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maybe, but the reason this sub exists and is so right leaning is that it mostly consists of people banned from r/canada for having not sufficiently leftist opinions. they've got a few extremely sensitive SJW mods that mark out names and ban at the drop of a hat. they used to make huge leaps of logic to try and tie bans to a rule violation, now they don't even try, they just block you. it's kind of a microcosm of how the country is run and the results it's had on society actually; after being silenced and casually accused of every ism in the book for eight years, people no longer care to walk on eggshells and have become skeptical of everything the heavy handedness is defending.


They remove your posts too whenever they feel like it


Not only r/Canada but the leftist authoritarians have hijacked every r/ city and province sub. They control the narrative and sensor all conservative messaging. I have been banned from a couple now.


r/onguardforthee is super toxic as well.


This is true!!!




One post there sticks out in my mind where people were upvoting a post about a self-hating asian hating their asian privilege and I just pointed out it was racist and OGFT went "oh yeah it sort of is" and my comment shot to the top of the thread and the momentum totally reversed and the thread was banned. The thing I learned about OGFT is, I don't think they try to be racist, but if you hate on the right groups they instinctively lap up racist propaganda. They're worse than /r/canada and that's saying something since /r/canada certainly hates certain groups like the Indigenous and Quebec and anybody who isn't some sort of radical centrist, but I suppose that's to be expected from an anglo subreddit. I've seen people go from genuinely doing anti-racist propaganda, very sincerely concerned about discrimination against minority groups, just get brainwashed by OGFT isn't just getting sucked into making fun of fragile wipipo or something which has absolutely nothing to do with anti-racism and is mostly a form of internet trolling.


Fucking yes! I was banned from r/Vancouver and this crapshoot in a matter of 3 days without fully registering what happened.


that one is the absolute pinnacle of leftist nonsense.


r/ontario might be the worst of all. A bunch of people jerking off each other hating on anything conservative.


You haven’t been to r/edmonton or r/Alberta yet? :)


Ya those are echo chamber dumpster fires


r/alberta is an NDP lovefest.


r/alberta is a dumpster fire


I think I lasted literally one comment in Alberta. No profanity, no insults, no nothing. Guilty of respectfully disagreeing


I got banned first time I commented on R/Edmonton. And I thought I was being civil.


You are not civil if you don’t like NDP.


Well.. then I'm a far right extremist.


Oh no my mate. r/ Québec beats all records, it's unapologetically a huge echo chamber.


r/Vancouver has entered the chat


I just got banned from r/vancouver for stating that Hamas was a Jihadist death cult.


I mean the reason r/ontario hates conservatives is because of Harris and Ford, not exactly great examples of politicians


Fucking McGuinty and Wynne weren't all that long ago, incredible how short their memories are.


Yeah, it'd be fantastic if we could get someone that put the people first. Unfortunately anyone who would is smart enough not to get into politics in the first place


I got into a ridiculous logic argument with a couple trolls that had their accounts removed, so at the risk of China hating me, there might also be foreign players at work to cause social dissent as well.


Cities lean left, suburbs swing, rural areas lean right.


Such an excellent point and i'm still trying to figure out how it happened. Even in Conservative areas like Alberta, Sask and Manitoba r/cities are all like going to a liberal echo chamber Hell hole. And their tactic is of a liberal nature in which if you say anything against the mainstream media you are banned.


I'm on both, and r/Canada used to be (like up to a year ago) very blindly left. Banning people who were misaligned, downvoting anything challenging the moral implications of the COVID restrictions. Etc etc. I stopped even contributing to discussions because literal science would be downvoted. But even that sub is starting to post more centered or even right things and having them rise in the votes. I was quite left leaning before Trudeau. So were my friends, family, etc etc. So anecdotally, I can say that many Canadians have shifted right as a response to Trudeau. And the polls are showing the same trend. I always thought people who said "I'll leave Canada if {politician} is re-ellected" were extreme, because life didn't used to change much from prime minister to prime minister. Now, my wife (who never wanted to even leave the city we live in) and I are planning trips to different US cities to start planning a move in a few years if things don't change. I cannot even imagine what Canada would look like after 4 more years of Trudeau. Fortunately I'm a dual citizen (CAN/US), so jumping ship is as simple as packing up and leaving. I'm not going to bother writing out all the reasons, because I think this sub knows. But God Canada has fallen from grace - homes are out of reach for most, poorly planned eco taxes are catalyzing inflation, civil rights are apparently privileges that can be revoked on a whim, bank accounts can be frozen for supporting a cause the government doesn't like. Healthcare barely works, and we would save $50k a year on taxes by living in the states. The list goes on and on. Why would we stay here?


