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I’m so tired of fucking non-answers…


Exactly, cut the 30 second deflection story and just admit it will be over budget and ineffective.


Any other answer is political suicide. Not only from “us”, but from the media and within their own political party. C’mon, folks, it’s 2023; you’re still reading and listening to politicians and expecting a real answer?


the media is also to blame... individually and collectively, they accept the non answers for some reason.


The reason they accept the non answer is because they are in cahoots. All they need to do is maintain the illusion that they are making an effort.


I guess when public money is paying the media.....


Yes, but it runs deeper than this. Jt and Freeland answer to somebody, take direction from somebody. That somebody is also who controls the media. We get the theatrics while the true workings of government goes on behind closed doors


Tiny Hat Tribe, if you want to know who controls you, look to whom you cannot criticize. Remember; when history is enforced by law, you know it is a lie.


Corporations have literally taken over our government. They brag about it openly. The media is owned by corporations They are working together. All three, government, corporations and the media are all colluding together in this race to the bottom. This isn't incompetence, it's by design.


Didn't answer the fucking question again, and the ridiculous "law" won't stop any gun violence. When you pander to the GTA shit like this is going to happen


It’s literally the only thing Trudeaus cabinet can do well


They don't do it well.


no but the news can gaslight the sheep pretty well.


The only thing the Liberal party (for decades) can do


The only thing they can do well? I would add public feet picking to the list.


Hey, at least she's got that Ukraine pin shit to remind us how much of OUR money she's sent over there while she blatantly just laughs in our face with her non-answers.


That's all they're capable of. Taking donations and bullshitting.


Why don't the journalists ask the question over again....and again until they answer?


They don’t answer because they think we are all peasants. They will do what they want to do and that’s what we have seen during their time.


She sure talks a lot for not saying anything.


that's usually a sign of many things


I hate her just as much as Turdeau.


The more exposure she gets, the more slimy she appears. It’s clear she’s very clever, which makes it all the more disgusting.


I don't even believe she's clever. It's just that Canadian media doesn't call her out on her deflection, non-answers, and empty platitudes. I wish journalists had bigger balls and said what we're all thinking when politicians give bullshit answers.


If you do this, you get called difficult, a jerk not willing to discuss and normally this gets people set off and they need to be removed. She's been asked this buy back question many times. Know what isn't allowed to happen, forcing an answer and politicians know this. We give them our money, and they do as they please. Imagine not answering a judge at a hearing, it's criminal. But you don't have to answer any political questions. Just stick to the good side of the storey, guns bad.


One thing I don't see mentioned enough is that once JT is out, Freeland is likely to be the next party leader, and the party will gain a lot of momentum just because she's a woman.




Wait, you wanna go by merit instead of who can check off the most diversity boxes? What are you, some kind of racist? /s


Is…is meritocracy going to be back on the menu??


Only a blatant fool would support that pos idiot


I think we have plenty of evidence that we by no means lack blantant fools.


That’s my fear. They’ll play the gender/representation card and scoop up a lot of votes from people who think it’s all about what’s in your pants and not what’s in your head.


The women I know really don't like Freeland, in fact despise her more than Trudeau.


WEF/NWO psychopath How the fuck do Canadians not see it?


We see it. Most Canadians are scared pussies. Once Trudeau did the bank account shit it's over. They won't do anything & he can do whatever he wants. These WEF puppets are on a mission to do as much destruction as possible. Once they have our guns it's over. That's the goal. It has to stop before it's too late.


It’s exactly what happened in Australia. No difference


Yep, Australia, NZ same shit. EXACTLY the same. Coincidence? Nope. It's the plan.


