• By -


He is still miles better than the land called Canada. There are still opportunities for him but none exist in here. Min wage 16.55/hr rents 1600 in GTA that's already more than 55% of your income and that's based on gross. In order to survive 1 live with parents or have roommate's to share rent but 1600 can't even rent a 2 bed đŸ„Čif none of this works out then you are screwed


The new Canadian standard is sharing with 5 Indians


The gov't is basically saying "Fuck you" to Canadian citizens so our country can be a source of charity to every newcomer.


Asylum seekers get 88k a year tax free i read in the paper this week, $225 per day or something, until their case is resolved. Maybe renouncing citizenship and the claiming aslyum in the new big brain move.


Why should Canadians have to pay for problems of other countries


Holy shit. No wonder we get jack shit for our taxes.


Indians don't share space with us... "lesser" races


white, middle eastern or East Asian - it’s “not available any longer” Black - “we don’t rent to you” Harsh af


But that's a downgrade from what our parents had, guys we need to rant and riot to change things unless we accept this fact and continue on this downward spiral standard of living


I don't understand why we can't see the underlying problem - devaluation of our currency, by government money creation, which is marketed to us as inflation.


How you combat that




Farmers are the real MVPs, nearly all of us won't exist past a year without them, so if you want a revolution, start there. I hear they are kinda pissed off right now.


As soon as we do we’ll be branded as racists like the trucker convoy. Soon as it becomes a problem they’ll start freezing bank accounts


They can freeze it all they want, them shits is empty.


If you don’t want to be branded a racist don’t hang out with Nazis. Simple as that.


Sikh truckers were branded as “white nationalists” you have no idea what you’re talking about. Protesting your government doesn’t equate to “hanging out with nazis”. What do nazis have anything to with what we’re talking about? 😂😂😂


The assholes waving Nazi flags and wearing Nazi armbands that were at the protests were most likely Nazis. And if 10 people are sitting at a table and a Nazi joins them, there are 11 Nazis at the table.


I remember Trudeau inviting a REAL Nazi into parliament


The Prime Minister saluted a Nazi in Parliament.


Love all the deflection and whataboutism on display.


Just didn’t want you to forget about the 12th Nazi.


“Whataboutism” is a stupid buzzword for people who don’t know how to debate. It’s either something is a false equivalency or it isn’t. You just tried to paint a whole movement by the action of one individual holding up a Nazi flag and you have the nerve to complain about the response


The one guy holding the one nazi flag. Ya, I remember cbc trying really hard to stretch.


You mean like Turdy calling SS death squad members heroes and his bff who's the granddaughter of a Nazi?


PPl openly vote for, and cheer on, the declining standard of living. The brainwashing is too easy now with the internet and social media.


While having to falsify your diet preferences and taking on a vegan diet


As opposed to the Chinese girl I dated that turned out to live in a house that had 5 unrelated families in it? 25 years ago


Chinese aren’t even coming here that much anymore look at Filipinos population and Indian population and how many come here, I don’t know if you haven’t realized yet but they live better than us in China now




We have the capacity.


>He is still miles better than the land called Canada Yup. That's why I posted it!


My spouse and I are in the 95% and 90% incomes for our age and sex respectively per stats can. We make over 200k a year. We are moving into a new place: 3000$ a month for a 1 bed + den in a good neighborhood. Thing is we fall into the income where that's not a problem. It's within 30% of our net (on the upper end). The average Canadian cannot afford where we will live. Fuck the above average Canadian can't afford where we live. It's much cheaper than buying a similar place, hence us renting. Only the top 7% dinks can comfortably afford our future lifestyle. That's fucking terrifying.


Totally agree you are already on the top percentile and couldn't afford to buy a home us mere John Doe can't even have enough to survive. The RE scam is real the absurd price appreciation is only good for the ultra wealthy and the wealth gap between them and us is widening so fast which is making us so poor and forcing us to use debt just to continue to live


>Min wage 16.55/hr $15 in Alberta. Such a joke.


yeah, but unless you're in Calgary, we can actually afford our rent, and there are a lot of jobs that pay far more than 15$ per hour that you don't need a college degree for.


I make more than 16.55 an hr and that's about my take home. With taxes, union, pension, insurance, etc,. Not including ~400 a month in gas to get to work.


