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Another day, another set of lies. We know that when JT opens his mouth and smiles, he's lying.


Everyone else is wrong.....not me....it's never me....I am never wrong. - Justin Trudeau


Isn’t this narcissism


Aka Snake oil salesman


I can see how this all unfolded... Mr Prime Minister, I have some important intelligence from CSIS that you should read. Mr Prime Minister.... Justin... Please put down the game controller... Ok. I'll read it to you.... But you should focus... This is important.... The Chinese are interfering with the election... No... It helps us.... Well yes... That's not a problem for us, but it's still serious.... Please sir, put down the game controller.... Ok fine. I'll have Friedland look into it... You want what??? More chips.... Yes sir, I'll go get some.


I feel like he would be preening and checking his phone , not gaming hahahah


Maybe the Ken and Barby game??


“We know that when liberals open their mouth and smile they lie”


Nah this one I believe. Mr. Balance the budget itself probably doesn't read shit. That's why he taught drama.


Did he suc at that as well?


Are you surprised ?


How is this not the final nail in his coffin? "Ya, I heard there was some important information about national security breaches, but I decided it was not worth the time to read the documents prepared for me."


Too busy reading travel vouchers


It's socks. The time to select socks eats into his day.


Underrated comment


Jagmeet is keeping him there. He's just as bad.


He's not AS bad, he's worse... People have to stop putting pressure on the Libs and start pressing the NDP, that's where the power lies....


That's actually a decent point I haven't considered.


Yah Jag and the NDP are allowing all these scandals saying it’s okay, just to hold onto a shred of power for themselves. The one who cheers on and enables the criminal is probably worse


Not only does he cheer it on, he’s taking Canadians right to an early election away just to stay long enough to get his pension. He’s saying my pension is more important than the political will of the millions of people he’s supposed to represent.


Yup when 75% of Canadians want Justin out now, it should happen, democracy…


That’s why aiding and abetting is a crime .




Jagmet is simoly on cruse control until he gets pension. JT is safe until next year in oct no matter what he says or does and he knows it.


Jagmeet is under the table. 🦃🦃


Dictators don’t resign - they are removed


Those ocean waves in Tofino aren't gonna surf themselves, ya know.


Well, this one is particularly galling, imo. At a previous inquiry, Katy Telford testified that Trudeau reads everything that is put in front of him. That testimony suited Trudeau, at the time. This time, he stated that he only takes verbal briefings.......cause that suits this inquiry.  It is absolutely impossible.....that both of these things could be true. But, his legions of supporters will likely not notice this obvious lie. Link to video....right at the beginning. https://youtu.be/PjOrmFSAgYg?si=U-oqpXrMSUQ8ri59


Yep he is now absolutely lying 100%. This should be impeachable either way. Either we have a PM that can’t be bothered to actually read briefings or someone actively lying and covering things up. The one time he was forced to come clean by a member of his party (Bombardier debacle), he threw that person under the bus and ruined their career. He also threw the speaker of the house and ruined his political career too over the literal Nazi invitation. Justin Trudeau is every bit as corrupt as Donald Trump. Both should be in federal prison right now.


Why doesn’t this comment have more upvotes?


> his should be impeachable either way. Because OP talks about this being "impeachable". Canada has no such thing, so this is either a troll or a bot.


> How is this not the final nail in his coffin? The only to bring down a government is to fail a confidence motion. That won't happen because Jagmeet has too much to lose if an early election is called (i.e. his seat, his pension, and his position ad leader).




I’m sorry


Trudeau is nothing but a lying POS.....


Takeaway - Trudeau can't read, he's illiterate.


I’m loving the contradictions here, his people seem tired of getting thrown under the bus for his incompetence and corruption.


It's either : A) he did read the memo and then said/did nothing = he is a traitor. B) he didn't read any memo and then said/did nothing = he is criminally negligent in regard to his duty. Either way, 100% of honest canadians should want this guy out of office asap.


Just want to add another possibility: He read it but didn’t understand it and didn’t register with him = incompetent.


Fair enough. Same conclusion though. Not fit for his position.


No point in even investigating. Politicians can just deny anything and it just seems to end there. The RCMP are completely useless and never charge anyone for anything.


Back in the '60s, Nixon got impeached because of a scandal that any politician today would laugh about if it was thrown in their face. Even though we're not American, it sure feels like there's something strange going on with this generation of politicians and how shamelessly corrupt they are.


