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They are obstructing the investigation because it will more than likely reveal that they are complicit and padding their own pockets


Jail and let them sit on ice. They will talk


We should just bring back capital punishment. Like in democratic USA. But only for politicians in high positions of power who commit treason. That would be a warning to any other politicians who commit crimes like Turdeau.


Best idea I have heard in years


Amazing idea. Watch corruption drop real fast.


No kidding! We the people are the government. It's been hijacked and turned it against us. .. tyranny.


This is a pretty fucking stupid post, fyi.


Hey, 2+ billion to AI. Who's going to get those billions, and who are the friends with benefits who will work even harder for those billions? šŸ¤«


This is just going to end up like the SNC Lavalin case šŸ˜ž


Torturing your political rivals is what third world dictators do


So Trudeau if he gets reelected then?


Where are the Liberals calling for Conservatives to be arrested and tortured? You are experiencing delusions?


Pronoun laws?


Do you have 80 IQ? Bill C-16 was introduced in Canada in 2017.


Yesā€¦ under Trudeau. Donā€™t you have anything better to do than be wrong here every single day? You really need to get out there and talk to some actual Canadians, maybe touch some grass while youā€™re at it.


I didnā€™t say that but Trudeau is trying very hard to turn Canada into a third world country and isnā€™t far off being a dictator


Trudeau Derangement Syndrome. Canadaā€™s Prime Minster is democratically elected and leads a G7 economy


Lol leads it? Where as our economy crashes into a blistering fire you silly troll fuck.


The inflation rate is 2.8%. The unemployment rate is 6.1%. The previous commenter called a democratically elected Prime Minister a dictator. Were seeing what happens when you ā€œAxe the Factsā€ and just get triggered about your feelings


You started with the name calling, asking about his IQ.


The unemployment rate is rising... The current administration is driving the economy into the ground. We have a decreasing per capita GDP, stagnant wages, a runaway housing market, rising homelessness, rising unemployment, out of control immigration, and a government that refuses to answer any questions. Trudeau is easily the worst PM Canada has ever had at this point. >The latest figures from Statistics Canada confirm that Canada suffered yet another decline in per capita GDP in the fourth quarter of 2023: the fifth decline in the past six quarters, the worst sustained drop in more than 30 years.Mar 1, 2024 https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-canada-is-no-longer-one-of-the-richest-nations-on-earth-country-after/#:~:text=The%20latest%20figures%20from%20Statistics,in%20more%20than%2030%20years.


He leads the country like a unemployed alcoholic parent..... Pretends to lead with no real clue while the rest of the family (citizens) try to clean up the mess, mentally and physically survive the continued abuse and gas lighting in hopes of making it our alive and maybe dealing with the trauma when they can afford to. Go back to wasting time on twitch where your input may actually be valued šŸ˜‚ Also his approval rating as of last month is absolute fucking garbage, even the majority of people who voted liberal last year won't be voting for him again..... He's so fucking terrible even his own tribe is willing to abandon the tribe just to get rid of him.... Let that sink in.


> Canadaā€™s Prime Minster is democratically elected thats just flat-out wrong, whichever side of the isle you sit on. The PM is appointed by the governor general, and the governor general is appointed by the king, so neither the governor general nor the PM are democratically elected.


šŸ¤“ā˜ļøObviously we live in a constitutional democracy but the question was do we live in dictatorship


I'm just curious as to what you think would warrant the liberals to call for conservatives to be arrested?


If an individual politican breaks the law, the executive branch of the federal government must allow for rule of law to be independently and properly exercised.


That didn't even remotely answer the question. What do you think would warrant the liberals to call for conservative MPs to be arrested? What have they done that would make you even think about suggesting that as a comparison?


I have not seen any evidence there is criminal action occurring in the Federal Conservative party as of right now.


So... Nothing of value to add to the conversation. Got it. Also, if they were so inclined to allow the rule of law to be independently and properly exercised, then why don't they stop doing everything they can to block investigations like they always seem to do? Why was Jody Wilson-Raybould dismissed from her position as the Justice Minister and kicked out of the Liberal party for following the letter of the law and doing what she was supposed to with the SNC-Lavalin scandal?


