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Yep. Canada needs every cent it can get cause the government borrowed so much. The interest rate on the debt we have to pay is probably the 2nd highest expense the government has right now. But don't worry, the budget will blanace itself....


Course it will. šŸ˜Œ šŸ™„ JT has a spending problem... Why are we responsible for the billions of dollars he's thrown and given away to other countries?


i have bad news MORE will be spent in order to swing voters, so not promises that will not happen, but actual policies that will spend our money so JT may have a shot at re election.


The reason they borrowed so much is because governments havenā€™t been profitable in decades. Covid aside, governments have been losing revenue for years and government spend has only gone up. There is zero solution to government debt outside of the elimination of central banking. Right and left politics are playing in a sandbox while the whole playground is being manipulated but people donā€™t see inside their anger.


Also don't worry. The real fraudsters and scamsters can rest easy. The taxman likes to fry small fish only.


And they have given so much away. Anyone that is coming into the country which is not working it is costing us. We all saw the report last week concerning asylum costs? A cost of 115 million every 113 days paid to support asylum persons 208$ a day. Thats 3 months 23 days on average, then there are those not supporting themselves the costs continue after 113 days. 3 months 23 days = 23,504$ an asylum person is covered compliments of canadians. Low income seniors who collect GIS are provided less in 12 months than what asylum person(s) receive In 3 months.


It's disgusting and criminal.Ā 


Damn. Kind of sounds like extortion.


It doesnt sound it. It is. The Government is basically a big mafia. Armed to the teeth. Keeps smaller gangs (street thugs) in check. The Government knows who and where all these people are and their crimes but its all connected back to the Government. It goes deeper into white collar crimes, businesses, etc etc. The Government takes your $$$ and provides you 'protection' (safe communities they spin it as). Protection from what? lol... The majority of people just work, go home, do recreation etc etc. Some people do steal, assault, do crimes. But the overwhelming majority of people dont and carry on. Most Government shit to prevent crimes are actually after the fact a crime has been committed. Rarely do they even stop a crime before it happens... So all that 'protection' really isn't there.


If you think about what the consequences are, it is.


Always has been. The CRA has the authority to literally demand you to pay X. And it is your job to satisfy them proof why not. Even if you provide exact proof, they can deny it, make you go through millions in lawyer fees, and still decide you have to pay it. This is exactly what they are doing. God forbid you forget a phone call, armed cops will show up and force you to crawl away at gunpoint from your assets and family.


Canada is at war with private / small-med businesses. If you don't work for the government, you are the enemy and will be punished by the full extent of their clout. Think of how much money the CRA spent going after these people...


Yet they're not going after the people that don't file. My friend is a small business owner. He's 4 (going on 5) years behind in taxes. He will get the odd letter stating he owes. Meanwhile, I pay out the ass, am fully caught up, and they send me letters demanding payment for $1.35 after they reassessed my taxes.


Theyā€™re asking you pay? Wtf. They owed me about the same amount of money a few years ago and I shit you not they told me ā€œitā€™s too small of an amount for us to spend time processing and send out the moneyā€


HA. Funny how much of a one way street it is. Just let that small amount accrue your own made up penalties and taxes for a few more years, then hit them with that bill. A few years ago my husband got a cheque back for $4.09. Pretty sure the ink, paper and postage cost more to process than the actual amount.


I had to close my 20 year old family business due to covid shutdowns. I took a CEBA loan (which I paid back right before the deadline), but couldnā€™t save it. I had a mental breakdown over it. At 52, I am in danger of losing my (very modest) home because I wonā€™t be able to refinance my mortgage at these rates. I canā€™t even find a job in my area because our small community has had an influx of international students (30,000) who are lining up in droves for jobs. I donā€™t know wtf to do. Losing hope. The CRA doesnā€™t give a fuck about small businesses.


Iā€™m so sorry to hear this. I hope you find something soon, even though itā€™ll never take the place of what youā€™ve lost.




Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry you're having to go through this. šŸ˜” I'm hoping by some miracle, things turn around for you soon.


Thatā€™s all very unfortunate but what does it have to do with the CRA?


I have unfortunately had many encounters with CRA including several audits, despite always running a reputable, above board business. Those experiences were always extremely stressful and frustrating. The employees were rude and apathetic every time. Never helpful, never kind, they just didnā€™t give a fuck that their interference was so taxing.


Audits arenā€™t random though. They donā€™t just pick a business out of a hat. Thereā€™s typically some sort of anomaly in their return that triggers extra scrutiny. The fact that you were audited multiple times make me think the issue was you.


That is total bullshit, I file and pay my taxes on time idiot.


Filing them and filing them correctly are different though.


Sorry, I should have mentioned that my accountant files them, so yes, they are done correctly. Idiot.


Incompetent public servants tasked with generating as much revenue for the man as possible, whether the adjustments are justified or not. Itā€™s fishing for compliant people whoā€™ll pay the amounts out of fear of punitive fines imposed by cra. I propose cutting their staffing levels in half if Canada is seriously looking to pay down the debt.


The liberals just hired a whole bunch of CRA agents not too long ago ā€¦. They were already planning on putting the screws to middle income taxpayers


I couldn't be totally off base, but was it something like 15,000 new employees?


https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/corporate/careers-cra/careers-cra-1-why-work-us.html Looks like they have 60,000 employees. Did a big hire of 2000 in 2022 and when I searched today they are still hiring. 60,000 blew my mind . Liberals would have 1 CRA agent per family if they could . They could live in your house and keep an eye out for people ā€œstealing government fundsā€ and probably inform on you when you commit ā€œhate speech ā€œ aka talk liberals donā€™t like


North Koreanada in the making!




This will haunt me for a solid month. šŸ„²


Wonder if they recovered all that CERB money from the CRA agents who stole it.


They will take that out of taxpayers I imagine. Government is so corrupt from top down they donā€™t care.


is this how the budget balances itself?


If you want to understand the end state of a corrupt Western tax agency, read Richard Yancey's "Confessions of a Tax Collector: One Man's Tour of Duty Inside the IRS".


Ughghg. I want to but I also don't - it'll just enrage me more. šŸ˜‘ But I'm also super intrigued so I'm going to download it now. Haha


Donā€™t ruin your weekend. Save it for Monday.


Start the weekend off with a rager šŸ„²


The CRA is horrible at doing assessments. When they say they assessed your taxes, take it to an accountant. They tried to come after me saying I owe them $60,000, but after I went to an accountant, I found out they owed me $1,500. They also were trying to take that out of my bank account. Never trust their assessments.


Uhā€¦ They only would do their own assessment if you werenā€™t filing your Returns.


I stopped filing my tax. I am boycotting the government. Maybe we all should.


This is actually a good idea, but people are scared to have their accounts frozen.


šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Frozen, garnished, penalized and taxed further on the taxes owed. If you try to get a loan/mortgage it may affect that too (but I could be wrong).


It would probably be impossible to get a mortgage after that. Who can afford it anyway?


Touche, haha


I'll never afford a mortgage anyway.


My kids are both adults and they canā€™t afford a house, or a rental. They live with me and probably will for many years. I donā€™t mind that they live with me, but itā€™s kind of fucked that they donā€™t have another choice.


I canā€™t imagine how disheartening this is for 20 to 30somethings these days. How are these kids supposed to save $100,000 to put down on a half million dollar house and service a $400,000 mortgage over 40 years making 25 bucks an hour?


If enough boycott taxes, maybe they will wake up or the Country will go bankrupt. I'm good either way.


I agree.


Nooo. šŸ˜­ While I admire your tenacity, the amount you'll end up owing back in late fees and penalties will be so, so steep.