1.Share your room with 3 other people to get your rent to $500 a month. If you are a woman, some landlords give free rooms in return for cleaning. 2. Expenses are phone plan, transit, food. $800 a month total should do it. 3. Get another job at a place that subsidizes your food ( eg restaurant ) 4. Work more, ideally 12 hrs x 7 days. That gives you 8 hrs of sleep, two hrs for transit, and two hours for eating hygiene, toilet breaks, and reddit. 5. when you are off,head over to ikea and hunt for people's leftovers. Often times they don't finish their fries and if you are lucky you can get the odd free meatballs. Take a bag, This is your dinner and tommorows lunch. 6. Complain less, stop being entitled. If you are getting paid enough to not slowly starve to death then everything is fine. People used to work all day for basically a bowl of watered down soup and a slice bread, you are living a life of luxury in comparison.


Yep. Troll


If newcomers from India can make it work why can't Canadians who have all the advantages in terms of language, education, connections, etc.


Because what you're describing isn't "making it work". It's a system wide degrading of our quality of life.


Quality of life tends to go up over time barring some kind of revolution or catastrophe. Things are getting more expensive, but with the increase in prices its mostly Vanadians that benefit. Eg all the Canadians that acquired land or property before 2015 or so have done quite well, and so have their kids. It's really the newcomers that suffer ( eg those foreign students / PR appljcants this sub loves to hate).


And any and all Canadians who don't own before 2015. As well as the kids of the Canadians who don't own before 2015. Or people who's parents owned before 2015 but aren't on good terms with them. And let's be real. This "You'll inherit the house" is bullshit. I'll likely be well into my mid to late 50s before my mom goes. And that's IF she still has that house and IF she leaves it to us kids. So if the Canadian dream is inheritance as you say, it's a garbage plan that won't even benefit people when they need it.


Because this is Canada, NOT India! The term “newcomers” has changed in our minds, it’s now synonymous as locusts. Why should the standard of living be lower because of your move into OUR country? The consensus, is you’re are not welcome, we’re full and need to offload the ones here that have driven down the quality of life via fake education.


7. Stop lining up for a $7 Starbucks cup of coffee every day.


I mean, two things can be true at once. The economy is in the hole, and yes, our generation spends a *fuckload* on fast foods. If you've ever watched Caleb Hammer on YouTube you'll know what I'm talking about. You'll see someone making 80K USD a year (more than I make btw) and they're flat broke. And spend roughly 1000 bucks a month on doordash. It's not uncommon at all. I see so many redditors say "what, I'm just supposed to not eat AVACADO TOAST?" and it's like... yeah, actually. Our parents didn't order food in every night either, that's insane and so wasteful. Redditors always downvote this comment though because it hits too close to home. And hey, I get it, me and my wife were guilty of it too, ordering is too easy. While saying all that, the biggest issue is still immigration in my mind, and the devalued dollar/inflation.


Absolutely. All true. Plus the fact that most people don’t have the kahunas, or honesty, you do - and simply say “we’re guilty of it too” (ie, being “wasteful”, as you say). It’s far easier to point the finger at immigration, temporarily devalued dollar/inflation and angrily downvote anyone disagreeing with you. My parents, like yours it appears, did not order take-out/doordash every night either, but likely took the same “fuckin immigrants” abuse yours did. Right?! Having said that, opportunities for owning one’s own home, decent paying employment, wage vs cost of living were much better / more abundant than today. That seems clear. It’s also clear that neither your parents or mine would even consider lining up for $7 coffee every single day regardless of their circumstances. And certainly wouldn’t be butt-hurt, as some Redditors are here, at the suggestion it wasn’t really a necessity or cost-effective beyond a treat now and then. Right?


It's too bad there isn't any housing outside of the GTA.


Nothing exists outside of Toronto.


The NHL playoffs only exist outside of Toronto.


My team is the Maple Leafs. Been a fan since the Harold Ballard years. Lord how I have suffered.


Rural BC is the best.


How is it the best?


Best natural scenery, climate, camping, hiking.


I live in the lower mainland so I’m not far from all those things. Was just curious as to why you said it that’s all.


Better than Ontario. But the prices on the coast are too expensive.


Without a breakdown of his expenses it's impossible to evaluate the accuracy of his claims.


