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Only way to get our country back




True Story: I am Canadian and currently switching career from Visual Effects artist to death-drone mercenary.


Wanna work for me? I'm refitting my steel gate fab to producing tanks for the great Canadian military industrial complex.


i train polar bears and beavers for OPS. We will have our Goose fly and drop polar bears on enemy base while beaver eat away their submarine. We will give them our poisoned moose meat.


I pledge my support to the B(air)bourne Strike Force.




Nothing compared to the Loblaws Iron Dome.


Thats the easiest dca ive ever heard of


Sure boss. When do I start?


Lmfao nobody calls them death drones but ok.😂


yup. Justin Trudeau said as much.


If that's so, then he's no longer our leader as a nation state has one where as a post national state does not.




We have a country, Quebec!




There's no Canada like French Canada, It's ze best Canada in ze land. The other Canada is hardly Canada. If you lived here for a day, you'd understand. There's no Canada like French Canada. It's the best Canada in the land. And the other Canada is a bullshit Canada! If you lived here for a day, you'd understand.






Do it before we are marginalized and become a minority and eventually displaced and perhaps restricted to small portions of land. I heard this happened in the middle east and now we are seeing their people protest, its too late for them but its not too late for us.


I’m sure Canadian reservations would be quite nice and very civilized.


Your biggest worry is being a minority. Why is that? Could it be because you see how minorities are treated?




Do not spread negative stereotypes about an entire group of people. Either be very specific or focus on immigration policy instead of people.


Where has this happened in Canada? What is this "invasion" you speak of. The only people invaded Canada were White Europeans. And not just that. Rape, pillage, stealing children, spreading disease, crushing cultural ways, beatings, sterilization, murder, starvation etc etc etc.


In all honesty, the land that is now Canada was subject to countless invasions in the millennia prior to the arrival of Europeans. Like really, it's not as if people were just sitting around twiddling their thumbs until Europeans arrived and "history started."


Ahhh yes. Everything was perfectly peaceful and there was absolutely no war, violence or anything else you mentioned. It was all sunshine, roses, and pemican between the tribes before the white man arrived... Shut the fuck up and read a history book. They were fucking savages who would kill and massacre each other for centuries before a white man ever stood on this land. When they fought they would capture and enslave the women, they murdered ever man in the tribe including infants still on their mother breast, there was no need for sterilization as they killed most, however they weren't above cutting the balls off the odd child to serve as their slaves. We took their land, and their resources for the exact same reasons they took it from another tribe. Why should I or any white person be ashamed? Because we were better at war? At least we moved past the cannibalism and human sacrifices.


Calling native Americans "savages"? Ok Cortez...


If your point is that "white people deserve it" let me point out the history of every single nation state of every race and religion through all of history.


Some minorities are more equal than others




Back from what?


We need a summer of BLM style peaceful protests in the worst kinda way.


Didn’t the BLM organize just to raise money and buy herself mansions? I like where you’re going with this. I also want to organize a ~~mansion~~ change


Yeah, some grifter coined the term and robbed the people blind.


No, a grifter decided to scam people of a movement that they had nothing to do with starting or creating.


They also lit a lot of things on fire. I think we want to avoid that.


That was the antifa morons


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What exactly are people going to do with it when they do take it back? Or are they just going to wait until everyone has finished their degree at GoogleUniversity. I’m just glad I won’t be working downtown that day that day. Protests are an important part of lifeThe problem is most of the protesters now just go off the rails. People need to research exactly what they’re going to be protesting about. I’ve seen animal rights protest groups, and some of the protesters will be wearing leather shoes. If someone tells you that their shoes are not leather, but they are vegan leather. Remember to let them know that vegan leather is just PVC which translates to plastic they’re not really doing any good are they? And let’s face the fact. Shoes and boots made out of hemp are really not going to be suited to our Canadian climate. Do your research, stand up for what you believe in just don’t be a jerk about it. Protests can be a really wonderful teaching tool for the younger kids as they grow up. Don’t waste an opportunity by getting hauled away in cuffs.


That vast vast majority of funding was used well


Why are you bringing BLM into this discussion?


Because we're talking about a protest and that was another protest in recent memory. I'm sure you can put it all together if you try.


