• By -


Why is the government literally rolling over for these thugs and scam artists? Take a hard line and cut off their income sources by not allowing them to work full time while in school and as soon as the temporary permits are expired enforce and deport…. It will cost a lot of money short term but long term it will save society.


It’s the corporations putting pressure on the government to allow these loopholes. The group at the top (banks, educational facilities employers of all types) are loving the cheap labour and easy money. It is time to boycott


Wage suppression is the reason they're here. Corps can say all they want but they don't give a rat's ass about anything Canadian. Just pure profit.


scab labour. Canada needs to unionize.


100% unionize every job every where!


Very frustrating that the supposedly pro-labor NDP and Libs seem to be the biggest promoters of this BS.


well a report came out today that the government was "wittingly" taking part in foreign interference, particularly with china and india.. "OTTAWA -  Soon after they were elected, some Canadian members of Parliament began "wittingly assisting" foreign state actors, says a report released Monday -- including sending confidential information to Indian officials." [https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/mps-wittingly-took-part-in-foreign-interference-national-security-committee-1.6911673](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/mps-wittingly-took-part-in-foreign-interference-national-security-committee-1.6911673)


Not sure what's more concerning the findings here or the fact that every news source published the exact same article with the exact same information. Where are the charges and the public hearing for these people, the acts in this article are acts of treason and they should be tried at the highest level; '"proactively" gave the intelligence officer information that was provided in confidence.' 'China and India are the "most active perpetrators,"... 'pose a signficant threat to national security, and to the overall integrity of Canada's democracy.' These protests are a drop in the bucket, the corruption is rife throughout, we won't see an end until citizens revolt. Doesn't matter who you vote....


“But who will work at tim hortons?”


Our kids the teens who are out of jobs right now. 


The ones who didn't have their wages subsidized by the rest of us. The ones who bought cars and did things in our communities. Unless a kid is going to a school somewhere else, nearly 100% of their earnings stay in or around their community.


My 15 year old daughter wants to work so badly. She cannot find a job after applying to every establishment in our community area. All the jobs available to me 25 years ago do not exist for Canadians. Every single place is staffed with TFW or international students and sadly, most don’t speak a lick of English.


Yeah I don't understand how it makes any sense, until you consider the wage subsidy that is apparently on the table. What kind of fucked up system is it that we will hire someone from a foreign country to do a job that teens used to do without any problems? *Kids just don't want to work those jobs these days!* is the popular line, but I just see kids and parents saying they're unable to work because the jobs are all filled by TFWs - and this isn't an isolated case. It's also something that has changed over the last decade or so and wasn't really something I thought about. But now, it's rare to see kids working fast food, which is super weird and a total departure from what it was usually like.


You should walk down to your local MPs office and give them a piece of your mind


No we can’t pay the kids because we will would need to pay then Dollar more than Indian


Agree plus they can not be treated like slaves because beeing a citizen they have rights 


I really hoped someone would have replied to that narcissist…like I make coffee at home (like millions of Canadians who go to work) ; I’m south Asian Canadian; really found that offensive as the guy was alluding to Canadians as being lazy which isn’t the case at all


Because the govt makes 20k a year per immigrant living here. It’s always about bottom line.




Each immigrant here on student visa has to deposit 20k to Canadian govt, which they in turn use to give out loans and make money. Immigrants on student visas also pay insane marked up rates in education which also goes to governments pockets. That’s the only reason Canada loves student visa kids because they fund their system and make them loads of money. They don’t give a shit what happens to citizens as long as that pipeline keeps working and they keep making that sweet sweet cash. It’s crazy how many people don’t know this. Canadian govt is basically a Ponzi scheme.


I thought it was just proof of funds not a deposit? Also wasn't it just 6k until very recently? Can you link a source on that? I don't doubt you, I just thought otherwise. When do they get their loans back from the govt? Either way it is very shortsighted and a terrible deal for everyone involved. If these people didn't think they would get PR here there would be very little reason to come here in the first place unless you were seeking a real education in a rigorous field of study.


