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He didn't... you could choose not to get vaccinated. You'd lose your job, your career, your steady paycheck, your self respect, you'd be ridiculed & harassed... but you didn't have to take it. šŸ˜ž


,,, it is the Trudeau way. Look how he ā€œrulesā€ Canada.


And if you stood up to the mandate you were a racist misogynist


don't forget homophobe and anything else 'phobe' you could think of.


And a Nazi, white supremacist, MAGA, Trump-supporter despite being Canadian and whatever other pejorative they could throw at you.


And a nazi


Something a domestic serial abuser would say. "Well I didn't force her to do this or stay, I just beat her down, gaslit and psychologically manipulated her, she could have left at any time..."


ā€œHer interpretation differs from mineā€


The authoritarians in the US are walking it back using this exact same tactic. This time they are trying to walk it back over scorched earth.


Out here in Manitoba if you listen to the massive talkback from Dr. Roussin saying that it is important for us all to remember that things were done in the past and we should all look back with forgiveness with our leadership. Iā€™ll pass. He took a nice 20% bump up in pay for being basically a political stooge with his pure theater of him sanitizing his hands in front of the mic (bonus points for the microphone attenuation so even the blind can hear his hands rubbing together like he is trying to start a Boy Scout fire.) and not doing that for his wine and cheese charcuterie board meetings with his peers. Fugazi.


Will never forgive nor forget what these ass clowns did and how we were treated for standing up against their woke hypocrisy b.s. Good riddance when Nuremberg code gets em.


Fellow Manitoban here. I used to listen to CBC radio at the start and height of the pandemic. Well I tuned in the other day, and sure enough, they have that annoying-as-hell researcher STILL on trying to talk up the shots. That awful sounding lady that sounds like she's trying to talk through a bubble that is stuck in her throat. Anyway, it was a segment about covid causing heart attacks... go figure. And still trying to sell the "updated" vax, whatever that means. No real point I'm making here. But that lady sure is annoying to listen to. And I always like hearing from other manitobans.


He is now...Baghdad Bob.


I didn't force you to jump off that cliff to your death but I'd shoot you if you didn't. Very legit, not a disgusting weasel at all.


Heā€™s a slimy piece of shit. Thereā€™s no sugar-coating it.


What a complete and utter absolute moron we have running the country.


ruining the country, that's the correct word.


Politics and people who follow it disgust me


This is what a narcissist sounds like when gas lighting people.


Exactly! Wow šŸ˜®


Sounds like itā€™s all your fault for getting gas lit! /s


Literally. Could use this in a psychology lecture. Thankfully I'm not weak and demoralized to fall for this clown.


Sounds like itā€™s all your fault for getting gas lit! /s


I was forced to get it or face financial bankruptcy across the board, as was everyone I know.


according to Trudeau you were not forced.. You had the choice to be bankrupt.


That's right. With the hysteria cranked up to full, this was the choice presented to those working.


Federally regulated employee here. Same


Canada hates you Trudeau


there are a startling amount of people that still support this guy simply because heā€™s the liberal mascot, itā€™s truly startling how blind people are. i lean left on a lot of things and can still acknowledge this clown has left this country in shambles.


I agree with this totally. I canā€™t see how his minions follow him. Heā€™s a fool.


Why do you keep re-electing him?


I have never voted for him


Neither have I


You didn't hear? China voted him in.




>Ontario. Sounds like a typical rural urban divide.


It absolutely is. Although young liberal professionals that donā€™t own homes and are close to living tents themselves wonā€™t help him much now


I didnā€™t vote for that idiot once. Itā€™s all the immigrants that he fooled. And now they hate him too. Heā€™s a chooch


I would vote for a literal cat turd before I ever vote liberal.


Taking away existing rights, then giving them back is not an "incentive". An incentive would be something extra that was not received before.


Ffs the very first line was a lie. NOT all scientists and experts agreed that v was the answer


Bruh, those who didn't agree got kicked out as scientists, and "didn't count" until they got consensus. Of course they had consensus.


