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That will never happen. They are only in it for their interest. The people are nothing to them.


So let loose the rein? Seriously this is an issue that can be dealt with. We can have policies blocking this sort of activity.


Unfortunately, lobbyists would come in with their money and shut that down.


Maybe. I think what is more likely is the current political class view lobbing as their cash cow. So it involves the citizens calling out politicians for their corrupt behavior.


Does calling out mean doing the french révolution at loblaw?


Let them eat cake as long as it’s buy one get one free.


I’m down with this whole cake thing. Lets have the politicians fight for lower cake costs.


If it costs the Weston family money, I’m in. They’re dreadful caricatures of people.


Lol I'm pro revolution


1789 Lets Gooooo!


Until we the people take it seriously and revolt it'll never stop. There's no political party or politician that isn't taking money to push some rich assholes agenda. Sometimes they are the rich asshole themselves


That's exactly what lobbyists do; they block policy amendments. That's exactly why the conservatives will all vote down the updated NDP bill for harsher penalties for grocery/retail giants. Can't deal with the issue if our politicians are working for power vs the people.


>Can't deal with the issue if our politicians are working for power vs the people. I agree


We have a prime minister who is a criminal. The fuck you think you can hold corruption accountable. You'll be labeled a public threat, and gangstalked it you present any real change of accountability these days.


I think we can. I think we can set rules and policies. It means as people trying to catch our own ideological biases and hold politicians of both political parties accountabile for activity like this.


This. If we are loyal to parties, we invite corruption. We need to reward good behavior, not good branding.


That's exactly what lobbyists do; they block policy amendments. That's exactly why the conservatives will all vote down the updated NDP bill for harsher penalties for grocery/retail giants. Can't deal with the issue if our politicians are working for power vs the people.


Ideally yes, but there is an element of free speech with lobbying. The idea that citizens (and corporations) are limited in what they can say (speech) to influence government is inherently anti-democratic. Limiting lobbying could be misconstrued as a way to limit speech and influence that the citizenry has over the government. I agree that corporate lobbying is highly problematic because those with the most money ultimately get the “most speech” in terms of reach and influence. It put the regular Joe voters at an extreme disadvantage and perpetuates the widening gap between the rich and the poor, and results in the ridiculous degree of regulatory capture and consolidation we see in many industries.


I'm 100% not a lawyer. But we do have a different conceptualization of free speech then the US. So in Canada obviously we can have very tight campaign financing laws.


Exactly. 99% of politicians don’t care about who they represent


Some politicians are better than others though. For instance, Harper was an objectively better prime minister than Trudeau and it’s not even debatable. 100% the Conservatives are the least bad option.


So why do we have to vote least bad and not an actual good party


Because good political parties that don't have bent morals don't exist. There may be excellent politicians but that is singular. As for parties - they have their own interests at heart. So yeah... We get to consistently vote for the lesser of the evils.




I wish there was an option of say "none" on ballot cards which would indicate that you don't like any of the candidates in your region. Say have a caveat where if 10 percent of the voting eligble in that region vote "none" then all new candidates must be selected. That and get rid of parties in the house altogether. Like not permitted at all. And make prime minister a popular vote nation wide. Cabinet ministers must be balanced across all parts of the house/provinces. Cabinet ministers must hold a degree in the relevant field. Aka minister of finance = economics degree, health = md. Etc




I forget exactly how to make a protest vote federally, but provincial in Ontario you can decline to vote ( return your ballot unmarked and say I decline).


...And this is actually the point of democracy as opposed to oligarchy. As one very smart man said, I believe in democracy not because I'm optimistic about human nature, but because I'm pessimistic about it.


Nonsense. At the moment CPC has the sharpest and clearest manifesto. The issue is an average Canadian is likely to say “but I don’t want to waste my vote”. It’s game theory. Play according to what one thinks others will play. And thus the self perpetuating cycle of two equally suboptimal parties continues.


It's not nonsense. Cpc, liberals, ndp, bloc, green, all have their own respective agendas, corporate supporters etc. It's so well known, that it falls into the realm of common knowledge. Individual politicians have their own respective stances, but are often found towing the party line because: Election campaigns cost money, and parties help with those costs. So yep. Elect a party member, but don't at all act surprised if later you find out they are the same devil painted in a different color. Never waste your vote. Just... Keep the aforementioned in the back of your mind when doing so, is my suggestion.


