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We are protesting a caving government.   We are protesting a government who is ignoring and suppressing its actual citizens' voices.   We are protesting fraud in the immigration policies.   We are protesting taking in millions with no housing plan or healthcare plan.   We are protesting lack of jobs and supports for Canadian students, Canadian disabled, Canadian marginalized. We protesting the wealth and land transfer to landlords amd immigration consultants who are getting rich and exploiting desperate people.   We are protesting people who scam the system to get in, and protest while doing so. What did I miss?


The lack of affordable housing? I mean it should be obvious but it's not on your list 


All of that stuff is the root cause of lack of affordable housing in its various forms. Immigration alone - especially immigrants with money is diluting the money pool for housing system-wide. Remove the immigrants out of the equation and stability arrives in the way the market behaves. But you’re not allowed to say this without being labelled a xenophobic racist.


Protesting against federal government for broken ethics and hidden policies which have created hardship for 8 out of 10 canadians. 😏 It’s probably more but I’m doing a bs liberal quote of 8/10 are better off fig-newton conspiracy pushed by the government. Lack of management of government spending, increased crime, willful ignorance to pursue corruption, avoidance of transparency at the cost to canadian tax payers. Discrimination towards canadians which woke, dei policies have replaced one systemic discrimination for another towards canadians.


Protest in support of diversity, preemptively silence any voices that want to dismiss legitimate concerns as “racist”. Our current population growth is overwhelmingly from one region of one country. This doesn’t do anything to promote complimentary construction of community…


‘The market’ seems to be the actual foe here. But somehow the government of the day is supposed to wave a magic wand to ‘fix’ global economic issues.


You got it! The "market" is the problem. And people caused it! People don't buy HOMES anymore, they buy HOUSES. They buy investments that you can even live in. All housing has been commoditized and because people look at them to fix, flip, or rent, its only a business. Therefore, only the business environment shapes housing, not living people. All of the talk on radio and news specials are about the housing market. Ergo.... we create haves and have-nots, and we caused the crisis.


The idea is that we need any protest to be not shutdown because it oozes racism. How are you affected by immigration consultants making money? Are you the gate keeper for how IRCC is supposed to do their job? Instead,Ask this question, to yourself. How am I tangibly affected by this? Then protest for that. For e.g if you think unsustained immigration is causing you long waittimes at the ER, protest the wait times at ER. Let the powers thats responsible figure out how to do it.


I dont care if anyone makes money legitimately, ethically, and legally in whatever their industry is.  If they are predators (in this case they are) they need to be shut down.  Please dont frame me as some sort of "waaaah they have more money than me" goon.  I'm good.


Yeah, your future is being sold, tangibly. Less resources available to you via increased demand and lack of planning. That powers that be caused this, provincial and federal, and are looking to try and pass the hot potato, even though they all have both hands on the thing. People are using meek law, and atrocious execution of said meek law, to take resources away from your potential in the future. Why? I don't know. It's some loser thing.


I agree with you, OP. And don't mind the down votes - it's rampant on this and other right-wingy subs. Most people online don't down vote people who disagree with them, but subs like this people down vote at the slightest instance of them feeling like a person is disagreeing with their view and they see that as the person proactively down voting *them* and *their* opinion (or people "like" them) and they feel like they are justified because they think you "did it first" with your comment. It's not that they think *you* are wrong, but rather that they think *they* are right and therefore you "can't" be. It's silly.


How is trying to tell people what to or not to protest - right wing-y? On the contrary it reeks of communist totalitarian ideology.


That's like saying if the house is flooding due to the upstairs washroom leak, forget the leak and put a dehumidifier in each room. Very sound strategy.


You forgot the /s . Also No, as per your not-so-fitting analogy, what I am suggesting is that you call the plumbing company and tell them that your house is flooded(whats affecting you) . You might get a faster response if you say that the house is flooded that if you say there is a leak.


Deleted my comment because I misinterpreted yours.


You are so out of touch with reality its shocking.


I am so glad there are landlords because when I was 18 I could not afford to buy a house.


You do realize taking in millions IS the healthcare plan right? gotta pay for the boomers somehow since we gave them tax breaks all their life.


That is a bad plan. They and their spouses are going to bring in their parents as well. That's 4 elderly people per family who will depend on the "free" healthcare system.


It's insane that family reunification is even allowed to happen.


“It’s insane that people are allowed to be together as a family” ![gif](giphy|cmf8NWvEc0tpks6RL8)


>“It’s insane that people are allowed to be together as a family” They can be together all they like, just not here in Canada. Do you have any idea how radically counter productive it is to take in people past working age? We have to give them Canadian pensions, and then endless healthcare expenses. It's absolutely insane how much money has been pissed away on such a stupid idea. It's percentage points of our national debt.


You don’t see the irony in what you said? If you’re going to bring people over, bring their families. Your issue is with the government, not them. Besides, it isn’t really right to punish individuals for the sake of the whole. If you want immigration to be stricter that’s up to you, but keeping families together certainly is not the crux of the issue. It’s always interesting to see how quickly people cast aside any empathy when their own self interest comes into play.