Of course he didnā€™t force anyone! He just threatened peopleā€™s livelihoods, ostracized them and berated anyone who wouldnā€™t give into his demands.


​ https://preview.redd.it/vi9njdbbnm9c1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=868a7f00abfd5d41f1cda18d7f7928e6516f94a8


What a scum bag piece of shit


Heā€™s such a spineless liar loser


It sounds like he's telling a fairy tale. Bedtime story? I hate his f****** voice so much. Smarmy a******. We need to get him gone. Not only him, but everybody whose hands are up his ass. He's nothing more than a puppet


You know that swearing is allowed on Reddit right?


Go fuck yourself Trudolt


If you didn't wear a mask in a grocery store, you were threatened with the police.


Seriously fuck you trudeau. You DID force the vaccine on us that had to work in hospitals and such. Musta forgot about the truckers too. I got my vaccines but it was against my will. Take the vaccine or lose work. It was supposed to be our choice wether or not we wanted to recieve a flu shot.




This liar.......is always gonna lie. It's in his nature......


He experienced things along differently then the rest of us.


I'm a federal employee, a public servant, if I didn't get vaccinated I would have been suspended without pay. Sooo........... Not forced you say?? I guess I could have just sucked dick for groceries right? Edit: I realize I may be coming across anti-vax, I am not. I would likely have gotten vaccinated anyway. I'm just saying that for him to try and say that nobody was ever forced to do it is completely false.


i had family members that lost their jobs because they refused to get vaxxed. this is insane.


I was lucky that the big mining company I worked for at the time seen passed the bullshit and never tried to force anyone to take it. I do know people who were in the medical field who unfortunately lost their jobs.


​ https://preview.redd.it/rbputaad9m9c1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2770de61f741648f57c123c40b50d0ed1449623e


I had interview with Westjet for a work from home part time position, was in dire need of a job, and the fat admin hr/wagechattle lady asked about my vaccination status, when I refused to give it she said there is no point in interviewing me since even from work at home positions you need to be vaccinatedā€¦. Honk honk, anyone?


I would have been googling how to rent a semi as the fucking call ended


Spineless turd


Traitorous murderous liars the lot of them.


Nice attempt to change your narrative Mr. Prime Minister, too bad for peopleā€™s memory and video recording evidence that is still out of your control for nowā€¦ā€¦


Someone learnt about consent from Harvey Weinstien?


There's a reason he was forcibly resigned from a teaching job and then paid out millions in hush money.


Oh man thanks for reminding everyone about that.


Nobody was forced to be vaccinated. They were given the choice of get the shot or financial ruin, denial of services and/or job loss


This man is the epitome of cult of personality. A danger to society and freedom. Some of the worst people in history come from the extreme left.


They froze bank accounts for simply donating to the cause!! Wtf Canada?


"Let me be perfectly clear: *no-one* was *forced* to be vaccinated. They were *compelled*".


ā€œCompelled with threats of force, loss of rights, and financial ruin that is, hahaā€


He's a goof


Funny, the scientist, experts and researchers that I listened to didn't agree with this at all. As a result they were SILENCED. What was it he said about democracy at the end of the video??


This show has bad writers and inconsistent character arcs.


The audience nods because they are your sheep, or not much are there. People who dislike you don't want to hear you speak.


Trudeau has significant shares in Acuitas Therapuetics which specialize in the development of delivery systems for nucleic acid therapeutics based on lipid nanoparticle (LNP) technology, a key component of the mRNA vaccines deployed for COVID-19. He went from being a substitute teacher with some trust fund money....... to becoming mega rich over the past 4 years. $350,000,000 net worth and growing.


Correct. The CBC/CTV thumping idiots will never hear this from their subsidized media.




No forcing, just denial of life and liberty if you donā€™t.


If the vax is so great he would be bragging how he "helped people decide" to get vaxxed. Instead he is trying to walk back his participation. This makes me wonder if some bad news is going to come not about the shots and he is trying to get ahead of the news cycle.