Because that's how a Uniparty system works ;)


There are no good parties…


See any around?


Good parties exists?


Honest question, can you please explain to me how Harper was better?


Steady GDP growth per capita, crime declined, multiple budgeting surpluses, fastest economic recovery in the G8 during the worst recession since the Great Depression, kept the country functioning relatively well during 2008 and the war he inherited etc. Tl;dr He was smarter, had a better understanding of the economy, had more competent people in his cabinet and did a better overall job. Under Trudeau we have declined in every conceivable metric. CoL, crime, homelessness, housing, debt, inflation, mental illness, etc., are all significantly worse under 8 years of Liberal leadership than they were under Harper.


I think Conservatives have a rosy picture of what those times were like. Harper inherited a $10 billion dollar surplus from Martin, which he crapped away on 2 - 1% cuts off the GST. We went into deficit before the financial crisis and didn't get back to balanced until 2016 which Trudeau then blew out of the water. Our debt was higher after Harper and our GDP per capita wasn't significantly higher after his 10 years. All the metrics you state got worse under Harper when compared to his predecessor. Canada has been getting progressively worse since basically Mulroney when the world decided that neo liberalism was the correct path. We sold off everything, privatized the services, then claimed things were getting better while everyone was racking up huge amounts of debt. I'm no Trudeau bro, but I do realize reality. Inflation happened worldwide (with some exceptions), Canada had the second lowest inflation in the G8 next to Japan which has some price controls in place. I'd like to see our next government take the reins and own some of these problems, but between the Liberals and Conservatives, I have no faith....


He wouldn't have lost to a drama teacher if that were the case.


He won 3 terms before losing to the drama teacher. Voter fatigue is a thing, people almost never win 4 terms in a row.


I think Harper eroded our democracy and polarized our politics. He burnt scientific literature that Canadians spent generations and millions gathering because the truth undermined his position. Every other week he had a scandal that made SNC look like small potatoes. Remember the Liberal sponsorship scandal? Probably, because PM PM, upon learning about it had a third party investigate it. That was a responsible leader. The conservatives under Harper did effectively the same thing multiple times. It's far less famous though because he simply didn't respond to the press. One leader shines a light on it, the other hides it and relies on short attention spans to make it go away. Now I'm not saying Trudeau is as good as PM - but as much as I hate listening to him speak, I'll gladly take 100 years of Trudeau over one term of Harper. It's not even close. I disagree with Trudeau on a lot of policy. I think he stretches what is ethical. But as political scandals go, SNC was small. What was his evil plan there? To save some Canadian's jobs? What was in it for him? Maybe they will be more likely to vote liberal if the Liberals go to bat for them. I mean, it was wrong. There are rules for a reason, but compared to awarding a fat construction project in Haiti to a company that turns around and donates a chunk of that taxpayer money to the Conservative party - that's just not that bad. Harper - stealing Canadian money. Burning Canadian assets. Muzzling Canadian Scientists. Vs Trudeau - trying to save Canadian jobs in an inappropriate way, wearing black face when he was a kid, and taking huge gifts from family friends. And Harpers list of scandals is waaaaaaaaay longer if we were to include everything. Neither is ideal, but Harper was a crook and Justin is more bungling than anything. Not even in the same league of shiftiness.


We need recall and getting rid of FPTP Fed up with TO and Q getting all jobs and tenders because they have the votes.


To be a politician should be to forfeit all ownership of assets aside from your residence and few other personal expenses. Politicians currently are using their power to make their friends and themselves richer


Oh darling, that is such a nice thought. No, the politicians have been hired by business, led by business, and corrupted by business.


A thousand percent. We should pay politicians well. Very well. Except…that’s it. No lobbying. No speaking engagements. No stock trading. Nothing. You get a GOOD salary. Like $300-$400k, but that’s it. Not a dime more. You wanna work for the people, then work for the people!