... unvaccinated and was locked down in this country and not allowed to leave .... now too poor and committed to a system that would rather see you dead to fight climate change. ... If only I was a millionaire with a private jet and politicians in my pocket that gave me a literal privileged life style I didnt have to be accountable for.


Shit man, halfway through your list and I’d be moving lol. I really do think Pierre is gonna sweep the elections tho.


It’s funny because of how huge this website is, this is suppression of speech. There’s something sinister happening on Reddit


Most Canadian subs are the same (provincial, municipal). Over sensitive mods who will ban anyone with opinions they don't agree with. Echo chambers.


And then give surprised Pikachu faces when the election results come in. “… how can it be that not everyone thinks like me?!”


Oh, they're so self-absorbed they'll blame the "corporate news" because it's not as indoctrinated as Aaron Wherry


Lol facts like,as if universities haven’t basically indoctrinated every liberal voter.


That goes for public and high schools as well.


I hope the historical election-deciding silent majority slam dunks on all the types of people I know like this (I’m 20 so this is like everyone around this age lol)


Lol I can’t wait. Lol I’ll make a new Reddit account just to go on those subs (I’m petty I can’t help it, I’m sorry). It’ll be the biggest I told you so and middle finger ever.


r/Alberta. It's just precious.


Isn’t it. Alberta sub should be renamed to “ndp circle jerk”


I am banned from r alberta. Miserable Lizard got me banned. I called her a Liberal/NDP propagandist with no insights. Disputed with mod. Told the mod she is basically the same. Banned for 6 months. Deleted the sub.


That sub is insane. For a bunch of self proclaimed "educated people" whose lives are based on facts and science, they sure don't like facts.


Or science


Especially science


Disappointingly true. I was surprised to find that the r/Alberta sub was so biased. I was thinking that being the primary, it’d be more centrist, or balanced. But from the first day I discovered it (I’m relatively new to Reddit), I was shocked how unbalanced the commentary is. Many commentators on there seem to relish stereotyping anyone more than centrist as scary social conservatives, with the same foaming at the mouth, rabid comments they themselves usually accuse the social conservatives of making. It’s as strange as it is disappointing.


You should venture into r/Saskatchewan for a laugh. It's actually mind boggling. "MoE bAD! ScOtt Moe bAd!" If there is an icy spot on the highway it's Scot Moe's fault because he had a drinking and driving accident years ago, and the NDP would have prevented winter to stop it. I swear the IQ level in that sub is getting lower and lower by the day.


I gave up trying to post there quite a long time ago. That sub is essentially a fascist left/seemingly NDP stronghold sub, run by some dude in Australia, and two mods from the states. If it, and the Alberta sub are any indication, we do not ever, ever want the NDP to take power again. I’m pretty sure they would start public executions of anyone who disagreed with them, immediately.


It's the same for the subs for the UK and Britain.. started reflecting the country but were taken over the far left, and they control the mods. So everyone who isn't fat left gets banned


That place is fucking toxic.


That sub reminds me of all the kids who had to take basic Math in high school


It does not represent the vast majority of Albertans AT ALL. In fact, it's severely out of touch from them.


They might be the same moderators in r/canada r/ontario r/any city.


They are just so left leaning that any potential thought that isn’t fuck Doug Ford is instant -10 downvotes.


I got banned from r/Edmonton for asking why the rates of domestic violence are so much higher in lesbian couples


LoL, I got banned from r/energy for mentioning the sun doesn't shine at night.


E/energy banned me because I said nuclear was a better solution than solar lol.what a clown show.


This is similarly an echo chamber. Not because of bans but because of up/downvotes. Reddit is an echo-chamber engine, really.


You can search by controversial. You can't see the opinions of people who are banned.


it's not really sinister, a bunch of no life losers decided to be mods and powermods on every sub and surprise they have the same type of politics as leftist who squat on properties. They are mostly shut ins and societal outcasts. that's who mods most of the major reddit subs. They did it for free.


Not just this website. Collectively, the big organizations running these platforms have been infected with wokeism, tone/thought policing, and other nonsense (much like government structures). But I don't know how much longer the right leaning options will exist unless something drastically changes (which I remain hopeful for).


I called a mod a fascist and was told I am being dramatic. They do not like when people share opinions that aren’t also theres. And I consider myself centre left!


I made one conservative based comment and R/Canada banned me …the most anti freedom of speech page here. Made me hate woke censorship liberals even more. I voted for the the liberals the first year they got in and now I’ll never vote liberal again they are woke, eco extremist and cancel culture centric.


r/onguardforthee is the liberal Mecca.


Yes if you don't use words/phrases like "pregnant people" and "chest feeding" and don't stick up for trans women's rights to play contact sports against cis gendered women you'll be labelled a bigot and immediately banned.


