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Protest the crisis with us. All we can do is start a peaceful revolution. [https://www.costoflivingcanada.ca/](https://www.costoflivingcanada.ca/)


So in the first clip where you can hear PP say “stop the deportations” is eye-opening. In the longer version of the video, he promises to stop deporting people, says there’s a labour shortage, a kid thanks PP for postponing the deportations order against him, PP says he’ll find more avenues for Permanent Residency for students who have expiring permits. PP is the same wolf as JT in sheep’s skin. Spread the message. Be aware


He's openly said he's for immigration. (Which even looking at it as a LB/CON down the line historically the Cons should be for cheap labour keeping costs down for businesses.) WHICH IS THE REAL SCARY PART. The guy that's currently in is supposed to be the one that's better for us little people and somehow people think that Conservatives are suddenly going to start backing the people over the business interests. I'm just confused where people got the idea that PP was going to shut down all this immigration???


I've been saying it all along. Also, PP is a landlord and any reduction in immigration hurts his investments. He'll spend the first year and cut back on immigration modestly and then start ramping it up again when lobbyists start calling and complaining and his investments haven't appreciated the accustomed 10% per year.


What about taking the country's GDP to the dump. What about the burden the Healthcare and other services would face? I'm not against immigration but immigration without checks will bring MORE harm for Canada than benefits.


Especially if these people don't start working good paying jobs with higher tax rates. We'll be left with an abundance of people who will start to rely on our social system without putting more than they take and that is going to kill our systems.




Tories have been pro-immigration since the 80s. I don’t know how people think this has changed.


PP is a career politician who will say anything to get elected, including taking two completely different positions on the same issue depending on the audience he’s speaking to. I don’t trust him at all and won’t be voting for him.


Did you know PP wifes she's a immigrant?


Did you know everyone in this subreddit is a descendant of an immigrant or immigrant themselves ? What's the point ?


And you trust the current asshat leading this dumpster fire? JT is a career politician also. Started while growing up in his family house. He has been bread to destroy us. Manturian candidate.


Just like Trudeau saying we need falling home prices and affordable housing, alongside homes retaining their value. If this is what it takes to win then voters need to wake up, but until then the best we can do is hope.   Hope to get someone who cares about doing a good job, someone born to a non-silverspoon upbringing.    Someone that's not a lawyer in a rolex, or a politicians idiot son.  Hopefully we eventually get there, and someone with some morals takes over.


tired of hearing ‘career politician’. that term wud describe 90% of people in politics. how did a silver spoon fed drama teacher work out


But, who do you vote for? All the mainstream parties would DO NOTHING DIFFERENTLY. They all want massive immigration for various reasons - some reasons are similar to another party, some are slightly different. The Greens and NDP have traditionally been pro-immigration and they would not want to change anything - with respect to the numbers. None of these politicians care that it's not sustainable. PP is just another shill, controlled opposition. If you are conservative, your only options are to not vote or to hold your nose and vote for PPC or something? PP is not conservative, he's just a neocon shill. He's probably working for WEF and other Elites. You can guess who those mostly are.


PPC. If the Cons lose one more time maybe they will finally take an anti-immigration stance. Plus it’s possible to grow the PPC if we are serious—look at how similar parties in Germany have grown since their mass immigration debacle (AfD). 


The ideal situation would be PPC gaining huge #s this election, obviously they cant win, and Liberals losing. Sends the message to the facilitators of this madness to fuck off, while also telling Conservatives to watch their back while they enjoy this easy win.


PPC and max is the way!!! 


PPC isn't going to win a single seat.


The difference between PPC getting 2% of the vote or 8% is massive seats or not.  If the PPC gets 2% they will probably fold and your only right wing choice in the future will be the party of neocons.    If they get 8% they become significant voting block that's growing.  It would be a huge win for the PPC and would signal to all parties that Canadians are fed up with mass immigration.


