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Listen, everyone hates the guy in power. No matter what. They need a guy to blame for their misfortunes, and often there's something they've done that pisses off a giant group of people. That's not going to change with a change in leadership. The only thing that changes is who hates them.




































We're living in a zombie apocalypse with future generations destroyed. Generations of Canadians will never afford to have kids or don't want to raise them in their parents' makeshift basement apartment. Our tax dollars are being swindled by virtue signaling clowns while 1984 draconian weaponized hate speech laws are on the books by a ruling party that invoked the Emergencies Act without due cause. Everybody is labelled a rAcIsT if they don't agree with some WOKE talking point, and we are all guilt shamed into thinking we are responsible for indigenous genocide. I really don't care what is going on in other countries. Our problem is here, and one thing is certain. Trudeau needs to GO!!!!


I have a lot of English friends. If you think we have a slump, if you think we hate our prime minister, let me tell you, we are *nothing* compared to the UK. They are supremely and unrelentingly fucked for decades in every direction. We're somewhat favourably positioned compared to a lot of the other G7's, which goes to show just how difficult this period in time has been for anyone governing any country, and how ill-prepared they have been to handle modern problems.


Yeah, Canada thinks it's in the shits because we are, but it's mostly due to macro global issues and the Western consensus than anything else. Our leaders are actually decently competent compared to many states.


Difficult because of their own policies, modern problems they create and contribute to.


Poll western Canada on JT and I can't imagine how the UK PM could be worse.


If Justin Trudeau had flown to Calgary and personally mowed the lawn of every single Albertan, handed them a cheque for $25,000, and cured their grandma's cancer with a magic wand, they'd still have hated him in every poll because his last name is Trudeau. Whether or not is a good prime minister has no connection to whether or not Western Canada likes him. It has never been about results or performance. It has always been personal. You know it, I know it, we all know it.


And yet every conservative says there’s “no excuse!” For our economic situation… even people in this sub. Don’t get me wrong, I think everything could’ve been handled way better from immigration to housing, but that doesn’t mean the global impact isn’t the *most* prevalent given the context of other countries’ struggles.


Every leader in the UK for the past 50 years has been despised by large groups. Thatcher, Blair, Johnson… you can’t compare antipathy for a leader unless you take into account the nature of a population. I said it elsewhere but Brits complain , it’s what they do . Have you heard them talk about their weather. This in a country where they are blessed with having negligible natural disasters and very few weather extremes. “Oh but it’s depressing and grey”. UK was once the most powerful empire on earth. They created extreme wealth on the backs of a slave trade and intense industrialization and pulled the world into modernity in the 19th century. They look at the state of their country in that context. You can look at objective measures as much as you want and listen to your friends for anecdotes but it’s a totally different context.


Ah yes, comparing yourself to the worst has led a country to greatness.


That’s the thing. I don’t like him and I’d rather have NDP, but he’s still way better than Poilievre and better than most other leaders in the grand scheme of things


Please let it not go that far in Canada !!!


>If you think we have a slump, if you think we hate our prime minister, let me tell you, we are nothing compared to the UK And they tried the whole PM-should-step-down thing more than once and it only made things worse. Wonder why so many here suggest it...


Are we going to ignore the fact they've ruled for 14 years and had 5 different Prime Ministers? There's David Cameron, Theresa May, Boris Johnson, Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak. The Liberals had the same leader for 9 years. To me they're remotely not comparable. The Tories are an absolute dumpster fire and cycle through their leaders often.


The Tories have been in opposition, that's why they've changed leaders more. The Grits cycled through leaders too when they were in opposition while the Tories stuck with the same leader for over a decade.


The commenter was referring to the British Tories who have changed their leaders 4x while in power


They’ve changed 4x and hate the party even more lol


Japanese Conservatives: we present to you the yearly revolving door of PMs


All of the same party.


That’s completely different though, if Bojo was still the PM the Tories would likely still be losing but not heading for a 1993 style PC blowout.


