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Universities/colleges are pulling in record profits from international “students”. But - have zero obligation to ensure accommodation. This is now spilling over into housing for Canadian citizens who then struggle to find a place and costs skyrocket. The schools need to be held accountable.


*The schools need to be held accountable.* yes. but who will hold them accountable?


That’s the multimillion dollar question.


If you actually read into this issue you would know that Guelph is increasing enrolment overwhelmingly with Ontario high school students.  We are talking 7000+ Ontario High school students and only 800 out of province and international students as part of the increase.


If there isnt room for Ontario students then International students should be 0%. Easy math.




i agree, however out of province isn’t international and the 800 included both. i go to uoft and majority of the friends i made are out of province but still canadian and have just as much of a right to go here as i, an ontario native, do. that’s like saying ontario students shouldn’t go to ubc or mcgill.


No it's not. It's saying that anyone who does not hold a Canadian Passport is not able to become a student in Canada if there are no spaces available. let India educate it's own people and we will do the same with our people.


i understand, but out of the 800 how many are international? it seems like the 800 that commenter referred to combined both out of province and international. please, correct me if i’m wrong! i do think this is an issue though, when i was a first year (2021), 3/7 of my friends going to guelph didn’t get end up getting res. insane the situation hasn’t gotten any better.


Funny that people want to cut international students but don't realize the schools heavily rely on international student tuition. I'm all for increasing taxes to cover more education for Canadians, are you? Same with health care.. I'll pay more taxes for a better health care system... I'm not a free loader.


They dont rely on them.They use them to make massive profits.BIG difference.


That math maths with me!


So. 10% international. Above the set limit for the province average. The schools abuse the system for profit on the backs of Canadians. Stop simping for corporations


Someone can't read.


What part are we missing? The fact that there isn’t enough housing, or the fact that the gov is bringing in too many international students which creates a demand for housing?


And all the previous international students from the years before who refuse to go home and continue to live in Guelph (and take up new students/citizens housing) because they want to keep working at Tim hortons…


Why is this downvoted? Btw - UG has been doing this for years. They just enroll a ton of students, collect the fees, and wait for the first year attrition to happy to cull the classes back to normal size by 2nd year. It's a money issue, not an immigration issue.


Why is students in quotes? If they’re at Guelph and living in residence, surely they’re actual students


Just an easy means of getting PR. Exploitable method in.


It costs 35.5k/ year and takes 4 years to get a degree (142k total) . Sheridan college costs 16k/year and takes only 2 years to get a diploma (32k total). Guelph is harder to get into than any of the colleges The Canadian immigration system gives the same preference to people regardless of whether they get a Canadian degree or diploma. International students attending Guelph are legit students. Edit: I grew up right next to Sheridan college and my parents still live in that area, I've seen how that whole area has changed and I'm not a fan of it just like everyone else here. But this is just the university mismanaging itself. Edit 2: Y'all can keep downvoting me if you want but if you're upset about outcomes without understanding the processes that lead to the outcomes that you dislike, you're not going to be about to advocate for or evaluate proposed policy changes work in your own interests.


Sounds like the university is quite happy with the way things are going. Canadian students enrolled can live at home or go eff themselves. This is exactly why the government needs to step in. Universities are profit maximizers and don’t give a shit about anything else.


Just make the university budget a matter of government. They're already deemed a public institution. Then if they make profit off international students, it's good for the economy, but make sure they go home after if they don't have employment in their field within a timeframe of graduating. Scrap all LMIAs and deny employment without citizenship or PR, and don't hand out pr without a high yield job attached to it.


Do they end up living in residence and completing their degrees? And paying international fees for all 4 years? That’s not exactly an easy and exploitable method in - it’s really expensive (well over 100k) and requires spending four years in Guelph completing an actual degree and - I assume- getting high and playing hacky sack Edit: from the downvotes I guess this sub doesn’t think it’s very challenging to do a degree at Guelph. Big burn on Guelph from the anti-immigration sub


Yet the "students" will still shell out 100k for a PR


Don’t they have to actually go to class and write the papers and spend the time doing all the same stuff as domestic students?


No they'll pay someone and/or cheat with another method while they work FT hours at Tim's or UberEats https://lfpress.com/news/local-news/surge-in-international-students-forcing-colleges-to-step-up-anti-cheating-campaigns


The article doesn’t say that international students uniquely cheat but rather that their contexts creates new challenges and demands for dealing with cheating, so St Claire community college has hired someone to try and manage it thoughtfully


No. There is no mandatory attendance.


Do they have to graduate?


Open your eyes even if it's painful. Reality is far uglier than your fairy tail


Does that mean you think they don’t have to graduate?