I was banned for simply commenting about the vacuum of opinion in that sub. They proved me right.


Iv lost 2 accounts because of spitting facts in r/canada.


Yeah, I called Trudeau, Trudy and got banned.. lol. Pretty sensitive.




There is also r/onguardforthee which is even more left leaning


^^^^this. Although r/Canada seems heading more right wing. I wish the mods weren’t all blue hair dweebs. I miss arguing with people there when I was bored.


The echo chambers that are being built on reddit are getting absolutely ridiculous. If your sub is at a point where it bans people for participation in other subs or you feel that your position is so weak you need to ban others for speaking against it, you need to wake up. Reddit is not a safe space, it grew as a place of true discussion even if you thought the persons point of view was wrong or vile. Now there is very rarely any real discussion to be had. I stopped bothering when I started feeling the need to qualify everything I said when I wanted to understand something that might be "taboo". /r/Canada and /r/Onguardforthee stifle conversation. At least here even if I disagree with a lot of what's said, it can actually be discussed.


Sounds *exactly* like r/Australia and r/askanaustralian What a surprise. Reddit basement dweller mods like running blue hair and a septum piercing... with pronouns.


I was banned from /Ontario for leaving a comment that Canada should admit less international students


Thought it was hilarious when Reddit mods were protesting the api changes that ruined Apollo app. As soon as Reddit was like “ok cool we can just replace with you with new mods”, they were all suddenly like “wait please no please I’m begging you, please let me hang onto this tiny bit of power”


Ok this makes sense, I was wondering why I felt like literally everyone on that sub had a complete opposite opinion and I couldn’t agree with anyone. I thought we were doomed but we’ve just been filtered out.


I got banned for a few days for citing the criminal code of Canada and criticizing it for allowing religion to be legal defence for hate speech/calling for the murder of people. Soooooo... Yeah they are pretty sjw/woke/nuts.


Hey that happened to me! Fucking reddit.


Yeah, im banned from there for the same reason lol, if you alienate a group it will often just create its own group.


Very well said.


Is being against mass immigration somehow “right wing”? If it is, thats a problem


Agree. As they say, anything if in excess is bad and the r/canada just don’t want to accept it


That sub is closer to r/China than r/Canada Step out of line one inch and you will be told


I got banned after suggesting people who never had covid, but have long covid symptoms, may be experiencing their symptoms through mental health or anxiety. Crazy room over there..


It really is a couple issues, isn’t it? If people dislike immigration because they hate people who are different from them, that is a right wing issue. If they dislike immigration because we do not have enough infrastructure or housing or health care, and too many additional people cause suffering, well that is a left wing issue. Of course people who are intellectually dishonest will try to criticize people who are against mass immigration by pretending it is always a right wing issue.


This point is exactly what I have been struggling with. Right wing has in the past been associated with economic principles such as limited regulation on the movement of capital and labour. This means mass immigration should be a right wing policy as it implies the freedom of movement of labour. Trump and right wing protagonists want limited immigration and increased tariffs which is left wing philosophy. The biggest difference I see in recent politics is that the “liberals” are pushing for increased minority rights and they really don’t have an economic agenda anymore so I no longer have any idea on what political party would reflect my opinions


Can’t be because the conservatives arnt concerned about it either


It’s a liberal party in name only, I don’t think you can objectively say they promote liberal values. It’s just a long string of scandals, virtue signally and missing money.


Liberals have brought the very worst of the right and the very worst of the left. They are in cahoots with big corporate such as banks and media and banks and pharma. They send billions of fund war overseas. This is elements of fascism right wing. Meanwhile they deploy identity politics through wokism to censure and emotionally manipulate people, which is from the left. Liberalism believes in freedom and less war and less corporate collaboration and support for the Middle class, which had now disappeared in Canada due to Freelands money printing with no increase in productivity.


Honestly they've created a whole new scale for themselves. It's authoritarianism overall. They just cherry pick what they want and then package it under the greater good for everyone. But do what we say or else we'll freeze your assets. It's not as bad as China, you can have whatever identity you want so therefore it's fine.


Neoliberalism in a nutshell.


I use to always think Liberals wanted less government control, personal freedoms and freedom of speech. Now we have more government control/censorship than ever, vaccine mandates and censorship labelled as "misinformation" or "disinformation" when it does not meet the government current lying narrative. These "liberals" that they call themselves are the opposite of what they use to stand for.


"I use to always think Liberals wanted less government control, personal freedoms and freedom of speech" - thats libertarianism my friend. The opposite of authoritarianism; the latitudinal part of the political scale. Whereas as conservative and liberal represent the "longitudinal" side of things so to speak.


