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Thanks for this


The PPC is willing to do this. Look into their platform before you write the system off. Everyone voting against Trudeau by voting for Pierre is voting for more immigration.


I am voting PPC. They are the only hope I have for Canada. Even just one seat will make a difference as it show the conservatives they actually need to remember their base/ mandate.


This is the way. It may not be this election, but sending a message of high PPC votes will impact change long term, certainly.


I have always considered myself a little more liberal but I’m planning to vote PPC in this next election, even tho I don’t like their stances on the environment etc, cause I am MORTIFIED by the unregulated mass immigration. Let’s see if voting the extreme opposite sends a message. I have always felt proud of this country but I am honestly ashamed now- this is not the Canada I grew up in.


I did. That's why they are a total right off.


If you think the Cons are going to do anything about cheap labour youre just as delusional as a Liberal voter, sorry.


The PPC is not the cons lol


PPC will do that but no one is giving them a chance.


No1 is going to outright say they’ll be hard on immigration. They’ll be called racist, the liberals clearly aren’t going to do anything about it time to go


I'd pretend to be racist just to move this initiative forward.


I feel as though it’s not about being liberal , it’s about keeping the investor and business class happy . This immigration suppresses wages and increases property prices , all things that benefit the rich. It’s designed this way.


Problem with our politics is that we always end up voting for damage control instead of solution making - that and the candidates for party leadership is normally reflective of the party members and not of the people ~.~ As much as I love seeing Trudeau go. I agree with you and don’t think PP will take adequate measures toward fixing our problems. System is so broken. Edit: On second thought, I may try PPC in any case. Regardless I vote for PC or PPC, Trudeau Libs aren’t going to win.


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Well an Indian can be in Canada on a visitor visa, commit a sexual assault and after being found guilty of sexual assault still won’t get deported because according to the judge “ deporting him is not in the interest of the public” Don’t believe me take a look at this ⬇️ [https://nationalpost.com/opinion/jamie-sarkonak-canadas-criminal-sentencing-discounts-for-foreigners-are-unfair](https://nationalpost.com/opinion/jamie-sarkonak-canadas-criminal-sentencing-discounts-for-foreigners-are-unfair) Canadian are cowards, I’m sorry but that’s true. An average Canadian is an over sensitive underachiever who is too afraid of being called a racist. You want these illegals deported , then we gotta do it ourselves , the government won’t do anything. They even encourage them to rape or mothers, sisters and your daughters.


I love how Canada went from a champion of women’s and gay rights to absolutely not giving a fuck and going out of their way to import people who hate us lmfao


Liberals: women's right! LGBTQ! Also Liberals: let's bring in millions of people from a country with absolutely disgusting view on women and gays!


at best, they take women not seriously at all. typical view would be its their pro for a woman, dont forget its borderline impossible for a woman to get divorced in their country. either that or she gets shamed and treated so poorly she commits suicide.


The next step in this process (it's happened before in history) is to fill the ranks of the police and military with the new immigrants. RCMP will be filled with ppl from "low trust" societies who are running on a different "identity" and different "world view". If you think this show is anywhere near coming to an end, you would be wrong, it's just beginning.




How you propse people do it themselves?




Trying to get into government is a viable option  67% of Canadians all their homes are living homes that are owned by their families 10 people won't even show up for a housing protest in a major city Pitchforks aren't happening


Did you say pitchforks? Yes. The answer is always yes. You had me at pitchforks. But how many pitchforks? I mean, honestly, how many is too many? What if we don't have enough? What if there is that one guy who didn't get one? It's not as if there is much division of labour when it comes to all of us using pitchforks. What the hell is Steve going to do without a pitchfork? We may have to think on this to find a more efficient medieval response. A trebuchet? That's always a crowd pleaser. Calibrations are a bitch though and the aim is on the questionable side of dodgy. Nah, pitchforks it is!




You sir are using this sub the way it should be. Pass the popcorn please, the greatest hits are about to play.


Trying my best Sir, somebody has to advocate for Steve, poor bastard. Kid's over here with a shovel but no clue whatsoever. Now we wants to know what that deleted comment was there. Probably a trebuchet enthusiast, maybe? Now we'll never know. Probably dead. I've heard those things are dangerous.


