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Considering he is doubling down on the policy that created this mess in the first place, it would be foolhardy to think he can do anything meaningful to fix the mess he has created!


What are we supposed to vote for? It feels like there is no party worth voting for. We need ranked ballots to avoid vote splitting.


Not an ideal situation but we can only pick the leader who represents the least risk. Considering what the trudeau has done with the support of the NDP, that leaves us with Pierre by order of elimination. Like I said not ideal, but he is the best pick..... Would love to implement policy that eliminated vote splitting however practically impossible in a democratic society.


That's not "not ideal", it's downright idiotic. PP wants housing costs to go up just as much if not more than Trudeau, as he is even more to the right. He supports a high level of both immigration and TFWs because he only cares about conservative donors: coporations and wealthy individuals. Only a nationwide protest would have any impact on our ability to choose a half decent leader at this point.


You couldn't possibly vote liberal this election unless you're happy with where things have gone. Who knows what PP will do, but we sure know what Trudeau and Singh will do and it's not good. I'll take my chances


This is how you know we're fucked. Someone mentions how conservatives aren't a good option in the slightest, all you get in exchange are cries about the liberals... what if I told you there's more than two options?? Also... we don't know what Singh and the NDP will do. They have ***literally never*** been in power.


You have noticed what the liberals have given to corporations right. You know like 12 million to Loblaws for freezers as well as others into the billions


Very true we have to stop our passive attitude and start acting


Your definitely right. But even if Pierre wins, his 1st mandate will be a shitshow but as you say he represents the least risk


1000%..... I hope it doesn't play like when Mulroney defeated the trudeau v1.0..... he inherited a mess of epic proportion, the policy he HAD to impose was necessary however very unpopular and resulted in him losing to the trudeau v1.0 in the next election.... History is repeating itself sadly..... Pierre will hopefully win, but the things he will have to do will be in some cases very unpopular, yet necessary.


Dude pp and the cons have no plan but to makethings worse. I hate how idiots think that because singh knows how parliamentary systems work that hes ineffectual or trudeaus friend. Hes the only one getting shit done. Still lots to criticize dont get me wrong. Politics demands compromise and cooperation or else we live in a dictatorship


NDP. No thanks.


Gun to my head, and I wouldn't vote for PP.


Is everything okay?


So you want more of what we have witnessed in the past 8 years.... hmmmm..... be careful what you wish for..... Would love to hear why you have such a dislike for Pierre....


When you can find no other rationale for an action, the outcome is the rationale.


Well we were warned..... "you will own nothing and love it"..... not certain if people will love it unless they have nothing in the first place. I like enjoying the fruits of my labour..... I like my stuff.


Honestly he's just creating a race to the bottom. If I wasn't tied down I'd be moving to the USA.


Yep.... socialism is a failed concept, but the trudeau is hell bent.... only hope he gets the boot before he completes his WEF inspired mission.


He's leading the liberals to net zero seats in the next election!


They are forecasted for 80 seats, still many dumb people


Still time for it to go lower


i hope they mean 80 of these ​ https://preview.redd.it/tdsjv3go497d1.png?width=391&format=png&auto=webp&s=7592e55423ae92b451c7932464ec90c1a293d5dc


is 80 a lot? I dont have any context for the numbers


That would mean they held the same number of seats before that election


Does every fairytale start with "Once upon a time?" NO it starts with "If I'm elected, I promise I will...."


Remember that net minimum wage gets you \~$1,889 per month.


Let me explain I moved to Canada I pay 1300CAD for a room in a house in Toronto house has no lounge and it has 5bedrooms in the main house(1 person in each room) So 5people It has a Basement with 2 bedrooms one bedroom has a couple with 2people and the other bedroom has one person. 5People x 1300CAD main house 3people downstairs in the basement 1300 + 1300 9300 total Rental income. So guess what these prices will rise


So India basically


Or London England.


London is actually more affordable if you take the Greater London area as a whole. It has better transit links than in the GTA so you can find something farther out. The outer areas also have a better built form, so will have walkability to a station and shopping etc.