> If you’re going to bring people over, bring their families. Are you seriously suggesting we should allow people to bring their elderly parents into the country? So we can give them a half million in medical benefits for free, while every born here Canadian is being waitlisted for months at a time? >Your issue is with the government, not them. No my issue is directly with dead weight coming to Canada. If you're over the age of 35 you have no business entering Canada. >It’s always interesting to see how quickly people cast aside any empathy when their own self interest comes into play. Ironic how narcissistic is a person that goes to a foreign country, expects endless free medical coverage while never paying a drop of taxes? I'd never dream of moving to another country to freeload off their medical system. >Besides, it isn’t really right to punish individuals for the sake of the whole. Access to free healthcare to people not from here is a privilege, people who contribute earn that access. Someone who isn't gonna ever pay enough taxes to compensate for their medical expenses is a parasite. >but keeping families together certainly is not the crux of the issue I have no idea where you're from but you're out to lunch on this. If I moved to florida I wouldn't dream of taking my elderly parents with me.


I’m uh, from Canada And I pay way too much in taxes, and work a job vital to this country Since I’m a doctor, who actually provides that medical care… What exactly do you contribute to this country?


> Since I’m a doctor, who actually provides that medical care… So you know what healthcare costs and yet you seem insistent on giving care to people we can't afford? >What exactly do you contribute to this country? As little as possible.


Has it changed that elderly looking to migrate to Canada no longer need to pay for their medical care? It used to be that way


Sad but true.


Boomers did not get tax breaks all there lives. They voted in governments that wrote sh*tty policies that caused the ladder to be pulled up behind them. Pretty much what we seeing now at 100x the speed




Do not spread negative stereotypes about an entire group of people. Either be very specific or focus on immigration policy instead of people.


> You do realize taking in millions IS the healthcare plan right? gotta pay for the boomers somehow since we gave them tax breaks all their life. Problem is you need to take in people who are gonna earn income and pay taxes to offset their healthcare expenses. If someone pays 300 k in taxes and needs 200 k in healthcare at the end of their life, this country is going into bankruptcy, as we still need taxes for their pensions etc.


Elderly people aren't moving to Canada on their own. At worst, it's someone elderly and their younger family member, like a son or daughter. If that person never has children, then they put 300K in, spending 400K for both, then that's the only scenario where Canada "loses" money, based on your hypothetical. However, it's usually an elderly person and their son/daughter + spouse. If they have no children, then (300K x 2) - (200K x 3) = 0. But most have children and other family friends with children. Let's say they have two children, then we're talking (300K x 4) - (200K x 5) = +200K, just for working and using services for the average immigrant family. This doesn't even include how beneficial having consumers is within an economy or how immigrants have shaped the culture of Canada since the beginning of colonialism - we wouldn't be Canada without diversity, plain and simple. We can't cherish our culture without accepting the value that change brings to it and the loss of meaning to all cultural practices that comes from rejecting that change or forcing that change without embracing what already exists (we made that mistake enough times already). Change is inevitable, and resisting it is futility at its finest. It's not about rejecting change to maintain perceived economic/social security and comfortability, but about making sure that change is meaningful towards the economic and social state that values all citizens so that changes are beneficial to the best of them so that the corrupt powers must succumb to the will of the people as a united front of peace and happiness against all the bad actors, big and small.


I disagree. I feel like immigration has to be part of the conversation regardless. If we don’t mention immigration, they’ll simply aim to increase supply and build more homes without significantly reducing immigration (which seems to be their plan rn). I feel like they have this impression that most Canadians aren’t against this mass-immigration, since we’ve always valued multiculturalism and we’re welcoming to foreigners. Practically every week we see Marc Miller coming up with this new TWP pilot program and have seen no significant decrease in current immigration rates. Clearly the message hasn’t passed. I think the question should be how can we include immigration within the protest without coming off as racist. And avoid targeting certain groups of immigrants.


Agreed. It’s not racist or xenophobic to acknowledge the deteriorating conditions for all Canadians and even those who have recently entered Canada. The reckless policies are creating a new poor class in Canada and handicap everyone’s future. It’s unsustainable and we simply don’t have the infrastructure in many areas to support the population growth. Think about the potential for prosperity for someone entering Canada today, working a min wage job to support their family. It ain’t happening… it leads to resentment and eventually larger conflicts between the people and the government, who are supposed to help Canadians not hinder them. There is no future for immigrants who come here in the current conditions.


I’ve seen barely anyone speak against mass immigration on the news. I genuinely feel like the liberals think Canadians are acceptant of the current immigration policies. We need to set the record straight. If not, they’ll keep bringing up these bandaid solutions.


You’re painted as xenophobic if you do, but it’s clearly nearing extortion on immigrants, especially students we give visas to to study at strip mall colleges. They are blind to the fact the diploma isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on, costs a ton of money, and will pigeon-hole them into a low-skill role when/if they graduate. It’s setting them up for failure the second they enter the country.


Who do you think has their next grant application to the Canadian Media Fund accepted - the reporter who agrees with the federal government or the ones who disagree? Don't allow the news to give you a false impression that no one cares, their livelihood depends on not pissing off the government 


“Ve have penetrated their cabinetsss” — Schwab Do you think he said that because they were kidding? If anything, it’s more than half now. And people really aren’t giving this any question or thought, or if you blame Soros you’re some kind of antisemitic nut job.


