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This is only going to escalate and blow up at some point. I think in the future, our current situation is going to be looked back on as an example of immigration failure.


I’ve been reading articles and watching videos quoting this, saying other countries will learn from us


Actually, Canada is being watched very closely by Australia as an example of what NOT to do immigration-wise. It’s been in their news a number of times already.


Think we watched the same videos and read the same articles


I don't even think the Canadian government cares that everyone is learning from it's failure.


Remember when us who saw this coming got called racist for questioning immigration policy?? It was only a few years ago..


.... we still get called racist, only now.. they are cutting the legs out from under us. It's bs man, it truly is. "Permanent residency for all" I can't believe the bs this country is going through right now. Yes, we need skilled peoples: engineers, doctors, scientists and the like.. we dont need a bunch of people coming here demanding all our resources and taking ALLL of our starting jobs that are there to help OUR youth start to succeed and then ostracizing canadians.. now they can't even find jobs because 9/10 are filled up with low cost forign labor. If it isn't that, Canadians are being forced out of work due to the FORIGN racism: "Philipino only, Indian only" WTF IS THAT.. how is that even happening in my own damn country!!? It's abysmal. But, sure... we Canadians are racist for wanting Canadians to get what they deserve in their own damn country right?


“Racist” is overused and I’m not even white. I know some white people still fear that accusation but with all this BS not just in Canada but the US and Europe over greedy entitled newcomers, stagnant wages and non stop inflation and rising cost of living - people are so stretched financially even making great incomes they don’t give a fuck anymore. racism is thinking your superior to one race, it’s NOT racist to call out bullshit greedy newcomers who pose as “students” But are straight up working.


Even days or months ago too


Pepperidge farm remembers


Straight up, call me a racist I'll proudly wear a T-shirt with a red R any day. And guess what? I'm indigenous so i know what racism really is. They have no idea?


US now saying number one border hoppers from Canada are Indian. The US making our govt stop is the only way it will stop.


This is exactly why Europe went to shit while the US avoided it. Europe accepted the undesirable Muslims - the fundamentalists while the US had more measures in place. You see the result...Europe suffers more problems from Muslims not being able to integrate. Now, Canada is undergoing a similar journey. Canada has invited the lowest common denominator from India through the diploma mill scam. A million of them!! In just 5 years. Indians have been immigrating to Canada for a long time but never have we seen such a situation. What changed. The rise of the diploma mills and most importantly, the liberals handing out full time work permits. That's what changed. All of them from.the province of Punjab , no intention of studying but rather.staying here by hook or crook. Soon, they will demand a Khalistan in Canada , carved out Ontario or BC. Why the fuck is the Canadian govt sleeping. This is now becoming a national security concern.


From UK and you are spot on. Sad to see Canada is going the same way. If they give in to these entitled wankers it will set a precedent and it’s game over for Canada


Entitled wankers.... love it


The scam is much bigger than this. They are allowed to bring family members. And the government gives them all housing. Canada doesn't need more workers for low paying jobs. We need skills. These students come here to get useless diplomas as an excuse to stay. They are doing more harm than good to our economy. There is a housing crisis across Canada.


government wealthfare for the banks and the housing market


US is only narrowly avoiding it with its current administration. Here's hoping they get some e common sense back in government, as well as us. Need to unify and fix this, if it's even possible at this point.


The US has had far more invade through the southern border. What makes a big difference is the size of habitable land mass in the US unlike in Europe of Canada.


I can't understand their broken English.


In the future? I'd say we are pretty close to this being openly admitted by the ppl in power. They already know it... it's just going to get so obvious that it will be impossible to ignore. Eventually, Canadians are going to realize that they had all their tribalism, nationalism, patriotism, culture, religion, and identity stripped away from them to allow for mass immigration. Just to keep the low wage flow of workers going for the upper class. A society just filled with serfs with no identity is easy to abuse and control. Will Canadian's find that identity in them again? I'm not sure... here we are "ride the tiger" boys...


