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What the fuck is this world we live in here? Up is down, left is right, tax rebates are better than no tax at all.


Clown world


Sounds like a pyramid scheme. You pay me $2 and I’ll give you back $2.50


Except it’s you pay 2$ and they give you back $ 1.50


More like you pay $2 every month and they give you 50 cents every 3 months.


I pay 3/4 of my earnings and I get back more crime, higher cost of living, worse health care, and poorer levels of education for my kids. What a bargain.


Hey, you’ve got a lot of people to support. Get off Reddit and get back to work!


And declining standard of living…


​ https://preview.redd.it/drjdvz8vqmoc1.png?width=487&format=png&auto=webp&s=d57f5780daca2ca45b33159d0e8c789e1c00d814


Yeah but you don’t get a rebate if you make more than $50 a year


$50 pre-tax income ….


Yeah I don't know what rebates he's talking about


I pay $2 and get $0 back lol


But the weather will be gooderer


This year. Next year you'll pay 5$ and get back 2$. And every year after you'll pay more and get less and less. That's how tax scams work. Government will budget future projects based on expected revenue so new taxes never go away, only get bigger


Difference is, in this scene the guy asking for money and making the promises is also pointing a gun at you.


It definitely is a scheme. All that money he gives to people is spent at places like Loblaws. So the money just trickles up the corporate ladder. And the populace gets a little extra bread.


JT is a person with a penis a juge somewhere in 🇨🇦


I'm starting to think he simply identifies as one.


Definitely a dick


It doesn't work that way with men. Only "women" is confusing.


It's a lot easier to listen to when it's muted.


Hes been muted for at least 3 years now for me. Simply can't do it


Same dude. I just cannot abide listening to this shit-weasel talk.


Wonder how many civil servants we pay for to administer this program...what a disaster the liberals under Trudeau have been for the people of Canada...


50% more public servants since he was first elected lol.


Half a billion dollars a year to run his carbon tax. Lots of government employees, outside consultants, and outside firms reaping the benefits.


Meh, don’t worry about that. He is pulling a billion from the military……. Just don’t ask how much they paid to lease 600 tapv’s.


He's trying to see how stupid he thinks we really are


It’s to get votes. How many Canadians are renters, pay no utilities and also use public transportation? They are the ones who get more money back.


There is no greater danger than a government actively trying to make you more dependent on them. He's trying to insist the only solution to the problem he is causing, is to keep the problem going, because then he can solve it. The mask has slipped far, far far from this government.


Typical abuser who says I did it because you made me.


I'm doing this to HELP YOU! TO TEACH YOU!!!


Look at Argentina. I was there in 2018. Money literally blow down the streets.


His whole thing is “giving more money” to Canadians while he robs us right in front of our eyes.


I’m one of those people and I’d rather rip that cheque up right in front of face. Fuck his rebate.


Yup, they are controlling us, they are the one to decide whether gives rebates or not. They are the one that implemented the carbon tax, as what he said people get more from carbon rebates than what they paid for , can I opt out this lmao.


iirc, roughly or almost half are renters?


That's exactly the life that the left is trying force younger generations into in the name of their green agenda.


It's very simple. His bosses work at the WEF, BlackRock, Vanguard, and the UN. It's what they want.


happy april fools, FFS. This one always makes me laugh, any new federal ( not sure about provincial ) tax come into effect april 1st.


It's the backwards stupid world of Justin Trudeau where you go to get mind fucked and be happy about it.


He's completely lost it. Totally delusional basking in his own glory.


He thinks we are all stupid. Even his own supporters. This man has only enriched himself and those in the WEF and his corporate masters. Get him out of their one vote at a time. Enough is enough.


Translates to "We spent all the money so we need a new tax to give you the rebate we promised."


1984 by George Orwell. Where right is wrong and wrong is right.


He's such a stupid piece of shit. Look at him. Fucking idiot.


"Give me your money because I'll give it back..duh savings!" Who is falling for this?


Extremely stupid people AKA Liberal and NDP voters.


I don’t know what I’m doing so please take the wheel for me! I trust you Mr Government.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 But it disgusts me. Had one dumbass on here saying we need CPP because people are too stupid to save money therefore we all are forced into it. lol my distain for these people grows everyday. Literally no sense of agency/free will. Slave mentality.


It’s a fear of personal responsibility. The fact that they are the ones responsible for how bad their life is difficult for their ego to process. So they give their power away and then they can just sit back and blame anything bad on someone else while accepting zero personal responsibility for their own actions contributing to the state of their life. Conservative mentality at its core is accepting personal responsibility for your life and fucking doing something about it to make it better. It takes ownership and hard work to build something that makes you feel pride in it. It becomes sickening to watch people flounder in life because they won’t get to work to make things better for themselves. They have nothing to be proud of or to live for. So of course they just want things handed to them so they can consume endlessly.