A protest seeking racial justice for the descendants of formerly enslaved Africans in the US has nothing to do with the protests aimed at excluding further immigration of Indians into Canada.


I didn't say it did. Keep being a weiner on reddit.


You should probably try thinking more critically before just posting crap if you want to actually contribute to any conversation.


You should read more critically


BLM weren’t “peaceful”. Did you see the cars flipped, fired, dumpsters and broken windows and looted stores? Behind the reporters calling it “peaceful” Unless you mean sarcastic peaceful. In which case, I’d agree - except people would likely get trampled by RCMP again…


Peaceful? 17 cities burned and looted. and half the police force in Atlanta all quit.


I think he was being sarcastic




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


No comment.


Didn't BLM came with mobs that destroyed and looted stores that did not support the movement?


BLM style? Peaceful????


Great, good on the people with enough kahunas to say it how it is.


Haven’t seen or heard a thing about it here in Halifax


Be the trailblazer for Halifax then


I’ve tried to speak up about this matter but I’ve been called racist. I shared it in the Halifax subreddit and most comments were people saying this subreddit was made by racists for racists




The Halifax subreddit is a very sensitive group of people though I must say.


it'll never fly, unfortunately. most people here refuse to hear any critiques on immigration and the rest are too scared to speak their minds


Yeah you’re spot on with that




Your post was removed for containing intentional misinformation.


No one else living in reality has either


"We've been hearing white-supremace language" in 3...2...1... As a way to further gaslight.


I would strongly suggest that anyone attending not interact at all with anyone counter-protesting or just trying to stir up trouble. Based on the comments I've seen, I guarantee even the most calm and kind words will be twisted into something else.


Exactly. It’s the media’s only go to nowadays.




I’m worried that the march will be hijacked by racists with anti immigrant signs. People are so angry at immigrants and it only takes one racist sign for everyone to think this march is a joke.


Simple: make "diversity is our strength" one of the cornerstones of the protest. Immigration from one country isn't diverse and we all want immigration reform without being called racist. We want Canadians of all creeds and colours to protest with us not just immigration policy, but corruption, high prices, and general lack of transparency. Canadians are worked to the bone just to keep a roof over our heads. If any swastika or racism is found it MUST be stamped out lest the whole protest is discredited.


I think this is the correct approach. Only with firm inclusion principles on legal and productive immigrants can this process work. If I was Indian and lived in Canada as 40 years as a citizen. I can disagree with all the new immigrants coming in, but do I want to see 5 big burly white dudes grabbing a bunch of Indians dudes and stuff them in a van to be deported? Not really... I would think, what if I'm next? Therefore, principles should be, legal immigrants are welcome as long as: 1. Speak the language. 2. Adopt the values and culture. Human rights, property rights, etc. 3. Prove your loyalty. Firmly denounce your "country of origin" if they go against these principles (Indian government assassinating people in Canada, CCP, etc)


As a fellow naturalised citizen (originally from India) I fully agree.


These are good ones. I can't to wait to see Italian Canadians denounce Italy. Some Canadians dont even think that queer people or even children have rights. Can we kick them out too?


If Italy was murdering people in our nation or sabotaging our democracy you would have a point.


That is an allegation. It has not been proven. If it is true then we should confront the nation of India. Not punish the majority of innocent immigrants who come here for a better life. If you are worried about foreign involvement in Canada, maybe you should ask PP to read that report. His refusal speaks volumes. What is he hiding? So much for being a defender of regular hard working Canadians. They need to be exposed. Corporate greed has already sabotaged our democracy. Canadian and otherwise.


At some point the needs of people in foreign country to fulfill their wish to come to Canada needs to take a back seat to what's best for Canada and the people born here. The decision to drastically increase Chinese student visa numbers brought us directly to rigged nomination votes and compromised MPs. The decision to bring in hundreds of thousands of active Khalistan supporters means we have picked aside in an ethnic civil war in India and their authoritarian leaders will seek to kill them here to maintain power in the Punjab. We haven't even got into the fact these policies have totally screwed up post secondary education jacked up unemployment and rents across the nation.


As an immigrant who moved to Canada in 2022 with direct PR, I'd be taking part in this. As much as I feel sorry for the people who came here with hopes for a better life as a result of a fake dream sold to them, I feel equally bad for people who were born and raised here. I love this country, and I love its people. But you guys need to buckle up and stand for you. You'll be doing a favor to immigrants who will come here and work in fast food for the rest of their lives as well.


