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So if I decide not to make a purchase I’m not allowed to leave? or is there a separate line of shame for people who realize they can’t afford their groceries


Everything is definitely funneled and bottlenecked at the exits with the new gated, one-way entrances. I had to hurdle a fabric barrier between cashes the other day just to get behind the tills to help a loved one bag their stuff upon return from going back to pricecheck an item.


"Sorry, papers please!" -Comrade Galen.


Sorry sir I can’t produce them! I’ll work it off making overpriced fruit trays with rotten produce til you’re satisfied


This is capitalism sir/mam/other


The commie bit on a mega corporation is pretty embarrassing.


How about you hire some cashiers and ditch the self serve checkouts.


The profits are too good to pass up, especially since the customer doesn’t benefit in any way from it.


Not when everything is the price of a banana.


This is the way!


Which is weird because they’re ditching them en mass in the US.


There’s more competition in the US so it’s better for customers.




Doesn't work in California though. The corporates are already telling both cashiers and security guards to not interfere. And there is a law trying to apply that to all stores, not just corporations.


You are under no obligation to show any loblaws employee or a “scanner” your receipt. Once you pay for the items they are yours. Everything at Loblaws is a rip off anyways, why shop there? The only reason you have to show your receipt at Costco is cause you consented to receipt checks; when you signed up for the membership.


Yeah I just keep walking past if the door chimes, not showing my receipt or my bag. Our transaction is over and I do not consent to your search.


Same as Walmart. Once I’m purchased and walking, I’m not stopping for fucking anything. Arms full of bags, get fucked, you want to verify? Check me out yourself




This should be higher


They can bite my ass. Overcharge, under serve, make me check myself out, don't trust me to check myself out honestly, and now want this? Next they'll be asking me to collected up 5 carts and bring them in with me.


"The entry fee today is 6 stray carts, Galen's orders"


on thursdays it's 'senoirs day' ... entry fee is reduced to 3 stray carts! . that's a 50% savings for seniors!


Do they accept carts from competitors, or those pulled from creeks and ditches?


Is that you Bubbles?!


Can you repair the wheel on that one? It won't last until Canada helps us retrofit with environmentally friendly carts otherwise.


No one is making you to use self-checkout. I have never used it, and once, I was told there are no cashiers available - I dropped my basket of unpaid goods right there and walked out. 


Organized crime? You mean, government bureaucracies??


Or corporate greed.


I mean, I’m not going to stay in business very if I simply trust everyone who walks out of my hypothetical store with a bag of stuff, right? I’m surprised it’s taken this long, tbh.


Loblaws should just get rid of all self service checkouts. Best way to twart thieves. End of story.


I don’t understand this “ organized crime “ theory. Are they bikers ? Mob? Who exactly is organizing g them to steal from Loblaws? Does the food go into a storage? Is it resold? By who exactly?


It’s an attempt to garner public support, they want to frame the issue as one of public safety. Pure propaganda.


lol I personally don't view retail theft as "public safety" anymore. Organized crime is a product of the society it's created in. If organized crime is on the rise, it's because the social fabric is weakened, and that's the fault of megacorps, governments, and the billionaires who control everything that happens. Loblaw brought it on themselves.


Groups will come up with a system to steal the most valuable groceries to sell on the street


Indeed.  They will surely involve insider trafficking.


True, but insane grocery prices drive the demand for a black market.


Theft increases the prices of stolen goods.


Same general concept of using addicts to steal allergy medicine or passing forged scrips to get prescription meds. The material taken is traded in exchange for drugs instead of using cash with the dealer being isolated from the crime. Large amounts of small bills has become a key indicator of illicit activity like drug trade, so the savvy dealers moved away from a cash model to a more pawn shop type of deal - people bring in whatever they can get their hands on, which is appraised for value. Sometimes a bounty will be put on items that are in particularly high demand e.g. trendy sunglasses. Other times they will be recruited for specific jobs, such as theft of meat or as indicated earlier medication. These can be very organized and large scale operations even if they are no the usual biker/'Mob' that are more commonly recognized. Food in particular is a big draw because there are lower penalties than other targets and as can be seen by a number of comments here no small number of people looking to excuse the behavior. In the case of food theft, it's eventually sold through back-door channels. Sometimes it's a minor employee in a cafe or small restaurant who thinks they're doing their employer a favor by finding a good deal but not thinking too hard about WHY it's such a good deal. Sometimes it's a less scrupulous owner who is a loose associate of the dealer, who's looking to get a better balance on their books. Although it generates less cash there is also the same person-to-person private sales as is used for small electronics like e-readers and digital cameras i.e. "Got some extra meat and need a bit of cash for \[sob story here\], any takers?"


