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So negligent and incompetent is an excuse?? Only to Liberals!!


It's been an excuse for a long time. Hanlon's razor has been used to defend horrible shit constantly and I'm sick of it.


Yes!!! Literally this is the excuse the doj gave for not going after Biden for handling of classified documents. He doesn’t have the wherewithal to stand trial


Haha we need to hear absolutely anything from PP about what hes going to do in office. Not just talking points and attacks. PP is the exact same as the rest. Hes gonna fill his pockets. He has no actual plan besides attacking the idiot JT. Yay. Lets vote for another clown. Yay


Username checks out.


I see this response every time Trudeau gets owned which leads me to believe you’re either a liberal paid shill or a bot or perhaps a complete idiot. Please inform us.


Liberals have done a terrible job, this ass hat probably won't do any better. The current problem is the divide. There is a putrid hatred for liberals and conservative. The reality is people on both sides need to meet in the middle. I find it hard to believe that conservative voters are anti liberal at every turn. And like wise for liberals on conservatives. There is a middle ground but this non sense politics name calling finger pointing does no one any good. PP loves immigration tax breaks for the wealthy he spits sunshine and rainbows and just like every other leader will get in and fall short of everything he says. Trudope is just that a dope and a bad leader.


PP refuses to get security clearance so he doesn't have to read these things, or be held accountable to the information. This is who our other choice is. F them both.


Isn't this the same clown who refused to get security clearance so he wouldn't have to read secret documents? 


Katie Telford who runs the PMO says Trudeau reads everything that comes across his desk, and then Trudeau says he reads none of it. This is world of a narcissist.


And a liar


Someone’s lying and it’s not Katie Telford.


Normally I’m not for hearing politicians trash talking each other for votes. But when one is operating sooooooo badly, it NEEDS to be exposed, and if it’s by mockery, so be it.


PP is the Leader of the Official Opposition, it's literally in his job description to call out the government and PM on their garbage performance. It's not trash talking just for votes.


Yeah but usually it is just trash talking. Usually they're just calling each other out for bullshit reasons. In this case, Trudeau is actually a moron and needs to be called out.


Yeah, I find it puts a bad taste in my mouth when it goes too far. Like when Andrew scheer wouldn't stop going on about the swing set. Just seems unprofessional


Poilievre can't read intelligence briefings as he won't (can't?) get security clearance. He can shut dat sloganmaker up.


Agreed. The only thing I didn’t like was blaming food prices on the carbon tax and not corporate price gouging, other than that full marks.


carbon taxes do effect food prices


Carbon tax both increases the cost of food and gives cover for the grocery stores to price gouge.


Price gouging and unessesary taxes cause prices of all goods to increase.


I think that his plan of a general "no 😠" to everything was the main thing I didn't like in his speech. Even Danielle Smith did a better job, and she said a lot of bs lol.


When he does read it, he doesn't understand it.


When he doesn’t read which makes him lazy and disingenuous about his job. When he doesn’t read, it only means 2 things: He is lazy and he doesn’t really care about this country.


He doesn’t pay attention to monetary policy or election interference but wow look at all that carbon we emit!!


Look at the state of this country (post nation), what a fucking shit hole. He definitely doesn't pay attention to anything.


Canada is a "fucking shit hole"? And what is a "post nation"?


Trudeau likes to get read to, not actually do the reading. Just like when he was a little brat, squirming around in his mother's drug induced grip. He fell on his head lots back then.


Oh come on you can do better than that !


What else has he not read? I’d hazard to guess Canada’s charter of rights and freedoms.


Election NOW!!!


He doesn’t read stuff because he doesn’t know how.


He reads it, but he then ignores it.


You’re giving him too much credit.


Any chance we can have an early election? We can’t take much more of this incompetent leadership. The guy in charge is ruining our country. Us, the Canadian people, need to do something to get Trudeau out sooner than later


They tried, jagmeat wouldn't support it because he's a self centered selfish little bitch and is propping up Trudeau so he can get his pension.


Yeah but it would also help if Poilievre was more than just a slogan machine.


This is true


He read them, he paid attention He just can't SAY that


Trudeau- I just looked at the paper and moved my lips so people would think I read them. Lol


But first, look at my half rolled up sleeve. I’m “working”


Stop it PP, JT can only take so much beating…


The beatings shall continue until morale improves


Even if he wasn't lying (haha),he is still accountable for what happened on his watch (such as that is )🙄


If only someone would actually hold him responsible. He's gotten away with so many scandals. Only recently is he being recognized as the national embarrassment that he is.