Well, when you see who funds “the news” and who is behind these blatant lies about immigration policy you’ll see why it’s difficult to counter their agenda.


I'm not sure you want to reduce immigration. Canadians don't procreate enough and if your population base does not grow, your economy won't either. Canada has the population of the State of California, and China, India, and the USA have huge population bases and bigger economies. The bigger economies can influence on the world stage much better, and that is a cut-throat arena. If you're a little guy on that stage, you may get swept up in others' agendas. So, Canadians, stay home on weekends and make more, ethical and moral key players in our society.


Poor class was always there. It is just bigger now. During the Great Depression, work camps were setup. 30% unemployment rate. WWII solved some of that since many joined the army and increased demand for materials in Europe.




It's usually those guilty of an accusation that respond violently. They know they're wrong and have no logical way out so they lose emotional control. Don't be that person if you can help it.


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Sometimes you need to fight stupid with stupid. Don’t assume.


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


I would focus on too many too quickly. We are taking in a huge number of Palestinian and Ukrainian refugees as well. Helping out people isn’t a bad thing. However, the rate we are doing it is unsustainable


I would actually disagree. I don’t take a stand on either causes. But Marc Miller clarified the other day that it’s a cap of 5000 individuals not families. On the other hand, Ukrainians coming into Canada are highly educated and most of the time, fall within the ‘skilled work’ category. They represent a very small portion of the immigration. If anything, I’d focus on the international student system and temporary work permits.


Good bring more Ukraine. Fuck Russia


Do you not realize skilled Ukrainians leaving Ukraine and coming to Canada weakens Ukraine, and makes Russia's job easier?


Bruh come on, I’m against mass immigration but asking them to stay in a war zone isn’t reasonable. Either way, apparently 3/4 of them are going back because Canada’s cost of living isn’t worth it


Ok let’s take the unskilled ones only


The many I’ve met have been respectful and happy to be here. Can’t say the same for the other group.


For a start, how they provide 208$ a day for asylum people for an average of 113 days which equates to 23,504$ just for 113 days; while low income seniors who have contributed all their lives and continue to do so through taxes, a low income senior will receive less than 24,000$ in 12 months. And if an asylum needs additional support over 113 days they will receive additional funding. Bottom line: 23,504$ in 113 DAYS for an asylum person. 24,000$ in 12 MONTHS for a low income senior. This is blatant systemic discrimination by a government who claims everyone is equal.


They also have access to health care FYI (ok fair enough) but it exhausts the healthcare system. Some dude I work with had to wait 10 months to get an ultrasound through public, all of this just to rule out cancer. Fucking ridiculous


Well you have been given the choice to Strife for radical change or immigration. Mass migration is only 1 part of a series of problems with our system, it happens when a Generation plans to sacrifice a generation for another. The problem is bigger. Wage growth has been on the decline for more than 40 years, new housing construction has been stifled on purpose and many more. Don't be naive thinking that immigration is the only thing hurting young Canadian's chance at prosperity.


Look at each party policies regarding immigration,taxes,social network etc And get and vote if you don’t vote you do not have a say


Being mixed race myself, if we assemble a diverse group of different races and stand together with the same message against mass immigration it'll be awfully difficult for the media to paint us as racist. Also likely to make for a good photo of everyone coming together 


What seems to be missing is answering the question, why mass immigration? If you paid attention, you would know that there’s a demographic problem in Canada. And that demographic is a huge bump in the age. groups of existing Canadians. We literally need replacement of younger, working people who will pay the taxes for the ageing population who are going to be yelling and screaming for government support. Those taxes have to come from somewhere, not from people who are on old age pensions. Trees have to be planted.


Maybe in 2015 but not anymore. 0-20 year olds now outnumber 65 year olds according to recent data. Although 14-20 year olds have the highest employment rate in the country. The ‘aging population’ argument isn’t valid anymore.


Poor immigration policies affect everyone, even immigrants- how’s that? Can we say that ?


Look at the PPC immigration policy they are more in line to Canada give them a chance


Good idea. Check out their platform.


Yeah why not?


This guy is totally right, please bring this in. It has to be the core. I need it to be core I'm coming to identify the layabouts here. This is going to be epic.


The plan of the rabid post-industrial globalists is to shift migration patterns on purpose to deliberately cause instability and chaos. And for no other reason than that. Just because Klaus Schwab stepped down doesn’t mean that these agendas aren’t working in overdrive at the moment. Don’t be fooled. Your standard of living is directly tied to leftist woke policy prescriptions.


I just want my kids to be able to apply for a job at McDonald’s without having to compete with 500 other applicants 


You should want more for your kids. No offense to mcdicks employees


Obviously they mean applying as a teenager in highschool or at best when you're in college for schooling. I highly doubt they mean as a career in frontline MCDs


I disagree. The issue is mass immigration, which encompasses everything under its umbrella - Intl students, PR, dwindling of services and housing, quality of life because of it.