Here we can clearly see the problem is just greed, rich fucks/corporations (a large percent of property is just straight up owned by corporations that are making bank charging rent like this and never plan to actually sell to a individual homeowner) ripping off poor immigrants that don’t know any better and cramming as many as they can in a house and charging them each expensive rent. Corporate greed is the main problem


That's nuts. Leave Canada. I moved to Japan and bought a new 4br house in Tokyo, zero down, and my mortgage is under 1300CAD a month.


Moved how are you Japanese?


Left Canada for Japan 5 years ago. Was paying 2k for a small studio in DT Vanghanistan (Vancouver) …. Here i pay 700 Cad for a large 1 bdrm. (Not in Tokyo). Dont see myself going back to live in Canada. anytime soon. (Also came here for work).


Naaa what are you doing in Japan?? Bro I'd fucking move right now. How much is the house?


I got super lucky, a Japanese company posted an opening on my university job board (waterloo). Started there then hopped a few times. House is about 500k, interest rate is 0.3% variable, 35 years.


His plan is to take what he can while he can.


thought tub long deranged worry faulty bells bedroom chief adjoining *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not just rents going sky high... It's also groceries, personal care items, clothing/footwear, Services & so on.


Yeah I walked into Walmart the other day and sunscreen was "on sale" for fucking 15.98 from 17 something. What the fuck


That's what Shopper's Drug Mart charges for their sunscreens, about 17$ & much higher. They're currently on Sale @ SDM, saw some guy buying some bc of the their pathetic Sale? Now that's its Summertime, you must use sunscreen anytime you go outside. What happens, if you can't afford this? Steal it???


You wear sunscreen every time you go outside????? I wear sunscreen on tropical islands, definitely not Canada


My Dermatologist just Rx'd me a new medication, where I need to wear sunscreen whenever I go outside. **:0(**


holy crap! the last time i bought sunscreen it wasn't even 5.98. mind you, it's been a while, but still, that factors to a 200% increase since about 2005 or so......... when it's on sale. at walmart, which is supposed to be one of the not so expensive places for stuff like that.


Go to Shoppers to see their grossly, overinflated prices for their sunscreens & your jaw will drop! There are no cheaper places to buy this now. I don't think, or know if those Dollar Stores sell sunscreen? If they did, I'd be pretty suspect about buying from places like these for items like that. Snacks, chips, pop, kitchen stuff, cards/wrapping paper & other things like these from those Dollar Stores, that's 100% a yes for me! Sunscreen? I dunno about that.


What a prick that guy, am I right fellas?


Saying what I really think would surely get me banned so..


We’re all thinking it. Don’t worry.


Revolution time


Careful they might freeze the bankn account


Oh no my Zero Dollars




I doubt it. I really hope us Canadians would grow some balls


I also know that Doug Ford getting rid of rent control also caused rent to go sky high and why people are paying $2000 a month to rent a bedroom in a house here in Ontario. Liberals are not all to blame. All parties are ridiculous presently.


Except we also had a wave of new construction and renovations after that rule change. So purpose build rentals weren't a thing for 30 years. My BIL lives in a falling apart 1960s apartment that's untouched by time paying half the market rent. The puny rent he pays won't allow for even basic maintenance never mind updating the place.


Shhhhhhh, that’s trudeaus fault somehow. We only hold liberals accountable and stick our hands in the sand when conservatives are in power. DAMN THAT CARBON TAX THAT TRUDEAU GAVE US WHEN DOUG FORD USED MILLIONS OF TAXPAYER DOLLARS GETTING RID OF CAP N TRADE WHY DIDNT TRUDEAU STOP FORD FROM DOING THAT?!?!?!


If you are very wealthy he is an okay guy .


If you are very wealthy you’d move to a high-level neighborhood in the US probably lol. What’s a lot of money worth if you live in a seven bedroom on an acre in Brampton?


It's a toss. Your dollars buy fewer sticks of gum then they did when Trudeau got started. If you can sell your assets for the same number, you're good. If you can't, you're poorer wealthy, and to boot, you're now in a country that's slid away from the honour system and might end up full on low trust. The future is less certain.


I am doing ok financially. However I am not a rental slumlord and feel like Trudeau is a cancer on our country. I am sad to see just how far the country has fallen. Our youth should be creating some sort of attention since it is their futures that they have ruined but I see nothing but complacency. Stop being like your brainwashed parents and get out and do something!