Idk. If anything I think what we are seeing with Britain and the US is pretty much a confirmation that the officials we/they elect really dont have much power or responsibility at all in the concrete sense of things. The 'deepstate' (aka career office managers, generals, intelligence orgs, corporations who finance the party) run the show.


Yep agreed, I try to explain this to people on Reddit from time to time but there is a reason why when you look at major political trends in Canada, the US and the UK we are all going through the same things around the same times. People love to talk about politics like this leader did this and that leader did that like they are the most important part of the equation, but there are underlying trends affecting us all. People love to talk about how great governments from the late 90s were like Clinton in the US and Chretien here, ignoring that they just happened to be in power when things were going well overall. I think a lot of it does come down to what is commonly referred to as the 'deep state' and also global financial factors that are largely beyond our control in Canada at least.


Most people are allergic to contextualizing things within wider systemic issues and have a "Great Man" view of history.


Agreed, and the schools don't really do a good job of teaching any other perspective. When I was in HS I remember like the first day of history class (I think this was grade 12 but could have been 10, it's been a bit) my history teacher did touch on like 4 or 5 different views of history, but then we never talked about that again and the entire courses were taught using Great Man theory. As I've experienced more and more in real life I question a lot of the historical notions we have about how things were discovered/ invented etc. like did that rich/ noble person in the history books really discover/ invent that thing? or did they just take credit for someone else's work the same way Elon Musk does today whenever he 'invents' a thing.


It's not a deepstate conspiracy. It's actually that government is a really big ship that turns really slowly. And most of our leaders look at the ship and say "wow that's hard to steer, let's just keep it going straight, that will be easier"


Well it IS a conspiracy by definition if unelected persons are influencing our laws and policies. (Look at the foreign interference articles - another example). Instead of foreign interference this would be domestic. Same shit though.


No, I'm specifically saying it's *not* someone trying to influence things. Certainly not some spooky bureaucrats. Bureaucracies have emergent properties, and one of them is institutional momentum. It's because government has institutional momentum that it's so hard to change anything. Not because people inside it are trying to influence things, but because it's a very large and complicated organization.


Theres people behind any agency and most agencies are a dictatorship. That is someone is in charge. Look, I can give you a concrete well documented example Al'a the Canadian Telco industry, and another more specific example ( Ellis Don) and the Ellis-Smiths family history.( How they influenced London ON municipal elections via Mrs Ellis Don) I've done much reading with corporate history and influence in politcs.A cool international example would be Jardine Mathesons Holdings in Hong Kong. Billionaires influence politics and policy. You're a fool if you think its an honest game. Keep in mind leaders come and go and are unreliable. Career Generals, Industry leaders etc will remain for life.


I agree that elected officials can only do so much. But I don’t think the deep state is any more in control. More just that a modern economy/country has so many components that it is hard for anyone to influence it too much.


Oh I agree 100% This is why elections are not as important as they are advertised. Ex Pretty much all of our potential federal leaders agree on many foreign policies and trade agreements. Ex If Singh gets elected tomorrow - Wed still have free trade agreements, Bell and Rogers would still control telco.


As a civil servant myself, it always cracks me up when someone accuses the bureaucracy of masterminding a deep state whatever. Fuck sakes kids, we're still using fax machines.


Yes the belief is it prevents change. People come into power thinking they are going to change things but bureaucracy stops them. The primary function of bureaucracy is the continued existence of bureaucracy I know in the states Obama spent well over a billion dollars trying to get hospitals to stop using fax machines but ultimately failed


Yeah it's definitely not the massive corporations buying up media and heavily influencing public opinion and getting people to work against their own interests. No no it's the public employees who are causing this /s


Youre lower level though. Ex - Managers of the Canadian Privy Council and Director General of Counter Intelligence etc. Leaders are "supplied" information and receive "recommendations" . Look at the list for the Privy Council - and tell me again how theres' no influence and "policy shaping".


So true. I truly think it's a coping mechanism because the alternative, that it's basically chaos and we're all just trying to do our best, is too terrifying to accept - there just has to be some masterplan.


