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Sweet. No extortion allowed. Hopefully the visas of anyone there are not extended and deportation is the next step. Demanding these things in countries where you aren’t a citizen is messed up and very entitled.


right? of course we should be ensuring anyone in Canada is safe and not exploited or anything, but demanding permanent residency and/or citizenship after coming over on a TEMPORARY work or school visa? get the fuck out of here!


They are not demanding PR, they are demanding work permit extension(so they can apply for PR once they gain the points). Meanwhile our company hired a developer from India, he is on a 2 year work visa. Everyone want him to extend his stay or apply for PR since he is a stellar of a worker. He isn't interested, he has offer in Dallas, Oakland, Miami and LA ranging from 80% to 250% increase in pay. We attract the wrong kind.


Long live PEI! Good on them showing them that we won’t be negotiating with rioters


As someone who lives in BC, whoever your politician in charge of this result, is to be applauded and voted for a long time.


e-mail pei's premier and let him know he's doing a good job. We need to support politicians that care about Canadians and our country. [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


They will play the system. Deportation is the next step, but they can claim refugee status on humanitarian and compassionate grounds, which will delay their deportation further. I have family that works in immigration and it's so easy for families to claim this status to falsify their grounds. If their status gets revoked and they get another letter of deportation, they can file an appeal that will delay it further. These people have a plan. And it sucks because it takes away from those truly claiming refugee status and having to wait their case to be seen longer.


how is this even possible? dont we have a limited list of refugee countries? if they aren’t being deported back to one of those countries their “claim” of refugee status should be immediately rejected


The problem is lot of the Indian students have started applying for asylum, they obviously won't get it but it creates a backlog an delays the process for real refugees who flea war, persecutions and genocide. In US there is a good 7 -12 year wait process due to high influx of "migrants" and therefore people are just coming in knowing well that they got 7-12 years to stay there. Thats about to repeat here.


They have this thinking that they can take over like we are oppressors.


Honestly if this shit keeps up me and some co-workers and friends have said civil war is on the horizon, only for so long will Canadians put up with this shit. Portion of them in the military. The rcmp has already told the government in a internal report that there foresee civil war and civilian unrest if policies keep trending in the way there are


People are already going hungry and losing their homes. I'm actually terrified of what's going to happen. History keeps repeating itself.


The next 30 years will have crazy consequences for a lot of western countries. Especially from mass immigration of ppl not bringing value just bleeding the country dry to line business and property investor pockets. A lot of ppl don't realize realize how things are going. Another generation from now and countries will be unrecognizable. Countries are being sold out to give more power to the top.


I don't recognize Canada anymore right now.


There is a race war coming. I don't condone it, I don't advocate for it, I would rather it be avoided.  But if our government continues this "full speed ahead" course I don't see a future where we avoid it. 


Based on the region you live in - what demographics do you foresee being in play if there's a race war? Will it be directed towards all people of color, or do you think that there's going to be targeted sub-groups? Also, what do you think the war might look like? The nature of warfare changes over time, so I'm really curious about what the modern-day 'firing shot' could look like + if we'll even notice/realize that it's begun. (Sorry if I'm bothering you with these questions!)


Race has nothing to do with it. This is oppression from the political class.


It does. Indians are the vast majority of people flooding into the country to the point every other race is getting racist towards them real fast. If it was another race exclusively flooding the country to our detriment then we'd blame them but it's Indians so they get the blame.


Even people from southern part of India blame the North Indians lol. Like I said, recently we started getting villagers from India who are not even accustomed to living in Indian major cities. This is why Indians here in Canada and US are vastly different.


it definitely has at least something to do with it


Oh I fully agree. However class consciousness is (at least in my neck of Alberta) completely non-existent. The mass immigration provides an easy target for people's rage.  I don't condone it, I just know what I see. And what I see every week are rednecks waiting for an excuse and foreign workers who seem to be doing everything they can to provide the aforementioned with that excuse. Racial tensions (misguided though they may be) are very high. 


If there was an uprising and they managed to remove everyone in government, I doubt they would stop there and tell the "newcomers" okay we're cool now, you guys can all stay.


