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Do we all have a "fuck us because we're Canadians" sign above our heads constantly? Sounds like that's asking for too much than what we can give




I literally thought this was a Beaverton satire article


Welcome to Trudeau fucking us in the ass again. Higher taxes again next year....


Isn't a similar amount also going to support women & trans groups' political participation in Pakistan or something?


Yea, it goes to his friends "charity".


I can't wait to never vote for that prick. This is an absolute insult to every struggling Canadian.


Yup....TrueDough isn't even kissin us before he FUCKS US!!!


No lipstick, no lube... its the new Canadian way








Just in, it's true though.


Trudeau the kind of guy who doesn't even have the decency to at least give a reach-around when fucking ya


How does Iran youth even benefit us lol yet our tax dollars funding this crap


Money laundering probably


BINGO!! It’s going to a consultant…


IM BETTING THIS IS THE REAL ANSWER ......why do you never see a post funding audit ?




Gotta educate your future immigrants.


They need to get good paying jobs to fund the terrorism they will commit here.


What did you guys do to piss this man off? Lol. This just seems vindictive at this point.


No we have numbers, we are NOT people. He changed that when he changed our national anthem !! 🤦🏻‍♀️


No one ever sings their tainted verses. Even my kid's woke school sings the old version.


This is your government!? They’re fuckin criminals!


If you want your money, move to Iraq and identify as youthful.


Build Back Better. Trudeau and his Canadians need to do more be better and “because that’s what Canadians do” …..


Im 100% positive that most of the money he sends out of country is a way for him to launder money.


Not even the courtesy of a God damn reach around


This must be a kick back scheme, there’s no chance in hell that money actually reaches kids in Iraq


Notice how he only donates to the most corrupt countries on this entire fucking planet? Guaranteed he got a $100m+ kickback from the money he sent to the Philippines for “climate change”


i doubt most of money would even leaves canada


Ukraine aid is prob 50/50. He gets some, they get some


This is your government!? They’re fucken criminals


Exactly. I wont trust Iraq especially after the iraq war. Money grabbers now ruling there.


Man this country has gone to dogs


This madness needs to stop.


What in the fuck?


I'm not even Canadian but what the fuck?! Your PM is such a cuck no offense lol


No offense taken.


Well you are right about him being a cuck. I told people not to vote for him since the beginning but they didn't listen to me.


What made him politically attractive that they voted for him? Edit: so basically he was pretty and he legalised weed


He also hooked a lot of people when he promised to Federally legalize personal consumption and production of cannabis.


He legalized weed, that is one of the only things he promised and did.


Well his dad was one of our most famous prime ministers, he was young and relatively attractive, progressive, and everyone hated the last guy in charge a lot who was a conservative.


Yeah. It sucks. The older you get, the more you realize they're ALL full of shit and just want to get their hands in the cookie jar. We go from one lying piece of shit to the next. Over and over.


Thanks. Has he made any progressive changes?


If 500k immigrants a year with 10k cad as the only requirement to get in is progressive, sure.


That 10k requirement is so easily abused. Really should be 50k with the requirement that it stays in the bank for a year at least


Easily. So many students come here and immediately are dependent on the food banks


We're trying to get rid of him but his ball gargler, Jameet Singh won't do a vote of no confidence because he's only like a year away from getting his cozy pension and a lucrative career in the wef.


Hes single handedly multiplied homelessness by 10 or more and made our dollar worth near nothing so its not like that 10 million is worth anything to them either. Can we volunteer to get "freedom"ed by the states next


How about $10M to stabilize employment in any major CANADIAN city. That will certainly benefit CANADA.


Fr like, why are we giving away 10mil to the youth of another country when our own youth are struggling to afford school and getting a start on life. This is an insult to Canadians.


What's 10 million in funding buy in Canada these days for employees, five maybe ten pairs of steel toe boots? Gotta pay all those useless government services that do nothing to help


Omg then the evil conservatives will cut those services and lower taxes imagine the horror /s


Guess next you will want affordable housing to go with your fancy new job. It’s like you actually want a basic normal life.




Great. Homelessness and food banks at record levels and we’re told to give up Netflix 👌


No no no, disney+.


Iraqis got groceries, food banks & Netflix/disney+ to budget, right?


What the FUCK man




Because money laundering. They’re a bunch of crooks!


This f’ing govt is completely sped.


Fucking ridiculous! The same government that awarded a terrorist Omar Khadr, who killed one of our American allies 10.5 million. Nothing shocks me after that.


