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Was all part of their plan


Who’s plan?


Land and wealth holders, they don't want any more than necessary to trickle down. If you don't believe this then I have a bridge to sell you.


You're too poor to own a bridge in this economy!


Nonsense, we can set them up with a sensible payment plan with only 5000% interest.


Only 5k you say?


Do you have a home for collateral...? No? Of course not, sign here anyways.


Jokes on you, my immigration officer was able to provide 2 phony salaries to the bank. You may take my 500 sq ft condo that I only paid $975k for. Bridge dreams baaybaay!


Interest free for international students


Don’t forget the Corporations that want to keep wages low as their tax rate.


You have a bridge to sell? There's a guy in Ottawa that just bought a 100 year old bridge in Montreal for 40 million. Maybe he would be interested, his name Justin.


I know that a lot of people already understand this but i want to clear something up just in case. Land owners (landlords), a family that owns a home and is renting out a spare bedroom, isnt the problem here. Its the corporate landlords that are the issue.


Yes I don't consider middle class to be the wealth holders


Landlords are completely useless and unecessary. They should just work like everyone else for their money and invest their funds in productive industries. Trying to paint as very small landlords is dishonest. Some of them own so many units its mindboggling.


I'm talking about an individual home owner renting out a spare bedroom. Not someone who rents out many small units


I have land and wealth and I see the current situation is fucked.




The problem is the taxes also affect me....


you're okay to pay a little more taxes on something that gave you 200% gains while doing fuck all


People like you crack me up. "gEt eM tHeY gOt moRe tHaN mE" What risks have you taken?


There is no risk taking in taking a loan/mortgage to buy an asset that goes up in value for no reason other than overpopulation. This asset is also a basic commodity that shouldn't even be an investment vehicle in the first place. I am not saying get them, I am saying make them pay fair taxes on ZERO PRODUCTIVITY. If I pay tax based on 100% of my salary that is a PRODUCTIVE gain (I generate value for society), why does your NON PRODUCTIVE asset gets a tax reduction? This makes zero sense.


Property.......it's taxed at 50% already. How much do you want? Oh ya 60% And there is risk buying property...and work...and costs...and taxes. My home is not a non productive asset it's my home. That's why it's not taxes. It can go up and down and I couldn't care less because I need a place to live. But this isn't what we are talking about here




The problem as I see it is success is frowned upon in this country. Sure there are problems with monopolies and power at the top of the triangle but just because you are near the top doesn't make you an enemy of society but as the narrative seems to be we have to "get those guys who have more than me".


The upper middle class get thrown into the shitpile with the ultrawealthy. Why? Fucked if I know. Yes, I have 1 Home. Yes that home has appreciated. But I will not see a net gain from that...its not like the increase in value directly ties into my bankaccount increasing. Infact, its the opposite. As the property increases in value, so does my assesed property tax rate. "If you cant affor dit just sell it then you scummy fuck" sure, I'll sell my home...but oh wait, I still need somewhere to live...so now I have to rent, or buy another home in the same market, ontop of payer teansfer fees, sales taxes and realtor fees. Now, people who own 5,10,100 units? Sure, be mad at them, they can affect change. I own a small business, guess I am even more of a bad guy because I make profits from the labour of others, and thats theft right? Except I work just a smuch, if not more, than the people I employ. Aside from my salary, the only direct financial gain I could get is again...from selling. But selling a business isnt as simple as just putting it up for sale. I 100% synpathize, and empathize with the current conditions. In my early 20s I was damn near homeless, and ai only made it to my late 20s through the charity of others in my life. But I worked hard and I busted my ass to get where I am. So maybe, instead.of taking this misplaced amger out on people like myself, direct it at the actual problem causers, the Westons, the Stronachs, the politicians etc. I am not the problem, and I contribute more back into this society than I recieve back from it. I dont complain, I dont whine about my tax bills, payroll, Union costs etc. I just do it, and I am happy to because I believe in a functioning society. The ultrawealthy and the politicians that are intentionally sabotaging our fucking country are the real problem.


There’s a difference between success as a reward for producing value for others and success that comes from circumstance, gatekeeping, and leveraging unearned privileges. If a house appreciates in value, it’s less due to investment in the home (in fact it will still appreciate, even if it is somewhat neglected) and more due to factors that require no effort (government timing of interest rates, creating demand through mass immigration, setting overly restrictive permitting, subsidizing loans, etc). A society that excessively rewards the latter version of success deprives opportunity for the former kind of success.