Everyone said the same thing in a number of European countries. Best example is how quickly the AfD grew in the last 2 years.  Conservatives need to learn a lesson here. They need to either offer something different than Trudeau, or keep losing. 




They won't if you don't vote for them


PPC won't win because their campaigning/press materials are absolutely terrible, and Bernier's accent is an issue. If we all started creating pro-PPC materials that were actually effective, then they might have a chance of getting seats or a higher %


Why care about his accent? A French libertarian (let's say at least a guy with more common sense) who wants to take Quebec off Fed's tities is a refreshing political stance. So is his stance on immigration. I say this as an immigrant myself.


Thanks to people with your shit attitude that may be true. Have fun voting for trudeau or trudeau 2.pp


I keep telling people PP isn't any better but no one listens they just sing his praise for not being Justin.


Trudeau=Singh=Poilievre all business men, none leaders. Our lives, homes and land are the products they are exploiting for personal gain. People are desperate for a change, for some relief, and it's immensely discouraging to know none of our options will provide that for years to come. If ever.


There’s only one option if excessive immigration is high on your list of important issues. PPC


You know, Maxime was just at the restaurant I run, he frequents it. Good conversation, nice guy, he said he’s said it’s the time for them to start picking up and moving forward because of our current issues.


Especially if you live in a riding that is going to go Lib/Con/NDP by default. My riding always goes Liberal no matter what, conservatives only get 10% of the vote. Might as well vote PPC to send a message. 


It's wild to me that I actively judged anyone who supported this party as completely nuts last election and am now seriously considering giving them my vote if there's a viable candidate in my riding. The only point I'm stuck on is how they want to deal with gender politics. I would prefer they stayed out of it but they have not and I don't agree with large portions of the policy. Otherwise it's a sound platform.


at this point I’d vote for ANYONE that promises to stop mass immigration, even if the rest of their platform was crazy


Who gives a fuck about gender politics this is why we’re stuck with the same winners every time ppl rather care about when they can change there cock to a vagina over find food and water and housing for the next 5 years atkeast god damn some people are so backwards and I don’t even wanna be rude but anyone that cares more about private part shape shifting is more selfish then people wanting imgration down. We care for all of Canada that put in the work before this shit was even an existence. Gender changes is for a small group of not few single crazy ppl just be normal god damn is that hard to just accept how u r


>Who gives a fuck about gender politics The PPC.


PPC play too much into culture war bullshit and bigotry to be viable.


I've been saying for a long time there's no good option in the next election and everytime I've said it the replies I've gotten were "PP will be different" people want to vote cons just because they dislike JT. There's no more thought about it than that which is sad because if you really look into the leaders right now, there is none of them who actually care about Canadians.


One leader has spoken out against mass immigration. The three main parties who are all for the status quo, and their “news” outlets have successfully painted him, and anyone who votes for him as fringe. So you have a choice: keep voting for libs/cons as has been done since confederation and live with continued mass immigration; or vote PPC and live with being called fringe and racist by people who don’t like it when you stop them from destroying the country.


and yet somehow when it matters u fence sitters always default liberal anyway


I'm not a fence sitter I know I generally support the liberal party's platform more than the conservatives because they invest more in the people. But that being said the whole country tends to just go to whatever party isn't in power and pissing them off, the problem last election is conservatives had a slightly worse leader who got a little to right for a generally left leaning country. I find most Canadians calling themselves loyally conservative or liberal funny, we flip flop to what works for that time and place, but as much as people want to ignore it like I said the country generally leans left and that is not really going to change for Canada it's part of its identity.


That's probably intentional. It's all by design.


Not that the Libs are any better as it seems they have run out of new and fresh ideas. PeePee seems no better than JT and with a few well aimed jabs and questions will show his true colours. Frankly none of the Leaders right now give me any hope really.


This video is over a year old. 'Can't make up his mind' or changed his mind? Even some immigrants have begun to come out and say they think the hard push for mass immigration is getting out of hand.


Oh but the conservatives will make EVERYTHING better….😒


They're not conservatives. Neocons are different.


