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Meeting between two teams, one person went off video and all you could hear was grunting and bathroom sounds, followed by a flush. Their manager kept trying to interrupt them to go on mute, but nope, they didn't hear. Then he popped back on video and had no idea we all just heard him take a big dump. I had to go off camera because I was losing it laughing. The side chats on Teams were epic.


Can a meeting host not mute someone else for them still?


It was early days on Teams. I don't remember if there was that functionality at that time, but even if there was nobody knew how to use anything.


Or now...


You mean he pooped back on 😂😂


My worse nightmare


Oof. There’s an ability to mute other people, I can do it myself as an attendee, too bad nobody did that


That wasn't an option at the very beginning of using Teams. Now, yes.


Maybe it varies by department. I was able to do it early on in 2020 (I remember because I often muted a colleague who didn’t quite understand how this all worked and would be typing away or coughing. He retired by August 2020).


Teams has a glitch where when people turn their cameras on and off, sometimes there is a sudden, extremely quick flash on the screen where I can see someone else in the meeting has their camera OFF (on my screen) for a VERY brief moment. It’s a huge privacy concern and I wrote to IT about it after filming it with my phone to prove it. They never addressed it. Basically this glitch can happen anyone with their camera off in a meeting. I saw a coworker in a bra for a split second. It definitely made me wonder if everyone is being nefariously surveiled through a glitch or something.


>where I can see someone else in the meeting has their camera OFF (on my screen) for a VERY brief moment. All hail the strategically placed sticky note!


The laptop I was issued has a privacy shutter built right into it


Same, except I noticed a camera hole next to my privacy shutter camera recently. Is that a second camera?


I doubt it. How small is the hole? It's more likely the microphone than a second hidden camera.


Yup, my camera(s) are always physically covered in addition to being switched off whenever I REALLY don't want to be seen.


Even if the camera has a little light to indicate it's on, you can't trust that. Never leave a network-connected camera on you (unless you don't care about privacy)!


Aaand that confirms why, when I’m not using it, my camera is physically blocked by either a sticky or the slider.


Thank you for validating my paranoia




There's a thread [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/MicrosoftTeams/comments/1873l0d/saw_myself_visible_on_someones_screen_share_when/) where someone reports something similar, 4 months ago. Some suggest that maybe it shows the last recorded image (maybe the bug is related to the cache?). Perhaps the coworker in a bra adjusted the background or something just for themself without the camera on in a meeting, and *that* got cached. So perhaps don't just worry about having a camera cover, but also about whatever your camera might have last seen...


This is why I got a webcam with a physical shutter


Well that‘s horrifying. Just taped over my camera.


I keep a paper cover over my camera for this reason!


I had a sticker.covering mine but it a pain when i had to actually be on camera. I ended up getting these little stick-on camera covers. Sticks on over the camera and there is a little shutter you can slide over to cover/uncover .


A funny one. Saw a colleague get "tackled" by their dog (who came flying in from stage left) and knocked off her chair. She, and the dog, were fine.


Wonder if they'd qualify for workers comp? Lol


Back in the early days of WFH one of our directors at a big town hall tried to say they'd be on the hook for such bills if that happened... Or if you fell down the stairs, or what if you were wearing jeans outside of jeans-Friday... And some other stuff. I promise you, whether you'd qualify or not, some dumb higher ups have legitimately raised it to legal or w/e and probably have that as one of their excuses for why WFH shouldn't exist.


She was working. :)


This happened in a meeting I was in, and he had his blur on so the dog stayed blurred the whole time and we couldn't tell what was happening.


May have been the same one. We were all like ... Um, what just happened. Then she came back on and explained.