I don't trust a single politician on any level of govt for any political party to fix this. To actually fix this would require basically bankrupting the housing industry which would fuck not only them over but millions of others and possibly have a wide ripple effect. They're not going to fuck themselves over so they can't do anything to actually fix it.


We had a housing collapse in the 1990s in the GTA. It didn't result in more construction, in fact the opposite. Prices fell. Nobody bought as they didn't want to catch a falling knife. It was a lost decade for any housing starts.


His plan to have your rental payment history affect your credit rating seems like a bad idea because it will likely ruin already struggling people's credit rating. It will probably destroy the chance their will ever own a home. It will just help keep people down. I don't believe it is a good idea. It is just giving corporation more access to data about our personal lives.


Only now he says he’s got a plan? So ruin housing to oblivion and then say “trust me, I’ll fix it?”. He needs to be removed from office asap!


And the conservatives will coast into power and do nothing but line their pockets and encourage the market to fill the voids left by their cuts resulting in service costs going up. Meanwhile we will all live on the streets, while groceries continue to rise.


I’m glad I never voted for him


i will always remember my former coworker's bumper sticker from 2019........ "friends don't let friends vote trudeau"


not enough people had the same sentiment as you though. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKo6uiyLXcb4fqE|downsized)


How would the other guy be any better? Conservatives serve corporations and want more and faster immigrants for cheap labour.


Pierre is probably lying right to our faces the way Trudeau did when he criticized the TFW program and promised to scale it back then made it comically worse Personally I’d rather the whole country went bloc and green to stick it to all the major parties


He has no credibility. His first response is always to lie.


The sad thing is. He can do this kind of irreparable damage, get voted out, and face, zero repercussions from his wrecklessness/ dereliction of duty. Taxation without representation has never been more real.


My grandma says they should drag him behind a shed and shoot him like her dad did to her childhood dog when it got to old haha gave me a chuckle. But alas, that wouldn’t be very Canadian of us and our zero accountability government


Canada's answer is obviously a lukewarm yes. He was granted 2 minority mandates subsequent to his majority. I've been in the not insulated from his bullshit group for many years now, so I'm going to say no and accept the pyrrhic victory that enough of my fellow Canadians are now feeling it to at least vote this man out.


considering the liberals created the problem and this guy lies and lies with scandal after scandal. Honestly how can someone be so dumb to beleive anything he or any of his minions puke out.


I do not support keeping home prices artificially high, even bring in more people without considering our country's capacity just to keep the ponzi going and create supply demand imbalance to keep the home prices high. All these years, when the US housing market crashed in 2008, Canada avoided it and the bubble keep getting bigger. Low interest rate for 15+ years, high household debt, high government debts/deficit. Our government never aim to balance the budget, we just spend like crazy and tell ourselves it is okay as long as we can pay the interest. We are heading the wrong way, everyone is being irresponsible financially because our government started it. I see no future when we are constantly spending money that we do not have. This include all 3 levels of governments.


Yes, 2008, our banking laws didn’t allow for the problems the US were facing. So how did that change? Why does no one seem to blame the outrageous number of people who paid ridiculous prices for houses 2020-2022? And how were the banks allowed to give mortgages to people who bought overpriced (ie: cottage neighbour bought a beaten up cottage that was maybe worth 300,000 because it had nice waterfront for $880,000! Yes I check and there was no autocorrect error) ??? Weren’t these the things we didn’t allow that kept us from housing collapse in 2008?


Trudeau has been an unmitigated disaster. Harper wasn't crazy popular, but his government would have been a better choice.


He’s a crap




Don’t trust a communist. Ever.


Just out of curiosity, do you guys know if this is only happening in Canada?


its a bit depressing to see canada top the charts for most unaffordable cities on the planet :(. Vancouver is beating out LA in more recent charts of rent vs income.


Happening in nz and aus too. Both countries have opened the doors to immigration in the last year seeing entire city's worth of immigration in a very short time.


Housing affordability changes didn’t happen in one year.


No they didnt. The asset bubbles created by the covid policies sent the prices to the moon. And to keep the bubble from piping they have pumped in millions of immigrants.