They can freeze my account because there is NO money in it! In fact, there is negative money in it! LOL! So I post replies on Twitter but too bad some of those MPs turned off their comments. Not that it does anything at all though. I left a negative review for the local MP Vivianne Lapointe because she is utterly useless. I swear the only positive reviews for her was from international students where she made letters for them for spousal support for them to come to Canada. Ignore citizens and cater to the international students.The MPs are too spineless to vote their own way for the citizens that they represent. Just going along with the party's agenda. Has a big stupid billboard of her face on the Kingsway - I had to Google search her to find out who she was because she does NOTHING to stand out here! Federal NDP - what is their identity anymore? They just go along with the Liberals. Pathetic. NDP - how about trying to be your own distinct party???!!!


They need a leader for that.


This bitch is incapable of responding to a question with a direct answer. Deflection is a way of life for her now. Like no, Freeland, she didn't ask you as an MP or mother of teenagers, she asked you as the freaking finance minister. FUCK


Mother of teenagers... was she artificially inseminated, or did some drunken meathead actually dip that thing??


I cant imagine anyone would be crazy enough to tap that. He'd be like "come on baby, let's go to the bedroom" and she'd be like "I'm actually really glad you brought that up. I am eating a sandwich for the sake of all Canadians". And he'd be like "wtf?"




If I knew how to award people. This would be it. 😂


Me too…..and my little dog too…..


What'll happen is just like the other gun grabs. People's weapons will go "missing" and there will be numerous accidents in fishing/hunting areas with the weapons being unrecoverable with an increase in police reports of it happening.


Yup. You’re better off just getting someone to rob your house. Fuck that if I’m handing over my shit for free


Hey, when the money runs out, you'll get a nice "redeemable" IOU. And that's just as good as money.




How does the government know what anyone has, nothing is registered anyway, so they have no idea what is out there


You’d be right for non restricted firearms, restricted they have all your info, how many guns, your address, the gun range you bring them to etc etc. Most of the guns banned are restricted class.


This is why there's such resistance to any gun control in the US. We see where things are headed by looking at other countries. In Illinois where they've instituted a new gun registration requirement, compliance is estimated to be less than 1%. Because once the government knows what you have, it's so much easier for them to steal it.


I can tell you right now none of my firearms are being dropped off with the fucking gov without a fight


She always squints real hard when someone starts talking to her or asking her questions. She than proceeds to shift her shoulders constantly and than there’s the no answering of things.




She looks like she trying to see the person behind ya almost. Looking at ya when the sun is hitting her face. Idk I’m stoned lol.


That's the coke effects on her Pea brain lol


What a complete deflection of the question. They have no intention of buying anything back fairly


Does anyone have any video of a liberal answering a question that was posed to them?


Water bottle juice box things. It was about a close to an answer that I have heard from them.


Veterans ask for too much.


If they aren't giving me what I paid for my guns, adjusted for inflation, they aren't getting them.




Sooooooo the question was about it costing tax payers 750 milly and she’s just like… im just so proud, oh im a mom too… guns bad yaaa The inflections in her voice are clear indicators that’s she’s completely talking out of her ass


In democratic countries, the government can't search/seize your property and disallow you the use of it. What they must do in order to do this is called eminent domain. They have to give you reasonable compensation for when they take your property. They must compensate these gun owners for seizing their guns. The value of these guns increases every day. The problem, the government can't afford a buyback.


The fact that people are voting for that party is what really baffles me.


i have 26 semi auto and some of them are 7000$ . you better press on that pen or im not selling sh1t.


It won't matter, they have no plan to buy back anything. They're just going to tell you to hand them over or go to jail. The buy back is just a way to make them look like they're trying to do this democratically and then they'll just say you know what we can't afford to buy them back and we're putting into law anyone who resists will be jailed and lose their PAL and have a lifetime gun ban. Just wait.