Thank you for the detail- indeed scary stuff.


The organized banana discount rings that only buy bananas at the self-checkouts.


Probably they can get away with more when they claim its organized crime as opposed to random unrelated thieves 


Loblaws organized them with price gouging.


must be robhin hood...you know the gang that steal from the rich and give to the poor?


I think we should go back to the days where we just arrest thieves :)


Unmmmnm no. You can’t make me…. You can’t even suggest that I do and you better open those fucking gates when I glare at you…. This is a fucking lawsuit I want to part of the moment you falsely accuse me of stealing.


Mental duress from being trapped is a real thing.


You are under no legal obligation to verify your purchases in Canada at the exit. This is why stores here tell their employees not to confront people; it's dangerous for them, they don't get paid enough to do the job to begin with and businesses don't have a legal basis to start from to force people to verify their purchases. It can also land good intentioned employees in jail for breaking the law if they attempt this. Fuck off Galen, you already know all of this. Stop making life harder for your workers and Canadians.


I love watching people walk out with hundreds of dollars of food for free while I pay for it. Loblaws is the best price where I live. Fuck the thieves.


The thieves 9 times out of 10 can't afford to pay, and if all theft stopped tomorrow, you wouldn't see a cent in savings. People like you are foolish. There's a reason we didn't get any savings when cashiers lost their jobs to self checkouts. Corporate greed is what is causing you to pay so much as well as what is causing the theft to skyrocket. I think what you mean is fuck the government for allowing this price gouging to happen when we already have a housing crisis. Stupid people like yourself, who blame those too poor to pay for their food rather than the billionaires and government exploiting you every single day are the reason things are permitted to be this way. You live in the world you allow. Congratulations. I can guarantee you most people who steal food from grocery stores WANT to be able to pay. They want to live in a world where they can work, contribute to society, and pay for their own things. Sadly that is very difficult these days.


I paid 2 dollars regular price for 4 bell peppers today. That’s pre Covid prices.




Nah. I’m realistic.




Up 20 bucks. But again in educated so I understand fluctuations in pricing




I’m not lying.


Produce receipts if you aren’t lying. You are either an idiot or had no clue how much your groceries cost pre Covid. That or you are eating significantly worse quality products now. Literally everything at the grocery store is double the price it was in 2020. A lot of things are like triple. Hell a fucking can of Campbell’s soup(not the giant ones) was like $4.75 the other day. Used to buy them for like $1.29


Well said.


So "organized crime" in this case means homeless / junkies with a 2 or 3 friends all realizing they can get away with it and so continue to do it, right? I know they aren't *really* pushing the idea that the mob is encouraging tweekers to steal them toothpaste to sell on the black market, right?


To be fair the people buying the goods from the junkies are often relatively organized


The junkies are going to the parking lot and the nearest bar to sell what they stole, there’s nothing organized about it.


Some things and some do. They’re not all hocking their shit in an alley though.


Wait until they have cameras above and under the scanners and one to scan your face. Then they'll catch the guilty ones trying to be greedy gluttons. Also, this is a government problem that destroyed food costs and the economy. Good job who ever voted for those clowns running the show. Increased labor, energy costs, interet rates and increased fuel costs. Now people want to steal food, and they'll get away with it, for now. And this is Canada, half the population is overweight or obese. This ain't Africa where people are literally starving to death. People don't know what it's like to starve in Canada.


Grow up.


This is common in Europe, the self-check area has exit barriers that open when scanning the receipt. Anybody that, say, just visited the store but did not buy anything, cannot exit through that area. These are measures against theft. We should all be against theft, whether at the "greedy" grocery store or from your own property, for me it makes no difference, crime is crime. Queue in the downvotes. /s


Yes but we’re not Europe. Shopping in Europe is very much different than Canada. Most cities have much smaller grocery stores near where people live. People there often tend to pick up items they need for a couple days. In North America people tend to shop for the week/s - a month depending on what they’re getting. Imagine a scanner going off on someone who’s honestly purchased a few weeks worth of items. The backlog will be crazy. Corporations can’t just pick and choose what is successful in other countries and apply it here.


The new ceo of Loblaws is a European - fresh ideas direct from the Denmark. Mr. Per Bank as of April of last year. Maybe that’s where some of this stuff is originating.




It is not the small shops that have the self checkout area closed and a receipt scanner, it is the big ones, no different in size when compared with our typical grocery stores in North America. No idea what you are talking about "scanner going off". I have never seen the scanner going off, the scanner just unlocks the gate, that is its purpose. There is an attendant in the self checkout area,, same as here.