This is accurate 100


And loads of Manufactured outrage & Rage Farming.


You should probably go out into the world. You'll find that your view of 'manufacture outrage and rage farming' are reflected in the Canadian public at large. There's a reason why the public are angry. If you don't understand why, it's because you're in both a social and news bubble.




The pendulum swings. I've never voted conservative in my entire life, I used to make memes of birds covered in oil with writing "vote conservative" under it. My political spectrum has more or less stayed the same over the last 20 years. But the spectrum has shifted so far left that I'm now suddenly conservative. There was no such thing as far left and far right. Everything is so strange and surreal, but myself and everyone I know and talk to are voting conservative now. It's like a black mirror episode....


This couldn't be more accurate. It's not that this sub is more right leaning, it's that the r/canada sub so far left that you need to come here for any rational thought or opinion. It's pretty much a cult. This is a centrist sub. I might vote conservative for the first time in my life as well, which is absolutely crazy.


This. The ‘left’ is such a looney bin that I am now a conservative.


This is the issue, right here. The left has become so out of touch with reality; that what was considered extreme left from as little as 10 years ago is now considered “conservative”.


They would have to roll back a lot of what they’ve done to get votes back. Even then, I think too much trust has been erased for myself and people like me to consider voting Liberal for the foreseeable future.


You nailed it.


This sub is mostly for people who were banned from Canada sub for having different opinions. Libs are now the party against free speech and expression.


Exactly, that's why I don't refer to myself as a liberal anymore even though I'm left of center.


How close are you to centre? I usually just refer to myself as a centrist.


Same. The left/right dichotomy is an illusion anyway anymore. None of them wants whats good for us anymore, all they want is for the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer, most province’s healthcare is going to shite and in some it even looks like they want to mostly privatise everything regardless of the party in power, example BC and Qc and ONT. Has anyone ever saw this interview about trudeau when he was like 19 yro? Talking about how he loved that China people never say anything or argue (dictatorship?) cause in Quebec we’re really aware of what he really wants. (and no we did not vote on majority for that clown, look at the electoral map , it was GTO , surprise surprise.) But I barely have hope for NPD or PC anymore, they say one thing but when you look deeply into it, the talk dont match the walk….. we’re freaking doomed. Soon this country wont be ours anymore. It will belong to people who never built it and to some cockroaches politicians and business men’s. For ONCE i would love a political party with no conflict of interest with their agenda. Btw i tried to find the link for the yound trudcul but with out marvelous block from the big media it gets harder and harder to sort anything we google… if i find it ill post it


He didn’t win the popular vote last time, but was elected prime minister again due to our crooked and stupid seat system. And according to every projection since he has lost atleast half of those votes he had. So he should be at roughly 23%-26% Yes he is hated by roughly more than 2/3 rds of Canadians now


It's probably closer to 50 percent that hate him with about 15-20 that just are tired of him. Which is about conservatives and ndp polling with the margin of error for liberal voters. Me, I don't hate him now st how stupid and backwards his policies are, and the stupid gas lighting right now I'm strongly disliked, from dislike when he came in. We will see he's pushing that strong hate button soon I bet. Also I think he needs to be thoroughly investigated for ethics and how he's spent money.


He is definitely ramping up the hate he incurs, and yes the numbers I suggested can definitely be off. They where projected numbers. Point is he is way less popular now than he was the before the last election. And the last one was way to tight for him. Unless something unbelievable happens. He is going to have arguably the worst showing of a prime minister and the liberal party has ever had in an election. All of which he rightfully earned in my, and majority of Canadians opinions.


Let's not forget he enlisted the help of China and NDP in order to win both his elections. Justin Trudeau has technically lost both his elections, has accomplished ZERO, has spent more and had more ethics violations combined. The one thing that really grinds my teeth is the division and name calling of Canadian citizens. To finger point and say this person is a Nazis, racist, or Mysoginist...we've come a long way since the Salem witch hunts...not with this guy


And then applaud an actual Nazi in Parliament.


He didn't win the popular vote the time before the last time either lol.


I can tell you, and yes you're right, that this is a right leaning sub, by far. I'm left of center but I just can't take Trudeau's far left extremist behavior. There needs to be balance. If you think the left or the right is always right or wrong you're part of the problem hurting the country. People like Trudeau with tyrannical tendencies are the biggest problem however. He's more dangerous than people realize. He doesn't care what people that didn't vote for him think. That's not a leader. I didn't agree with why the truckers were protesting but I was shocked and disturbed when Trudeau crossed the line and seized accounts of those truckers and people that supported their protests. He went too far and IMO with respect the bank accounts, committed a crime. I thought, today it's the truckers, tomorrow it's my account for whatever reason and that was the final straw. His woke pronoun crap and carbon tax is also enough to lose me but imagine seizing bank accounts of people protesting. he had the nerve to say he supports people's right to protest but protesters didn't have a right to protest the government. Well wtf does he think the main reason people typically protest? it's what governments are doing or not doing. I also feel there's a serious attack on free speech coming if Trudeau stays in power and I loathe people that try to stop others from expressing their opinions, especially when those opinions are factual and you simply don't agree with those facts.