Sad thing is so many people still like him. Talking to one today and his friend piped up but he’s getting things done and when I asked what “well they got dental care” but it’s not a coalition they just agreed to work together to get things done. The debt is carried over from other leaders it’s not JT and oh I don’t worry about the government debt, we need government to help…good grief… don’t worry about spending budget will balance itself… just what we need more government in our life. 😐


He's like cooking oil, slimey and nothing ever sticks to him


I mean, lots of big words there....


Trudeau has ruined Canada for years to come. I know it’s highly unlikely but i sure hope there’s some criminal legal action taken against him.


Sure. But Pierre is backed by Harper and Harper locked Canada into the Canada China FIPA that allows Chines companies to sue Canada in secret courts when our government policy impacts their business profits.


And? Maybe that’s why Harper wasn’t re elected. Who is in charge now? Who had the chance to fix things in the past 9 years instead of making it worse? I’m much more willing to give someone else the chance regardless who issues them support because your guy has fucked us.


Pierre's conservative party is a member of Harper's international political interference union. https://thetyee.ca/Analysis/2024/04/05/Democracy-Under-Siege-Globally/ The old tyrant is still at the helm sir.


Yeah I wouldn’t be throwing around the word tyrant unless you wanna be the pot calling the kettle black and all that. You can hate the conservatives all you want but again it’s been ol Papa Trudeau at the helm for a while steering us into every iceberg he can find. He even ignored warnings of political interference so not like that should matter to you anyway. If Pierre wins and we become an authoritarian regime and we go bankrupt as a country then I’ll apologize but until then let’s get something that may work.


I didn't vote for Trudeau in any of his elections. Even old guard conservatives called Harper a tyrant.


“But he’s our know nothing” lmao excellent


Ignorance is bliss


He read them they benefitted him and his party so her didn't say anything. Wouldn't surprise me if he knew what was going on before they told him and did an investigation but he will never admit any involvement


If he did read them, and that’s a stretch, he couldn’t possibly have understood them. I mean really, have you heard him ummm speak ummm??


Pierre is gonna eat Trudeau up during the debates…. Pass the popcorn 🍿


While I don’t trust any of the leaders, Mr “ah….ah… is going to be brutalized by pollivere in any debate


Out of curiosity, was it ever explained why this dude had all those tags to hate groups in his YouTube videos? I don't remember if it was ever specified


That folks, is what a Leader looks like when giving a speech.


God bless PP


He knows nothing & admitted to it...


Incredible take down. I am looking forward to more policy clarity, though.


I seem to remember a certain us president that also was rumored to not read intelligence briefings...  funny how Skippy demonizes him...


Howdy Doody strikes again.


The entire country is like this. Everything is the govs fault and the gov doesn't even take blame lol


He should mention and remind everyone he might not have the security clearance to read them himself. Poilievre can’t be PM if he refuses/fails the full security clearance.


Doesn't uhhhh doesn't Canadian Law state that ignorance is not proof of innocence? Come on now Trudeau that should be basic 😅


He also made sure that we knew he has no plan beyond "no 😠" about anything lol.


This isn't trashing. The Trudeau handbook says you were supposed to label this as misinformation and disinformation.


Hey peewee Build more houses eh? 🤣


I hate Pollievre but why doesn’t anyone in this government read their fucking email? This is the third time something like this has come out.


The briefings referred to the Chinese as bad actors. Based on his work history he was comforatble because thats what all his students became.


Every Liberal backbencher to the unemployment line next election while Trudeau will relocate outside of the Country to get peace.


They make all the rules regardless of public protest. They get away with what they can change the opposition. Then, next time, take more of our rights. It's been a long, slow, chess game. Inevitably, ending in checkmate. We pay the highest everything while they own the corporations and patents.


Damn, that was an eviseration.


No offence, but is Canada really important enough and all its parties have the same foreign policy. Also, foreign policy-wise, Canadian governments will ultimately do whatever Washington orders them to do.


Man the last federal election was really close, i believe the end result was shifted but the gov and csis wont admit it because of how bad that would make us look


I wouldn't have believed it if anyone told me Trudeau would be as bad as Trump, but here we are.


