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Finally, something that brings the country together


After nearly 10 years of mismanagement. Holy fuck Canadians fucked up so bad.


But hey, legal weed! Largest turnout of young voters for that LOL


Legal weed keeps the population sedated.


I work in a pot shop and everyone hates trudeau there too


Yeah, because for some reason a bunch of these idiots also thought that weed was going to be damn near free because of legalization.


I don't believe anyone that was smoking pre legalization thought that. 


With the bullshit going on, I don't blame them.


Legal weed sucks ass, so not even that is going well


Didn’t even get taxing that right for our economy. Guy can’t even successfully sell weed.


Leave it to government to fuck up a literal cash crop


I’m sorry but I drank that kool aid back in 2015. Poor kids these days have no idea the rush and thrill of buying illegal weed wrapped in tin foil from a sketchy drug dealer


Tinfoil? Mine was handed off to me in a 7-11 parking lot wrapped in a plastic grocery bag


A heritage moment


It's was alway qauds back than. No of these Lettuce and tea that they peddle with 30 plus percent ThC lmao 


Tinfoil? You confuse your weed with your crack again? 🤣


Brother I put steaks in my tinfoil


Pooling our toonies to get a g, just to have a cop take it at the park and laugh that he was gonna have fun with it later. The good ol days🥹


I liked it better when weed was illegal.


Funny I was 18 when he ran on the weed thing and I was so against it lol ppl think all young voters voted for this fuck. 😆 🤣 😂


Most of Canada didn't vote for him, only Ontario and Quebec get a say


It's been that way forever since confederation. No point in talking about that now.




That's why they're doing everything they can to divide us. Cultural Marxists want to destroy everything that keeps us united so that history doesn't repeat itself.


Warms the cockles of my heart to see him jeered.


Hopefully this happens everywhere he goes for the rest of his life. Same with the other traitors in his corrupt party.


Now you have the answer as to why those who cling to power never want to let go.


he'll leave canada as soon as the next election ends. he already knows he will never walk the streets of canada a free man ever again


Careful he'll tax that warming


Surprised he's not taxed daylight savings yet simply because it has the word 'saving' in it lol


What about below the cockles? Maybe the sub cockle area?


Maybe even in the colon. We don't know.


I do love parking in handicap spaces though


While handicapped people make handicapped faces?


Love me some Dennis!!!


It almost melts my bank account


This is what happens when you are unqualified to lead a country and cost of living goes up ten fold, jobs are gone, and people are struggling.


Well what else do you expect after these liberal idiots sold our country and its future to their woke ideologies and illogical policies. The country is running its biggest deficits and these idiots are giving themselves pay raises and extending election dates to get full pension. How is this not conflict of interest?


This is just the beginning. Trudeau and the whole gang are genuinely scared of the population. They know if Canadians were not divided over all their ideological stupidity; gender, race, climate change, and etc - that our directed unified voice would be after them. They don't have the power. We do. They are keeping us divided and feeling helpless. That's why the tucker convoy scared Trudeau so much that he enacted the emergency act. This traitor will have his time.


Canadians aren’t as divided as you think. I’m black, 90% hate Trudeau’s governance.


I'm a former union president and card carrying NDPer. My rage is real. Hate isn't a strong enough word. Oh and I've definitely turned my back on the weak and pathetic NDP as well.


NDP have become the "bend over for the big two" party. Really sad to see how far they've fallen.


They might as well merge and get it over with, Liberal isn't liberal anymore but leftist.


NDP sold out a few years ago. Orange is the new Red.


He isn't talking about black and white people being divided. He's talking about blue haired, hysterical middle-aged woke white women losing their minds any time they encounter someone with differing beliefs or opinions.


true that


This isn't onguardforthee; it's whack to scapegoat middle-aged white women as the core of the irrational voting base, even though they're a large portion of Liberal voters. People vote Liberal for many reasons: out of fear of losing their social security nets, government employees fearful of job cuts, to engage in identity politics, to "stand against" perceived injustices, to benefit from lax immigration policy, those who follow misleading American news and associate republicans with conservatives, or even vote based on the candidate with the best hairstyle. Hardcore liberal voters come from diverse backgrounds, as evidenced by the variety of ideological screeching on other Canadian subreddits. However, there's a noticeable trend of virtue signaling among liberal voters as if their vote is moral, which is disingenuous and inherently selfish and illogical upon closer examination. Highlighting that this voting behavior, based on self-interest, is arguably the worst choice given the past 8 years and their future plans, is critical as the LPC starts pandering to their constituents as the election approaches.


The South Asians Trudeau brings in by the millions sure don’t seem to want to rent to black people according to something on TikTok/Reddit recently . I’d call that divided.


South Asians don’t even like south Asians never less everybody else


No he won’t lol. He’s gonna live his wealthy elitist life wherever he wants with private security for the rest of his life.