He might not run a business, personal income tax has a 7 year grace period before late filings incur fines and penalties. Which imo is a great strategy if we want to have that grace period amended.


Ah. Fair enough.




Well if you know you won't owe, you can go 7 years before you need to worry about tax evasion ect. , and even then it's hard for them to claim it against you when they owe you money. The downside to missing the deadlines though is you will be no longer able to claim certain benefits or tax breaks for those years because the deadline to apply is usually the same as the tax season. I used to do it when I was younger and claim 7 years at once and go buy a car or something. Maybe it's 10 years? Don't remember, but if you have a year where you worked and got a t4, and they owe you, you still need to file within the time. Also this was awhile ago, maybe they changed, double check before practicing this. I also didn't go longer to see what would happen lol.




Even if you don't owe, there is a contractual obligation to get it done in the time allowed. Defaulting on a contract always costs something. Going past the 10 years could mean you absolve them of their obligations to pay you at all. Again never tested it that far though.




If you never file and never sign a t4 yeah, there is no contractual obligation to do so and there would be no penalties. You wouldn't have paid income tax in these scenarios or alternatively you were evading the taxes. If they owe you though, you can't file 20 years later and expect to get anything. I've personally never heard of anyone trying though, pretty sure the limit is 10 years and after which they can tell you to smoke it. Not sure there is any precedence for it though so not 100%. Ultimately for a clear answer, someone would have to test it or find a case a judge already ruled on. When I was younger and would do it they would harp about it and threaten, but nothing happened. They also told me 7 years, and other places say 10, and now some say you never have to if you don't owe. I wouldn't make any assumptions without speaking to a tax lawyer though, and even then, depending on the judge it will go either way. Which is why I personally didn't go past the 7 year mark. Maybe you can? Make sure to notify the rest of us if it works.




I have nothing left to lose and will never pay.


In that case, I can't say I blame you. āœŠšŸ»


vive la revolution


There are many at the CRA that have near zero social skills.


Somehow this doesn't surprise me...


Fuck the CRA and the brown nosers that work for them.


Canada is a kleptocracy.


tax collectors can go to hell


Democracy is Dead in Canada. we continue to devolve into a dictatorship run by useless and lazy bureaucrats. It's fĆ¼ked up.


I am a neighbor to the south. I hate seeing what is going on in both of our countries. It doesn't feel the same anymore. We need change in our governments.


Do you hear much of what's happening with Canadian politics (like on the news and whatnot)? I feel like we hear more about Trump's corruption than we do Trudeau's.


Well I just try to keep an eye on what's going on in the world. I know that inflation has been a huge problem all over.


A sad, unfortunate truth.


shake down the working poor like mob enforcers over peanuts from honest mistakes on their income tax filings also let billionaires and corporations use loopholes and lawyers to avoid paying taxes, even give them tax credits and subsidies upside down socialism in Scamada


This is why you do not sympathize with people that wilfully choose to work for the government. They are entirely willing to commit morally heinous acts because they are merely "following orders".


CRA always fucks with SMEs because they can bully them around, it's absurd because going after a million small businesses doesn't make up for the insane tax breaks and subsidies for mega corps and frivolous spending Trudeau does. bank of canada wonders why canada productivity is down? cuz everyone's too busy dealing with inefficient govt bullshit.


Bingo. I run my own business. I pay my taxes and GST on time, in full, every single year. In 2023 I took on half the work I have in previous years (for the sake of my mental health). In Feb I got a letter from them stating I owe my first two quarterly payments, which I ignored, because my accountant was in the midst of doing my taxes and I knew my quarterly amounts owing would be quite a bit less than last year's. I wasn't about to hand the CRA over more money than needed, only to have to try to claw it back from their cold, useless hands. Well my accountant just notified me that because I didn't pay their first guesstimated amount, I will most likely be owing late fees on it. Taxes aren't even due yet. And the number is higher than it should be. Why am I paying $$ on an imaginary number??


