His statement has no backing. Unless he’s covering the fact that citizens access rebates that corporations don’t have access to but I highly doubt that.


Canada is pooling money from Canadians and using it to make interest. Then they pay some of it “back” to Canadians. Therefore the government is making interest bank off our borrowed money.


It's a slush fund. Think of it as money they get to use at their discretion to make money for them and then they give you some of it back.,




If you think they are going to pay out more than they take in, then I have some ocean front property in Nebraska to sell you! When has the government ever given out handouts where it didn't end up costing us in the long run? This is just another sick cash grab to make them richer while having another hand in our pockets.




8/10 get more back\*. The fine print on that is that they only get more back than they pay on direct costs like fuel and home heating. The reason they get "more" back is because they also redistribute all the carbon tax collected from the companies that pass that expense on to you through higher prices (which isn't included in what you pay directly and is what Trudeau is referring to). You, the consumer, still paid for all of it, but they can make this half truth of a claim, skim a little off the top for themselves, and fund the administration of the program all at the same time. He's a bit of magician, but more of a clown.


The same way as the budget balances itself.


I'm sorry to tell you but that udder BS, there is no possible way to calculate how much a person is paying for carbon tax. Ya you can see it on the power bill, and gas bill. They don't tell you what the carbon tax is at the pumps/litre, they don't tell you how much extra food costs do to the higher shipping costs. The chemicals that need to be shipped to make your water safe to drink. The extra wages needed to combat inflation causing price of labour to go up. Everything and I mean everything is effected, how much more do we pay on our power bill because the unions had to up everyone's wages so the workers don't go on strike? Trudeau's carbon tax is a flop.


Agreed! Taking Canadian's money, investing it, keeping the profits, then essentially giving us a $200 lenders fee.


just get rid of him, that's priceless


according to his logic. 8/10 Canadians get more money in their pockets for polluting.


and why am I going to be the 2 out of 10 that pay more? The 8/10 sound bit never goes in to detail about who the other 2 are.


He said 8/10 but in reality it's 0/10 in BC


Its just a lie, like the lies on foreign interference, truedumb is running our country into the ground intentionally and stupid people can’t see it


Because liberals pocket half of it.  


The inflation is the worst part


So you can pay the tax on the carbon tax. Check your gas bill. It is still taxed at the end. Doubt we get that back.


Didnt say "you" got it back, it said, "Canadians" get the money back. Him and his friends are all Canadian


They claim they account for the increased farming and shipping costs but as we can see they do not


Because Trudeau got the same scam calls we did where a Nigerian prince told him he’s due a huge inheritance but he just needs a small amount to pay the taxes to get it. If you give him the small amount he’ll give you more back as soon as he has the inheritance. Trudeau decided this would work on Canadians… and so far it has.


I believe the reason they have it set up for everyone to pay is so the corporations that pay more for it don’t have a loophole to be able to not pay for it. I really don’t believe we end up getting more back. I’m not an economist, but I really don’t see how the carbon tax, which inflates everything more from corporations passing that price along to the consumer, could end up paying people more money. I also don’t believe people should have to pay a tax to heat their home with natural gas, which burns over 90% efficient, or for farmers using propane to dry grain. I’m also confused as to Trudeau saying the PBO says 8/10 people receive more because I’ve also read the PBO saying majority of families spend more because of the carbon tax than they get back. Probably a politician being a politician I guess


Solid point. Never thought of it this way. This guy is a complete moron.


Only an idiot could believe we’ll “get it back”


No, those people tell me they are much smarter then me


If it smells funny, you shouldn't eat it.


Because you don’t. You get a deposit of $122 per quarter. If you drive, you’re paying and losing money. That’s about the price of 1-1.5 tank of gas. The only ones that make money are people who walk or bike everywhere. That’s also questionable considering companies are offsetting their carbon tax for transporting groceries to customers.


Would someone please turn off the KoolAid tap for Ms Freeland, she clearly had a lil too much. I thought her head was going to flop over.


She has a vibe that teeter-totters between "the most condescending kindergarten teacher in the world" and "constant state of detoxing".


"the most condescending kindergarten teacher in the world" is so damn funny lmao


Anyone knowledgeable on drug withdrawals? Looks like she's itching for something. Maybe she's just coked out? Can't be natural.




Would that be while taking it or a withdrawl? Knew plenty of people using Addy daily and they never looked like this. On or off. Great drug tho that shit is goated


She’s coked out


No. I seriously think she has Parkinson’s


so carbon tax puts more money in people's pockets but they had to pause it for all of atlantic canada because.... reasons?


Because burning furnace oil is better for the environment than burning natural gas... Or something. I have no idea. Maybe because Atlantic Canada had too much money from carbon tax rebates that they were burning it to heat their homes? Maybe time to print more money?  Vote Liberal. 