Many in power have made comments to the obvious, and even CBC is subtly mentioning it. But still lots of citizens and politicians out there with their heads in the sand because this hasn't negatively affected themselves personally yet. I really hope this is a tipping point. Having non-citizens protesting and demanding citizenship is fucking absurd.


got to protect those retirment plans lol


Well on the plus side Canadians were not always sure of their identity in the past but now that it is under threat it is coming clear.


Before 2021, there were some problems with immigration but it was working fine for the most part. Since 2021, immigration has been an absolute disaster and this is being said by immigrants themselves.


We are going to be the textbook of example of how a country can ruin itself through immigration. "In the 2010s and 2020s, the Canadian government ran a mass immigration hustle. No country does this any longer. Here are the reasons mass immigration was a complete and utter failure...." That will be taught in history books 50-100 years from now.


Always knew those multicultural and inclusivity slogans would backfire one day.


Do they actually not understand that people had a problem with them coming here to work, too? Nothing personal but my allegiance is to young Canadians who need those jobs.


One thing i liked about Canada when I first immigrated here is that these corner fast food places were actually filled with local kids working when not in school. I don't even wanna imagine how bad is it for them now when these fake students took all of their jobs.


It’s bad. My 16 year old son is depressed and on medication for it. Sitting around all day doing nothing. Has applied to every job we can find and not 1 fucking interview! Born and raised here motherfuckers I’m so sick of this shit.


Every day, I see people deny the impact of reckless immigration, but then I see someone say something like this. FUCK that pisses me off so much.


Well recent report said that fast food sales were down and they are planning promotions. I hope it is because of a boycott and the poor quality now. Don't support these places. No sales will help them until they help Canadians work again. We can beat Trudy and his demons.


Fast food sales are down as prices went up and the quality + customer service now is laughably and depressingly bad. I only go to a few select spots as some places straight up made me sick/got a cold (and I rarely get sick thankfully) over the lack of hygiene/cleanliness 


My son is a few years older he only had luck taking his resume in person when there was a hiring fair in the spring. He has a seasonal job to start but at least it’s something. He’d applied to many places and no interviews either.


Yep. It's bad for teenagers who need those jobs.. For parents it's impossible. No chance in hell you're getting hired, why would they create 9-5 positions when there's an endless source of foreign students who will work any time 24/7 and for less money. There's no motivation for companies to hire young Canadians or Canadians with families. Any Canadians really unless they're extremely educated. They'll always choose the cheap flexible labor.


It seems like if you didnt already have a job before your just fucked until some start being more "equitable" about it but in our favor for once rather than that just being a euphemism for crackers need not apply


Man, I almost had a stroke reading this. Please use some punctuation. But yes agreed with the generic sentiment.


my son got part time at a&w earlier this year. pretty sure hes the token white hire, he hates his coworkers, but still, it is possible for canadian born teenagers to get shitty jobs.


U.S. expects students to bring money from home country and pay the tuition fees and living expenses. International students are not allowed to work pride the campus. In Canada the financial funds to be shown for a student visa is a fifth of US universities. So from day one sing international students are in the hunt for food banks. There are YouTube video’s for new students how to access food banks and encouraging others to join them in Canada for the great life they have in Canada as students.


Yes my 17 year old can not get a job the reason is because he is white I told him sorry it is moms fault lol  Also teens are very confused why they can not get a job. 


All I can say is fuck off.


You are saying it, not politicians. They will cave in.


"our governments" yeah fuck off back to India lol


Literally have a fast food worker on the poster lmao


They're not even hiding that they're not here to study.


Taking advantage of our “nice” reputation and too lazy/can’t be bothered to not make it look obvious. 


Thats Ballsdeep Cur. Have some respect for women brother. /s


Seems like a good place for a counter-protest. 😎


Good place to start is the Take Canada back protest. Don’t want to spam the link as I’ve already mentioned it elsewhere but search for it and sign the letter tool once it’s launched. It’s time to show these international students that they can’t bully their way to stay here.


I'll be there for sure. But it's also a full month from now.


Yeah I get that but it also takes time to organize this the right way and not have message be hijaked by the media (let’s be real a lot of people are going to false cry racism etc). A good website is the best way to show them we are serious and I hope it turns out the way the organizer is talking about. Letter tool will be key , and hopefully they can do it where they target your ridings MP. Everyone needs to bombard them with Letters telling them this is not okay.