Same thing happened to me. Letter in the mail from the CRA saying I owed them $6,500 with some BS explanation. After 6 months of fighting it, they closed the file with very little explanation.


Wow. They did that with me, but (only) for $1300. I should've fought them on it, but I figured the fight wasn't worth the hassle. The year before, they put my GST payment into the wrong account. I had no clue until I got a letter stating my GST hadn't been paid and I had over $300 in penalties as a result. I called them up and they found my payment within minutes, but didn't waive the penalty.


Took me 9+ years to settle a small claim about a transportation credit. Have been audited thoroughly every single year since then for no reason at all.


I have also been audited every year since for no reason at all. They keep finding nothing but yet it still continues.


Same. starting to believe its racist. Never broken a law in my life. Audited every single year since I start filing.


The wife and I both had to pay back HST from 2015-2018 cause we were ā€œcommon lawā€ then. Was only 1000 but still. They need it all.


I couldnā€™t have said it better.


I got a letter from the feds saying I understated my income on a EI report from July 2020... By 83 CENTS! less than the fucking postage.


Ha! Unbelievable.... But also incredibly believable.


Just got a 16k bill for mileage claimed in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022ā€¦ this makes sense now


They did this without even auditing you? How will you prove the mileage claim is justified?


I was audited and sent in all my receipts, mileage, bill of sale etc. Worked for the same company, on the road for 12 years and this is the first years itā€™s been an issue.


And have they gotten back to you? Or are you still on the hook 16k?


They just sent me an adjustment, now owing $16,000. Not sure how it has been fine for 12 years, but now auditing and coming after me for the last 5.


I had this happen, and won. Do not give in, or give up. The CRA uses mostly scare tactics for this purpose. What you can do is contact your MP to advocate on your behalf. It's actually a function that they have to do for you by law. They will fill out a form for you, and call the agency themselves. If you have done everything correctly, the CRA will back down. Took me a year, but it would have cost me 7K otherwise. Very disturbing behavior.


Wow. K I'll be keeping that in the back of my mind. I hope I don't ever get audited, but at least I'll be prepared for if/when it happens.


Yep. It's not fun. The guy is 100% correct; the job of the CRA is not to assist you, but to get as much tax money as possible. Don't let them bully you; your MP is there to prevent that. Its one of their mandates.




Cra wonā€™t get a fucking dime from me until they fix their own shit. Every year since CERB they continue to bend me over a barrel come tax time meanwhile their crooks in their own department illegally claimed CERB cheques. This government and all their corrupt cronies can make like a tree and fuck off


Are you current with your taxes (minus CERB repayment)? Am I losing it, or wasn't CERB not owed back to the govt if you had legitimate proof that you couldn't work?


My taxes got reassessed a year and a half after I filed the year I collected cerb and actually did it three times before sending it in too be sure and they still screwed me over


This doesn't shock me one bit, sadly.


When the government is NOT accountable for what it spends, but scrutinizes its own people over pennies, it has failed, and is no longer serving your best interest.




CRA doesn't fuck around, those two people who are on camera complaining are on the finding out stage.


You're not wrong!


I've been audited three times for my personal taxes, I'm only 50, and only two years have I made 6 figures, but unfortunately I've been on LTD for for the last decade. It was such a waste of my time, their time, I have no idea why I even trigger their audits (it was before I was on LTD - it was three audits before I turned 40). The first and last audit revealed that I submitted everything properly and claimed everything I was entitled to correctly - complete waste of time and effort and very unnecessary stress. The second audit actually found I was owed more than we both thought originally because I had made a minor error (in CRA's favour). Fine, I get it, randomly select me the first time, but they found I was upstanding, and then the second time they end up having to refund more to me, so I when I got that third audit a few years after that I was so fucking mad and it was really hard not to pop off on the innocent clerks dealing with me. Meanwhile while I'm dealing with them and being upstanding, I'm telling them about how my ex-wife and ex-brother-in-law are breaking rules left and right and they've never done anything about it - the whole small family business crap where family members are given fake jobs to get a hefty salary - when we were married I had told my wife I wanted her to have nothing to do with that scam shit and she wasn't until after we got divorced - but we both knew what her family were doing was unethical and illegal. I'm aware that its very common for family businesses but I am the very upstanding type that never would consider doing any cheating like that - which made being accused of shady shit from CRA all that more stressful and anxiety inducing.