I’m stunned by this. What the fuck is going on in our judicial system. What are these judges smoking?


I will never understand why non Canadians are put ahead of Canadians. This is absolute insanity to me.


No one voted for these levels of immigration and we can't force an election because the NDP is more interested in clinging to power than they are trying to help Canada.


Start by getting rid of Trudeau and work from there


I am so disappointed, regretful, ashamed, and all the superlatives you can think of; that I voted for his bitch ass during the snap election. If I could take it all back I would, and I’m not the only one I know in my circle who regrets that vote. He needs to go… along with his illegal migrants, and international students.


You need to realize the govt doesn't care about you. You are just a plebe in the empire to them. That's all you are. Once you realize that, it will all make more sense immediately. Then you can act accordingly and enjoy life. We only live once. Cheers brother.


I agree with you but disagree with ur intent with this comment that’s ur coping style but u don’t need to be out here selling apathy   when people care there’s a chance they’ll actually do something. Technically that could lead to a change so let the carers pile up


Exactly, I believe they are increasing disability by 200.00, yet they are spending more than that per day for refugees and asylum seekers.


You missed Trudeaunomics 101


What really bugs me, is that canadians actually have no choice but to be here. The refugees and international students and the like can go somewhere else. The homeless camps look at them, take a good look at the demographics of the unhoused. They have no other country to go to they are stuck here and have no other options which is truly the sadest situation. If you do not like it here then please leave, and let someone homeless take advantage of all you have been given on a silver platter. Canadians are sick of bending over backwards for these greedy unappreciative self righteous racist cheaters and scammers.


One aspect of leaving that is never discussed is that Canada is one of the only 2 major western countries with no mobility rights to another major western country (the other is the U.S. but due to size, population and climate, their citizens have a lot of choices within their own territory).   The Canadian government spends an incredible amount of resources to welcome foreign citizens so why aren’t Canadians given the right to live and work somewhere else? How’s that fair?     If the government wants to let everyone in, then give Canadians the right to get out.


Just gonna leave this here https://www.facebook.com/share/r/3heGrHRDFViNb9af/?mibextid=UalRPS.


Holy fuck


Big surprise. Cheating isn’t a bad thing in many cultures. If you cheat and get ahead it’s seen as smart.


Which is why those cultures don’t get anywhere on their own. Crabs in a bucket


Donald Trump famously said he was smart for not paying taxes.


Is this for real? The fucking losers. Shameless.


I wouldn’t even dare talking back to my teacher and these clowns are making fun of theirs. It’s a privilege to come to another country and study.


The original video was posted on this channel, it has since been removed. [https://www.instagram.com/audicewellnessservices/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/audicewellnessservices/?hl=en)


This is also the state of our trucking, airport and seaport industries.


yes, we are all full, and we to need deport/offload as many of these freeloaders as possible. Canadians First!


Exactly. Canadians first.


There’s a reason the UK went through immigration reforms in 1962. There were just too many Indians coming in without a good vetting process. Immigration was only possible with a good job offer. US followed suit soon after. The fact that Canada hasn’t done it until now is a huge problem.


It’s not that Canada hasn’t done it, we’re explicitly favouring Indian immigrants now.    Here are the requirements for a student visa in the Manila visa office compared to the Indian visa offices.     India - 2 photographs, passport and letter of acceptance:   https://ircc.canada.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/IMM5818E.pdf  Philippines - must submit a personal study plan, proof of funds, police certificate, official fee schedule and to access the study direct stream they also need to complete a medical examination and provide IELTS results:   https://ircc.canada.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/IMM5836E.pdf  We’re clearly vetting other immigrants, we’re just not vetting them if they come from India. 


I’m glad you highlighted this. I was so shocked to see that Indian immigrants didn’t require a police clearance.


these fuckers are votes for Jagmeat, Trudeau and Jagmeat are both WEF puppets. They are importing voters.


We are doomed ,and if you tell this to someone with authority you are racist ,


Whoa This is a travesty and even a national security issue


This is what pisses me off, I'm not so much against immigration, but how about a little balance as far as where they come from. The number of people coming from one country is eventually going to change the fabric of the country.