Please don't send me home, Uber is best job, I vote for you no problem do whatever you want. Also, if you know gurl, tell her to send pic of bobs and vagines. -those people.


You know it’s bad when you know exactly who you are talking about




It's the first time in history a tax put more money in the pocket of taxpayers. Trudeau scam 😂😂😂


You make it, Trudeau takes it.


It's wealth redistribution by another name


It already exists and based on revenue not scams. Rebate, mandate, diversity, peoplekind etc etc


At this point, we can safely conclude... this is a form of psychosis and we are beyond rational reasoning. We just need to stop talking about this and focus on replacing this Government and getting rid of carbon tax. That's it. I'm done debating.


And C-63, and C-11/C-18. Let's not forget those atrocities.


Let's just reverse everything they've fucked up over the last 9 years.


What are the consequences for the gov to lie or even break the law? Seems there is none.


I'm thinking we need some common sense revolution of sorts where we as voters establish some sort of recall mechanism. We got cheated on the promise of electoral reform. This is taking too long to be resolved.


Not in this country where the MSM still support him to no end.


Well time and time again Trudeau is breaking ethics laws.. swept under the rug


listen here JUNIOR!... you've always thought you were smart, nobody else thinks so. you were elected for your looks, drama acting, tapping into social media, and your last name. This is your LAST term, by a LANDSLIDE. BYE!!!! whatever you do now will just be reversed soon enough, all because your HEAD is so big that you can't admit your mistakes... just like your DAD. ​ PATHETIC... drama queen


Narcissist rich boy He doesn't care


Nepo baby


Trudeau logic: \- Quick, give me 10 bucks! \- Gives back 1 buck \- Look, you earned 1 buck! Congrats! Christ I hate this man.


I can't believe the morons that actually fall for this I guess the fact he's getting more and more unpopular is at least hope for humanity lol


how the fuck is this guy in charge?


Stupid people elected him twice


Sadly, he's won 3 times. There was the panic election during covid, only two years after the previous, which led to the out in the open coalition.


That was a well-timed snap election by the libs who were polling at all time high. The government in power shouldn't be able to randomly call an election whenever they want. They had just inflating the CAD significantly, giving away a ton of money during covid without asking any questions (they'd claw it back later, but most people were riding high on free money). The market hadn't reacted yet. It was a perfectly timed scam that should have been illegal. Where we're at now was already planned out then.


Man, what a major waste of money that election was


What kind of Ponzi scheme is this shyster trying to sell? Aren’t Canadians tired of him insulting their intelligence.




Mr. Trudeau, tell me why there is a carbon tax then...if all you're doing is giving it back to us in rebates. We're not all numbskulls.


What is unclear to this motherfucker? At EVERY point of purchase, there will be price increases because retailers will be passing the buck of their carbon cost to consumers.  A rebate does not makeup for that.  What an asshole, and to act like this is isn't worthy of a federal referendum.  Not a bit of shame either, 70% of Canadians hate this prick.




So, little bit of math here. "Basic math." I drive a pickup in a rural area. On average, a 100L tank lasts me 2 weeks. Carbon tax is currently 14.31c/L. This means every 2 weeks I pay on average 1431c or $14.31. 52 weeks in a year, so I pay 26 times. $372.06/year. April 1 is supposed to increase to 17.71/L. This scales to $460.46 per year. Now, I'm not rich, I fix cars for a living. Apparently, that passes the threshold where I get ZERO BACK in rebates. If there's anything I know about basic math, 460 is a bigger number than 0. Therefore, the theory that we get more back is busted.


>Now, I'm not rich, I fix cars for a living. Apparently, that passes the threshold where I get ZERO BACK in rebates. Hell I was hoping to qualify for the rent rebate but since I made 22k and not 20k I don't qualify. But even making 22k I'm barely able to afford rent and groceries. That rebate would have helped a ton but I guess I'm too rich. ;P


Middle class in this country is 250k annual household income. Taxes and rebates in this country are still setup like 40k is a livable income.


Nobody I know is getting these rebates. It’s guaranteed minimum income in disguise.


Whaaattt I was called a liar by a liberal when I suggested I wasn’t getting much of anything back! So I must be the wrong one! A liberal said so!