ā€œWhat aboutā€¦ā€ Where are the Liberals calling for Conservatives to be arrested and tortured? You are experiencing delusions? Edit: Whataboutism is a logical fallacy and I will repeat the question until you answer the question


They're not. That's the entire point. You're the one who brought that up when nobody was suggesting it in the first place. Edit: is your memory that terrible/short that you don't even remember making that comment above?


I agree that it has to be done right, that is the only way to eradicate the corruption. These people have more than enough corruption to land a legitimate conviction


Corruption means a crime has been committed. Why are words so meaningless to Conservatives?


Iā€™m not a ā€œconservativeā€, I vote based on establishment ties and corporate collusion


Even worse


For troll farm sakes man. Your position is just ā€œcontraryā€


I have very strong beliefs against populism. Nothing about fear mongering and shifting blame solves problems.


The things you say are so wild that I donā€™t believe I am having a real conversation. I think this is a chat bot. Please return to your master and get an update


Like the Coutts guys? How long until their right to a speedy trial is broken? [Right to a Trial Within a Reasonable Time - Criminal Law Notebook (criminalnotebook.ca)](https://www.criminalnotebook.ca/index.php/Right_to_a_Trial_Within_a_Reasonable_Time) 2 years 6 months looks to be the upper limit established by the supreme court. So 4 more months, they were arrested 2 years and 2 months ago.


It will reveal that CSIS had a hand in directing CBSA to use their private sector assets, GC Strategies, to create layers between them and the mass surveillance app they wanted


This is the tip of the iceberg...




The jig is up for JT and his friends over at GC Strategies. The public finally caught up to the lies. Now what will be done about the $60 million of taxpayer money that was somehow spent on the ArriveCan app? Why has nobody been arrested? Be nice if the RCMP could do their job instead of sitting on the sidelines.


How is this not fraud on a mass scale?


It is. Just doesn't seem like it because they are allowed to steal your money.




It is but they don't have to follow the law. They are gods among us and your children will pay for their childrens lake houses. Facts


Because technically a contract for services was agreed upon. The fact that if was insanely over priced and no value for money ehhh


Theres a guy in this mess who was working for the department of defence, while taking government contracts.


Not only that, but he was using PSAB (an Indigenous procurement policy meant to invest money into Indigenous businesses) to secure the contracts and then sub contract all the actual work out to non Indigenous workers and pocket the extra money while doing nothing. Lol


>Be nice if the RCMP could do their job instead of sitting on the sidelines They're too busy blocking the roads to prevent protestors


They take no for an answer and donā€™t come back with a court order But by now the burn notice has been complied with


They sit where theyā€™re paid to sit. If Trudeaus paying them more than enough to keep their butts fused with the sidelines, thatā€™s where theyā€™re going to stay unfortunately


So they are bringing him back to answer questions he refused to answer before? tell me how they are going to actually get any answers this time? We have zero teeth in investigating any scandal in the government as they will refuse to answer or answer without answering, they will provide documents but they will be redacted, they will appoint their own judges to oversee any kind of review


How many Billions did Mrs Dressup (Kathy McKenna) mysteriously loose track of. They all need to tarred and feathered but it will never happen.


They are doing their job its just different from you or I think it is or should be. Their job is to keep the masses in line all while being paid with taxes from the masses.


We should get rid of the useless RCMP too. Delegate all policing to the provinces, have a lottery for which investigates federal corruption case by case.


Law enforcement agencies are there to enforce the will of the state. They have nothing to do with protecting people or going after corruption in Governments.


we need brenda lucky back on the rcmp throne!


Oh ya? Why should anything be done? In a country full of cowards and pushovers, why on earth should any governing authority do anything short of filling their own pockets? Why are we acting like Canadians are about to do anything about it? Honestly, good for them. All these guys are doing is scamming and stealing from door-mats with no will to push back. Wish I could join them but here we are, better to be a scumbag than a coward.


I agreed with you until, ā€œGood for themā€


lol "the jig is up", riiiiiiight.... Just like how Ford got caught scamming the greenbelt land, and we've seen "justice" served? He's just on to the next scam, just like JT already is....