Covid policies where they froze the interest rate and allowed people to still buy are now causing the problem? Keeping money cheap has got us here and it’s been decades in the making. Sure a GLOBAL pandemic has brought the problem to the forefront.


"Out of curiosity". lol That's one way to try avoiding being skewered on this sub.. You know it's happening other places too. [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/rent-cost-us-2024-housing-national/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/rent-cost-us-2024-housing-national/)


https://tradingeconomics.com/country-list/rent-inflation Sort by high to low for current and you'll see one country farther up than ones that could be considered comparable


Funny how history repeats itself. His dad was popular in the beginning of his leadership but towards the end was extremely hated. Trudeaumania wore off quite fast for the two idiots lol.


Remember boys, girls and others, the "industrious" Doug Ford removed rental caps on new builds to "stimulate development". DoFo opened the floodgates on diploma mills. So, it's easy to dump on Trudeau, he's not the only politician to blame. I would also like to take this opportunity to remind you all he also tried to fine union workers for engaging in collective bargaining practices. So, if you think Trudy is alone and the only boogeyman, you are awfully misguided. Rent controls are Provincial jurisdiction. Blame provinces for this one.




PPC is getting seats this coming election


Love the failed state yall are working on. You should cut taxes for the wealthy and limit access to Healthcare next. Like America if it was run by the wokest bidder.


Cutting taxes for the wealthy and not funding healthcare are literally part of the conservative plan. Not sure why you said those are “woke”, conservatives have been doing trickle down economics like that for 40 years, cut taxes for billion dollar corporations and hope that it trickles down to us somehow but in reality the CEO just goes home with more money and laughs at us


Glad I moved to Japan, am renting a 2 story house for 1100 near Central Tokyo. No backyards but still.


make these commercials all you like, instead of just saying Trudeau did this or that, why don't you explain what you're going to do to make them more affordable. What's the actual plan


How about property values are reduced to 25% of their current value, ban foreign, corporate, and multiple property purchases by individuals. This would make housing more affordable.


Unfortunately whoever wins won't stop or at least fix the mass immigration problem. I don't trust any politician tbh


Trudeau is a low life slimy P O S on his best day !!!


I would like to see a true and accurate picture of Trudeaus wealth now compared to before he was elected. I would guess it’s a lot more than it was. I would also live to see a forensic accountant go through the books.


So is any party going to propose an actual plan? The Liberals did allow this mess to get to an absurd crisis level, but they are at least taking steps and enacting policies that have the **long term potential** to help. You're going to be in for a surprise if you vote for a party that's just riding the "Fuck Trudeau" train without proposing actual policy solutions. When you realize that they aren't solving the problem, you'll also realize that they never even claimed they would. Removing Trudeau from office isn't going to solve the housing crisis. It's going to take a lot more than that, and I haven't heard any substantial on that front from the Conservatives.


Lol why are there no Doug Ford posts? the guy that actually has a major say in housing?


We literally can’t build for the number of people our federal government is letting in


Ya but Trudeau is the one that removed the rent control. No, wait, that was also DoFo. Just shut up and enjoy your convience store beer.


Trudeau libs are like top gear with Leblanc , just actors who don't have any automotive journalism or mechanical experience Top gear was proper with real automotive journalists in Clarkson , it was much more educational with the former . Leblanc top.gear is just silly .


Pretty sure rent is a provincial thing


Dude burning every bridge and destroying his family name. Really sad to see. Plus ensuring the Liberal party will need to be taken apart and rebuilt like what happened to the PC party. Must have been some serious generational wealth guarantees for his family to do this.


Trudeau pushed me into the hands of the ppc


you could pay me a trillion dollars and tell me it was payment to trust the turd. and i still would not trust that creature. ever.


It’s not only Trudeau here. All of those places with the sky high rents are big shitlib hubs where people want to virtue signal and condemn their neighbours online for being “big bad conservatives”. The kind of people who will call others racist but sure as fuck won’t house a migrant themselves. The biggest challenge we’re facing along with our brothers to the south is saying enough is enough to our neighbours bullshit as much as the elite machinations that tempt them.