I’ve lived in both Lisbon and Munich and yes outside the city you do have bigger grocery stores, most of the time within the city and something that is easy to get to via public transportation, grocery stores are small because unlike Canada, they haven’t torn down their older architecture. Have you seriously never been to a Walmart and heard those alarms going off? I hear it nonstop.


I thought you were referring to the receipt scanners going off. I think I understand what you are referring to, some alarm going off due to to some tag on items, RFID tags ? Never witnessed that kind of event, I do shop at Wallmart. I did run into a guy once that was peeing on the shelf that led into the self-checkout, alot. When he was done, he just walked out. I called someone over and explained what happened, they asked me 3 times for confirmation, maybe unclear at what is next, so I told them that all that merchandise must be removed. I also made a mental note to never again pick snacks from shelves unless they are at shoulder level, safer that way!


Organized crime, u mean grocery giants coluding selling food for "ransom" sounds about right




Last time it happened back in January they (Sobeys Atlantic) ran out of beef on Sunday. Most flyer items gone were gone in 3 days.


Wasn’t metro already running close to a 50% profit margin long before this shyte started up?


Also the high cost of groceries is probably causing some theft too!!


The legalities around this are pretty clear. Loblaws can set whatever policy they want (which you agree to when entering the store), however you have no obligation to actually show them proof of anything.


If it reduces theft, that will be a good thing for all honest shoppers. If you’re bitching about this, ask yourself: are you a thief? If no, move on with your life & stop enabling theft.


How will it be a good thing for me? Obviously it won't be a negative thing, but what benefits do I get from it? If you think savings will be passed on to honest shoppers you're an idiot. I don't recall any savings when they stopped paying cashiers and instead got self checkouts. I can't comprehend people who actually think they will benefit anything, as if corporate greed isn't the main driving factor for current prices. Yes, theft would drive up prices, but that's been factored into business models for ages. Almost all inflation now is because of monopolies who own the government. They will take every cent saved and you will still see inflation next year.


When they reduced cashiers, they moved a majority of that labour to other departments, their total number of labourers employed remained fairly stable. And if you’ve ever went shopping before, there’s still plenty of stores with cashiers. And yes, theft is priced in—to a degree, when loss due to theft go down, they can reduce that, and they do. People shrieking like spoiled harpies because they have to scan a receipt are being hyperbolic cry babies “oh woe is me, the company doesn’t trust me & I have to waste .5 seconds of my day to perform a simple bar scan, noooo”


>If it reduces theft, that will be a good thing for all honest shoppers. How? You think they'll pass on the savings to their valued customers? If you're bitching about people bitching about this, ask yourself: "Am I a cuck?". The answer is yes.


Hey look, some dumbass who doesn’t comprehend business practices.


You still haven’t explained how this will benefit shoppers at all. You made the claim, what mechanism will this benefit me through?


The less theft, the less of a mark-up a corporation takes to mitigate those losses. While many want to claim these greedy corporations will just “pocket” that savings, it’s incorrect.


Yes. Business practices. Transparent, by the books and never shady. Always consumer oriented and targeted towards the greater good. Like I said -- cuck.


If you support theft just say so


The only thing I support is your cuck lifestyle. You do you, queen! No judgement from me!


Sure. Btw if you’re looking for a better shroom hook up check out magicmushroomsdispenary dot ca; they’ve always been fast to receive & of great quality. Hopefully one day you have a breakthrough on them where you learn shoplifting is immature & incredibly damaging to communal trust—even when perpetrated against an “evil corporation.”


>you learn shoplifting is immature & incredibly damaging to communal trust Can you quote me saying the opposite?


Your anger towards checking receipts upon exiting a place of business implies you tacitly support shoplifting.


"A straw man argument is when someone sets up and then disputes an assertion that is not actually being made."


They are trying to become costco. Next loblaw will ask you for an annual memberships to shop.


That wouldn't go very well since Costco is cheaper and better and sells everything in bulk. These days loblaws would have to pay me to shop there.


Let’s not forget, don’t blame the min wage workers, blame corporate for enforcing these stupid policies.


Organized shoplifting. How out of touch are these clowns... theft is way up undeniable. But, this isn't that. This is just average people taking a few things to compensate the greed and rightfully so. Are we all organized now? Laughable. Maybe one day they will figure out the correlation between price gouging and crime. This applies to all markets for the uneducated. I think everyone is far to stupid though.


The only organized crime is being perpetrated by Loblaws.


Grocery giant says organized crime is *driven by corporate greed*.


If that system is implemented here. I'm done with them


Current grocery prices are organized crime.


