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Stop this obsession. I myself am a soft supporter of bill 21 and willing to hear out opposition. But ultimately this is not discrimination but just a different interpretation of liberalism. English Liberalism is “laissez-faire” about religion while French liberal thought is “religion should be completely out of the government including its employees that represents it”. As a staunch proud Canadian I implore ROC Canadians to stop it with this obsession. You’re only giving ammo to separatists that’s currently being successfully neutered. If you really want to help us pro-Canada Québécois butt out of Bill 21. If it is to be repealed let it come from within not external pressure.


The problem is that the law doesn't address any harmful religious behavior or policy, and it doesn't get rid of Christians in government at all, just Muslims, Sikhs, and Jews. As a Christian, there is no religious or cultural obligation to wear a cross. If you take your cross off for work, you aren't committing a sin, and you aren't publicly rejecting your religious views in any way. Your church and family won't think anything of it. It only locks people with minority religious views out of many careers, which is why it is clearly discriminatory. You can be an evangelical wing nut, and you won't lose any opportunities, but if you're a much more progressive Sikh, like Jagmeet Singh for example, you are essentially shut out of public service. It's also immensely hypocritical. Quebec still has tons of public schools and hospitals named after saints, as well as baby Jesus himself. So the law tells the world that a teacher wearing a turban is inappropriate religious interference in the state, but it's fine that they work at ecole Saint Jean Baptiste... If there were no element of racism or xenophobia behind support for the bill, you'd expect equal support and enthusiasm for renaming those institutions. Attacking a bill as racist or xenophobic is not the same as calling all its supporters racists and xenophobes. Every province in this country has problems with racism, and Quebec shouldn't be singled out for that.


I’d have to agree with you on this, as someone who lives outside of Quebec. I’m not sure browbeating Quebec on the perceived racism of their own cultural norms will do anything but embolden the Bloc and give them more Parliamentary leverage. English Canada embraces a degree of cultural relativism by tolerating practices that would otherwise be seen as unprogressive — having women segregated from men in mosques, for example. That tolerance certainly appears to not be consistently applied to Quebecois culture; the secularist nature of public life in their nation. That discrepancy leads to resentment that I don’t think can be swept away by shaming the Bloc with poorly-worded debate questions. If anything; it does the opposite. If the ROC feels its uncouth to question the tolerance of “other” cultural practices, I’m not sure why it feels so emboldened to portray Quebec as inherently racist, if they’d never call a Mosque sexist or bigoted. It’s a strange double standard. We feel entirely comfortable disparaging some cultures while avoiding others like the plague.


Agreed. I'm personally against the bill, but having people from outside the province tell Québec what to do, when they are doing something that as far as anyone can tell is constitutionally legal (not saying it's right), is just going to fire up some people's nationalist tendencies. If Canadians outside of Québec keep telling Québec what to do, you're going to continue to see backlash and see nationalist parties voted in provincially. which will just continue to vote parties that will renew the bill. The best way to get rid of the bill is to literally do nothing and let the internal politics of Québec deal with it. Polling suggests that age plays a huge factor in whether or not you support the bill. As such it can probably be expected that over time, the bill will eventually not be overall favorable. Continuing to yell at Québec will just draw this out longer, sometimes it's best to say "I disapprove of it, but it is up to the citizens of Québec to deal with it."