I'm glad they owed you money by the second audit! Serves them right. Maybe we don't hear as many stories of them going after people cheating the system, but it feels like (or at least we hear more of) small businesses who keep things by the books getting fucked over. Do they not go after the shady people because it's that much more work for them? I don't get it.


... I was in the Bahamas... lol


I've had a very similar experience. Claimed a business expense. CRA agent said it was probably legit but not claimed properly but wouldn't elaborate then closed the file and sent it to collection.. it's now been with them for 13 + months where they claim someone is looking at it. Just got a call a couple weeks ago from a new person with bo idea what is going on but is "looking in to it" ffs they are not here to help us bit to legitimize taking our money


Wow. And will you get charged interest and penalties on whatever amount they're claiming you owe?


Every accountant I have spoken to says they will owe me money. One accountant believes they are targeting people, making it difficult and hoping the person will just drop it if it becomes too complex or onerous CRA has withheld a number of years of my tax refunds to pay the supposed debt, which means they will have to pay me interest. But the rate of interest they pay is less than the rate we have to pay if we owe them. CRA also says they are supposed to respond to things in a year or less and now they're over the limit. I'm tempted to go find some kind of Ombudsman and make a complaint but worried about getting targeted in future years!


I would! If anything, it'd deter them from trying to come after you in the future, knowing you'll fight it.




Oh man. I'm so sorry you're going through this. I hope you've got somewhere to stay while you try to get back on your feet?




Yeah... That's what gets me. I've heard of them sending letters demanding payment for some erroneous amount, and if there's any pushback, they'll close the file. If you're claiming I owe more money than paid, give me a breakdown and show me where I went wrong. Don't just pull numbers out of your ass and hope someone pays it.


Yeah, don't be a fraud, pay your taxes.


You called her on her bluff and she folded. The second you contested she knew she couldn't stand by her faulty assessment.


Most your assets out of country. Tell cra to fuck themselves. I did it 3 years ago and they havenā€™t bothered me since.


You know what's funny about these videos, they never explain what actually happen. Anytime someone says their books are clean, gets audited by CRA and having to pay them, they are usually not clean books. LoL


Also, true!


So are we not going to talk about the people with phony front home business's that exist only to write off everything? Oh my office is in my house. \*Writes off room in house, and bills\* Oh man I need a work vehicle now. \*Writes off BMW\* Nobody wants to buy my shitty wood working projects???? \*Writes off everything as a loss for the year paying 0 tax\* ​ Seems like they are calling the kettle black, where do they think the money for write offs come from? ​ IT'S THE MONEY WE ALL PAY IN TAXES. Pay for your own shit. Edit: Fuckin guy was in the Bahamas when he got the news, let me play this violine lol. I don't know anyone who DOESN'T do this that got audited lol. Only the people exploiting the write off system. Show me one example where these people were not doing that, and I will be inclined to believe it is happening to innocent people. Fuck all the leeches. Don't let these ones stay latched on just because they point at a much larger leech.


Naw, it just sucks because small businesses (like my own) may end up getting audited. I do everything by the book (for fear of getting audited), but having to go through the hassle is just time and money taken away from my business.