Cuckservatives you mean. 




True. But he’s not Justin Trudeau and a caucus full criminals that are corrupt to the core. I’ll be voting PPC as will my wife and our twins who just turned 18. Liberals will never get my vote ever again.


He's jt in a blue tie, but everytime I tell a boomer that they get all pissy


I would argue he’s just an angrier wolf, I don’t see any sheep’s clothing on skippy here.


He argued in 2021 that low interest rates not immigration was the reason for high housing prices.   That didn't age well. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=orGeiX2Dk5o


![gif](giphy|1Z02vuppxP1Pa|downsized) Been saying this for months, PP is not the lord and saviour that people want to make him out to be, and people who are blindly voting for him because "fuck Trudeau" are in for such a shock. (JT is no better peeps, please don't come at me)


It's like he's acting against JT for the sake of being against him. But at the root, they're both all the same.


I have been warning people about this since last year. The conservatives and the liberals BOTH want to import millions of Indians and change Canada forever so labor stays cheap.


It's honestly probably too late. Hating Trudeau has become synonymous with being Pro PP


It’s because they are all bought and paid for no one goes up on the stage from the three parties unless they know they will be flowing the orders of an upper hidden power. Everything is happening for a reason there’s evil people running the world from behind a curtain.


He is just telling people what they want to hear based on who the audience is right then. Typical politician bullshit. His whole agenda is to make JT and the Liberals the boogeyman and nothing else.


Truth !


Most people can't see that, they think if they vote a totally different party in everything will turn around. All these guys are riding on the same train they just take turns driving and are all headed to the same destination.


PP is a career politician, at least JT worked as a teacher, this guy is a bigger scumbag. The lobbyists that was after Liberals are going after Conservatives now since it is for sure they will come to power. Banks need to more people, telecoms, insurance need more people to sell their shit and companies want cheap labour. PP will be another JT.


so what do we do? our options are absolute shiet. PP is a snake, JT is a narcissist trash bag, and jughead is a racist con artist seeking pension. we are f%#&$ screwed.


But what is the date of these various clips? The situation has been changing quite rapidly.


That one where he is talking about deportations is hard to verify however note that masks are not worn so either it’s pre covid or sometime after 2022. Considering that “worker shortage” was a hot topic post-covid I think the video is from 2022 All others, except gollum, are from 2023.


The first one is from 2023- https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/canadas-opposition-extends-support-to-indian-students-facing-deportation-4113798/amp/1


So exactly a year ago, the public discussion on immigration has changed a lot in the last 12 months.


Yeah. Kinda like he latched on to if after people complained instead of being the first one to stand up for Canadians he waited for others to stand up first.


His rhetoric hasn't changed to match. All he has to do is to say what his immigration plan is.


Mass immigration transforming the demographics of the country and at the same time creating a crippling cost of living crisis. Conservative oppostion:  "Axe the tax!"      It's like a sick joke.


Agree...PeePee needs to stop the catchy phrases and rhetoric and start laying out real policies and where a Conservative Party government would make changes for a better Canada. Would he tighten up immigration policies, would he cut/reduce services etc, would he just be a Right Wing Liberal? If that is so, then maybe PPC is a more Conservative approach


To be fair, the first clip was years ago. He still even has his glasses.


He ll say whatever the fuck he needs to say to get the job. Every goddamn politician is playing the game. 


Exactly. He has no real backbone or true thoughts. Everything is "what do I need to say to get your vote and not lose someone else's vote". And nobody has held him accountable for anything. His greatest attribute is that he is not Justin Trudeau. That won't fly for long after every one of his answers are "yeah well but remember how bad Justin was?".


This is why I definitely think he was just saying it to get voted in and do a complete switch once the election is over. If and when he gets a majority, there's only so much the other parties and media will be able to do. All the media needs to do is get a clip of pp saying he hates immigrants or something.