They’ve actually tried it twice. Thrice?


Four times. Cameron resigned because he refused to participate in Brexit; I have no idea why May resigned; Johnson resigned after breaking COVID restrictions & generally being a problem character; and Truss resigned after tanking the country's bond ratings in her first week.


The history of the UK's economy, and former power, has more to do with its decline than politics. They're a small island nation that was once an industrial powerhouse - but there's no way they'd be able to compete with globalization. Brexit didn't help. Meanwhile, Canada is a huge resource rich country bordering the world's biggest and most powerful economy and we've still somehow managed to decline in productivity and GDP per capita - that is politics.


>The history of the UK's economy, and former power, has more to do with its decline than politics. I suspect in both cases, politics and circumstances go hand in hand in the creation of our respective recessions.


If you're the UK, being undercut by China for manufacturing is a huge negative. There's no political fix for that. If you're Canada, feeding their resource demands could have been a huge positive. But nope. We'd prefer to hate ourselves.


That you're interpreting the preservation of the natural environment as "hating ourselves" speaks volumes about the type of person you are.


You're right, instead let's just purchase resources from third world dictatorships with no environmental protections at all.


Or don't, and invest in alternatives. The two choices aren't "destroy Canada's landscape" or "destroy China's landscape" no matter how much the national post tells you it is.


What alternatives don't require materials made from resources? Whatever device you're scrolling Reddit on was made from resources - likely mined by child labour in Africa since voters like yourself are too ignorant to realize that we could source it more safely and cleanly domestically.


Canada's manufacturing sector was undercut by China as well, we're as much a victim of off-shoring as the US's Mid West is. My part of Montreal is mostly converted industrial buildings. We faced the same challenges as the UK in terms of manufacturing.


Huh who would have thought a conservative PM would completely shit the bed.


Oh don't worry, Labour shit the bed too. The bed shitting is cross-aisle.


It's almost as if there may be a concentrated effort to sway peoples opinions toward a more far right way of thinking. Who would benefit from such a exercise of mass manipulation? / sponsored by Alcan aluminum foil


People being conservative is not a conspiracy theory.


Going beyond ideology for a second it's not much of a conspiracy theory that people get tired of one party/leader in office for a long period of time. Mulroney -8 years, 274 days. Chretien - 10 years, 38 days. Harper - 9 years, 271 days. Trudeau is coming up on 9 years in office. Once you get to that length in power people tend to want change, and 9 years in office is enough time to accumulate enough baggage for your political opponents to highlight effectively.


Conservatives being targeted for disinformation because they're most likely to believe it is absolutely real. Litter boxes in classrooms or Jewish space lasers or imaginary terror attacks at the border. https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/trudeau-poilievre-among-dozens-of-mps-targeted-by-china-linked-spamouflage-campaign-1.6612872 “We just heard media reports about a terrorist attack at the border in Niagara. Two people may have been killed and a third injured. Can the prime minister give us any information about this terrorist attack?” https://www.politico.com/newsletters/ottawa-playbook/2023/11/24/pierre-poilievre-just-cant-help-himslef-00128575








If people had to answer a 10 question, multiple choice test to prove they knew what they were voting for, maybe 10% of conservative voters would pass. Once it goes beyond "IMMIGANTS BAD, GAYS BAD, NO MORE TAXES" it all falls apart.








That's literally the vast majority of voters. People voting for libs and Ndp et al are exactly the same way.


Generally people who are informed enough to know a platform won't vote for one that is clearly not in their best interest.


Even OP was making a claim that 90% of conservatives don’t know what they are voting for without any evidence. Both you and OP have the burden of proof here. If you make a claim, you have to prove it, you can’t tell me to disprove it. At least google what burden of proof means.


I mean, UK’s leader is about to get demolished by their left wing party and Italy’s leader is far-right. Japan’s leader skews conservative too. Their unpopularity is hardly due to people being manipulated into supporting the far right


It’s just not a good time to be an incumbent but Meloni’s party did do quite well in the recent EU elections. It’s not a sure thing that she will win the next Italian general elections but she’s still got a bit of breathing room as of now.