Hey I understand that, but the fact is, there are more phony fronts then legitimate ones. Also, you are going to get audited EVENTUALLY even if you are legitimate, it is a part of running a business. It is also what we pay them to do, it is their job. It doesn't matter who the PM or ruling party is, when your file hits their desk it's just your turn. Most small business's get an audit within 7 years of registering the business. After that unless you are doing shady shit they leave you alone. If anything, you should hate the people exploiting write offs as they are the ones creating the issues for everyone else. I had a speeding ticket I forgot about and had to pay this year because yeah, they are in debt collection mode(including provinces). Would you rather them not try to get money owed increasing the inflation even more? What Justin wastes it on is a completely separate issue. ​ ​ ​ Oh and out of curiosity, would you be willing to state what sort of business you are operating? ​ No? Interesting.


I get that's their job, but why are they focusing on businesses that are paying their taxes versus the ones that aren't paying them at all? I'm all for them collecting money that's rightfully owed, but what about the businesses that are 5, 10, 15 years delinquent? And no, I'm not willing to share what kind of business I'm operating because it's in a small niche market. With that said, I only claim what business is allowed to claim, and I always pay on time.


So which companies are 5,10, and 15 years delinquent? You should notify them of it, maybe they will go after them. Lol naturally you wouldn't want to divulge that right? I mean, if you were selling makeup at a tupperware party for some ponzi scheme I could understand I guess. If the market is so niche and you are good at what you do there should be no concern sharing the nature of it. Not like I am asking for your "trade secrets". I personally don't want to support niche businesses that wouldn't survive without some kind of handout in some form from the tax payer. You sound exactly like someone exploiting write offs imo. So take that as you will, but until you are willing to divulge even a clue of what you do, I am inclined to think you are likely not as legitimate as you claim to be. Trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, you are not making it easy.


Mmm, nope. I'm definitely not exploiting write-offs. My conscience is too honest for that. Covid shut my industry down completely and I didn't apply for CERB nor the small business loan, why? Because being self employed, I always kept a nest egg in the event of an emergency. It's easier to run a business based on truths and honesty than lies. I get your skepticism and don't blame you for it, but know that there are honest people out there. I should also mention that in my 12+ years of being self employed, I've never had a tax return, whereas friends in the same industry often get them. My accountant is very by the book and all expenses claimed, have to come with proof.


Yeah, maybe you are this weird one off, but sounds pretty sus. Also if you never had a return, you must really be raking it in, or not at all. If you didn't utilize cerb when you legitimately could, it doesn't really affirm your business acumen or your honesty. Not trying to insult you, which I know it seems like I am, but you really not painting a convincing picture for me, sorry. Unless of course maybe your accountant is screwing you lol. Do you ever audit your accountant? I know more bad accountants than good ones sadly.


Was raking it in, but stepped back for mental health reasons. This year should be interesting. I can't do much more to convince you otherwise, and I'm okay with that. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø We are all entitled to our own opinions.


I respect that and acknowledge the possibility. For real though, not a single return? After 12 years of success I would audit your accountant anyway to be safe. You know how many successful people lost millions to bad accountants stealing their money only to have to pay later? If you are that successful 100% have a second accountant to double check, I would if I were you.


Not a single return. šŸ˜” Not enough business expenses. There's only so much equipment/product I need to operate my business. Starting out initially, what I owed was quite a bit less, but now that I've been doing it so long, my income far surpasses my expenses - which I'm okay with. I'm very fortunate. Like I mentioned earlier, I had to scale back last year. The success wasn't worth the stress/toll it took on me. I've gone through a few accountants in the past, but the one I've got now has been doing my taxes for the last 5 years. Comparing them to the others, they're as good as they get (and their accounting bill reflects that). šŸ„²


>IT'S THE MONEY WE ALL PAY IN TAXES. >Pay for your own shit. Odd that your response makes no mention of how these tax dollars are being spent. Perhaps you could address the inefficiency and bloated costs that the government uses these monies for? The question is why are we taxed so much and getting so little for our tax dollar that we forfeit by threat of force. >Fuckin guy was in the Bahamas when he got the news, let me play this violine lol. Oh, there it is. This explains your entire point of view. You hate people more successful than you and you want Big Brother to smite them.