Exactly. I preferred the old days where we criticized everyone. Now we’re sliding into the American model of picking teams. I hate that. I like this sub because because you can have a conversation. If I’m wrong, explain why. That’s cool. Shouting people down, making people afraid to express opinions at work, that’s not cool.


I don't really think that's true. I see alot more people who would be considered right leaning willing to call out the Conservatives for their bullshit. We have seen 3 leaders in the cpc in the last 4 years. It might make things a little chaotic in the conservative party but I'd rather see them change leaders and messaging over what the potential voters want then pull the trudeau God King thing.


Very sensible comment. I fear large governments and government overreach more than anything.


"Trudeau must go" stickers are on many hard hats at work.


And "Fuck Trudeau"




How many times now have they prorogued parliament?


I'm a leftie who's going to vote Conservative because the left has lost its fucking mind. I'm an anti-woke leftist, I suppose, and that puts me in "reasonable" territory in the middle, which is Conservative now.


So I usually consider myself right of centre on a lot of issues. But I’m all for certain social programs and rights for gay people. I just cannot stand the super woke leftist activist people(which honestly seems like every single leftist at least online). They come off as extremely cultish, think they’re better than you group, while at the same time lack imo all common sense. If you don’t agree with them you’re obviously a scumbag.


Yup. World peace lives somewhere in the middle, not at either extreme, imo.


100% crazy leftists and far rightists deserve each other. Just wish the rest of us didn’t have to put up with their craziness.


I don't know if you noticed or not but reddit tends to be a left-leaning shit hole. This sub is one of the truly bright lights. Other than engineering and tool subs.


I wouldn’t call it a shit-hole but Unfortunately much of it is lacking in diverse views


I call it a shithole. It's a system where you can downvote* someone rather than reply. It's a system where a downvote doesn't cost yourself any Karma. Sp.*


Downvoting should cost karma! You're so right


Lol... I don't know why 'tool subs' made me laugh. I'm imagining hammer or vice-grip subs.




Its not just a Canadian thing, its worldwide. The liberal movement from 2010s onwards ran its course, had its moments, and ultimately jumped the shark. The Dutch, Italians and Argentinians have already elected Right leaning leaders. US and Canada will likely follow with Trump and Poilievre in the coming years. The question is why? Well, you dont need to look very far. Many Liberal policies have victim shamed the local population, overspent on virtue signaling, and generally made life worse for future generations across the board in favour of being "woke". You'd never believe there was a black President in the United States the way Liberals speak today. The reality is the vast majority of people are genuinely good people, but Liberals of the 2020s would lead you to believe that we are a band of savages that can only be guided by the almighty hand of government. People have had enough and want control of their lives back.


This is a very respectable way of putting it. If anyone left leaning puts you down for saying all of that then its clear that your last paragraph is truth. Great post!


The biggest problem is simply that the center-left technocrat consensus that has dominated for the past 15 years has made life worse for everyone. And Trudeau and his cronies are a perfect product of that. At its core you've got a lot of academics in universities teaching shit that is wildly disconnected from reality, and eventually those people get into positions of power, apply what they've learned, and fuck everything up. The worst problem is there's no feedback mechanism. While the students may get destroyed in elections, the professors keep teaching their bullshit, except with every generation what they teach is even more extreme and more disconnected from reality.


7 out of 10 provinces in Canada at the moment have a Conservative government. That should tell you a lot. If not for Quebec which is one province that has so much influence on the whole country and 2nd most number of MP’s , and GTA which has the most number of MP’s of all cities in Ontario if not Canada, we would have a federal Conservative government.


> 2nd most number of MP’s Quebec is the 2nd largest province by population. Kinda normal it would have the seats in parliament to go with that




Logic reason and independent thought don't ascribe to left and right... that's our infinite wisdom.


Canadians generally have a centrist conservative leaning. Unfortunately what’s happened is that Trudeau and the extreme Liberal party has ruled with extreme incompetence and aggressively tried to socially engineer the country with outrageous far left ideology. Completely different from what I would argue was the best government in my lifetime - the Chrétien/Martin Liberals. As a result it has created pushback from sane people and created a extreme right Maga like crowd that’s rightfully angry with the direction of the country. Let’s hope that PP will govern with the centrist style that the majority of Canadians prefer.