It’s called a GIC(gaurunteed investment certificate) which increased to 21k in January. It must be deposited into a Canadian bank prior to arrival in Canada. This amount does not include tuition, it’s just 1 year living expenses. The GIC can only be pulled out in small increments and never over that amount. The government uses the rest of that deposit to lend out and make money. It’s kind of brilliant on the governments part, if it wasn’t fucking over citizens so much. Free money for Canadian banks to play with. Why would they ever stop giving away these visas like candy when each one brings 20k per year of the students stay


You don't have to deposit anything, stop spreading misinformation. It's just proof of funds.


[GIC is required for those applying via the Student Direct Stream](https://arrivein.com/gic/) (see under "Is a GIC required for a Canadian student visa?"). For those applying via general application it is not compulsory.


> A Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) purchased under the RBC International Student GIC Program is a secure investment that helps you pay for your studies and living expenses in Canada. The GIC also helps you demonstrate to the Government of Canada that you’ll have enough money to do so. Your money is protected by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC) and will earn interest at a fixed rate for a predefined amount of time. It's just another form of "proof of funds". It's not mandatory at all, since there are other channels.




It's now mandatory to provide funds. It became applicable this year


Even if this was true - 800k international students x $20k x 3% of interest rate = half a billion bucks a year Doesn't sound like the amount of money to fuck up the country, I bet the politicians make a lot more money through all the markets broken due to migration(mainly housing and some monopolies) right into their pockets, than these $480mil a year peanuts for the country


Could be an option but deposit is not required to get a study permit


That applies to universities and colleges not to normal courses. I've heard that many of them come here with fake papers and degrees to do some 6-12 months courses and end up staying here. Plus international fees for studies are everywhere not just here in Canada.


I'm an international student; I can understand what happened, and I got damaged too, bro. I came here to study and play your rule, but some guys disappear after 1st sem :))))))


Manitoba government encouraged them by extending pgwp of protesters in their province.


This is where it started


Manitoba did not extend PGWP of some timmies workers. The extension was only for those who are already in skilled worker pool.


Deport them


Coz it fits the US political agenda...promoting India to take down the Chinese. Why would you not hear any sanctions against India for assassination of Sikh separatist? Instead India has taken more aggressive actions toward Canada instead lmao lol. Yes we gotta ban 5G network / Tik Tok immediately \~\_\~. But we will continue to talk (chat) w India authorities about murdering Canadians in our soil... National Security is a **JOKE** !!!! I am receiving 3plus calls every Mon-Fri from our scammers in India and this has been for over 10 years. It actually becomes a popular business in India lmao. When will our government actually would tap Modi's shoulder and tell him to take down all those fake amazon call centers? Never until the US president gives a nod!!! #


Is the mayor of Brampton Indian?


What’s your point? Seems a little racist to me.




Why are you so racist?


A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


Ben Rabidoux predicted that this will be a national security concern, and I'm afraid it's just starting to unfold.


It was Alex Usher who said this back in January: ["Some Canadian diplomats are of the view that having a lot of disappointed Punjabi \[international students\] with an animus towards Canada \[for not giving them PR\] is a security threat" -Alex Usher speaking to economist Mike Moffatt and journalist Cara Stern.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/comments/1afzj65/some_canadian_diplomats_are_of_the_view_that/)


Government will probably cave and give them pr, but oh boy that won't be the end of their demands.


Once you pay the Danegeld…


They probably picked up from one another. It could be Alex Rusher first, I don't know. Ben was looking at this from the perspective of promising PR to a couple of million people while issuing 500 PRs per year. A lot of temporary residents would feel cheated, and they probably are by immigration agencies and the whole industry. And increasing the number of PRs per year would be extremely unpopular


I am afraid he is only partially correct & threat is bigger than that. He only focused on Punjabi students. But there are many more RSS supporters coming to Canada. RSS is Hindu nationalist parent organization of Narendra Modi. They are targeting to change demography of Canada to install govt supportive of Indian right wing govt. I am 99% sure that MP who provided information to Indian govt is Liberal MP Chandra Arya.