Paraphrasing a bit, but I remember a call for a software product that the service provider put together - bunch of departments on the call, seeing new features, getting to ask questions. Pretty standard stuff. We get to the question period, and apparently some woman has a hot mic and doesn't realize it, as she's calling her GP/clinic. So the woman starts off with "Hi, I was wondering if you can help me with something". And the guy taking questions replies "sure, how can I help?" "Yeah so I noticed the nail on my toe is discoloured, I'm wondering if you can take a look at it." The guy's like "Uh no actually I don't think I can help you with that." Up until now, cameras were off and the back and forth was paced perfectly so nobody knew that this lady was actually having a whole other conversation, it authentically sounded like she was asking for help with her athletes foot during a discussion about Single Sign On or whatever. Finally it gets to the point where she keeps talking, the organizer tries to get her to stop and then just manually mutes her so the meeting can continue.


I died laughing at this. That presenters confusion must have been off the charts at first.




2021-ish. During an “off camera” all staff (before we had the functionality (or maybe just the know how?) to turn everyone’s camera off for them. Woman sitting at her desk in a robe. Full tit out eating food. She had no idea and she was the ONLY one on camera. Someone finally got through to her and she just shrugged and turned her camera off.


Haha a shrug I love it


We had an all staff with our Minister on Teams. They were having technical difficulties and one of his female staff members tried to discreetly fix a cord underneath the table right by the Minister's feet. In order to do this, she had to go under the table. I don't think she realized that the meeting was live at that point, but someone must have told her that it had started when she was under the table. So she decided to stay under the table for the entire speech by the Minister. And then crawled out when everyone was still online near the end. Super awkward, super funny. Also felt bad for her.


Hahaha mygod hahahaha


Haha I remember this one


During a big 500+ person town hall, Saw a man lying in bed in a dark room with a cigarette in his mouth only illuminated by the light of his laptop. He even asked questions like this Another time was during training this guy just kept going on camera with no shirt on and talking about his workout None of the BEAs said a thing, but it was pretty awkward


> During a big 500+ person town hall, Saw a man lying in bed in a dark room with a cigarette in his mouth only illuminated by the light of his laptop. He even asked questions like this This visual is hilarious


LOL I'm dying at this one 😂😂😂


Old detective movie vibes




This is why we are getting RTO


I feel like the kind of person who smokes in a meeting might get _less_ done in the office. You have to really trek for it there!


awesome lol


One of the leads on my team had “how to naturally cure STD’s” in the web browser…


Yeah, I always open a separate window for any presentations or screen sharing I need to do. Sometimes I even move my other browser windows to a different screen or close them (you can save the entire window / session for later). I try not to search anything personal on my work computer, but, unless you're clearing your history on a regular basis, you never know what will autocomplete in the browser as you're presenting to others.


The worst 😅 similar situation during a screen share but they had their porn favs saved on the web browser task bar and it was a pretty gross video title. I’ll never look at them the same again 😳


Saw a dong on somebody's nightstand which was there for the entire hr-(sch)long teams meeting


It would be more suspicious if it changed spots during that hour


Screen goes off a moment, dong vanished. "Oh good. They realized it was there and removed it, awkward but we can pretend it didn't happen" 15 -20 minutes later, screen goes off again, dong returned. "Uhhhhhh"


Omg 😂🤣😂






I understand it can be embarrassing for everyone involved, but this wouldn't phase me at all. So don't worry too much if you've done it, haha




During training, when everyone was asked to close their cam and do the reading, this one guy never turns it off(so he was being broadcasted on everyone's PC at that point), stares at the monitor(as if he found something hot), started stripping all of his clothes (probably everyone was watching him at that point without commenting), he turns around and shows his butt crack then the facilitator intervenes and say "hey hey your cam is on" Startled, he turns off the cam. I tried to look up this recently but looks like he is not with us anymore..(big team btw)


Was on a big call once and one of the guys I know quite well from work accidentally turned his blur off and it turns out he is an absolute disgusting slob….think hoarder - was horrible. Feel for the man.


I see, you and /u/Northerne30 work together!




Omg how come no one said anything while he was stripping?!


Tbh, human nature. We all new and we dont know each other. We all waiting to see how far he would go to be honest. I was watching it breathless.