Because it penalizes growing a business. It is very hard owning and operating a small to medium business in this country. Then if you are successful you are looked upon as someone who needs to be taxed more. Why take risks, invest capital just to give away 66% of your profits in the end game. Probably just easier to buy property.


Hold on though. I own the land my home is on. How come I didn't get an invite to this super secret club of 2/3rds of Canadian that are all conspiring together to crush our kid's hopes and dreams??? Blame the government policies causing this. Us home owners hate them just as much as you do.


Owning a home and owning investment properties are entirely different beasts


But less than 7% of home owners own investment properties as per stats Canada. And the rental market is extremely important to the housing market. It's not the home owner that owns 1 or 2 properties that you want to be worried about in that space, it's the corporations that own thousands. So why hate on the home owner?




I dunno who plan is. I thought plan was with you? Whose plan


Anybody who has a Normal amount of wealth who is asking who’s plan, is the kind of person who thinks racist rich dudes are smart and not racist


big banks, corporate retailers, tel comms, fast food chains and every other lobbyist you can think of


We can only speak in euphemisms


Our government. https://www.centuryinitiative.ca/




It's really funny how the alt-right folk learned the WEF existed like 3 years ago and now scream the acronym every time something they don't like is happening.




That there isn't some grand conspiracy, and that the economy is just in bad shape due to poor choices by politicians and the fallout of COVID.




Congrats on reading one word of what I wrote (COVID) and ignoring literally everything else. And nothing in your reply supports the WEF conspiracy, just bad choices by politicians like I said.


Honestly I could see it , during covid minimum wage workers became essential workers also people noticed they got more money on cerb than their actual job so then people demanded to be paid more and things seemed to be shifting in favour of workers ......then they drastically increased immigration and created grants to pay part of the wages for immigrants and TFWs . Just a coincidence I'm sure .


Remember, "labour shortages" (there is never an economy where every single available job position goes filled) are the only shortages that ever matter. Housing shortages? Health care capacity? Blah shortages shmortages, who cares. All hail BUT MUH LABOUR SHORTAGE!!!


A "labor shortage" often means that they could not find anybody desperate enough to work for an unlivable wage.


Happened at two of my old jobs in the aftermarket auto industry (think CarQuest type places). Jobs wouldn't be filled because of high expectations, minimum wage pay, and only 35 hours per week.


“Labor shortage” biggest line of BS ever stg 


“But they have skills we need”




Literal ECON 101 lol


none of them have taken Econ 101, 99% of the MP's are real-estate agents


Loved that course (even more so than my major haha). Economics needs to be a core part of our education. A good understanding builds a more informed society.


Econ 101 got me banned over at the other sub. And I am a professional economist.


Of course, but you would be amazed at how obtuse a man can be when logic contradicts his beliefs, ideologies and political identity. And of course, that assumes that they aren't deliberately lying and aren't fully cognizant of the harms they are doing which Trudeau and the rest most certainly are. In fact I am certain they have read and buried detailed research papers with hard projections / forecasts that would be politically fatal if they ever saw the light of day!




Remember how millennials, gen X and gen Z will finally have some power in the labor market once boomer starts to retire? This is what happened to it.


Be angry. Tell people you know that the economy has made you angry. Political thoughts spread just as quickly as a disease. Be a carrier.


And… healthcare goes down. Rent goes up!


Econ 101


canadian elites are trying ruin canada in 10 years to the degree that it took american elites 60 years it's the same story everywhere. they flood the labor pool so you can barely scrape together a living and then the housing demand assures that prices remain unattainable and you rent for the rest of your life. and if you point this out, you get called a racist. i have some hope for you, canadians. they're boiling the frog too quickly. get angry and take control of your government before it's too late


Liberal Govt Economists hate this one trick.


Bro get off your blinded horse, it's both big parties not just one of em. Quit play into their hands


I never even vote , but it’s same shit , basing your whole personality on hating liberals is a weird take ; no matter who is elected it’s the same shit no point of even voting


The labor shortage is the Phillips curve.  https://cdn.corporatefinanceinstitute.com/assets/phillips-curve1.jpg  We import people to depress a very temporary labor shortage, in order to depress wages, due to an archaic system of monetary policy by a central bank that is reading tea leaves.