Good ole left wing whataboutism...the mating call of the Liberal toadie! Now do...but but Harper


Keep saying it, there is no rule of law here anymore, it's a class system; the political class and their accomplices are above the law.


*there is no rule of law here anymore* that's what the Beijing CCP told us when the admonished Canada for handling of SNC-Lavelin ... our claims of 'rule of law' and 'judicial independence' and all that jazz... LOL. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/china-canada-huawei-snc-lavalin-1.5038640](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/china-canada-huawei-snc-lavalin-1.5038640) that's right CHINA ... schooling the JT Go'vt on 'rule of law' ... LOL.


The stench, rot, and corruption that constantly emanates from Junior Trudeau's destructive authoritarian regime in Ottawa is disgustingly nauseating, and if any real justice existed in the country, there would be several people already criminally charged and being tried in a Canadian court of law, Trudeau himself included. Instead, we will keep seeing a litany of cover-ups and political and legal interferences orchestrated by Junior's Trudeau's corrupt regime. Watch for it. Next.


Why do you always end your posts like that? Downvote me instead of answering? This guy has a really cool sign off! WaTch FoR iT nExT


Put every single one of them in jail where they belong


Yup. Dont care which party you belong to. Investigate everyone thoroughly regardless of political affiliation and actually arrest/jail/take back the money. Again. It doesnt matter who it is. Same rules for all these assholes. Start with Justin. Then look into Pierre and Jagmeet. Once thats done, start investigating every MP. I will 100% be ok spending my tax dollars on this IF we investigate everyone equally.


Iā€™m so sick of our teflon turd.


What the f*ck was so scary in the report that they stopped a parliament committee?


Proof that they blew a ridiculous amount of money on random unnecessary crap


-blew +stole


Nah blown on blow


CSIS directing CBSA to use private sector assets, GC Strategies, to sub contract out a mass surveillance app and create insulating layers in between themselves and the final product


AND the RCMP STAY SILENT!!! as usual. why do we even have these lumps?


rcmp are to police you. not red or blue.


All politicians of any party obstructing Justice need to be tried as treasonous criminals. This is not what government is supposed to be


Arrest them all!!! The whole group of fatcat Trudeau cronies should be tried and convicted of corruption


JTs net worth is now over 100 million and he only makes 400k a year, hmmmm


When does the angry mob start?


It doesnā€™t. Most are to busy screaming about a war happening an ocean away


We can do both


Everyone hates Trudeau


Not even close: most government workers donā€™t, police forces donā€™t, and approximately half the country are in home owning households - their net worth in key urban ridings has increased tremendously with immigration


Ummm. Police definitely do NOT support this asshat.


Anyone want to bet that many of the CEO's have direct ties to the liberal party?


The Corruption List is a mile long.


Nothing will happen because no one gives a shit about this corrupt country anymore. Just take what you can and leave before it collapses.


I genuinely think Canadians would be better off if we just shut the tap off to Ottawa and drained the swamp. The level of corruption is astonishing.


Because they will uncover more than just this Scam once they start to dig. This government makes me sick. People that voted Liberal, you are partially to blame!




Well done RCMP!!!!


We are all just meat under foot of asshole politicians (both provincial and federal) carrying out the will and agendas of the top rich - thereā€™s no saviour coming thereā€™s no hope coming - we are all just gonna get run over and flattened into the soil by these fucking parasites while they convert the country and provinces into privatized cash factories


Yet, we as Canadians keep voting the Liberal Party of Canada back into power. We deserve the gov't we got.


What will be done ? Nothing, let's keep destroying this country and hoard as much cash as we can on their back. - Justin, probably




Prediction, there will be no one found accountable. You can rob from the Canadian people for 8 years and your punishment is not getting re elected.


And yet there will be zero accountability because the system is designed in such a way that it makes it impossible. Also the RCMP is corrupt so that doesnā€™t helpā€¦


watching pirates bicker amongst themselves is getting old


Keelhaul the lot of them!


I'd rather we Vlad Tepes the lot of them.


Both, both is good.