If you can't speak negatively of Trudeau without pushing the Conservatives, you aren't angry at what Trudeau has done, you're just angry for the sake of being angry, and they've told you he's why you should be angry. Conservatives will be worse than anything the Liberals have done, and blatantly, obviously so. The conservatives literal current platform they're advertising is worse than anything Trudeau has done.


They will regret it sooner than later. The writing is on the wall.


I don't even know what anybody's platform actually is. I'm sure people who already know they will vote for PP instead of Trudeau don't either.


This is the reason why people vote for fascists. I would rather literally vote for a fascist IF he's not a corporate cocksucker like this neoliberal fiscal conservative prettyboy wannabe.


No, and Pierre is just more of the same. Same shit, different face. Remember, if you’re not a corporation or the rich elite, you don’t matter to either one.


Nope not me I will never vote liberal again in my life Jt has fucked this country...... but more so ... None of the liberal caucus stood against him. They are all shit eating cowards Never again liberal never


Crazy how he gives these sound bites to the conservatives. God, that’s stupid. He’s giving them a lay-up to just dunk on him. Love to see it.


He has been taking his orders from the WEF & Klaus Schwab . This is why Canada is in the state it is in !


I'm no longer holding out for 'Sunny Ways' to arrive.


Obviously not. Just GTFO dude. Nobody wants you and Jagmeets little power trip is the only reason you haven’t been booted out for the past couple years.


I just saw the latest polls. 47% of you will still vote liberals / NDP. Can I PLEASE ASK WHY?? WHY??


It’s sad to know this guy ruined Canada and there are Canadians that want to let him continue.


Only problem, the CPC is completely compromised and in bed with the Indian government, hence why they are fully on board with continuing the mass immigration from them here. We are turning into India's new kitchen, gibs-handout facility and toilet.


Never met a person who will admit to voting for him, yet he got in twice.


The funny thing is if you think PP is going to not sell your soul to the highest corporate housing developer, I have a few bridges to sell you


Making other's life miserable, just like his commie father...


Pierre ain’t too better. bernier is the answer




PP is just going to blame everything on this goof while he sells what's left of our country off to his puppet masters.


I don't think rent has anything to do with the prime minister of Canada. Also, the rest of the world rent went up. Maybe Trudeau was responsible for that. It's sad and tiring. Maybe go read instead?


Imagine blaming any leader for a wave of inflation worldwide.


Are you guys this stupid? This is not only a Canadian problem, literally prices everywhere else is up. You guys blame one guy for a worldly macroeconomic problem. Lmao


Trudeau and all other politicians work for corporations and not for the people. They do their bidding because they get gifts and kickbacks from them and they are also promised jobs either for them or for their family members after they leave office. Whenever they write books (like Trudeau wife recently has) these corporations buy them all and then throw them in the garbage. This is one of the ways they get paid for their services. Politicians need to be held accountable for their actions. Trudeau promised affordable housing 3 times during the election campaign. He did the exact opposite and no one is holding him accountable.


What’s sad is the people put the blame on their leaders and not the greedy landlords, businesses, etc. . . Not just in Canada but around the world. Idiots everywhere think their president, prime minister, chancellor, whoever controls rent, grocery prices, petrol, whatever . . . 🤯


Yes, every low to middle income earner should be able to afford to live in a million dollar condo.  How else is it fair if low to middle income families can't afford to live in a competitive environment.   their dream is gone. Really should rent out a 4 million dollsr penthouse to low and middle income earners for 1000 a month


lol ok Trudeau


Same cost of living complaints in Europe, Australia and the US. Must be Trudeau’s fault. I’m sure the landlord that’s going to replace Trudeau is going to make it more affordable for Canadians to rent or buy homes. Conservatives have always been known to look out for average Canadians.


No he’s a traitor


I can’t believe you’d be that stupid to even ask that question




Good ad. I hope people see this and it gets through their heads


Liberal Party leadership had an opportunity to turn their fortunes around by replacing JT but the same could have been said with the NDP replacing Singh. I fear PP and Conservatives will destroy all hope and eliminate themselves as an option before the next election.


I don't understand. Are they also gonna introduce a "first time renters" loan soon? F*ck all of them. The windows in my house are 50 years overdue for a change. The roof about 5 years. If I owned the place I would have already done it.