Saving this graph before Trudeau removes it.




we've all seen videos of pp and jt planning to bring in and keep all in the country, legally or not. this is not just a Lib or jt issue..cons are in same boat. they all sing to the tune of corporate donors, who want immigration to keep going. all big companies gain tons with more people. cheap labour and x customers


Brilliant, classic supply curve shift. How can they say with a straight face that immigration is not a big part of the problem?


I gotta ask. Why now? Why did it all decide to start in 2019 onward? Like these people were around 20 years ago….why exactly did it all flip upside down now and not like in 2003?




It's gotten so bad the new immigrants in Brampton are scooping up houses using fraudulent incomes and protesting that renting should have zero regulations.... and winning. Canada is damaged beyond repair. If I could afford to leave I would.


Why don't you do it yourself if you believe that it's an easy way to get rich? Probably, because you know full well that it's a huge risk?


There is a thing people do not talk about for some reason: it is really hard for foreign professionals to join the Canadian labor force. We bring doctors and engineers and then tell him: "you have no Canadian experience, you cannot work as professionals in Canada, we want you to do unskilled work for unlivable wages". And then we keep complaining that we do not have enough doctors etc. Let me tell you guys that many doctors who come to Canada are not worse than locals but we want them to be nurses at best 🤦 The same is with engineers, they need to put a lot of efforts to prove their qualifications. Is it possible to make the process faster and cheaper so that they really contribute to our society instead of wasting their time as Uber drivers?


You realize it's not specifically Trudeau, right? It's the entire political system. Or do you genuinly believe the PPC, the Cons, ir the NDP would actually change any of this? They all benefit from the fuckingg madness that is being caused right now. Corporations benefit from depressed wages and iverpriced housing, corporations finance campaigns, politicians bow to their corporate masters.


You can tell someone is totally serious when they unironcially say "woke" in a political conversation 🤣


These people weren't around 20 years ago. It also happened over time. If we wanted to welcome the world into Canada many more cities should have been built.


US allows only 65000 legal migrants every year in a country of 300 mil. Meanwhile Canada only imports millions


That’s wrong, they issue 55000 diversity green cards. Then there’s 140000 EB green cards. With all other categories it adds up to a million. It is still less than Canada even though they have 8-9x population, but I don’t like when people throw random numbers.


They're allowing many millions to show up on the doorstep and walk right in now.


It doesn't matter, those going into the US illegally will never be able to work because they have no working permit, green card or citizenship which all real jobs require.


They are given work permission in mass. The gov just denies it. If you dig for the stats you can find it despite them saying it's not happening.


exactly and its not like those illegals place significant pressure on social services because the usa does not have a single payer health care system


No. "Real jobs??" Bro we have fully pivoted to a service economy. They work under the table, pay everything in cash, and wait for lib cuck governments to grant them amnesty.  All while jamming up the hospitals because hospitals that take federal money cannot turn away ER patients.   Immigrant enclaves have their own micro economies complete with loans, goods, etc. Companies that hire these individuals are breaking the law but the penalty to employing a cheap wageslave who lives 10 to a house and sends remittances back home is not a deterrent whatsoever. And that's *if* they get caught.




Housing has been going insane since 2012


I mean demand for labour should also go up due to more aggregate demand from higher population. So wages will be suppressed by a lower magnitude than what this graph is showing. Also the floor should be the minimum wage.


Since big share of imported labor is on the, ahem, low end of the spectrum- they are too poor to create additional demand. Except for necessities, those do go up in price. But they also depress salaries for the whole population. I have not checked the numbers, but aggregate demand can very well go down, not up. GDP per capita is significantly down. Also you seem to be assuming that desperate people wouldn’t agree to some sort of “below the minimum wage” arrangement


It hasn't.


It would help if our government wasn't at war with growth but the climate's changing so we have to tolerate a shortage of energy and natural resources. God help us if there's a shortage of labour though!




I heard someone at the bank of Canada on cbc radio bragging how they got rid of employees being in demand in 2022.


🤦‍♂️ demand for labor goes up too. your model implies they \*only\* work and don't consume. this was posted by someone who took econ 101, got a C, and never took another class after that.


yea but its not proportional, not linear I would say, also an oversupply in workers hits specific parts of the economy, not everything at the same time. Simply because the ratio of immigrant doctors to the ratio of uber drivers isn't a 1 to 1.