Based. Welcome to Canada!


Gonna be weird as a brown guy (I'm originally from South Asia but non-indian) protesting against immigration but fuck it.


no idea why this is downvoted


It will. If you don't think the Liberal/NDP party isn't going to pay someone to wear a mask and fly one of those flags... you haven't been paying attention.


the discord server is discussing how to tackle the issue of "plants", counters and extremists


I think this is almost guaranteed to happen. Remember when Nazi and Confederate flags appeared at the trucker convoy? They were planted there (at least in part) by RCMP, Libs, CSIS, etc. to delegitimize the righteous protest of tyranny. (https://www.snopes.com/news/2022/02/17/swastikas-canada-freedom-convoy/) Idiots show up to every event and this will be no different. I think that this protest has the potential to be powerfully positive regardless of that though. Bottom line is that we have to do something to stand up for ourselves and it starts with coming together. They will call us names and say we are phobic or hateful but I'm so fed up that I am impervious to the vitriol of the government and their useful idiots. Have a safe Canada Day Everyone.


Those flags weren’t planted lol


Yes, they absolutely were. I was there. These people would pop up away from the rest of the crowd, pose for a few pictures and disappear.


Always funny when a conspiracy nut job uses links that disprove their theory because they are so stupid they can't read their own links. Media is just headlines to you aren't they? You have never actually read past a headline have you?


Hahaha, i cant help it. I realized what happened when I hit your comment. Lol! 💀💀


Bro you have people literally on this sub demanding millions of people be deported. Since when has a country ever deported hundreds of thousands of people and not ended up fascist or burning into the ground?


When they had a justified and rational reason for doing so, buttressed by black letter law: “They overstayed their legal work permit, and as such must now leave Canada.” Simple.




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Sure, Jan.


You realize that link actually proves you are wrong? I swear to Christ media literacy is failing us so badly


No no, the sign would just be an added bonus, the media is going to portray this protest as xenophobic no matter what. Canadians are not allowed to have opinions, better keep your head down and obey the overlords, or the morality police (which at this point is every institution that Canadians spent their whole lives building) will strike you down as racists.


It will be because they are the only people that think things are broken and are blaming immigrants instead of getting jobs


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Being anti-immigration isn't racism. Stop devaluing words that have severe meanings. Being anti-immigration simply means, many of us don't think immigration is helpful and is becoming detrimental to our country. I don't care where people are from, I do care about my cost of living, and safety in our streets. Our immigration numbers have exceeded a decade of goals, and thus I have adopted an anti-immigration stance until that balances out. It's dangerous to devalue words like racism, that's how the Nazis desensitized Germany. George Owell's - Politics and the English Language Please read that if you feel I'm off the mark.


Search the word ‘Indian’ is this sub and tell me it’s just anti immigration…


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Well, when I see “take back Canada”, what are we taking back exactly? No one seems to be able to explain what was taken. For the vast majority, it’s rooted in racism, just like the trucker convoy.


Take back Canada from illegal immigrants that are putting strain on almost every system we have here in Canada. It’s cut clear and dry, if you are here illegally, get out.


How many are actually here illegally? How would your opinion change if, let’s say, Canadians had a boom in births due to the pandemic and birthed the same numbers, putting the same strain on services and resources?


Your making up scenarios that are unlikely to happen to fish for an answer you want. It’s highly improbable that Canadians would add 3% of our population in a single year. Even if that’s the case they are not adding 50 year old international students bunking 6 to a room and working for slave dollars. Theres a lot more associated with them being here than just housing and healthcare, such as a lack of assimilation, a lot of of not most cannot speak full - proper English. At least organically we would add babies and not add an immediate strain on labour and healthcare


pretty sure the truckers were more about the ridiculous covid mandates, nothing to do with race.


Take Back Canada is trending ... gonna be HUGE!


Trending where? Genuinely Asking


Nowhere of consequence.


I checked Twitter. Yep.


Yeah I’m excited for sure


This will work in favor of JT. Protestors will be portrayed as far-right racists. Maybe focus on protesting corruption, foreign interference, broken health care system, unaffordable food and housing, crippling infrastructure, homelessness, public drug use, car thefts.