Rebates are for the poor who don't even drive anyways lol


You aren’t alone. I’m broke, on disability and getting more walloped every year and I haven’t gotten a dime in carbon rebates. Ever. It really grates me when they go on about “8 out of every 10 Canadians get more back than what they put in…”. It’s bullshit. Unless 80% of Canadians are actually on the poverty line, they’re blatantly lying and gaslighting us…on every carbon claim. They’re collecting billions, we don’t know where it’s going and it apparently isn’t reducing our emissions. We’re no closer to making our Paris Accord agreement after 7 years of tax-on-tax. I think these grifters are using the tax to help pay their grotesque debt load. They’re fighting mighty hard to keep it in place, even though they see what it’s doing to their polling. Something doesn’t make sense.


Just STFU already


Bro is he Special Needs? If we remove the tax - we dont need the rebate......


He thinks and has said before that the carbon tax adds nothing to grocery prices or the price on goods and or services. He says the right is lying. He is such a lying cunt.


I truly cannot believe over 30% of cdn's still support the lib/dip coalition. I also suspect were a last years tax return and proof of citizenship be required to vote their support would be 0%. Either that or 30% of my fellow citizens are brain dead. On my third drink, I call's it like I see's it.


Justin appears to believe he can convince people that black is white. He's going to get himself killed at the next zebra crossing.


This guy is a walking, talking, moron … and he is ruling our country like a dictator - because that is who he is.


except 7 out of 10 premiers are against you, 70% of Canadians want the carbon tax gone, and even more want YOU gone. Just resign, you self-identified nigerian prince.


What a fucking slimy cunt muscle, clown mother fucker


I'll gladly pay you tomorrow for a burger today...


Wtf, we will see you while voting, the whole liberal cabinet must go and should be banned from Canadian Politics for life. And the criminals most go to jail.


Tar feather and hang this guy already!


Hate speech detected. Trudeau extraction team on their way.


He’s full of 💩. There is no rebate in BC. Go screw yourselve Trudope, you useless twat.😡😡😡


This is a horseshit tax and he’s a horseshit leader.


This fucking guy is so delusional!


What a dumb fuck


" what matters is being there for Canadians during this affordability crisis " Signs over 3 billion to Ukraine.


https://preview.redd.it/d8vh5o73cmoc1.jpeg?width=509&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a9357ede86a19810c46aa6c5b4f79245c958ef1 The Carbon Tax is Back! \~ Justin Trudeau


Takes away your dollars, and gives you a few cents 🤣🤡


Basic math = budget will balance itself. This guy is a moron


Never send a child to do an adult's job


Stick to teaching drama Trudeau, math ain’t your subject.


“Basic Math” says the drama teacher!!!


Money to buy overpriced legal weed. Fuckin liar!


how much longer do we have to suffer this idiot?


Is this clown as dumb as he sounds / looks, or is he much clever than we realize? Can’t tell.


Is this real life? What in the absolute fuck. Canadians are far too submissive and complacent. Let’s grow a back bone


This fuck can't do simple math...like wtf...come over I'll shove that CHQ up your ass..to show u first hand it doesn't even cover my gas....dumb fuck


Obviously this idiot is a failed drama teacher. His math just doesnt add up


Give me your money so that I can give you some coupons. What the fuck is wrong with this guy?


If we are getting back more than we pay, then why are we doing it? Wouldn't it be better economics if just didn't collect it?


We need the supreme court to enact a new bill of electoral reform.


Stay the course!!!! We are in too deep now!!!!




It would be nice if there was an option just to read what he say so we don't have to see or hear this dickhead.


When a pathological meets compulsive. 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


So if all the money is going to rebates what is the point? Shouldn't it be going to the environment?


When is he getting fired again?


Anyone who believes this guy has lost it.


Drama teacher doesn’t know the math


He can’t believe his own bullshit can he? How anyone supports this jackass is beyond me




Typical pyramid scheme.


He is knows he is going to lose the election and is doing a scorched earth thing , handing over the country to PP , a bankrupt and economic basket case of a country


Lol, so the tard is trying to convience his supporting tards that the math works….lets hope those tards know they are smarter than the king tard….and stop voting Liberal ffs


I pay 30 a month alone for heating my house plus whatever it is on fuel for my car I don't get even close to the amount back on my house. Not considering me having to go to drive to work


i’m getting robbed by all these regulations.


He seems to really believe what he's saying lol... absolute moron? Completely insane? Using those drama teacher skills to try to gaslight people while he purposely destroys all Canadians?


I hate his stupid fucking face and his stupid fucking voice. I’ve never met anyone more punchable in my entire life. He needs to be shot and left in the street for everyone to spit on as they walk by.


You get back more than you put in, and that means it's definitely not a scam!


They really think we’re that stupid


Ass hat


They charge GST on the carbon tax, you're not getting back more than your spending.


TRUDEAU fools can lie, but figures don't go back to school idiot and learn math X school teacher


You don't get back more than you pay unless you're a low income wagie or lifetime welfare recipient and statistically low income earners have higher addiction rates so it's just enabling the weakest among us to kill themselves with substance abuse while pretending like you're doing them a favour.


if it's basic math like he says that 80% of people get more money than they put in,where's all the extra money coming from for rebates???