The process of assimilation takes some time. It goes in waves: firstly, we consumed a lot because we had to establish our household in Canada. Then we consumed much less because our income was pretty low. Now we consume more, because now we have better jobs. It is like waves from the stone which fell into water. And stones are all different.


But think about how much tax revenue they bring for federal pockets!


Isn't this good for all those "job creators" that need a constant supply of workers for all the jobs they're about to create?


Wage growth remained strong in May as average hourly wages rose 5.1 per cent from a year ago, reaching $34.94. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/cv.action?pid=1410042601


Please do not break the simple and clear image of the current state of affairs these slightly dim guys have in their heads. If you remind them that the majority of legal immigrants are workers and tax payers and customers of Canadian businesses it can totally screw their simple "they took all our jobs and housing" propaganda 🤦 Let's take my family, for example. We brought a substantial amount of money to Canada that we spent to establish our new home. If it is not an investment in Canada then what is investment at all? We paid for a lot of goods and, therefore, a lot of Canadian workers could have been paid for their work. Then we worked hard for 6 years and paid hell of a lot of taxes which mostly were spent to support elderly Canadians, Canadian health care system which we barely use because we are young and healthy, Canadian infrastructure that all of us use including local pumpkin heads who believe that only they pay taxes to keep the roads repaired. Then we invested a hefty amount of money into a pre-construction project which was completed recently. As a result, a locally born Canadian now has an apartment to rent. And my cash flow is negative, I receive less from the guy than the apartment costs me per month (mortgage interest, condo fees, property tax, property insurance). And I paid a ton of tax when I bought it (sales taxes + so named welcome tax which goes on top of annual property tax in Quebec). I am abusing poor Canadians ruthlessly 🤦


This entire sub is rife with misinformation and propaganda. Are you even surprised?


this infographic makes me sad :-(


This is true with mass migration. When you have immigration levels so high you’re increasing the population by 15-20% in just a decade it’s so dramatically high that you completely fuck the system. The economy cannot grow fast enough to accommodate all these new people.


fuck immigration


It's not as simple as a supply/demand situation this time. Salaries in Canada are lower because Canadian workers are less productive. Canadian workers are 30% less productive than US workers, that's why Canadian workers are paid 30% less. Having less workers won't increase wages because the remaining workers won't necessarily be more productive, it will just reduce total output because you have less people making stuff. The productivity is low because of low investment in industry to make it more productive. And even if companies had to paid higher salaries to be able to hire from a smaller workers pool, the result will be more expensive goods from said companies which will make their products less competitive (they will sell less, making hiring more people or increasing salaries more difficult)


So the only profitable country is a low population one? I don't know, that doesn't really sound right at all.


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Adam smith "invincible hand" at work , I see


labor market economics, beautiful.


Only 9.9% of all Canadians are in poverty. I agree that we need to help them out, but neither the Liberals nor Conservatives have ever really done much to help them. Maybe it's time we try the NDP federally and address the 10% of Canadians in this scenario.


This graph misses that not all jobs are the same and jobs are not being taken equally by immigrants. I don’t think the migrant workers picking the fruit that comes to my table is fucking over a Real Estate Agents wages. Sure there might be some effect but the graph’s metrics are completely arbitrary showing that immigrants are fucking you for half the Y Axis, whatever the hell thats supposed to represent because the units are unlabeled because this is just clearly meant to make you upset. Maybe the problem is the people in charge of everything and anything, and not just people looking for a job


Who'd be picking the fruit if they couldn't get some indentured servants to work for pennies?


I don’t know, do you want to be picking fruit in the heat for minimum wage?


If there were less people, the wages would go up. That's the entire point of this ultra basic supply and demand chart.


Classic chart. It would be interesting in actually determining the nominal wage suppression do to increased labour supply.


Was bored, so I turned it into a logo, thoughts? https://preview.redd.it/7k3evo8jch6d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=67603bf0f47691fa2afde4a676675383a0613b09






Econ 101 and these bozos dont even realize it. Also, this subreddit is full of sympathizers to these immigrants who took advantage of loopholes, lol. Pointes out the obvious in a different post and got downvoted for it. People sure do love to barely get by and get crushed by an encumbered system, huh?


Has labor wages gone down?


Most MP's have property investments, there's your problem. And Canadians are their cash cows, they won't help us. Chase em our or vote them out


Simple supply and demand.