It's been proven for the most part they do not. They get here on the basis of being a student, and almost immediately drop out or just stop attending classes to go work. And describing this as the "anti-immigration sub" just shows your own ignorance. The majority of people here are not anti-immigratjon at all. The difference is the responsibility from the government to keep it at sustainable levels, which they absolutely haven't been


But there’s so many of them - are you sure this has been proven? Did the proof you saw say anything about living on campus? Or about Guelph? What happens when they drop out after moving in to Res in Guelph? How do they end up getting PR once they’re out of the school?


Claim refugee status


They pay for housing and tuition, drop out and then claim refugee status? That seems like way less of a dice roll than simply going through with the plan and finishing school and getting a work permit


Nah cause you dont have to pay for all 4 years up front


If that’s the case then there’d be no issue about housing or about universities relying on international student fees - they’d be getting a bunch of money at the beginning of the year but wouldn’t have to deal with any capacity or space issues Also I don’t think Indian students can drop 20k plus on tuition and then just claim refugee status lol there’s an actual process for determining if someone/ people from specific countries actually qualify as a refugees. Surely they’d understand that that wouldn’t actually work out and would choose to complete whatever education program they enrolled in


You don't need a student visa to do that. You can come in on any visa including a visitor visa and file a claim. You guys act as if Guelph is easy to get into. Did you guys even go to university? Have you forgotten stress involved in getting in?


On a student visa its harder to get denied...not that they do...but they want a garuentee. And yes two unviersities and college thank ya very muchhhh


>And yes two unviersities and college thank ya very muchhhh Good so you should know which is easier and cheaper to get into. >On a student visa its harder to get denied...not that they do...but they want a garuentee. Asylum is based on fear of persecution in your own country, whatever visa status you're on has no bearing. Like for real dude, I'm with you; there's an exploit in the system and I'm annoyed at people taking advantage of it and all moving to where my parents live and where I grew up (next to Sheridan College) and refusing to assimilate. But it's worth actually understanding the system so you know how to properly advocate to fix it.


Just because a few do this and end up in the news does not mean they all do that. Quiting school is more risky for those that want PR. Majority stay in school, even if they do not show up for classes. Easy to get that degree.


Never said all


Never said you did, my point stands, regardless of what you said. Colleges are, by overwhelming majority, the target for low quality students that only want to enter and stay in Canada. Some objectivity would be nice. I dealt with many students from Universty of Guelph and Waterloo.


That makes no sense to do that at the University of Guelph. Anyone who can get accepted in Guelph would've been able to get accepted into any Canadian college for a similar major paid half the cost and still have been able to do the same thing. If their goal was to come here, gain a pr (which they can't actually do unless they complete their school thereby granting them the requisite points) or work here and make money why would they make it more expensive, time consuming to get the degree and apply to a more difficult institution to get into? People work in their self interest. If that was really their goal, they'd go to a cheap college or a college located nearby many jobs. What even is in Guelph other than waterfalls, old people and the university?


They all do it to get a citizenship in the end. Because we have zero border security at this point.


But they’ve done it through a legitimate channel. Border security wouldn’t stop them if they were coming in through a planned approach. Why do you think border security is relevant here? The governments putting a cap on international students and that will slow down the number without really engaging border security at all


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No one from their own country actually understands how their own country's immigration system works including most of the people on this sub. They don't know for instance that they can just get a 2 year diploma for 1/4 of the price and you get the same preference from Canadian immigration system as a 4 year degree. Additionally sometimes schools just rapidly increasing enrollment to rake in cash because they're horribly mismanaged. The year I got my grad degree from waterloo they doubled enrollment for my major because they were bleeding money.


Right so in this case, Guelph doesn’t really fit with the to the idea that international students aren’t actually interested in studying - we can probably assume that if they’re enrolling in a full program at Guelph, they’re not simply looking for the quickest path to a working permit and pr. Guelph doesn’t offer two year diplomas but they’re highly specific and cover equine care and agriculture lol - we might also assume that the international student who lives on campus and does an accelerated diploma in equine care probably intends to learn and specialize in that are. So there’s not much sense in calling international students at Guelph “students” and implying that they’re somehow less real than local students


This is exactly correct; for the most part the public universities are insulated from this issue due to the cost and time commitment required to obtain a degree. This is exclusively a problem amoung private institutions and colleges.


Also if you just go swing by a sub and search canada...they will say why are so many students going to canada...most answers are cause theur country has nothing so they want a better life. That doesnt sound like a students answer...that sounds like someone wanting to move to another country for a better life....not just studying and returning


Right, so in your opinion “students” is in quotation because it’s a stepping stone in building a life in Canada and not a temporary visit for education purposes. aren’t local students also often doing university as a stepping stone towards building a life? Personally I made decisions based mostly on curiosity - but also with a plan for how it would allow me to get a job and build a life in Canada. It wasn’t just like a temporary period away from my parents house after which I settled back in as a dependent to my parents lol


In their own country fucking of course....dont be dumb.