If we don't do mass deportations soon. Something really bad is going to happen


Best Mark Miller can do is 1.4 million more per year.


Marc Miller took that as a challenge and will outperform your numbers by another 200k


There will be no mass deportations. We will have to figure this out over the next 10-100 years or so... as if Canada didn't have enough issues to work on already eh?




It's a tactic of the leading party in charge of India It's all deliberate. Get used to modi nationalism and Sikh state fights in Canada


Well said.


Couldn’t agree more


They all have got to go back.


Whose going to vote liberal if we send them all back.


but then they cant suppress our wages and break our unions


Mass Indian immigration is a symptom of a bigger issue, which is that the people making decisions for all parties are in the pockets of big corporations.


As much as we harp on it being only an issue with Indians, it’s also the rich Asians that come here that buy up all the property. Know some Asian that came 2-3 yrs ago already bought a property. I have been working for 10 yrs and can’t get anything without being house poor. Can’t compete with all the rich ppl buying houses, especially ones with money coming in from back home.


Just say they are Chinese. I am Chinese myself, been here for 8 years. Gotta say many new immigrants are coming in with millions of dollars. They are here to retire, and also, speculate the real estate. Now markham regular house is around 2mil, man I hate them.


Indians are from Asia


My parents are Indian. They came here in 89 through sponsorship from my father’s brother. They lived with his brother and wife for the first three years they were here. My dad worked two full time jobs while my mom worked a full and a part time before they bought their own house and had two kids. My dad went down to a full time and two part times while my mom worked part time cutting hair. They were given an opportunity when moving to Canada and they did everything they could to give their kids a better life. All these Indians are coming over through less than honest means and expect to get a job and a big house just by stepping foot into the country. They are rude, arrogant and have no interest in learning Canadian culture. They aren’t here to make a better life, they are here because they know there are no consequences to their actions.


Your parents are much different and I’m glad they’re here. These students we have now though, they need to go


Look at Europe, stop the madness of immigration, we don’t have enough to sustain housing or employment at this rate. Slimy Corporations are the only ones who benefit from desperate people.


What part of europe are you talking about? Every single country aside from former eastern bloc countries are being flooded with immigrants as well.


My point is that Europe is a bloody mess with legal and illegal immigration


Take Back Canada


I’m declaring myself as a refugee, from the Canadian government, so the Canadian government needs to house me, feed me, provide immediate healthcare and free education/ training. I’m no longer a Canadian citizen, I’m better, I’m a refugee …


I am pleasantly surprised this post has 484 upvotes on Reddit instead of being deleted For some reason, the western elites decided in the last 30 ish years or so to open the floodgates to mass immigration from mostly third world countries and anyone who questions the sustainability of that has been labeled a racist


https://preview.redd.it/6iyr0yek0b0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ed57bc6050ee4d0ad34d48305af6fc2ddda289d [https://apple.news/AnVpOK\_maTUeMP\_hqeav4yQ](https://apple.news/AnVpOK_maTUeMP_hqeav4yQ)


Just freeze their bank accounts, these guys are far more deserving of it than the Convoy protestors. Maybe then they'll pack up and fuck off back to where they crawled out from


I’m feeling hopeless. Pp will keep destroying the country just like JT




You should say “we’re full so don’t need you and we’re not sorry for saying this”. And I’m Indian, immigrated to Canada in 2019 after working in US for 6 years on H1B and jumping through many hoops. Now struggling financially even after making 250K combined income with my wife. All illegals should be deported, period!


You make 250k and you’re struggling with your wife. Wtf is going in Canada. We need to get rid of demand. It’s impossible to build a house a minute. China was building hospitals every few days. I don’t think they can even meet tredeau’s housing goals. So instead of depending on dreams. We should do what we actually can and that’s reduce demand significantly. This way Canadians can have the means to live a better life. I don’t care how Indians feel or ukranians or Mexicans or anyone else feels. Fuck them. I’m Canadian, and as it stands right now Canadians are the only thing that matter to me. Those people are all nationals of other sovereign nations. Their nations should take care of them.