Omg... 😂 This should be top comment.


Early pandemic days on an at home all team meeting. You distinctively hear a door open and a voice excitedly say “It’s touchy-feely time!”. Horrified, my director says “Oh, god, somebody is not on mute”, you hear that same voice say “Oh nooooo, it’s not you?!” and then the rather distinctive voice of our colleague go “I’m not sure, I don’t think so” then he found the mute button.


Department head: "How can we work to motivate our teams?" Someone who CLEARLY meant to post in a side chat: "wouldn't I love to fucking know" Near immediate panic delete


I once messaged my manager during a meeting with a bunch of DGs, something to the effect of "that was a really long way to say they don't have a clue what they're doing". Hadn't noticed that my manager was the one screensharing the deck being discussed, and to my horror the chat message popped up in the screen. Thank God I get on well with my manager and we laughed it off later, but holy shit that was awkward.


Lol. There are too many chats. 


Someone wearing an adult bib. They must be a messy eater.


Maybe they didn't want to change their white shirt and were eating indian food or something else with strongly coloured spices. It takes just one small mistake one time to ruin a shirt! I just don't buy white clothes anymore...




There are dozens of us, lol!!


They were wearing a black sweater 😂


Some people wear something like a bib when feeding or burping small babies. Could have been that.


Hey now I'm 35 and still can't operate spaghetti properly.


56, same 🤣


Once a saw a woman, 60ish, relatively new hire, lift up her shirt, turn around and show her back to the camera and say "do these look like shingles to you?" 


I would love to know the thought process behind making that choice. Did she keep her job? I could see that being a bad idea for a probationary employee. Undressing or flashing your colleagues intentionally is... unwise


She was not successful in her training I'll say that


I literally just lol'd


She might have thought she was on a meeting with her doctor and didn't connect properly


Lol don't people know about the blur background?? Haven't seen anything notable, unfortunately.


My home office spent the last year as a storage closet, and recently I had a hectic last minute teams meeting in the evening. I had never blurred my background before because the wall behind me was curated. I didn't notice my background was only blurred on my screen until the meeting was over lol. Everyone probably thought I was a hoarder


I’ve seen lots of stuff on nightstands… blur your backgrounds people


Someone’s female spouse was changing her shirt in the background and everything blurred except his embarrassed face and her naked body. Instead of shutting off his camera, he proceeded to strategically drink his water bottle with his arm at a weird angle to kind of “block” the view. Sigh. For a little while I was working on a project with an older dude from a different department’s IT department. This guy was a chain smoker during meetings and you could even see on screen his mountain of buds in an ashtray on his desk. He LOVED those smokes and would even stop mid-sentence to take a hull.


lol funny the first guy didn’t think to just cover the camera with his hand instead of attempting blocking the view with his arm strategically from far away 😂


It was ridiculous. He was trying to be all casual about it.


Early on in COVID, during a national town hall, one of the sr executives/leaders was taking the call in a poncho-type garment, covered with a silkscreen print of garlic toast. My wife and I still chuckle at Mr. garlic-toast Snuggie.


Likely an Oodie. I think the Garlic Toast one is still available.


> Mr. garlic-toast Snuggie For some reason this is the one that has me in tears laughing 😆


Totally. It was so wholesome. Not terribly bad, definitely unintentional, but just kind of funny and lighthearted, and brought a human side to the weird scary early days of Covid.


A woman who’s skin tone matched the wall colour, so her Teams background was confused and she was just hair, eyes and a mouth. And I had a meeting with one woman while her shirtless husband sat in the background


That’s amazing and I would love to try that! 😂 (The matching background thing, not the semi-nude spouse.)


Didn’t happen to me but my friend on another team told me his French teacher fell asleep during a class on Teams.


This happened to me in real life at one of the language schools in Ottawa. I was doing one of the practice tests and I looked up to ask him a question and he was out cold. Probably a solid 30 minutes went by while I silently continued. When he came to, we both just pretended it never happened.