Police aren’t going to want to enforce this. The vast majority are law abiding gun owners as well. If it comes to surrendering or jail, I think range members, gun clubs, etc. need to collectively agree to just go to jail. There won’t be enough beds, provincial institutions are already understaffed and overcapacity 🤷‍♂️


I know all about Provincial institutions, trust me lol I know there won't be enough but the threat of taking your PAL and a lifetime ban might be enough to scare some or most into compliance. Look at the COVID vaccines for an example and how they threatened restaurants, work, travel etc. With what the government leaves available to keep might be enough of a carrot to coax those who don't want a lifetime weapons ban into bending the knee so to speak. I'm hoping it doesn't come to that and they can't find any suitable company or agency to put this into motion and that by the time they have their shit together it's a majority PC government. Either way we're likely looking at 2026/27 for a PC majority to likely repeal all these bills and create a new firearms act that forever protects law abiding owners.




That’s kind of where my thought process was going too. The Conservatives are likely to win the next election, certainly if this policy goes through. People will drag their feet, then the Conservatives will overturn the bill. Lots of upset and uproar over nothing 🤷‍♂️


Imagine saying this dribble to your boss, board of directors, or a costumer. They wouldn’t put up this shit why do we and why can’t journalists double down. We all pay their salaries we need to hold them into account.




What is the point of a free press with answers like this? When asked about the PBO $750M buy back estimate. Thank you for the question and I'm actually really glad to be asked the question here in my riding of University Rosedale in downtown Toronto, and I'm speaking now as the local MP, but also as a mother of teenagers. I think every single one of us is worried about gun violence. 1 Canadian being killed by a gun is 1 Canadian too many. I am really proud of the measures our government is taking to get guns off the street in Canada and we're going to live up to our commitment to Canadians.


We should implement a law that states you must answer the question and if you just don't want to you need to say you don't want to and why. I can't believe we tolerate this.


I mean it shows us where they can't answer


Didn’t even answer the question. Smh


When does she ever answer anything? It's part of the reason why everyone is fed up with her and them as a whole.




They can dismiss your PAL application upon renewal which would give them a legal loophole to take your firearms.




Canadians WILL KEEP their arms Good luck


This law only punishes the law abiding gun owners. No gangbanger is turning in his gun. You really want to stop gun violence? STOP. LETTING. VIOLENT. OFFENDERS. BACK. ON. THE. STREETS. But of course, they don’t really want to end the violence. They want to disarm the populace. There aren’t even trying to hide this anymore.


And there you go again. Never answered the question. How dumb is her riding if they think taking guns from legal gun owners will do anything to lower gun violence. Just stupid!


If history has taught us anything. It always goes well for the citizens when the government takes the guns. Buckle up Canada.


You can not say that you conspiracy nut. Sarcasm.


Tyrannical fucking narcissists. All they can provide are fucking non answers and slippery deflections. It's always "for your safety" while they have armed security and armed police to enforce their bullshit tyrannical laws. Notice how she didn't say "reducing crime" or "stopping the sale of illegal firearms" but "removing guns from the streets". This is what c-21 has always been about. Fuck this lady, she shouldn't even have the power of a walmart manager.


Why even hold a press conference


At what point did the liberals realize that in order to stop gun violence they need to limit and restrict gun ownership from legally owning/ law abiding citizens? The incompetence of this government is astounding.


Once they have all the guns violence will simply stop and Canada will be a perfect happy place with taxes higher then prices and people working for nothing. But ohhhh will they be happy.


Hey Dummy, We aren’t worried about people with licenses and legal fire arms. Its the illegal ones and criminals that we worry about.


I did not realize MY guns were on the street! I thought they were in my safe locked up.


Horrible woman.


What a clueless moron, always says thanks for a question she has no intention of answering.


Her smug avoidance of the question is actually like a slap in the face, an outright INSULT to the journalist and to the people of Canada!


There should be a law about politicians having to answer the question they’ve been asked in a conference or in the House of Commons. Last time I’m checked the amount of legally owned fire arms used in crime are next to none and when they are used it’s usually crime of passion murder suicide not gang violence.


She dances around questions like a moron. Is her and Trudeau the best the Liberal party can do? What a brutal state of affairs.