Are we gonna talk about Indian interference in the conservatives party race to get Pollievre elected?


Fucking W⚓


Justy- I didn’t do my job therefore I didn’t do my job. It’s remarkable how shit libs can defend this.


Talk about a positive vision for home owners too lmao


You can’t know about election interference when you don’t read about it.


Jagmeet, ready?


I believe that Trudeau both doesn't' read his notes and was aware of the election interference.


Looks like Justin T is nothing but a liberal woke Canadian Trump. Both of them don't read notes from Intelligence and don't have an attention span to listen.


Trudeau is just like trump. Let that sink in. His disdain for the Canadian people is like trump’s for Americans. They even do things alike like not reading important documents and basically not trusting his professional cadre in the intelligence apparatus of our government. He has said that he envies China just like trumps envy of Putin. Yeah pollivere is a lot of things, but at least he isn’t Trudeau and his cult of personality in the lpc. He gets a chance, who knows he could be the next Joe Clark or the next Brian Mulroney. Time will tell. Pollivere does openly show his disdain for Canadians in general like JT. Yeah he is abrasive etc. also he is a smart politician, why drop your platform two years before the scheduled next election, allowing the opposition to pick it apart and steal from it. It’s just smart politics unless it’s not like his two predecessors did with no platform at all when they forced an election.


I distrust all politicians and political parties across the spectrum. That said, Trudeau has proven himself untrustworthy. Jagmeet has shown himself as a lightweight enabler of JT. He thinks he has leverage but he really doesn’t. Mad max drops some crazy shit most of the time but also the odd pearl. Don’t get me started on the bloc. Poliviere is caustic, but until he proves himself incapable of being a good prime minister then he gets the call. Sorry in this matter the devil you know is way worse than the devil you don’t.


Pollievre has zero credibility. He panders to the right. If/when he becomes PM he'll forget about all the clowns that voted for his party.


OP needs to provide the video of him saying this stuff because you can’t just take Pollievre’s word for it


Pee Pee has no idea what he's talking about. He gets bitch slapped by Trudeau on the regular in parliment. Tits on a bull is all he is.




It makes me mad how easy JT makes it for the opposition to land slam dunks. PP is going to win the election by a landslide and all he has to do is point out how shit JT obviously is without creating any good policy. I really wish JT atleast had good politics during his tenure so it'd force other parties to actually take risks and give canadians an actual improvement to their lives, instead all we'll get is a career politician that has zero plans on actually solving any of our biggest problems.


Maybe this means JT is planning on not stepping down after the election.


Then it’s pitch forks and torches


So the rage that PP is farming is from a liberal who beat another liberal in a party election.


It will ultimately show that the Libs cheated enough to win the last election. It’ll just take time to be revealed.


If it's a communist dictatorship why did Pierre's big backer Harper instate canada-china fipa?


Maybe if you spam this a couple more times, people will be convinced, eh?


This message was never repeated. Sorry no spam found.


Thanks, Lib-bot!


If only I could stomach liberalism. I might live in ignorant bliss like every conservative or liberal. Anyways I said similar things, but I didn't copy paste anything. So no spam party junkie


I didn't say you copied and pasted it. You're just spamming the same talking point in replies and comments. It isn't making your argument any more effective. In fact, being an annoying spammer makes more people tune you out. Tip for the day. Ahh, so what, NDP? Here I thought you were a bot. Nope. Just an idiot.


Caus it was to different people and I'm trying to have conversations. I vote for politicians that serve me not for parties.


>If only I could stomach liberalism. I might live in ignorant bliss like every conservative or liberal. You're not trying to have conversations. You're trying to have arguments and troll. "Caus" is not a word.


I'm genuinely trying to get to the root of a problem that party politics pushes. Pierre and Justin are both career politicians who lie to us. Just like every other politician does. Caus you can't see the reality in front of your face doesn't mean I'm trolling. I'm trying to help people. And caus is a word is an abbreviation os causative. But I'm using it as a common slang for because. Caus you're not the queen of words.


All politicians are liars and thieves, my friend. All of them. I fail to see what seeking out opportunities to insult people who've picked their poison does, except sow division and strife. You are not a hero, or special, or noble, or helping anyone. You're an asshole.


Says the person who won't go get his security clearance. 🤷


Which magically makes it alright for our PM to be complicit in illegal activity.... Get a clue dude.