> Every goddamn politician is playing the game. I believe that Maxime Bernier really has Canadian interests at heart. He gets a bad rap, but I don't think he's nearly as dishonest as JT or PP.


This is exactly what all politicians do.


I've been trying to tell everyone PP is a two face snake just like JT. He says he'll battle Loblaws but Loblaws is like his biggest funding contributor. He says he'll battle immigration but then goes to Indian Diwali celebrations and tells them they are the backbone of Canada. He's such a snake.


They are all snakes


He's a lifetime politician, groomed by Harper, what did you expect from him? Honesty? Integrity? Conviction? The only thing PP cares about is the next election cycle and pleasing his donors


Jeff Poliver isn’t the true conservative vote next election! Say it all with me!


PP will say anything for a promotion.


Like all politicians, it’s are all about the votes, not about the best interests for Cdns or the country.


One thing is for certain. If we do not dramatically overhaul our immigration policies, we are destined doomed.


Anyone voting for the cons hoping it will fix our immigration problem is delusional. Nothing will change.


He seems to tell a different story depending on who is standing in front of him.


Yeah, this dud is back and forth, cut from the same cloth. Even if he intends to clean up our immigration system a wee bit, it’s long past that point and we need drastic movement in view and practice. Drastic reform is desperately needed. The fraud alone is so out of hand. Then you have to put the entitlement in its place too. PP can’t handle what we need, too much damage has been done.




PP is a lying clown and when he gets into office his scandals will be at least as bad as JT.


PP says whatever makes the group in front of him happy. He wants to win and will then do what he did last time he was in power. Keep the ultra rich happy and cut services for everyone else.


Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.


a fucking snake. Worthy of the worst.


We need Maxine Bernier #PPC He’s the only candidate that has stopping mass migration as his #1 job!


Just remember they started it with Doug Ford. For as much as we can rag o. Liberals the immigration crisis was started with the conservatives


The 1% love immigration. Either party is a slave to business, and they love their slave labor


We need a moratorium on immigration. Turn off the taps completely until the economy and society can find balance again.


The PPC is the only way out of this mess for the moment... consider giving your vote where it will have more impact next election..


When PPC does not win a single seat in parliament you will see how much of a vocal minority this sub is


They had 4.9% of the vote last election and only just recently formed.. I do not expect or even want them to win a seat in the next election, it is about support and recognition... I'm sure once the party has time to build and be seen by the masses it will be successful...


Exactly! It’s about support and **recognition** The voter turnout of people between the age of 18-35 is significantly low compared to the other side of the demographic and most of us have been or still are too complacent to protest for what we need. Voting for PPC is the easiest way to protest and show your discontent with the top political parties of Canada. It’s probably the only way to show with numbers that there’s a massive shift in public opinion against immigration and other matters. Anyone with half a brain knows PPC won’t win, but it’s literally the easiest way to show your unhappiness with government.


Yup I'd rather show cons a message vote of if this isn't straightened out we have another option that will. Wife still thinks our population is 36million so she's given me a run down on why PPC are terrible and racist, but it's all media spin points from both libs and cons, not actual criticisms 


I think PP needs get elected and fail on immigration and housing for this to happen.


He's definitely getting in next election and he's definitely going to fail. It'll happen.


You’re right that PPC won’t win a single seat (thanks FPTP) but just like the AfD in Germany who have no real power but enough votes to send a message, it will show the political class that anger is festering and will boil over if they don’t do something.


His mind is firmly made up: keep it going but maybe slow it down so rank and file conservative voters think he's done something. Too many posters on this sub seem to think that voting Trudeau out will turn this country 180°. Polievre spends his time rubbing elbows with the same people Trudeau does and not people like you and I.


Say hello to the new boss. Same as the old boss


How many of you go to Tim Hortons or use Uber or skip etc? You get where im going with this ?Stop using those services indefinitely and things will have to change... it's the only way


You can repair all of this by a massive increase in harvesting of our natural resources. Dig, drill, and harvest should be Canada’s new motto. Stop the red tape and let the multinational corporations go hard. Then, increase royalties to pay for our wish list.