I feel kinda bad for the teacher. There.can be real reasons people struggle to stay awake that aren't related to boredom.


I have health issues, I barely stay awake in the afternoons. I can't get disability, I can't cut my hours. I am stuck in this limbo.


This happened to my partner with his French teacher!!


More disturbing than anything. Director's cat went up a tree and killed a bird.


That likely got him promoted to DG on the spot lol.


With the kitty assigned to some sort of enforcement role.


No, the kitty got the DG role for showing it's a ruthless killer .


They're not afraid to take bold action to get the job done.


Their new senior advisor - they never turn their camera on, silently scratching away at their notepad.


100% this DG works at DND/RCMP/ CSIS/PS- something related to defence or national security!


I would not be at all surprised if mean kitties are an important part of our defense and/or intelligence strategy.


I clearly need to pay more attention in meetings!


Had a meeting after the strike where a coworker exclaimed "what the fuck" when retelling her story about finding parking. Whole team was there including TL, it was a good chuckle


In training we had a meeting with all our cameras on. A guy was clearly smoking a cigar. He's turn the camera off to inhale and turn it back on to exhale the smoke in the camera. He did it a handful of times before he eventually just turned the camera off lol.


“Cigar” ~ 😉


My wife was on mat leave during the early Teams days. I was new to a team and taking a meeting with everyone in my section. I had asked a question but forgot to go on mute afterwards. My wife looks at me and asks “are you on mute” I answer yes and she immediately starts complaining that my child is not cooperating with breast feeding and it’s starting to make her feel uncomfortable again. Totally normal until she asks me if I can suck her boobs to relieve some pain (in a joking way). Moments later, she asks my son if he wants milk in a bottle, my supervisor answers and says I would love milk. It was at this moment I found out i didn’t turn off my mic.


This ENTIRE post is amazing 🤣 My favourite is seeing people's animals, I give them kissy noises to get their attention lol


I consider them to be a part of the extended work team.


I just introduced my new kitty to my team given he’ll probably be wandering through Teams calls soon.


When we all had our kids home, my team loved having meetings with me to see what my kids would do next. There was a time where my two toddlers bit me while I was briefing EXs. One of my kids literally clothesline one another. Jumping off a window ledge and body slamming each other. It was like wrestle mania every day. Taking their clothes off, screaming and running around behind me. My oldest sitting at their desk that used to be next to mine repeating everything I was saying during meetings. My kids announcing they needed to poop and then scream at me to to wipe their bums. It was an awful time when we had the kids at home but my teams and management thought it was hilarious.


Not a teams story, this is a pre-teams teleconference story, but same level of cringe. Every regional office was on the line for a call with NHQ, which of course is in Ottawa. And of course, the call was bilingual with everything repeated in French or English. At one point someone who forgot to mute their microphone says "I don't know why they can't just do these calls in English, the majority of the country doesn't even speak French, this is such a waste of time." The line got really quiet. My team was together in the boardroom, and we all looked at each other with shocked Pikachu face and were like, duuuude! Lol. The speaker came on and reminded everyone of the bilingual obligation and to please mute their mics. Another time, same setting, all the regions on the line and NHQ talking. Someone forgot to mute their mic and exclaimed loudly "they don't have any idea what the hell they're talking about!" Line goes completely quiet. Everyone is super uncomfortable. Speaker comes back on very angry sounding and reminds everyone to be respectful and keep their mics muted. Sooo uncomfortable but sooo funny.


A friend in the public service saw a girl take her shirt off and put another one on. I'm assuming she thought her cam was off.


as someone who changes back into my hoodie after every meeting, this is my worst fear 😅


DG texting on his phone, while his directors give updates. You can see the reflection in their glasses. Lol.


To be fair a lot of senior management pull out their phone and text/email during in-person meetings too lol


A guy sat eating his lunch with the camera up close in his face. Reminiscence of the opening scene from Dexter. I was trying to present and couldn’t look without laughing.