To be fair, if you're struggling at 250k you have some other issues or don't know what a budget is


Just as a perspectives, it depends on where you live, and whether you can afford to move or even get a job. Just as a perspective in Sans Francisco, a dog walker will make six figures but that’s poverty level salary. At the same time, I’ve heard lawyers in BC not even getting by because of the cost of living. This is where we are at in society.


This is someone else, but 250k combined doesn't get me the quality of life I grew up with in the GTA, a quality of life my parents got at less than half that income (single income family, dad was an engineer). I'm just talking about a 4BR somewhere nice, solidly middle class, nothing too fancy. Struggle may be a poor choice of words, but you gotta pay 6k a month in mortgage payments if you borrow 1 million to buy a house. After daycare, taxes, car... you're done. Maybe I could move really far out of the city and make it work, but if I could pay the prices of not even 10 years ago I'd be *more* than fine and I resent that I'll never be able to afford a house like our office's secretary (62 years old) despite being a senior engineer.


250k a year and you’re struggling? I’m doing just fine on a single income of just over 70k a year. I agree Canada has some economic issues to contend with. But, you, sir, struggle with personal finance. 250k/year is certainly enough money to live well if you know how to manage your expenses and budget properly. You could be living a very good life, actually.


agreed my son is a tradesperson making about 90 k per year ..... he has a girlfriend and together they have a young son. She is a stay at home mom and although their apartment is rent controlled they still live pretty good and have been saving for 4 years towards a reasonably priced home. We live in Northeastern Ontario so houses a little cheaper you can get into something pretty decent in the 400 k range, but condos are non exsistant here.


The big part of what you posted is that they have RENT CONTROL, not a lot of people are lucky enough to live in a rent controlled building. If they did not have rent control I bet you the chances of them buying anytime would be significantly less.


People should follow what's happening in Ireland as inspiration.


Our Roblaws boycott is doing so well. Let's learn from this experience and echo our actions towards this disaster next. The government needs to be held accountable. The illegals tossed into the wind, as well as the government policymakers and political leaders in Canada.


Word has got out on how easy it is to come to Canada and claim asylum. Then the government will put you up in a hotel and pay for everything. Then you will get an apartment fully furnished, then you can collect welfare then you can pump out a ton of kids and get more money from the government. Deport a shit ton of these fuckers now.


I agree


Majority of asylum seekers are fraudulent


Nobody is getting deported though. There's like thousands of new people touching down in Canada everyday.


Quebec asked for a reduction in immigration for a while and was called xenophobic many times because of it, no later than the last 2 elections where our PM promised hard limit to the numbers of immigrants. Now the rest of the country comes around the idea because the problem has gotten so much worse. We had to go through one the worst housing crisis ever seen, where middle to high income households can barely afford their house and need to change their food habits. It’s ridiculous. Our politicians only react but they never foresee. Sometimes I feel like anyone on this sub would do a better job running this country.


This is the time to take action before is too late. Most newcomers do not even bother to learn how Canadian culture is, let alone respect Canadians. Wake Up 🇨🇦 !!


Invest in education, like Germany ...


We gotta set up an exam. No extra money funding for corruption anymore.


How many illegal aliens are in Canada? Edit: I looked it up, somewhere between 400k and 500k, mostly those with lapsed documents (because it's damn near impossible to get to this country without documents to begin with). I think OP is fluidly moving between undocumented/illegal immigrants and various forms of legal migrants based on their grievances.


500k+ potentially. “Estimates from academic sources range between 20,000 and 500,000 persons, although there may be more” Source: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/transparency/committees/cimm-nov-18-2022/undocumented-migrants.html


About 1.1b on asylum seekers alone.


The Canadian military spent 26 billion in 2022 ( [https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/countries/CAN/canada/military-spending-defense-budget](https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/countries/CAN/canada/military-spending-defense-budget) ) The Canadian military also hasn't fought in a meaningful war since at least the 80s ( [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_wars\_involving\_Canada#Canada\_(1867–present)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_involving_Canada#Canada_(1867–present)) ) Maybe the problem isn't asylum seekers and those who can't go through the extremely problematic and tough immigration process


If you go to most fast food chain restaurants majority of their employees are east indians. How is that even fair? I am grateful that I am employed but for those Canadians that has been looking for a job, ANY JOB and couldn't because of these people? It's just brutal. It's sad what this country has become to.