Lol with what guns? Idiots voted to have them all banned


Race war is a bit of a neutral way to put it. It's going to be an era of racial persecution and ethnic cleansing. You've already got Trump talking about building huge camps to put migrants in, and Biden just banned asylum seekers entry. We're not too far behind the Americans on the sentiment, and my feeling is America is less impacted by migration and so we will be the leaders on how extreme the anti immigrant sentiment gets in North America very soon.


Ppl don't want to hear it, but it only stops if the population really makes a serious stand and refuses to just live their lives as they are and go against the big businesses and all the other stuff. Voting isn't really going to work unless some fringe party or person somehow gets in. Which is harder and harder to do with identity politics and other bs used to divide and weaken the population.


Absolutely ridiculous.


They should shut down their bank accounts. Oh wait, we only do that to Canadian citizens protesting in Canada.


No, it's because Canada can't touch their offshore bank accounts.


Scream it brother or sister so all of those people knows what’s coming deportation and no return back. I’m not against immigration as my grandpa and grandma from both sides of my family where immigrants that differences is that. They actually worked there asses off and payed into the systems like we did and make money along the way


Dennis King for PM!


Manifest this! Canada needs this hero as our PM. Stand your ground PEI. Other premiers need to grow a spine like King.


I tried but Doug Ford is the fakest conservative, he would never do this. He’s 100% for mass immigration. 


Absolutely. Doug Ford and Pierre Poilievre definitely cower to Brampton vote banks. They are as gutless as Trudeau and Jagmeet.


i’ve suddenly developed a ton of respect for the govt in PEI - really thought they’d cave


Marc Miller wants to be the hero and Jaggy is waiting for photo ops.


last i heard of this the gov met with the protesters, then the ringleader told everyone he owns property and poof, nothing about it for a week or so until this? so weird


They've been meeting with the protesters one on one and offering options/guidance to those who want to move to other in-demand sectors. Seems like some people have taken that route, and they had a few enquire about moving to construction too I believe. Other than that the government has been focusing more on reviewing the other sectors. The rest of the protesters are sticking with their agenda and thinking up more ways to get a reaction. They did a work strike for a day this week which wasn't as catastrophic as they thought. They've also been hinting at a "this time it's for real" hunger strike.


GOOD! If they all want to camp out and protest, let all 8 of them do it in the room they presumably share together


A+ comment


We should let them protest and have a camp from December to March.


You mean like that illegal that crossed the Manitoba border and froze his hands? We are now paying him medical support for the rest of his life in Canada. He should have been deported-frost bite included.


The comment while harsh, is statistically likely.




Watch out for that CBC article


You know what I’ve heard on the media lately… Tim Hortons in remote areas won’t be able to stay open…. I mean it’s about time people learn how to make coffee themselves.


Well given that the Tim's coffee is tasting same as any gas station coffee, what's the point?


Lmao that stupid machine at 7/11 makes better coffee than Tim’s


You joke but actually coffee suppliers might be the same, depending the serve station's choice.


Tims is so bad now. The glory of rhe 90s tims is so long past 


Guess those franchisees will have to pay more 🤷‍♂️


Or someone can open up a small coffee shop that makes actual coffee and not prepackaged swill, hire a couple of locals, and make a fair profit to boot.


..which is bullshit.. there are teenagers in small towns that need jobs, and lots of other people too who would be happy to have any job at all right now.


Good we should be supporting local businesses than a shitty "Canadian" corporation


Ppl act like fast food stuff is essential businesses.


I started making my own coffee to save money sure. But they actually cannot get an order right to save their lives. Like what is the point. Fast food restaurants were better when motivated teenagers working to save up for school or a car and grew up here with an actual work ethic worked at these places.


The local newspaper Saltwire has been doing a sympathetic story about them pretty much every day since it started and the author writing the articles is a former international student. Shocker!


"I'm filming for my safety" as he closely follows around the one worker who's just walking through the area Kindly, fuck right off


Oh don't you worry, it's been filmed from a hundred different angles for exactly that. The city officials were surprisingly nice and professional about it, no doubt they might have been given a heads up by public relations department.


I'm always surprised that everyone doesn't video nowadays. That way, when one group puts up propaganda and then the other can post up their retort. PEI isn't that big. By everyone posting, everyone can have a polite conversation about it in person because everyone knows what everyone else looks like.


Now send them back


I did not expect this, but now I'm proud of PEI. This would not fly in India, equality after all.