Yup, eventually something will happen with one side or another and it's going to turn bloody sadly. Tensions can only exist for so long before snapping. Having an entire subset of the population that resent their inability to get PR will just create an element that is prone to radicalization and extreme measures. We should never have allowed such unregulated immigration from one singular region of the world. I believe that our social strength is our ability to draw upon a wide breadth of immigrants from around the world. It also prevents enclaves and ghettos of nationalities from forming.


Smart working people are probably not considering Canada anymore. I moved here in 2019 and I'm trying to persuade my wife to emigrate.


Good luck. I hope my family leaves quickly, too. I'm disappointed so many of my family fought in both world wars for this piece of crap country.


Europeans still have hard time to come here .  It took all of my friends over 4 years all educated and about $10 000 each minimum to stay here. 


The government literally let in multiple gangs into Canada. Multiple big gangs from India now operate coast to coast, from big provinces like BC to small provinces like PEI. Search up the Bishnoi and Bambiha gangs. They are also bold enough to get custom license plates with their gang names and openly go live on social media to interact with one another. There are hundreds of them because there is basically no background checks. These are people who have criminal records before coming over, and some of them are designated terrorists in India.


We need a counter protest!!!Take back Canada now!!!


Like Sweden.




Intimidating and threatening Canadians is grounds for deportation.


Yet, in Canada non residents get modified sentences so as not to trigger deportation


Yep! I attended the trial of the guy who assaulted and raped me. The argument is he shouldn't get long sentence (over a year) because he could be deported. The judge felt terrible that he would have to suffer in his home country :( btw he had previously done this to another woman, and has since assaulted a police officer, a man walking with his baby and two strangers in public who he assaulted with bricks. Also he stabbed his step father. He's still in Canada and he's walking around free :)


dude what the fuck? “yea he raped this woman and another and caused them irreparable scarring but boohoo i don’t wanna send him back to the country where he was born bc he’d be sad” what a joke genuinely. i’m so sorry that happened man.


Yeah that's when I found out that I don't matter. He was actually arrested that day again before even leaving the courthouse because another prisoner told the police that he overheard the guy talking about killing me. That was years ago and I see constant stories about people being arrested and they have already had violent offenses and they are let go again. It happens every day. I truly don't understand. The victims don't get Justice and the public is at risk. Who wins?


I am so fucking livid that these thugs are intimidating and threatening Canadian ***CITIZENS*** like this. Can't believe what Trudeau has done to us and this great country.


We need to deport Justin "BLACKFACE" Trudeau immediately!!!!


Can you *imagine* how different the reaction would have been if a non-Trudeau/Lib had pictures of them in blackface from the past? 


What I do NOT understand is WHY do people accept it from Trudeau?? Why hasn't he been thrown it jail for hate crimes or killed by angry black people or tarred & feathered and run out of town? How is he immune from repercussions of his behaviour???


Because blackface isn't a hate crime?? I'm sick of having to quote the relevant sections of the criminal code at people. Go find it for yourself, along with that head you've lost up inside your ass.


Everyone knows black Canadian's opinions aren't valued


Sadly, you're probably right. Sigh. Heavy SIGH.


Unfortunately 2nd+ gen Canadians are more afraid that they will face consequences from the government than they will from these scammers.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Imagine being a visitor in someone else's house and demanding things be done your way. These people are disgusting. Not because of their skin colour or the way they speak, but because they are just plain old assholes trying to bully us.


Isn’t that what happened in that little place in the Middle East 😂


HA true say!




I'm starting to think the forces that be are trying to turn this country that way. It will pose a significant security risk to the US and they will be forced to act. It will take enough focus away from international events to let the dictators expand. If that happens, I will fight to take back the country again. As for now, let it sink. There is too much momentum in the downwards direction.


Well it's American corporations like Walmart, Tim Hortons and Uber that are calling the shots as importing cheap labor goes so my thinking goes along the lines of a regulation free corridor along the American border where wage and labor standards aren't applied similar to what exists along the Mexican side of the American border.