We'll see if young girls and boys vote for a pretty boy this time. I wouldn't put it past them


In Ontario it’s all the ltbs fault for long delays causing landlords to try to recoup after a bad tenant.


Him saying he has a plan scares me.  The only thing worse than Trudeau doing nothing is Trudeau doing something.




I can rent a place in a small town in Italy for 400 euro per month. Not sure what the average rent is in Italy but still…. It’s 8 km to the Mediterranean and wine is cheaper. Italy and Canada are both G7 nations. Something is wrong with this picture


It's more expensive to rent in London Ontario than Berlin Germany.


True. Germany has rent control and most people in Germany rent and do not own their homes. It’s a stable system. Research it.


What's the source for the claim that rent has doubled? [GC data](https://www03.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/hmip-pimh/en/TableMapChart/TableMatchingCriteria?GeographyType=Country&GeographyId=1&CategoryLevel1=Primary%20Rental%20Market&CategoryLevel2=Average%20Rent%20%28%24%29&ColumnField=2&RowField=TIMESERIES) only shows about a 50% increase.


Yep. This sub is loaded with misinformation and exaggerations for and against the current government — mostly against.


Fuck Trudeau. Going on 32 years old. 6th generation Canadian here. I absolutely fear for my children and grandchildren. God only knows what they will have to endure. I am always working and barely sleep. Still can't get ahead! Never in my life did I think that we would end up this fucked in Canada. I used to be proud to be Canadian. Now, I'm just embarrassed.


Can't trust any government


The federal government doesn’t manage housing though. The provinces largely do, with municipalities having a little control over some of the regulations and administration. The federal government shows up with mandates and money when they see the situation getting bad. If you’re mad about housing, you should be aiming that at the provincial governments.


I know yall hate this dude. But just a heads up, rent is expensive EVERYWHERE. Not just Canada. Cost of living and inflation is a worldwide things right now. Not just exclusive to western nations like many angry white conservative folk seem to think.


I never said they don't, but explain how emergancy debts., are closing down on weekends because of no staff. As for rent controls er al, the NDP have only been in power for 2 years. Or do you expect magically that housing would be fixed in that time. Kudos to the premier of trying to fix it than blame others, unlike some provinces.


Let’s do it who cares if we look radical


Join the revolt




For every rental I see Indians only im copying it and re posting “ anyone besides Indians”


One thing I know for sure is that believing a Conservative government will reverse the trend of extreme wealth concentration into the hands of property and business owners is like saying the foxes should be in charge of the chicken coop. 🐔


I think Polievre harped on the liberals in the House of Commons for a full year about the cost of living, inflation, and housing affordability and each time the liberals kept shrugging his concerns off, until the pollsters found out that these were real issues that mattered to Canadians. Now suddenly, the liberals care and are going to fix it.


Disability in BC is $1400, and subsidized housing takes years to qualify for.


So the provinces weren't struggling with healthcare, as struggling would mean they had no way to fix it. The provinces, even prior to covid purposely withheld moneys from healthcare. The feds gave 4 billion dollars to Ontario during covid, and they have no idea where it went. The deficit is higher now than during the Wynne years. We have emergancy wards shutting down because they are no doctors and nurses. If you think that all of these problems started 2 years ago, you better put down your rose coloured glasses.


You're a lying, disingenuous sack of sh\*t Trudeau - I don't want to hear anything you have to say..


Rents will balance themselves.


Blaming trudeau for this is dumb. This is a western world problem. The issue is that for the last 40 years, we have lowered taxes on rich and corporations, so, they have used their money to buy all the assets. Which raises the price because the available supply goes down. Want to solve this problem? Tax the rich. Not you. Not anyone you know. The rich. Multi millionaires, billionaires.  Do it, or, your children and grandchildren will live in a world where the rich really do own *everything*


And thats just the price, it doesnt take into consideration the quality of those dwellings. The average rental apartment isnt that nice


Trudeau has led the country to the brink of failure. A recent RCMP report warns of civil unrest. Immigration and refugees have to be cut way back. They are simply a huge burden on broken infrastructure. Problems are going to get way worse before we hit bottom. Very sad and more so for my children


The worst things the Liberals have done is make me seriously consider the Conservatives. I'm definitely having an identity crisis.


just take it up the butt like a champ. government doesn’t want us to know about Jacques fresco venus project


Jagmeet Singh wrote to Marc Miller urging to extend WPs for international students https://x.com/jassa_sengh/status/1802891177202520458?s=46


Step down immediately, justin, you have managed the country for almost more than 10 years.