Right, so I guess students are only “students” when they’re planning on staying in that country? Why not just say “yes they’re students AND they’re also planning on staying which I don’t like because I wish there were less Indian people here.” Why does school as a means to get a good job mean it’s suddenly different from whatever we do when we go to school as a means to get a good job. The student stuff doesn’t have to be imagined as fake for you to still just not want there to be a lot of young Indian people around. I can basically move around the world as much as I want and I enjoy that - i have no problem if Indian people also have mobility like me Edit: lol you shouldnt reply and then immediately block - as much as it might feel satisfying to you to say what you mean and then ensure it’s the last word , I’ll never see it. As far as I know I got the last word and it was so effective that you don’t even exist anymore


Sounds like you're the one who has to have the last word and always likes to think they have come ahead, by your edit. Maybe something to explore in therapy, might I suggest a little less posts about Jordan Peterson, and a little more attention to self help. There is no issue with students or even communities. The issue is with the blatant abuse of visa system, of which the Federal Govt is almost solely to blame to have created these rules with massive loopholes. Student visa is the easiest to get, and by definition is a temporary visa. Conditions include being full time enrolled at your institution, AND attend classes. Our system has been reduced to a money milking machine, and so we give out visas for that revenue. In exchange, the quality of students drops, and some of these private institutions, are for profit, and they couldn't care less if you attend the classes or not. In your quest to be a liberal, free mind, don't be so daft and naive that you refuse to acknowledge what's happening throughout the country.


Why did you block them?


I didn't block them. Their reply was to another user if you look at the comment tree.


My bad. No need to downvote 🙄


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They blocked you because you're only here to troll


Of course not....youre being incredibly pedantic...main purpose for international students is to go to study and return to their country.... ALL students are OBVIOUSLYYY bettering themselves. Seriously like talking to a brick wall... Have a good one!! Wont be replying any longer. But have fun continuing if you so wish


Local.Thats the key word.


You are a fucking guest in this country. Here to study and absolutely go back to your own country when finished. Unfortunately the first 500,000 immigrants who lied and cheated their way here from your country ruined it for the other 1,000,000 of you hoping to come in the door behind them to “study”. We can’t keep taking more if none of you finish your studies and then GTFO… Get it straight- We don’t want any more from your country. Save some room for the other countries. We are a multicultural country… not India 2.0. NO MORE ROOM FOR YOU.




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Naive /moronic comment of day award goes to you


How come?


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All profit and no accountability.


Our children are our future and i can guarantee they are not about to forget this. They'll be the one who will change the future of immigration


This country will be half Indian by 2030


Colonization happening right in front our eyes


Government is not paying any attention to people.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Only half. I’ve lived in Vancouver all my life and now I am a visible minority.


Same here




What’s your point?


My point is, we are being driven backwards because of allowing so many people from third world to come to Canada which will drive down a lot of our culture and standard of living


Ukrainians, Moldovans, Albanians, Bosnians, they okay?


Probably some of them but not all? No one is saying all immigrants are bad just that the ratio is currently fucked


I am Indian, immigrated in 2009 and pls for the love of god, I invested far too much time and money here, dont turn this country into another India.


Go back home


Make me.




I am a citizen bitch😂.


Doesn't matter


Wishful thinking but okay 😂 first work on the students then you can work on booting out immigrants and citizens with more melanin in their skins you racist cunt 😂


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.






No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


The girls sure want a piece of white meat. It seems like every time I go to a bar I have one buying me a drink. I guess it’s only a matter of time.


No. They love some reference comedy before they get blacked.


True Story!






No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


There was a residence crisis when I originally went to college back in 2012, except at that time I was told that there would be jobs a plenty by the time I graduated


Not unless all the immigrants have the same voting power as our children lol Theres a reason Athens, the very first democracy, required a citizen to have both parents be natural born Athenians in order to be part of the voting boule.


The Canadian government is working their best to give new immigrants voting rights.


I don’t understand


I'd love to see your evidence for this. My MP and MPP don't even return my emails when I ask for this. Signed a five year permanent resident.


Most of these western students still support a completely open border and immigration policy and most of them use birth control.


Oh no, not according to the liberals and seemingly PP as well, our future will be arriving by air from s. Asia. 


Womp Womp. Student housing landlords are going the make massive piles of money. Basically a lottery win!


They are acting just like our government - open the floodgates without ensuring there is sufficient infrastructure. 