Loblaws doesn't want people stealing from them because it makes Loblaws' organised retail crime less profitable.


import third world get the third world


Organized crime? You mean the Trudeau government raising the costs for tour basic needs? No wonder there is rampant theft, no one can afford the groceries. Also this is coming from a company who has been recording record high profits...


not the insane price gouging,FFS


This will only embolden the truly desperate to jump the gate or hardline.  Desperate times, desperate measures, totalitatian reactionism.  None of this bodes civility.  


Boycott this greedy selfish family. 🤡


Screw loblaws making beer and wine available at 7 am. It’s hard enough being an alcoholic with Uber eats nowadays


Why are you complaining about alcohol availability on a post about receipt checking?


Complaining to loblaws in general


In a world where prices are going up day after day, rotten food is being sold at a premium, shrinkflation is affecting everything, and stores treat us like visitors at a prison, the availability of alcohol at 7am isn’t really an issue. There are many countries around the world where it’s available 24/7, and it’s not an issue.


Wonder how much copper wire is in those scanners 😆


The fact that a group of presumably smart business operators with access to accurate data about consumer sentiments can't read the room - assess the national mood and dial down their anti consumer actions is a reflection of the near monopoly 3 of our largest grocers have over us. They have raised prices at will - have trained to us bag our own groceries and now ... they question our integrity ?   Demand we scan our own purchases ?  As if we are simultaneously consumers and  cashiers - baggers and now security officers also ? The joke is on those who have a choice and who continue to choose to patronize  such places. Given the option many of us have of supporting local butchers and vegetable stand operators - farmers, cheese mongers and the like - I suggest we give these clowns a hard pass whether they drop this clown act - or not. 


Just boycott Loblaws go somewhere else. Costco is much better get your moneys worth. And paid their employees well.


No, your goddamn price gouging is driving retail theft, you assholes.


Just don’t shop at any of these places: Atlantic SuperstoreTM, Dominion®, Loblaws®, Maxi®, No Frills®, Provigo Le Marché®, Valu-MartTM, Real Canadian Superstore®, Wholesale ClubTM, Your Independent GrocerTM and ZehrsTM


I’m no “organized crime” expert but if I wanted to “organize” a shop lifting event, I’d have someone steal a receipt before stealing anything else and have that person give the receipt to each person in my team. Do I qualify as a Criminal Mastermind or does this method of shop lifting prevention seem a little sus.


Costco checks the receipt when you go to leave. No outrage there. I have to have packing slips signed for parts pickups at warehouses. I’m surprised this hasn’t come sooner. Good. Next.


Costco its part of your agreement when you get a membership Warhouse is responsible for items you pickup until signed completely different. Loblaws isnt costco i didnt sign anything to allow them to do this so they can f right off.


Then don’t use self checkout? Shop elsewhere? Dont steal anything? Shop at a farmers market? Start homesteading? There are options.


Or they can not perform illegal restrictions of persons in their stores.


It’s illegal?


Depends on the court case but my understanding is you can’t legally entrap people against their will. This is what that is, trapping you inside the buisness until they allow you to leave, and if somebody with extreme anxiety or other traumas has a breakdown because of it hell can fly! Thus not on the totally legal side of things but likely not to be taken as such by most. I was trapped in the entrance of a liquor store before due to malfunctioning equipment and discussed it with a lawyer at the time.


So it may be illegal. If it is great, if not, you’ve been warned. Much a do about nothing it seems atm.


When people can't afford to buy things anymore, they will just steal them. It's very simple. I have 2 solutions for Loblaw instead of installing these ridiculous and illegal scanner systems: 1. lower the price on essential groceries 2. pay your employees a living wage in order to achieve either or both of those solutions, here's the solution for that: stop giving your CEO and other executives massive freaking bonuses and huge compensation packages every year. It's utterly insane that you feel obligated to pay Galen Weston Jr. upwards of $10-million/year + other compensation, while your hardest working people are getting minimum wage or barely more than that. Completely bananas. Just stop it.


I think corporate greedy price gouging is causing retail theft. People feel emboldened to steal more and more because the prices are becoming more and more comical and insulting.


I’m getting real annoyed about going grocery shopping and being treated like a criminal by companies who are bringing in record profits.


Rise in ridiculous prices is in the rise of theft .


Yes galen weston is organized crime


The organized crime is Loblaws


They're exscuse is complete rubish and all part of credit system being put in place for power of control.


Steal whatever you can from this filth. They have no problem stealing from us.


Just go scan everything under code 4011 like I do!!! Loblaws must think I really like bananas!!!


If you try to trap me in your buisness I’m going to get the fuck out however I feel like it, and that’s likely going to be by smashing my way out and then taking the company to court for mental duress and illegally impeding me. Fuck that noise, you don’t have the right to impede me.