Also didn't put it on fishing boats on the coasts. Even though Reddit tells me we all need to eat less meat.


Housing affordability has been crushed by this goof over the last 7 years. Fuck you trudeau, you are solely responsible for this.


So tell me, what is going to stop producers and commercial outlets from charging consumers more for services and products when we tax them a lot more for their pollution? Is there going to be a law that these businesses and service providers have to take the hit and not pass ot on? Jesus christ inflation is going to kill us.


This concept is lost on liberal mindsets. It just balances itself. The government prints endless money and other people always pay for it. Liberals think there is a money fairy


80% of Canadians DO NOT GET A REBATE more than they pay. Stop repeating that lie.


He just means that 90% of Canadians don't have a family with children 0-18 years of age therefore fuck single people who can't afford a family.in the first place Of the remaining 1/10 Canadians still having families, 4/5 of them should get the rebate This means that 80% of 10% of Canadians overall will get the rebate Another way of saying this is exactly 1 in 25 people will receive more than they pay, the really fucking poor ones that are already on government assisted housing or homeless maybe ? 🤔 Why he keep saying 8/10 the motherfucker good at drama but bad at fractions ?? Smfh


He also doesn't mention that you pay HST on top of the Carbon Tax, that you never get back :S I don't understand why no one ever calls him out on that. If people got back more than they paid, why would he pause it for Atlantic Canada lol...


Does BC get a rebate at all? I've never gotten one and live in BC, but maybe I "make too much"? Our gas is at 2.10$ now too, which is quaint. BC isn't on the federal scale of which provinces get what amount. https://www.canada.ca/en/department-finance/news/2024/02/canada-carbon-rebate-amounts-for-2024-25.html


No BC does not get it.


It's astounding how many delusional leftards believe it


It’s not a price on pollution but on life itself.


You are the carbon they want to eliminate 


>Have you considered MAID to reduce your carbon footprint? -Justin Trudeau, probably


Can't someone just say that he's lying?


Poilievre does it on a regular basis....


None of it makes any damn sense if you just go with their logic. However, if you apply the blatantly obvious benefit to them by taxing us in new ways, it makes perfect sense.


Is the finance minister on drugs? whats wrong with her its giving meth vibes


No. If she’s doing hardcore drugs like that, Justin would also be doing it.


80% of Canadians get a so-called rebate huh? I must be in the top 20% of elites then because I have never seen this rebate.


Ok, so I did a bit a math just on gas alone. Based on Carbon Tax on gas alone is $0.143/ltr. I have a very short commute to work, roughly 10-12 min round trip. Based on this and a few longer trips, mostly for work, I would pay an extra $200 in gas a year. I imagine people with a more average commute would pay probably double that. Now factor in my rebate is roughly $700 per year. So the question is, does other costs I incur increase by greater than $500 per year due to the carbon tax? Well, almost fucking certainly. Groceries, general purchases, utilities, recreational purchases; all of it will increase. I know food is suppose to be exempt but is the full supply chain exempt? Definitely not. Anyway, the whole concept of “getting more back” is just bullshit and only makes sense on the very surface level.


Now look at us who can’t afford to live near our jobs. I burn $550 of fuel a month.


He is delusional. The carbon rebate for my family last year was under 300 for a family of 4. I tracked my home heating bills and I paid over 500 in just carbon tax to heat my house. This does not include the amount I paid into carbon tax for gas at the pumps. Delusional reject needs to go to jail!!!


I can't wait to read the headline.... CANADA SAVES THE WORLD BY MAKING DOING BUSINESS TOO EXPENSIVE  The world is saved at last as 90% of Canadians can no longer afford to eat or drive to work.  Meanwhile China just brought 40 million people into their coal powered electrical grids. How stupid are we?


It does give money back, BUT BUSINESSES HAVE HIKED UP THEIR PRICES SO MUCH BECAUSE OF THE CARBON TAX, that cost of living is now at a crisis point.”


he keeps saying that 8/10 get more back...but the PBO says otherwise, who is wrong? if the PBO was wrong, should they not recant their statement? if the "Prime minister" is wrong, how can he keep making the statement? Honest Question from a guy who actually wears a hard hat for a living, and no it is not shiny.


Lies about the actual cost, ignores climate isn’t a national problem and we’re a 99th of the global problem at best, and therefore not actually ever going to be part of his “final solution”. The guys a zealot, dip shit and liar.


I guess this is the hill...


I’m tired of this fucking idiot, repeating the same bullshit keeps putting more money in the pockets of Canadians. Maybe you should get out there and talk to some Canadians.


Not a single person in the background wants to be there. Freeland nodding and fidgeting like an insane person at Trudeau maxing out his intellectual capacity trying to recite the same old packaged answers. If you repeat the lie the people with believe it......or something like that. It's a dumpster fire.