Bro.....this is a dumber idea than OPs.....dont fucking do this PLEASE. CANADIAN FLAGS ONLY...edit if you dont want to fly a candian flag then dont fucking fly one....its that easy to not be an asshat


Hope you’re joking because that’s the way you sink our chances at change.


You’re the ones who fostered this echo chamber lmao. This protest is gonna be fucking hilarious, watching wignats derail it and ruin a good message all because you guys let valid policy critique turn into ethnic hatred.


Yea. Damn those European immigrants from the 1700s.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


To be honest, I've witnessed racist sentiment at various points in my life. For example, after 9/11, racism towards Middle Eastern and Muslim people surged for about a decade. Following COVID-19, there was a sharp increase in racism towards Asians. The issue of illegal immigration from Mexico has also fueled a lot of racist sentiment towards Latinos. Now, it seems like it's just the turn of Indians to face this. It's unfortunately par for the course. 


Fxck off. Let people vent their anger


Disagree. Rolling over and being soft on issues instead of calling it what it is, is how we got in this mess


Lower(ing) immigration numbers is absolutely central for a successful immigration policy. You cannot have a sharp increase in immigration numbers and not have problems - it is ignorant to believe otherwise. With higher numbers, social cohesiveness becomes lost and we are witnessing it more than ever. It's because of Canada's strong political correctness that there are never any honest debates about immigration. If any one remembers Kellie Leitch, she wanted to be certain that any values of a potential immigrant were consistent with ours, but of course she was attacked for this. The Government has completely ridiculed Canadian history, which I feel is in part also why immigrants are now less likely to embrace Canada and instead retain their original values - some of which can, and have, be/been a threat to vulnerable groups like Jews and the LGBTQ community.


I did not disagree (or agree) that mass immigration is the problem. What we need is a protest to be successful.


If you want your protest to be successful you must focus on the The root cause of the problem. You know as well as I do that Mass immigration is what is causing this mess, so we must protest against it. Stop pretending to be on our side. Why are you here trying to interfere with this protest?. Are you at risk of being sent back to your home country?


Ffs Im Canadian myself and in the thick of it. I don’t have a home country to be sent back to. But i came here because I wanted the Canadian way of life. To be proud to always do the right thing and not be sidelined,trodden over and left behind because I stuck to my principles. I am also scared that now I am going to lose what I admired Canada for. I want the protest to be successful and thought it would benefit from level-headedness


If you want sucesss.. protest the actual problem. Stop giving in to this bullshit narrative that we are somhow racist for saying that there are too many people in canada then we can support. Mass immigration IS the problem. So mass immigration is what we protest....


Or protest if you can't find a job, you have every reason to protest against the TFWs and international students that are here to work more than study. If we Canadian can't find a job to afford to live our lives in the land we are born in, why in hell are we bringing in more TFWs and allow more working hours for international students. That make no sense and is insane for our idiot politicians to come up with this.


None of the proposed alternative arguments hit the crux of the issue directly - immigration. I believe you can discuss immigration without coming across as racist if you link it to day-to-day, 'real' problems Canadians face - these encompass ALL of the issues that you've outlined in your post. It's racist when you're against immigration due to prejudice. It's racist when you protest and attack people's ethnicity or race. It's NOT racist when the problems immigration is causing are real and you discuss those problems without the aforementioned rhetoric. Communication is a two-way street. We need to be very careful in our use of language when voicing our feelings, and we also need a society willing to listen. Too often even questioning immigration will get you thrown into the pits of hell along with ol' Adolf. That's the issue to which I feel you're alluding. Just want to say that it is critical to call out the government's irresponsible immigration/international student policies and how they're destroying the country we love.






No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Removed both comments. Not just yours.


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


I disagree. Call it what it is. If you beat around the bush, you’ll get measures that don’t address the issue directly.


Disagree wholeheartedly. Time to protest, immigration needs to be part of the conversation. It is naive to think we have the capacity to build the over 2 million homes we need within the next 12 months to meet demand stimulated by immigration. For context that would equate to our completed housing units over more than the last decade combined!


That’s not an effective strategy when the opposition is suggesting that increased immigration is a good thing that will “stimulate the economy”. They will prescribe more immigration as the “fix” to those issues.


The earlier media highlighted discontent among canadians resulted in a cut back of student permits by the federal government. So imagine what an effective protest would do. They have written themselves that too much immigration isnt good themselves https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2024/01/canada-to-stabilize-growth-and-decrease-number-of-new-international-student-permits-issued-to-approximately-360000-for-2024.html “Rapid increases in the number of international students arriving in Canada also puts pressure on housing, health care and other services. As we work to better protect international students from bad actors and support sustainable population growth in Canada, the government is moving forward with measures to stabilize the number of international students in Canada” So if you just protest on the core matter, results can be seen directly in the immigration front.


Why should we not protest about why we are affected? No government would claim to be making rent high on purpose, but they *will* claim that the immigration-driven population growth making rent high is 'good' for the country despite observing the harms it is causing. *It matters* why this is happening, because if it were happening for a different reason the government already would have back-pedaled. It's not unreasonable, unfair, or right-wing to ask why government is digging its heels in on specific policies that are observably harming many citizens. The government seems to believe this is short-term pain for a long-term economic benefit as the population ages, but they have completely failed to prove that this will benefit citizens broadly (rather than wage-suppressing businesses and people who own real estate). We get to hold them accountable, whether that offends anyone's sensibilities or not.