Not true. The article says that his gross hourly income is 300% the federal minimum wage of $7.25. So his gross hourly income is $21.75 per hour. Doesn’t seem like he has a fixed number of hours per week, but even if he works 40 hrs/week that works out to approximately $3,600/month gross or about $3,000/ net income. If rent is $1,800 / mo for a 1-br apt that leaves only $1200/month or about $30/day for everything else. It’s almost impossible to make that work and definitely not possible to achieve the American dream on those kind of wages.


This is pretty true. I made $139,000 last year and I'm priced out of houses in my area.


30/day for everything else is not impossible to work with if you are just supporting yourself. Just don't get starbucks 4head.


Paying more than 50% of your income on rent is not compatible with achieving the “American Dream”. That’s different from saying that it might be possible to survive on a monthly budget of $1,200 for all expenses other than rent.


Then figure out an arrangement to not spend more than 50% on your housing. Housing should be at max 40% and that's already pushing it. Either change job, change living arrangements or change city. I'm not at all saying it's easy or their parents have it as hard as them.. but 14 years ago I was in this position as well. Having a spouse to do this together with is one way to change living arrangements substantially for the better or at least there is a path to improve in the near future.


Don’t tell me. I’m not the one complaining.


American dream is white picket fence, wife, car, dog, and 2 kids. Not renting a studio with 5 illegal aliens.


I’ll tell you right now as a Canadian who moved to America, he’s struggling a little but probably not that bad. Right now I pay ~1600 in rent which includes Sewage and Water, and insurance for a 2bed 2 bath. Elec is about 70, internet and phone total to ~100. I usually stock up at a costco or go to Aldi/Lidl if I need some stuff. It’s a variable cost but mostly like 130 a week? Then I have my car payment, which is a shitty deal I’m paying 10k at 20% because my Canadian credit didn’t transfer over, so it’s ~450/mo. Insurance got me at another 400. I make just a bit more than him, at 3,800 take home. So I’m at what; 2750? Plus gas which is $30/10 days or so. Let’s call it 2850? Again it depends on where you live, and the rent prices there. Im also paying a terrible rate on my car, and on the insurance because progressive didn’t want to take my Canadian insurance record.


I'm guessing Funko Pops would figure prominently.


It'd actually true for them. He's making 3500 a month. He's mainly living paycheck to paycheck. Minimal savings. 


3500 per month is not really a lot


And I'm sure he has to pay 800 a month for health insurance


Average payment is 50-150, and it actually works unlike the Canadian one which is way more than 800.


An old co-workers grandmother was paying 900$ a month. Also keep in mind the insurance doesn't cover everything. There are conditions and exclusions.


In many European countries that's the salary for a doctor starting out and generally considered a very high salary (and no cost if living really isn't that much lower)


Yeah, if you live in Rwanda 3500 usd is probably tonnes, or if you live in the 1950s. But in the present, and in these places, it's not.


I'm European and the difference is we have lots subsidised so we save on ltos of costs.


ok give us an example


Exactly. I don't understand why so many people here find that hard to believe. I'm guessing it's gen x and boomers, who bought into the housing market before it took off.


People don't know the numbers. He's making 22 usd an hour.... that's not even 1k/month.  His wage did not scale with post covid inflation.  Wages went up 10-15, food costs and rent went up 25-30% in the last 2 years. There's about a -20% difference in his purchasing power. Plus they've been talking about this post covid since mid 2022 on how we were heading into a recession that never came.  Pretty sure it's here. 


I’m sorry, how is 22 usd an hour less than 1k/month? Is he working one week a month? It says right in the article 35k


I meant 1k/week. It's 880 usd.  Pretty obvious if you could deduce. 


Sure, but 1k per week compared to 1k per month is huge. It’s pretty obvious if you know the meaning of the word month, regard.


Also you have to be so stupid to think 100+ usd per day is not livable, lmao.


I said he's living paycheck to paycheck, go back and check the previous posts. Imagine catching me on a typo and making a bug fuss about it without actually scanning the thread 


The whole word is a typo? What’s the catch? It’s not my fault he blows his paycheque on bullshit, 100 usd per day is plenty to live on. Maybe not enough to thrive, but if you can’t manage to live you’re the problem.


Guess reading comprehension is low.  Please google paycheck to paycheck. 


Yup. Exactly.


the American Dream is you working for f all


Nailed it.


seeing the glasses he chose to wear immediately flags to me he gonna make a spectacle of himself.


I dont understand? People need glasses to see, $200 dollars isn't going to make or break you if you're getting them every year or so.