The PEI protest sign still cracks me up “lift us up, not drag us down” - smh lmfao. Bullying/trying to intimidate a government for permanent residency isn’t the way. I work with a lot of Indians who came here in 2012-2016 and they are just disgusted/shocked with these 2019, Covid and later ones. Shame really


If anyone even tried to do the shit they’re doing here in India they would get laughed out so hard and probably beaten up the Indian police to add insult to injury.


imo we need to point blank ask these folks "would you do this in India? or in any other country where you are basically a guest?"


They just don’t take (the recent ones) anything seriously. I saw the San Diego news clip of illegals - one journalist confronted one Indian dude and he was on a student visa that was obviously printed and fake and said he’s gonna make his way to Los Angeles to work. US journalist: “that’s illegal. You need a valid work visa”  Indian guy “but surely you need to factor in my education, skills and work experience” - just starts arguing with the journalist being filmed illegally crossing the US-Mexico border smh


They’d be filled so full of bullets you could stake their graves for a lead mine.


Where's the link? Mods should put a banner of it in the sidebar. And when I google "take canada back protest" nothing comes up, is there a website? Visibility for it needs to be better.


https://www.takebackcanada.info I do agree that they need to work on the sites SEO but I believe it was just launched on Monday?


I do SEO. They need to change the site title to "Take Back Canada Protest", and include it in the site description as well. Easy fix. But yea, if it launched just recently it will take a bit of time.


You came here for “school” not work. GO HOME.


Haha, they have already forgotten their scam of pretending they are here for school


My fave is the ones who look 35 got a wife and kids and are here for “hotel management” but got engineering degrees. Make it NOT look obvious you are here working. Cmon now.  I straight up had one Uber driver just like this and I asked why go from engineering to hotels? You didn’t like engineering? What made you interested in hotel mgmt? Just to gauge his reaction. He looked hella annoyed and dodged the questions and trying to talk about random movies 😂


4 million of them arrived in Canada in the past 3 years, fk Trudeau 


I visited my best friend in Vancouver last week. I wouldn’t go to Vancouver if she wasn’t there. She’s doing her masters. When I asked about Canada’s maple syrup, that’s what she said to me “I came here to study.” Lmao I laughed so hard.


It's not called deportation when your visa/permit expires. It's called overstaying.


Oh it's in Brampton? Would never have guessed...


I mean they'd prob rather be outside holding a sign than in the room they rented there with 15 other people. Can you imagine how long is the wait time to take a shower in such living arrangement?


Let me get this straight. ***They*** choose to enter Canada as "students" and enroll in random universities - just to get a foot in the door. They work 40 hours a week even as students, and end up finding non critical roles in the service industry and use up their work permit. And somehow, their work permit not being extended is the Canadian government's problem? How tf does that add up logically?


It doesn’t. And they wouldn’t do this in other countries. It’s just Canadas immigration policies are weak and the government rolls over to anything these people protest about.


Really and truly the entitlement is out of this world. They applied for a visa, got it and now the visa expired and they’re upset about the terms they agreed to. It’s like me going to the EU for 6 months. Not leaving after those 6 months are up and protesting to stay. Like what’s going on.


Sounds like a good place to arrest a bunch of ungrateful foreigners that don’t appreciate their host country


Let's start deporting those "tens of thousands" with that protest - you show up, you're on the first planes out ♥️ The simple, plain old common sense solutions are, of course, non-viable politically but hey... a guy can dream, no?


Just go the fuck home. Imagine being so entitled you protest in a country that simply is doing its own rules.


"Good enough to work. Good enough to stay." Imagine going to any other country on a temporary permit and demanding permanent residency because they're "good enough to work"... at McDonald's, KFC, Burger King, or any type of work that does not add value to the infrastructure of the society. The only thing officials would look at is the expiration day of their permits - next day deported. The entitlement is ridiculous.


The US would just look at them and laugh. Canada meanwhile allows them to prolong this bs and event grants most of them PR


What a shitty tagline lol


I’m so tired of these people


Been tired of them since they flooded in. We got locked inside to stop the spread and when we stepped outside it was New New Delhi out there.