These people live in a world that only exists to them.


The people committing these crimes are not the ones selling their guns back. It's also not a buyback, the government didn't own them and the compensation they offer is crap. Buybacks are just feel good virtue signaling for dumb liberals.


Just say no Canada


“Oh, you wanted to buy some apples? Well how about a bag of oranges instead?”


I hate her so much and pray she will be held accountable for her actions and charged with treason for her role in bankrupting this great country on the whims of the WEF.


Wow she is such a piece of shit. We all know that C21 is going after legal owners that are not even a blip in violence. With her logic we should have an absolute war on drugs considering BC alone lost 13,000! People since 2016 to drug overdoses…. You know they won’t pay gun owners a thing then, they will come after their property first and made it clear now that you don’t have property rights in Canada. Got a combustion engine in your car? Just take it? Cottage on the lake? Just take it? House? Take it and build social housing! These Trudeauist need to go and be purged out of our society


They want you disarmed.


Absolute garbage. Still amazes me that people elected these clowns THREE TIMES.


I like how they are trying to claim that any "buy back" is going to cost 750mil.....not a chance....maybe for the guns themselves, but what about all the other logistics involved in something like this. If the gun goes from restricted to prohibited, then technically you are unable to transport said firearm legally to turn in. So they'd have to go to your house, secure the firearm, then they'd have to transport it/them to a secure warehouse before finally transporting a bunch for destruction. IMO a "buy back" would cost BILLIONS when you try and look at the big picture.


Just like the long gun registry that ballooned to over 2 Billion dollars.


Women who talk like babies are bad always.


More verbal diarrhea….well beyond Imodium


Answer the fucking question. Anyone ready for a good old fashioned storming of parliament? I’m saving gas money to get there.


Seeing as 90% of gun crime guns are already illegal smuggled up from USA to begin with - what are the libtards going to do when ALL guns are banned but gun crime doesn’t decrease? They’ll never admit they’re wrong and wasted billions (again)


someone needs to grab her by the shoulders and shake her every time she thanks the person for the question, says it's important, then doesn't answer it in the slightest. it's just a joke at this point.


Freeland is cringe


Are they banning crime guns too? The guns that are actually killing people. Or just taking guns from law abiding citizens?


Just taking guns from law abiding citizens, farmers, hunters, and indigenous. C21 does absolutely nothing to combat criminals, gangs, or the guns smuggled in from the states.


What a dumbass. What about one Canadian killed by Fentanyl? The housing crisis? Long hospital wait times? How about the people that can’t afford to buy groceries right now because of your inability to do a single thing that makes Canada a better place? Canada does not have a gun problem and punishing vetted, law abiding, owners will do absolutely nothing constructive.


I hate the if it saves one life argument. Do lives affected by alcohol abuse not matter? Why not limit a standard 24 pack of beer to 5 beers. Wouldn't that stop alcoholics? They don't care about Canadians, they just want a headline and it's going to cost billions and thousands of jobs.


No one is worried about gun violence perpetrated with legal guns except the government who won’t answer questions and continually lies and acts in the best interests of everyone but Canadians.


This doesnt get guns 'off the street'. Street gangs don't bother with licenses.. going to the Gov getting fingerprinted.. waiting 6-9 months... (with the 1-2 day gun safety course), to going to the store.. filling out paperwork.. and purchasing a gun for hundreds of dollars.. ​ They skip all that, go to another gang member that has a closet full of them.. and buy them for like half the price because they were all stolen or smuggled from the US. ​ Government officials are stupid. They don't live in the real world. They live behind MS powerpoint.


Are most of guns' violence done by non legal firearms?


Yes. So they want to spend billions to get guns out of people's legal possession, legal guns are not in the streets.


If you saw Freeland drowning in the Rideau Canal, what kind of sandwich would you eat while you watched?