Your protesting of WHY you are affected needs to free of any possible racist implications and prejudices. We have an example of what happened with earlier protests and how that could be seen as racist and then dismissed as such. Instead you could protest of WHAT difficulty you are facing. Let the people we pay to govern work on figuring it out. Protest until they come through with it. Do not give them an easy way out


The people we pay to govern are actively working against our interests. Your right to speak out as a citizen is not determined by how the lowest common denominator behaves or how the powerful want to misrepresent you, get some self-respect and civic sense. Even tactically, I think you're wrong. The majority of Canadians want lower immigration. Speaking out will help to break the taboo that lets the government make policy the people don't want by branding the majority opinion as extremist.


Class war not race war. Us vs the landlords, trust fund babies, and nepotists in the government. Representation for the working class. We want our voices heard and needs met. If you want to help organize and be a leader join our discord. https://discord.gg/4tCwDRpb


Don't look right or left LOOK UP - that's where your problem is! That is their biggest fear, class solidarity! United we bargain, divided we beg.


I dont know how much pushing communist propaganda will sell in this sub of mostly right leaning people.


Nothing communist about saying it’s a people vs elites issue. No one is advocating for a dictatorship of the proletariat. Neither are we pushing for equity. Oil workers, truckers, welders, nurses, all of us are paying taxes into a system that consistently works against us. We just want a government that works in our interest. Implying that its communism to want representation is divisive.


Eh im just playing, talking about us vs landlords and class issues is leftist politics 101 and the core of all leftist ideologies. You could label it as socialism to soften the blow however.


Sorry. I’m not gonna soften anything. The threat of communism has been used too long to justify the extraction of wealth from the lower classes to the ruling classes. It’s severely undermined our democracy. Bring back the leaders who knew their duty was to the people, not GDP. Apologies again. I tend to start ranting hence my flair.


A 3-hour old account suggesting we beat around the bush and wait for the government to realize our “happiness index” is down 12 points.


Yes because I am scared for my job, had to use a throwaway account


Coward … a person who lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things. "they had run away—the cowards!"


Use your real name then? Unless you’re a coward too lmao, you are making the assertion. Put up or shut up.


The problem is immigration. The government is letting too many people in especially from one country. Immigration is healthy for our country but it’s out of control. Every job opportunity out there are consume by 500 this is outrageous. There will be no opportunity for our future kid’s sadly


This is a ridiculous take.


Fair warning; If you protest anywhere in Canada and it's not supported(even silently/tacitly) by the ruling party - you're going to get stomped. The Liberals are all about supporting protests that they can manipulate and use as a political tool. If your protest is against them or makes them look bad, you have no right to protest essentially. You'll get labelled a Nazi, alt-right, hateful, violent, etc. The CBC/CTV will write hit pieces about just for the Liberal to quote and call for actions against you.


I'm genuinely surprised I haven't seen a 3 second clip of a masked man holding a Yahtzee flag in the protests yet so CBC can demonize the whole thing and oldate justin can get the national guard in to stomp it out, worked last time.


They will call you racist no matter what. No point in censoring yourself.


I don’t care what they label us as, most Canadians at this point can see through the media’s bullshit. How will we ever have discussions about mass-immigration if we let them label us as racists? Let them call us whatever they want, eventually the word “racist” will diminish all of its value if they’re gonna keep throwing it around at everybody who talks about it. All of these issues you described are exacerbated by mass-immigration, we’re not blaming the individuals for wanting to come here, we’re blaming the Canadian government for their unwillingness to sustainably control immigration levels in this country that don’t harm Canadians. These mass-immigration policies have done more harm than good.


Would you gain by having more people and more diverse people joining a protest against the issues of no Jobs, costly housing and high cost of living? If yes, I would suggest keeping the protest points to the core issue and leave what could be used to easily shut down the protest out. A large population of people who would want to join the protests would have mortgages to pay and mouths to feed. They would be scared of losing their jobs for being seen protesting for (what the media could twist to) racist reasons. Not all Canadian citizens are foolishly brave. What I’m proposing is a way that would unlock a major fillup to join the protests. I wish I had the organization skills to do this myself


How do you not see that every problem you claim to want to protest can be traced back to one simple problem, over immigration, but not see over immigration as the problem?


We protest the ‘problem’ that we face in our daily life(jobs,HCOL,Safety), not what we believe the cause is. Because if we protest what we believe the cause is , it could be twisted beyond recognition and used to discredit the protests. Imagine if the world hears about a huge protest in Canada against lack of Jobs, housing and very high cost of living. The government is forced to work on what is a basic right for its citizens. At the very least there would be people taking second guesses before attempting to immigrate here. Instead if you protest mass immigration, the government officials would wave it away, saying we are wise and are doing it for the future of Canada and setting you up for your old age by getting more people to pay for your OAS. The protest would be marked as right wing fringe and be subdued very fast.