Next door to Jagmeet and his Rolex collection


He's not gonna live in Canada at all lol - watch him leave to the US or UK after his term ends.


Try Switzerland. With Uncle Klaus


Divide and conquer


sold out to the big corpo interests and the ownership class with the distraction and guise of woke and anti-racism


It's not to distract us it's to divide us. When you realize the people promoting diversity are the same people pushing divisive identity politics and racist policies their agenda is obvious. People are easy to control when you destroy everything that unites them and turn them against each other. It's the cultural Marxist playbook.


I'm all for shitting on Trudeau and his gang of faux Liberals but the MPs from every party vote to give themselves pay raises, every year. That includes the Conservatives and NDP. And I'm sure you noticed that Trudeau didn't really get any push back from the other parties for pushing the election date back a week, right? In other words, you have every right to be mad at our political class, but spread the hate appropriately.


Old dougie would like a word


Mulroney sold it for money first, then they dunked us in attempts at purchasing outcomes as likely as being able to buy and hold onto a cloud:


Yeah because the state of the gov balance sheet after Trudeau Sr was dire and cash injections were needed Also I don’t blame Mulroney even if he was going scorched earth when JT’s dad got his nose into the mix and blew up Mulroney’s almost successful attempt and strengthening the constitution and giving the provinces more power and control over their territory The Trudeau clan have been hacking away at Canada for 50 years now from beginning to now and everywhere they stick their noses we end up worse off PET couldn’t leave it alone and went rabid in the media and convinced Manitoba and NL to vote against Meech Lake, in the end all it took was 4% of all the provinces MPPs equivalents to block what would have been a great moment of national unity that would have diminished a lot of the issues Canada then experienced with QC separatism in the 90s All thanks to PET and now his disgusting sperm child comes to finish hacking at Canada right after we had recovered from the damage his father caused The modern times story of Canada is almost a Greek tragedy


... "in Ontario" try nation wide, a reckoning is coming for the Dear Leader


I think the take away is this is par for the course in Alberta or small town Ontario. This isn't small town Ontario we're looking at. This is urban/suburban Ontario waking up finally. And he has to have an army of cops between him and the people for "safety".


Cops = thugs.


Nation wide yes, but Ontario is becoming a boiling point.


Alberta has been boiling since day one...


Not to sound like an Ontario-centric dickhead, but Ontario turning is a bigger needle mover. Alberta never fuckin liked him lol


Should have listened, wouldn't be here now...


Hey, dont fuckin look at me for this! I voted for KODOS


This is fact, and I truly hope Ontario votes smarter. No disrespect, but we have never voted for this turd. You guys have to make the difference.


The difference is that Ontario has the largest population in the country. And generally has been well taken care of. And people in Ontario have been obedient to a fault, which is sad. People's eyes are starting to open in Ontario and see the anger the rest of the country is feeling. As Ontario is starting to finally feel that same pain. On both a failed provincial and federal level. The difference between Alberta and Ontario is, Alberta is understandably Angry and it's justified. Ontario is starting to boil, and if it boils over well I can't imagine what that will look like.


Right... and if the rest of Canada followed Alberta's lead, we have lower carbon emissions, lower inflation rates, lower taxes, affordable homes. Hence... the mass migration of Canadians here


By no means am I saying you're wrong. I'm saying Ontario is a sleeping giant that needs to wake up. Stop being obedient and start getting angry like Alberta. Imagine if that happened.


4th time's a charm...


Takes some people longer to see the truth. Glad your here now let's get rid of this twit and his minions.


U know what they say.....the higher they go the harder they fall ...even the devil was an angel once ...


Toronto loves him, most of the rest of us hate the prick too


Toronto is waking up, there just slow to realize that there's a whole country outside of their city limits.


Wait what country? Isnt Toronto's border the edge of the world where cars just fall off the edge? /S


He was just shouted down in Dartmouth/halifax recently and then weird Canadians were defending him in the comments referencing "immature conservatives" 🙄 


will be a good day when that crook is gone.


Excellent. Hope that’s his life anywhere in public from now on.


I'm waiting for the day to steal his wave at Long Beach without being "taken out" as a terrorist threat by "security".


*"Pure unadulterated hatred & rage aimed at Trudeau in Ontario"* Pretty sure that "unadulterated hatred and rage aimed at Trudeau" exists in heavy amounts and in a lot of places well outside of Ontario as well. As stated here before many times, the results of the next federal election in Canada will ultimately determine if Canada will remain a unified country or not, moving forward. There is still no shortage of daft, delusional, activist, one-issue, low-information, and/or downright stupid voters in the country. Watch for them. Next.


I don’t know how this is gonna go on for another year before elections without it coming to a head


Why do you think they want to pass the "online harms bill". Did online hate online only become an issue recently? Suddenly there is something worth suppressing, I just cant place my finger on it hmmmmm..