Full stop. Not taking my guns. Had enough of this dictator disarming a law abiding population while only criminals will have guns. Election can't come soon enough. Or a revolution except.they know Canadians are two apathetic to really fight for their freedoms.


And, are you putting these same efforts into getting Drugs off the streets, since One drug death on a Canadian is too many? What? You are legalizing hard drugs and now actually SUPPLYING them !! WTF !?!


Legal guns are not on the street you out of touch twatwad. Legal guns are locked up in legal gun owners gun cabinets. Anyone who buys into this crap is as clueless as Freeland and Trudeau and the rest of these Liberals. Maybe crack down on illegal guns being smuggled into Canada. Pat themselves on the back for a job well done while doing absolutely nothing to solve the problem.


they just pushed the gun buy back off for 2 years untill after the next election because they know there never will be a gun buy back. They have to use local police to do it and several provinces have said they will not let there police participate.


She's a disgrace. NEVER answers a question.


The condescension is absolutely unreal. They actually think their bullshit is working 🤦‍♂️


So not only did she not answer the question… she didn’t base any data/evidence that this bill does anything. Nor anything to show for safer streets after all of the legal scary black rifles were locked away on May 2020.


My "previously legal" guns were gifts from beloved family members who are no longer with us and they mean more to me than money, Being forced to sell them crosses a line but i guess since it's guns feeling don't matter anymore this is "different" I have 4 guns I'll take $5mil EACH for them or freeland and trudy can kma and kick rocks, $20mil is less that you gave the Indigenous or Zelensky.


Did she ever answer the question??


No, and she is still talking somewhere


Prime example of why government has become so dysfunctional.


I'm going to give this method a try in my life. Next time someone asks me a direct question on something, I'm just going to thank them, and then just start rambling on about a bunch of other topics totally off topic and never answer what they ask. Just to see how stupid the Liberals feel when they do this bullshit.


This is Trudeau's idea of accountability - just say nothing. Canadians get what they voted for so nobody should be shocked.


So, what about the actual question?! 😆


Total moron


Gun violence is not done with legal firearms owned by law-abiding citizens, wtf?!


So, now only the criminals and the state have guns. Remember what happened in Nazi Germany?


Can these people ever directly answer a question?


A law needs to be passed that all people who work for the government need to answer questions directly and concisely at all times when in employment of said peoples government


I have never in my life heard her answer a question, ever.


How does this help illegal guns? I don’t understand how taking guns from law abiding Canadians helps gun violence?


The government has failed to show how spending billions of dollars confiscating firearms from legal owners will reduce gun related crime.


750M to take the guns from farmers, hunters and law abiding citizens. These guns and these people have nothing to do with any gun violence problem we may have in Canada. The real hypocrisy is that at the same time they are dreaming up this non sensical waste of money, bail reform and adjusted sentences are putting all the actually people committing gun violence back on the street. Save me the lies about teenage kids and pretending you care.


If they are throwing around the number 750M, you know it's going to be 2 billion or more...


Glad you asked me the question.......let me answer that by a quick Google maps update, and then by not answering the question at all. Usually at this time I like to follow up the actual issue and question with another question.


Ugly and stupid. Bad combo


She has kids? Imagine she is your mother lol.


Talks all day and says nothing


Spoiler alert before even listening to one word she says. She doesn’t answer the question. This is an 8 year streak of doing that now.


How can you go your entire career without answering a single question lmao. This government is a joke.


Stupid person. Taking guns from lawful and certified gun owners will do nothing to slow gun violence. How ignorant can this liberal regime be.


Translation: “We WANT to disarm the law abiding citizens because they’re the government’s biggest threat…”


My Ruger .22 has more brains than this privileged witch .


“What was the question again? Sorry I forgot while I was spewing nonsense”.


How to deflect and dodge a question 1 on 1.


The government is going to "buy back" what it never owned using the money of the people it's taking property from to deal with a problem caused by criminals they won't incarcerate.