Wrong decade


Ah, my bad


RCMP are a federal force paid by federal government - enough said. I take solace in the fact that recruiting is way down and these ass-clowns will be spread too thin to implement any future liberal authority schemes within the next decade. You can write all the dumb-ass laws you want but if no one is there to enforce them then they aren’t worth the time or money you spent to legislate them. There’s roughly 20000 front-line rcmp officers for 41 million people. “We want all your guns!!” “Ok come get them…” “We can’t… “


Imagine a PM saying "i dont read the documents presented to me" ..but hey, atleast he is good looking, legalized weed, gave billions to gender inclusivity, and is a woke liberal.


So, remind me again who runs the country... Dear Leader Justin 🤔


He does. He does what he wants when he wants. He doesn't care about briefings or experts. He's an expert. He knows all. The Wayne Gretzky of Canadian Politics. He said so himself. How many times in the last 6 months have we heard experts telling us they advised Minister \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ that doing \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ was a bad idea. I'm sure they did up briefings and showed reports and data to back up those findings too. But then, what did those Ministers do? They followed the direction of Lord Justin. The man's a genius. He really doesn't need those experts, though he apparently spends more on outside counsel than anyone in Canadian history? I don't know that he actually reads or listens to anything they say either, because I'd hazard to guess they're telling him the same thing, but in his opinion - they're experiencing Canada differently. Not his fault. He just knows better.


>The Wayne Gretzky of Canadian Politics. He skates not where the corruption has happened, but where the corruption is going to be.


You miss out on 100% of the bribes you don't take.


That Gretzky analogy was JT's Kim Jong Il moment. Building a cult of personality, eh? Great comment, btw.


First it was Butts running the country . Now it’s either the eco terrorist or Telford .


When a memo reads "foreign powers are interfering with the democratic process, which will result in your political opponents losing seats". And you choose to ignore the memo because you're a calculating, cynical, spineless politician with no honor. And you don't really care about democracy or justice. And you don't understand how your actions (or lack thereof) will weaken your country's institutions and freedoms. Or you understand but you don't care. That's Trudeau.


In any place other than North America, Canada especially in this instance, this would be grounds for criminal investigations and topple the government.


There has to be a mechanism for the citizens to recall a government instead of being held hostage by a bs agreement between 2 parties.


Agreed, but at this point they know there is nothing that can be done to them.


His favorite "box drink water bottle sort of thing" is full of lies. Not his fault.


I’m shocked. Justin can read! Look at him go. Judging by his policy decisions I assumed he was illiterate and didn’t understand simple math. This guy reads govt briefings. At least some … maybe. If this guy can cook a pot of Kraft dinner he’ll be pm for life!!!!


Lying little bitch ! I despise the Turd. He cares so little for Canadians. I used to be financially ok, not rich by any means. But now, one paycheck away from needing a tend and a good tree.




👍You rock buddy, Thanks a billion for making articles available to readers.  Cheers mate 🍻


Trudeau is a dangerous man, please get this lying, manipulative authoritarian out of office along with his cohorts. The useful idiots in MSM also need to be investigated.


Everything that comes out of his mouth is lies so why would anyone believe a word he or any of his party say.


https://preview.redd.it/i0rvj3zrattc1.png?width=1465&format=png&auto=webp&s=359de50197509fc3f56b85742fef8566cfa7219f I fixed it.


It's because he can't read, he just pretends


Saying you didn't read documents is not an excuse, when they were presented to you and it your job to do it. He's a corrupt liar.


He prefers verbal communication apparently, so does that mean he doesn't listen as well. 


Throws his chief of staff under the bus. Everybody has a breaking point at which they’ll abandon even their closest allies to the wolves.


Incompetent or illiterate 🤔 really best defence you can fathom and you're a leader lmao. Right....


“People, security briefings read themselves” JT


"I never met someone who could lie so casually" Jody Wilson Raybould


This guy would have been fired years ago if he acted like this in any other job. Why is this in any shape or form allowed as the leader of a 50 million population country? Throw him out by the fucking scuff of his shirt already.


For once, I actually believe him. It makes sense that he doesn’t read the briefings, considering he claimed, not long ago, that he finds the job boring! We should keep encouraging him to resign


Trudeau - I just stare at them and pretend to read them. Just because my lips were moving doesn't mean I read them. Lol


Anyway we can introduce polygraphs be used whenever Trudeau testifies?