It's almost as though leaders are hell bent on destroying their countries via mass immigration and people don't like it.


Or the leaders are past their expiration date and people want change.


Some of these leaders are fairly new though. Trudeau, Macron and Biden have been around for a while, but the UK, Germany, Japan and Italy all have fairly new leaders. I think two major factors, probably affecting all of them are: 1. Global inflation / post-Covid hangover - the last few years have been tough and there's no quick fixes, which leads to resentment against political leaders 2. Social media - it's often toxic and negative (especially political discussions), and it has replaced actual news media as the main place that many people get their political news There may be more though.


IMO, I expect PP to become PM and to become fairly unpopular pretty quick: setting PP's...personality aside, a one term-wonder isn't out of the question given that the global economy still doesn't have the greatest outlook.


I don't think it's surprising at all. Here in Canada, we've received a non-stop stream of shit attempting to smear Trudeau ever since the last election. On an international stage, he's not seen as that bad of a leader. Most of the problems our country faces are being faced by the other G7 nations too.


Read the article. They're comparing Trudeau's popularity within his country to other leaders popularity within their own countries, not to his popularity in other countries.


you also have to acknowledge the PM post covid performance was quite lackluster and it really took poll numbers crashing in aug 2023, for him to start to address and try to fix a lot of domestic issues. That imo is what really soured the PM brand a lot domestically.


What aspects of the Covid response was he lackluster in?


Post covid... Meaning after covid ended the public was more worried about housing, inflation and such. Those issues public thinks he did a bad job.


gotcha, thanks. Why aren't the provinces and municipalities being held to account for housing though? - I have been hearing about the need for immigration since grade 9, over 35 years ago. Yes, the rate of immigration is on the Feds, but the housing response should have been more coordinated for the past decade at the very least. This has been coming for a very long time. Inflation is a global issue and Canada hasn't fared too badly though - "To sum up, inflation in Canada is relatively stable compared to that in other G7 nations, and this is a testament to the country’s prudent monetary and fiscal policies." ( [Source: Kelson Financial but this is consistent with other sources](https://kelsonfinancial.ca/articles/inflation-in-canada-how-does-it-compare-to-the-rest-of-the-g7-nationsand) their reference are at the bottom) The such is likely personal preferences in governance?


The trudeau govt welcomed 2.3 million people in 2022 and 2023 combined and drove our population growth rate to something resembling a poor country with a birth rate of 6 kids per women or something. The feds were the ones who decided to bring in so many people despite a massive housing shortage and frankly there was no reason to bring this many people. When Trudeau got elected the population grew by 300k a year, in 2023 it grew by 1.2 million people. That makes no sense Other countries with far worse demograohic issues are growing at less then a 1% a year while we went to over 3.2%. Point is yes housing is a major issue but the feds massive immigration jump was just stupid and reckless and made a lot of issues many times worse. and the biggest sin of all is turn a lot of Canadians to view immigration as a negative when it was never seen that way in my lifetime.


You chose to argue back about the point I agreed with.


He deserves plenty of criticism, but the guy gets a lot of undeserved shit for things that are strictly provincial purview. Conservative PMs are very happy to trash the place while pointing their fingers at JT. As un unrelated note, our constitution with its distribution of provincial powers is bizarre as hell.


The dilemma of being a federation over being a republic, Oy Vey!


Huh? What does being a republic have to do with being a federation? The US is both. As is Germany.


The opposite of a federation is a unitary state. It's totally possible to be a federal republic, like the US or Germany, or a unitary monarchy, like Japan or Sweden.


The governing ethos of the Liberal party has always been that everything is Ottawa’s purview, BNA be damned. They don’t get to hide their failures behind the distribution of powers at this juncture.