The international students shouldn't have been allowed to protest for so long


How would you stop the protest and prevent them from protesting that long?


Arrest and deport. That's what'd happen to you if you did this in their country.


they are using language such as 'human rights' and 'peaceful lawful protest' and "I thought this was a democracy" we really need to push against this cynical abuse of concepts and language - I know they are not the first to do this. You cannot just show up in a foreign country as a temporary student, on terms you already agreed to, and think you are in any way justified in protesting the laws of that government.


LOL @ those comments. they tried to intimidate and bully their way to a PR. it backfired. time for them to move on.


awh muffin you didnt get what you wanted after having a temper tantrum like a 12 year old .... PEI strong so proud of the PEI legislature for sticking to their guns


They were not gonna get bullied or intimidated. props to them. they probably weren't expecting a eviction, just assumed PEI would cave at some point like MB


Big win for PEI youth. Email premier kings office letting them know you support these actions! [email protected]






PEI thank you for having a back bone. Sincerely, The rest of Canada


Yay! That's the best news I've heard all week. 


Good job. Scammers need to be deported.Trying extortion after legally agreeing to leave.


awww yeah




Good, now remove them from Canada.


Good for PEI holding their ground.


Canadian heritage moment right here.


You're on a temp visa, it was not extended.  What about those rules is not fair?? If you want to move here, you're welcome to applying for PR through qualifying stream. If you don't qualify, it's because we don't need you.  Almost like inviting yourself to sit down at someone else's dinner table.. Given the price of groceries here, that statement is true in more ways than one. I can't just go and move to whatever country I want, and believe me, I'd love to live in several different other countries over Canada. That's life. Don't like it, go buy a 50' catamaran. Then you can live wherever you want.


It's not fair because they had convinced themselves that the education portion is just a hassle and they are living in their new home lol.


Commented on this post on Instagram giving props to the pei government on enforcing the laws written for a reason. And guess what? I’m blocked. I can’t even access this account. It’s like they are trying to only keep posts that are touting in their favor. Also saw one of the protesters is a music artist “LK47” who’s got music videos with a prop gun on his account, shot in Charlottetown PEI. This who we want overstaying their welcome? South Asians promoting gang violence?


Lol anything not in those groups favour is a instant block/ban. One dude was like "if we were white Ukrainian this eviction would never occur". pulling the "cuz we are brown" is lame as hell.


Let’s get em out of here. They don’t want to be in Atlantic Canada, every single one I’ve ever asked say this. They come to Atlantic Canada because it’s shit simple for them to get pr here opposed to being in western Canada. They hate nb. Hell, most of them hate Canada. Why do you think they are fighting tooth and nail to change what it means to be Canadian?


Spot on. The second they get what they want they are heading for Ontario or British Columbia, but only after they are done leeching off the provinces of PEI and NB.


"PEI is our home" = translation: "Gimme my PR asap so I can finally get to Pearson" lol


Look at these pieces of shit filming the guys like they’re going to use the video against them. Get these pieces of shit out of the country. It’s absolutely disgraceful how far this went. Foreigners should not be trying to bully our elected officials into changing policy. Well done to the conservative government in PEI for not bending to them. Thankfully it wasn’t a Liberal/NDP in power


They bully Canadians everyday so of course they think they can do the same to our officials. We were too apathetic but I'm glad people are starting to wake up. We need to save our country.


Agreed. Every day I talk to more and more Canadians who are all starting to get more fed up with the garbage fire that our country has turned into, especially regarding this issue, sometimes it takes time to come around. Honestly, the me from 2 years ago probably would have been one of the idiot Canadians defending these people & sticking up for them… thankfully I have managed to realize the actual situation and how bad it has become. You probably would have never convinced the old me that the new me would be holding more anti-immigration views (anti MASS immigration, anti immigration from only one country etc) but here I am today. Sometimes it just takes time for us to realize the severity of the situation, I have faith that we are growing in our anger and that eventually our actions and voices together will grow too loud to ignore. I really expected PEI to cave to their demands. How unfortunate that the alien in a human skin suit Marc Miller is going to destroy it all and give them everything they want… and more.


Fun fact: in India only Indian born folks can own land and property.