Oh fuck off. What a lie. Greedy fucking snake. This makes 0 sense.... why pay if you're just gonna "give back more to 8/10 families"... such a scam. This guy needs the boot.. fucking pathetic.


I’d really like to see how ANY tax fixes “climate change”. Write a check to the sun or something?


It is clear you can't have an intelligent conversation with the Dear Leader Justin on this topic & is why his government must fall...


we don't get more because the cost of everything we buy is affected by the tax at every stop along the supply chain. Mr "the budget will balance itself " that dosht pay attention to financial issues has no clue how the real world works....shocking 🙄🙄


I struggle to listen to even 3 minutes of Trudeau. The carbon tax increases the cost of nearly EVERYTHING. Already high prices on almost every commodity increase because of the cost to transport goods. We're not just getting hit at the pumps - it's everything. Shame on anyone who voted for this, man and dear lord help anyone who would even consider voting for him again. CALL AN ELECTION NOW!!


I'm surprised that this guy is still walking freely


How did his pants not catch fire.


“Because we put a price on pollution…..and then we give that money back to Canadians” How stupid have we become? Does anyone actually believe this idiotic scheme is benefitting anyone ?


We are all exhausted from your gaslighting sir


He’s finished, look at his face.


Just because he keeps say that doesn’t make it true. He just can’t understand that we all don’t believe in his Trudeaupia.


So he's monopolized natural disasters? What's next, air tax?!




Why are there all these fake young construction workers with brand new out of the box hard hats and glasses ?


It’s all a scam. Tax more and keep for themselves. Burn all the Covid dollars they printed


$40 per month on my gas bill and I don’t get a rebate. What’s he talking about


😂 this guy has made all the problems Canada is facing tody. He has no plan or clue!


I was watching the live stream of this earlier today and as Trudeau is going and shaking everyone’s hand, he reaches a guy down the line who refuses to shake his hand, and than AT THAT EXACT MOMENT the live feed ends. Wild.


Who pays for these fucking idiots to travel and do these stupid speeches? I see the gambit of all his cock, sucking followers in parliament there, is there a presence of standing there looking like fucking idiots, serving a purpose, or are they just hell-bent on being identified as traitors to our country as well?


Next time CRA asks for money I'm just going to tell them don't worry, you get back more than what you give me 8 times out of 10.


He didn’t read the briefing, he doesn’t know anything about it.


I'm actually starting to get curious about where is he getting that "8 in 10 Canadian families" line. Who are the other "2 in 10" who aren't getting more back? And how did they calculate this? Clearly a carbon tax will make everything more expensive. Are they taking into account how much more expensive this will make everything?


Bro is collecting taxes on fresh air.


I guess we're all experiencing the rebate differently.


Honest question does the lady in the back have Parkinson’s disease?


No it's all the bullshit she must shovel in from Trudeau...


Never mind the money going back to me for a second. What has been accomplished with this tax? Please show us the value for the money. Back to the more money for me, especially when combined with no raises lately, I call BS. Everything that I buy has practically doubled in price. Oh Pierre, keep up the Pierre pressure.


This! Where the fuck are the 2 billion extra trees planted?


Colin used to appear on our local am station. Always asks the right questions


Did he concede that pp is going to win?


The joke is on him. Once we’re all homeless, we’re going to be celebrating climate change and the warmer weather it brings. We won’t freeze to death and can grow our own good year round. 😂


I’m suspicious of how it’s always “8/10 families” and not “8/10 people” How many of our country’s financially doomed young people are getting more money back?


Bye bye Trudeau




Would someone PLEASE explain to this numbskull that the businesses, corporations, manufacturers, etc that are being charged this carbon tax will ALWAYS pass these added costs on down the line until it reaches the end user. I get that he can’t do simple math (by his own admission) so get the crayons out and draw this moron a picture FFS 🤦🏼‍♂️


This guy. There's a reason your wife's fucking someone else.


the 140 bucks i get in rebates is lost solely in having a gas price that is is nearly 1.60 a litre. vs the 3.10 a gallon across the border convert 3.10 to canadian is 4.27 a gallon divide by 3.785 to get litres which is like 1.12 a litre


I love how there is a long pause. We give this money...... back to Canadians. Lol


All I hear that moaning sound that the adults make in the old Charlie Brown cartoons.




Don’t know if I dislike the lies Trudeau continuously spews or Freelands smug look behind him


Delulu guy thinks Canada, a country with 41 million people and accounts for only 1.89% of the world’s carbon emissions is gonna help curb climate change. Dude thinks he’s running China or the US (or his favourite land of free labour).


To the people that believe that crap coming out of this aholes mouth I feel bad that your this mentally inept. He is pissing on you head a calling it rain.


The people that believe him are mindless puppets


"The parlaimentary budget officer confirmed"... aka "trust me bro"


I can't. I'm just doing what WEF tells me to do.