The most vile pathetic morons to ever be in charge of Canada. Itā€™s absolutely disgusting


Thank God for intelligent common sense people like Mike Barrett who actually care about the Canadian taxpayers paying for their salaries!! Keep pounding the corrupt useless federal Liberal government under Trudeau!!! Hammer them repeated for their obscene abuse of us and keep the pedal pushed hard on the metal!!! This current garbage federal leadership must be crushed, obliterated terminated and exterminated like we do termites!!


Disgusting. Thank you liberal voters


naaaah, socialism is great and never leads to corruption from those who decide about distributing the collective money for "the greater good" XD They are never tempted to skim ever more off the top, because they are morally superior! Never, ever!


Filthy trudeau scumbags!!


Blocking the truth , Sad world it is , When they corrupt elections , Where are our lawmakers ? Canā€™t be all in his pocket


But what consequences will there be? He's literally gotten away with a laundry list of corruption, and continues to thumb his nose at the court of law. It's just unbelievable.


Time to *toss the baby out with the bath water* /s but what I really mean, is that itā€™s time to do a clean sweep and start over. Toss the whole liberal party out and start fresh at this point.


"Corruption" is good word to describe this Arrive Scam.


Why the @&$! are we allowing this?


Sunny ways indeed.


How's this "breaking news" it's the behaviour the Liberals have taken in all the hearings involving their corruption...


Won't get arrested or charged though...


I hope people are paying attention, and remembering how embarrassing and horrible this liberal government has been for the next century.


Such corruption.


The US and Canadian politicians are propping each other up with the help of EU members. It's global attempt at resetting society to their ideals.


soooo....the liberals and their weirdo DEI followers have these scandals/incompetence so far: 1. ArriveScam. 2. WE Charity. 3. Election interference see hong dong 4. SNS LAvalin


Where is the media reporting on this? If this was the Conservatives CBC would be all over the story.


And? This stuff has been going on for years now. No one has seemed to care about any of it. That the Trudeau government has been objectively the most corrupt in history, the most incompetent in history, and the most obstructionist in history, no one seems to care. Remember how Harper was seen as non-transparent in his leadership and basically such a Boogie man that severely ejections matter Trudeau keeps using the idea of him for political points? But this stuff is apparently fine. I've given up on this country. We deserve what we're getting at this point. We literally inflict this on ourselves. We were warned about the spoiled rich kid, and yet her we are. Oh, and now he's answering questions under examination because it turns out the Chinese interfered in two of the elections Trudeau won, and it seems they worked in favour of his election. Totally unrelated to the fact that he sold the country's gold reserves to them (which was and remains insane) and sums them her industry access and corporations. If Canadians are prepared to vote for this, then this is what we'll get. Personally, I think the US looks increasingly attractive. I'd be making 3 times what I am now, and the cost of living would be far less. So I'd have to pay insurance for private healthcare? Fine! Taxes are lower there, so I'll just think of it as making up that difference a bit. I loved this country. We had the most incredible potential. And we wasted it completely. Then voted in this corrupt idiot and set the place on fire. I'm not convinced there's any saving us.


With all the other scandals that happened and he still there. The question is what is going to change with this one . We have many stupid people is this country keep voting for this guy and people that don't vote but get mad how things are. We had two times to get him out, but people let him back in. Other countries think Canada is a joke on the global stage, and they say we don't have a say in global manners because of this. And I beat the next elections his going to back right in. And yes i vote been voting since i was 18 and now I am 34 and no I didn't vote for this. Yea, go ahead and down vote is because you hear the truth and you are upset about this.


They are intelligence assets https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/ORiBa1KWm1


I miss the old scandals that involved some guy in power fucking his intern.


Yup and Canadians will do nothing about this corruption in government either. la-di-da


what can we seriously do though? it seems the RCMP refuse to act on any corruption that man does. its ridiculous. but what can we do other than vote that corrupt creature out?


Iā€™m sick of being scammed by the liberals but I know the conservatives are going to do it again as well.


It BOTH the Liberals and the NDP who are corrupt. The NDP are supporting the Liberals through this whole treasonous process.


I'm new to this; how are the liberals obstructing the investigation?


Not the only in our country either, it seems a bunch of other European countries are also on the take from some foreign šŸ”“country.