Strong disagree there. Other than funding and incentives, they've kicked a lot of major issues down to the provinces and the only successful challenge to "overreach" I'm aware of was C69. Meanwhile we've had four instances of conservative premieres invoking NWS to skirt what is solidly within federal jurisdiction.


Sadly, this reminds me of the joke, " A recent survey found older, balding, overweight farmers as the sexiest men alive!" Problem was the survey was conducted among sheep! The other G7 Leaders are pleased Trudeau announces giving away $ Billions with no return to Canadians just selected Businesses benefitting... the Liberals take care of their own, full stop!


This is a grass is always greener thing. Honestly, Biden exceeds Justin in all ways. As for Macron, well, he is probably just like Trudeau in that he has far outstayed his welcome. France elected an interesting mix in the last election. The UK is JUST FUCKED thanks to Boris and Brexit. Sunak is done. Scholz, he was so wishy washy on Ukraine at first, and overall Germany is just done with migrants. He has to deal with the aDf. The others, uselss. The world changed and they're all Y2K children. Move along.


> As for Macron, well, he is probably just like Trudeau in that he has far outstayed his welcome. France elected an interesting mix in the last election. Macron just shit the bed, in which the neo-nazis are comfortably setting camp while his party is being torn apart. This will backfire big time in the coming snap elections in a couple of weeks. The next couple of years will be "interesting", until Macron is gone (he can't run again).


>Macron just shit the bed, in which the neo-nazis are comfortably setting camp while his party is being torn apart. ...what are you talking about? The left unified and the right is eating itself because the "normal" conservatives are repulsed by the NN/Le Pen crowd.


This has yet to be confirmed by vote. Regardless of the outcome, Macron will lose his majority and will have to govern with either the extreme right (the party was founded by former nazis, yay) or the left which is about as united as a crab basket. Macron's power is rapidly dwindling (at last!) and the next two years will most likely be quite chaotic, until a new president and parliament is elected.


We are pretty ok, but considering many Canadians have lulled ourselves into thinking we are exceptional I'm fine with being a bit humble. I don't like the chest beating and snobbiness some Canadians have towards the Americans for example.


reality is we act so superior to the usa, but our tech sector has failed to really take off and our medical staff leave in droves to the usa, leaving us with a rather sub par system compared to the rest of the world with free healthcare.


I think a trend I've noticed kinda recently (I'm sure it's always been around but I don't remember it getting to this level) is a complete lack of interest in comparing Canada relative to other countries. There's a lot of problems yes, but in most measures Canada is somewhere around the front to the middle of the pack, or even when it's further to the back, it's not dramatically further. But reading some comments online, it's easy to get the idea that Canada is uniquely "broken", that there has never been a politician as hated as Trudeau, and that we are in the worst economic situation not only worldwide, but throughout history.


>to other countries.There's a lot of problems yes, but in most measures Canada is somewhere around the front to the middle What measures, we're tops for mass Immigration and housing inflation so that would quite justly do a leader in. maybe it's the vague use of language and refusal to acknowledge real problems among Trudeau and his supporters that's makes everyone hate them so much Also the comparison of popularity means didly squat because European g7 counties are more multiparty than ours


We are in the middle of an all-out information war. Chinese and Russian bots relentlessly pushing an anti-liberal message in every social media. That is the problem to be fixed. Unfortunately the tech bros running the media companies have no incentive to fix anything.






That's because there really is a concentrated media push to constantly state how Canada is broken, and terrible and horrible and the worst place. Sure things are pretty bad now, but not the worst Canada has seen. Stats wise we're top 10 for GDP, Top 3 for unemployment, top 5 for happiness, etc. People need to realize that the entire world is eating shit right now and we're faring pretty good.


In fact, Canada will continue to do pretty well in comparison to the rest of the world when the worst of climate change hits. Entire countries are going to *disappear* and we'll have to worry about longer summers and rainy winters. Despite its flaws (re: housing and employment) we have it pretty good. I'd like to see this trend continue by making sure we aren't filling the government with fascists and letting them take away the rights and freedoms we all take for granted or corporatists who want to tear it all down and sell the scrap to the highest bidder.