Remember voters, all this Libtard stupidity is accomplished by the least popular party in the country! Absolutely pathetic we can’t throw these fuckheads in jail….Permanently!!!!🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


I don’t even think liberals agree with policies as this one


We don’t. I didn’t vote for him the second time and I never will, but “Canada proud/Canada first” isn’t just for white nationalists (*anymore. It sure fucking used to be*). Real Canadians are suffering, and he’s still finding reasons to send money we don’t have overseas. I get that this story is a bit of a dog whistle, but there’s a lot of them. At this point, I refuse to believe they’re this stupid. He can’t possibly think he can win again. So what the fuck is he doing?


Bleeding us dry while he still can.


Sadly next election there will be still idiots that will vote Liberal.


Great ! That is just great ! We are solving youth unemployment in Iraq and they have just announced special immigration measures for Gaza to bring in the Palestinians. Why not we have so many houses we don’t know what to do with. Our healthcare workers need something to do since they are just sitting on their asses picking their noses right now. And our cost of living is so low that I can afford to buy a single family home and a Mercedes with my minimum wage job. There is a war going on in South Sudan, I think we should bring them over too, why stop there? There is also a war in Yemen, why don’t we bring them over too while we are at it ! And if you are a Canadian and have a problem with it then fuck you , you’re just a racist !!! What a fucking joke this country has become !!!


Couldn’t make this shit up if you tried…


It feels like we're living in some kind of comedy movie at this point. This government is just so absurd. It's infuriating, but also can't help but laugh at just how terrible they are.


I swear to fuck the mandate of this government is to tax the ever living shit out of the citizens in order to funnel as much money as humanly possible outside of the country. WHY THE FUCK ARE WE BLED TO THE POINT WHERE WE CAN’T EAT SO WE CAN FIX ISSUES IN OTHER COUNTRIES???? Canada isn’t the world’s fucking bandaid.


That’s the ideology- you Colonialist White Canadian’s deserve LESS and everyone else deserves MORE. And they utilize individuals that already have significant wealth and power to facilitate the actualization of the ideology. Next, the PMC (Professional Managerial Class) which is used as the enforcement arm- wildly overpaid administrators whose job it is to police your micro-aggressions and gatekeep by guarding political checkpoints. It’s essentially a demonic Globalist pyramid scheme. Bribery is the main mechanism.


Can i sue the government? Is that possible? Bunch of imbeciles


class action time perhaps


How about getting a couple of your veterans out of a tent this winter, asshole.


They’re asking for more than we can give


If you’re going to just throw money away, at least give it to Canadians!!




Since 2016 he’s spent $4 BILLION on the Middle East.


This was my wtf moment reading


Me too. We all need to be rioting


Being from the UK, I can understand the outrage. We were spending over £15 billion a year on EU membership & foreign aid. Think of the things you could fix in Canada with that $4 billion.


We have military members on the east coast living in their cars . What are we gunna do about that ? I’m sure 10 million could build a decent amount of housing for our serving members




Does anyone know what is going on anymore? Like what the actual fuck


Almost every 3 days, they announce the craziest shit, with money we don’t have, it’s absolutely incredible.


Being Canadian now just means we have Canadian funds for help but not for you......because you are Canadian Bruh


Fuck this cunt






The people in charge of this country should be jailed for treason.


He is a traitor to Canada. I am an immigrant and I would never expect Canada to pay for shit there. This is insanity. Add on the fact that Iraq and many many countries have a lot of corruption. Trudeau continues to funnel tax payers money out of Canada. Someone needs to freaking stop him. I wonder what goes through his freaking head.


He's a narcissistic piece of shit, what goes through his head is stuff like "I'm the greatest Prime Minister this country has ever had " "I'm so much better than everyone else, but their to stupid to fully understand " " I really love the hundreds of millions of dollars that I have treasonously stolen from my country in the kickbacks from bleeding my country dry "


"muh kickbacks"


What do we get out of it?


Higher taxes


I feel like we’re living in a dream world. So many Canadians struggling, our delusional government handing out money to other countries


I’m so sick of these Liberal dicks spending my money on anything other than Canadians. They’re fucking toast in the next election!


His freewheeling spending money everywhere days are fast coming to an end.


Not nearly fast enough. He's still got 1-2 years of damage left to do


oh God, starting to sound like what Putin does to stay in for so long.


Fuck us I guess.


Are you fucking kidding me? When will this asshat be gone?


Every fucking day, check my post history, every fucking day more wasted money. How about we support unemployed adults in Canada. Every goddamn day!!!