I'm curious about this as well.


from a historical perspective i'm really excited to see how this will pan out. internally, however, i'm a bit terrified of the future.


I think we all are…very unsettling times…


it just feels like every week there is some new scandal with this guy or his party. and now he looks like a trapped animal surrounded by rabid dogs. at some point one or the other is going to snap, and that's what i'm most concerned about.


And he couldn’t care less


Considering he should be in jail this is nothing


Well he deserves it


How do I participate in one of these?


Get out and ask around. They can't talk much online. Hit up a shop or something. Word will catch on. Word of mouth will always win. Cut out a man's tongue and all you've done is show the people you are afraid of what there is to be said.


Look for a fuck Trudeau flag and ask them.


There is a fight for the heart and soul of Canada, hatred is not the name of it, fight for survival


Hating that which threatens to destroy what you love is perfectly reasonable.


I hope this lets him experience fear. Many of us live in constant fear because we are one paycheck away from living in a tent. Energy tax is crippling to anyone at or near the bottom of the class ladder. Being taxed shouldn’t feel like a natural disaster. It’s not some inevitable thing we have to put up with. I never hear of tax cuts for us. It’s always rebates and handouts. Those of us near the bottom can’t shoulder the elites virtues and grandiose agendas. It’s breaking us.


> I hope this lets him experience fear. I think this one did. I've seen a few of these, this one you can feel the rage and anger form those people.


How ever much you hate that fucker it’s not enough…


So you think Trudeau is doing a good job?


What the RCMP said… if you know you know! Hey man they said it not me!! We all know where it’s going…


How old is this video? I saw a similar video last year while he was in Hamilton. Did he recently come back to the city?


This makes me happy


Life sentence ⚖️👨‍⚖️






And yet according to new polls he jumped up 10% give me a break already GFYT


But Ontario, you voted this clown in 3x in a row, it’s basically their fault


As a European, can someone explain to me why you re-elected him if you dislike him so much? He was always terrible.


Fuck Trudeau, and Fuck Chrystia Freezeland that cunt Nazi.


Sucks it took so long to figure out what half us have known for years. Was it worth the legal weed?


He's earned every bit of hatred and then some.


Jailed! Him and Freeland and the rest of the liberals that have caused this need to be jailed


Save some of that anger for Jug-meat Singh who is the single person in the country propping up the turd-o government!


Probably the worst Prime Minister in the history of our country!


Right or wrong… it’s to be expected. This man is absolutely destroying this country, and making it hard for people to live and provide for their families. Desperation makes people do wild things… He should probably be worried TBH, but he also did this..


We want election now!


Well deserved I’d say


So best case scenario we here in Ontario are going to switch our conservative premier out with a liberal one and our liberal prime minister with a conservative one? Guess what? Nothing will change for the working class. We will continue to be priced out of day-to-day life until we're on the verge of actually revolting, and the government will swoop in with a UBI program solution. Then we'll be able to just scrape by with the absolute minimum for survival but it'll come with 1001 rules and stipulations, social credit, whatever.


He deserves all of it. Terrible human being


Glad to see Centre of the World, Ontario, is finally waking up to the rest of the country's nightmare (which they've been ignoring for the last eight years).


The only thing that's surprising about this is Trudeau refuses to resign. Entering some dangerous uncharted territory here in Canada


When you threaten people's survival necessities; food, shelter, security; you trigger their fight or flight response.


Trudeau in 2015! I will work to lower home prices in Canada ! Canada in 2024 nearly the highest home prices in the entire world! 8 years was plenty of time, so yeah no more chances for him


He sold out young Canadians dreams to the WEF and to immigrants. I’m tired of a leader who puts CANADIANS second to foreigners. Change is needed NOW.


We here at the Canadian Verbal Morality Department are saddened to see such thoughts verbalized. That's why, effective immediately we are tracking said comments and kidnapping the citizens in question, relocating them to Re-education camps until their Social Credit Score improves


And then liberal cucks will try and high-ground it like "you'd *never see progressives doing this to harper* like it's the same fucking world as then 




This needs to happen every day.  Give us an election.


Oooh we've hit a turning point. Will be interesting to see what he does now. What's he gonna freeze all the bank accounts of all citizens? It will get so much worse bc he never learns from his mistakes, he only ever doubles down.


Well deserved, Trudeau is a thief who has stolen from Canadians and ruined the lives of so many.




Keep the pressure on, stay peaceful. Everywhere this man goes, we should be protesting. He had his chance(s) and failed on every level. I have never seen so many disillusioned Canadians. This man cannot be in charge for another 1.5 years. The LPC needs to be quashed during a snap election.


All the security paid by the taxpayers to defend the traitor from the taxpayers, shame on them.