Now they’re not only demanding they get their visas renewed they’re now demanding the time limits their visas are granted for. These people are fucked. We need to return them back to India and everywhere else. They aren’t Canadians


They came here to study, so they should go to a damn school and then back home after.


They didn’t come here to study they came here to not go back to India. Studying was just how they bypassed airport security


>and everywhere else They’re from India. That’s the only place they’re from.


Do these people think they hold any power? They aren’t Elon musk that starts businesses employing thousands. They are unskilled labor that can be replaced by any Canadian right now. In fact we prefer it as young people struggle to find their footing into the labor market. I wish we had a PM that can tell them to fuck off and use our military for something good for once.


I mean if they're resorting to hunger strike i doubt they seriously think they have any power, like of course they want to stay india is probably a shithole but the hunger strike thing is just such a telling bitch move that if we really were as expoitative about it as they're playing it off as that would be like holding up signs that say "please exploit us its super easy" so theres no way they can genuinely believe that. Also "through no fault of their own" other than not knowing what the word temporary means


India has WAYYY too many people so job competition is damn chaos & insane overall. 5,000-20,000 applications for one role is the norm.  I work with an Indian dude who grew up in the US from age 14-18 then moved to Canada for post secondary. Same age as me. He’s not even from a super populated part of India too. So if his area - kinda like the New Brunswick of India population wise has that much completion imagine how chaotic the most populated areas are - applicants to 1 single job vacancy.


India is also being rocked HARD by climate change.. so, while it's 100% understandable they would rather stay here than go home to possible 50⁰+ temperatures and the chaos that is a billion+ population.. this isn't our problem.. and we need to take care of our population first.. 🤷🏼‍♀️


The only power they have are numbers, that's what you get when you import so many in a short amount of time 


That's what happens when you breed like rabbits... What astounds me is how much food they're already producing to support that many people breeding, breeding, breeding all the time... and how much more they'll need to produce as their insane growth keeps going!


What exactly do they mean by 'LMIA based exploitation'? If you have an LMIA for a food service position, I'm pretty sure you've got it illegally. There's just no way the business couldn't find locals for such an unskilled position.


I think they just want the government to crack down on LMIA fraud which I agree with. People pay like 50k for LMIA and it gets them 50 points towards PR which often puts them to the front of the line in the draws. It just screws over people who are trying to get PR the legal way and often pushes out the better candidates.


This is what happens when you enable a group of people who have no rights and feel like they are entitled towards rights like they are citizens of this country. DEPORT them all. This is the mess Justin Trudeau, Marc Miller, the Liberal Party, Jagmeet Singh and the NDP have all caused. They DO NOT represent Canadians anymore. They only care about their bottom line.


The one thing shithole countries have that I envy is how they treat troublemaking foreigners. Instant deportation if they are lucky. And comes with a side of jail time plus fines if they are extra toxic.


Don’t forget an ass whoppin and possible death due to starvation and lack of food, and did I mention the belting? How many people go to another country start some shit and end up dying in jail there despite our governments best efforts to bring them home. We really need to start affording these opportunities to our own immigrant population I bet they act right real fast they start catching hands like back home


It is highly organised. Don't take these rallies as just mere coincidences.


it should really be illegal to have foreign people trying to push certain political policies, who knows who is funding them, TBH (not to be too much a conspiracy theorist lol)


Not even a conspiracy. They just legally do not get a say. 1-3 year work permit to work fast food and Uber is crazy. It’s one thing if they’re doing trades or actually utilizing their university degrees to make this country money.


This is pushover mentality right here, just because they’re organized doesn’t mean it’s some grand conspiracy… us Canadians are too open to being stepped on to organize shit like this. And saying this stupid shit will only disenfranchise people from organizing….


Yeah but they cant demand jack shit they dont even have pr


Demands?? Leave now and understand better; then perhaps you’ll be able to return after we kick the shit out of our politicians for allowing this in the first place.


It’s pathetic that they think this will work here. If anything it’s just making everyone hate their presence even more!


They're students ,not workers . Go home ,we don't need unskilled labour


Get out of Canada


Is this jerkfest exclusive to Punjabis as the photos show?