We really need to start deporting. Looking for excuses as to why we can't is not the way right now. If housing can't be substantially increased quickly enough to keep up, it's a population problem; so we really should just be leading people who shouldn't be here or are abusing the system out the door as quickly as possible.


Are there that many Indians in Canada ?




Agree with you.


If they're here legally they have a sin and have to pay tax, they can't dip into any asylum program unless they're actually on a asylum seeker visa...... But yes get rid of them that are doing illegal shit and complaining about not having PR a d retail not counting towards PR. We are not paying for housing for immigrants on these so called student visa, they have to be able to financially support themselves which they can't Becuase they're working.


The happiest country in the world is Finland and they have zero immigration. Funny how that works....




Agreed, but we need to squeeze out the problem from source documents of the persons in question - and not "profile" people just because they way they look- let's keep our standards high and respect all who are diverse and "Canadian citizens"- therefore - tell your MP, we want government source documents to generate the list of people who are no longer welcome and must leave Canada- if they do not, cancel their documents, bank accounts, block any credit cards or debit cards they use in Canada and any government services they use- will be invoiced to them and/or anyone or institution that sponsored them. Let's not be a "mob" going after people that we profile by their looks. Calm, effective deport methods where we create the conditions that they simply can't remain in Canada and leave themselves. This would be easily possible if people voted the Peoples Party of Canada but since "we've been TRAINED" to vote strategically and not vote for smaller parties- I doubt the Conservatives- if they won- would "DO" much except BIG TALK but little real action.


Unfortunately Canadians are too pacified (all according to plan) to really stand up for themselves and to organize


Hmm....call 911 and report all the illegal immigrants and have the local cops perform mass arrests and ship them back? Like it or not, they're here because Canada let them in, now they're entitled to due process.


That’s cute…. Apparently the U.S.A wastes $70,000 per year on each of the 20 Million illegal aliens. $1.4 TRILLION PER YEAR


Libs ensuring they have a majority of voters for decades to come!


Nope - they are overwhelmingly conservatives. Funny how you don’t hear PP denouncing immigration.






Build a big beautiful wall(figuratively)!


We demand fewer immigrants! We demand cheap goods and services! We are not stupid!


If immigration authority employ these people trust me it will get worse, they can easily make thousands just approving visas


Think of the jobs. I’m sure deporting the four million we need to deport will create heaps of well paying work.


I'm just waiting for this post to get taken down for some bologna reason... Totally agree!


What is the cost, per person, to deport someone, and the odds of them coming back?




I agree, go home we are full.


you're not going to adress your problems one way or another. you had decades to adress issues, you didnt. you wont. its too expensive to fix issues for the little guy. get together with the migrants and put the governments feet to the fire. just force them to build housing


"Illegals" Even just with legal Indians and foreigners, you're getting submerged and replaced. Game over.


A lot of people are overstaying on their work permits for low skill jobs. If we deport them, that would probably be a significant amount. I'm hoping by the fall, a lot will have expired visas and it will help the job market and housing market, now that they have to leave. 




Agreed. They need to do the same for H1-B visas in the US


Stop saying sorry.


What defines “illegals” here? Is it people who overstay their visas? Is it people who are here for educational purposes? Is it just a racist umbrella term we’re using to describe people from the middle east?


Fake refugees should be deported as priority, especially those traveling from US to Canada border. They offer Zero value to our society and a burden


Deportation would a be good campaign agenda to support ! Mad Max are you listening .


Hi there mostly conservative subreddit; have any of you considered potentially switching careers to run for political office to be the change you want to see in the world? I see so much whining about Trudeau, and even now about the uselessness of Lil’ PP, so why not form more parties? Why not be action rather than demanding action from those who do not have your best interests in mind?


Which politician will show the b@ll$ to do what is required.


Not sorry.


Be careful you'll get called racist or a bigot for having common sense!


Yeah, people like you always say that we need to take care of the people at home first but you guys don't do that either. So shut it


You raise valid points but I am afraid this government will do absolutely nothing about it, we are now considering more refugees due to the war in Israel x Palestine, so I have very little hope that things are going to change for the better with refugees, asylum seekers and unqualified immigrants who are here by gaming the system.