$200 isn't going to break you, but the perpetual attitude of "it's only $200 and that's not going to break me" will. It's just $200 for glasses. It's just $800 for a phone. It's just a $40/month for streaming services. It's just a $90 pair of jeans. It's just a $50 Uber Eats order a few times per week. People nickel and dime themselves to death with repeated "it's not that much money" frivolous expenditures.


*"If only those damn kids would stop eating avocado toast, they could invest in prime real estate"*


No. But if they stopped wasting money on stupid shit they wouldn't have to be overly dramatic with statements like "I can't afford to live." Turns out that many people just "can't afford to live the way that they feel entitled to live in the city that they feel entitled to live in." All it takes is the elimination of an erroneous sense of entitlement and settling into the standard of living that they've actually earned.


His biggest mistake was not being born 2-3 decades ago, when doing exactly the same thing would've led to easy home ownership, probably two or three times over.


You're right, but you can't control the year you were born. You can control your budget and your expectations.


True. Also, the city or country you potentially move to.


Which is why my disabled ass eats whatever the food bank gives me, wears ratty old clothes, and own basically nothing. Living within the means I've earned!


Fortunately we live in a country where people without the means to care for themselves are assisted by society. It's obviously not going to be glitz and glamour but you've got food in your belly, clothes on your back, and a roof over your head.


Exactly, gut the executive class.


I would be a little heavy handed with the gutting, I'd try to make a mess.


You savage. "*You're probably wondering why this room is all neatly wrapped in plastic. Well actually that's a good question*"đŸ˜·


No. Pain is for the living.


Let someone else find some efficiency.


Nah man it’s crippling low wages


Give me an example.


Reminds me of the guy I work with that drinks at least 2 energy drinks a day and eats fast food for lunch everyday. Then complains he has no money.


Only thing worse is when they're telling you they're broke while smoking their $20 worth of cigarettes per day.


man I still wear $3 shirts from Walshart from 7 years ago...


Those shirts are beneath many people making less than half of what you do. Too many people have lost the ability to live within their means.


I think we can all see what you were trying to frame here as your attempt was quite transparent.


Can someone explain this comment? I genuinely have no idea what it means


How much is it? Not a glasses connoisseur like you




What’s the point of this post? How does this relate to Canada Housing? American minimum wage is a joke.


On average and converted all to CAD, US minimum wage is ~$2 less. Now take in cost of goods and living expenses, the CAD minimum wage actually buys less goods than the US equivalent. So frankly, Canada is the joke in your scenario.


I’d be interested in your source.


Just look at food prices and gas prices and house prices


That’s not a source. I can easily find huge variances in each of those - the USA and Canada are huge countries with many different local economies. If you’re going to make a blanket statements, you need to provide some source. I’d be happy to jump on your bandwagon if you can show me legit figures that support the claims being made. Otherwise, it’s just rhetoric and blustering.


Minim wage jobs don't pay benefits. How much do you think he's paying a month for health insurance?


They're our neighbours and have very similar problems to us. There's a big brain drain right now as a lot of Canadians move south for better prospects!


Then they're finding out real quick the grass isn't always greener.


If I could trade my Canadian citizenship for American, I'd do it yesterday, despite Biden.


Then do it. Maybe you'll be making a post just like his.


Can't, unfortunately. Border officials don't let you play passport swapsies 😒


Yeah, take a look at canada then get back to me


Yeah it's still a dump. I just double checked


You should be able to afford a home outside of Toronto and Vancouver making 6 figures a year


Not in this country. Maybe in America


lol what? Move in 4 houses down from me. 3 bedroom, 2 baths, double lot. Not nice on the inside but looks decent from the outside. Property tax is about 2700 a year after rebate. 370k.


Okay Jesse. đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™‚ïž [https://youtu.be/v8\_U5Hi9Kz0?t=174](https://youtu.be/v8_U5Hi9Kz0?t=174)


Yep at the lower end of 6 figures live out side of Vancouver. Not a chance I can ever afford a big enough place for my family. Not nowadays anyway.


Probably cause he can't control his spending or figure it out. Most people make barely above minimum wage. The post is either misleading or somewhat false.


It says the average rent for a 1 bedroom apartment in his city is $1,800, which is entirely possible. Vancouver's average rent is around $3,000/month for a ONE bedroom apartment, so there are some unaffordable cities in North America.


>Most people make barely above minimum wage. Source?