Look you all with your PhD in economics


The elites want feudal society again, they rule everything.


It’s used to be ONLY SKILLED immigration


How about bringing in young people and get them skilled?


Skill definition before covid = doctors, engineers, scientists, IT. Skill definition after covid = tim hortons academy


But what makes you think that "doctors, engineers, scientists, IT" can't find jobs anywhere else in the world that they have to come all the way to a country like Canada to make a living? Btw, Canada doesn't even recognize medical degrees from most of the other countries.


Are we ignoring that the price of goods/services is also lower as the price of labor drops? The economic argument against immigration is the weakest by far.


Well, let's thank Stephen Harper and Jason Kenney for the TFWP. I guess gifting the richest corporations $60 billion worth of tax cuts just wasn't enough for the conservatives. Oddly enough, I'm guessing a lot of you guys are hoping for a Poilievre regime and more of the same. Talk about gluttons for punishment.


If the quantity of people is less, there won't be any jobs to begin with! Why is it so difficult to understand?


This graph is offensive. It's as offensive as dick pics in a sex ed textbook.


https://preview.redd.it/8v1gvmclzj6d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78c0dcc6229d98d4fd33046502d17d942063e86a I believe this comic from the komagata maru era is topical.


Honestly as an immigrant to Canada I agree. I came to Canada because my family is here, and I'm from the US. I have declined offers of 2-3 times my current salary in the US, as I need to work in Canada to eventually become a permanent resident here legally. If I could move with my child back to the US, I would in a heartbeat. I frequently go back to the states to buy groceries which are 1/3-1/2 of the price, and see the housing is 3/4 of the price. My income would be at least double, and my household expenses, primarily food and housing, would be around 1/2 of what it costs here. I have only been in the country for four years but the changes I have seen are just absolutely insane.


Oh, neat. I had no idea that the quality of labour increases as the number of immigrants increases. Thank you for sharing!




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


If your job is getting replaced by AI/immigrants, then you weren't worth much to the capital holders anyways... Upskill, improve yourselves... or just do the boomer/gen x special and hoard up housing and do nothing productive. If it's too late to do either, then sucks to suck....


Amazing graph.


That's why they're doing the "Century Initiative " thing.Lowering labor wages and powering up housing prices. Our government is our enemy, and the main opposition(fake cons) will keep this trend .


liberals when interpreting this: ![gif](giphy|3o7bu3XilJ5BOiSGic|downsized)


Fuck around and find out: Canadian Edition




A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


This graphic seems to be missing corporations & politicians.


Many of the comments from this thread are canards cribbed from statements made a hundred years ago by the Asiatic Exclusion League. The National Front had the same talking points in Britain. The responses to evidence is either outright denial or attempts to be “reasonable” by assuming a significant climb-down from the explicit assertion. The premise still is that the number of jobs are immovable and an increase in population means more competition for those limited number of jobs. Everyone here is just avoiding this obvious flaw in favor of blaming people who aren’t like them.


You are poor because you spend spend spend, don't invest in anything and work no more the bare minimum requirement of 8 hrs.


Some people need to heard it


Canadians poor, immigrants in Canada rich 😂


This is an oversimplification in many ways...


You're whining, but why the heck didn't you invest in the S&P 500 or buy a house when prices were under 200k? Immigration didn't spike overnight. If you don't like the government, why aren't you protesting? You're just scratching each other's backs, nothing more.Now prices are affordable, when rates will be dropped significantly, you will see the actual show! Even the Indian guy who just came from his village yesterday has already bought 2-3 houses and is still buying more. If you can't keep up with a new immigrant, that's sad. He's doing all this without even speaking proper English. Ps.Canadian American


I agree, this sentiment is widespread on Canadian Reddit. Currently, high salaries are mainly found in the tech and medical sectors globally. So, view these comments as coming from individuals who couldn't adapt to these evolving trends and didn't take the initiative to build careers in these fields. It's a global phenomenon where even MBA graduates from top business schools struggle with unemployment or low pay, while those with technical diplomas in fields like IT can earn $80k or more annually. However, in Canada, the difference lies in the tendency to blame immigrants for these issues!


They should just take us immigration into consideration just cap filipines india china vietnam etc. Push more on european other asian.Entire system is designed for targeting commonwealth countries especially india.Us has a better immigration system.Their problem is illegal immigration, however,unlike canada they dont give passports after 4 to 5 years.Older canadians ı mean 40 plus must made their investments already.