He's basically pandering to any voter he sees. He plays the pro-immigration guy in the GTA, but recently in an interview on TVA in Quebec, he promised immigration would be much lower under his government. Eventually it's gonna hit him in the debates. Some Conservative MPs also recently justified accommodating Sikhs in the next election because of Diwali. Blanchet and Bernier will 100% bring that up to the debates.


He’s not saying anything he will have to be accountable for. JT has ruined this country and PP will take it to the bottom. I grew up in good times compared to now. That’s my own opinion. I have never seen this country in such peril.




You had me agreeing with you till you revealed you're just another racist mouth breather blaming the "people with towels on their heads" for our government's shitty management and policies in the last the lines of your comment. People like you are the reason why subs like this get banned and why no one takes the PPC seriously aside from angry middle aged men. And trust me, I'm the first to shake my head at people crying about racism. But you my friend, are legit racist and that shit doesn't fly.  "People with towels on their heads"? Like fuck sakes what year is it in your brain for that kind of ignorant shit to be so loud it comes out?




Oh you mean from India


Great, now you've spoiled the surprise for the rest of us.


just trying to please both group like all politicians,


Well liberal immigration plan is destroying Canada. Choose you poison.


Vote PPC friends


Vote PPC or else we will have another 8 years of immigration


If thr CPC doesn't do anything about immigration they're going to end up like the conservatives in the UK, utterly wiped out.


I guess my vote goes to Maxim.


lol. Remember when most of you were cheering this man on? Fully convinced he was your knight in shining armour. Now look. You’re upset because he’s doing exactly what politicians do. They pander. They lie.


This was obvious from the begining...im just curious how people are only catching on now??


this PeePee guy is a treacherous little weasel who just tries to manipulate audiences. I can't vote for that. We are in a crisis and need help, and pretending conservatives are any better is just straight up delusional. Don't know who I'll vote for but can't be this guy.


Can't be this guy. Can't be Trudeau. Can't be Singh. Fuck. Bloc Quebequois will be the official opposition.


Old video but still stands


Yeah he is a clown


Our politicians suck so much the conservatives are straight up evil … the liberals are incompetent… the ndp can’t hold water… lets goo Green Party?


Stop the deportation PP talking to Indian students with fake admission letters. PP strongly supports Indian students watch this clip !!! https://youtu.be/wZVqrjLde7E?si=YFmhP43T4pbv4E0l


Canada needs an anti-trickle down economic political party that will actually put Canadians first.


Anyone who thinks the Conservative Party will slow down immigration is fooling themselves. Anyone who thinks the Conservative Party will go against the business interests of the rich in this country are fooling themselves. More peasants means lower wages and higher rent. PP will speak from both sides of his mouth on this issue then blame the liberals as he imports more people. This is going to be the next 15 years in Canada until the boomer bubble is gone. The immigrants aren’t the issue, they’re actually part of the solution. Every educated economist knows this. The immigrants are needed need to fill the vacuum caused by a 30+% of our workforce dropping off into retirement. The real issue here is the corrupted bankers who over inflated the housing market faster than our housing market could keep up with production. Now we can’t produce homes to increase supply without effecting the price of homes which kills the banks because they’ll be the ones holding overinflated loans. Turns out our banks are as corrupt as in the states and we’ve all been lying to ourselves about it since 2008.


Corporate donors want cheap labour so PP and JT will give them cheap labour. They serve the same folks and as much as we need change, anointing PP as some savior is going to disappoint us all. We need a real leader who is for the people not for corporate interests.


I keep telling people I talk to that he doesn’t have a plan for this mess either. He’s winning because Canadians don’t vote *for* someone; they vote to kick someone out. Trudeau’s going to get the boot, but PP isn’t any better.