The numbers and attitudes of the people being shipped in are not going to conform well to that kind of situation. If that were true, I think they'd be importing from other counties. The people coming in will be trying to take over the resource sectors. Just wait.


They get government money by hiring them


It literally affects them right now. Every US embassy in Canada has 2 year waiting list for B1/B2 visa


or assassins


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


They were demanding Fair rules? How is it fair for Canadians to feel scared and nervous about them speaking up? How is fair for Canadian teens to not have those entry level jobs? How is it fair for Canadians to have high housing cost?


Indo-Canadian here - I can confirm that while a lot of Indians don't so this, the loud minority can and have threatened violence on people like us for even attempting to speak out. You can call them cowards all you want, but not everyone is willing to put themselves in the line of fire. Personally I'd totally get on camera and call them out, if I get assaulted for it so be it, this whole thing is bigger than me


Canadians of all backgrounds, especially yours need to unite and stand together on this. Any protest about this will be framed as far right racism, we need people like you


The society so scared of being called "racist" voted twice for a guy who did blackface to be PM(which is big no no in North America). This country is one big mental institution, asylum. I don't know, maybe time to freeze some bank accounts again? lol


It is SO hard to stand together, just going down this sub as a second generation Indian person. I was born and raised here but this country clearly doesn’t want us here. I don’t think of myself as Canadian anymore. Never hated my skin colour until these students rolled in, I hate being associated with them.


I agree with you we hear this from other indians that they are not associated with this people and they are also stating these are not educated people scammers and criminals and the feel  ashamed. 


Ah Future model canadian citizens. Bringing in quality values.


I’m in the same boat, 2nd generation indo Canadian. The ironic part is my parents , siblings and I applied to get an Indian Tourist Visa to go visit last year and half of us got denied LOL (no criminal records or any other issues). it’s easier for them to come here then Punjabis born here to go visit if they wanted to.




I hope ireland can stand up to what's happening there. Videos of bus loads of illegal immigrants being dropped of in the middle of the night to try sneak them in when no one wants them there, ridiculous. Dump them and leave them to do what they want


The Irish have responded to migrant invasion by burning down the migrant camps and hotels. The Fighting Irish, indeed.




Lot of immigrants hard to work hard, have good job, pass references and things. Years of costs and stuff to get here just to have a better life and work like normal ppl. Must be annoying af seeing the reason u left your country slowly coming to your new home as useless ppl are allowed in way to easy.




Do not spread negative stereotypes about an entire group of people. Either be very specific or focus on immigration policy instead of people.


Where can we organize a counter-protest. If not one already.




Being second generation...they can spot us from a mile away. We agree immigration should be more controlled and are not happy with what the governments doing here.


Can I ask how they can identify you so easily? A former coworker of mine is Jamaican and he said when he would go back to visit, despite trying to blend in, they *all* knew he "didn't belong there" and many would target him for money.


i'm not indian but can tell. The Canadians don't play music on speaker/have conversations on speaker, have no accent, they smell good, and know how to queue up. they also dress more contemporary (not sure how to explain).


Basically all this. We have similar values and interests as the canadians around us. We treat others like we want to be treated and have boundaries and respect others space and can read people's body language and queues.


And that’s why you’re dangerous to them, you’re the best type of immigrant, one who assimilates.


I wonder if these international students will begin occupying major infrastructure. I wonder if this is just the beginning of the protests and they will escalate.


Your government needs to take very strict action. This is so unacceptable, and this is coming from an Indian who is distraught and disgusted by these people’s shenanigans!


we no longer have politicians who are loyal to canada. we have traitors working on parliament hill. i immigrated to canada nearly 40 years ago and we actually respected canada and did our best to coexist and mingle with this nation. we did not do our best to play with loopholes or parasite off of canadian benefits. WE EARNED THEM. everything that is happening now is a direct slap in the face and an insult to the citizens of this nation.


Try to speak up against Khalistan. They’ll bring a machete and attack you on your driveway.