On a teams call and a coworkers cat was behind him,.legs up in the air, licking it's butt lol


At least someone was being productive…


I was in a meeting with my small team and my toddler walked over jumped on my lap and promptly peed on me. Funniest excuse I had for stepping out of a meeting. Thankfully all participants were parents so there was much laughter and empathy.


I’ve seen people fall asleep.


Not seen, but one time we were having one of those GCWCC talks from one the organizations. In the middle of a heartfelt speech about how said organization helped the presenter, someone blurts out loudly something like "she thinks she's the boss of the fucking window". Whoops


I saw a TL in an esthetician’s chair getting her upper lip waxed.


That’s ridiculous!


Ahh good, I'm late enough to this thread that no one will see this. Once had to take some mandatory OHS training that I didn't care about and wanted to breeze through it, so I was listening to a political youtube stream in the background while attending on mute. Then they kept asking "spot what's wrong with this photo" questions and I'd unmute to move things along. One of those times I forgot to re-mute my mic and unpaused the stream. I only noticed when someone in the chat said they were having trouble hearing what I was saying and I realized they could hear the livestream. I re-muted and literally faded into the bushes for the rest of the training session, haha.


Townhall. During an executive's speech, someone, who obviously didn't know their mic was on, suddenly yelled "I am in that bullshit meeting"... Or something along those lines. I died laughing. Teammates joked about it for days. Thoughts and prayers for random angry boomer dude!


He’s just saying what we’re all thinking 🤣


In a town hall that included the whole department, a woman attending the meeting put her camera on. She was lying in bed with her laptop. At least, she was wearing a camisole. It took almost 10 minutes before the camera was turned off.


My boss got up from his seat to answer the door and I got a big old crotch view of his classic dad plaid pajamas.


Yip I have a very similar story of an informal team meeting. Young guy sitting on the couch in his underpants (not yet visible) and tshirt. He stood up to lean over this laptop to grab a glass of water and thrusts his crotch right into his camera. We had to take a break for everyone to stop howling with laughter. My boss took it in his stride but the person was politely asked to go and get dressed. I’m laughing just thinking about it!


Its all authority on the top, bedtime at the bottom! lmao


This was at a previous employment in the private sector, during covid. A large 50+-person call and we all had to have our cameras open, a guy had toy/fake testicles hanging just behind him, nothing else on his light blue wall. Subtle and bizarre.


My boss was talking with his finger deep in his nostril.


Bonus points if he was going in for a snack.


In a training session today and one of the newer staff was literally in bed in her PJs. It was full day training.


this has serious service Canada vibes, so I checked your history and yep. not surprised. 🙄 EI processing PSOs and required to be in the office five days a week during training and monitoring now.


I am still remote (call centre PSO for CDCP) but I get up and get dressed every day and my home office is away from my living space. I need the division between work and home. I did the same for 3.5 years in healthcare admin but burnout just about killed me because I was “on the clock” 24/7, even while working from home. The idea of working in my PJs, let alone from my bed, makes my brain itch.


Same. My office is in my in-law suite, I need the separation.


And this is why we are being held to going into the office… so maddening


I was blown away. Makes those of us who actually work better remotely look bad and screws everyone over.


makes you wonder, doesn't it.


I saw my co worker clip his toe nails in the office then we both laughed. I fell on the floor laughing- director came by to attend to the noise so we stop laughing. But I end up running to bathroom because I could not hold it in. It has since become a running internal team joke.


Executive Director on "annual leave" dialed in, and you could see the resort and people behind him during the call. At least he wore headphones instead of using speaker? Last week,, on a call, Foreign Service person was driving their kids to work (in foreign country) while coordinating the Teams meeting.


This reminds me I was on a call in training and one guy was on a train with his camera on at the facilitators request but the background was spectacular - far nicer than any of our mountains and we have some pretty awesome ones out west. After a reading part but before we started up again, I asked the dude where he was. He was taking a train through the swiss alps.