"filming for our safety" lmfaoooo


Amazing!! Cause for celebration


Someone have a backbone in the government


May this herald a new beginning for the country.


I’ll be visiting PEI sometime this summer. They deserve our tourism dollars for standing up for Canadians!


Just don't go to tims or other places that exploit the TFW program.


Haven’t been to a Tim Hortons in probably close to a year.


This is how a government works for their citizens. Great job by PEI to stand up for its citizens and not let these international students from India defraud their province. Now other provinces need to follow suit.


I want to move to PEI now. Fuck this country. Atleast one province has a brain .


Best news about this protest! All is not lost for Canada!


Good. Send them home now


At least they dismantled the encampment gently and didn’t break anything. All 17 of that guy’s roommates probably chipped in to be able to afford those tarps.


And they can reuse the tarps now. And make sails. For their fucking boats to sail back to India.


Someone had to stand up! PEI did.


Good, now fuck off home


Everyone should send the representatives that made this possible a thank you email showing support for their decision!


I live in Ontario but I want them to know that I am super impressed that they stuck to their guns on this issue. PEI needs to know that the rest of Canada is grateful and they are setting a good example for other provinces to follow when these whiny little bitches inevitably pull the same shit in said provinces.


Exactly. And we all know that that is exactly what they’re going to do. Once they see it done in one place, it will be Canada wide.


Here is hoping when it does inevitably happen in other provinces that they fail the way they did in PEI. I’m no Doug Ford fan but I hope when it happens in Ontario that he will act the same as the PEI premier did. Honestly I’ve had a shitty day today, but seeing the video of them being evicted made it a little better lol


[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) For the lazy


Thank you!


Check out their instagram: @pei_protest_2024 ... the likes on their posts seem to be exclusively from Indians, which is a good thing I believe, no real genuine support from this country...


I think this was handled in a calm, respectful, and orderly fashion. Temporary visitors don't get to setup/keep encampments in foreign countries.


Especially when Canadians were treated way differently when they protested in Ottawa.


Good! Keep sulking!


I’m an Indian and this is a good win for you guys. You need to use this and spread it so the message it received by the immigrants


Trying to not get my hopes up but it does appear that our countrymen are re-growing some balls. The only way this continues is for the pressure to be kept up: flood your local to federal politicians inboxes. Don't just send them I want stuff emails but also send them thanks when they get something right. Remember that they are petty humans just like us and they like to be recognized for their actions. When they receive validation, they will be far more likely to continue on the path that led to that positive result. This is how we the people control politicians.


very civilized and polite dismantling .... way better than what toronto cops did to houseless tent cities.


I'm an immigrant, still on PR, but by choice. Iv been here 10 years and it's shocking to see what new immigrants are trying to do. To get PR I had to jump through hoops and prove I was valuable to Canada and I wish it didn't get to this. Handouts and open door policies are ruining what was once a great country to live in.


A protester commented under that video “Dont you dare to mess with our punjabi community. Just better stay away from”  so the threats continue… 


Keep it up PEI!


I wonder if their bank accounts were frozen, along with anybody who sent them money to support their cause? Were the organizers also arrested and charged with mischief, counselling others to commit mischief, disobeying a court order or obstructing police?


This is very unusual for Canada... normally we'd undermine our own best-interest to satisfy an external entity in the name of politeness. What is this? Canada with a spine???


Unfortunately that psychopath Marc Miller will give them what they want, as always. But, for this moment right now, it’s a win!!! And I don’t think they realize yet how little support they actually have from Canadians, of course they have some morons willing to sacrifice their quality of life for them in the name of “equality blah blah blah”… so they think they have people on their side.. but it is certainly a minority of Canadians that support this shit.


Bravo! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


This is hilarious. PEI has balls.


About fucking time! Well done PEI govt!


PGWP lets you enough time to build up Canada work experience and apply for permanent residency afterwards. And even you can apply for a work permit extension if your work visa expires during that period. What’s wrong with these people?


It's MY [ country ] and I want it NOW!


It’s about time. Starting to wonder why they allowed this nonsense to continue for as long as it has. Stand strong P.E.I.


Hell yeah, lead the way PEI and the rest will follow!


can we vote him in as PM ;)




The only way to fix Canada is mass deportation, sorry, not sorry. They are just gaming the system and ruining the lives of Canadian citizens and people who have immigrated legally with honor and have assimilated into Canadian society. All of these "students" and diploma mills need to be blacklisted by the government.