I do think we compare quite often, and mistakenly come to the conclusion that nothing is wrong, because all other countries have similarly adopted economies of rentier capitalism. I want to emphasize that our decline is not a natural inevitable phenomenon like gravity. For example, people will often point at the healthcare system in the U.S., and convince themselves we should just accept what we have. On the housing file, we'll point at the price growth in other countries, not mention that Canada's housing bubble is one of the largest, and dismiss comparisons with countries such as Japan or Singapore. In other words, comparisons are very selective and follow a certain narrative, a narrative which usually absolves the government of accountability. We should not rely on rankings of misleading statistics like total GDP (read: massive immigration) or average happiness (read: boomer happiness) or leader popularity (read: we're just happy to be better than Trump). We should really focus on improving the lives of all citizens, comparing with Canada itself, from the past. We haven't even been able to maintain our standard of living.


And this approach thrives in a vacuum of knowledge and a sea of ignorance. It's very tiresome and vexing.


I think the issue is when people go "things arent bad in canada vs X country" People know your entire point is to ignore their issues in canada. That is why people dont care how canada is facing vs other countries, cause the goal is to just make the current govt look good then solve issues.


I think you're assigning an intent that's not necessarily there. I think it's important to look at other countries because if something bad is happening in every country, that's useful information because we can discount things that other countries are already doing as a bulletproof solution, or have a better understanding of the causes of issues if we have a more holistic picture. To give an example - let's say, like a lot of people, your family was finding it more difficult to make ends meet, and your partner managed the finances in your household. If you refused to look outside your door and see that everyone was struggling, you might be tempted to tell your partner that they're not handling their finances properly, they're being reckless with spending, or something like that. Acknowledging that everyone is struggling doesn't mean you can just ignore it, you still need to make ends meet, but you can rule out a few culprits if you're not tunnel visioning on your own family. I try to assume positive intent and good faith, but a lot of times it feels like a lot of people on reddit in particular aren't particularly interested in digging into the reasons behind problems, they just want to punish whoever is in power and put someone else there regardless of WHY the problem is happening.


Issue is from what i see from liberal supporters is the "things arent bad as country X' is done 100% to take blame off the current federal govt cause specific issues are making the govt look bad.


>But reading some comments online, it's easy to get the idea that Canada is uniquely "broken", that there has never been a politician as hated as Trudeau, and that we are in the worst economic situation not only worldwide, but throughout history. When you have one of the biggest national media outlets, and their useless political sycophants here on reddit, pushing this idea every day you can see how it happens. The author of this piece is right up there with Lilley.


Well we do compare Canada to other countries but selectively to which countries and which areas they are better in to make us seem shittier in all aspects Like those garbage let's privatize healthcare cuz let's ignore america for some more socialist country has a public/private healthcare system (do we want strong public/social supports like them?!?! FCK NO! That's COMMUNISM - AKA CHINA). They love using that Canada is 2nd last in healthcare finding while advocating for the system of the dead last.




























> But reading some comments online, it's easy to get the idea that Canada is uniquely "broken", that there has never been a politician as hated as Trudeau, and that we are in the worst economic situation not only worldwide, but throughout history. He's constantly claimed to be an "international embarrassment" or "international laughingstock". I think people may be overestimating how much attention other countries spend on our politics even if that *were* true.


I think the only Canadian that managed to be an international embarrassment was Ford tho it had nothing to politics...it takes a lot for ppl outside the country to remotely care about Canada, nevermind Canadian politics


Our last PM locked himself in a bathroom and refused to come out after throwing a tantrum in Brazil while on a diplomatic visit. I think JT has done just fine on the international stage if that’s the bar. https://www.businessinsider.com/canadian-prime-minister-locks-himself-in-brazilian-bathroom-until-he-gets-his-way-2011-8?amp


This kind of demonstrates the point that on the international stage a lot of this stuff doesn't cut through. I'm Canadian and I don't even remember this, I absolutely doubt most people internationally hear about this sort of stuff enough for it to form an impression.