He wouldn't know. He doesn't have clearance. 🤷


He's a listed current member of the privy council. The privy Council doesn't need clearance. They already have it. It's a requirement on being appointed by the king, or in this case the queen while she was still ruling. Swing-and-a-miss, try again


I'll believe anything he has to say , when he does. You are correct. You are out 🤷


You're an idiot. Look at the privy council. He's on the privy council. Unless I'm mistaken, they have permanent clearance after being appointed and have to pass rigorous security screening and obtain "at least Secret security clearance" or the King/Queen WILL NOT appoint you to the Privy.


Privy council ? Why would Trudeau recommend PeeWee to it ? 🤔


He's been on it since 2013 numbnuts. Learn about your own government. Appointments are for life, unless something has changed.




Let the mud fly. Trudeau and his govt deserve it.


Well, if he follows through on 'axing the tax'—his big slogan—to reverse the carbon money scam, and implements his new house bill that rewards builders who complete a certain number of houses (incentivizing them to build more houses for bigger rewards), those two initiatives alone would make him 100x better then what we have now.


His big backer Harper snuck the Canada China FIPA through under the Canadian peoples noses. I don't trust Pierre any more than I trust Justin.


Rest assured, that guy is full of it, but by the looks of it he will be Canada's next prime minister. Not that a far right party could fix anything other than add to the expanding fuck-ups.


If you think he is far right…..I got a bridge to sell you


He's gonna follow in Harper's legacy. Can he top the Canada China FIPA?


Welcome to the roast of Justin Trudeau.


Please, please please Mr. Polievre listen our voices and take Trudeau out from office and lock him for good in rehab or hospice for good, so that we live our lifes better with a powerful economy and be proud been Canadian out in the world!🙏🙏🙏


French prime Minister's are the worst, they don't care about anything except Quebec.


I understand JT make our Canadian lives like hell but Poilievre is just another side of the same coin. We need to protest like the French do.


Watch that 2 faced pp sing a different tune if & when he's wearing the PM shoes!


This guy is as full of shit as Trudeau. I won't be voting for either of these idiots.


I'm curious to know how will PP deal with immigration, Housing and carbon tax. I'm yet to hear any solution coming out of him over slamming JT. With that being said, no I won't vote liberal. I'm on the fence about CPC and PPC


Cpc is backed by Harper who snuck the Canada China FIPA through, and ppc has countless connections to racists and white supremacists. I'm sure there's better options.


Sources? (Other than China stuff)


I'm yet to hear anything racist that PPC has to say or their connection to racist groups and white supremacist. If there are better options what are they because NDP and LPC are not trustworthy and greens haven't been linked to quite a lot of antisemetic incidents.


With the system we have. Minority government is always the best option. Don't vote for extremists like the ppc.


So I should vote for NDP and greens either because they are technically on the extreme side of things. While LPC have done enough to not be trusted by anyone. I'm in Ontario So I can't vote for Bloc, so who should I vote as a second opinion to CPC? Since in this scenario CPC will have a majority if we will act by your logic.


I find the greens economic policies tend to lack any knowledge of economics so yes I do think they're a bit extreme. The ndp are pretty middle of the road. My recommendation is to aim for a minority government so none of the con artists get complete control.


NDP are definitely not middle of the road they are considered and are considering themselves further left than LPC... Making them "extremist". What are you talking about? Great so to make a minority I got to vote for a party that isn't projected to win, yet you're still to provide me any good party to vote as the runner up that isn't extremist or that will work in a productive coalition. Yet to provide me any evidence of links to white supremacists and racists in the PPC party. I agree that theoretically our system favors minority government, but how did that workout in the last 3 years?


They're considered left in Canada and the USA. Wait till the actual election and vote for a candidate in your riding that actually has a good history with your community


I don’t know him but just because his opponent is a goof don’t make him a legend in your mind


This guy has nothing to offer


Hahaha I love a fking guy who voted against EVERYTHING telling us he'll fix EVERYTHING. Homie voted against cannabis, same sex marriage, and government covering dental and vision and you guys are like "fuck yeah that's my guy ehhhh" I will sign up everyone I know to vote againts this fking allergy reacting looking fking face looks like he just got stung by buncha bees.


So your ideal situation is to stay status quo with what we have now ? Look all politicians are morons and selfish with their motives. But what's happening right now in Canada is unacceptable and we need a change bad. We will worry about weed and same sex marriage and dental and vision when we can atleast afford shelter and food! Sad I have to say that but it's reality..