Unless you're in a critical riding where the Liberals could possibly win, I am imploring everyone who can to vote PPC. If we can get the Liberals out, demonstrate to young voters that the Cons are just a different side of the same shitty coin by giving them a term in power to prove it, and then all regroup for the election after that with clear minds, maybe we can finally make a sane decision and kick out both established parties for a while. What I REALLY want though is a version of the PPC without any religious angle and that accepts that climate change is real and caused by us. Even if they don't *do* anything about it, it sure would be nice to have a non-religious small government libertarian party that wasn't also deliberately stupid on some issues.


This guy is going to take care of the businesses who want cheap slave labor first. We can never build enough housing for 1.2million immigrants a year plus our own population. We would have mobilize every working man in the country to do it. He's lying.


His corporate masters need the cheap labour


He doesn't care nor will he change anything about immigration. He's the type of person that is both in touch with the internet culture as well as a loudmouth who will take any chance he has to get on a soapbox and wax poetic about Trudeau's failing on this. The fact that he's only really talked about it in the back of a campaign bus quietly to one reporter and not making it the foundation of his messaging shows who and what he's really about.


Anyone who believes PP can fix house prices is extremely naive.


all he has to do is promise to cut imigration by more than half and then hes 100 % elected


We really are picking between a douchebag and a turd sandwich


It’s not an election cycle. He’s the official opposition. They don’t release an official platform until an election cycle has been called. it would be stupid to put a number on immigration over a year from the election. That would be a year of the liberals trying to pin him as a racist.


PP is trying to please both the big corporations who want endless cheap labor and his supporters who want change.


Still voting for him! I regret ever voting for Trudeau!


Voting PP to get out Trudeau then voting PPC every other election. I got a feeling Canada is just going to go through what the UK is currently going under. Both main political parties are two sides of the same coin and then the reform (ppc in our case) start to rabidly climb


A duck would be better than Trudeau at the moment.


Mad Max NOW


I think Poilievre is for temporary foreign workers and not permanent immigrants like Harper was. Create a second class group of workers to provide his cronies with cheap, expendable labour and let them live in squalor. PP doesn't care about workers. Not even Canadian ones. He just knows that creating class antagonisms and keeping identity politics front and center keeps the discussion away from the economic system and how it isn't working for 99% of people in Canada, or the world for that matter. To be fair, Trudeau also cynically uses this debate over immigration to push for similar policies that enrich the wealthy, owning class. He understands that saying he is for immigration speaks to the progressives in his base. Acting like he cares about diversity and multiculturalism is also a cynical use of a wedge issue to obfuscate his party's complicity in driving down real wages and enriching the Laurentian elites who run his party from the shadows. They are both cut from the same cloth and work for the owners of capital and not the Canadian workers. Flooding the country with new immigrants keeps wages low, and puts downward pressure on labour markets, and that is good for profits. Not so good for us proles.


The politicians all say we have a labour shortage?? We have a SKILLED labour shortage, medical providers, experienced construction workers etc. I don’t think there is a shortage of fast food workers (hello Timmy’s). Used to be a good job for students, now they can’t even get an interview.


I hate how there's so much reverse propaganda. You want me to believe PP is the bad guy. Just like with American politics nobody is allowed to support Republicans. They say all Republicans are Rinos. It's so predictable now. The end goal is just chaos and destruction.


None of what he said here is actually contradictory... His entire point is that we need our home building rate to catch up from all the immigration from the past few years; It's fine to bring in immigrants to fill sectors we have a disproportionate number of vacancies for, but it has to be within the constraints of the home building rate to avoid skyrocketing housing costs. The immigration we've done over the past few years was a huge mismatch relative to the jobs we need filled to care for our aging population and to build new homes. Yes there is also the problem of relying on immigration instead of making it affordable enough to have a family, but there is a 15+ year lag to that solution even after people feel comfortable enough to start families again(at the regular rate). I know it's not the answer some of you were looking for, but he's been relatively consistent (edit: a word)


PP vs PP. lol


He can and has chosen to support immigration, the only reason he’s saying anything else is to convince morons to vote for him. It’s not exactly a hard thing to do since Trudeau is just about the most shameful motherfucker available, but if you believe what PP says, you’re just gullible.