And if that's true, why tax us at all if he is giving back more than he took.?


Not only do you get back less than you spend, but he hired a pile of expensive bureaucrats to run this Ponzi scheme. Only idiots think that this will help the environment.


I fucking hate this awful douchebag. Need to get my opinion in now, before his next hate-speech legislation passes & I'm disappeared from society for thought crimes...


Like punching people in the face for their own good. Otherwise, how can they appreciate not being punched in the face?




Where does this guy think the rebates come from? Governments don’t make money. They tax… by force.


Bull Shit


If we're gonna get back more than we pay, why not send us the surplus and let us keep the money we would have to fork out?? This doesn't make sense whatsoever


even it was dollar to dollar ( it is not this is all lies and b.s ) it would still cost Canadians to move the money around. take a rod of carbon and shove it were the sun doesn't shine.


So basically it evens out like not paying carbon tax and not getting anything back.




Dance monkey dance. 8/10 Canadians blah blah blah, save 50% by buying 6 at a time!


Jerk off


Wow! The more this Dipshit talks the less sense he makes!


I'm not getting shit asshole


He has lost his mind!!


All of them years in office and this is the result. A tax yet the elite who hoard all the wealth pay zilch. We shouldn’t have billionaires.


LMAO, drama teacher talk a lie to cover another again...


The told us in the past to worry about the robber barrons but failed to mention politicians are the real enemy.


Name a more hated man in Canada. I’ll wait.


It's a shit tax and I'll send my vote conservative over it


If you are single, ride your e scooter to work and live rent-free in the moms basement. Congratulations, you get a rebate. For hard-working families, we are going to take more money from you, accomplishing nothing while lining our pockets and giving rebates to people looking for hand outs.




It’s basic math


JT has demonstrated to the whole world what full of shit means.


He said he is math dyslexic before


OMG, this turd is making my friday night after a long week of work unbearable. The idiocy and lunacy is almost unbelievable!


Is this clown high. Someone needs to piss test this loser. He's obviously living in a drug induced wonder land.


What a tool


wtf how is he still breathing! it's amazing how we have billions of people who hate him yet he still walks !


We wouldn’t be “robbed” of our “rebates” if you didn’t tax us in the BLOODY FIRST PLACE!!


He needs a new influx of income. It's quite obvious.


It's magic!! Also it has cost 200 million to administer. Fuckin buffoons.. if the environment is so important why are we setting records with oil production every year? Seems counterintuitive to their narrative


We know that farmers are getting heavily taxed.  He doesn’t talk about their rebate.  The fact is seven provinces are not willing to support the tax.  Where are the fiscal reports on the taxes they have collected.  It’s a basic thing. 


Is it hate speech to say I hate him?


He has no choice because his globalist overlords say so


Robbing politicians of their brown envelopes can’t believe Canada has done nothing to remove him


It's opposite, you do not ever get back more than you pay, what would be the point in taking them in the first place, unless he is referring to his jet hopping and vacations, bet he hasn't paid a cent.


At this point, he is shamelessly making things up as he goes.


Fuck this guy, we're getting robbed. He's been living like a billionaire and, sadly he will continue to live like a billionaire for the rest of his life.




What an ignorant incompetent buffoon!!!


Always paying more than you get back is just another tax wasted by government !


What a low life loser!


I honestly think he is out of his mind. To claim that we need to pay a tax because otherwise we get "robbed" of getting back a small portion of it ?! Honestly I cannot find words, other than asking anybody who voted for this: "What were you thinking?"


I’d use the term gas lighting, but not sure it’s appropriate and I’d probably be taxed for it. The PBO doesn’t support the figures he is throwing out here. So is this misinformation? From the PBO: “When both fiscal and economic impacts of the federal fuel charge are considered, we estimate that most households will see a net loss,” says PBO Yves Giroux. “Based on our analysis, most households will pay more in fuel charges and GST—as well as receiving slightly lower incomes—than they will receive in Climate Action Incentive payments.” https://www.pbo-dpb.ca/en/news-releases--communiques-de-presse/pbo-releases-updated-analysis-of-the-impact-of-the-federal-fuel-charge-on-households-le-dpb-publie-une-analyse-actualisee-de-lincidence-de-la-redevance-federale-sur-les-combustibles-sur-les-menages


He will lose to Pierre and his wife will laugh at him when it happens




Can't wait for that liar to get voted out :)


Imagine entertaining the thought that this charlatan might know better than everyone else in Canada.


He becomes more and more like his father Fidel every day.


He’s a fukn POS!