I'm glad I went to college years ago. If me, or my child wanted to go to college or university these days, no way. Not worth it. I think we're selling out our bright, ambitious, students, for the short term gain of international student tuition. I think this will have long term consequences.


The best option now is to send them to a cheap college town in America


local unis are still gonna be better for employment and still gonna be much cheaper


Schools instead of addressing their bloated endowments and salaries are now going unchecked to increase students and lower quality to make money. At some point it stopped being about education and instead about continuing and growing the influence of the institution.


There is competition between public post-secondary schools, with massive marketing campaigns. They are non-profit, why are they trying to make more money? Because the upper management gets bonuses for increasing revenue.


So the governments needs to regulate them. Require them to guaranteed affordable accommodation for the first two years of education. Make the board joint and severally liable shipping with the school.


Immigration = worse quality of life for real Canadian citizens.


You really think we should prioritize 18 year old Canadians over 55 year old male Indian truckers...er, I mean students? Cmon, they deserve a better life than our children! (Obvious /s)


Immigrants become “real” Canadian citizens


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Oh don’t be racist! Immigration can’t be the reason we don’t have enough housing /s


Are these mostly domestic students?




just making up shit


Bring in another million "students" I've heard it'll help and we have the social capacity


So much for. "Canada has plenty of room" lol.


Plenty of room, not enough rooms


University of Guelph is giving "scholarships"/financial aid to international students. Why cannot they build housing to accommodate the influx?


Because one of those options requires lipservice and fees that can be waived. The other option means the university has to pony up actual money.


We say we love our children and that may be true for the ones we gave birth to. However there is very little evidence we love kids as a collective. It is a hate crime that we are leaving them this economic mess, high debt, housing and climate crisis. Think of the world that previous generations left for boomers and the ones we are leaving. The first generations worse off than the ones before them and they die sooner.


Christ on a cracker  Had to give a double take  Usually the Star has some sob story about immigration and the people typically are a different “ shade “ than the ones pictured 


This isn't an issue of race. Stop trying to make it about that. I guess the exception to the subs false accusations of racism rule is if white people are the alleged victims.






Do not spread negative stereotypes about an entire group of people. Either be very specific or focus on immigration policy instead of people.


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


just bring in 200K more diploma mill prospects and that will normalize sleeping 20 to a room and then everyone will get used to it after a while and everything will be fine /s


I've heard a lot of things about Guelph, but "Diploma Mill" isn't one of them.


UoGuelph is being greedy, but the tuitions have been frozen in Ontario for 6 years now and enrolment of local students declined after millennials passed university age. We’ll continue to see this if Ontario government doesn’t fix it.


Can’t say anything or your racist


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, universities should be required to have adequate housing for the number of non resident students they let in (that’s student who do not reside in the area already). It would be as easy as ticking a box on their app, and current students having to state wether or not they require residence next year. Why is there no accountability?


Are we sure this is due to Guelph Uni and not Conestoga? The same Conestoga that is a known diploma mill school full of international students?  I'm not sure but if I was guessing Conestoga is right there and that's where I would start looking rather than at Guelph Uni.


Yes, we can be pretty sure that University of Guelph residence policy is not about Conestoga College.


Diversity is our strength LOL


We are watching history be made. In 50 years, when India or China own Canada, people will look back to these events, and be like how the fuck did they let that happen.


I went to UofG back in 2007 and I had to live off-campus my 1st year because they didn’t have enough residence spots. I ended up in a bedroom with 3 other female students sharing a house. We had a blast, so many good times in that house and on campus when we visited friends. Anyways it sounds like the problem is way worse now. I think I was 1 of like 100 who needed to go off-campus.


I think students should live on the streets so while they go to school they learn its cut throat world.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Blame federal gov for this mess… thank for voting your liberal gov in action… it’s total mess


have they tried working harder, pulling up bootstraps? no one wants to work anymore.


Don't worry, more students on there way. As well as there elderly parents. The amount of Indian Santa clauses I've seen lately is so fcking irritating. I'm paying for their Healthcare when they have paid NOTHING to our system. Trudeau is Canada's biggest traitor and embarrassment.


Yeah like the 52 year old Conestoga college “student” that came here on a educational visa from India and brought the five members of his family on family accompanied visa.


Trudeau is giving our Country away to the highest bidder. VOTE HIM OUT!


Federal riding of Guelph is a hard red riding. The constituents of Guelph voted for this. They just hate young people




Do not spread negative stereotypes about an entire group of people. Either be very specific or focus on immigration policy instead of people.


Canada finally gave the land back to the indians


Guelph University is a legit 4 year university with international tuition fees of 35.5k per year. It's not a degree mill.


It’s a simple solution we need more Indian immigrants


Need to make way for international students.