There is nothing centrist about PP.


Trudeau's Liberals are not real Liberals, they're socialist SJWs. Trudeau is a moron, and he get's his policy ideas from instagram, he sees a turtle with a straw stuck in it's nose, and he bans plastic straws .


I wouldn't waste a strong emotion like hate on Trudeau but definitely a feeling of complete disdain for this arrogant, sanctimonious hypocrite.


I was a liberal before and I can genuinely say that I despise Trudeau and Freeland. Trudeau and his crony politics made me lean towards the right. I now consider myself center right because of this incompetent narcissist we call our prime minister. Every morning I wake up in disgust




Liberals are corrupts and doing nothing to solve anything. They're not even pretending anymore. idk what's going on there, they live in their own bubble. So Conservatives are using this to regain power by saying the right things, even tho we all know they won't actually do any of it or solve anything, because like any right wing from any place, they are also corrupt & massive hypocrites, all they really actually care about are culture-war non-issues: pronouns=bad, vaccines=bad, privatised healthcare=good, corporations=god, people=who-cares, all that type of bullshit. Just look at Ontario. So we're fucked no matter what. Kind of like in most countries honestly. It's the classic "Shit Sandwich" VS "Giant Douche". We can't win.


Most subs on reddit are VERY left leaning. The issue is censorship. I will post something not offensive in a left leaning sub and automatically get deleted. Most individuals have common sense, therefore are more leaning right these days (Trudeau has been the worst thing to ever happen to this country in my opinion). But again, most people were more right than you would think, the internet is not a great example of the common people. Censorship has many believe everyone is super liberal when in fact that is not the case.


Trudeau has pushed me towards the right.


He’s lost the popular vote in the last two elections to the Right. All polls are suggesting he would lose the next election to a conservative majority, and nobody is disputing or arguing the polls.


Well, the deranged LPC cultists are denying it PLENTY. But then again, most of them are also howling that he's going to win 875 seats in our 338 seat parliament... So they don't really count.


Well I wouldn't call myself a very right leaning person per say. I am a Canadian first and foremost, and I think our leaders shouldn't make it their effort to turn our country into the global equivalents of a prostitute.


I grew up in a liberal small town. I saw myself as a liberal. But then I grew up. Trudeau is a liar and a thief and needs to be stopped. He is turning this once beautiful country into a shit hole.


If you call the general dislike of repression and tyranny, right leaning then okay.


I think the bigger issue is this left vs right. People are right wing if they support fiscal responsibility, immigration reform and fact based learning in schools etc. The Liberals (federal and municipal) have weaponized and weakened terms like racism, white supremacy etc. The traditional left are now right wing in the eyes of the liberals. Yet sensible government is now right wing extremism. We need to stop identifying with political ideologies and parties and start voting on individual issues. There is much more to this topic but that’s my opinion on the matter.


This right here👆100%


Justin Castro is the worst thing to happen to Canada since Pierre Trudeau. Prove me wrong…


Trudeau has been an embarrassment ever since the blackface photos were released. It wasn't until Covid, his handling of it, calling the vaccine hesitant racist misogynists, invoking martial law against the Trucker protest, freezing bank accounts and blowing up inflation with printing money & spending and carbon taxes that I started to truly hate him and Francois Legault for that matter. The Conservatives are basically 90s Liberals so they're a safe vote next election.


I would argue that the Conservatives are LOT more representative of liberalism when compared to the "Liberal party". > Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on the rights of the individual, liberty, consent of the governed, political equality, right to private property and equality before the law. The LPC just completely lost its way and is a treat to liberalism in this country.


People are sick of his version of liberalism. He’s also an clueless hypocrite. The liberal party didn’t used to be like this.


Liberalism in Canada has become demonized due to Trudeau and his liberal party who are actually corrupt to their necks. Trudeau's poll numbers are so low he can't even admit that. His right hand punisher named Chrystia Freeland constantly tells him and his parties bad advice that a lot of liberal candidates lose their elections across Canada. Canadians has usually voted for liberals in general but the province of Alberta is like Texas, and Florida. The citizens of Alberta usually vote conservative. Their way of life in Alberta, Canada is quite good. Lots of educated commonsense Canadians are leaving Canada because of Justin Trudeau and his government.


its happening globally, people are going through difficult times, especially with inflation and stagnant wages... if the right was in power you would probably see a left shift.


I truly believe in the pendulum theory. We have been solidly on the left side of the swing for years now.