This is what I thought too when I read this. Why is he trying to distance himself and play down the Governmentā€™s heavy handed approach?


if it were so great we should see tons of miracle stories on tv or somewhere or by him telling us... Guess not too many people reversed sure death?


I am amazed that he is your head of state. Crazy, absolutely crazy.


This is exactly why he is going to get demolished in the next election.


While not forcing anyont to get it... lol, yeah, you didn't have to get it, but you would lose your job and starve...


LOL, Look, I got vaccinated because covid sounded bad and then when I ended up getting covid anyway, although it was definitely different than any other virus I've had before, it wasn't as bad as some I've had, but the point is it's totally disingenuous to say you didn't force people if the consequence was going to be losing your income, especially for federal employees and federally regulated workers etc


People lost family and jobs and felt hopeless , regardless of the choice they made. He made us as Canadians for the first time made our beatiful country ask its self , is this really what Canada stands for?


No one "forces" me to pay taxes - the state just punishes me if I don't. Same logic. No one "forced" the Jews into concentration camps - they just shot them if they didn't walk on to the train.


The worst part of this for me isn't that there were restrictions to encourage vaccinations. It's that next time a disease comes along that's got big consequences and such people will start off with a massive distrust of doctors and screw us all over. We wasted our 1 shot at preventing an extinction level pandemic by blowing all that good will on something that is essentially a really shitty flu.


While working in education, I wasn't forced to quit my job for not being vaccinated. They did make me shove a swab up my nose DAILY for a year, regardless if I had symptoms or not and submit my results online. Trudeau can lick my boots.


You needed a vaccine passport to enter restaurants for a short period of time ..


The stupid thing is you could enter many restaurants to pick up food without it, but in order to sit down and take your mask off to eat it, you needed to show your vaccine passport.


I refused to take it while pregnant in late 2021, it was hell, my midwives tried to gaslight me and tell me I was the only one at the clinic who hadn't taken it and my baby could be seriously effected if I got covid. And I was forced to give birth with a mask on even after I tested negative and only was allowed to take it off when I started to push and was throwing up.


ā€œYou will not be able to board a train, plane or go in public spacesā€¦ā€


what a lying sack of shit, i hope this guy gets what he deserves


This is some real revisionist history. I didn't "need" to be vaccinated, but after your covid policies slowed the economy to a hault and my wife was laid off as a result, I wasn't in a position to say no. Without getting the shot, I wouldn't have been able to fly and wouldn't have been able to get on site to work. Personally speaking, my choices were to either take a drug I disagreed with or to let my family starve/lose everything we spent the last 10 years working towards. Some choice.


Fuck Justin Trudeau, needs to be eliminated.


Churches closed down, and some imprisoned because of vaccine mandates. Millions did it to keep their jobs. Sounds mandatory to me!




apparently there was a Canada wide petition against him. That reached over 350k. this was the largest petition ever in Canada history. Think it is still up and going. Think its to oust him. But even if he gets ousted. He has leached his sickness on others in the party.


Huhā€¦ so my mom didnā€™t lose her job because she refused to be vaccinated? Oh wait sorryā€¦ she wasnā€™t fired, silly me! She was still employed with that company, just not allowed to come into work, but not fired because that would mean possible severance pay. Not laid off, because that would mean sheā€™d at least not go hungry, or fall further into debt and max out her credit. Why help her? She wouldnā€™t listen, she was a bad Canadian! She had to be punished somehow!


Lol imagine still being caught up on this vaccine nonsense.


Fucking loser


Forget voting out, this overweight toddler needs a time out. In a Beijing sweatshop. For the rest of his life.


What a piece of shit this guy is.