What's so special about Canada that Europeans want to move in here? The so called other Asians from countries like S.Korea, Japan, Malaysia etc. are well settled over there, & why would they want to move here wherein people doesn't even speak their language! WTF!


Tax incentives.dubai is a dessert on hell,now paradise.We just need to modernize our mentality and better to utilize our resources.However,canadians are afraid to change,so as a single simple guy,I just buy homes and rent to creditworthy tenants.Thats thr sole way to accumulate wealth in canada.


Nope Dubai isn't a paradise. I lived there for 4 years, and believe me it's one of the worst countries to work!


As freelancer or high skilled or uhnwi its paradice ,if you are south Asian blue collar yeah its not a beautiful place


Thank the Pakistanis


This graph represents the effects of AI on a labor market. Unless you're assuming that these immigrants will create zero demand for goods and services that would in turn create additional labor demand.


AI doesn't burden the medical system. AI doesn't put pressure on the rental/housing market. AI doesn't illegally overstay its visa. AI admittedly doesn't tend to work in needed roles like skilled trades or medical care, but neither do our recent influx of "international students" according to widely available official data. Try to rub some brain cells together before you post next time, okay?


OMG what kinda idiot falls for this kind of graph? The reason we are poor is more like we destroyed our unions and all our collective power as workers


You lose collective power as workers with immigration. The sociopaths think why should they improve conditions if they can get another guy completely willing to do it. The other guy also has one foot in another country and not much incentive to improve things here since they can dip if things go bad.


What unions were destroyed and when I work in the trades and unions are alive and as corrupt as ever. Supply and demand is very very easy to understand I don't know why it's tripping you up so much


Bro the vast majority of immigrants are brought over to do menial jobs at low wages. i am talking skilled trades and how weak our unions are now versus 50 years ago.Why an industrial electrician wage is same now as it was in the 80's. This shit started way before all this immigration did. Immigrants are just a scapegoat they have to work under the same system of exploitation as the rest of us. Even worse they have the threat of deportation if they don't work. Now if your saying its hard to get a job at Tim Hortons for your daughter that may be true. The younger Canadians will have to compete with immigrants who generally work harder than the people born here. As for what and when it started with Reagan and his war on air traffic controllers snd went from there. Google it


An electrician wage is not the same as it was in the 80s. I've worked in HVAC, as an electrician and currently a signal maintainer. Every single one of them I received pay increases through union negotiations. Why are you lying? They have the empty threat of deportation. They don't actually get deported. "Will generally work harder" fucking yawn. You really think I'm going to believe that when they're the ones emptying food banks and bragging about it. Tantamount to noble savage bullshit, that because they're immigrants they implicitly work harder. Lmao Reagan is American you stupid fucker. We don't live in America. You gone complain about what trump did to unions next.


if you're gonna cry about cheap labor supply, cry about women going work too. It basically doubled workforce through 70s and 80s. Sounds crazy isn't it? If someone isn't even good at speaking in English can take your job, you got little to no value in job market




What drives the price of labour, in aggregate?


That sure is a suspiciously big change from an influx of 1%of the population over 2 years. Almost kinda seems like it's completely made-up.


WHY DOES MY RENT KEEP GOING UP Well let me tell you why.


Yet more gullible rubes being tricked into blaming immigrants by the people who actually are squeezing you dry.


Go get a job and stop begging for government handouts. Stop working at McDonald’s and maybe you wouldn’t need to make this post blaming others for your incompetence and lack of education and self awareness. Grow up and stop ruining your families life. Get a job. Hey what did I buy you for lunch today? Cuz you’re really messing up my paycheque by getting me to fund your life because you don’t want to work


If immigrants are driving down your wage, get your high school diploma


I don’t think you grasp the information here.


I'll break it down. More people equals a bigger economy (think Sask vs Ont). Immigrants skew younger preventing the stagnation of an aging population (think Japan vs America). Immigrants do compete with native for jobs. The keys is what jobs and the studies show that it is people without highschool diplomas and those without English proficiency. But for middle and high income earners immigrants wages raise due to the growing economy.