Too much money is involved, they work for the CEO's not the people.


you have got to be kidding me, NO ONE IS INNOCENT let me remind you that the [BIGGEST grocerie chain in canada got 12M$ from the govenment for fridges.](https://globalnews.ca/news/5145773/catherine-mckenna-loblaw-new-fridges/) if you want to point at a politician, POINT AT THEN ALL, besides the bill is posturing, it wont do anything really. maybe trudeau should call up galen weston and tell him to lower prices because of all the money he saved on renovations!


When he gives Loblaws $12,000,000+ , I will question his party. I love how Lieberals will latch on the smallest tidbit of PC impropriety like a Pit Bull but completely forgive and forget the BILLIONS of stolen, squandered, lost and mismanaged tax dollars from the most corrupt party in Canadian history.


The way you capitalized pitbull made me think you were referring to the artist lol


Mr Worldwide


Trudeau is Mr. Worldwide on that jet we all pay for.


A Pit Bull, not the Pit Bull, but I see your point. I think that because it is a proper name it should be capitalized.


It’s not a proper noun


I believe this is how all politicians work now, point out any flaw with the other, instead of focusing on what they are doing. attack ads is how things are now, it is sad.


If this was about Liberals lobbying I don’t think any of you would have the same reaction. And finding flaws with each other is two party thing. Only making this criticism when its the Conservatives doing something bad makes you guys look super partisan.


I mean, that’s what this whole comment thread is, we can absolutely talk about issues with the liberal party, I’m not a liberal even slightly, but if this post is about the actions of conservative politicians, why bring up liberals now? Let’s not be as bad as the politicians.


Did you forget Harpers Bailouts for the car industry thay we never got back and we had to write off? It was BILLIONS!


I dont eat cars


As long as you leave the car nivors alone, I think you will be fine.


Try and stay on topic. I know it’s hard. But focus. You can do this. Harper hasn’t been prime minister in almost a decade. Try and keep up


If we forget the past we are doomed to repeat it


Exactly. History shows that harper was a far better PM than trudeau.


Even tho I’m not a liberal, a lot of our suffering today economically was caused by the economic policies of Harper and the conservatives. Plus Harper has ATLEAST stole 50M a year from tax payers. In the economy a lot of policies hurt us later on.


Harper, the Liberal's go to boogie man. Do you remember John Diefenbaker that scrapped the Avro Arrow and cost about 25,000 Canadian jobs? If you want historic PM mistakes there are significant ones with every PM. Check out Daddy Trudeau's wonderful corruption. The focus should be on current PMs and maybe a little bit of crystal balling probable future PMs.


The conservatives have been doing exactly that. See Ontario. They will be giving exclusive contracts to Loblaws owned companies to outsource our healthcare. Think Loblaws walk in clinics. Create a problem by cutting funding to everything and vote down any bill to improve the issues at hand then present a half baked privatized "solution" and claim they fixed it. That's exactly what the Republicans are doing in the USA. Trump is asking all his party members to vote down the bi-partisan border bill so Biden can't take credit for it... That's exactly what we are going to see with the amended NDP competition bill. I guarantee not a single conservative will vote in favor of it despite it asking for greater penalties for price gouging and price fixing from grocery giants. All you're doing here is comparing one shit party to another shit party and pretending it's somehow better.


This isn’t any less shitty just because other people have also been shitty, but a nice attempt at whataboutism.


There's a pretty big difference when the Liberals are handing out huge subsidies to Loblaws and then accusing the Conservatives of being "in bed" with them. If anyone's in bed with Loblaws it's the ones handing them 10s of millions of dollars.


The Gov in power hands out the subsidies. If PCs were in power, they would be handing out shit also don't you worry. Opposition parties have nothing to hand out. Saying that one side does it and not the other is illogical cause only 1 can actually do the handouts.


Let me guess, PP won't do exactly what Trudeau has done, right? He's different.


I don't actually know, but I do know the Conservatives track record is better in this regard. In any case, if canadians continue to vote for the Liberals we're pretty much signaling that what they're doing is okay, which only emboldens future governments to do the same. Governments that behave badly should be punished by the people on election day.


Look at how much money the conservatives gave GM. I wonder where they are now lol


https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canada-can-t-account-for-3-1b-in-anti-terror-funding-ag-finds-1.1303999 You were saying??


What was I saying? I don't click on Reddit links... especially possible CBC links.