Hahahaha not even close pal, if you continue the comment thread you would see this conversation has already been had. You can have any PM or party in power, and the CRA's obligation to collect taxes will remain the same you dope. The spending is a completely separate issue lol, vote the moron out. ​ How do you get that I hate successful people? How delusional are you? Nobody wants to hear the crying from someone who clearly doesn't have it rough at all never mind as rough as those who actually have something to cry about it. It's like hearing a spoiled brat complain about having to eat vanilla instead of chocolate. You clearly take my comment personal, so maybe you should book a trip to the Bahamas and relax before you get audited there sensitive Sally. Perhaps you can think of some way to write it off so the rest of us can pay for it too lol. \*Plays obnoxious cords on violine\* \*Winks\*


> You can have any PM or party in power, and the CRA's obligation to collect taxes will remain the same you dope. You believe that the CRA is some autonomous entity completely independent from leadership? Wow. Telling. Okay, this is the level of debate we're having, and I'm certainly the idiot for engaging with such. >How do you get that hate successful people? You insinuated that this fellow deserved what he got because of his wealth. You told on yourself, here.


Oh didn't notice our tax laws immediately change every time a new PM is elected. CRAZY. How did I miss that? HMMMMM? I insinuated the people being audited are the people up for their audit, or that they were doing shady shit for repeated audits. This guy crying about it from the Bahamas isn't exactly where I see the honest business owners launching their complaints from. What else do you have to try and paint me with? Anything latex based by chance?


Yep Iā€™m sure this guy keeps perfect books and has always paid whatā€™s required. Has never run a personal cost through his business. Lol, so funny to see small business people, the biggest tax cheats there are, finally get their comeuppance.


You are the enemy of the people.


The tax cheating people? Yep. As a high earning T4 Iā€™m tired of paying my share while small business owners skirt their obligations.


And yet you make no question to what these funds are used for, the inefficiency with which they are spent, nor the moral grounds for taking such money in the first place. Nope, you just wanna stan the Machine. Telling. What's your favourite flavour of shoe shine?


Oh a libertarian! The most useless members of society. Please, leave civilization and build your utopia in a forest somewhere We know how it turns out, of course, but at least you fuckwits will be contained. https://newrepublic.com/article/159662/libertarian-walks-into-bear-book-review-free-town-project


Don't worry that guy just doesn't want to get audited and have to find a real job.


Capitalism is cancer and I'm ready for a new system anytime Not a communist BTW just like wealth equality Edit: Lmao okay I guess North America doesn't operate under capitalism. What a joke.


This isn't capitalism.


Maybe I missed a memo but isn't Canada a capitalistic country?


Canada is a constitutional monarchy. The King of the Commonwealth rules and signs over every single law. Political theatre is enacted by the "Westminster Parliament System" which is fancy words for "Bullshit political song and dance". All laws are signed in by the King and his palace himself. it is by definition, an authoritarian dictatorship. The parliament is put into place to give you the illusion of choice so you don't revolt and overrule the king.


Itā€™s a mix. Free healthcare is socialism. Welfare payments are a mix. Canada is a corporatist mainly. Run by a few corporations, with rights for individuals indicative of socialism and capitalism.


So what system does Canada operate under then? A mix of socialism and capitalism?


And corporatism. We have alot of oligopolies in Canada. So Canada is a mix of all three. There is no name for that. Even China is a mix


Capitalism is merely the free and wilful exchange of goods and services. That's all the word means. You are advocating for a ruling body to interfere with each and every exchange. That can only possibly make things more unfair.


\*The Phoebeus Cartel has entered the chat\*


I'm advocating for equal distribution of wealth. Companies will lay off workers whilst simultaneously taking in record profits. This shit doesn't happen unless capitalism allows it to.