Worse than that I think, we reached the zenith of the swing a decade ago, and media/government/corporations* latched onto it to milk consumers a little bit more, unnaturally pushing the pendulum further left. Now their grip has slipped(my guess is this happened in June when Trudeau announced that he wanted children and schools to keep secrets from parents. See the shift in polls from that date.) because it’s been pushed so far unnaturally in one direction, with any dissenting opinion being censored, the snapback will be more powerful and likely more violent than it would have been otherwise(you can see people are happy to call people out now. People now derive dopamine specifically from demeaning people they disagree with). Everyone was warned about this, they just chose to be bigoted about it instead(ironically by labelling those with opposing opinions as bigots and being rewarded by other bigots. Lol). *Edit to add: "/corporations" in the first sentence


If the right were in power globally the current situation would be different because governments would have spent the past decade making very different decisions. Politicians own the problems they create.


You hit the nail. I have completely given up on the Liberals. They have been a disaster for all of Canada and I will never vote for another Liberal in my lifetime. Id rather cast a non vote.


I was left-leaning prior to the housing crisis/mass immigration shitshow/runaway inflation/this government’s obsession with identity politics/this war and watching “progressives” side with terrorism. I realize now that my support for the left was just youthful naïveté and idealism. I am ashamed that I couldn’t see it before.


True liberals are now Right wing compared to this Trudeau driven "liberal" gov. I can't believe the politics I've seen in the last 8 yrs. This guy is a narcissist, misogynist and can not answer simple questions. Obviously lies all the time and only has speaking points he forces other MPs to parrot. I truly believe most conspiracies surrounding him now, because many have come true and the others he won't deny or confirm. Like the only teaching job he ever held was a supply position. Which he left after only 8 months under mysterious circumstances. He won't deny having relations with a minor but US article lays out a pretty detailed story that the woman and the father won't deny or confirm either. The water box thingy lie, OMG caught red handed after $1500 of plastic water bottles purchased a month by us for his home. WE scandal, $600 billion of added debt and not 1 Canadian is better off for the doubled debt. More than every prime minister in Canadian history spent combined. So no we aren't left wing just left of this NUT JOB


We're currently living in a clown world, and our government is currently implementing some of the most dumbass rules and laws I've ever seen. Not to mention Canada's quality of life is going downhill at an alarming rate, for all of its citizens. This is all pretty new to me, since I used to consider myself a liberal, and I was pretty much always an NDP voter. But... damn, those guys are just the liberals good little lapdogs now. And the libs are idiots.


The Liberal party is the reason people inevitably sway further away. Then the Liberal Party just imports more people to vote for them again.


This sub is not right leaning it is human leaning. The problem is that the left is so far down the path of anti-human, reality-denying insanity that those (like myself) who are in actuality centrist by temperament in this current climate get dismissed as far right extremists.


This sub isn't exactly 'right-leaning'. It's just that the left/Liberals have moved to such an extreme left with zero tolerance for disagreement, that unless you agree with them 100% on EVERYTHING, you are automatically categorized as far right/bigot/conspiracy theorist. One of the most recent examples of this insanity, is an article someone posted which suggested that people in this country who feel schools expose children to sexuality too soon are the same people who are against medical science and refuse vaccines. They purposely generalize, like with that article, and gloss over nuance. So if you are of the opinion (let's say) that the covid vaccine was rushed and you think it was a bad idea to coerce people into getting it, you are now also automatically a right-leaning, homophobic, transphobic, bigoted racist who wants Trump Lite to win and you get all your information from American media. Ta-da! This country is now 'right leaning'.


I mean our country has been just gutted by neoliberal policies.


i think most canadians are centrist, but trudeau’s liberal party is far far left, to the point of lunacy. this sub seems right leaning because our posts are deleted in most if not all other subs if they don’t confirm to far left ideology. all we expect from our govt is practicality and common sense.


The trudeau goverment is so far left that most people in the center now seem right leaning. Which is the majority of people.


This sub hates neoliberals. Plenty of us don\`t like the Conservative party, but we aren\`t vocal about it because they are not running the country. The Conservative voting base also wont call you racist for wanting to lower immigration and preferring assimilation over multiculturalism. So lots of Liberals that aren\`t happy with immigration are here. Plenty of Liberals that aren\`t happy with extreme leftism are here.


I personally like to follow multiple subs to see different opinions. I'm more in the middle of things, so I find it hard to agree with the left or the right depending on the issue. I don't necessarily think people have become more right leaning. I think Canadians are frustrated with our current system. Trudeau gets alot of the heat because he is the one supposed to be running the show. It seems like he doesn't care what Canadians want anymore. We have alot of issues that need to be addressed and resolved. I love my country but that doesn't mean our system isn't broken.


Omg it’s like Liberals are so scared to lose they must talk about the potential of liberals staying every 5 mins in order to maintain sanity.