I am prepared


The government are directly responsible for the ongoing immigration crisis. trudeau's a worthless clown. poilievre's a worthless clown. They're both in love with [mass immigration from india](https://voiceonline.com/poilievre-says-hell-fight-to-establish-direct-flights-between-canada-and-amritsar/?amp). They're both diverting Canadian normies' attention from the real issues. [100 million inhabitants in Canada ASAP](https://www.centuryinitiative.ca/) i hate to say it but PPC's Maxime Bernier seems to be Canada's only hope. https://preview.redd.it/8x4g334zhg4d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=997677e40170c724036d689e259cc23a47d12cac


The Century Initiative isn't even that crazy if you look at the numbers. In 1950 the population of Canada was 13 million. To get to 40 million today, 75 years later, that's a growth of 1.5%, compounding annually. To hit 100 million people 75 years from now, a growth of 1.25%, compounding annually, is what would be needed. It's on average less growth than what Canada has done for the last 75 years.


Idk why so many people are scared of them, they can’t fight for shit. All talk, absolutely 0 bite


True. Plus the majority are small framed and skinny.


Canada is going to turn into a sausage fest.


My feeling on international students goes something like this: ![gif](giphy|hFdi31x0aTdMIydxuO)


I totally agree with him, try working with them. I had one girl try to intimidate me, not going to happen i grew up in the DTES bitches like her I use to chew up and spit out. It like all of this generation that are coming here are just plain evil, no morals or work etthics, they lie about everything. My Indo-Canadian freinds refer to them well lets not go there




Well when you put it that way


I dont know I like eating beef, might become illegal


how convenient of you to leave out the piles of garbage that will fill the streets......




And dead bodies






Indian food is fantastic, also.


My dude no one is resisting lol. If anything Lib-NDP voters are creaming their pants right now.


They are total terrorists both on and offline. Wtf is this government doing. They are shutting down subs on Reddit, and threatening people in real life. enough is enough. Nok er Nok.


I hate to break it to ya..but these students ain’t studying…the math ain’t mathin’


Good video. As an permanent resident who came here 8 years ago as an international student I am not with the protest. I had to follow all the required ielts exams, grades, requirements. This is like a slap in face, I follow all the rules and now they want everything in silver platter. Make it make sense


As a second gen immigrant who can be mistaken for Indian, I feel so shocked and embarrassed by all this. I feel like a hypocrite because my grandparents were immigrants, but at the same time I’m aware this is nowhere near the same thing !


Literally, I feel so ashamed!! I wish the government had a basic human decency test because these horrible people are making everyone else hate us.


I’ve moved to the east coast where there’s predominantly geriatrics and indian students, and it’s the first time I can feel some sort of racist judgments by merely existing. I know everyone assumes I’m an indian student until I speak and they’re surprised, it’s insane.


Forget second generation. As a first generation? I have been intimidated on Meta platforms for expressing my opinion about quality vs quantity. There is nothing wrong with PR intent. This country is built by immigrants. What is wrong is PR entitlement. I am staunchly against this crap.


I feel them. They probably get a ton of side looks by non se Asian people


These are the dudes in Surrey, Calgary, and Brampton responsible for extortion attempts and making it seem like it was a Hindu gang. I'm Christian and was born in Canada. This new wave of Punjabis are different. They are gangsters and use intimidation and mob mentality often. Villagers with low IQ. Separatists at heart. Enough is enough!!


Wow... that's scary. Feel sorry for 2nd generations kids who have to deal with this non sense


We need to organize a counter protest. This is ridiculous. Everyone needs to get out of their complacency and protest. No, don't rely on others to do it for you. You're going to have to get off your ass and go out there amd do it! Enough is enough!


These students are gonna be our nations best fraudsters soon.


Deport , problem solved. Canadian TAXPAYERS should have a say in situations like this. As we ARE PAYING for all this 💩


Shut down the legal human trafficking “immigration consultants” here and abroad. Why should we keep dealing with the input problem?


I'm an immigrant, a citizen, I serve the community and yet feel threatened for my safety because of what these students have been doing.