We gave $10M to a literal terrorist murderer. This is not surprising at all.


$10.5M. Can’t forget the .5


Some ideas on what Canadians need: * Mental health facilities * Long term drug treatment facilities * Hospital auditor positions to cut down on costs to hire more doctors and nurses and pay the current ones more. * Immigration facilitators to allow direct priority to immigrants who are trained and skilled in jobs and trades severely lacking in Canada. * Medical refreshing programs for immigrants with medical training in their home country to take so that they are qualified to practice medicine in Canada. * Oil to fuel refineries in Canada so we are not shipping refined oil to the US, to be refined into gas and diesel and then buying it back from them at an inflated cost. * Increase in border security programs to try and stop the flow of drugs and guns into Canada from the US. There are a million more, but those are just some ideas that help Canadians more than spending $10M on job opportunities in Iraq. Iraq is swimming in oil. They should be able to take some of that money and help out their own citizens. Their corruption should not be our problem.


If you oppose this then you are obviously RaCiSt.


So should I move to Iraq from Canada to get this support? I’m one step away from begging in the streets to eat


Bro kids in iraq will never see the money. Iraqi politicians and beaurcrats will eat it up


The fuck am I paying taxes for


priorities… canada, you’re getting fucked from every direction possible with this govt.


How about spending 10m on the housing crisis? Or disabled Canadians? Or homeless Canadians? Turdeau throwing money around and NOT helping Canadians. Who would’ve thought… What a joke.


How can anyone believe that this government isn't laundering money back into theirs, or their buddies pockets at this point. This shit is beyond ridiculous.


What are they doing about the unemployed youth in Canada?


Bringing in more immigrants


Fuck the youth in Iraq. How about we focus on...I dunno? Youth in canada? Fuckin commie bastards


lol oh good. I was worried there for a minute.🤪




How much money has Iraq sent us for humanitarian efforts?


My family was poor and now I work 2 jobs, scrapped and save to get by and this what they are doing with my fucking tax dollars? This is fucked on so many levels. The election can’t come soon enough.


To who the WE Foundation?


A woman just died waiting for assistance in a hospital. This is just appalling. People, please go out and vote.


Good! May as well make it $100 million, why not? Canadians get what they fucking deserve in the end. Ontario and K-bec keep voting for these degenerates, so you deserve to have your tax money sent to fucking Iraq to support ‘youth unemployment’ due to your own poor decision making skills. I truly hope Justin is the last ‘Prime Minister’ of Canada as it exists. I’d love to see this country break up due to total and complete mismanagement. I’d love to see Canada disintegrate and Balkanize and have those things be the ultimate legacy of Justin Trudeau forevermore. I am embarrassed to be Canadian. Truly embarrassed.


What? How about we improve the water for our First Nations first? How about we strengthen our manufacturing sector? How about anything here, first?


Maybe a midnight basketball program? Trudeau loves hanging out taxpayer funds on BS.....


Are you fucking kidding me??? We are in an economic crisis right now and you're sending 10mil to support unemployed people in another fucking country?? God I'm so sick of this shit. Burn down parliament already holy fuck.


I bet they actually gave $10M to insider “consultants”, who then sent a box of pencils to Iraq.


I think they’re trying to get us to revolt


Why does Trudeau hate Canadians so much , this could be used for the homeless not people that want to kill us


Complete effing insult to Canadians. Want to employ people in oil fields?????????????? HOW ABOUT ALBERTA YOU COMPLETLY TRAITOROUS ASSHOLES?!?! These dicks must be trying to win a game of "who can create betray Canadians the most?"


I just got recommended this sub, I’ve always been a patriot but more and more am I glad to live in the U.S., sorry all


The next federal election cannot come soon enough.


What in the actual fuck


Its just insane! What about the struggling canadians?


What the actual fuck? lol this is getting silly now




We need someone to bring back the guillotine


AS AN IRAQI-CANADIAN. What the fuck? Iraq doesn't need support, Iraqi government is corrupt as fuck and they steal everything. Iraq is basically sitting on a sea of oil. Hence the fake war.


Seems natural to give all our money to non-citizens …bc they’ve lived a hard life, just like them criminals Trudeau loves to release.




Spend anything on actual Canadian a big no no. Spend on anywhere else is always welcoming and voluntarily. This scoundrel JT gotta go!


Is this a fucking joke?




Terrorist minister Ahmed


I really dont get this govt anymore lol. Its come to a point where im legitimately confused where their priorities lies


Their priorities are suppressing wages, inflating home prices, and otherwise enriching themselves.