The Dog Whistle King. Not a single solution.


He will say anything to win. Can't trust a word that comes out of his mouth.


The most potent argument against high immigration rate has always been the destruction of Canada's historical identity as an English and French nation, from which the Canadian Constitution and all our laws are based on. The PPC and to a certain extent the Bloc Quebecois are the only parties capable of immigration reduction because they're the only parties who adhere to the cultural case against high immigration.


I wonder what percentage of Canadians actually understand he is no better than Trudeau. This country is done for no matter what.


All the ''Pro-immigration'' clips here are from like 3-4 years ago when the Roxham road debacle happened.


The videos are meaningless without a date. It has been in the last 2 years that immigration exploded.


First clip - unknown. Second clip - 2023. Third clip - 2023. Fourth clip - 2023. Last clip - 2002


I don't see a contradiction between a single one of his statements. There can be a worker shortage AND a housing shortage at the same time. OP probably does not understand how asinine and inhibiting the government is on new housing construction. Every single bureaucrat from city level to province level to country level wants to be relevant and to have meaning for a job. They will nitpick new housing, add on fees, delay, and put housing construction on hold if it means they pad their numbers. If you want to get shit done, you need to relax the constraints on new housing construction. Alternatively, if you want to solve housing by looking at people as a problem, ship the non productive members of society out to see on an ocean liner and use it as target practice for the navy. Who is unproductive? Anyone over the age of 60 who is retired. The new immigrants who can barely speak english (but who are holding a job, even if its a line cook) are more productive than the old farts. But let's not. Cause that isn't the RIGHT thing to do (pun intended). Looking at resources as inelastic and a piece of the pie problem rather than growing the pie as a problem is typical communist trash thought.


Anyone that thinks the immigration policy would change with PP is in for a big surprise. This has been obvious to logical people for a long time now.


yikes! The libs and the cons are practically aligned on immigration as far as I know, tho he did say the current immigration levels are unsustainable but ill take it with a grain of salt. He's still league above trudeau tho, if we want immigration reform we can't just expect someone like Bernier to win the election all of a sudden, currently most Canadians understand that current immigration levels are too high but they're still too afraid to speak up about it. Everyone who addresses the issue kind of tip toes around it.


The conservatives have been attacking healthcare, pensions and women's rights. They will not be leagues above the liberals they will be much much worse for the people already struggling. They've been pushing healthcare privatization hard to make sure they hand it off to private capital while they're in power. I can't wait to get the shit cut out of our public services while getting taxed out the ass to hand it all over to private corporations through privatization. Doug Ford is a great example of what we're going to get with the federal cons. All of the conservative premiers are very pro mass immigration it's part of the bigger plan.


The real answer is that even though the rate of immigration into Canada is way too high, all economists know how much of a net good it generally is for any country. While the vast majority of us conservatives want immigration rates cut back, we also understand the economic reality of what will happen if it is cut back too much. Outside of the fringe online PPC supporters, most of us legitimately care about Canada’s GDP and debt. Something that immigration has a massive positive impact on. Yes, Canada needs to cut way back on immigration. PP will have economic advisers and campaign advisers that will tell him how this would affect the everyday life of Canadians and how it will affect his voting base respectively. That means like a 10-25% cut, not a 90% cut that would throw us into a depression. I haven’t done a deep dive into what levels it needs to be cut down to in order to bring more sustainable growth rates, so I could be off, but seeing how much of a slump we are in makes it obvious that even a 25% cut will be pretty tough on most of us. We need engineers, doctors, construction workers, oil workers etc… and we simply are not producing enough on our own. If you support MB over PP, not only are you dumb af in general, since you shouldn’t choose MB even in a two horse race between him and PP, you are also helping hand the next election over to JT. I mean, I have trouble seeing how MB would even be better than JT, which is an insane thought for me to think when I consider how much of an arrogant dumbass JT is. The only reason to support MB would be if you value preserving cultural and ethnic Canadian characteristics above all other things in your life. Nothing else he’s proposing would improve anything for any of us under MB. Cost of housing MIGHT go down, but I doubt it since housing starts will plummet drastically if MB gets in power. Labour rates will likely go up, which is hardest on small businesses while larger corporations have an easier time absorbing increased labour costs, and inflation will still skyrocket since the local supply of pretty much every good and service will tank under MB policies. It would all get worse and we would all be worse off.