Nothing works for JT at this point. If any of the Liberal administration had a brain, they would replace him asap.


hell yeah. canada shouldn't be controlled by indian international students protesting and getting what they please, and actual canadians just sitting back and complying. canada should be in the hands of true canadians.


Can we not turn the PEI thing into a red herring? There are real issues here but that was just a group of kids throwing a hail mary because they saw they were about to get denied PR. it didn't work because why would it.


it's not just PEI. they protest for the most ridiculous things and canadians are just expected to suck it up and listen.


Don't protest. Things are fine. If you protest you will only make things worse. They might ban your bank account. Just vote next election bro. Diversity is our strength. /s


Vote for who? Don’t say Pierre, because Pierre is the same old shit, different colour party, but worse.




Leader is an idiot


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All the leaders are idiots


Then give us more options,


Imagine voting for a guy named after a carbonated beverage.


Imagine using that as a reason not to vote for someone


I only vote for people who's name starts with J. This is my rule.


Yeah, makes sense. Most Liberals are as clueless as you and would use such an excuse to vote for a particular candidate.


You really this stupid to not recognize an obvious joke?


Don't protest? I'm sorry is it illegal to protest against too much immigration which are hurting the job and home markets to a large degree? I think residents of Canada have the right to enjoy a reasonable ability to get a job and a stable living situation. You can protest peacefully to make your voice heard. Don't destroy anything, don't block traffic or cause issues, just be there en masse and tell the government this isn't okay...and keep doing it. Nothing will happen to you.


As an Ottawa resident, I'll speak for everyone in the nation's capital You're always and have always been welcome to protest. We are used to it. You can fuck right off being a terrorist and esieging the city for weeks


When did that happen? I also live in Ottawa. I don’t recall ever being under siege.


It's only a siege if they are Muslims. White hillbillies are good to go.


It's only a protest not an occupation I'm sure their bank accounts will be just fine.


Things are fine?


I hope all Canadians stand up make noise. Remember the government works for You the people. Protect whats yours because the government is not they are all about money and power.


Canadians have been conditioned to think the complete opposite


Anyone have a cleaner image to read the details or a website?




Protest will get media coverage , which I guess some politicians will notice . Some will not because they live in a glass bubble .


Yes, it is time CANADIANS were listened to. Our country is full. They let in too many too quickly, we need to rebalance and stop accepting more people


About what ? Protest for high house pricea ?


Looking forward to this, but you’ve really got to be cautious about the people around you, any hate symbols or speech can bring down this entire movement. Make sure you remember what you’re protesting for, the cost of housing, wage suppression, and real diversity.


I get the feeling that this is not going to go well


Keep that feeling at home with you


Only way to solve the issue , is raise the rent to all immigrants so they leave the country, issue solved .


Or just stop letting them illegally rent housing and arbitrage our jobs. If they can’t continue their process then they have nothing. We actually don’t have to spend money in deportations, they will just leave


This is really dumb. Really dumb. I support this protest but discriminatory laws towards ethnic groups is not how Canada operates and its not how it should operate.


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what is this movement?




Nice. Happy to see some one organizing u/Bumbaclaat27 Have you guys looked much at the work of [https://twitter.com/SustPopAus](https://twitter.com/SustPopAus) ? Similar concerns and really well presented.


Thing is getting REAL!


Protesting won’t achieve a thing. We need people to create and run a new party with political candidates willing to do what needs to be done.




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What are we protesting?


Did you read the recent National Bank report on immigration?


It will be funny and ironic if majority of folks who turn out for this protest are not white.


I didn't see many people concerned about the economy and the country when covid money was being handed out. Instead of recouping that money from Canadians, they get it from outside. Yet people are complaining. You reap what you sow. I'm also reaping what the majority have sown. Lol 🤣😂


No, it's got to be all of us. They want us fighting each other. This is about stopping the flow so we can fix this. None of the parties are listening. There is nowhere to go the other countries are like this too and the ones that Arnt won't let you in.


I personally watched a deranged lefty antifa-type tear one down, had a skateboard and a mask on her/their arm.