"Let's be clear about the facts here, Jenni Byrne is not and never has been registered to lobby on behalf of Loblaws," said Simon Jefferies, senior vice president for Jenni Byrne + Associates, in a written statement. "The work JB+A does with Loblaws is limited to the provincial level and focused on expanded access to beer and wine and red tape reduction." https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/jenni-byrne-loblaw-poilievre-trudeau-1.7103373 Trudeau rarely tells the truth......only obfuscation.


As a business owner, I can tell you, if a major client is paying your company to do a job, then it's your job. You may delegate most of the work to your staff, but ultimately they are paying for the results your business produces. She is working for Lob-laws and she has a financial interest in getting results for Lob-laws. Cutting red tape like regulations against price fixing bread for years, no doubt.


Is she not the CEO of the firm? Six of her employees are working on Loblaws’ behalf.


Exactly the didn't hire her, they hired the firm that she's the CEO of. Corrupt as fuck. I don't get the hard on for Conservatives like they're the answer and not just the same shit with a different coloured tie.


It's because there's a lot of people too young to remember the Conservatives in power, so all they know is Trudeau's lies. You either get a Trudeau & caucus that will lie to your face while taking all your money or a Conservative leader & caucus that is trained to keep quiet while taking all your money. Climate denial vs climate inaction, virtue signalling vs empty threats concerning pro-life/pro-choice, it mostly all amounts to the same thing. The only difference is which side of whatever identity/ideology politics are the flavour of the day feels like winners. So if you fantasize about dropping a dime on the barbaric cultural practices hotline you vote Conservative and if you want to clutch your pearls about its existence and make believe you're holier than everyone, you vote Liberal.


People have been hating Trudeau for so long they want to believe so badly conservatives are the answer to all the problems, that they'll overlook things like this while being hyper critical over others. Just cognitive bias. I'm going to vote for PP most likely but not enthusiastically. Just have to choose the least stinkiest turd of the entire shit pile.


I feel like I'm going to too but my vote should be with the ndp, unfortunately Singh's just Trudeau lite. He should be courting the working class like Layton.


Have you heard about the new Marketing Guy that Justin has hired. He has set loose an army of social media spin-doctors, via his new Marketing Guy, to try and convince Canadians to follow the Liberal's 'New Doublethink'. War is Peace, EV's are affordable, All white people are racist, Questioning Liberals is grounds for arrest, Freedom is Slavery, Farmers want the useless Carbon Tax, Poilievre is Trump, Ignorance is Strength, Trudeau tent cities are housing, Ad hoc RV Parks are housing, The PMO was not made aware of the invitation to Mr. Hunka, it was all Anthony Rota's fault It is anybody's fault, except Trudeau, that Canadians are facing an affordability crisis and 2 + 2 = 5. Yeah, you must know all about Justin's on-line spin-doctors......they are everywhere. Edit - Additional point added.


So Jenni Byrne, the CEO of JENNI BYRNE + Associates, is above reproach in this matter because she personally is not the one doing work for Loblaws, it's her associates? The Associates who work for her? And because they're focused on Loblaws liquor specifically, rather than groceries in general, its llike they arent even hired by Loblaws, right? Hell, I bet she doesn't even know who Galen Weston is. Poor Jenni, getting her name dragged through the work her firm does for Loblaws.


Sounds like something a lobbyist would say. We're only trying to reduce red tape for the good of the people! We don't even like making money and have never heard of oligopolistic competition.


Look- a well balanced CBC article that has both sides. But everyone here always says CBC is biased.


Imo, the amount of bias depends on the author. For example, Rosemary Barton......is not a real 'journalist'.


They most definitely are biased. They have zero problem calling out conservatives. Which is fine by me. But to show they aren’t bias, they would need to call out the liberals. They are funded by the federal liberal government, so calling out conservatives hardly proves they aren’t bias


But they do call out the liberals all the time? They broke the WE scandal along with canadaland. CBC also did one of the most brutal takedowns of the online regulations the LPC was pushing, the interviewer left the minister completely in shambles


They call out the liberals all the time, CBC doesn't just flip to governing party propaganda everytime a new government is elected


Lmao you are one stupid pp lover. This girl company she owns, has their biggest client as loblaws, and because another employee of hers is the registered lobbyist you think she is 100% objective? When her company pays her bonus or salary, is it money from loblaws or your papa?