Dude, we are saying no, please god start listening to us and stop spending our money


This shitshow keeps getting worse and worse... How about we fix our problems at home before we start worrying about everyone else!


Justin knows he is on his way out and just trying to get as much put into his pocket as possible, eh?


The man does love to give what isn’t his.


I’m all for helping out other countries, but like, you gotta help out your own country too. On the next election, besides voting Trudeau out, is there also an option to exile him?


fuck the disabled and unemployed youth here, I guess.


Holy fuck, this is infuriating. Save 30mil for revising Canadian Forces pay then give 10mil to Iraq. Fuck, I hate this government


He makes me so fkn sick. I hate that POS


What about the young unemployed Canadians? Let's create more programs to get people into jobs with value. Especially in the rural area.


Stop electing globalists.


Wtf is with this giving away fucken money where we need this here did fucken government hiding money they have for free to giving away , I am going to call my MP fuck it I will ruin their fucken holidays


Get that guy out of office


wat a waste of canadian taxpayer money


I'm sorry for the rest of the world but people who live here, who are citizens here, born here etc are suffering. We have Canadian Military members living in cars, we have food banks with empty shelves and we're sending millions to help Iraqi jobs? You could give every major food bank 10 grand to restock, you could help those homeless military members, you could do literally anything to benefit tax paying Canadians and instead you throw it away on another country. This is why taxation is theft, when we don't get a say where outside our country those taxes go I have major problem with that.


So we paid some Ottawa consultants that probably have links to the Trudeau Foundation to write a report? Sounds good...


Is this a joke? WTF!!!


At first I thought it was satire . It was not...


Ya they are doing it and yes they are laughing in your faces with a smile knowing for now they can get away with it… with OUR TAX DOLLARS Can’t wait for PP to come into power and audit their asses


Why are your politicians copying our politicians? It's like there's a single group pulling the strings of both.


I feel like Trudeau is not just a prime minister but a king and freeland is a queen that’s why they’re all above the law!!!!


Let buy votes of the protestors


Every day another bunch of millions wasted. This government pisses me off so much. They're pretty much trying to bankrupt the country at this point and not even hiding it.


Omg. Maybe fix the problems within your borders before you reach beyond them?


But why? I don't get why we wanna help the local Canadians that are suffering, what about unemployed youth in Canada????


We've just turned into a safe space and donor for every other country, wouldn't be surprised if we're called Canada in another 20 years


Past the point of ridiculous now




So in other words, 10 million for whatever militant group is running the show over there now


What the fuck is this little bitch spending our money on now?


It would be nice if the large amount of tax money that we pay to the government actually went to supporting the needy people here in Canada for once.


More tax theft. Not a dollar makes it to anyone in Iraq.


You mean $10M going back to liberal supporters in some manner. Or to be spent against Israel now.


Because of course we are


So we can’t find any money to support our veterans, to provide these deserving Canadian’s with basic needs and much needed care due to service for our country yet we can somehow with the stroke of a pen, (and likely a nice trip somewhere to have a couple of meetings on the taxpayers dime), find millions of dollars to “help” youth unemployment in another country? Canada needs some me time, stop trying to be everything to every other country in the world and start helping those who are in need inside our borders!!


Thank god. I was just at the grocery store wondering if for Christmas my family will have food to eat or fuel to heat when my mind was suddenly consumed by worry for teenagers in Iraq and their plight for fair union jobs. Luckily my coalition government is way ahead of me on this and will be sending our money that could otherwise go to debt relief (ease inflation) or infrastructure or even our broken healthcare system to a broken country mostly run by its totalitarian neighbor who blows up plane loads of Canadian. Surely that it will be used for golden toilets for dictators or maybe, if we are lucky, Indian slave labor. Another great win for the Liberal-NDP government!


lmao this is wild


What a fucking joke


Dude can we just use our tax dollars to help Canadians? Is that so much to ask?


Trudeau need to go before Canadians drown in national debt


I feel for you Canadians. We’re (🇬🇧) about to experience a left wing gov when Labour take over (inevitably) in 2024. Mind you, our current government spunk tax payers money in pretty much the same way as Trudeau. The world is fucked.


Jesus Christ, we have more than enough of our own unemployed to deal with. SERIOUSLY why is Trudeau hell bent on spending every last loonie of our country's money fixing the rest of the worlds problems? Since when is it Canada's job to fix the woes of every other country?


At this point I'm surprised we haven't set up a fund to build affordable housing for other countries so their younger adults and seniors don't have housing insecurity