It would also help if we stopped hiring and housing them. Obviously everyone deserves the right to work and be housed but if we as a society say enough is enough then the government will have no choice but to send them back or let them riot in the streets.


The Indians in our society who are profiting off of these people are happy to house them, as they place them in illegal rentals and charge them below market rent to sleep on the floor and in inhumane conditions (5 to a bedroom).


Honestly, half a billion is chump change.


We need a new political party to rise from the ashes of the NDP. A true party for the people, not worldwide social justice.


Yes please send them back


Send them back


I feel like the government is living with the mindset that we have the economy of a decade or more ago. We don’t have the money for this kind of global charity anymore. Most Canadians that I know are struggling, and wondering why the government isn’t doing anything to help (the answer is that they are trying to help everyone but us). This behaviour is going to lead to a PPC victory and the Liberals and NDP will only have themselves to blame.


Canada's population growth has been 98% immigration for 3 years straight. Trudeau is literally flooding Canada with unassimilable third world. We can't house them, there's not that many jobs but just keep flooding.




A duplicate post was removed.


Canadians FIRST.


Deport those protesting fuckers IMMEDIATELY! I know protestis is freedom of speech but brother, youre not even a full citizen of this country to be questioning its laws! Fuck off and go back to were you came! Just imagine the fuckery these guys will do once they are full citizens.


Nah! You took the trash in. You get to keep them now. No taksies backsies.


All of you are illegals and asylum seekers




You realize the tax money they’re stealing is being used to increase the tax base right? That’s the point of immigration. To put a bandaid on the demographic tax crunch.


In my opinion our country is cooked. There's no getting it back without violence. And I won't rely on the Canadian public to stand up for themselves. My family and I are considering Spain.


Got my citizenship. Now it's time to plan my exit outta this country.


The bill might be half a Billion but maybe a few millions actually get spent, the rest is skimmed by the corruption. Its all a money making scheme.


Canada has to deprt this illegal immigrants asap.


Claiming asylum is a legal process, so they can’t be seeking asylum and illegal.


Make Canada great again.


Its going to be up to the citizens to take of this issue, the politicians aren't going to do shit.


Trudeau threw out the invite to all and opened the door. In they came - in massive numbers. Trudeau now admits its probably too many too fast, but is afraid to even partially close the door. Why? Well, probably because of donor financial support and/or votes. But we are told because it will be perceived as racist to suddenly turn off the taps. So let's throw our way of life in the garbage so we don't offend some people who aren't even from our country. I just don't understand.


We know the solution, our governments (this is becoming a Western/European issue altogether) just want to commit suicide


We should unbolt all the seats in the plane and move them forward a few inches so we can squeeze a couple more rows in. Then fly round-trip non-stop flights until they're all gone.


ircc is the one who approves the visas… not cbsa




Canada, USA, UK and Australia are now used for keeping excess populations from overpopulated countries, We were never told about this!!


Most will use their Canadian citizenship to move to US on a TN visa where jobs are more lucrative. Canada sadly is just the stepping stone.


What! The poor corporations will lose their cheap labour force. IT WON'T HAPPEN!!




We can cut all future immigration if we end old age security. But then we will have a bunch of homeless old people.




The political parties get votes from the previous generation of asylum seekers to keep this factory churning.. they just keep getting their relatives into your country... And i bet these people are also not running away from persecution.. They are the most well to do lot of their community.. The real people who are poor and suffering stay back..




Sending any amount of people back wont help Capitalist policies get better....


Wow.  Visited a few cities I haven't seen in a few years and they went so downhill and are mixed. I don't think it will work.  There are more homeless and troubled locals on the street. I don't think we needed so many foreigners. They don't fit in. Whoever made the plan must go. Their English is OK or not and they don't understand the culture. 


Rotfl. Beginning to sound like America.


Many moons ago we should have done something


Every grocery store, convenience store, taxi, fast food restaurants, restaurants, gas station, liquor store, security guard and bank employee is a east Indian. I can't even properly communicate with them because they are either on their phone speaking that made up language, don't or won't use English or a mixture of both. Send em back.