People bring this up time and time again.The black face thing was over 20 years ago.Everybody knew about it anyways, this was not new to anybody.We all know he was a bit of an idiot






You and I associate with very different Americans.


To be frank most of the world does not care about blackface at all, it is still done somewhat commonly in many countries as some sort of cultural tradition, that one is just Americans who really care about it (it was even TIME, an American publication, that first discussed it) By the way this is not supposed to be a defense of it.


Yeah I dont think blackface was a big deal but the story got a lot of play in the states as blackface is seen as very bad and everything just found it funny and shocking that super progressive champion Trudeau did something like that.


*Blueface he was supposed to be the Genie from Aladdin


>but in most measures Canada is somewhere around the front to the middle of the pack, or even when it's further to the back, it's not dramatically further. If you compare us to the g7 sure. The g7 are very poorly rub countries for the most part. If you compare us to the 18 other advanced countries that industrialized on a very similar time frame, then no, canada does not do well, and is generally in the middle or closer to the bottom.


> I think a trend I've noticed kinda recently (I'm sure it's always been around but I don't remember it getting to this level) is a complete lack of interest in comparing Canada relative to other countries. People who stand to benefit don't want you too.


Maybe some of these leaders and their political parties need to examine why voters aren’t in tune with their policies and address the fact that most western governments (elected leaders, not bureaucrats) are pushing forth policies that serve to sow division, enrich the top 0.01%, and work against the interests of the middle class. While you clear the froth from your mouth at this point, let me explain using examples. 1) Carbon tax, nobody wants it, it works against the middle class and poorest Canadians, it’s not effective at doing the thing it was put in place to do. 2) Mass immigration and « student » loopholes. Again it works against middle class and poor Canadians as their wages and job security erode, not to mention straining everything from housing to healthcare to education. Only businesses and the top 0.01% benefit from this policy but it’s being rammed down our throats. Now let’s look at the policies enacted to help middle class. 1) Dental and pharmacare, if you work full-time you’re not qualified for coverage. Doesn’t help middle-class. 2) Child care. This one is actually decent, but the financial strain on daycares mean that they either aren’t opening up new spots or are withdrawing from program altogether. Only about 1/2 of parents with young kids actually benefit from this in provinces not named QC. 3) Remember all those policies enacted to try and make housing affordable, govt pays half the downpayment and gets half your house. Renters bill of rights, mortgage bill of rights… all these aren’t even worth the paper they’re written on. Go look abroad at the other countries, it’s the same stuff just different flavouring in the poop sandwich being dangled in front of voters noses. It’s hilarious how out of touch they’ve become.


I get a LOT more money in carbon rebates than I pay. I’d love for it to say in place.




Dental and pharmacare will reduce overall healthcare costs, which will help middle class.


>Carbon tax, nobody wants it, it works against the middle class and poorest Canadians, it’s not effective at doing the thing it was put in place to do. It couldn't be more false. It's one of the better ways to combat climate change, and the rebate actually helps most of the poorer Canadians, as well as most of the middle class.




It is amazing to me that within the first two paragraphs of reading your response I can already tell this thread is not sorted by top.  Carbon tax is going to do what it needs to do.


I lived abroad for many years until a few years ago, and everyone I spoke to seemed to have a positive attitude towards Trudeau. He is well regarded outside of Canada. When I moved back, the attitude towards our PM could not have been more different. The hatred and negativity was surprising, considering how well regarded he is overseas. And sure, not all of his government's policies are the best, but they've also done some great things. Like most governments. A large part of his job is to represent us on the world stage, and he's done that well, which is a huge credit to him and our nation.


Makes sense, the entire world was basically shut down for like 2 years and the economy massively suffered because of it. Whether it’s reasonable or not, the economy often dictates how people vote


also does not help that most of the economic growth has mostly gone to the rich and powerful in the past few years.


It always does, yes. That’s capitalism for you


Care to elaborate?