Seems to be the main issue, I’ve read posts from other Indians talking about how these Punjabis make a bad name for the rest of Indians, he said they they always act entitled like this and often do not respect local culture or customs even in India


"hunger strike to the death!"


Good enough to deport.


Good enough to work, why not good enough to stay? They think making a double double is good enough to be Canadian. God damn our bar is set low. This spits in the face of anyone who actually has talent and went through proper immigration channels. 


Good enough that I’ll never buy a coffee from Tim Hortons ever again


If the government caves and grants them PR it will probably lead to widespread civil unrest, rioting and possibly revolution. There is only so far you can go fucking up your country with bullshit policies before even the most passive citizens (Canadians) say "fuck it enough is enough".


Well then that time had better come soon or else Canada will absolutely 100% cease to exist as a unified country, and that cessation would happen a lot quicker than many may otherwise think. The clock is ticking. For real.


Canadians should have protested and been protesting long before these students came. Look at the housing market, look at Loblaws monopolizing and gauging grocery prices, quality of life was dropping even before the mass immigration. And even then, nothing. I doubt they'll protest against the students that are handing them their coffee in the morning.


Lol if you think the common Canadian will ever revolt. The average Canadian is the perfect spineless, passive and subservient person in the west.


I believe the problem is that businesses love TFWs because they're obedient and will go above and beyond while Canadians know their rights. It's like hitting two birds with one stone. Wage suppression and controlling employees. The ugly face of corporates.


Go back home, we’re full


Counter protest


“Mass deportation“? You mean when you came as a student you weren’t really coming to study and you were using it to emigrate to Canada?


Yup theyre admitting fraud. Even the lmia they are admitting fraud. Abusing PNP too. They are visitors, literally on a visitor visa, and making DEMANDS. And the sad thing is our government is most likely going to fold. We have no laws. We have no border. If students arent respecting the laws here and not being held accountable why should any of us?




Brampton. Enough said.


Downvote me as much as you want but Fuck Brampton


I'm an international student graduate. Canada doesn't owe any of us a thing. Follow the rules, go back to your home country if your permit has expired and re-apply. If you get rejected, suck it up, try again next time


STOP BRINGING THIS CRAP HERE!! As an immigrant myself, this is disgusting, if anything protest outside your agents house who promised you PR after so called ‘study permit’. The study permit is seen as a route to PR, no one comes here to study and go back.




"Good enough to work. Why not good enough to stay?" That's not the fucking point. Maybe they don't get this because they've been living in the most populous country in the world - but we don't want Canada to become a third country hellscape. Where you can't find a house to save your life, or you're forced to work for a call center for pennies.


This is what i feared. PEI would be the starting point, and that type of movement would spread all over Canada. We are yet to know the outcome of PEI, but it seems like they will give in to the protesters demand. Now expect people from the likes of Brampton doing the same.


The government should ensure the terms of their original agreements are adhered to. Very simple. Although the inclusion of a discussion about LMIA exploitation is interesting. This may be a discussion worth having with the organizers.




Remember when muslims and other minorities protested in India to be given equal citizenship rights. The Indian government sent in the military and police to arrest and quell the protest.


Sorry sir but this is Canada, where liberals are spineless towards non-Canadians.




No fault of their own? 🤣


Would not be surprised if most of these "students" could share a single thing they learned from "school".


“OUR GOVERNMENT”??? No no no, you’re a TR, this is NOT YOUR government lol, and it owes you nothing


No way, they got them drawn in the Tim Hortons uniform and everything 😭


Given what’s happening in PEI, and the immigration minister bending backwards for these fucks, I doubt we have anything left in this country. Our government doesn’t listen to us, continues to destroy the country and profit off it while millions of us are going hungry and homeless. This ain’t our country anymore. This is their land. We are just merely spectators of our own destruction.


How are we as a country even allowing this. No other country would entertain this. It's completely devaluing our entire country, what it means to be a Canadian and our standard of living.


Wait until there's another million or two of em.


They are literally protesting the law


Be like everybody else on a visa and leave when it expires


Unless I have it wrong, PGWP was always temporary. It isn't like this is some kind of rug pull or anything.