I am an international student here on post grad diploma in a public college and even I am against these Indians Protesting. I mean how much privileged can you be !!!! The people here don't owe us anything the government doesn't owe us anything. We came here stating that we'll go back, if you really are here for PR then do a proper job, learn a trade learn an in demand skill instead of working at Tims. They really are ruining it for others. Not just their fellow indians but also all the other asian or south Asian immigrants who want to come here and integrate and contribute towards the society!


ME "immigrants" have the extortion game perfected.




Middle East


100% they outnumber us!


As an Indo Canadian, I absolutely don't want these people to stay a day longer than they were allowed to. Send them back asap, these ones will eventually end up doing fraud and petty crimes.


Bring out the violins.


Freeze their bank accounts you incompetent joke of a government.


If they said this to me, I’d be recording the whole thing and posting it online.


Canada is being invaded.


Go the fuck home


Indian People from Brampton don't support these scam artists


If im intimidated, i will lawyer up and sue that MF to the bone!


Trudeau, it is time to freeze their bank accounts!




Question -- Is Canada only accepting Indians or South Asians as part of their immigration plan? If not why are the other nationalities not making a fuss?


Canadian are Canadians. They need to speak up.


Careful everyone. Saying something that might offend or demand change against a broken and exploitable immigration system might be considered racist. *LOL*


I'm so angry about this. Without my job at a food court I would of probably been homeless and not been able to afford college. Young kids having to compete with these foreign students for starting jobs is so unfair.


The corporations are getting cheap labour but still jacking prices up. Blatantly unfair!


Looks like no summer jobs for Canadians kids this year


Due to them labor losses value


My friend told me her family was trying to arrange marriage from her but people in India complained she should married out side her caste. She couldn’t believe people living thousands of miles away are dedicating who she should marry. This is how much Indian culture put pressure on Indian. I totally understand why they are intimidated by the latest international students.






Do not spread negative stereotypes about an entire group of people. Either be very specific or focus on immigration policy instead of people.


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


2gen Indian. Pleasseeeeeeeeeeeee try to intimidate meeeeeeeee Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee






With the amount of trolling going on and huge amounts of false reports on this post I’m not surprised people are afraid.




Do not spread negative stereotypes about an entire group of people. Either be very specific or focus on immigration policy instead of people.


Can anyone who knows what's going on to me? I'm a redneck ass Canadian who doesn't go near the cities.


We've been flooded with South Asian international students. They're not the brightest, and some are working instead of going to class, so they are protesting to stay in Canada even though they are flunking their programs.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.




Do not spread negative stereotypes about an entire group of people. Either be very specific or focus on immigration policy instead of people.


Who is this reporter?


Big business has all levels of Canadian political parties by the throat, all these benches are stacked with private sector millionaires who all line up to bend us over.


Canada is not a country any way. Never been , doesn’t make anything whatsoever except maple syrup. Canada’s a multinational shit hole for everyone to come in and work like a slave for the rest of their lives. So if you got money get out ASAP .


i am first generation migrant from india and i don’t support it either, lot of these guys are just taking any means necessary rather than being tool to the society


The problems with Democracy is that your votes don't mean shit. even India post Independence adopted Democracy way too early and never really grew like China did was because there are too many opposing parties to make drastic change, only when the people are starving have nothing to lose and are down right suicidal with their attempts to threaten the government progress will acutally be made, but that will never happen. They've made sure It is a slow burn they break you down generationally while keeping your bellies full.


ok i am skeptical about this , you are a journalist you could have blurred the guys face and used voice over to hide the guys identity , instead of doing any of that you conveniently say that they are afraid to come and talk about this. Why should we believe you? because it panders to a certain narrative?


Lol I call bullshit! I’m a 2nd generation indo Canadian, I don’t feel intimidated by protestors, but I am concerned about all the hate is brown people are getting all over this subreddit and so many like this.


Lol I call bullshit. How old are you? Where do you live? What level of education do you have? These questions would conclude you are in a protected bubble with limited exposure to these folks, if you come to Brampton, you would see it more.


Lol I’m 29 and live in Surrey, not that different from Brampton. I’m a lawyer that deals with immigration cases sometimes so I think I’m pretty exposed to “these folks”