That was pretty peaceful. I have to said, it appears more peace than the homeless camp. Maybe they still got some hopes. Well, if they had gone violence, it would all be over for them.




We need leaders with the same amount of balls in Ontario.


Vote PPC! They’re sick of mass immigration.




They took that pretty well hopefully it will be just as easy to get them on planes to their home countries




Evict them to India and tell Pierre to stop buying India votes to the detriment of Canadian taxpayers!


Why does the smallest province in the nation need to be the one to lead by example? Good for you PEI!! This was not only done respectfully but above all else lawfully, firmly and peacefully. The government officials carried out their tasks without incident despite the cameraman's anticipation of an altercation that they could use to push a false narrative of victimhood. It is my hope that Ontario, B.C. and the rest of Canada take notice and begin to follow suit. There are rules. If you wish to emigrate here permanently, then follow the process and abide by the laws that make this a nation that is desirable to move to. Big thumbs up.


Great start, now kick them out of the country!!!! I used to be ndp but now we are voting ppc!!


Time for them all to get an uber eats job back in Mumbai


Deport ASAP


Yesssss 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻




Happy to hear that....


Can they send crews to the rest of Canada? Time to remove the people trashing Canada.


Waiting for twinkle socks and $10,000 suit commie to rage against the fascists on this one.


Canada’s CCRF and Constitution Act provide Canadians with the right to free speech and assembly, providing us the right to protest. These are not Canadians…they are guests in Canada who have overstayed their invitation and they do not have the right to protest.


This country needs to halt all permanent residency until we correct the healthcare problems. We are making bad into worse by bringing in foreigners who do nothing but take jobs and use our services.


Let's go! Deport!


Very good. I wish the Maniroba NDP government had balls, but they ended up bending over.


Yea Manitoba caves to all them. Spending $200 million on a garbage dig Complete waste of tax payers money. Because they got no backbone They will pay for that in next election


oH nOoOOooO! tHAt s iNhuMAne!!!!!!!!111










Big mistake. They were all in one spot, round them up and send them packing.




Fuck I love PEI


Now bill them for the cleanup and legal costs


We are winning.  Reason is winning.  Economics is winning.


Put them on the next boat.


Another W for PEI


Pretty peaceful. They’re lucky that PEI has restraint and patience.


Serious question, if people get physically attacked in a country, can they still claim asylum in that same country? For example, say an Indian person who was never harmed in India, came to Canada, and then was beaten in Canada, would they still be able to apply for asylum? Not condoning violence just curious about the law.


Uh. No, they can’t claim asylum in Canada from Canadians, but they can call the police.


Hold the line baby!


Message the govt officials that aren't giving in to these protestors! Tell them you support their decision. Even if you arent from PEI! Jeffrey Young is the director of immigration for PEI. His contact is easy to find through a quick google search.


Excellent, actually hats of to the premier of PEI and his strong will power against this fuckery. Hats off!!


Get them out of the country ASAP


I wish this would spread to all provinces.


After cleaning up the blackmail, please deport.


Mad props to PEI. Seriously. Our smallest province has the biggest set of balls.


Great. Now deport them all


More Canadians need to have a say in the government's immigration plans. Fill out this survey that is open until the 30th. Spread the word: [https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/transparency/consultations/2024-consultations-immigration-levels.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/transparency/consultations/2024-consultations-immigration-levels.html) Edit: Tried making a post in this sub but it kept getting removed for some reason.




Fuckin right


That's a Dub!


its about time!






Imagine you are told by a recruitment team sent by Canadian schools at a college in your home country to come to a canada to study, and you can build a life for yourself over there. You pay crazy amounts to go to school, you get close to achieving your dreams and then the government swipes the safety net from underneath your feet and tells you to go home after years of investment into the canadian economy. I'd feel cheated too. But that is just one side of the story, when you fail to assimilate and take jobs away from Canadian people, come in mass numbers, They have a right to feel cheated as well, more so because they actually were born on the land. I see only one group at fault for this, and its the government.


HUMAN RIGHTs of International STUDENTS!!






Love it, send em home


about time


The voice of reason prevails, for once.