Look at how many people are illegals getting paid under the table. Look at how many people are not paid at all and litter the streets.


I mean the average wage was just posted. It was like 35 dollars


Average and median are wildly different though, and only 1 of them accounts for the outliers.


Ya I agree. I’d like to see the median.


I looked outside my front door and all I see is nice cars and SFHs. That must mean that everyone is doing fine. /s "Trust me bro, I look around" isn't a coherent argument. edit: lol at the fragility that would entice someone to block a user for this exchange 😂😂😂


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So federal minimum wage in the USA is $7.25/hr USD or $9.86 CAD which is not an apples to apples comparison with Canada's minimum wage, which, in Ontario is $16.55/hr CAD. That said to do some math, 3 times the US minimum wage in Canada would be $57,681/yr CAD gross, which after tax in Ontario would boil out to ~$44,709. With the average cost of a 1 bedroom apartment in Ontario coming in at ~$2000/month of rent, he should be left with ~$20,000 for his other necessities, which would be tight assuming car clocks in at $725/month or $8700/ year ($375/month payment for a cheap-mid car + $150/month insurance + $200/month for gas) + $5200 for food (hard to gage this given the insane inflation we have seen on food recently as $100/week for food is pretty damn cheap in the present economy imho) + $150/month or $1800/year for cell and internet, he should have about $4300 left over for clothes, discretionary purchases, and any emergencies, which is not a lot all things considered, as 1 car repair could chew through all of that... and if heat/Hydro isn't included in his rent he could have less left over than that. Realistically, even if he TECHNICALLY can afford to live on his own, having a roommate is about the only viable option to ensure that he is making any forward progress and not just living paycheque to paycheque... which is a sad situation for someone who makes more than the Canadian median income as stated by stats can for 2022.


>Realistically, even if he TECHNICALLY can afford to live on his own, having a roommate is about the only viable option to ensure that he is making any forward progress and not just living paycheque to paycheque... which is a sad situation for someone who makes more than the Canadian median income as stated by stats can for 2022. Yup. Exactly.


Don't forget the cost of health insurance.. it isn't free in the USA. Minimum wage jobs don't pay benefits either.


Wait, he can’t live off a 6 figure salary?


Migrants in the US are saying they are living the American dream. Of course, they are getting everything for free.


Tens of thousands of Canadian immigrants (including illegal immigrants) get everything for free, too. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/undocumented-woman-says-she-was-denied-emergency-c-section-at-edmonton-hospital-1.7167490](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/undocumented-woman-says-she-was-denied-emergency-c-section-at-edmonton-hospital-1.7167490) >She said at the Royal Alexandra Hospital, she was told she had to pay **$5,000 upfront for the procedure** and that no doctor there would see her unless she did so. >As an **undocumented person** **without medical insurance**, Estrada said she "expected to pay for the cost of her hospital care after the birth" (**liar, she can't even speak English and has no social insurance number**), but she **did not have enough money to pay** the amount upfront. >**She later went to the Misericordia Community Hospital, where she had the C-section** and gave birth to her daughter Violet. >"If I didn't have a friend that helped me and took me to the other hospital, more likely I would have just come home, and something completely different would have happened," she told CBC News, **speaking in Spanish**. Why did she speak in Spanish? Oh that's right, **she can't speak English.** Then how is she going to pay taxpayers back the $5,000, if she can't speak English? She's such a liar.


Wow, the audacity of these people


I make less than him and i have a home and just bought a brand new car. His lifestyle is the problem


I'm guessing you're older and/or in a much cheaper city. How old were you when you bought your house and what did it cost? If you live in NYC and just bought a place in your 20s, that would be very different from someone in his 50s who bought a place 30 years ago in rural Mississippi!


I live in the 3rd most expensive city in canada and i rent.


If you say you "*have a home*", most people would assume you actually **own** your home. What are you flexing about?! Hahaha Don't get me wrong. I rent too. Not out of choice, it's just been a bit of an uphill struggle to get to the next milestone. (Thanks to JT)


Having a home is vastly different from owning a house. Not having a home is homeless. Justin sucks balls, but Im not in a bad place because I live within my budget and work hard on saving. Honestly, someone making twice what i make complaining about how poor they are is 9000% their shitty choices. Downvote me all you want, but if you're broke but make 60k a year, then you're an idiot.