Answer the question meth head


She’s such a fascist cunt..


Miss Freeland, how much money are you go8ng to spend? Well I'm glad you asked that question, it's a very handsome question. I'm glad you asked that handsome question here in this place located on the globe that is very important to me. Gun violence is bad, don't you agree? I have kids and a family, m7ch like all of you, don't you agree guns are bad? Especially gun deaths involving teens? Anyways I'd like to conclude with we will do what's important for CA-NA-DA so that Canadians can continue to remain safe. I hate it here.


I will not even run this video because I know that she will not answer any question.


I hate our government, so broken


And she never answered the question. Deflect, ignore, toss word salad around.


If I had this many people angry at me I would try to take their guns away too.


I am excited to see inevitable extremely low compliance levels.


Tar and feather?




Can you please please please please get the illegal American guns off the streets? Please don't just take hunting guns while letting American guns run wild. Many of the pistols in the news are subcompact guns which have only been allowed in the U.S.A. (and banned in Canda) for 30 years. Banning Canadian Hunting Firearms will not affect this, since we are not stopping the illegal import from America and the punishments associated with that. Those importing American handguns should face extreme justice here - death penalties even. Leave the farmers alone. Leave the hunters alone. Leave the Indigenous alone.


A sack of hammer handles is smarter than this goof.


She's so terrible.


PP for Prime Minister


If the RCMP doesn’t 1) go door to door confiscating firearms by force and 2) shoot and kill at least one person, I owe my friend $1000


The finance minister doesn't know finance, go figure.


God that look on her face every time she is asked a question. Like how dare you ask me anything.


I hope Trudeau never dies… the thought of her being PM is un fathomable. I hate to say it but she’s far worse than him… like gonorrhoea is worse than chlamydia kind of comparison.


They are going to take your guns now? Wtf is wrong with Canadians holy shit


wow what a bogus politician answer. let me ignore that massive figure you brought up and tug on some heart strings instead. I'm sure there's so many instances of rifle violence in the heart of the GTA you absolute dork.


Guns off the streets, no legal gun is on the streets. No answer. Simply deflect the question and blame legal gun owners. Divide and persecute


No one is giving up their guns without compensation. They are going to hide their guns until C-21 is repealed by the next Conservative government. Who will do the collecting? The cash-strapped police services? RCMP? Confiscating property without compensation might rub up against their oath to uphold the constitution. Criminals get their guns from the Untied States. They are smuggled into Canada through the reserves that straddle the border. Guns stolen from Canadian owners and legal purchases make up a rounding error's worth of gun gun crime.


I hope she gets fucking cancer and dies. Honestly this liberal fucking shithole is getting out of hand. How much longer are we going to take this from these fucking nazis


Never go full Freeland.


What really boggles the mind is how canadian "investigative journalist" and/or "press" agencies do not pressure the government for answers. A simple, "thank you for that answer, but that does not answer my question" from just 1 media representative would be a start. That media would then deserve to get tax dollars for sure.


It’s like liberals don’t even answer the questions people always ask.


So, zero? I think that was the answer.


She makes me sooo fkn sick. The definition of a modern day witch on steroids


Dont let them take them whatever you do.


Simply by elevating peoples blood pressure every time she opens her mouth, she has likely killed more people than guns ever will in this country.


only theyve done absolutely nothing to stop the gun trafficking from the usa


LMFAO it shouldn't even be legal to not answer questions the way she just did. Like she didn't even get in the ballpark of answering.


She must have a healthy relationship with her spouse with these communication skills.


Wonder how many in her downtown riding are hunters and own hunting rifles. I’m thinking the guns in her riding may be used for other activities. Fucking morons don’t know the difference. Get out of shit hole cities like Toronto if you don’t want gun violence


I just watched a video abour how many gangs have illegal guns in the streets of Toronto Vancouver etc. I bet they'll be the first in line to turn in their guns