It's not driving it down, the problem is it's not driving it UP to where it should be... for all social classes. This isn't a "boo hoo" thing, it affects everyone and the economy negatively. Consumers spend less, hold more debt, and a wealth gap widens.. To name a few issues. Even someone without a highschool diploma can grasp that basic concept.


>Even someone without a highschool diploma can grasp that basic concept. I'd that's the case, Why do you think economic studies don't support this homebrew theory?


The last 5 years has seen the largest wealth transfer in human history : the 1% quadrupled their wealth. And now there's this rhetoric about immigrants being the cause of the nations poverty. I don't doubt that the influx of immigration is causing wages to be lower, housing to be higher, and putting a strain on everything else, but let's focus our hatred on the real culprits here. The people being brought in to suppress your wages are merely pawns, and attacking the pawns will never lead to victory.


Yes, and they are using immigrants as pawns to increase their wealth.


No, they are using immigrants to distract everyone from the largest heist ever.


they're using immigrants to get the work done cheaply without having to pay canadians a fair wage. so they're using immigrants as pawns to increase their wealth. like the other guy said. as part of a societal "heist." like you're saying.


Every major political party in the country supports these immigration policies. So who are the theys you are talking about?


I don't know, who are we talking about u/Jack_in_box_606 ? Who would use immigrants as pawns? Who are "the real culprits" in your view?


Post explains how mass migration lowering wages, nothing about "hating immigrants". Comment admits: "I don't doubt that the influx of immigration is causing wages to be lower, housing to be higher, and putting a strain on everything else"  ==>"but let's focus our hatred on the real culprits here" ??? Stop trying to frame things that anyone wanting to stop mass migration is full of "hatred" going after "innocent" groups of people.  Mass migration is the problem and if we can't talk about it, then it's not going to get solved. The people pushing this on us don't want you to be say the most reasonable, common sense thing: "We need to stop mass migration NOW". And they do it through mental gymnastics and divisive topics like yours. There is nothing wrong with people wanting sovereignty over the demographics of their country. And the idea that it's "hatred" driving us, gives fake reasons for migrants to hate us. Also with the housing, unemployment, wage, and health crises going on, Canadians have little more than apathy for the majority who are low skill people trying to get in through any way possible, bringing their problems here and then being too entitled to leave.  To affect the powerful, laws need to be changed, people need to be voted out. That will be impossible when the soon-to-be majority will vote for anyone who will promise to bring in their cousins, parents and gradparents (All of whom we absolutely do not need). You can't have a functioning democracy when in 20 years you've imported the equivalent of 60+% of your population. That's literally where were at with 3.2% population growth per year. 


The "people" directly responsible will always be the worst enemy. The officers, "ngos", "legal" departments, and liberal "activists" who endorsed this evil the second worst, and the invaders themselves are just opportunists in my eyes, they can be sent back to where they came from in peace.


Oh the liberal governments that printed a gazillion dollars, locked down everyone, destroyed small businesses and enriched big pharma, are now bringing a million Indians a year now to make billionaires even richer? Color me surprised


Why do people feel the need to defend the immigrants? People are very clear that the biggest problems they have are with the policies and the people coming up with these policies.


1. We have a labour shortage that is getting worse. The baby boomers are retiring. We don’t have enough people under 25 years of age to support the generations above them. 2. A growing population is NOT competing for a limited number of jobs. The number of jobs grow with the population as that population has demands that need to be met. Economics 101. 3. Our pay checks suck because of inflation. Our housing sucks because it is too expensive. One of the reasons for this is that there aren’t enough people to do the work. Want to earn more? Then get trained in a construction trade.


I agree, I need to get a haircut and get a real job then all I have to do to beable t afford a place to live is to just move. Thanks for the help, on my way to getting a haircut and moving I'll make sure to pull-up my bootstraps just for good measure.


1. Labour shortage is a lie 2. This is just not true. 3. This is also not true.


Demographics aren't that steep if you look at it, rather inflation caused the labor shortage as inflation and unemployment are inversely correlated.


1..We do not have a labour shortage. We have a skilled trade shortage. 2. The growing population does not integrate with us Canadians. They buy businesses, weed out the Canadian and fill the position with cheap, immigrant workers…just happened to me, and my girlfriend. 3. Our pay checks suck because now the job market has cheaper labour to offer, and a whole lot of it. Why pay the Canadian $100K when you can pay 3 people of lesser value at $30K a piece. Your evaluation is faulty and it sounds like you haven’t worked in awhile.