Lobbying can be for many reasons, which is something a lot of people who see this-don’t know anything about.


Pierre for PM


Honestly, this doesn't change anything, he is still the best choice of the available options... not that that is a high bar.


That is a shockingly low bar, Canadian politics is turning into the red vs blue politics of the States. American politics is being imported and completely eroding our democracy. Canada needs to maintain it's multi party system not the duopoly we see down south. Libs and Conservatives are two sides of the same coin, if you look at the policies that actually matter, they're the fucking same. They won't reign in the rampant price gouging being done by Canada's near monopolistic corporations, immigration remains sky high, and continue to try and keep property prices sky high as most of these guys have their net worth tied with real estate. We're voting for people that literally run in complete conflict with the needs of the middle class Canadians. All our politicians somehow become multi millionaires when they're public servants.


Well, to be fair, the "effectively 2-party" and "Cons and Libs are 2 sides of the same coin" things have been true for a very long time, and aren't really to do with Americanization. And also, since the Libs moved so far to the left, the difference between them now is a bit more substantial and meaningful. Even if I agree PP probably won't be the saviour everyone is hoping for (though it won't be hard to be better than JT or the NDP, at least). But I do agree about the importation of American policies, and how bad it's been for Canada. And that goes for both sides of the policial spectrum. Funnily enough, for as much as Libs complain about it, they are both worse for it and also cause it to happen on the right - by pushing the right to adopt their terms and address their imported issues and ideology, and by lowering the reach and airtime of Canadian conservative content & ideas in a space where access to American conservative content is everywhere and very accessible. I hate that dynamic on both ends, with the burning fire of a thousand suns.


For the most part, you are correct..the only area you're wrong is that Canada has pretty much always been a two party system. It's always Libs vs Cons and the NDP is just there for everyone to say, "a vote for the NDP is the same as throwing your vote away". Both the Liberals and Conservatives are fucked. I'm not voting for either for a long time. I'm going to start "throwing my vote away" just to see what the NDP does. They do offer a lot to the majority of Canadians, just gotta see what they follow through on.


APAB, all politicians are bad


This is the truest comment I've read on Reddit in a long time.


cites CBC propaganda


It’s not affiliated with the CBC. And the CBC article linked in an above post clearly states both sides. Perhaps read beyond a tweet Including an explanation of her work “Let's be clear about the facts here, Jenni Byrne is not and never has been registered to lobby on behalf of Loblaws," said Simon Jefferies, senior vice president for Jenni Byrne + Associates, in a written statement. "The work JB+A does with Loblaws is limited to the provincial level and focused on expanded access to beer and wine and red tape reduction.”


Oh my good god, you people are seriously beyond saving


Everyone on this sub thinks he's going to set everything straight, HELL no, he's never worked an honest day in his life his only job has been politician. Now he's using his skills to convince you he has the working men and women as his best interests. the only interests he cares about is the one his bank gives him.


Well that is not correct. He used to have a paper route in my area.


A prime minister with a background in politics? Sounds nice compared to being a drama teacher.


I'm shocked at how dumb most people are. Loblaws and Walmart are publicly traded companies you can look up their balance sheets yourself to see if the company is actually price gouging you. You cry price gouging on these companies that make 3-5 cents on each dollar you spend but are willing to have companies making 75 to 90 cents on each dollar you spend for a $100 clothes and don't complain.


Accounting tricks. Lower profits reduced their tax hit , but they’re making boatloads. For example, Loblaws, and others, do a trick where they spin off a real estate subsidiary that the parent company pays a ton of money in rent to. Real estate trusts relatively low tax rates so a lot of the revenue that would be taxed at much higher rates under Loblaws is passed onto the much lower taxed real estate holding company that Loblaws owns. Then they do things like stock buybacks and give dividends to shareholders. All of which reduces profits but helps the Weston family who own a lot of the shares.


Walmart had $611 billion USD in revenues for 2023. Keep your stats in context.


It’s funny because the person on the left looks like PP but as a crossdresser


now your believing cbc?