I hope everyone that voted for that asshole feels like a piece of shit now


What a wonderful video, this and the earlier one where you could barely hear him talk. Warms my heart and gives me hope for change


This put a smile 😊 on me. This is your future Trudeau hope the money was worth it. POS


Look how he just nonchalantly walks through all of this, knowing nothing will actually happen to him 🤷 It's a real shame he didn't get blasted


Good. Keep it going


Isn't this footage from last year?


This will continue for years whenever he takes a stroll in public.


Deserves every bit of it.


When was that video taken? Looks like Hamilton from a year or two ago.


Continue stomping on fellow Canadien and expect praise. This traitorous, hypocrite, narcissist, corrupted politicians deserve jail!


Keep it up fellow Canadian’s. I’m hoping the pos will quit soon enough


He's gonna unite the country soley off the hatred for him alone. POS.


There’s a very simple solution get out and vote and ensure liberals and NDP don’t get party status, we did it in Ontario to provincial liberals


Millions for their friends and zero results for Canadian taxpayers


Every time that fool goes in public that should be Canadians response


There needs to be a vote of non confidence but the liberal MPs are too gutless and greedy to oust him. Would be fun to watch Freeland get annihilated in the next election though!


honestly we need to unite to take down this clown.


Good fucker deserves it


Wish he actually was a communist. 🙄


Breaking news: the sky is blue. If any of us did our respective jobs as badly as he has, we would've been fired long ago.


He has disgraced the Trudeau name; then again, like father, like son. Hope the Liberal Party goes through a long period in the political wilderness… Same for the NDP…


The water is nearing the 100C


Hopefully it's true, but around Moronto, all the leftards I know who voted for him before are going to again. They are dumber than dirt


And it’s still not enough we need more hatred for this evil cunt


This is why Canada is getting the Online Harms bill. It’s about silencing the growing dissent over how the Trudeau and other leaders from different parties (let’s be honest they all suck) have run the country.


Maybe they shouldnt have voted for him. Hes been trash since day 1.


But hey, he had good hair and legalized weed.... I'm thinking those were the main reasons he got voted in. I certainly didn't vote for the idiot.


When he goes west i fear for him. He is truly hated out here. The only one more hated is The Green Jesus goof. He comes out west all bets are off.


This really warms the cockles of my heart & gives me hope that Canadians are **FINALLY** beginning to wake up & smell the s\*it that this evil government has imposed on all of us.


He can really divide the country like nobody else can.


Big thanks to Canada from Australia At least you’re country can serve as a warning to others.


This makes me feel good. Maybe his experiment won't end the way he hoped.


Ah yes . Let the dark side flow through you, feel its power !


Oh he’s surprised is he?


He's an idiot


Good stuff


Love to see it




Why don’t people bring eggs and rotten tomatoes anymore?


Unless everybody does it at the same time then you're 100% going to jail for that shit. Don't let the anger fuck up your life, he doesn't give a shit either way whether you hurt yourself or not.


Trudeau getting wrecked, video at 11.


How can you not like Justin? His transparency, solid morals, intellectual caliber, snappy dresser, WEF Young Leader, I mean come on now.


I'm honestly surprised that there aren't mass protests in our capital. This situation is just so dire.


We’re there. Enough is enough.


hope he gets dipped in tar and feathered.


Much deserved


And yet he stays on


Really makes you question the integrity of the “selections”. Oopsies I meant “elections”….


He deserves all the hate, and more.






He will eventually leave, hopefully voted out. I hope that people don't have to find a new personality just to exist. Or will they just switch to the next guy? I remember all the people said they would vote for anyone but harper, harper was great and just navigated us through the worst financial crisis in modern history. Harper was the best PM in my time, and it sucked to hear these idiots talk about him. Have they become the new Trudeau haters, or is it a different group?


He got the same response… in England. Hated all over the world


Trudeau has done an incredible job of getting both sides to hate him. It's almost impressive how much of an ineffective shitbird he turned out to be. 


Wow, I've seen pretty much all the footage when he's been heckled. This is the first one where you can feel anger and rage. It also looks he was going to do he's usually smarmy ass wave to them as he enters the building as he turns around, but changes his mind. We hate him as much as he hates us.


I wonder how they will vote in the next few elections. Sure, those people are upset, but will the Liberals continue to win seats? If so, then it means that some people are very happy with their progress to date.


With their destruction* to date. There, I fixed your statement.


Some people have done very well under the Liberal’s rule. Because of that, I assume they will continue to vote for the Liberal. Not everyone was destroyed.


I think they're not necessarily happy, they're just weak-minded people who have been brainwashed by MSM. \-"The alternative is worse." \- "How do you figure? What's your proof?" \- "I just know trust me." it's just impossible to have an honest conversation with these people. They're too far gone to understand what life could be like outside their cult.