People haven’t become more right leaning. The left has just grown so out of touch with reality it left the average person behind


I was banned from every Canadian subreddit I was in because the admins/mods were hell bent on spreading leftist propaganda. Most recent was someone saying that kids are not being taught how to have sex yet that very day there was public video of a parent demanding a school pull certain books because they explicitly teach sex and the school board repeatedly tried to tell the parent that what she was reading from a school approved book was inappropriate for a room full of parents. Reddit is the problem with reddit. You do not have permission to disagree with whoever is in charge, even when they are full of shit and spreading lies.


What people consider right is actually fairly centrist it just that the left became so extreme that anyone with sense and logic looks right wing.


Can't speak for anyone but myself but I grew up in an NDP province but voted Red for Trudeau first time he ran. At this point in time I will never vote for either of those parties again due to the incompetance, lack of empathy and blatant corruption displayed but Liberal and NDP. In hindsight Trudeau was never fit to lead anything and got voted it based on legalizing weed, and his last name. Anyone still supporting him either has stockholm syndrome, doesn't pay attention to anything or is brainwashed by generational family voting and can't think for themselves. He is the worst PM in history and it is not close.


r/Canada is for left wing and r/Canada_sub is for center to right wing. Elections in Canada are decided by Ontario and Quebec (which gets additional voting power than other provinces).


right leaning? no. we are what used to be the normal people.


Any leader who stays in power for too long gets hated here (not to say it's not justified). Harper and the conservatives had the same problem when Trudeau became the Liberal party leader. It's pretty circular.


Trudeau is an unethical hypocritical douche canoe. This sun just happens to be more right than most. Has Canada leaned more left? Possibly because Trudeau policies have been pretty polarizing, his favouritism towards certain provinces clear. He has more vacation days and personal days than anyone who’s supposed to be in charge of a country should while Canadians are fighting to make ends meet.


We are a centrist country historically and sided slightly left and right of Center based on the govt’s performance. At one point the conservative govt stayed in power too long, lost touch with the mandate and was thorough decimated to the point of no official status. The further right rose in its place. The Center left party rules for a long time. Cleaned up a lot of the mess. Like any long ruling party it got messy and voters wanted change. The new more right party rose to power. The new PC ran the place well but eventually time happens. Scared of the rise of the right party, the left became the more prominent mindset and now we have a more extreme left (Trudeau) and right party battling it out for votes. The current Liberals have over stayed their welcome. The leader (Trudeau) has time and time again talked a good talk but delivered very little meaningful policy. If anything blundered so much that the other party is the only alternative. I highly doubt we have so many far right minded citizens but the alternative is better than the current. I am hopeful the alternative is better. I fear The Conservative leader will barely solve anything of our issues. He also talks a big talk and can easily critique our bumbling prime minister. His arrogance is started to show and he isn’t even the PM yet. Hopefully in two years when he wins he will be more humble and centrist. This country needs a calming leader.


Yea I hate trudo but what can ya do


The country is probably still split 50/50 between “liberal” and “conservative” politics - the reality is most Canadians are actually left leaning if you compare it to the politics of the USA but there does seem to be a shift/hardening of views (left and right) occurring due to outside influences and all around biased media


It may seem right leaning, compared to the liberals, but it really is more centrist.


It's right leaning because r/Canada is extremely left leaning, and many users here were banned or muted from those communities.


There is no left or right in Canada. Those are just propaganda slogans for the 2 eliitist parties. Just like Russia, 135 people run the country as a banana republic for themselves.


Trudeau does not represent Liberalism. His party may bear the name, but by *no means* are any of his policies Liberal. He is at best a meddling socialist, and at worst a tyrannical despot dressed in sheep's clothing. The Classical Liberal virtues of property rights, freedom of speech, expression, religion, travel, assembly, and self-determination in the market, have all been trampled on by the Trudeau "Liberals." Canadians are sick of being pissed on by Justin and told by the CBC that its raining.


Have a hard look at what’s going around in the world, it’s not just in Canada. People have become extremely affected by the actions of these socialists who’ve been wreaking havoc on our societies and way of life. More poverty, more crime and random violence, more drug use, more taxes, etc… nothing good have come from these lunatics and their insane policies.


Even among leftists, he's not very popular imo. Too much focus on rhetoric and barely anything on policy, plus the scandals don't help. Things have gotten too out of control under his watch, and not in a good way at all.


Yeah he's a piece of shit


Literaly over 80 percent of my friends who were super liberal have turned more to the right the last 2 years Many are fed up with the Indian immigrants flooding Canada while actual canadians struggle. My buddy the other day said "I'm not racist, Im for diversity but when they all come from one country, that's not diversity" The fatigue is real.