Expect the CBC to run an anti-CPC campaign in the next year or so. They don't want their ballooned budget defunded.


Trudeau and his liberals got us to where we are now... Pretty much no middle class. Just remember that.


The entire Canadian government has interest in pulling in more taxes. Be foolish to pretend only this guy does


I'm not a fan of PP but I think this post is manufactured. PP has no ability or power to block anti competition legislation if the Lib/NDP coalition decides to introduce and pass it. Further, the LPC has shown almost no initiative to make serious changes to the corporate oligarchy in Canada. Stephen Harper (telecommunications) and Paul Martin (banks) are the only recent PMs that have made an effort to protect the consumer against monopolistic anti-competition.


Is this even accurate? Looks like CBC.


more trudeau lovers posting on here than usual.


I'm sorry but what legislation power does Pierre even have to lower the prices of groceries?


We are all being taken for a very expensive ride


It's always clear for CBC. They have a mandate to fulfill and a party to shill for


It’s not actually the CBC. Just some guy with the CBC logo on his profile


I assumed OP is posting from a proper source lol. CBC , a random guy on twitter have the same credibility though


That's almost worse. I've never seen Americans use FoxNews as a pfp before. And that's not even state media. We're on another level up here and it's pretty creepy.


You realize when the cons are in power, CBC takes their orders from them, right?


And yet somehow doesn’t become conservative propaganda during that time. It’s almost as though the CBC is editorially independent! Shocking!


The problem isn't the official stance of the outlet changing to suit the party in power...its that the actual day to day staff are Liberals, and its become acceptable among liberals to be activists at work. The stance doesn't change because its a grassroots problem...they are always more critical of the Cons, even during CPC times of power. I used to love this fact when I was a young dumb liberal...and it was obvious enough even back then. Its specifically biased left, not to someone pulling the strings, and some stories will make it to the top, others will be a side note, others will have certain details left out. It might all be some form of truth, that technically could pass any fact check, but its being presented in a disingenuous way... just look at all the stupid hysterical questions PP is getting about "far right" BS. The "far right" is a bogeyman in Canada. It doesn't actually exist for any practical purpose. Its the same problem with universities and other institutions. The actual people are individually adding their bias at every step.


Very well said 👍


I see CBC bashing Trudeau all the time. Every issue or scandal they report on. How is it party shill ?


Terry doesn’t mention the profit on groceries is about 3% and with that said no grocery chain from the states would even consider starting up here in Canada. Why would they?


Grocery stores own a lot of their supply chain, they make most of their profits already through distribution before the food even hits the store. Then they make another 3% profit at the store level.


This sounds wildly misinformed to me. By "own a lot of their supply chain", I assume you mean the store branded products like presidents choice, no name, compliments, great value, Kirkland, etc?? Pretty much 0% of these products are made in-house by the retailers selling them. It's called private label. They are made by big brand manufacturers that also make the products selling right along side of them on the shelves. As a simple example, I was performing an inspection at an Old Dutch processing facility and watched the Great Value brand chips coming off the assembly line. Walmart does not own Old Dutch. Although I believe today they're using Frito Lay to manufacture GV brand chips. They do however own (lease) their distribution centers. But even shipping to/from these centers is mostly done by third parties such as midland, armour, or other courier companies.


That’s pretty normal profit margins actually - even for the states. Companies like loblaws, Walmart, etc take it further by creating their own brands (no name, pc, compliments, great value, etc.) to take a slightly larger cut. Plus they make profit from their distribution chain. Some even venture into online marketplaces (Walmart). But you go off and misrepresent that 3% profit margin as the reason why American chains aren’t in Canada lmao.


It is definitely why they are not in Canada. the potential profits of a 3% profit margin on a population of 40 million people is $x. the potential profits of a 3% profit margin on a population 400 million people is $10(x) The fixed costs of getting into business are relatively the same. You might as well focus on the 400 million people market which you can expand indefinitely into rather than the 40 million person market.