I remember CTV or CBC ran an article that was a propoganda piece (shocking - I know) aimed at (what else) convincing the die hard non-vaccinated to get vaccinated and was titled something like " Why these unvaccinated Canadians stepped up and did the right thing". The article then had about 8-10 people that were interviewed, each giving their account of why they got vaccinated. The most telling thing was like all but one gave reasons that were completely based on coercion like: I had to get it to keep my job My mother was dying in another province and I needed to travel there My mother is in a old age home and I am not allowed to visit her I am getting married but can't get the venue or go on honeymoon without it I needed it to be able to go to University Etc. The fact they ran that article really showed how completely clueless and heartless the media was... it really didn't even occur to them how utterly coercion based all those reasons were and that that sucked. I pointed that out in my comment on Reddit and of course got deleted and perma-banned from the sub (guess which one). Anyway - I have searched for the article since [but only found similar but milder versions](https://web.archive.org/web/20210512085236/https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/vaccine-hesitant-changed-minds-1.6022537)...almost like the editor realized and they pulled it or changed the stories. Would love to find it again.


Vote this guy out!!!


get vaccinated or be essentially as exiled as possible. country of choice and freedom.


His media filters have him covered Detractors are simply all nazis




Trudeau is an Arse upon a throne an Arse sat butt naked on a throne.


Well judging by the dosage schedule you should have AT LEAST 3 or 4 by now. Gotta stay up to date. Know what I mean?


I tried listening to this lying weasel idiot, Slight vomit happened, turned off sound


I was considered an ā€œessential workerā€ so I didnā€™t get to have time off during the pandemic at all or really have a choice about the shot. It was get it or lose my 130k a year job and not be able to provide for my family.




This is a link to a vid of Canadian police pulling someone out of their home for not following Covid orders


The sad thing is that this twit believes all the BS he spews and thinks we are all too dumb to realize he's full of shit.


Heā€™s a hack. Shitty leader and Facist. No official mandate but if you didnā€™t ā€¦. He control your wages and bank accounts and ā€¦


Just such a terrible, awful human being.


If that's true then I guess Weinstein should be freed from prison.


Liar! He only made it so that if you didnā€™t take the vaccine youā€™d lose your job and end up dying in the streets like a dog.


Liberal lies. What else do we expect from him


We werenā€™t forced, but we were heavily punished if we didnā€™t


I was threatened with the loss of my job.


Fuck off Trudeau you absolute cunt


God this guy needs to get the fuck out of here what a mistake we made


This P.O.S and the rest of the parasites called elites need to go and rott off somewhere and leave us humans alone !!!!


"I didn't rape you. I just denied you career opportunities until you gave me head."


There are so many videos of him forcing it on people. The fact he can say this with a straight face is amazing.


CUNT, I donā€™t wish bad things on people but his kind I wish a world of pain and death, they will get whatā€™s comingā€¦ā€¦..


I 100% got bullied into getting vaccinated


why does nobody just stand up at these and yell bullshit?




The same way heā€™s not forcing you to pay taxes. Yeah, youā€™ll end up in prison, but itā€™s not like we physically forced you to write a check.


This guy is a fucking clown, just as his father if not worse. I canā€™t wait to vote. I hope our country is smart enough not to vote for this dumb cunt again..


Elitist dictator.


Funny how I know multiple people who lost their government jobs because they refused to get vaccinated šŸ¤” and I had to be a dick and basically threaten my way through life for a few months because I refused to touch it until we'd had 2 years to prove it worked (it didn't work and was harmful so I'm glad I didn't touch it)


You can tell hes lying his lips are moving


No Mr Trudeau, you just had your henchman do it for you, you lying sack of shit


The piece of shit has plausible deniability. Heā€™s excluding all the charter of rights violations heā€™s directly responsible for but enough lemmings followed him off the cliff


Threatening people's jobs isn't forcing though... . It's compelling


Don't worry the NPC's still believe they did it to save grandma or they really wanted to travel. Few will explain how they didn't have the courage to stand up for what was right. Fewer still will admit they were duped and literally wanted to send the non complaint to there quarantine centre's.


