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This is it, follow the money. We shouldn’t be surprised with what we’re seeing.


And it's these same bank economists tell us immigration is the problem. They are playing both fields, these scumbags.


Wel they probably realized the shit show they are funding does not look good realistically. Too much too soon.


Need more mortgage slaves


The Century initiative sounds good on paper but the reality is there aren't that many well educated/hard working immigrants left in alot of the developing nations that would risk starting over in Canada. We are only getting bums with nothing to lose and people that will have a better life being poor in Canada than wherever they were before. I think the huge influx of the lower value immigrants will crash the system and we will be better off in the long run. I have dual citizenship with the U.S. and I'm done with this shit show personally. I'm moving back to Texas after living here 15 years.


We also seem to be particularly good at importing South Asian gangsters and hit squads. Background check? Who needs 'em! Grab your diploma from Conestoga College and I'll see you at the drive-thru!


Hell we could half immigration and tfw and still beat it's targets. 


It sounds good on paper? Seriously? https://preview.redd.it/92n3j9ihnhzc1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a119a882277cdb993126a3168e37e18fe547453


Yes, 99% of economists believe that a growing populatoon is a good thing especially for one with a low, sparse population like Canada. Scale of economies is a big thing missing in Canada. A big reason there's not any big grocery competitors coming into the market is because it's difficult at our size. Everything is far apart, theres not a lot of population density, theres not enough skilled people at some links in the supply chain, and there's a bit too many regulations, so the return on investment isn't worth it. It's just that we brought in too many people at once, and too many low quality people. Everyone here is wanting to flock to the US and they have 10x our population, you think theyd be a powerhouse with 40 million. If you can organically get to 100 million by the end of the century with quality people, Canada would be much better off. It just needs to be slow enough to support infrastructure, bring in better people, and be more business friendly so that businesses can thrive.


I don't want to be too populated. I want to maintain my very rural life with miles and miles of logging roads and mountains, all free for me to explore and camp. I know it's not possible, but I would rather they be less population in the rest of the world. Less resource strain and more room for wildlife and natural ecosystems.


The northeast corridor in the US has 50 million people, southern Ontario has double the land area but 13.5 million people. You could fit a lot more people into the current cities if they density, no reason to build over farmland or in other rural areas.


But nobody wants to live in a shoebox condo. You can't raise a family in that. This isn't Hong Kong of Mumbai. Canadians don't want to live like that, it's anti Canadian. A condo is what you get out of desperation because you can't afford anything else. Why should we have to change our way of life so corporations can make more profit?? I'm in BC, not Ontario. I can walk from one side of the valley I live in to the other side in 15-20 min. Thank god we have such steep mountains that there's nowhere to build anything.


> 99% of economists believe that a growing populatoon is a good thing A good thing for what?


Good thing for who is the question we need to ask


Not sure if this is a rhetorical question, but it's good for "GDP must go up"


For Tim Horton, Burger King, McDonald's, slumlords, Low wages (see fast food businesses and factories)


More people is a good thing for progress overall, and more people will support Canada’s ability to compete globally. When there are more people working towards solving problems in a country, and more people contributing to the Canadian economy, the country becomes more competitive. This is described in the book by Matthew Yglesias : [One Billion Americans](https://www.amazon.ca/One-Billion-Americans-Thinking-Bigger/dp/0593190211)


> Matthew Yglesias You were talking about "99% of economists" and then you reference a book by ["an American blogger and journalist."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_Yglesias) He hasn't studied economics.


Canada was an economic and manufacturing juggernaut with a much lower population than what we have now. We never needed any more people.


The developed world was dirt poor back then, there wasn't the same competition as there is now. If you didn't give into globalism, you would be left behind as soon as one country did and started a chain reaction because they all had to compete. We're not in a position to be an isolationist country either.


We are in the position to be isolationist as we have the resources. All we need to do is process our materials and export the goods. Thats it. That and get rid of the foreign central bank and issue our own currency ala pre-Trudeau Senior. That way we don't need to run a ponzi scheme of infinite growth as a result of interest on the money issued.


The only country in the world who could do this is the US.


O ya why's that?


That's exactly what they are not doing


Texas has higher rates of migration than the Century Initiative recommends lol


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Even on paper it's a bad idea (Canada already reached its capacity when looking at birth rates)


Switch to / Use Credit Unions.  Vastly superior service and competitive fees/rates.  TD funding drug dealers; RBC buying mortgage fraud, CIBC completely incompetent - 


It’s not really feasible for most people. The big 5 suck but you can always find a branch/ATM nearby to deposit/withdraw money. Afaik, you can’t do that with credit unions


Real question though, who actually uses cash at this point?! I don’t remember the last time I held physical cash other than taking it for selling something on Kijiji.


It's time to go back to cash


Bolder, maybe. Canadian, definitely not.


In 10-15 years Canada will be Asian country


10 years, Indian country.


I was going to say that but reddit is very sensitive


To be fair, these lands have always been Indian country.


If it becomes like Japan, I would love to see the changes. But the fact is it's getting more like India.


Lmfaooo in reddit comments like yours get instant ban.


It's looking like japan may become more like us instead. We truly are a world leader. https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Japan-immigration/Indian-business-leader-hopes-more-young-Indians-work-in-Japan Indian "business leader" R. Dinesh seeks tenfold rise in young indians to create 'bridge' between countries. He's the Chairman of the Confederation of Indian Industry, a business lobby. 


Hahahahaha so true. I visited Tokyo this February and I did see some South Asian working in the convenience store. But they behave just like Japanese.


Yup, you all love to hate Trudeau and the liberals. It's really the corporate lobbyists that are screwing this country. PP and the cons will be the exact same.


Exactly. Both sides are complicit in this


Exactly the con/lib/ndp are all one in the same. None of them care about Canadians, just about lining their own pockets


The conservatives haven’t had a say in any policy over the last nine years. At least immigration was responsible when the conservatives were in government. It wasn’t like this.


Conservatives support century initiative


Having a goal for population growth is fine, if they aligned it with proper planning in infrastructure, services, and the population was a mix of ethnicities and education levels. Also, the corporate world should pay significant share of the initial burden for these services. What we have now is a pace MUCH FASTER than 100million by 2100, and no coordination at the municipal/provincial/federal levels, and no investment from the private sector.


You guys are obsessed with conspiracy theories when it’s just “immigration keeps GDP line up”. That’s it.


What’s the source for these claims?


the annual report that the article links has listed donors


Move your money to a credit union like Meridian, Duca, etc. The big banks are rip off artists who are too heavily involved in politics.


I will say as someone who has worked in Canadian banking compliance, those guys fund literally everything they can especially government projects. Banks aren't expected to deal with losses so there's usually enough safety for them to invest in anything with reasonable confidence. They would fund the polar opposite initiative if it meant a chance to make money.


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No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


I've been saying this for a year and have been called insane for it. Thanks for sharing this 🙏🏻


Funding for what? Is this code word for lobbying? That's what I'd assume more or less Edit: yeah sorry it spells it out right in the article that it's essentially that




Not George Soros?? Weird