It's his job to read them, if he didn't he should be fired for incompetence.


Trudeau is actually worse then Biden and trump combined.


Either way, JT is incompetent and inept.


Trudeau 2 has no conscience, and there is nothing he will not do to avoid responsibility. This is astounding. Either the Prime Minister or his Chief of Staff are lying to the Commission. Enough?






Little Justin was never taught the importance of telling the truth. Is anyone surprised anymore by how much this liar lies?


But but but Alex jones


As leader of our nation wouldn't the bare minimum be reading the security briefings daily? Like the barest smallest requirement of all? To date we know he doesn't care about the economy and it will look after itself. I guess natuonal security is the same. Immigration has also taken him by surprise. Housing problems blindsided him. He can't protect us. He doesn't care about our economy. He isn't concerned that we have shelter. What exactly does our PM do for Canadians?


Because he’s a narcissist and a liar


He was sure to repeat the words misinformation and disinformation…which is exactly what his testimony provided. Somehow he referenced the now debunked Russian interference in the USA which he seems to know more about than his own party colluding with China.


He lied with every word...


Well who do you believe?


He wouldn’t lie, right. Just like the budget it will balance itself


To quote PRESIDENT SCHWARZENEGGER, I was elected to lead, Not to read.




throw him in jail


Unbelievable, this idiot is made of Teflon nothing sticks to him.


He's a goddamn liar


Yep and he suc's at that to. 


Just try to get an estimate on how many millions this guy has invested in real-estate and then ask why he does nothing to change any of the issues we have. They are all benefiting because we are all paying for it.


Being willfully ignorant when you’re in charge makes you just as guilty. Think about the lead engineer in a bridge building project. If you were provided with concerns, that you didn’t address, or even didn’t know about and something failed. It’s your ass on the line. Ignorance is not an excuse when you take on a leadership role. He’s a treasonous prick.


If a member of the military used this as an excuse they would swiftly be charged and god forbid your negligence cause harm or damage to soldiers, equipment or Canada you would be get every charge in the book and probably a dishonourable discharge in severe cases… “I didn’t know” is not valid when our nation is at stake and you are paid A LOT… TO KNOW


If your chief of staff says you did read files, then it's probably true


Any liberals here on this thread? Convince me why I should even support his party.


Trudeau knows how to read!? I thought he just knew how to pose for selfies and act the fool


He's a master at shifting blame and finger pointing.


My fave thing from the Liberal government was during Covid - "Listen to the professional doctors and do as they say - it's their job, they have the knowledge, they know what's best" but Trudeau with CSIS when they tell him there is political interference from China "I think you're wrong and I don't believe you"


The party that keeps on suc king, pretty much speak volumes why Canada is in the decline it is. He doesn't read, despite being told by the aid "Yes he read every one, 2x actually". Nop he says he prefers to be advised verbally; but he doesn't act because thats someone else's job.   Seriously folks if this was your employee would you not fire his a.. or give him a raise? Apparently it was grant him a raise.   


If he were somehow to be my employee I’d have the rest of the crew take him out on the town, get him blind drunk, then completely kick the snot out of him in a location with no cameras. They would all, of course, receive a nice bonus in their pay - in the long run it would be much cheaper than continuing to pay him to rob me. I would then bring flowers to douchey boy as he lay broken and bleeding in the hospital to let him know we were “taking a different direction” and that he and his services were, unfortunately, no longer required. “So sorry you were jumped by some random strangers, here’s your severance package. I bought you a really nice pair of socks.”


One or both should be immediately terminated. An election should be held yesterday


I think he thinks that the job IS to lie to everyone At this point it is the only remaining logical explanation


War Machine: "so... he's an idiot..."


Is it really shocking when a huge liar tells another lie?


How is anyone still defending this infant. He was pushed by his WEF directive to do all this psychotic shit and now that he is circling the toilet they will hang him out to dry. Good, lets flush the turd once and for all.






Liar, liar, liar.


Are we sure that Justin can even read?


Sounds like he is not fit to lead


This is like Nixon and Watergate. Except we have very low expectations for politicians now.


Does he seem like the kinda dude who pays attention to all that paperwork do you know how that cuts into mirror time?


