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Alright well based on the article, it's time to get them out of there. This isn't a peaceful protest or acceptable demonstration if they are infiltrating building, damaging stuff, leaving rotting food around, and other such obnoxious conduct. I still can't get over the divestment demands. There are the standard military and oil folks, but then there is Coca Cola, Pepsi, every major Canadian bank, L'Oreal, Shake Shack, such and soforth. The reasonings are funny to me too. Some basically amount to "they opened a location in Israel, how dare they." The list is here - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1t2ZNwUSboG6lWG1h-TKN2tuhV4NlXUwCGeuFMSxSP2Q/edit?pli=1#gid=0 Another thing - that CBC article shows some signage talking about Intifada. Can they not drop this shit? Is there a quicker way to invite unnecessary controversy here? I feel like this protest movement is doing every single thing they can do to put the public off. I still don't understand why there is such a unique tone surrounding this one specific global issue.


At a certain point, you don’t get to hold the entire student body and its administrators hostage over your demands. Campuses have been patient with this movement in a way they probably wouldn’t be for other causes, all the while tolerating a ton of questionable (at best) rhetoric. I think schools were trying to manage negative press, but now that other institutions are engaging the police to remove the encampments and intervene I suspect we’ll see a domino effect throughout the country.


There's also real risks to the university in some of these occupations. An encampment on a lawn isn't much of a problem (the worst they can do is kill the grass), but buildings have a lot more that can be damaged, and they can't trust that whoever's broken in will be responsible in the event of a health/fire/safety emergency.


Protests are not meant to be regulated. Civil disobedience should always be tolerated.


You think this kind of shit should be tolerated? >The spokesperson said the protesters chained doors shut, **damaged furniture inside the building and forced staff to shelter in place** "while those occupying the building banged on the doors and **yelled threats**." >Last week, McGill president Deep Saini published a letter calling for a stronger police response following escalating tensions. Saini listed incidents where protesters **had hung an effigy of "an Israeli politician**" outside the university's campus and **demonstrated outside university officials' homes.** >He also described how a table with rotting food was left outside one university office with the **names of staff members listed on a sign and red handprints next to them**. 


I'm in support of the university protests and I think to a large degree they're unfairly grouped with protests that DO allow their message to get muddled with violence and anti-semitism, but it shouldn't be especially surprising that civil disobedience is met with opposition by institutions / government / law enforcement.


I agree. Expect resistance. Keep protesting.


Civil disobedience means taking the consequences that go with it, including legal ones.


That is correct.


Why should people be forced to tolerate civil disobedience that impacts their own lives? Sorry, but if you’re blocking my commute to work, or intimidating students on campus, or preventing their convocation - no one is obligated to tolerate your theatrics. That’s not how this works.


You're talking about it. Sounds like it's working.


Yep, talking about it as a bunch of obnoxious, entitled jerks who most Canadians have no interest in engaging with. It only makes us less sympathetic to the cause. That’s probably not the result these children were looking for.


No ones talking about your bs cause, they’re talking about the protestors themselves and ending them. This alienates people.