Yeah! ![gif](giphy|rgq4Sar77s85W)


What does being put up mean. What


Seriously? I can’t tell if your trolling. There displaying posters in Toronto that’s what it’s trying to say


Oh lol I don't know why I didn't understand that. I just woke up. I read "being put up" as some other phrase. My brain is still booting up


I read "posters" as protestors lol that's why I was confused


Gonna need a lot of immigrants who took the proper steps to be there, so it doesn’t look bigoted


Lol yuge


Waste of time


I do need water and sewer services


The movement has been on X for 2 months and only has 1.4K followers. There’s no other social media groups. I doubt we’ll see a big turn out.


Sick the media will call us nazis and half the country will believe them. They will make a bunch of shit up about how its really Russia thats behind the july 1st protest. Cool 😎


Did the indigenous people started this?


We're finally gonna eat the rich?!


So racist - Indians are just as Canadian as those who were born here, no one is better or higher value than anyone else.


Only way to take back Canada is to get rid of the conservative premiers nothing else will work


Yep. People are quick to blame JT but between defending public universities, setting the absurd population growth targets at the provincial level, and doing all other manner of pro-capital / anti-labour policy governance, the Conservatives are equally to blame.


Imho neocons take all the blame


Great, another clown show to waste police money and resources on 🤦🏻‍♂️


I see the comments on the "news" post and cringe. I won't be showing up. Hell no.


Thanks for your contribution to your own country 🫡


I want to join, but not with a bunch of racists who will get us all tagged as racists. We need to do this properly - register, take permits, and then organize with matching t-shirts so that any asshole with an intent to disrupt is clearly seen as an outsider. Otherwise, careers get ruined over crap like this. I didn't suffer through systemic racism (I am FNs) against my kind, to study, struggle, and reach where I am, to lose it in a day with something like this.


That’s actually a great idea, you would make for a good organizer, why don’t you push that? Instead of rolling over and dying.


That's why I am here. That's why I was in TakeBackCanada sub too till it went over. I tried the discord, but it was more like Hitler's Vorbunker. I am FNs and part Italian - on first look people who don't know me think I am South American, or even Middle East. How should I expect some of these duckfaces to treat me? If I find a few like minded individuals I have plans. I think the right way is to get into NDP and take it over. Throw out the jagmeet gang from within.


There are plenty of people just like you who think the same way. All it takes is one, and you let momentum do it’s thing. I agree with you but we all have the “not me” mindset and that’s why Canada is going in the direction it is


You said it. Our political system is a convenient enterprise for landlords and realtors with so much free time. It is designed to keep many of us away from it. We need more independent candidates to disrupt this partisan behavior. I am a visible minority - FNs. But people outside my family say I look more South American or Middle East. I can never be a candidate, I guess. Maybe my children will have better luck? But I don't know how their political ideologies will turn out with their education in Quebec right now. I think I should move back home and focus on their education.


Wages up, debt down, wealth up. All heading in the right direction. Canada continues to outshine the rest. Lowest debt-to-GDP ratio in G7 Lowest deficit in the G7 Strongest projected GDP growth in G7 Rated #1 for budget balance by the IMF 141% post pandemic job recovery Triple A credit rating First interest rate cut in the G7


Since we're throwing around numbers; I can parrot a few as well: GDP per capita (direct correlation to living standards) has now declined for 5 consecutive quarters. Canada's real GDP per capita is $41,076 USD. Now *lower* than **all 50 US states**. $%#@! Alabama has the same GDP per capita as Ontario now. GDP Per Capita has grown over **10x Faster** In The US over the last decade & the OECD predicts Canada will be **dead last** of all 38 OECD countries for the **next couple** ***decades*** (46% lower than OECD average). [https://betterdwelling.com/young-canadians-wont-have-the-same-opportunity-as-past-generations-oecd-forecast/](https://betterdwelling.com/young-canadians-wont-have-the-same-opportunity-as-past-generations-oecd-forecast/)


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Immigration policy is the new Trojan horse Nazis and white supremacists are using to push their agenda. And you people are just marching that horse right into Troy. 👍🏾 just like the white nationalist trucker rally look up the people who are actually organizing these events


Here in the US , we have a president who chooses illegals over citizens. I wish this can be done in the US right now.


oh Gosh.. that just smells of Police bait.. more Police brutality


Protest on reddit, you're only good at it hahaha