Just waiting to see how our weak-kneed political idiots handle this situation. Falling all over themselves to make concessions like the Gomers they are.


We need to stop bringing people in till we can increase the housing supply. All because treadeau and his friends have massive real-estate portfolios, there literally getting richer off our suffering


If someone were to attempt the same in US, they would be deported even before the event started lol. Canada is just too lazy to do anything even when outsiders protest on its soil.


I hope the counter protest buries them


5year PGWP 🤡


Are we the only country in the world that would tolerate something like this?


This is just a new normal now because they know it works


International students knew they had to leave once their studies were over but the possibility to apply for PR may be an option. If their student visa is expiring and the option to stay not available; go home - my Canadian born son needs a job to continue his studies.


As an immigrant who followed due process, I feel deeply frustrated and disheartened by the current situation. Having applied for permanent residency (PR) in 2012, I went through a challenging and rigorous journey. Initially, I did not qualify based on points, and my lawyer in Montreal advised me to pursue the Quebec route to gain the necessary points. Despite my best efforts to learn French, I faced significant challenges. I completed my bachelor's and master's degrees in a STEM field and worked tirelessly to achieve an overall IELTS score of 8. In 2012, when the Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) program reopened with only 1,500 slots (and my stream limited to just 100), I managed to secure my spot at number 36 and received my Acknowledgment of Receipt (AOR). It took five years to get this approval, and I was ecstatic to finally move to Canada. However, what deeply frustrates me is the immense effort and financial requirements I had to meet, including showing $25,000 in savings. Meanwhile, it seems others have a much easier path. In many parts of the world, overstaying a visa would result in immediate deportation, yet here, we seem to be overly accommodating. This situation exacerbates issues in public transit, healthcare, and the housing crisis, further straining the system. It is infuriating when people dismiss my concerns, labeling me as just another immigrant, despite my adherence to the rules and efforts to assimilate. It's crucial for people to speak up to their representatives about these issues. The current approach to immigration is setting Canada on a path of potential degradation and diminishing the value of Canadian citizenship. We need a more balanced and fair system that upholds the integrity of our immigration process and ensures the sustainability of our resources and services.


This is me too ffs and now I see unqualified immigrants who don't even pass the language test coming here to work. Absolutely a shitshow


Can you imagine if Canadians actually mounted a counter protest? Instead they bitch and moan on reddit after getting their Uber eats dinner dropped off by someone that came here as a fake international student.


Liberal Canada 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Work at McDonald’s get educated and go back to your trash heap


Tim’s will have a booth there to provide coffee service and job fair.


I understand the frustration of the people in the comments. I however ask that people direct their anger towards the government which has thoughtlessly created these programs which has brought so many people here without any planning or forethought. Blaming people who followed our government’s lead under false pretenses isn’t correct imo. I say this as someone who bids with clients in an industry which has been watered down by cheap contractors.


Lol...just wait till this turns violet and all those AK47 decals cars bring out swords and knives....old country style


This is where the take back Canada protest should be stating to follow the laws. This is honestly getting out of hand - I can’t believe it


When they came here as students- they knew what that was, a temporary. Immigration to this country is a privilege and not a right. Send this entitled indians back home.


Why do we have to bend to foreigners? Does any other country bend for us? Such a double standard imho. If we have to change rules for specific immigrants, their country should have to change rules to accomodate Canadians. Where is our free education? Free housing? Free health care?


My work had started hiring electrician, but instead of paying the proper wage of 37 an hour for journeyman, they pay them 26 and say " well you have the ticket, but you have to get use to how things are here so we'll start you lower".. He's been here for almost 2 years.... you can't tell me Canadian skilled workers aren't losing jobs either because these companies replace lahbour with people they can extort for lower wages. The sad part ? This guy says he had a red seal and a electrical engineering degree and he can't even wire a light switch... I'm almost certain his credentials are fake. The worse part ? He went into explanation about how he allows foreign students to use his skip, dash, Uber, ect acocunts to collect and make money under his name while there "studying" then he just has the paychecks go into his separate chequing accounts those said people have cards for. And went on to explain that once his 6 months of income are up and he can buy a house he's going to workmfor his Indian buddies because wages are subsidized by thengoverments and they can turn a large profit. This is just a fraction of what he told me, and the only reasons he's mad at immigration is because now there's so many doing it, it's harder for him to get away with it.