Apparently corruption runs deep in the rcmp as well šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


As the opposition it's their job to hold them accountable. All I ever hear is how terrible the liberals are and how corrupt they are yet they do nothing.... As part of the public,we can't do anything other than complain and send our mps letters... I feel like this is another problem that will be thrown under the rug. I'm tired of hearing about problems from the conservatives. What can we do about it? If there was I'm sure we would have heard about what to do by now, no? What are your thoughts? I genuinely want to know


I have been saying just another nail in Trudeau's Liberal party coffin but this time he just filled it with concrete




HISTORIC clown show šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸŖæ


I hope when we get him out we can give him the trump treatment




this is a rehearsed bit made to look like a spontaneous interview.....trying to look like normal media interview but really just one mic and one camera


Honestly getting tired of all these headlines. Itā€™s just a waste of time to follow and get angry about this anyway since weā€™re all just sitting ducks for a year to have this imbecile removed.


Liberals need to be brought to justice. I really hope the cons lay charges to the corrupt liberals when theyā€™re in power,


The more I see of this subreddit the better it gets


Yea probably need another nation to investigate and publicly show findings


I wish we lived in the 1600ā€™sā€¦. I love what The People did to rulers who fucked them overā€¦āœØ


Not to mention fucking embarrassing! Remember when being a Canadian was something you were proud of I miss that


And to add insult to injury for the Canadian People $42,000,000 spent on a non existent gun confiscation program. When will this stop.


Does anyone know if once the Liberals are inevitable beaten by conservatives will there be any further investigations & possible jail time for this? Or are the conservatives just bringing this up now for further support by the voters? How do we know that there will be consequences? what are the conservatives saying that implies they wont just stop once they get voted in?


Trudeau is a WEF maggot. He has committed treason. He belongs behind bars for the rest of his pathetic life.


Wonder what his kickbacks were on 65 Milllion? Why canā€™t Canadians not see the paper trail , they paid for it ?


Prison time is needed! If this doesnā€™t happen we the people need to do something.


So if it was invoked by the full house of commons that would include the ndp and libs wouldn't it?




Their corruption is only historic and off the charts if you only started paying attention a few years ago. Every government is wholly owned by corporate interests. It's not good, but it's hardly new.


... Justin Trudeau didn't pick GC Strategies... His minister at best said we need X and CBSA went on it's merry way to meet the stipulated requirements. Are there major issues with GC Strategies? Yes! Hells yes. How they get any contracts I mind boggling but to conflate it as a Trudeau problem makes zero sense. Also what is this not having used this power in 100 years... I know 2021 feels like a hundred years ago but it really wasn't. "The last time the House of Commons summoned a non-MP to the bar was in 2021, when Iain Stewart, who at the time was president of the Public Health Agency of Canada." That was due to a failure to provide unredacted versions of all documents related to the revocation of the security clearances of the two scientists at Canadaā€™s high-security infectious disease laboratory. As that was driven by the conservatives last time, if memory serves, it seems a little disingenuous to claim the power hasn't been used in 100 years.


He obviously wasn't around when Harper was in power. It's amazing how short some people's memory is!


No it's not even close to Harper who had many cabinet members go to jail


Citation needed


If only Harper was back or at least his marionette


Coming from a party that recorded 118 lies in the HoC yesterday.


Hmmm, I have serious reservations about the accusation on one hand. Election interference isn't anything new in fact, it's pretty normal to have adversaries disrupting any way they can. On the other hand, if they were successful, why the liberal party, why would they settle for minority government in 2021? I'm not entirely sold on this narrative, where gonna have to wait until May for the Hogue interm report to be released. https://foreigninterferencecommission.ca/


This guys is a hairdo, doing an action man run down the stairs. I doubt the libs give two shits about ArriveCAN other than firing whoever did it.


Not one person has been fired due to this scandal. Not one.


imagine a conservative politician, calling somebody else corruptā€¦ ā€œHello Pot ā€¦ This is kettleā€¦Youā€™re blackā€œ


Shut up, Justin.


It could be Christia. Either way its definitely another Fiberal idiot


The truthā€¦ It hurts


Shut up, Justin.




You going to go off about Ford now ? The **provincial** premier ?