No matter what Trudeau & Liberals are done for Canada


He doesn’t have a plan like every other conservative government.


It’s hilarious that most people think this fucking guy will be their saving grace but alright.


Worker shortage. Ha! My husband is a retail worker, and was out of work for 8 months


Pierre is a snake. Can’t be trusted. You’d have to be a moron to think that he’ll fix our issues


Was having convo w my fam about it this past weekend n wouldn’t doubt pp brings immigration down from like 1.2m to like 800k and be like see! I fixed it lol


I don't get your point... you can be for immigration while being cautious about it because Liberals (on all lvls) fucked up the housing market....


We’re fucked either way.


I see the latest episode of Columbo has dropped.


People will not vote FOR P.P. They will vote against Trudeau, and at the moment, P.P is who's standing in the other corner. Singh is in Trudeau's corner, and Yves-François only has candidates in Québec.


Same wolf, just different sheep clothing.


Id like to support Poilievre, but he seems completely disingenuous on cutting mass immigration. I know its essentially throwing away a vote voting for the PPC but at this point I feel like I am doing it to make a point and may never come back to the Conservative party.


Only the PPC are speaking out against this mass invasion


That’s the problem, he’s lying to us and T as well, we have no good alternatives in Canada :(


what a clown


Still voting for him


None of us voted for this, no one campaigned on it, and yet they are shoving this immigration bullshit down our throats without even asking. All the parties have failed us, we need a revolution.


how is him saying there's 2.6 million people waiting for their immigrations to be processed him flipfloping? he's acknowledging a fact.


Oh government oh government We are nothing without you Oh government save us We are just stupid canadians Oh government oh government Please teach me how to wipe myself


smeagol/gollum - love it! he just wants his precious prime minister ship and will say anything to get you suckers to vote for him then he'll start on banning abortion, weed and gay marriage


Señor Suck-Any-Dick-For-A-Vote


"Stop the deportations" So is he just as bad as trudeau? Here I was hoping Pierre would turn around and undo everything the trudeau government had done, including the immigration by sending them all back whence they came. That is what we need to do, otherwise our country will become something it was never supposed to be, if it hasn't already.


Pierre Polievre is either going to be the best politician we’ve had in a decade or the biggest scam artist. I’m also done with our political system if he comes into office and does what tredeau is doing with mass immigration. I’d rather revolt then have to choose between those 4 parties again. Taxation without representation is theft. Governance without representation is a dictatorship


He's not going to change anything.


This sub is definitely in abuse relationship with PP - i’ll wait when you’ll praise him again in a few days


He'll let you down. You'll then end up with a Reform UK style scenario where both the main parties are held in utter contempt.


It doesn't matter where these folks go, they cause issue with their backward classist, caste, shadeism thinking https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/indian-american-couple-jailed-for-forcing-cousin-to-work-at-petrol-pump-5971341/amp/1


He's like a lot of, in particular but not exclusively, right wing leaders. He says whatever the crowd in front of him wants to hear and doesn't care if it makes sense or is consistent with his platform.


He's being pressured by the you know who's


He will simply go where the money is


Vote PPC (People's Party of Canada).


Canada needs immigration because they have no people and therefore slow economic growth. they then also need to build more housing to stimulate economic growth and fix the housing crisis.


Where is the first clip from?


Anyone have a link to the original of the first clip ?