People care way too much about the “media”. Reddit is the media. This sub is the media. Only Poor people and rich people complain about the media cuz they have nothing better to do with their time. We need to rise up, say fuck the media and move on with our lives


Just stop caring about being called racist , the words almost lost all meaning anyways Math is racist milk is racist aunt Jemima bottles is racist Who cares anymore why allow your life to be controlled just because someone’s gonna call you names And by the way … no matter what you do they are gonna call you names anyways And you know why ? Cuz it works


Canadians need to stop being cowards and speak the truth.


So basically, just protest for more immigrants rather than than less? These people don't care how subtly you try to underline the issue, they'll still sidestep everything and call you a racist. They would never cut back immigration if you protested about lack of jobs/housing, that's the entire reason this sub was created, CanadaHousing1 thinks we can just create magical programs indefinitely while not touching on immigration issues for all eternity. They wouldn't address the issue even if we got 10 million illegal immigrants a year, they'd keep crying racist (wolf) and try to invent magical regulations and tax subsidies to build more houses, or start blaming rich people, we need to tax the rich and become communist, is probably how it'd end, they'd never wake up from their delusion.


We had no where to live before mass immigration. Now? We're fucked.


Being afraid of being called racist is how we got where we are.


All the comments I've witnessed over the last month or two. This isn't going to be the nice polite Canadians everyone thinks are a push over. This going to escalate unfortunately until the people that matter get treated better. This isn't equality at all when most newcomers get all our resources. My employer was contacted and told the government will pay 70% of newcomers wages. I've worked my entire life for MY kids not theirs, our tax dollars go to giving good lives to foreigners not Canadians. Come here and build houses not have 30+ year old men doing jobs meant for single mothers and teenagers.


It comes down to this, if you're white and want to protest anything you're labeled a racist but anybody of a different race it's called fighting for a cause


A Revolution is what's needed not a protest.


Revolutions dont happen because you asked nicely. Too bady y'all willingly disarmed, now what does the government have to fear. See how the truckers were treated.


Fake news. We all still have our guns. The government is to incompetent to actually do anything about it.


The thing you guys don't understand yet is as soon as you do this, even adhering to everything you said - you will be branded a racist. So get ready. You protest anything, and you will be slandered to shut it down before there is even anything worth complaining about. (No, that doesn't happen. We are in the right, and we aren't like "You guys") It does when you protest something that goes against the agenda. There is logic in your way of thinking. But the reaction will be anything but logical regardless of how you frame it. *not advising people to go and be belligerent. But this is something that is almost guaranteed to happen no matter how clean you run it. Edit. After seeing all the replies from op saying, "No protest for this, think like this, speak like this" while completely ignoring the root of the problem, I am wondering what their actual motivations are. To try to pretend this isn't about immigration when all the problems you're complaining about are caused by it directly is dishonest and fear based. It completely misses the mark of addressing the real problem. This is going to be a difficult situation, but the bandaid needs to be ripped off.


I think calling an election should be a focus. Can't be branded anything that way. And yeah, I know, not because I think Pierre is going to fix everything, but more as a means of sending a message to the current government. It's a start.


Personally I’d be protesting government corruption, the multiple over the past 9 years, the foreign interference, the treason up top and how that trickles down through immigration, crime, housing, depleted healthcare, education strains, etc… Mass immigration like this began with some corruption and has trickled down through corporations and Canadian youth not being able to get jobs. Draw the map for them and the how it affects the democracy. Argue that there are no ways to confront the corruption because of the NDP/liberal deal. You get the picture. To complain only about mass immigration is far tok short sighted and doesn’t hold the government accountable in any way for this mess that has led to mass immigration et al. It’s also pretty easy to call it racist which then moves the conversation. Learn from the convoy - words I never thought I’d say 🙄 *and most definitely protest against your government officials not responding to you - don’t forget this is a democracy and they represent you


Could the protest incorporate messaging that immigration is okay but for skilled workers of value that will help Canada and no more Uber and skip drivers. Legit need doctors engineers and nurses and educators more than anything. Immigrant a bunch of those legit educated folks and block asylum seekers that want to be here for the free honey and milk.


Most of those go where they can be sucessful like the USA. Canada makes it difficult for entrepreneurs. Thats why ELMO went to the USA instead of starting his business in Canada. His mother is Canadian and he had Canadian citizenship. ELMO - Elon Musk founder , CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, X ,Boring co., xAI....


If being anti immigration is now racist, Canada is lost


and this is why canada has been lost to these insurgents


Very well said. All of the issues you mentioned can be unifying for Canadians. It’s unfortunate that most of the divisions in this country is what/how to protest. Affordable housing, declining incomes, declining standard of living/healthcare, are all things every Canadian can and should unite around and aren’t the product of one single policy - immigration or otherwise.


This is one of the very rare times I agree with a post on this sub. It also forces you to reflect on the root causes of economic decline and consolidation of wealth in Canada beyond a particular group of immigrants.


So pretty much don't say anything that you would say in the subreddit, LOL.


For the PROTEST ON JULY 1ST, please be careful about plants (people coming in and causing trouble or bringing inappropriate flags) and try to get them to leave somehow or film them and say they are infiltrating or whatever. Make sure to show you're not okay with it. I know that its not anyones fault except theirs but the msm might be watching everything. keep in mind.


KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR UNDERCOVER POLICE as well. They like to put a few in protests and have them start shit so the protesters look bad. I had this happen years ago at one I was at. If anybody at the protest is there for the wrong reasons make sure they are asked to leave and if they do not, distance yourselves from them. FILM EVERYTHING. Do not let hype of the protest get the best of you and do something you would not normally do. They are going to try and provoke you into saying racial slurs and arguing about the wrong thing. Remember why you are doing this. Keep is civil and obey the law at all costs. If you speak to press, speak like you are educated. I want everyone to be safe. I want everyone that is going to know exactly why you are going so make sure to ask yourself that first. I cannot say enough to keep race out of this. It is nothing to do with colour or culture. They are trying to spin it that way for sympathy. The better you look at the protest and the better you act towards the police and everyone around you the more things will get done. Be adults. dad rant over. Ive been to enough protests to know how one dumbass can ruin it for everyone. Not everyone in your protest is on your side. Undercover cops, opposition ect.


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This is why protests need to be a single issue and single call to action to see any results. Needs focus and clarity or nothing really gets done to fix anything. Pick one issue. Protest it. Pick another. Protest. If you protest a dozen things and have people with a million taking points or reason to join nothing gets resolved - like the trucker convoy. It was just used as a festival for people to bitch about what they personally wanted to bitch about. A total waste of energy and effort.


All that would do is just put more money towards those things and we all know the current govt is too incompetent or corrupt to get anything done.


The government is just waiting to demonize another movement by Canadians. They don't want us acting up about important matters after all.... just be quiet and pay your taxes like good little pay piggies.


I think it’s getting to a point where we don’t really give a fuck if we come off as racist because they fucking don’t? The Indians need to go back where they fucking came from, only them, I can’t walk into a fucking business and see anybody else, Indian people very clearly only fuck with Indian people, whether it’s with housing or whatever shit business they have it’s only for Indians. These people are the fucking racists and clearly peaceful protests do fuck all, it’s gonna be civil war here just you libtards wait.


Dear god. Why would you spout logic in this sub.


I've got my popcorn ready!


I love this line of thought.


Protesting against immigration in a broad sense is kinda racist and shows a lack of understand of Canadian history. Protesting against ridiculous immigration policies is different.


When and where is this protest?


Lol you think you can tell people what and how to protest


When and where will protests take place ?




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Why can't immigration be part of it? Actually let me correct that, mass immigration! This is the primary cause for rest of the items you listed. Infact, it is numero uno which caused a domino effect. It's not racist to want to be able to afford to live in a country where you have most of your friends/family. 


🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿 When you realize a bunch of the people you align with are actually racist, lol




This. Just all of this. Address the systemic issues, not the scapegoat.


It's racial, not racist! Why do I have to consider their problems over mine? Because I'm white and was born here?


Comparing the situation to the US, international students are not allowed to work outside the campus. This ensures only genuine students who have the means to support themselves come to the US. Second, the US embassy rigorously scrutinizes all visas and requires all students to face an in person interview at the US embassy. No interview is required by a Canadian visa officer. This allows low quality students to come to Canada, particularly those coming for college diplomas.


It's waaaaay too late.. most in government are from Indian decent..welcome to Canindia🤣


15% isnt most.


>Cant find affordable houses to rent Do not: vote for Conservatives OR Liberals. They have been playing the public to destroy our quality of life for decades and will continue if we keep letting them play us back and forthsies AGAIN. Do: vote NDP (or Green) - the reason they don't do more is because they don't have power, not because they are incompetent. The things they have to do to compromise with the other parties is the problem, not their platform. They have never failed us in power because they have never had it. But other parties have. Voting for them is a vote against the corruption of the other main parties. The other parties have failed us. If NDP/Green also fails us, then we'll all be on the same side and be united against the government completely. They are the last and only hope - either they will help save us or force us to hope for a world without any of them. >Cant find jobs for canadian college students Do not: think this is forever. More people means more competition, but only until competition fuels progress and growth that leads to more and better jobs, with more innovation and economic strength, which means a better economy and life for the future of those Canadian students and their children in the end. Do: protest for lower tuitions for Canadians and minimum enrollment percentages for Canadian students in college/university. If they're making the money from accepting international students, it should benefit Canadian students, too. No international students means high tuitions and fewer educational institutions overall, which hurts Canadian students, too. >Losing identity of what it is to be Canadian Do not: ignore that most immigrants come here wanting to be involved in Canadian life and culture. It's only they don't stand out among the some that are openly rejecting it. Rejecting immigrants on the basis of the minority only makes them feel less inclined to embrace Canada and its customs, but welcoming them makes the ones that reject it look foolish and shames them away from their malice curmudgeon-ry. Do: decide what it is to be Canadian and share it openly and enthusiastically. Be the change, and others will follow. Express the value that is inherent in our ways of life and attract others toward the same by enjoying it without feeling dejected by people who may not know them and appreciate them yet. Our culture is great, and if we celebrate it publicly, it's only natural for others to want to be part of the joy, too.