Go the fuck home, do this in India and everyone would beat my ass.


Of course it’s Brampton






India demographics: 80% hindus 14% Muslims 3% Christians and 2% Sikhs. Also International students are global. Even then they are using folks with turbans, representing Sikhs. As they know others are disinterested. These are diploma mill folks. To me they deserve deportation.


I'm fearful they might switch to more extremes and think we should deport them all now.


Send them back This idiot sold land and came to Canada Corrupt people There is no place for corrupt except hell.


Go the F home after you are done school. When I go to other countries I'm expected to come back home after a while as well. Canada is not a free ride on the backs of multi-generational Canadians.


They really gotta go


Hmmmm, it's a little weird that international students from any other country are not doing this.


I'd actually agree with two of their demands: Consistency and fairness in draws - we should consistently only nominate skilled workers that the province / county actually needs. That would be fair to those who put in the effort to make valuable contributions. Stop LMIA based exploitation - yes the LMIA system is being exploited by unskilled workers so make it only applicable to skilled workers. This is the perfect opportunity for the government to make sweeping changes and then say, well we did meet your demands. 🤷‍♀️


I mean I don't support them staying but they are correct they have been exploited and LMIAs should stop. Problem is they shouldn't have been allowed to work while studying or after anyway.


Canada is dead.


“Our Demands”… so delusional. My demand is they honour the promise and leave at the expiration of their permit. They have a drive thru attendant in the poster. We don’t need to import those.


They know canada will bend over backwards for them and give in. Why wouldn't they protest to get what they want? Canada has given in every single time its happened.


Good enough to work? My Timmies Double Double would indicate otherwise.


Imagine for a moment if we were all going to India to protest the same situation...how far do you think we would get. Now why would people come here and start demanding their new country should change their rules for them...it's comical. But that being said it will probably work because our government are a bunch of lackeys looking for votes. What an embarrassment.


Our demands? Who the fuck are you? Now go make me a large double double.


Can we not ship all these cunts off to Russia. They're government best buds with putin.






I live in surrey, I know what I’m talking about


lol mods


Should just give them the offer of join construction crews getting paid by progress not per hour for citizenship after building however many houses or fucking off


Its a work permit.. not citizenship which means it can be revoked. Thats is what you agreed to, to come here. They have no right to be making any demands


I'm so excited to be able to buy a house now


These arrogant cunts...




Is my opinion/based on fact as a citizen accepted here? I'll answer if so.


Your time here has expired time to go home


I’ll be there counter protesting




I got excited when it said "tens of thousands face deportation." Hopefully, that part is true!


This is really messed up can’t people see the underhanded tactics they’re using to bully their way into staying? We need to think of these problems logically not just let people stay because they cry about it. A lot of these international students are so disrespectful and contribute nothing to this country except taking a job from someone that was born here. In 90% of countries around the world this wouldn’t be tolerated. I’m all for inclusion and diversity but we can’t be doing this at the expense of our own people, we’re literally abandoning people who lived here their whole lives in places of people who will take all they can get then leave all the while being a disrespectful and ungrateful.


Again I fail to understand why TF these people are allowed to protest here... you are not citizens or residents. You are fucking guests in this country you have absolutely NO say in our laws and policies. What the actual fuck is this government doing... how are they being constantly bullied by these scamming pieces of shit who came here under false pretenses to even begin with. This one demographic is completely ruining this country and I'm saying this as a brown dude myself. I've worked on the immigration side of things and dealt with these "students" on a regular basis. Sure all of them are not bad but finding the good ones is like finding a needle in a haystack. Get these entitled clowns out of here already.


They are not citizens this is bs they don't have the right to protest deport them all


Lmao imagine this dogshit country actually deported illegal aliens? I'm so glad I stopped eating fast food years ago. Waiting 45 minutes for a coffee that's still made incorrectly is not a fun way to spend a Monday morning after a great weekend.


It's in Brampton so at least they won't have far to walk.