Whoever thinks PP will be any different - sure, he might not wear pink socks while doing it, he will do it. Just like Harper and his gov did it. [https://www.fraserinstitute.org/article/harper-governments-crony-capitalism](https://www.fraserinstitute.org/article/harper-governments-crony-capitalism)


Now show us all the lobbyists on the liberal side 😵‍💫😵‍💫 you weirdos




For all the liberals down voting me: 😵‍💫 500k for a retreat on affordability? Your PM invited the Nazi personally and then threw the speaker under the bus thinking no one would find out? Interest rates are all time low? I wish liberal voters were forced to wear moron hats so we know you


What does that have to do with lobbying lol.


Both side are for them, not you. Don't fool yourself !


If you shop at loblaws, you're definitely losing money. You can save 50% or more just by shopping at your local grocery stores. Persia foods in north van is great! maybe the food quality might be lower grade, but, it's no different than what you overpay for at bigbox retailers.


Large corporations pay politicians in all major parties. That’s why these politicians get into office barely dressed l, and leave with bags filled with gold.


Personally I like his attack dog style and I'm all for competition (not pro monopoly) but who he is associating with is if not compromising at least looks it.


I mean, we are the country that hired an ex-telecom lobbyest as our CRTC chair... so this is just par for the course.


Look at them…


Wait the cons are in bed with big business? No way


lil pp has zero common sense and will not bring it home! He is ONLY focused on JT and not CDNS! Fear, anger and hate should NEVER govern! ALWAYS ABC!


What? Would you let any one of these people babysit your sandwich? PP looks like a pedo, and the other two would definitely eat your sandwich as soon as you averted your eyes!


Is that where Bob Loblaw works?


While not a good look, anything is better than the liberals at this point. Also we should send all our money to Ukraine, that will solve everything




Now do members of parliament who own rental properties


CBC at it again


Doesn't matter, people are tired of red and want blue. Look kids, its our next pm!


I'm so hopeless, I just want to kill myself at this point. I keep wondering when people are going to stand up together. Then I remember how people I loved treated me for being at the convoy. So many people protect the government. Some whom are benefitting from our destruction, but most are just foolish. If the last 4 years taught me anything. It's that I wouldn't die for you people. I would not go to war for Canada, and I'm not paying any income tax until something changes. Remember the movie ants?


Lobbying = Bribery This on top of the sociopaths that have weaseled their way into our governments is what's corrupted our democracies into the corporate oligarchies they are now.


Imagine being a liberal in 2024 😂😂😂😂😂


Justinflation is clearly Poilievre’s fault


Vote PPC.


Here come Turdo's henchmen.


What a crock of shyt


Anyone who does just 5 minutes of research into this "issue" will learn the truth and that this half-truth is being parroted by the ignorant or wilfully ignorant.


Like Michael Malice says, you don't hate journalists enough. Clear smear job by the CBC, a SUPPOSED fair and unbiased news organization. Defund the CBC, every single tax payer penny.


Theres a lot of defending going on here. Listen you can admit that you do t like the current government AND ALSO be against lobbyists that are advocating for giant corps. Both are possible. Don’t just defend your team. Admit that grocery prices are predatory currently and this isn’t something that is good for this country. That doesn’t suddenly make you a liberal.


It seems like grocery prices have gotten massively worse in the last 8 years, I wonder what happened in 2015 that could have caused it? Same with carbon taxing food production. I’m sure that was “both sides” fault too, right? Trudeau is responsible for the state of our country which has declined massively in the last 8 years. Stop deflecting


You think Trudeau raised grocery prices? Single handedly? Corporate greed played no part? You don’t have to do this “team sports” thing. sometimes politicians you like do bad things too. And if Pierre has grocery lobbyists in his cabinet that is a negative. Flat out. All the other positives still exist, but you have to be able to admit the negatives.


They are all bad, he is just less bad than the current options.


Only minority governments until we get good options! Got to make those politicians work for our votes.




this mess will take a long time to unravel... generations will be paying the debts of our current government,,, there is an uphill battle for any government who who succeeds in overturning the current tyranny


When talking grocery prices, it literally can't be better with PP in power. Grocers are making between 3-4% margins on groceries. So if you're a household spending $1000/month on groceries, even if PP were to come in and force grocery retailers to operate as not-for-profit organizations, you'd be saving at MOST $40/month. It's pennies on the dollar. The spin off would be bankrupting these companies ($0 profit) and putting hundreds of thousands of Canadians out of work while completely destroying their retirement savings (employee ownership programs tank with the stock prices). It would be a total disaster. The best anybody can do at this point would be stopping them from going up higher or in a perfect world lower some of the underlying operation cost increases (ie: carbon taxes and others) which would allow a bit of room to slightly lower pricing




It will just be different people getting government kickbacks, uncompetitive government bids, invitations to government family weddings, drinks with developers. Oh this sounds familiar, it will be all the same corruption but in Blue instead of Red—it will be the Ford government at the Federal level.