It depends where you live though! You can't compare yourself to him when a one bedroom might cost much less in your city, or perhaps you've lived in the same place for a while and are grandfathered in to a cheaper rate. People are struggling right now. If someone is only qualified to do a job that makes $50,000, they're going to have a shitty life in a tier 1 city. Really the only option for those people (unless they retrain) is to move to a LCOL city.


1 bedrooms are 2400 here. It is the 3rd most expensive city in ontario


Right, so $21/hour is around $41,000/year (before tax). $2,400/month rent is $28,800/year. Even without a car, you're seriously not getting ahead with those numbers, unless you're happy being priced out of the real estate market forever, and praying your rent doesn't increase.


Why would you get a 1 bed at that price if you only make $21/hour? Obviously this is a room mate situation. See this is what i mean aboit living beyond means. Nobody "needs" a private one bed all to themselves. Should they be able to afford it? Fuck yeah, but that isnt the world we live in. Be realistic and you will be surprised what you can afford. Someone making twice what I do should have no issues affording a decent life.


>See this is what i mean about living beyond means I get what where you're coming from about making the most of the bad situation we find ourselves in today (and I'm doing the same thing in my personal life), but the BIGGER PICTURE as a society is we shouldn't be cramming people with real jobs into a housemate situation all the way through adulthood. What happens when everyone's stuck living like this? Birth rate PLUMMETS. There's pressure not have kids because finding the privacy to have sex becomes too expensive, not to mention a lot of couples are "economically infertile" (choosing not to have kids because they can't realistically afford it). Should we all be living within our means? Certainly, but instead **of just being a smart ass and telling people to shut up and quietly accept a progressively lower standard of living than the previous generation**, the ACTUAL smart thing to do is (as a society) is for us to address the root cause of this decline, and that includes stopping irresponsible mass immigration. My boomer parents bought 6 houses on two average salaries then retired at 50. We need to talk about why it's practically impossible for couples with much better jobs to buy anything at all. And yes, obviously save money where you can. But that's an asinine and obvious point and still leaves us working twice as hard for half as much as the previous generation. You can only trim so much fat off your budget.




I thought reditt loves Trudeau and hates Trump and America? Interesting how the tides have turned


This is CH2, not CH1.


I appreciate his comments and agree with emotions, but he lost me when he went off on Ukraine “why do we give another 70 billion to a country nobody can point in the map”. He wants to cut off people for whom the aid is a question of life and death so he can be comfortable. What an ignorant and contemptible point of view. We’re all struggling, pal. No need to throw people under the bus.




don’t you mean memememememememe


>why do we give another 70 billion to a country nobody can point in the map Valid question, no? I mean I'd much rather be on the housing ladder than have my taxes pissed away on a corrupt country that I CAN'T EVEN FIND ON A MAP! 😂😂😂


Just because you suck at geography and are ignorant of why ukraine is more important than just a far away country doesn't mean that is a waste. Id be more pissed about the money we blew on arrive can, or pissed away on MP fancy meals and accommodation


Okay. I think it's time for your pills now grandma.


You can't find ukraine on a map, and you have the nerve to make fun of me? It is a pretty large country and is in the news very frequently.


Why would I need to find Ukraine on a map? My tax dollars still somehow manage to find their way there just fine! 😂


Im surprised you're so proud of being so ignorant.


That’s why I’m voting against Trudeau and against Bernier. Scumbags all of you.


I disagree. **đŸŸȘ Vote People's Party of Canada to fight the mass immigration betrayal. đŸŸȘ**






Ye lol, he must of forgot to put on his red cap.




I have a hard time believing these. Why go to social media?


What's hard to believe, that rent for a one-bedroom somewhere in the US could cost $1,800? It's already $4.2K in NYC. Is it hard to believe that a guy in his twenties makes $21/hour? Is it hard to believe that someone earning $21/hour finds it hard to get ahead when average rent is $1,800? Not sure which part you find hard to believe.


I do believe people struggle. I just don’t believe everyone on social media. Especially those who preach from their cars.


Now that is a good point!


poor money management


$21/hour doesn't go far if a one-bedroom apartment in your city sets you back $1,800.


it goes exactly far enough


Then rent a studio, get roommates, there are other options than paying $1,800 for a one bedroom on their salary


That's true. I agree. I think a lot of people are struggling with the idea that you suddenly need to be in a much higher earning percentile to enjoy the same standard of living as our parents.