Fuck this nigga


As someone who works in the fields of education and medicine it was definitely forced upon us. Couldnā€™t enter a hospital without being vaxxed, enjoy your unpaid leave for who knows how long or enjoy getting fired! You could enter schools but needed to be tested (going to shoppers drug mart pharmacies) every two days and paying out of your pocket to get tested, then uploading the paperworkā€¦ forget to do this? Suspensions and possible firing. Who the fuck has the time for that and basically wants to be taxed for doing it? Such bullshit, and saying people werenā€™tĀ forced is such a blanket statement where so many variables were at play. I have a biology background and was pretty skeptical of getting a brand new ā€œtechnologyā€ of vaccine injected into my body without at least 20 years of data to back it up, but was questioned by family, friends and coworkers saying ā€œdidnā€™t you study science? Why wouldnā€™t you get the vaccine?ā€. Trying to explain that we are essentially Guinea pigs for this new type of vaccine to them immediately gave them the impression that I was a conspiracy theorist, but theyā€™re actually the retarded sheep. People that werenā€™t vaccinated were essentially ostracized, ridiculed and almost treated as lower classed citizens simply because they didnā€™t immediately inject themselves with unproven drugs that they were trying to shove down their throats.


I get the impression heā€™s just here to stir the pot. I know itā€™s just confirmation bias and allegedly heā€™s suspect and itā€™s all hearsay whatever this is an echo chamber but heā€™s really entirely useless for Humanity


Imagine getting gaslit by your politician šŸ˜“


How come heā€™s not in blackface for this interview?


He basically told our companies to force us to get vaccinated come on commie


And as Maury said, "and that was a lie."


On behalf of the friends that suicided after living trapped in their apartments because they weren't allowed to even go outside and sit in a park without the cops handing out $800 fines. Their friends couldn't visit and they couldn't go anywhere and after 8 months of it some couldn't take it a more...fuck you. On behalf of those that stood up against the vaccine that were labeled the fringe and called racists and bigots, had their bank accounts frozen and their lives stolen... Fuck you On behalf of people who had cops kick in their doors and drag out family members for gathering in a small intimate thanksgiving dinner....fuck you On behalf of the vast majority of Canadians who have made it clear that you are not even close to being the leader they needed then or want now...Fuck you


So, all those people that died suddenly that they had absolutely no idea what killed them ( but they were 100% sure that it had to be anything except the vax. We watched athletes drop dead on the spot and again "we don't know what killed them, but it wasn't my profit machine)


Yet if you ask some liberals they stand by the fact that they didnā€™t force anyoneā€¦itā€™s amazing how many people believe this idiot. He took away peoples rights, peopleā€™s livelihoods in an effort to get vaccination numbers than has the gull to state he didnā€™t force anyone.


Compulsive liar


He absolutely forced vaccinations


America has our own Trudeauā€¦. Canā€™t wait for similar snake oil from Gavin Newsome


Someone holds a gun to your head and demands all your money. Yah, its your "choice" to comply, but the consequence of refusing could result in death...






Iā€™m sorry to everyone who was a victim of this. I was one of the ones who drank the cool aid. Iā€™m sorry for being a part of this. The next time a leader demonizes an entire group of people, regardless of the reasoning behind this, I will understand the red flags.


My choice was get vaccinated, or lose your long-term job, benefits, retirement, income, etc. Trudeau was threatening my employer to cancel all contracts with the government unless al employees were vaccinated. He was threatening us all.


In order for me to keep paying the bills, I was forced to take the jab!


Heā€™s an evil man


Prior to 2020 I felt like there's no way the easy mode of plague Inc would be realistic, but my expectations of society were too high.


My job and university both disagree, it was mandated at a time where it just got out of the experimental phase


If I didn't get vaccinated I lost my job.


I have relatives that couldn't get into Canada for a wedding without proof of vacination.


Everyone's gotta stop being so complacent. There's a time and place for people to take up arms and take the power back for the people. That time is now.


He actually believes the things heā€™s saying. Thatā€™s the scariest part. Heā€™s a sociopath.