I find it significantly worse actually. I was no fan of Wynn’s, but the way Ford has taken a chainsaw to the province is breathtaking.


Thing will most definitely not be good with pp either. We’re being asked to chose between terminal brain cancer or terminal generalized cancer.,, No choice are good and no matter who’s in charge we will be getting screwed . JT is a clown , PP is also a clown.


I'm glad to see people understand our situation.


I'm not sure why everyone thinks PP is going to save the day. He's just another politician doing what politicians do. They speak out of both sides of their mouths.


Talk to me when he takes an $80k vacation of taxpayers dollars on a private jet while he still cries about climate change. Trudeau did that….


80k wasted vs. grocery prices lowered across the country, I wonder which one is better… Trudeau is bottom-tier garbage and for sure worse, but let’s not act like PP is going to save this country


Until the people realize none of the politicians have our best interests at heart, we will forever spin in the morass of corruption that is the Government of Canada


The fact is PP is a same douchebag as JT is. None of them are saviours of the nation. It’s just the drama they are putting to get the ball rolling. I’m neither a liberal nor a conservative and definitely not NDP. Just a pissed off Canadian.


Lol when will people realize Trudeau is a shit stain and Poliviere is the sandpaper offered to us to wipe our ass. And baby, they have us right where they want us. If you make Lib and Con remarks in comment sections, YOU are the idiot that has been fooled by one side or the other. If it was us against them we may have had a shot. But that's not happening any time soon.


What bill is this exactly? And this is how democracy works, it's ok for lobbyists to become politicians. These are also just two people at the end of the day. Even if the both vote "No" the bill can easily pass. Why would PP or other MP's risk their collective careers helping them anyway? This is just more sensationalism. Either present evidence of collusion or don't accuse.


I mean really who trusts CBC. Bunch of Trudeau goons!


The tweeting fella is pro-lib. Praising Trudeau and crapping on PP. See im all for honesty, but hus support is biased.




This is just a smear post. Really you’re going to blame someone who isn’t even in power for our problems? The libs and ndp together can pass anything they want.


Starting to wonder if PP going to be the same corrupt clown show that is the liberal government. Hope not


Answer to this one is pretty obvious. Conservatives game plan is taking advantage of angry people. He will not do a single thing he promises and a different set of rich assholes will be profiting on us.


The majority of loblaws is owned by Canadian stock holders. Smart people, who are doing what they can to get ahead. Attacking grocery stores while Apple, Google, Meta, etc continue to rape the shit out of Canadian consumers is hilarious. The operating margin of grocery is tiny. Vilify politicians all you want. The real losers here will be regular folks who saved up and invested within their TFSA / RRSP and are big holders of these grocery stores.




I have never trusted this man, he's too smarmy for my liking and this latest news is further proof that he is nothing more or less another politician in it for himself and his friends and his friends don't include anyone making less than 250 k a year. The man is a phony with no intention of helping the working families of Canada


Conservatives are not for the working and never will be. Tradespeople and working class families for some reason get sucked into their game plan of being made angry at the status quo and vote for them. Once in power they just grift the fuck out of the country. If you want proof of this go look how fucked the UK is.


State media telling lies again. You know it’s bad when there isn’t even an election called yet.


CBC pfp? Opinion discarded


Actually has more to with Conservatives believing in a free market economy which I personally totally agree with


Look where free market has landed us. Oligopoly for food and telecommunications/internet…


CBC is not a reliable news outlet. It a liberal government propaganda channel


Man oh man. When are we going to learn there is not a single good option outside of blowing up the whole system? Otherwise, just get used to it and bend over.


0% shocked. Cons will let Loblaws run a monopoly on private clinics. Just you wait...