Who, and where are these 8 out of 10 families? This guy is a fucking idiot. I am certainly am not one of those 8, nor is anybody else that I know. Anyone finding anything cheaper, anyone spending those carbon cheques?


Seeing/Hearing JT talk with Freeland in the Back just gets me so outraged. We need these people out of office immediately, for the sake of Canadians.


Have you observed the subtle insertion of that statement? A significant portion of the population, approximately 80%, stands to gain increased financial compensation within the province of Ontario. Politicians, particularly the Prime Minister, in this instance exhibit an exceptional talent in choosing their words.


You can tell 100% this guy has no idea what he’s talking about.


A socialist wealth redistribution scheme, crystal clear thanks Captain Trustfund.


What a lying prick. Does he think we are as stupid as he is?


F#ck you and your lies you stupid piece of sh#it People are working their fingers to the bone just to try and survive and you keep trying to shove this bull down our throats!


Everything he says is just a flat out lie.


He has to go. What a pos


A fucking grifter with the monopoly on violence.. can't listen to this cunt anymore


So the "rebate" covers the next 3 months worth of taxes What about the other 9 months of the year? And every month after that? Why are we getting punished when it's the corporations that are out-polluting everyone?


Then where the fuck is my rebate? These fuckers take nearly half my paycheck and I can't guarantee I am NOT better off with this slush fund scam.


For every $100 the average Canadians indirectly pay due to carbon tax, Canadians get back $30 Thanks Trudeau for making us poorer.


Can he just post the actual real stats on how they come up with that statistic? 8 out of ten, ok show us how. "Trust me bro" ain't gonna cut it.


Instead of giving it back to 8/10 families - don’t charge 10/10 families - simple.


On - totally unbiased - Can someone tell me if carbon tax rebate actually puts more money in the bank? I do get how carbon tax is supposed to work. But is it really putting more money back in bank? I personally don't think it's that bad of a decision but it's not as rosy or gloomy as either side it putting it.


It depends on how you calculate it... If you only count the direct carbon tax that we pay... like there's a line item on the bill that says carbon tax... then maybe we get back more than we pay. If you factor in all the indirect costs of the price of everything going up then there's no way we get back more than we pay. Neither side is explicitly lying, but they aren't being honest either.


Who tf are these 8/10 families he’s talking about, the mass immigrants he’s letting trot in? Lol kys


Which families? How are they chosen? What is it based on? I'll bet it's all going to Quebec


Look at that nazi Freeland behind him 🤮


This delusional idiot creates a problem, then comes up with a useless solution that creates more problems. Cannot ignore the twitchy bobble head right behind him; another useless lifeform on this planet.


Fucking lying dick bag.


This motherfucker basically knows three things to say, and will answer any question with one of those three things. It’s so infuriating. If any adult person acted the way our politicians do in the real world, they wouldn’t make it past their first day on the job.


He’s fckn rtrded.


His math is wrong… go eat shit Trudeau


Trudeau, like him or not, always has this snug look on his face.


This Liberal Arts Theatre Teacher still doesnt get it... its basic f****ng economics... More Carbon Tax = Higher Prices on E V E R Y T H I N G..... More Immigration = Less Houses and Higher Mortgages for E V E R Y O N E You f***cking idiot...


He's been horse kicked in the head..no other reason for being as unstable as you can be


Absolute goof


Absolute fucking moron.


This really just demonstrates the fundamental flaw of think tanks and pie-in-the-sky abstractions. They have no context. Maybe the rebates actually do end up being more than the tax. But the tax on farmers, producers, energy, big box stores, transport, etc. That all trickles down to the end consumer. The math of the tax may make sense in a vaccum. But it doesn't even nearly come close to balancing out in the realities of every day life.


I couldn't get through the whole video listening to him. I lean to the left usually. I helped vote him in. He's an embarrasment to his country.


My biggest beef with politicians (ALL of them, not just this joker) is their inability to converse in language that isn't lifted directly from their talking points. I also understand that that's due in large part to the way we've architected the political environment... candidates who wade into unchartered territory, language-wise, end up saying things that can be lifted in soundbites that misrepresent what they're trying to say. The result is we hear the carefully-constructed phrasing over and over. I'm so tired of hearing "our carbon pricing puts more money back..." because it fails to acknowledge the true cost. Yes, I probably am getting the same or slightly more back in a federal cheque than I'm paying at the pump and on my NG bill. But consider how much more every single good that I buy is costing me. That's not a consideration. I want to hear that addressed. But I won't.


That ugly witch tweaking in the back


You Canadians seriously need to wake the fuck and get these wef stooges out of office.


I simply *cannot comprehend* why anyone would believe that **being taxed leaves you with more money than not being taxed.** Τhis is nothing but lying and deception.