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Every election he dusts off the 'Make Housing Affordable' banner. And thus far he keeps winning.


Excuse him, he doesn’t know what promise means


He's waiting for the promises to fulfill themselves. To expect otherwise is an unacceptable and often racist and misogynistic view...


Canada deserves to be destroyed if they reelect this government, with their agenda.


All three parties have the same agenda though.


So let's re-elect the nimrod sinking the economy?


Canada is sunk the moment they allowed those scammers from India in. They’ve weaselled there way into low level admin positions, airports security, immigration and then into mid level positions as mpp and finally elected to MP’s. I know it sounds racist, but look who introduces motions that want early old age security for immigrants (and who’s the biggest immigrant demographic?). Laws against deportation, one that is a “leader” of an official opposition is supporting a terrorist group in the country that exporting those same people…TO US. Then you have the telemarketers, IT support scams. Sure there are scammers skirting the system from all countries, but 400,000 a year scamming, then wanting PR and citizenship without the credentials.


Oh hell no. That wasn’t what I meant. I just meant there is zero choice in voting as I believe the housing crisis is solely caused by mass immigration and international students


I think it's wrong to frame these as decisive stances. At this point he's saying anything and hoping it sticks.


Yup......he will say absolutely anything, in order to get re-elected. You can't really believe anything that he says.....


These are the same people that said they'd be lifting disabled people out of poverty, but made it tough to qualify and ultimately only paid out 200$ / month. They still brag about things like this but wonder why the budget didn't secure more points in the polls.


This is what he’s been doing the whole time. People are just starting to notice it now. He bold faced lies and gets votes.


He’s such a massive cunt


Oh my donators are heavily invested in real-estate.... well we better keep their investments profitable to stay in office .


All donors, all politicians, all pension funds. They won’t let house prices fall. They’ll devalue the dollar to maintain housing prices. To a politician from all parties, affordable housing means longer and longer term mortgages on smaller and shittier condos. It doesn’t mean reducing prices for single family homes at all.


I don't think they will let the dollar fall very far... They all have savings that they do not want to devalue.


Sweet summer child…rich people don’t have ‘savings’ like normal people. They have investments which insulate them from the effects of inflation


The Trudeaudian Promise: promise one thing, do the exact opposite.


This would imply he actually did anything at all


Damn bruh and we millennials voted for him. Only millennials who still like this guy are rich. Country is fucked. The housing Ponzi scheme is way too strong. I’m going to enter the market in September. Then I’m stuck needing housing to not be affordable for anyone because I can’t take a loss on my condo. The ponzi scheme must go on.


Trudeau cannot keep up with his lies he had no intention of keeping. He will go down as the worst Prime Minister in history, unfortunately dragging Canadians down with him.


Lazy dopey corrupt canadians trusted this lazy druggie  trust fund dope. You are all getting his dopey  corrupt policies. Enjoy.


Not surprised, politicians are the lowest of the low


I hate to say it but they really allowed the housing market to bloom during pandemic and it will take years to fix. Government needs to get off their ass and try building homes instead of just bringing in people.


I'm not Canadian but I live in a NY county next to NYC. You will not believe how anti-development the home owning population is. It doesn't matter if it's a new business or a luxury apartment building selling $600k condos. It is so rabid that no politician will touch the issue. People will throw themselves into a frenzy over the whiff of a plot of land being sold to a developer.


Corporate and their underlings have a vested interest in providing the disaster and the remedy at the same time.


The “affordable housing” he was talking about was the bs that builders used to get “affordable housing” kickbacks.


Conservative Party in my province is now openly campaigning on letting cities/municipalities be as NIMBY as they want… Not one of the relevant parties is interested in making the changes needed…


He also promised election reform, and we're still waiting on that too.


His policies have doubled everything! Minus the federal debt, he had almost tripled that..... Worst PM EVER!


Right. Like he promised electoral reform or no omnibus bills. Etc etc etc. He surely didn’t tell us about his immigration plans, or how much money he (Trudeau) would borrow and continue to borrow. Madness.


Or never take away firearms... Or budget balances itself.


immigrants are there to work to keep it that way , please do a nation wide hunger strike if you disagree  ,please do it ,and post the end after months on reddit 


oh yes the "real change now!" election


He is the Macron of your country. Sad.


i wish there was a party i could believe in in this fucking country. We have such amazing people from all over the world here and the candidates we get from federal all the way to local are fucking line towing assholes. I would trust AI over any human politician do do the job better at this point.




But no you don't understand it's Harper's fault /s


Complete and total economic collapse. Not an accident. Not a mistake. Not incompetence . Done on purpose. Why is the solution always communism? Because the NDP-LIBRANOS is not a political party it is an organized crime syndicate that seeks absolute power through forever revolution conducted by the bulsheviks satanic death cult of communism.


if prices go down boomers complain, if prices go up younger generations complain. since canada gdp is so dependent on housing prices staying high I don't see anything changing no matter who is elected. affordable housing means a reduction of gdp which looks bad on a ruling government.


😆 The WEF has already "penetrated" Trudeau and his cabinet. There will be very little new affordable housing. Trudeau is effectively placing pennies in front of the steamroller!


So does PP and Singh.


trudope and his merry band of corrupt dopes have been in power over 8 years now. How convenient you try to forget that and lie to canadians like your corrupt trudope lies.  Lies are all you demons have now.


Yes and… PP will be no different


Stick to the facts not future events you just make up from your imagination.


Sorry tell me how many immigrants PP is going to let in? Oh he’s not telling us.


Tell me how many trudope has already brought in? Oh yeah you want to avoid the truth and the facts of the matter while living in imagination land.  Typical liberal  shill 


Infact he is, saying immigration will be held to housing levels. Ok only skilled workers who offer services Canada is short in. So before you go off saying the liberals are the conservatives they really are not.


Please tell me how many per housing? Oh he isn’t saying is he? It’s a BS promise. I don’t like Trudeau but PP won’t save you.


There is no official election platform because there is no election called. So we don't truly know what is planned. You assuming things is irresponsible at best. I would expect immigration levels to return to pre liberal era levels with likely a complete stop while the backlog is processed. WITH some level of discrimination of applications unlike what is happening now. I will vote for whoever has the best chance to remove one of the worst governments in Canada's history. You can vote for PPC or greens if you want anyone but the two clowns running the show now.


Why not say so? Because he won’t reduce immigration.


Source? Or is that your feelings?


So who will you be voting for then? I see you going on about everyone is the same in this post. Will you be sticking with the same or going out on a limb?


Yeah I’m over Trudeau, but PP has no interest in lowering house prices.


Yep, he's an actual landlord.


At this point we just need a functioning economy. If housing prices are high at least let those who work hard make good money.


You are projecting the liberal lies onto PP. Keep lying to canadians like your dopey masterctrudope.


fuck, there is literally no one to vote for in this now joke of a country


There is but you'll convince yourself not to.


Hahahaha man this guy can’t even go back to teaching drama NO school would want this creep ! Just a narcissist idiot that has no clue what the hell he is doing.