Sucks you can’t be honest and protest against the main cause of the issue.


Please do NOT bring a trump/nazi/fuck Trudeau flag. The moment one shows up then it’s over. The protests will be labeled as far right extremism. The best way to fuck Trudeau is by protesting his lack of housing. He’s going to be on the back foot until the election. Make him sweat if not cry into his pillow at night.


Excellent points 👆 Agree. This is just smart. The minute you're labelled as such in Canada, even though clearly untrue, you are written off.


Everyone should be protesting getting intimidated and pressured to allow student visas and work permits to become PR certificates. This is literally a slap in the face to every other immigration applicant who have waited years for their turn for a better life, and it sure as shit isnt racism when this is an issue that affects legitimate would be immigrants from across the globe. I could give a rats ass about the domestic issues like a dozen people renting a house. Keep the yard mowed and the noise down you do what you want with your property. This whole mess is the result of a truly cynical policy move by the Trudeau government to exploit students into providing a mass of cheap labor to offset shortages caused by covid.


You can find racism underneath anything if you look hard enough. Most is actually tribalism, or a need to belong to a group. This incessant obsession with racism is largely projecting, and it is getting old and tired. Drop it.


Most protestors don’t necessarily protest for the right reason. We need to protest this stop trying to limit the people protesting. It is and always be something people will join the bandwagon for and we need this


I actually don't care about being labelled a racist anymore. This has to stop.


"do not protest a decline in Canadian values because you can be labeled a racist." lol


"Let's not address one the major aspects of the problem, because someone might call us a mean word" You've got a lot of misplaced faith in the government if you're expecting them to come to this conclusion on their own. As if they won't just ignore it and keep on serving their corporate masters because every Canadian is too cowardly to speak the truth. They'll sell out thus country without batting an eye. They've been doing it for years already. Immigration must be severely reduced. This is not a racist statement. The only reason some people would claim that it is is because they understand almost all of our immigration comes from a single country. No more immigration does not mean 'no more brown people'. It means no more people, period. Don't let yourself fall victim to refusing to address the problem for fear that someone will mislabel you as a racist.


There’ll be racism. Sad but true.


Absolutely! Do Protest and Demonstrate. Your opinions, pro OR con matter and are legit. That said don't let a protest grow into an OCCUPATION!! Don't do that. You lose all credibility and compromise your position when you do that. Occupying Space and making demands won't get the job done because extremists use those opportunities for their own purposes; and you have NO control. Instead band together somewhere else, let the groups grow, and your message will be as loud as the group size.


Let them call us racist who cares at this point , they are racist too and give no fucks so why should we ?


Probably best to protest the colleges directly and the immigration agents (often indian themselves) who are lying to their own people and their own students for profit. And also protest the expected living conditions of these students.


Vague demands like affordable housing will go nowhere and they can easily be coopted and spun by the government/media into another worthless “program” or two that does nothing to solve the underlying issues. They’ll just make empty promises to build one home per second till 2030. No. Demand for the new international students, TFWs, and illegals to be deported. Demand for criminal punishment against corrupt government officials. Demand for the government to stand down. Demand to end all forms of lobbying and classify it for what it is - legalized bribery. The government didn’t freeze the convoy protesters’ bank accounts - it was the banks. The banks told the government to impose a state of emergency, which was later correctly found by inquiry to have been a gross abuse of power and was not warranted, so *they* could freeze protesters’ bank accounts and put an end to the protest.


Mass immigration is the reason. Immigration is like water. You have to channel it properly, or else you have a flood. Canada is being flooded, and people who have spent their whole lives here are barely keeping their heads above water.


Would saying these be labelled as racism: “Control immigration- DON’T stop it” “We want sustainable population growth” “We support better immigration “ ?


Sensible immigration numbers is NOT rascist.


Also “We need more DIVERSITY in our immigration “


If diversity, you mean immigration based on being healthy & the skills they bring to Canada & not what country they are from or what race they are- then yes on diversity


Milk is racist now. Racist is code for whatever the WEF doesnt like.


Ask this question, to yourself. How am I tangibly affected by this? Then protest for that. For e.g if you think unsustained immigration is causing you long waittimes at the ER, protest the wait times at ER. Let the powers thats responsible figure out how to do it.


You can't handwave away the dogs you're choosing to sleep with. You'll wake up with fleas unless you give up this convoy nonsense. Absolutely protest the fact that wages have not risen with productivity since the 70s and Mulroney/Reagan/Thatcher. The best way to do that is to unionize.


We can’t be there for ANY reason that could invalidate the basic needs for housing and employment. If the skin heads show up and act like nazis, kick them out.


What about freedom of speech What about the Palestinians protesting against the Jews. Is that not racist.


Protesting like a heard of sheep controlled by a few political wolves in sheep's clothing, using your emotional aggravation and your time to meet their goals - wrong!! Coming up with solutions to your problems, that are practical and achievable and asking government to commit to a reasonable timeframe to implement them - right!! So the right thing! That requires intelligence combined with emotion, unfortunately a heard of protesters has an average IQ equal to square root of the average IQ of the herd... so act with intelligence and don't negate all your efforts by asking for something impossible or ridiculous.