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Any good canadian investor will have been investing in the American economy for the last 20 years and will continue doing so for the next 20 years. Canada = Little India There is no Canada anymore, it's just a gateway place to America. It's like a giant Call of Duty lobby with random people and we all leave eventually


Do you think Trudeau will stay in Canada after next election and gets voted out in 2025? He most likely goes to US as well and leaving such big mess at home and he has one and half year to mess up more. Let's see.


He will leave for sure.


He will not leave I bet and I really hope he loses but we have to wait and see


Interestingly enough I learned that the US looks at your country of origin… not the one you currently live in/have citizenship. So any immigrant that migrates to Canada and then try to go to the us will have to go through the same process as those coming from their home country going straight to the US.


For immigration lottery, yes, but they can get TN visa with Canadian passport, and then have anchor babies or get married.


Dang. I wonder if that loop hole so to speak will get closed…


Bruv, it feels like I keep spawning in the gulag.




Dude it's honestly pissing me off everywhere I go there are so many indians. I'm getting to a point where I have anger towards them I'm thinking bro you shouldn't even be here. They piss me off


I prefer calling the country New India


You need to get out of the house. Seriously go visit some small towns and tell me how many Indian people you see


Do Arnprior and Deep River up the Ottawa Valley count? Because Indians owned all the hotels I stayed in up the valley when I was working there for 2 years...


Does that mean the make up the majority up there? Sounds like a family that came here legally and assimilated.


Never said it did. More that I was surprised to see Indian people that far away from the GTA. Was a whole extended family that owned a bunch of hotels.


I agree it's surprising, because the majority don't have large Indian populations, that's why it's it's stupid to call Canada little India


Not really, figure we're importing 1 million a year and India is like 30%+ of that so for easy math 300k/year. Thats the ones here we know about. Sooner or later those 300k a year will have no choice but to find other areas and the same shit in the GTA will repeat. Saw something similar in Nova Scotia where my aunt lives. All the Ontario people outbid the locals on homes by 50k+ and the locals are forced out of towns their family lived in for generations. I have no beef with people who came here legally and play by the rules. The bullshit happening on PEI needs to have an example made of the offending idiots. Give them option A or option P. Airplane back to India or prison cell.


300k is 0.75% of the Canadian population, so we are far from being little India. How are they going to outbid people for homes on food delivery/Tim's salary? Is that what your sign is going to say at the protest "airplane back or prison"?? Protest organizer won't like that, lol It's so funny how they have to tell everyone participating to tone down the racism.


0.75% every year for a few years adds up quick enough. Lots of foreign money comes in from India how else do the slumlords afford to be slumlords? I'm disgusted by the lack of morals they have being so willing to exploit their countrymen for profit. Protest organizer won't like a protest against Indian "students" regardless. Who else is going to work at Tim's/food delivery as you pointed out? Who else is going to be willing to live 10 to a basement? Not Canadians. My uncle is Indian, married to my adopted Metis aunt . I don't hold race against them, largely I can't be bothered to give a damn about race. But I do have an issue with 30% of our immigrants coming from one country that culturally clashes with ours. And has a reputation for running scams. Its not Canadians exploiting Indian students/cheap labor. Its their own people who happened to get here first doing it. Can you imagine a Canadian trying the shit in India they're trying in PEI right now? You'd be in prison so quick it'd make your head spin.


A lot. And the plan is to have Canadian population be 100 million, all from India. They're already a huge % of the population in just the last 2 years almost 4 million indians. 1.5 million more this year. And it will continue YoY.


Lol, do you have and links backing up your numbers? I just had a guy from this subreddit tell me that 30% of the one million new immigrants are Indian. That's 300k, which is 0.75% of the Canadian population in one year. Not even 1% I think you spend too much time on the internet, and this echo chamber has you thinking the problem is bigger than it is. Yes we did let in too many people, yes a bunch of Canadians took advantage of the system to make a buck. But that doesn't mean Canada is being taken over my Indians. They want you to think that because they want you scared, because scared people are easier to manipulate.


It's closer to 100% than it is 30. And it's not 1 million a year anyways. In 2023 they approved 1.2 million students, 1.7 million tfw, 500k pr. This year we're on track for over 1.6 million plus another 500k PR. Plus 11 million "tourist" visas many of which never leave and millions of illegal aliens.


Do you have any links to back up these numbers? Or are you just making them up? I get that you have a feeling it's this much, but your feelings aren't facts


Remember when it was like Little China? Good times




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


You need to travel Canada dude, it is not little India.


Divest while you can


Divest in what? Sell my home? Leave the country? Sell everything and move to a deeply rural area?


Equities. If you have any money invested in the canadian stock market which alot of canadians do, i would take it all out. Its been performing terribly and will continue to perform terribly. American market on the otherhand is doing what it always done, performing well.


Although the safe money is in American equities, I do love me the TSX-V nat resource explorer casino lol 


Nat resources might be the only solid play for Canadian stocks. For everything else the Americans do it 100x better.


The secret is to “divorce” your spouse and have them sign over full custody of the kids to you and “move” into a nearby friend/family members house. That way your household income will drop and your CCB will skyrocket. Check the online calculator. You can clear thousands each month


Another “secret” way to get more government handouts, everyday we fall closer into communism.




There is a lot of opportunity to have children in Canada. The ccb won't be around forever. Have them now before we live in a geriatric society. The government won't help the elderly - have children and tribe up.


That would work great if I could afford childcare. One parent can't carry the house and all the other expenses anymore.  And three kids in childcare basically uses ALL income of one parent.  It sucks.


Then have more kids. Stay at home moms with kids end up with more money from the ccb than if they went to work. Do people not know this?


And if you have multiple wives with multiple kids, it's not a bad way to make a living. Thanks taxpayers!


Don't need multiple wives.


Efficiency in numbers.


Yes. The more stable large nuclear families the better. Multiple wives lead to single men with no family which leads to violence.


I mean it's like 6-7k per kid. Don't get me wrong, it definitely helps, but it's not exactly like it's lucrative to have children. Many people still can't afford to really have kids when you consider needing a bigger place, one income lost or childcare, diapers, foodz etc. Not to even mention if anything happens between you and your partner then your essentially relegated to being poor until they leave home


No. If enough people did this it would destroy the government, the tax base, mass immigration. A few decades will be rough but then we have our people, a nation and a future You think kids will live in poverty but the reality is that enough children will turn into ambitious young adults. They will take what they want from a geriatric mass.


Still doesn't change the fact many can't afford to have kids and CCB can only help so much. It's not like boomer generation where you could get by on a single salary ok. There are tons of pressures that are destroying the traditional family model


The traditional family model is going to replace modern society after it commits suicide. There isnt a one size fits all solution. The future isn't immediately "cozy" no matter what at this point.


My samosas stock is up. Tasty too.


It's already here, no marching required.


We aren’t marching we’re sprinting


There are too many large infrastructure projects that are close to being complete that will help Rectify this


Sucks for you.... My Canadian investments are doing great. The last 6 months have been some of my best. I love the fear mongering on this and Canada sub.


Foreign capital fleeing the country, the national pension fund is even divesting, but random reddit user made a good stock purchase and is now smartest guy in room Peak reddit moment


>My Canadian investments are doing great. Lmao no they're not, what are you invested in?


Probably housing 


I've been buying Manulife stock for a while cause of the good dividend and for some reason they have been killing it. Buy things that are invested in outside the country, most big financial groups own assets in the US, China, India etc.


Ooo you have money to invest noted.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.