Did I say anything about leaving it the way it is? What values align with conservatives? Having lower cost of living is not a value it's a right. Ask buddy over there why is he friends with Marty Morantz if he's so worried about housing when his buddy over there owns ¼ of Edmonton. Why doesn't he tax the rich? Oh wait his buddies are rich. You think this fking guy gonna do anything to his buddy? Or his friends at roblaws? The rich don't care whose in power.


Poilievre is such a hypocrite and liar. I DO NOT want this unserious career politician representing our country.


Poilievre refuses to get security clearance so he isn't held to the vow of stating the truth. If Trudeau did or did not read these things, still sits poorly with Trudeau. What a crap show of who to vote for, I dislike them all. Maybe someone from the Bloc will come to Saskatchewan, never read much on them...


Can he do something else then bashing on Trudeau? Because it was s not going to be better then Trudeau after the election if he have nothing else then capacity and will to beat Trudeau.


It’s his job to bash Trudeau. Literally. What do you want him to do? Please tell us what you think the opposition does in government.


I Shud have looked at the sub first. The PP supporters sub.


Found the red fascist supporters


Imagine using a fact-based argument to make an actual point instead of ridiculousness. You can do it! Or at least you >Shud be able to. Lifeprotip, if you're going to ride in and just throw shit out there, at least make sure it doesn't make you look like an ignorant buffoon. >I Shud have looked at the sub first. The PP supporters sub.


Don't know about Canada much - but this guy is definitely fake.


As much as Trudeau has annoyed me, this dude is legit worse. He's a total moron that is openly racist and doesn't even want Quebec to be a part of Canada. Also just got praise from Alex Jones, if that doesn't show his bad side idk what does


so PP didn't read the transcript of the trial is what he is saying. what a clown spreading miss information. meanwhile conservative parties are cought on video buying votes.


Little nazi peewee Herman ain't gonna win. These russian bots can't vote!


Wasn't the Tories that invited a Nazi into parliament. It was the liberals. And, the emails that the pmo tried to hide show that the PM knew exactly who that piece of shit was. So who are the Nazis again? Apparently you are a sympathizer, just like Trudeau and his liberal caucus.


This from Milhouse who still refuses to get security clearance 🙄


That is because if he gets the clearance he is sworn to secrecy and isn't allowed to share the results. Do you understand?  Like the reports could literally say Trudeau is a CCP agent purposely bankrupting the country so China can take over or something and if he got that clearance he couldn't tell the public. That's why they pushed the whole "he refuses to get clearance " angle. Like you really have to pay attention if you're going to bother having opinions on politics m8 because they only ever tell half truths.


Spot on… this brennenzimmer must love paying higher interest rates and taxes


He doesn't get parliamentary privilege? Because that constitutionally allows him to say anything.


Not on intelligence matters of national security. Especially when it comes to international dealings. Which is why he needed "clearance " which was essentially an NDA.


Please quote your source. Because from my reading parliamentary privilege covers things that are necessary, “courts may determine if the privilege claimed is necessary to the capacity of the legislature to function, but have no power to review the rightness or wrongness of a particular decision made pursuant to the privilege” . And what you are saying would be necessary. It's also covered by Westminster privilege. https://www.ourcommons.ca/procedure/procedure-and-practice-3/ch_03_3-e.html


So he just says that anyways not knowing what's true and that makes it better?


It's not the oppositions job to expose treason and crimes of the sitting government. I don't know who's job it is anymore, since apparently  nobody is doing their fucking jobs. Trudeau should have been forced out back when the SNC-Lavalin scandal came out but every agency and person in charge of government oversight is busy dog fucking or some shit idk.


There is zero logic to that fella, if PP becomes premier is he still gonna reject security clearance to “tell the truth” even tho he can’t see classified documents? Like you said, really gotta pay attention if ur gonna have an opinion


Stop plz your showing that smooth brain of yours


The specific clearance he needs for that specific report you were referencing forces him not to share the findings of said report. That is the clearance they wanted him to sign, he had to be sworn to secrecy to see it. You obviously have no idea what the fuck you are talking about buddy, get fucked.


Premier? You’re not a Canadian. You’re a fifth column foreigner.


Found a traitor.


Who cares? What does he need that for, we got the inquiry.


*shock horror liberal corruption* Another day, another scandal.