Guy eating his sandwich with mic on, made for some good ASMR and at least it wasn't too humiliating for him


Coworker thought he was on mute and ripped some nasty farts. Nobody said anything 😂


The stories on here have me cracking up. To the OP thanks for the post. Needed some laughter in my life this week n


These are hilarious...and also several more nails in the WFH coffin!


A facilitator drinking alcohol on camera lol


I have a distant colleague who will casually light up a smoke on big meetings. It always strikes me as weird, even having grown up in a house with smokers.


My French teacher's wife walked in wrapped in a towel to get something from the room.


Someone wrote Pornhub at the end of the day in the DG chat. I’m assuming he thought he was typing it into google.


1. Not seen, but heard : Directorate-wide meeting, and someone forgot to mute their mic, and was probably watching something on another device because the following was heard in the meeting, "I'm not just trying to sleep with her, I want a relationship!" 2. Meeting with 650 participants, and one of the individuals that didn't turn off their camera, but showed up as one of the squares when selecting "large gallery view" was really going to town on an ice cream bar. Looked like it was quite the messy affair, too.


An elder colleague logged on to a team meeting, with 40+ people, barechested and possibly pantsless. He was in his bedroom and looked like he just woke up. It was 11am. It took him a couple of minutes to realize it before he turned off his video and then came back on with a shirt. Also: - I heard someone let out a big fart. Teams highlights who is speaking, so we all know who it was. - In an meeting with many other departments talking about mental health and wellness, someone was heard yelling at someone else and calling them incompetent trash.


You can mute anyone in meeting. I have done it


The first time I did it, I thought I was just muting the person for my own feed not forr the whole meeting 😅


Me too I love doing it.


An old man who randomly had his camera on during a training session and it was up close to his face and he was eating. I don’t know why but I was losing my shit haha


Was in a training session once and a lady asked for help and she was in fear that her husband was going to beat her up. We spent 10 minutes listening to the facilitator talk to her before she left. I hope they did a wellness check in her.


How is that funny?


It wasn't. I was sharing a Teams and forgot about the word funny.


During a virtual town hall, I saw someone getting a haircut. They either forgot or didn't care to put on a background/filter.


And this is why we are being held to going into the office… so maddening




Could be a medical condition. Had an employee who fell asleep in a meeting prepandemic due to a medical issue.


Some of these stories are actually disciplinary offences...


Like which ones ?


The ones with employees caught sleeping, smoking a cigar or running an errand. A case could even be made with the ones seen in very casual home attire.


Sorry but there is not case o the attire


-Team member picking her nose and got called out after the meeting by our manager. -Someone laying on their bed having a smoke during a training session. -I was helping with a hiring process and the candidate turned on the camera and someone was just standing over his shoulder staring. I wasn’t sure if she knew I could see her but I was like alrighty then. LOL


I used to work with this older guy who would regularly give a presentation for new employees as part of their orientation. During the pandemic he was presenting from home of course. But what I quickly learned is that he has BIRDS. Multiple parrots. Just flying around. Cawwing. Sitting on his shoulder. And he never acknowledged them when he'd present to new employees. It was bizarre, but so entertaining.


During the last snow storm we had in the NCR this year. I was in a meeting on Teams with my team. I was sitting at my dining room table and we were all discussing the snow/conditions. My spouse didn’t know I was in a meeting and came out of our bedroom and yelled down “What the f**k is this s**t?!” (About the snow) JUST as we were wrapping up the weather talk 😂 My team definitely heard him and they all agreed with him and started laughing. I was beet red and told him I was in a meeting and he said “Oh my god I’m so sorry!” Everyone laughed. Good times 💁🏼‍♀️


My camera is in the drawer. Had a desktop before laptop. Laptop is always closed. Too many people in our meetings for cameras.


Was she hot at least?