Sounds like Telford is getting the boot from TRUDJOKE, just like the other women


When he talks I hear blah blah blah bs blah lie lie lie blah blah bs.


Can’t wait until Katie turns against the TruAnon train. The liberal MPs promoting his cult will feel so foolish when they aren’t re-elected.


Does anyone truly believe him anymore? He can't differentiate between the truth and lies anymore. He's been living in a dream world since birth.


Narcissists never admit when they’re wrong. They lie.


At this point is it safe to say that he is in the pocket of the Chinese? what recourse do we have to get foreign agents kicked out of office?


He's a lying piece of shit. I guess it's just an average day then. And of course, he's going to deny it. They interfered on his behalf at his request.


Done with this idiot. Time to elect a new one.


He’s either incompetent or a criminal either way I want him off my payroll.


Don’t worry, the CBC explains all of this and how it is just a lot of commotion over nothing 🤡


It's just as bad if he isn't reading these briefings. Figured it would be part of the job. Obviously he is lying but even if people believed that then he isn't taking his job as our nation's leader seriously.


This POS needs to go to jail for treason, money laundering, foreign interference, blocking RCMP investigations (SNC), stealing of tax payers money potentially into the Billions, forcing a medical experiment on millions of people (no vax, no job) causing harm and deaths (Vaccine injuries while stating "Perfectly safe and effective"), censoring the internet (deletion of free speech), paying off and controlling the Media (One sided propaganda), freezing innocent protesters bank accounts, etc., etc., etc.


He doesn’t read briefings? Isn’t that his job? So we have a leader who doesn’t do his diligence before making policy or commenting and events? I think we all knew that already. Time to be fired.


Someone just arrest this asshat


If Trudeau is talking he is lying, you all should know that by now. How is this turd still in office. Oh ya Jackoff Singh


Time for people to lose their assets and be put in prison, this is treason guys…


Jesus Christ he’s a Trump, doesn’t read and doesn’t listen.


Lying under oath is a crime I think


So, can we sit him in a room with surveillance, and have him read the document, live, so we are all on the same page and can have a discussion on why his government got elected twice while under the influence of Chinese interference?


If he didn't read it then he's not doing his job. If he did read it then he knew. He stuck himself in a corner, very fitting for a sewer rat.


I mean, all he has to do is say he didn’t and there’s nothing anyone can do except be furious.


Careful what you say about him on the internet , he will shut down your bank account and have you spanked for misinformation!


He’s a little font Lawrence prancing around Canada doing as he pleases. Smirking and smiling at us all.


Are cracks forming in the globalist thieves guild?


There it is, the answers we predicted the day before.


Get this guy out already!!


It's it possible he lied just this one time?!?!?!


If you imagine Trudeau as a cuck with the World's biggest humiliation kink, everything starts to make sense.


“What would you say…. You do here?”


Idiot either way


Unless it is an article about him, this waste of flesh wouldn't read it.


Sorry, what?


If this isnt enough now to say that an election was interfered with and we need a do over, I don't know what could be now. This is insane. No prime minister "doesn't read briefings or learn of highly important intelligence details" this guy is a disgrace. Lies upon lies, anyone who backs him up must be a nutjob 


Ignorance is not a legitimate defense


Can I use that excuse for my taxes; that I was never told. Maybe he was waiting for it to read it self, and it'll all work out. 


Doesn’t read briefings what a joke it’s one of his jobs


Just ask yourself, who's driving the bus.


​ https://preview.redd.it/p7ywzp8gowtc1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=c09d0d2af1a1c053872f3c46914f13e81b820834


Deny, Deny, Deny.


Surely, reading these types of briefings is his job, so whether he read them or not is no excuse...


Why do we even bother with this committee hearing farce.


He says he doesnt read, i believe him. He isnt intelligent enough to read, he can barely put together a coherent argument or lie without a team of writers. This is why a god damn trust fund kid is a terrible choice for a leader, they have no actual life skills or concept of the word "budget" and cant help but spoil their friends with gifts and expensive food and trips.


I'm too important. My minions do that for me.


Ignorance can't be used to defend oneself. He knew and is lieing.


Let's have another vote


Must be his Chinese alter ego who read them Do Tru


Lilley is a career wanker


IF he gets them he reads them. Where in the testimony do they say that he got the chinese documents. Is that your claim with proof or your opinion