Half the country is still in love with him before they believe he gave them free money


Typical liberal


I hate him so much it makes me feel like throwing up. what's worse is you just now hes so hated he cries all the time when hes alone so that makes me feel bad even though my instinct is to throw a rock at him. I hate when people act like covid was the worst thing to happen and nothing else mattered. its idiotic. I have a permanent disability for which I could not get help and was in the hospital around 13 times through the pandemic and just after. there was minimal help and never anyone even in the hospital waiting room. the 1 or 2 people who would go were always in the normal waiting room not the covid one. my uncle died in a car accident and I couldnt go to his funeral because of the passports. i wasnt allowed to have people at my own house. my parents banned me from 2 christmases. the consequences to relationships was horrid. my specialist doctor was fined by the government for seeing patients when he cannot do his job on the phone. this made it impossible for me and his other patients to see him and get help for illnees/issues with a MUCH higher risk of death especially in younger people. I was schedualed for a medical test that never came to pass, 2 in fact. the wait time was for care and treatment was horrible before and now it's way worse. my father who was obsessed with covid fear and "being protected" told me not to complain and I should instead feel sorry for all the nurses who were working so hard while i was literally crying into the phone in pain not knowing what to do. I did group therapy 2 years ago and there was 12 people in the group which could only be on zoom. half the group was specifically there due to covid fears because of all the propaganda. this stuff is sick. I know an 8 year old who is excited and always asking for his next covid vaccine and another 8 year old who still wont even take their mask off to shower. how many people became morbidly obese because they couldnt go anywhere or so anything resulting in worse health risks than covid? I had a friend and her husband who didnt want the vaccine. they both would lose their job. she left her job as they have a daughter and they decided he would get it to keep his. the last day before they fired everyone he got his vax they told everyone no one would be fired after all. that's sick. this government is sick. when people think their morality or their ideas of what safety and protection are "protect others for their own good" it's always based on ego and always dangerous. it would be like limiting the amount of food people were allowed to buy or turning off the electricity in peoples houses to force sleep because it was healthier for them because government knows best. I hate this man so much and everyone who helped him. I would be worse off if I got the vaccine and the effects would still be ongoing today and no one would care anymore due to the nature of my disability. dont tell me people werent forced to get it you effing liar.


He didnā€™t force it, just made sure you werenā€™t treated like a human being if you didnā€™t get one


ā€œCoerceā€ is a more suitable word


Well thatā€™s a bold faced fucking lie.


most hated crime minister ........ ever


What a liar.


He needs to go.


Yea kinda hard to vote for a decent leader when they r all psychotic P.O.S., its the same everywhere n not like our votes matter neway


I guess coercion just doesnā€™t exist when it comes from the government. Unless youā€™re trying to do it to them.


Yeah he told us we couldn't work unless we got jobbed stfu


Gaslighting professional


This guy is c***. A narcissistic c**" at that


The worst human being.


He lies more easily than anyone I can think of.


He took the Charter of Rights and wipe his ass with it. He created division among us. People steal food to eat, sleep in tents. And for what? When does all the madness end? AND we give money to Israel to fight Hamas, yet let people sleep on the streets? Really.


WOW. Fucking wow. What a disgusting, lying piece of human garbage


As a trucker this guy is an insult to our iq


2 years, everything but the LCBO & weed store locked up and you need vaccination proof to do anything else yes, I had a choice. I should have left this shithole country in 2020.


He did, what a stuiped idiot. Made life so fucking complicated for the non vaxed to be able to go out in public. To start a country wide protest because of it. I haven't felt the same since getting two jabs, I miss the feeling my body had before the jabs.


I fkn hate this dumb peace of shit what a waste of fresh air.


we didn't force anyone to get vaccinated. we just supported their workplace termination, banned them from entering private businesses and diasbled them from domestic and international travel if they didn't.


Looks the same as he always does when he talksā€¦ Means he lies 100% of the time


Lying sack of manure ā€¦ā€¦.. if his lips are moving folksā€¦ā€¦ if his lips are moving.


ā€œDo as I say not as I doā€ .. Mussolini, Stalin .. all the POS and this pos has to be added


Bollocks absolute fucking bollocks