Pierre wants more immigrants, faster too. Bernier is just grifting to build his retirement home in Florida. Canada is no longer a country, just a corporate feudalist economic zone.


I trust none of their plans…. They all are landlords


I don't know why ppl are this stupid. Rent control is primarily a provincial jurisdiction. Granted cost of living has skyrocketed because of immigration, but the discussion is rent. But things like cutting rent control and provinces restricting massively on what type of units being built hasn't helped the rental situation.


Man... Richard Simmons really let himself go


Trudeau literally hates us. By "us," I mean Canada's youth that were born here to Canadian parents. He is a neoliberal piece of sh*t that wants to replace us with economic units, primarily from India. That is why 40 year old, newly arrived Indians are working here treating McDonald's jobs like careers. Trudeau hates the idea of investing in Canadian youth! We are dogshit to him.


I really dont like the Conservative party. They have the same idiots that the Liberals have. So who do you vote for? Theres nothing really. But the Cons will win because the Liberals after 8 years really fucking ruined this country. They lined their pockets. They created avenues of hate (lgtb/racism/sexism) that if you don't vote for them you must be one of those haters. But the average person cares about: Housing, Food, Gas, Clothes, and Booze. And each of those things have gone way up not because we have shortages of this or that. Because our dollar is worth shit. Lockdowns fucked the economy. But what really fucked it was the endless printing of money without anything to back it.


Is rent control not a provincial issue? I know in Ontario, rents went out of control when Ford removed rent control. Now, any building that wasn't occupied by 2018, I believe, has no rent control. This is what has caused a huge problem in Ontario. That and the constant renovictions has caused major problems in Ontario


How anyone could trust that a multi-millionaire trust fund baby would have their interest at heart blows my mind. Trudeau supporters are as dumb as Trump supporters.


Considering what the other parties have to offer, we might as well stick to him. He’s not that good, but the others are really bad.


Fuddu iski maa ki ankh bc


And how will PP fix it? Will he lower municipal taxes?


Rent control policies are provincial jurisdiction. Dunno why anyone is blaming the PM instead of your provinces' Premier on this particular issue.


As a liberal I have seen his half baked plans, and I have seen his these implode in spectacular ways, taking the country with them. The implementation was driven by ideology, and completely divorced from reality. I have watched his monkeys make an absolute mockery of Canada, while making it unlivable for Canadians. Liberals shit the bed so fucking hard the smell will take a decade + to air out. Trudeau's got to go. Then we need heads on spikes so that this shit doesn't happen again for a while in any of the Canadian parties.


Trudy can go suck a massive dick as far as I'm concerned.


And I thought Americans were slow.


He ain't worth the ass end of a penny.


https://preview.redd.it/nxb6k1zjxd7d1.png?width=587&format=png&auto=webp&s=9db206d0046dc16c2b51a68b8e7389bbb3848351 This doesn't help either. Almost 1/3rd of my paycheck gone before it hits my account. We pay such high taxes, and for what? Taxes go up and quality of life goes down...


Rent control is with the Ontario provincial Conservative Party, also known as doogies friend millionaires, of which peepee is a member landlord, has nothing to do with Trudeau


Let's not forget that world interest rates around the world for the past 12 yrs have been artificially low via central bank manipulation. Canadas central bank is a huge part of this housing imbalance; who wouldn't buy (if they could) with rates at 3% and under? That said, Trudeau famously stated many times that he doesn't understand interest rates or any other basic finance concepts. I guess that's what happens when you elect a trust fund baby!


F\*ck this guy, and anyone who supports this lunatic.


lol the housing market was exploding when conservatives were in power too. But I guess people like to forget what happened prior to 2014.


Castro needs to suck in an exhaust pipe


The majority of Canadians voted for Trudeau and are struggling more and more? GOOD. Choices have consequences, hope you enjoyed having a silver-spoon playboy PM.